This chapter contains the following sections:


This article provides step by step instructions on how to enable RADIUS, TACACS+, LDAP, RSA, DUO, SAML, OAuth 2 users to access the APIC. It assumes the reader is thoroughly familiar with the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure Fundamentals manual, especially the User Access, Authentication, and Accounting chapter.

Beginning with Cisco APIC Release 6.0(1), the APIC GUI has changed for the path, Admin > AAA. For detailed information, see Cisco APIC GUI Enhancements.


In the case of a disaster scenario such as the loss of all but one APIC in the cluster, APIC disables remote authentication. In this scenario, only a local administrator account can log into the fabric devices.


Remote users for AAA Authentication with shell:domains=all/read-all/ will not be able to access Leaf switches and Spine switches in the fabric for security purposes. This pertains to all version up to 4.0(1h).

User IDs in the APIC Bash Shell

User IDs on the APIC for the Linux shell are generated within the APIC for local users. Users whose authentication credential is managed on external servers, the user ID for the Linux shell can be specified in the cisco-av-pair. Omitting the (16001) in the above cisco-av-pair is legal, in which case the remote user gets a default Linux user ID of 23999. Linux User IDs are used during bash sessions, allowing standard Linux permissions enforcement. Also, all managed objects created by a user are marked as created-by that user’s Linux user ID.

The following is an example of a user ID as seen in the APIC Bash shell:

admin@ifav17-ifc1:~> touch myfile
admin@ifav17-ifc1:~> ls -l myfile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 admin admin 0 Apr 13 21:43 myfile
admin@ifav17-ifc1:~> ls -ln myfile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 15374 15374 0 Apr 13 21:43 myfile
admin@ifav17-ifc1:~> id
uid=15374(admin) gid=15374(admin) groups=15374(admin)

AV Pair on the External Authentication Server

The Cisco APIC requires that an administrator configure a Cisco AV Pair on an external authentication server. The Cisco AV pair specifies the APIC required RBAC roles and privileges for the user. The Cisco AV Pair format is the same for RADIUS, LDAP, or TACACS+.

To configure a Cisco AV Pair on an external authentication server, an administrator adds a Cisco AV pair to the existing user record. The Cisco AV pair format is as follows:

shell:domains = 
shell:domains = 

Starting with Cisco APIC release 2.1, if no UNIX ID is provided in AV Pair, the APIC allocates the unique UNIX user ID internally.


The APIC Cisco AV-pair format is compatible and can co-exist with other Cisco AV-pair formats. APIC will pick up the first matching AV-pair from all the AV-pairs.

Starting with release 3.1(x), the AV Pair shell:domains=all//admin allows you to assign Read-only privileges to users and provide them access to the switches and run commands.

The APIC supports the following regexes:



  • Example 1: A Cisco AV Pair that contains a single Security domain with only writeRoles:
  • Example 2: A Cisco AV Pair that contains a single Security domain with only readRoles:


The "/" character is a separator between writeRoles and readRoles per Security domain and is required even if only one type of role is to be used.

The Cisco AVpair string is case sensitive. Although a fault may not be seen, using mismatching cases for the domain name or roles could lead to unexpected privileges being given.

An example configuration for an open RADIUS server (/etc/raddb/users) is as follows:

aaa-network-admin Cleartext-Password := "<password>"
Cisco-avpair = "shell:domains = all/aaa/read-all(16001)"

Best Practice for Assigning AV Pairs

As best practice, we recommend that you assign unique UNIX user IDs in the range of 16000 to 23999 for the AV pairs that are assigned to users when in the Bash shell (using SSH, telnet, or serial/KVM consoles). If a situation arises when the Cisco AV pair does not provide a UNIX user ID, the user is assigned a user id of 23999 or similar number from the range that also enables the user's home directories, files, and processes accessible to remote users with a UNIX ID of 23999.


Beginning with the 6.0(2) release, telnet is not supported.

To ensure that your remote authentication server does not explicitly assign a UNIX ID in its cisco-av-pair response, open an SSH session to the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) and log in as an administrator using a remote user account. After you have logged in, run the following commands (replace "userid" with the username with which you logged in):

admin@apic1:remoteuser-userid> cd /mit/uni/userext/remoteuser-userid
admin@apic1:remoteuser-userid> cat summary

The Cisco AV pair string is case sensitive. Although a fault may not be seen, using mismatching cases for the domain name or roles could lead to unexpected privileges being given.

Configuring an AV Pair on the External Authentication Server

The numerical value within the parentheses in the attribute/value (AV) pair string is used as the UNIX user ID of the user who is logged in using Secure Shell (SSH) or telnet.


Beginning with the 6.0(2) release, telnet is not supported.


  1. Configure an AV pair on the external authentication server.


Configure an AV pair on the external authentication server.

The Cisco AV pair definition is as follows (Cisco supports AV pairs with and without UNIX user IDs specified):


shell:domains = domainA/writeRole1|writeRole2|writeRole3/readRole1|readRole2,domainB/writeRole1|writeRole2|writeRole3/readRole1|readRole2
shell:domains = domainA/writeRole1|writeRole2|writeRole3/readRole1|readRole2,domainB/writeRole1|writeRole2|writeRole3/readRole1|readRole2(8101)

These are the boost regexes supported by APIC:

The following is an example:

shell:domains = coke/tenant-admin/read-all,pepsi//read-all(16001)

Configuring a Remote User

Instead of configuring local users, you can point the APIC at the centralized enterprise credential datacenter. The APIC supports Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), active directory, RADIUS, and TACACS+.


When an APIC is in minority (disconnected from the cluster), remote logins can fail because the ACI is a distributed system and the user information is distributed across APICS. Local logins, however, continue to work because they are local to the APIC.

Starting with the 3.1(1) release, Server Monitoring can be configured through RADIUS, TACACS+, LDAP, and RSA to determine whether the respective AAA servers are alive or not. Server monitoring feature uses the respective protocol login to check for server aliveness. For example, a LDAP server will use ldap login and a Radius server will use radius login with server monitoring to determine server aliveness.

To configure a remote user authenticated through an external authentication provider, you must meet the following prerequisites:

  • The DNS configuration should have already been resolved with the hostname of the RADIUS server.

  • You must configure the management subnet.

Configuring a Remote User Using the NX-OS Style CLI

Instead of configuring local users, you can point the APIC at the centralized enterprise credential datacenter. The APIC supports Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), active directory, RADIUS, and TACACS+.

To configure a remote user authenticated through an external authentication provider, you must meet the following prerequisites:

  • The DNS configuration should have already been resolved with the hostname of the RADIUS server.

  • You must configure the management subnet.

Changing the Default Behavior for Remote Users with Missing or Bad Cisco AV Pairs


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Admin > Authentication > AAA > Policy tab.

Step 2

From the Remote user login policy drop-down list, choose Assign Default Role.

The default value is No Login. The Assign Default Role option assigns the minimal read-only privileges to users that have missing or bad Cisco AV Pairs. Bad AV Pairs are those AV Pairs that fail the parsing rules.

Changing Default Behavior for Remote Users with Missing or Bad Cisco AV Pairs Using the NX-OS Style CLI

The Cisco APIC requires that an administrator configure a Cisco AV Pair on an external authentication server. To do so, an administrator adds a Cisco AV pair to the existing user record. The Cisco AV pair specifies the APIC required RBAC roles and privileges for the user. The Cisco AV Pair format is the same for RADIUS, LDAP, or TACACS+. One AV pair format contains a Cisco UNIX user ID and one does not. Both are correct if all remote users have the same role and mutual file access is acceptable. If the UNIX user ID is not specified, ID 23999 is applied by the APIC system, and more than one role/read privilege is specified to any AV Pair user. This can cause users to have higher or lower permissions than configured through the group settings. This topic explains how to change the bahavior if that is not acceptable.

To change the default behavior for remote users with missing or bad Cisco AV pairs using the NX-OS CLI:


Step 1

In the NX-OS CLI, start in Configuration mode.


apic1# configure

Step 2

Configure the aaa user default role.


apic1(config)# aaa user default-role
 assign-default-role  assign-default-role
 no-login             no-login

Step 3

Configure the aaa authentication login methods.


apic1(config)# aaa authentication
 login  Configure methods for login

apic1(config)# aaa authentication login
 console  Configure console methods
 default  Configure default methods
 domain   Configure domain methods

apic1(config)# aaa authentication login console

apic1(config)# aaa authentication login domain
 WORD      Login domain name

Creating a Provider

Use this procedure to create a provider for the authentication/authorization protocols.

