Exact PCAP Analyze

Exact PCAP analyze (exact-pcap-analyze) is a tool used to analyze .pcap files and derive a number of statistics concerning a given capture. It will determine the total length of the capture (in nanoseconds, microseconds and seconds), the average packet rate (in pps, packets per second), the minimum/maximum inter-frame gaps (IFGs) and the throughput rate (in gigabits per second).

The following table lists all commands available:

Short Long Default Description
i input (required) The input .pcap file to analyze.
f format (required) The input file format. Valid values are pcap or expcap.
r line-rate (required) The line rate of traffic in the input capture. This value is in Gbps, e.g. 10 = 10Gb/s.
o offset 0 Start analyzing packets from this packet offset into the input file.
m max -1 (no limit) Limit the number of packets to analyze.
w window 100 Analyze packets within this window. Analysis occurs each time this window is exceeded in the input capture.