Before you begin

The relevant prerequisites before creating a provider for an authentication/authorization protocol is discussed under the relevant protocol sections.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Admin > AAA.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Authentication.

Step 3

In the Work pane, choose Providers.

Step 4

Click Actions > Create Provider.

Step 5

In the Create Provider screen that is displayed, enter the Hostname/IP Address, Description, and choose a Realm from the drop-down list. The choices available for Realm are:



  • LDAP

  • SAML

  • RSA

  • OAuth 2

The options for configuring a provider are dynamic and change as per the selected Realm. The options available for each Realm are discussed in detail, in the subsequent steps.

Step 6

(Optional) Applicable only for RADIUS: Choose a Realm Subtype. The options are Default or Duo. Specify the following:

  • Password for the RADIUS server; enter the password again for confirmation.

  • Click Select Reachability EPG to choose an endpoint group.

  • The service port number for RADIUS. The range is 1 to 65535. The default value is 1812.

  • The authentication protocol, options are PAP, CHAP, MS-CHAP. You will see this option only if you chose Default for the Realm Subtype.

  • The timeout for communication with a RADIUS server. The range is from 0 to 60 seconds. The default is 5 seconds (Realm Subtype: Default); default is 30 seconds (Realm Subtype:Duo).

  • The number of retries when contacting the RADIUS endpoint.

  • Select the Enabled check box to enable periodic server monitoring; enter a user name and password for the same.

This step is for RADIUS provider configuration. You can now proceed to step 12.

Step 7

(Optional step; applicable only for TACACS+) Specify the following:

  • Password for the TACACS+ server; enter the password again for confirmation.

  • Click Select Reachability EPG to choose an endpoint group.

  • The service port number for TACACS+. The range is 1 to 65535. The default value is 49.

  • The authentication protocol, options are—PAP, CHAP, MS-CHAP.

  • The timeout for communication with a TACACS+ server. The range is from 0 to 60 seconds. The default is 5 seconds.

  • The number of retries when contacting the TACACS+ endpoint.

  • Select the Enabled check box to enable periodic server monitoring; enter a user name and password for the same.

This step is for TACACS+ provider configuration. You can now proceed to step 12.

Step 8

(Optional step; applicable only for LDAP) Choose a Realm Subtype, options are— Default or Duo. Specify the following:

  • The Root Distinguished Name (DN) of the LDAP directory.

  • The LDAP Base DN, which is the container name and path in the LDAP server where the APIC searches for the remote user account. This is where the password is validated. Filter is used to locate the attribute that the APIC requests to use for the Cisco AVPair.

  • Password for the LDAP server; enter the password again for confirmation.

  • The service port number for LDAP. The range is 1 to 65535. The default value is 389.

  • Click Select Reachability EPG to choose an endpoint group.

  • The timeout for communication with an LDAP server. The range is from 0 to 60 seconds. The default is 30 seconds.

  • The number of retries when contacting the LDAP endpoint.

  • Select the Enable check box to enable SSL.

  • SSL Certificate Validation Level. The options are:

    • Permissive—A debugging knob to help diagnose DUO LDAP SSL Certificate issues.

    • Strict—A level that should be used when in production.

  • LDAP Attribute.

  • Authentication Method. The options are:

    • LDAP Bind

    • Password Compare

  • Filter Type. Filters are a key element in defining the criteria used to identify entries in search requests. Example: (cn=*), which means any entry that contains one or more cn values. The options are:

    • Default

    • Microsoft Active Directory

    • Custom

  • LDAP Filter. This field is auto-filled based on the selected Filter Type (unless you have chosen the Custom option Filter Type). If you have chosen Default, the filter is cn=Suserid; if you have chosen Microsoft Active Directory, the filter is sAMAccountName=Suserid.

  • Select the Enabled check box to enable periodic server monitoring; enter a user name and password for the same.

This step is for LDAP provider configuration. You can now proceed to step 12.

Step 9

(Optional step; applicable only for RSA) Specify the following:

  • Password for the RSA server; enter the password again for confirmation.

  • Click Select Reachability EPG to choose an endpoint group.

  • The service port number for RSA. The range is 1 to 65535. The default value is 1812.

  • The timeout for communication with a RSA server. The range is from 0 to 60 seconds. The default is 5 seconds.

  • The number of retries when contacting the RSA endpoint.

  • Select the Enabled check box to enable periodic server monitoring; enter a user name and password for the same.

This step is for RSA provider configuration. You can now proceed to step 12.

Step 10

(Optional step; applicable only for SAML) Specify the following:

  • Identity Provider (IdP). The options are—ADFS, OKTA, PING IDENTITY.

  • Metadata URL provided by IDP.

    In case of ADFS, Metadata URL provided by IDP is of the format, https://<FQDN of ADFS>/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml.

    For Ping ID, copy the metadata URL link from the configuration section of the Ping ID server (under the SAML application).

  • Enter the IdP Entity ID for the SAML-based service.

  • Enter the SP Entity ID, which is the service provider entity ID. You can get the ID from the service provider. The format is as follows:

  • Click Select Certificate Authority to select a certificate authority if IdP is signed by a private CA.

  • GUI Redirect Banner. This can be a URL or a message. This information is displayed before the user is redirected to the Identity Provider login page for authentication.

  • The timeout for communication with a SAML server. The range is from 0 to 60 seconds. The default is 5 seconds.

  • Select the Signature Algorithm from the drop down list.

  • Put a check in the Enabled check box, to enable all/any of these— Encrypted SAML Assertions, Assertions in SAML Response Signed, SAML Auth Requests Signed, SAML Response Message Signed.

This step is for SAML provider configuration. You can now proceed to step 12.

Step 11

(Optional step; applicable only for OAuth 2) Specify the following:

  • Client ID—Client identifier of the APIC application on IdP.

  • Client Secret for the APIC application. Enter the client secret again for confirmation.

  • Username Claim. Username attribute in the token. Example: email, sub.

  • Scope. List of OAuth 2 scopes. Example: "openid profile". To receive user group information, add the corresponding scope configured in the IdP provider. Example: "openid profile groups".

  • Choose to Enable or Disable the OIDC Protocol.

  • Put a check in the Enabled check box to Verify Token Signature.

  • JWKS Endpoint. The JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS) to verify the token. This field is displayed only if you have enabled Verify Token Signature.

  • Authorization Endpoint. The IdP endpoint authorization URL. Get the authorization endpoint from the IdP server. This field is displayed only when the OIDC protocol is disabled.

  • Token Endpoint. The IdP endpoint token URL. Get the token endpoint from the IdP server. This field is displayed only when the OIDC protocol is disabled.

  • Issuer URL. Get the issuer URL from the IdP server.This field is displayed only when the OIDC protocol is enabled.

  • Click Select Certificate Authority to select a ceritificate authority if IdP is signed by a private CA.

  • Click Select Reachability EPG to choose an endpoint group.

  • The timeout for communication with an OAuth 2 server. The range is from 0 to 60 seconds. The default is 5 seconds.

  • GUI Redirect Banner. This can be a URL or a message. This information is displayed before the user is redirected to the Identity Provider login page for authentication.

This step is for OAuth 2 provider configuration. You can now proceed to step 12.

Step 12

Click Save.

Login Domains

A login domain defines the authentication domain for a user. Login domains can be set to the Local, LDAP, RADIUS, TACACS+, DUO, SAML, RSA, or OAuth 2 authentication mechanisms. When accessing the system from REST, the CLI, or the GUI, the APIC enables the user to select the correct authentication domain.

For example, in the REST scenario, the username is prefixed with a string so that the full login username looks as follows:


If accessing the system from the GUI, the APIC offers a drop-down list of domains for the user to select. If no apic: domain is specified, the default authentication domain servers are used to look up the username.

Starting in ACI version 1.0(2x), the login domain fallback of the APIC defaults local. If the default authentication is set to a non-local method and the console authentication method is also set to a non-local method and both non-local methods do not automatically fall back to local authentication, the APIC can still be accessed via local authentication.

To access the APIC fallback local authentication, use the following strings:

  • Use the apic#fallback\\username string for REST API, GUI, and CLI for both APIC and Switches.

  • Use the apic:fallback\\username string for only the REST API and the GUI, but not for the CLI interface.


Do not change the fallback login domain. Doing so could result in being locked out of the system.

Creating Login Domain Using the GUI

Authentication by an external server for SAML and OAuth 2 is based on user group map rule information, in addition to the standard CiscoAVpair-based authentication.

Before you begin

  • The Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) fabric is installed, Application Policy Infrastructure Controllers (APICs) are online, and the APIC cluster is formed and healthy.

  • The login domain name, realm, and remote server provider are available to define the authentication domain for the user.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Admin > AAA.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Authentication.

Step 3

In the Work pane, choose the Login Domains tab.

Step 4

Click the Actions button > Create Login Domain.

Step 5

In the Create Login Domain screen, in the General pane, specify the following:

  • The user configured domain name.

  • Description of the login domain.

  • The realm to verify the identity of an entity (person or device) accessing the fabric devices.The options available in the Realm drop-down list are discussed here:

    1. A RADIUS provider group for a group of remote servers supporting the RADIUS protocol for authentication.

    2. A TACACS+ provider group for a group of remote servers supporting the TACACS+ protocol for authentication.

    3. An LDAP provider group for a group of remote servers supporting the LDAP protocol for authentication.

    4. A RSA provider group for a group of remote servers supporting the RSA protocol for authentication.

    5. A SAML provider remote server supporting the SAML protocol for authentication.

    6. An OAuth 2 provider remote server supporting the OAuth 2 protocol for authentication.



If LDAP, RADIUS, or TACACS+ is specified as the default security method and the associated provider group specified in this dialog is not available to provide authentication during a user login, fallback local authentication is not executed by the Cisco APIC server unless is specifically configured to do so.

If Cisco APIC requires proxy servers to reach identity providers, then configure the corresponding proxy addresses. The proxy setting configuration is found under System > System Settings > Proxy Policy. In the Proxy Policy pane, enter the required URL in the HTTP URL or HTTPS URL fields.

Step 6

Fill in the details for the displayed options. The displayed options are dynamic and based on the selected Realm.

When the selected Realm is RADIUS or LDAP, the following options are displayed:

  • Select either Default or Duo for the Realm Subtype .

  • In the Settings pane, click Add RADIUS (or LDAP) Provider to select or create a provider if you selected the Default option above. If you have selected the Duo option, click Add RADIUS (or LDAP) Duo Provider to select or create a provider.

When the selected Realm is TACACS+ or RSA, the following options are displayed:

  • In the Settings pane, click Add RSA (or TACACS+) Provider to select or create a provider.

When the selected Realm is SAML or OAuth 2, the following options are displayed:

  • In the Settings pane, click Select SAML (or OAuth 2) Provider to select or create a provider.

  • For SAML (or OAuth 2) Authorization Choice, select either CiscoAVPair or GroupMap.

    • When CiscoAVPair is selected, the authorization is based on the CiscoAVpair value/ string configured on the external authentication server. On receiving the CiscoAVPair value from external IDP, Cisco APIC assigns the privileges accordingly to the remote user.

    • When GroupMap is selected, the authorization is based on the group information configured on the external authentication server. On receiving the user group information from the external IDP, Cisco APIC matches the user group name configured on Cisco APIC and assigns the privileges to the remote user accordingly.

    Two additional parameters are required for authorization using GroupMap, they are:

    • Enter the Group Attribute. The group attribute entered here should match the group attribute on the external authentication server. For SAML, the group attribute should match the name of the group assertion in the response sent by the SAML IdP server. For OAuth2, the group attribute should match the group claim in the JWT (JSON Web Token) sent by the OAuth2 server.

      Example: memberOf (used in Active directory), Groups or groups (used in ping ID/Okta)

      Also, for OAuth2, to receive group information from IDP properly, ensure corresponding scope is configured in the OAuth2 provider configuration. Example: openid profile groups.

    • Add a User Group Map Rule, by clicking Add User Group Map Rule .

      In the Add User Group Map Rule window, enter the following details:

      1. In the Name field, enter a name for the user group map rule.

      2. In the Description field, enter a description.

      3. In the User Group field, enter the name of the user group to which the user belongs.

        Ensure that the user group entered here matches the user group on the external server. This is used by Cisco APIC to validate the authentication information received from the external server. Privileges are set based on the user group to which the user belongs.

      4. To set User Privileges, click Add User Privileges.

      5. To add a security domain, click Select Security Domain to choose a security domain from the displayed list.

      6. Click Add Role to select a role and associate a privilege type (read or write); click the tick mark to associate the privilege to the role.

        To add more roles, click Add Role, and associate privileges.

      7. Click Add (on Add User Privileges window).

      8. Click Apply (on the Add User Group Map Rule window).

Step 7

Click Save (on the Create Login Domain screen).

RADIUS Authentication

Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) is a networking protocol that provides centralized authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) management for users who connect and use a network service.

To configure users on RADIUS servers, the APIC administrator must configure the required attributes (shell:domains) using the cisco-av-pair attribute. The default user role is network-operator.

The SNMPv3 authentication protocol options are SHA and MD5. The privacy protocol options are AES-128 and DES. If these options are not specified in the cisco-av-pair attribute, MD5 and DES are the default authentication protocols.

For example, SNMPv3 authentication and privacy protocol attributes can be specified as follows:

snmpv3:auth=SHA priv=AES-128

Similarly, the list of domains would be as follows:

shell:domains="domainA domainB …"

Configuring APIC for RADIUS Access

Before you begin

  • The ACI fabric is installed, Application Policy Infrastructure Controllers (APICs) are online, and the APIC cluster is formed and healthy.

  • The RADIUS server host name or IP address, port, authorization protocol, and key are available.

  • The APIC management endpoint group is available.


Step 1

In the APIC, create the RADIUS provider.

For configuring a RADIUS provider, see Creating a Provider.

For toggling in-band or out-of-band management in the APIC GUI:

In the Navigation pane, choose System > System Settings > APIC Connectivity Preferences. In the Work Pane select either inband or ooband.

Step 2

Create the Login Domain for RADIUS.

For the detailed procedure, see Creating Login Domain Using the GUI.

What to do next

This completes the APIC RADIUS configuration steps. Next, configure the RADIUS server.

Configuring Radius in APIC Using REST API

HTTP POST to https://{{apichost}}/api/node/mo/.xml
<aaaRadiusProvider authPort="1812" authProtocol="pap" descr="myradius"   
    name="server.radius.local" key="mykey"
    retries="1" timeout="5"/>

To configure a login domain for RADIUS using REST API:

HTTP POST to https://{{apichost}}/api/node/mo/.xml
<aaaUserEp  descr="" dn="uni/userext"  name=""  pwdStrengthCheck="yes" rn="" status="modified">
    <aaaLoginDomain descr="" name="RadDom" rn="logindomain-RadDom" status="created">
        <aaaDomainAuth name="" providerGroup="RadDom" realm="radius" rn="domainauth"  status="created"/>
    <aaaRadiusEp descr="" name="" retries="1" rn="radiusext" status="modified" timeout="5">
        <aaaRadiusProviderGroup descr=""  name="RadDom"  rn="radiusprovidergroup-RadDom"  status="created">
            <aaaProviderRef descr="acs" name="radius1.server.com" order="1"   
                rn="providerref-radius.server.com" status="created" />
            <aaaProviderRef descr="acs" name="radius2.server.com" order="2"   
                rn="providerref-radius2.server.com" status="created" />

TACACS+ Authentication

Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus (TACACS+) is another remote AAA protocol that is supported by Cisco devices. TACACS+ has the following advantages over RADIUS authentication:

  • Provides independent AAA facilities. For example, the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) can authorize access without authenticating.

  • Uses TCP to send data between the AAA client and server, enabling reliable transfers with a connection-oriented protocol.

  • Encrypts the entire protocol payload between the switch and the AAA server to ensure higher data confidentiality. RADIUS encrypts passwords only.

  • Uses the av-pairs that are syntactically and configurationally different than RADIUS but the Cisco APIC supports shell:domains.

The following XML example configures the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) fabric to work with a TACACS+ provider at IP address

<aaaTacacsPlusProvider name=""


While the examples provided here use IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses could also be used.

The following guidelines and limitations apply when using TACACS+:

  • The TACACS server and TACACs ports must be reachable by ping.

  • The TACACS server with the highest priority is considered first to be the primary server.

Configuring APIC for TACACS+ Access

Before you begin

  • The Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) fabric is installed, Application Policy Infrastructure Controllers (APICs) are online, and the APIC cluster is formed and healthy.

  • The TACACS+ server host name or IP address, port, and key are available.

  • The APIC management endpoint group is available.


Step 1

In the APIC, create the TACACS+ Provider.

For configuring a TACACS+ provider, see Creating a Provider.

For toggling in-band or out-of-band management in the APIC GUI:

In the Navigation pane, choose System > System Settings > APIC Connectivity Preferences. In the Work Pane select either inband or ooband.

Step 2

Create the Login Domain for TACACS+.

For the detailed procedure, see Creating Login Domain Using the GUI.

What to do next

This completes the APIC TACACS+ configuration steps. Next, if a RAIDUS server will also be used, configure the APIC for RADIUS. If only a TACACS+ server will be used, go to the ACS server configuration topic below.

Configuring TACACS in APIC Using the REST API

Make sure that you configure aaaTacacsPlusProviderGroup with the same name as the name of the TACACS login domain.

HTTP POST to https://{{apichost}}/api/node/mo/.xml
<aaaTacacsPlusProvider name="server.tacacs.local" 
    monitorServer="enabled" monitoringUser="user1" monitoringPassword="mypwd" 
    port="49" retries="1" key="mykey" timeout="15" />

To configure a login domain for TACACS using the REST API:

HTTP POST to https://{{apichost}}/api/node/mo/.xml
<aaaUserEp  descr="" dn="uni/userext"  name=""  pwdStrengthCheck="yes" rn="" status="modified">
    <aaaLoginDomain  descr=""  name="Tacacs" nameAlias=""  rn="logindomain-Tacacs" status="created,modified">
        <aaaDomainAuth  descr="" name="" nameAlias=""  providerGroup="Tacacs" 
            realm="tacacs" rn="domainauth" status="created,modified"/>
    <aaaTacacsPlusEp  descr="" name="" nameAlias=""  retries="1" rn="tacacsext" status="created,modified" timeout="5">
        <aaaTacacsPlusProviderGroup  descr="" name="Tacacs" nameAlias="" 
            rn="tacacsplusprovidergroup-Tacacs" status="created,modified">
            <aaaProviderRef descr="testing" name="tacacs.server.com" nameAlias="" order="1" 
                rn="providerref-tacacs.server.com"  status="created,modified" />
            <aaaProviderRef descr="testing" name="tacacs2.server.com" nameAlias="" order="2" 
                rn="providerref-tacacs2.server.com"  status="created,modified" />

Configuring a Cisco Secure Access Control Server for RADIUS and TACACS+ Access to the APIC

Before you begin

  • The Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS) version 5.5 is installed and online.


    ACS v5.5 was used to document these steps. Other versions of ACS might support this task but the GUI procedures might vary accordingly.

  • The Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (Cisco APIC) RADIUS or TACACS+ keys are available (or keys for both if both will be configured).

  • The APICs are installed and online; the APIC cluster is formed and healthy.

  • The RADIUS or TACACS+ port, authorization protocol, and key are available.


Step 1

Log in to the ACS server to configure the APIC as a client.

  1. Navigate to Network Resources > Network Devices Groups > Network Devices and AAA Clients.

  2. Specify the client name, the APIC in-band IP address, select the TACACS+ or RADIUS (or both) authentication options.



    If the only RADIUS or TACACS+ authentication is needed, select only the needed option.

  3. Specify the authentication details such as Shared Secret (key), and port as appropriate for the authentication option(s).



    The Shared Secret(s) must match the APIC Provider key(s).

Step 2

Create the Identity Group.

  1. Navigate to Users and Identity Stores > Internal Groups option.

  2. Specify the Name, and Parent Group as appropriate.

Step 3

Map users to the Identity Group.

  1. In the Navigation pane, click the Users and Identity Stores > Internal Identity Stores > Users option.

  2. Specify the user Name, and Identity Group as appropriate.

Step 4

Create the Policy Element.

  1. Navigate to the Policy Elements option.

  2. For RADIUS, specify the Authorization and Permissions > Network Access > Authorization Profiles Name. For TACACS+, specify the Authorization and Permissions > Device Administration > Shell Profile Name as appropriate.

  3. For RADIUS, specify the Attribute as cisco-av-pair, Type as string, and the Value as shell:domains = <domain>/<role>/,<domain>// role as appropriate. For TACACS+, specify the Attribute as cisco-av-pair, Requirement as Mandatory, and the Value as shell:domains = <domain>/<role>/,<domain>// role as appropriate.

    The syntax of the Value field determines whether write privileges are granted:

    • For read/write privileges, the syntax is shell:domains = <domain>/<role>/.

    • For read-only privileges, the syntax is shell:domains = <domain>// <role>.

    For example, if the cisco-av-pair has a value of shell:domains = solar/admin/,common// read-all, then solar is the security domain, admin is the role that gives write privileges to this user in the security domain called solar, common is the tenant common, and read-all is the role with read privileges that gives this user read privileges to all of the tenant common.

Step 5

Create a service selection rule.

  1. For RADIUS, create a service selection rule to associate the Identity Group with the Policy Element by navigating to Access Policies > Default Device Network Access Identity > Authorization and specifying the rule Name, Status, and Conditions as appropriate, and Add the Internal Users:UserIdentityGroup in ALL Groups:<identity group name>.

  2. For TACACS+, create a service selection rule to associate the Identity Group with the Shell Profile by navigating to Access Policies > Default Device Admin Identity > Authorization. Specify the rule Name, Conditions, and Select the Shell Profile as appropriate.

What to do next

Use the newly created RADIUS and TACACS+ users to log in to the APIC. Verify that the users have access to the correct APIC security domain according to the assigned RBAC roles and privileges. The users should not have access to items that have not been explicitly permitted. Read and write access rights should match those configured for that user.

LDAP/Active Directory Authentication

Similar to RADIUS and TACACS+, LDAP allows a network element to retrieve AAA credentials that can be used to authenticate and then authorize the user to perform certain actions. An added certificate authority configuration can be performed by an administrator to enable LDAPS (LDAP over SSL) trust and prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.

The XML example below configures the ACI fabric to work with an LDAP provider at IP address


While the examples provided here use IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses could also be used.

<aaaLdapProvider name="" 
          port="636" />


For LDAP configurations, best practice is to use CiscoAVPair as the attribute string. If customer faces the issue using Object ID, an additional Object ID can also be used in the LDAP server.

Instead of configuring the Cisco AVPair, you have the option to create LDAP group maps in the APIC.

Configuring LDAP

There are two options for LDAP configurations: you can configure a Cisco AVPair or configure LDAP group maps in the APIC. This section contains instructions for both configuration options.

Configuring Windows Server 2012 LDAP for APIC Access with Cisco AVPair

Before you begin
  • First, configure the LDAP server, then configure the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (Cisco APIC) for LDAP access.

  • The Microsoft Windows Server 2012 is installed and online.

  • The Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Server Manager ADSI Edit tool is installed. To install ADSI Edit, follow the instructions in the Windows Server 2012 Server Manager help.

  • CiscoAVPair attribute specifications: Common Name = CiscoAVPair, LDAP Display Name = CiscoAVPair, Unique X500 Object ID =, Description = CiscoAVPair, Syntax = Case Sensitive String.


    For LDAP configurations, best practice is to use CiscoAVPair as the attribute string. If customer faces the issue using Object ID, an additional Object ID can also be used in the LDAP server.

  • A Microsoft Windows Server 2012 user account is available that will enable the following:

    • Running ADSI Edit to add the CiscoAVPair attribute to the Active Directory (AD) Schema.

    • Configuring an Active Directory LDAP user to have CiscoAVPair attribute permissions.

  • Port 636 is required for configuring LDAP integration with SSL/TLS.


Step 1

Log in to an Active Directory (AD) server as a domain administrator.

Step 2

Add the CiscoAVPair attribute to the AD schema.

  1. Navigate to Start > Run, type mmc and press Enter.

    The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) opens.
  2. Navigate to File > Add/Remove Sanp-in > Add.

  3. In the Add Standalonee Snap-in dialog box, select the Active Directory Schema and click Add.

    The MMC Console opens.
  4. Right-click the Attributes folder, select the Create Attribute option.

    The Create New Attribute dialog box opens.
  5. Enter CiscoAVPair for the Common Name , CiscoAVPair for the LDAP Display Name, for the Unique X500 Object ID, and select Case Sensitive String for the Syntax.

  6. Click OK to save the attribute.

Step 3

Update the User Properties class to include the CiscoAVPair attribute.

  1. In the MMC Console, expand the Classes folder, right-click the user class, and choose Properties.

    The user Properties dialog box opens.
  2. Click the Attributes tab, and click Add to open the Select Schema Object window.

  3. In the Select a schema object: list, choose CiscoAVPair, and click Apply.

  4. In the MMC Console, right-click the Active Directory Schema, and select Reload the Schema.

Step 4

Configure the CiscoAVPair attribute permissions.

Now that the LDAP includes the CiscoAVPair attributes, LDAP users need to be granted Cisco APIC permission by assigning them Cisco APIC RBAC roles.

  1. In the ADSI Edit dialog box, locate a user who needs access to the Cisco APIC.

  2. Right-click on the user name, and choose Properties.

    The <user> Properties dialog box opens.
  3. Click the Attribute Editor tab, select the CiscoAVPair attribute, and enter the Value as shell:domains = <domain>/<role>/,<domain>// role.

    For example, if the CiscoAVPair has a value of shell:domains = solar/admin/,common// read-all(16001), then solar is the security domain, admin is the role for this user that gives write privileges to this user in the security domain called solar, common is the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (Cisco ACI) tenant common, and read-all(16001) is the role with read privileges that gives this user read privileges to all of the Cisco ACI tenant common.

  4. Click OK to save the changes and close the <user> Properties dialog box.

The LDAP server is configured to access the Cisco APIC.
What to do next

Configure the Cisco APIC for LDAP access.

Configuring APIC for LDAP Access

Before you begin
  • The Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) fabric is installed, Application Policy Infrastructure Controllers (APICs) are online, and the APIC cluster is formed and healthy.

  • The LDAP server host name or IP address, port, bind DN, Base DN, and password are available.

  • The APIC management endpoint group is available.


Step 1

In the APIC, configure the LDAP Provider.

For configuring an LDAP provider, see Creating a Provider.

For toggling in-band or out-of-band management in the APIC GUI:

In the Navigation pane, choose System > System Settings > APIC Connectivity Preferences. In the Work Pane select either inband or ooband.

Step 2

Create the Login Domain for LDAP.

For the detailed procedure, see Creating Login Domain Using the GUI.

What to do next

This completes the APIC LDAP configuration steps. Next, test the APIC LDAP login access.

Configuring LDAP Group Map Rules on the Cisco APIC

Configuring an LDAP group map on the Cisco APIC requires first creating LDAP group map rules. This section explains how to create LDAP group map rules.

Before you begin

An LDAP server is running with a configured group mapping.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Admin > AAA.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Authentication .

Step 3

In the Work pane, choose LDAP Group Maps > LDAP Group Map Rules .

Step 4

Click the Actions button > Create LDAP Group Map Rule.

Step 5

In the Create LDAP Group Map Rule screen that is displayed, specify the Type, Group Map Rule Name, Description (optional), Group DN.

Step 6

In the Security Domains pane, click Add Security Domain. In the Security Domains pop-up window, enter the following details:

  1. Click Select Security Domain to select a security domain.

  2. Click Add Role to add a role and select a privilege from the drop-down list. Click the tick-mark to assign the selected privilege to the role. Repeat this step to add multiple roles to a security domain.

  3. Click Add on the Security Domains window.

Step 7

Click Save on the Create LDAP Group Map Rule screen.

What to do next

After specifying the LDAP group map rules, create an LDAP group map.

Configuring an LDAP Group Map on the Cisco APIC

This section explains how to create an LDAP group map.

Before you begin
  • A running LDAP server is configured with group mapping.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Admin > AAA.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Authentication .

Step 3

In the Work pane, choose LDAP Group Maps > LDAP Group Maps .

Step 4

Click Actions> Create LDAP Group Map.

Step 5

In the Create LDAP Group Map screen that is displayed, specify the Type, Group Map Name, Description (optional), and choose an LDAP Group Map Rule by clicking Add LDAP Group Map Rule.

If an LDAP Group Map Rule is not available, click Create LDAP Group Map Rule. For the detailed procedure about creating LDAP group map rules, see the Configuring LDAP Group Map Rules procedure.

Step 6

Click Save.

Multi-factor Authentication with DUO

Cisco APIC supports multi-factor authentication with Duo security. Duo security itself does not act as repository for user identities. It offers second factor (2F) authentication on top of an organization's existing authentication, which could be on-premesis or cloud-based. Second factor authentication with Duo occurs once the user has finished the authentication with the organization's primary authentication source.

Duo supports three types of 2F authentication methods after you complete authentication with the primary authentication source:

  • Notification push on mobile using the Duo mobile app on smartphones.

  • Phone call on your registered phone or mobile numbers.

  • Passcode that is generated on the Duo mobile app.

The user is authenticated using the following servers:

  • The Duo proxy RADIUS server uses the multi-factor authentication in Cisco APIC to authenticate a distributed client/server system using RADIUS PAP primary authentication method.

  • The Duo proxy LDAP server uses the multi-factor authentication in Cisco APIC to authenticate a remote server using Cisco AVPair or Group Maps authentication method.

For creating a DUO RADIUS provider or DUO LDAP provider, see Creating a Provider procedure.

Configuring DUO Proxy Using the REST API

The URL for all XML data : 
POST  https://{{apichost}}/api/node/mo/.xml

The following are example configurations for Duo with proxy RADIUS and proxy LDAP servers.

RADIUS Configuration

  • Add DUO RADIUS proxy provider:

    <aaaRadiusProvider authPort="1812" authProtocol="pap" descr="duoradius"
           monitorServer="disabled" monitoringUser=""
           name="duoproxy.host.com"  key="mypasswd"
           retries="1" status="created" timeout="30"/>
  • Add Login Domain with DUO RADIUS proxy provider:

    <aaaUserEp  descr="" dn="uni/userext"  name="" pwdStrengthCheck="yes" rn="" status="modified">
        <aaaLoginDomain descr="" name="DuoRadDom" rn="logindomain-DuoRadDom" status="created">
            <aaaDomainAuth descr="" name="" providerGroup="DuoRadDom" realm="radius" realmSubType="duo" rn="domainauth" status="created"/>
        <aaaDuoEp descr="" name="" retries="1" rn="duoext" status="modified" timeout="40">
            <aaaDuoProviderGroup name="DuoRadDom" providerType="radius" secFacAuthMethods="auto,push"
                 rn="duoprovidergroup-DuoRadDom" status="created">
                <aaaProviderRef descr="duoradproxy" name="duoproxy.host.com" order="1"
                    rn="providerref-duoproxy.host.com" status="created" />

LDAP Configuration

  • Add DUO LDAP proxy provider with the attribute Cisco AVPair:

    <aaaLdapProvider name="duoproxy.host.com"
        dn="uni/userext/duoext/ldapprovider-duoproxy.host.com" enableSSL="no" filter="cn=$userid"
        port="389" retries="1"
  • Add DUO LDAP proxy provider with the attribute memberOf:

    <aaaLdapProvider name="duoproxy.host.com"
        dn="uni/userext/duoext/ldapprovider-duoproxy.host.com" enableSSL="no" filter="cn=$userid"
        port="389" retries="1"
  • Add LDAP GroupMap rule:

    <aaaLdapGroupMapRule name="DuoEmpRule" dn="uni/userext/duoext/ldapgroupmaprule-DuoEmpRule"
           groupdn="CN=Employee,CN=Users,DC=host,DC=com" status="created">
           <aaaUserDomain name="all" rn="userdomain-all" status="created,modified">
               <aaaUserRole name="fabric-admin" privType="writePriv" rn="role-fabric-admin" status="created,modified"/>
  • Add LDAP GroupMap:

    <aaaLdapGroupMap name="DuoEmpGroupMap" dn="uni/userext/duoext/ldapgroupmap-DuoEmpGroupMap"  status="created">
        <aaaLdapGroupMapRuleRef name="DuoEmpRule" rn="ldapgroupmapruleref-DuoEmpRule" status="created"/>
  • Add DUO LDAP Login Domain using GroupMap:

        <aaaUserEp dn="uni/userext" name="" pwdStrengthCheck="yes" rn="" status="modified">
            <aaaDuoEp attribute="memberOf" basedn="" filter="sAMAccountName=$userid"
                name="" retries="1" rn="duoext" status="modified" timeout="30">
                <aaaDuoProviderGroup name="DuoLdapDom" authChoice="LdapGroupMap" providerType="ldap"
                     rn="duoprovidergroup-DuoLdapDom" ldapGroupMapRef="DuoEmpGroupMap" secFacAuthMethods="auto,push" status="modified">
                    <aaaProviderRef name="duoproxy.host.com" order="1"
                        rn="providerref-duoproxy.host.com" status="modified"/>
            <aaaLoginDomain name="DuoLdapDom" rn="logindomain-DuoLdapDom" status="modified">
                <aaaDomainAuth name="" providerGroup="DuoLdapDom" realm="ldap" realmSubType="duo" rn="domainauth" status="modified"/>

Get Login Domain for GUI

The GET URL for login domains:

GET https://apic.host.com/api/aaaListDomains.json
{   "totalCount": "5",
    "imdata": [{   
            "name": "DuoRadDom",
            "type": "DUO",
            "secAuths": "auto,push"
        }, {   
            "name": "DuoLdapDom",
            "type": "DUO",
            "secAuths": "auto,push"
        }, {   
            "name": "RadDom",
            "type": "OTHER"
        }, {   
            "name": "LdapDom",
            "type": "OTHER"
        }, {   
            "name": "DefaultAuth",
            "guiBanner": "",
            "type": "OTHER"
    ] }

RSA Secure ID Authentication

RSA Authentication provides a token which can be used in combination with a fixed key in many different ways to create the password. It supports both hardware and software tokens.

Configuring APIC for RSA Access Using the GUI

Before you begin

  • The ACI fabric is installed, Application Policy Infrastructure Controllers (APICs) are online, and the APIC cluster is formed and healthy.

  • The RSA server host name or IP address, port, authorization protocol, and key are available.

  • The APIC management endpoint group is available.


Step 1

In the APIC, create the RSA provider.

For configuring a RSA provider, see Creating a Provider.

Step 2

Create the Login Domain for RSA.

For the detailed procedure, see Creating Login Domain Using the GUI .

What to do next

This completes the APIC RSA configuration steps. Next, configure the RSA server.

SAML Authentication

SAML is an XML-based open standard data format that enables administrators to access a defined set of Cisco collaboration applications seamlessly after signing into one of those applications. SAML describes the exchange of security related information between trusted business partners. It is an authentication protocol used by service providers to authenticate a user. SAML enables exchange of security authentication information between an Identity Provider (IdP) and a service provider.

SAML SSO uses the SAML 2.0 protocol to offer cross-domain and cross-product single sign-on for Cisco collaboration solutions. SAML 2.0 enables SSO across Cisco applications and enables federation between Cisco applications and an IdP. SAML 2.0 allows Cisco administrative users to access secure web domains to exchange user authentication and authorization data, between an IdP and a Service Provider while maintaining high security levels. The feature provides secure mechanisms to use common credentials and relevant information across various applications.

The authorization for SAML SSO Admin access is based on Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) configured locally on Cisco collaboration applications.

SAML SSO establishes a Circle of Trust (CoT) by exchanging metadata and certificates as part of the provisioning process between the IdP and the Service Provider. The Service Provider trusts the IdP's user information to provide access to the various services or applications.


Service providers are no longer involved in authentication. SAML 2.0 delegates authentication away from the service providers and to the IdPs.

The client authenticates against the IdP, and the IdP grants an Assertion to the client. The client presents the Assertion to the Service Provider. Since there is a CoT established, the Service Provider trusts the Assertion and grants access to the client.

Enabling SAML SSO results in several advantages:

  • It reduces password fatigue by removing the need for entering different user name and password combinations.

  • It transfers the authentication from your system that hosts the applications to a third party system. UsingSAML SSO, you can create a circle of trust between an IdP and a service provider. The service provider trusts and relies on the IdP to authenticate the users.

  • It protects and secures authentication information. It provides encryption functions to protect authentication information passed between the IdP, service provider, and user. SAML SSO can also hide authentication messages passed between the IdP and the service provider from any external user.

  • It improves productivity because you spend less time re-entering credentials for the same identity.

  • It reduces costs as fewer help desk calls are made for password reset, thereby leading to more savings.

Basic Elements of SAML

  • Client (the user’s client): This is a browser-based client or a client that can leverage a browser instance for authentication. For example, a system administrator’s browser.

  • Service provider: This is the application or service that the client is trying to access.

  • An Identity Provider (IdP) server: This is the entity that authenticates user credentials and issues SAML Assertions.

  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) users: These users are integrated with an LDAP directory, for example Microsoft Active Directory or OpenLDAP. Non-LDAP users reside locally on the Unified Communications server.

  • SAML Assertion: It consists of pieces of security information that are transferred from IdPs to the service provider for user authentication. An assertion is an XML document that contains trusted statements about a subject including, for example, a username and privileges. SAML assertions are usually digitally signed to ensure their authenticity.

  • SAML Request: This is an authentication request that is generated by a Unified Communications application. To authenticate the LDAP user, Unified Communications application delegates an authentication request to the IdP.

  • Circle of Trust (CoT): It consists of the various service providers that share and authenticate against one IdP in common.

  • Metadata: This is an XML file generated by an ACI application as well as an IdP. The exchange of SAML metadata builds a trust relationship between the IdP and the service provider.

  • Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL: This URL instructs the IdPs where to post assertions. The ACS URL tells the IdP to post the final SAML response to a particular URL.


All in-scope services requiring authentication use SAML 2.0 as the SSO mechanism.

Supported IdPs and SAML Components

Supported IdPs

Identity Provider (IdP) is an authentication module that creates, maintains, and manages identity information for users, systems, or services and also provides authentication to other applications and service providers within a distributed network.

With SAML SSO, IdPs provide authentication options based on the user role or log in options for each of the Cisco collaboration applications. The IdPs store and validate the user credentials and generate a SAML response that allows the user to access the service provider protected resources.


You must be familiar with your IdP service, and ensure that it is currently installed and operational.

The APIC SAML SSO feature has been tested with following IdPs:

SAML Components

A SAML SSO solution is based on a particular combination of assertions, protocols, bindings, and profiles. The various assertions are exchanged among applications and sites using the protocols and bindings, and those assertions authenticate the users among sites. The SAML components are as follows:

  • SAML Assertion: It defines the structure and content of the information that is transferred from IdPs to service providers. It consists of packets of security information and contains statements that service providers use for various levels of access-control decisions.SAML SSO provides the following types of statements:

    • Authentication statements- These statements assert to the service provider about the method of authentication that occurs between the IdP and the browser at a particular time.

    • Attribute statements- These statements assert about certain attributes (name-value pairs) that are associated with the user. The attribute assertions contain specific information about the user. The service providers use attributes to make access-control decisions.

  • SAML protocol: A SAML protocol defines how the SAML requests for and gets assertions. This protocol is responsible for the SAML request and response elements that consist of certain SAML elements or assertions. The SAML 2.0 contains the following protocols:

    • Assertion Query and Request Protocol

    • Authentication Request Protocol

  • SAML binding: A SAML binding specifies the mapping of SAML assertion and/or protocol message exchanges with standard messaging formats or communication protocols like SOAP exchanges. ACI supports the following SAML 2.0 bindings:

    • HTTP Redirect (GET) Binding

    • HTTP POST Binding

  • SAML profile: A SAML profile provides a detailed description of the combination of SAML assertions, protocols, and bindings to support well-defined use cases.

NTP Setup

In SAML SSO, Network Time Protocol (NTP) enables clock synchronization between the APIC and IdP. SAML is a time sensitive protocol and the IdP determines the time-based validity of a SAML assertion. If the IdP and the APIC clocks are not synchronized, the assertion becomes invalid and stops the SAML SSO feature. The maximum allowed time difference between the IdP and the APIC is 3 seconds.


For SAML SSO to work, you must install the correct NTP setup and make sure that the time difference between the IdP and the APIC does not exceed 3 seconds. If IdP and APIC clocks are not synchronized, the user will be redirected back to the APIC’s login page even after successful authentication on IdP.

DNS Setup

Domain Name System (DNS) enables the mapping of host names and network services to IP addresses within a network or networks. DNS server(s) deployed within a network provide a database that maps network services to hostnames and, in turn, hostnames to IP addresses. Devices on the network can query the DNS server and receive IP addresses for other devices in the network, thereby facilitating communication between network devices.

In summary, APIC and Idp should be able to resolve each other’s fully qualified domain names to IP addresses and should be resolvable by the client.

Certificate Authority

Cisco recommends using server certificates that are signed by one of the following types of Certificate Authority (CA):

  • Public CA—A third-party company verifies the server identity and issues a trusted certificate.

  • Private CA—You create and manage a local CA and issue trusted certificates.

The signing process varies for each product and can vary between server versions. It is beyond the scope of this document to provide detailed steps for every version of each server. Refer the appropriate server documentation for detailed instructions on how to get certificates signed by a CA.

If you get server certificates signed by a public CA, the public CA should already have a root certificate present in the trust store on the client computer. In this case, you do not need to import root certificates on the client computers. You should import root certificates if the certificates are signed by a CA that does not already exist in the trust store, such as a private CA. In SAML SSO, the IdP and service providers must have CA signed certificates with the correct domains in the CN or SAN. If the correct CA certificates are not validated, the browser issues a pop up warning.

If the APIC’s trust store does not include the root certificate of the IdP, a new certificate authority should be created. This Certificate Authority should be used later while configuring the SAML Provider on APIC.

Configuring APIC for SAML Access


SAML-based authentication is only for the Cisco APIC GUI and not for the CLI or REST API. Also, SAML is not applicable for leaf switches and spine switches. You cannot configure SAML configuration using the Cisco APIC CLI.

Before you begin

  • The Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) fabric is installed, Application Policy Infrastructure Controllers (APICs) are online, and the Cisco APIC cluster is formed and healthy.

  • The SAML server host name or IP address, and the IdP's metadata URL are available.

  • The Cisco APIC management endpoint group is available.

  • Set up the following:

    • Time synchronization and NTP

    • A DNS service policy to connect with the DNS providers

    • A custom certificate for Cisco ACI HTTPS access

    For more information, see the Cisco APIC Basic Configuration Guide.


Step 1

In the Cisco APIC GUI, create the SAML provider.

To create a provider, see Creating a Provider.

Step 2

Create the Login Domain for SAML.

For the detailed procedure, see Creating Login Domain Using the GUI .

Configuring SAML in APIC Using REST API

For configuring SAML using the REST API, first create a SAML provider similar to the following example:

<aaaSamlProvider name="auth.pingone.asia"
  guiBannerMessage="" idP="ping identity"
  monitorServer="disabled" retries="1" timeout="5" tp="pingonecert"
  wantAssertionsEncrypted="no" wantAssertionsSigned="yes" wantRequestsSigned="yes"
  wantResponseSigned="yes" sigAlg="SIG_RSA_SHA256"
status="created,modified" />


The metadataUrl value has a line break for readability. However, do not include a line break in the actual value.

Next, create a login domain; authentication can be either using CiscoAVPair or Group Map.

Authentication using CiscoAVPair:

<aaaUserEp dn="uni/userext" status="created,modified">
    <aaaLoginDomain dn="uni/userext/logindomain-TestSAML"
      name="TestSAML" status="created,modified">
        <aaaDomainAuth dn="uni/userext/logindomain-TestSAML/domainauth"
          providerGroup="TestSAML" realm="saml" realmSubType="default"
    <aaaSamlEp rn="samlext" status="modified">
        <aaaSamlProviderGroup dn="uni/userext/samlext/samlprovidergroup-TestSAML"
          name="TestSAML" authChoice="CiscoAVPair" status="created,modified">
            <aaaProviderRef dn="uni/userext/samlext/samlprovider-auth.pingone.asia"
              name="auth.pingone.asia" order="1" status="created,modified"/>

Authentication using Group Map:

<aaaUserEp dn="uni/userext" status="created,modified">
    <aaaLoginDomain dn="uni/userext/logindomain-TestSAML" name="TestSAML"
        <aaaDomainAuth dn="uni/userext/logindomain-TestSAML/domainauth"
          providerGroup="TestSAML" realm="saml" realmSubType="default"
    <aaaSamlEp rn="samlext" status="modified">
        <aaaSamlProviderGroup dn="uni/userext/samlext/samlprovidergroup-TestSAML"
          name="TestSAML" authChoice="LdapGroupMap" groupAttribute="memberOf"
            <aaaUserGroupMapRule name="AdminRule"
              userGroup="CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,DC=insaaadev,DC=net"
                <aaaUserDomain name="all" rn="userdomain-all" status="created,modified">
                    <aaaUserRole name="fabric-admin" privType="writePriv"
                      rn="role-fabric-admin" status="created,modified"/>
                <aaaUserDomain name="mgmt" rn="userdomain-mgmt" status="created,modified">
                    <aaaUserRole name="access-admin" privType="writePriv"
                      rn="role-access-admin" status="created,modified"/>
                    <aaaUserRole name="nw-svc-policy" privType="writePriv"
                      rn="role-nw-svc-policy" status="created,modified"/>
            <aaaUserGroupMapRule name="EmpRule"
                <aaaUserDomain name="mgmt" rn="userdomain-mgmt" status="created,modified">
                    <aaaUserRole name="ops" privType="writePriv" rn="role-ops"
            <aaaProviderRef dn="uni/userext/samlext/samlprovider-auth.pingone.asia"
              name="auth.pingone.asia" order="1" status="created,modified"/>

Setting Up a Relying Party Trust in AD FS

Add relying party trust in AD FS Management Console:


Step 1

Add relying party trust:

  1. Login to AD FS Management Console on your AD FS server, Navigate to ADFS > Trust Relationships > Relying Party Trusts and right-click on Add Relying Party Trust and click Start.

  2. Choose Enter data about the relying party manually or Import data about relying party from a file (skip the steps d, e, f and g) by importing the metadata file generated using the Download SAML Metadata option available on the corresponding login domain setup in APIC.

  3. Enter your preferred Display Name for the relying party trust and click Next.

  4. Choose AD FS Profile and click Next.

  5. Click Next again.

  6. Select Enable support for the SAML 2.0 Web SSO Protocol and enter Relying party SAML2.0 SSO service UR as https://<APIC_hostname>/api/aaaLoginSSO.json?name=<Login_domain_name> and click Next.

  7. Enter the Relying party trust identifierhttps://<APIC_hostname>/api/aaaLoginSSO.json

  8. Choose I do not want to configure multi-factor authentication settings for this relying party trust at this time and click Next.

  9. Choose Permit all users to access this relying party and click Next.

  10. Select Open the Edit Claim rules dialog for this relying party trust when the wizard closes and click Close.

Step 2

Add the following Claim rules:

  1. Send LDAP Attributes as claims:

    • In the Edit Claim Rules window, click Add Rule.

    • Select the Claim Rule Template as Send LDAP attributes as Claims and click Next.

    • Enter a Rule_Name and select Active Directory as the Attribute Store.

    • Select the reserved User Attribute for storing CiscoAvpair (For Ex: Department) as LDAP attribute type and map it to Outgoing Claim Manually Type as CiscoAvpair.

    • Select E-Mail-Addresses on LDAP Attribute and map it to the Outgoing Claim Type E-mail Address and click Finish.

  2. Transform an Incoming Claim:

    • Click Add Rule again in the Edit Claim Rules window, and select Transform an Incoming Claim as Claim Rule Template and click Next.

    • Select E-Mail Address as the Incoming claim type.

    • Select Name ID as Outgoing claim type.

    • Select Transient Identifier as Outgoing name ID format.

Step 3

To add a cluster of APICs, one can either setup multiple Relying Party Trusts or setup single Relying Party Trust and add multiple Relying Party Identifiers and SAML Assertion Consumer Endpoints to it.

  1. Adding other APICs in a cluster with same relying party trusts created above.

    1. Navigate to ADFS Management Console > ADFS > Trust Relationships > Relying Party Trusts and right-click on CiscoAPIC > Properties.

    2. Click on Identifiers tab and add other APICs in cluster as: https://<APIC2_hostname>/api/aaaLoginSSO.json, https://<APIC3_hostname>/api/aaaLoginSSO.json

    3. Click on Endpoints tab and Other two APICs by clicking on Add SAML. Add SAML Post Binding, Index as 1 and Enter trusted URL as: https://<APIC2_hostname>/api/aaaLoginSSO.json?name=<Login_domain_name>, and Add SAML Post Binding as: https://<APIC3_hostname>/api/aaaLoginSSO.json?name=<Login_domain_name>.

Step 4

Message and Assertion need to be signed in ADFS from powershell in ADFS server. For Signing Message and Assertion in ADFS Server:

  1. Open Windows Powershell (should be run as Administrator) and execute the below command:

  2. Set-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -TargetName RelyingpartytrustnameOfCiscoAPIC -SamlResponseSignature MessageAndAssertion.

OAuth 2 Authorization

Open Authorization (OAuth) 2.0 is an open-standard authorization protocol. OAuth 2.0 allows you to access an application (Service Provider or SP) that is trusted or approved by an Identity Provider (IdP). OAuth 2.0 uses authorization tokens to provide identity and authorization claims to the consumer application.

For more details about OAuth 2.0, see RFC 6749.

OAuth 2.0 has been designed to support a variety of different client types, which consume REST APIs from service provider applications. This includes both browser applications accessing web services within the enterprise, and applications running on customer mobile devices. OAuth protocol defines multiple mechanisms for getting an authorization token where different mechanisms acknowledge the client type constraints. A simple OAuth example is - when you are trying to login to a website, say “https://service.example.com”, you could be asked to identify yourself using a social media platform login or your email login. If you are logged in to these identity providers, you need not login over and over again. You are authorized (using OAuth) to login to “https://service.example.com”, as soon as you choose one of the options.

OAuth 2.0 Authentication in Cisco ACI

Type of OAuth used in ACI is the authorization grant flow. In this method, Cisco APIC first requests an authorization grant by an authenticated user, and APIC then uses the authorization grant to obtain an access token that has the authorization information. The flow is depicted in the following diagram.

Elements of OAuth

  • Resource owner(user)— data owner

  • Web application— APIC (or Cloud APIC )

  • Authorization server (AS) or Identity Provider (IdP) server— that authenticates and authorizes the user

  • Resource Server— APIC


When the authorization server provides both, ID Token and access token, ID token is preferred over access token for username and CiscoAvpair claims. In case CiscoAvpair is not available in the ID token, both the username and CiscoAvpair claims are taken from the access token, if available. APIC does not combine username and CiscoAvpair claims from both the tokens i.e. it will not consider username from ID token and CiscoAvpair from access token or vice versa. If none of the tokens have CiscoAvpair claim, username from ID token is taken and tried for default authorization if configured.

Configuring OAuth in Cisco APIC

Use this procedure to configure OAuth in Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC).


Perform the following actions in an authorization server:

  • Create an OAuth application for Cisco APIC. Note the client ID and secret.

  • Ensure that authorization policies are setup to allow access to Cisco APIC.

  • Note the authorize and token endpoints that would be used by Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI).

  • Assign users to the application who would be using Cisco APIC.

  • Ensure that the CiscoAvpair is set correctly for the users for authorization in Cisco ACI.

  • Save the certificate chain for the Token URL.

For details about configuring OAuth 2.0 applications on Identity Providers, see the relevant documentation.

Configuring APIC for OAuth 2 Access

Use this procedure to create an OAuth 2 provider and associate a login domain.


Step 1

In the APIC, create an OAuth 2 provider.

For configuring an OAuth 2 provider, see Creating a Provider.

Step 2

Create the Login Domain for OAuth 2.

For the detailed procedure, see Creating Login Domain Using the GUI .

Creating a Certificate Authority

Use this procedure for creating certificate authorities using the certificate chain used for the token URL.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Admin > AAA.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Security.

Step 3

In the Work pane, choose Certificate Authorities.

Step 4

Click Actions > Create Certificate Authority.

Step 5

Enter Name, Description, and Certificate Chain.

For obtaining the Certificate Chain, follow the procedure shown below.

  1. Choose the Token URL from the authorization server.

  2. In a browser window, enter the Token URL.

  3. Right-click, and select More Information.

  4. From the displayed pop-up window, click the New Certificate button.

  5. From the Certificate screen, download the PEM (chain) certificate.

  6. Choose a suitable program to open the file.

  7. Choose the required certificate from the displayed chain of certificates.



You can create a maximum of eight certificate authorities.

Step 6

Click Save.

User Login using OAuth

If you try to login to APIC using the created login domain for OAuth, you will be redirected to the login page of the authorization server (if not authenticated already). After the user authenticates, an authorization code is sent from the authorization server to APIC via the web browser. APIC will then exchange this code for an access token from IdP using the client ID and secret for the APIC application. Access token has the username and authorization details in the CiscoAvpair. You will then be logged-in to APIC. On APIC, the logged in user is indicated accordingly.

Configuring OAuth in APIC Using REST API

Use this procedure to configure OAuth in APIC using REST API.


Step 1

Create OAuth Provider.

<aaaOauthProvider name="auth.pingone.asia"
  scope="openid groups"

Step 2

Create OAuth Login Domain; authentication can be either using the CiscoAVPair or Group Map.

Authentication using CiscoAVPair:

<aaaUserEp dn="uni/userext" status="created,modified">
    <aaaLoginDomain dn="uni/userext/logindomain-TOAUTH" name="TOAUTH"
        <aaaDomainAuth dn="uni/userext/logindomain-TOAUTH/domainauth"
          providerGroup="TOAUTH" realm="oauth" realmSubType="default"
    <aaaOauthEp rn="oauthext" status="modified">
        <aaaOauthProviderGroup dn="uni/userext/oauthext/oauthprovidergroup-TOAUTH"
          name="TOAUTH" authChoice="CiscoAVPair" status="created,modified">
              name="auth.pingone.asia" order="1" status="created,modified"/>



The aaaProviderRef dn value has a line break for readability. However, do not include a line break in the actual value.

Authentication using Group Map:

<aaaUserEp dn="uni/userext" status="created,modified">
    <aaaLoginDomain dn="uni/userext/logindomain-TOAUTH" name="TOAUTH"
        <aaaDomainAuth dn="uni/userext/logindomain-TOAUTH/domainauth"
          providerGroup="TOAUTH" realm="oauth" realmSubType="default"
    <aaaOauthEp rn="oauthext" status="modified">
        <aaaOauthProviderGroup dn="uni/userext/oauthext/oauthprovidergroup-TOAUTH"
          name="TOAUTH" authChoice="LdapGroupMap" groupAttribute="memberOf"
            <aaaUserGroupMapRule name="AdminRule" userGroup="Domain Admins"
                <aaaUserDomain name="all" rn="userdomain-all" status="created,modified">
                    <aaaUserRole name="fabric-admin" privType="writePriv"
                      rn="role-fabric-admin" status="created,modified"/>
                <aaaUserDomain name="mgmt" rn="userdomain-mgmt" status="created,modified">
                    <aaaUserRole name="access-admin" privType="writePriv"
                      rn="role-access-admin" status="created,modified"/>
                    <aaaUserRole name="nw-svc-policy" privType="writePriv"
                      rn="role-nw-svc-policy" status="created,modified"/>
            <aaaUserGroupMapRule name="EmpRule" userGroup="Employee"
                <aaaUserDomain name="mgmt" rn="userdomain-mgmt"
                    <aaaUserRole name="ops" privType="writePriv" rn="role-ops"
              name="auth.pingone.asia" order="1" status="created,modified"/>



The aaaProviderRef dn value has a line break for readability. However, do not include a line break in the actual value.