Exact PCAP Match

Exact PCAP Match (exact-pcap-match) is a tool used to match packets in two separate files. It outputs timestamps, timestamp deltas (latency) and the packet data of matched packets in a .csv file.

Where timestamp deltas are shown, they are produced from reference_file.timestamp minus input_file.timestamp.

The following table lists all commands available:

Short Long Default Description
r reference (required) The reference file to use for matching.
i input (required) The file to compare against the reference file.
c csv (required) The .csv file to write matching packet statistics to.
R ref-miss (optional) The .csv file to store reference packet misses. These are packets which were present in the reference file but were not found in the input file.
I inp-miss (optional) The .csv file to store input packet misses. These are packets which were present in the input file but were not found in the reference file.
f format (required) The input file format. Valid values are pcap or expcap.
O offset-ref 0 Start matching packets in the reference file from this packet offset onwards.
o offset-inp 0 Start matching packets in the input file from this packet offset onwards.
M max-ref -1 (no limit) Limit the amount of packets in the reference file to match.
n num-chars 64 The number of bytes from matched packets to output in the packet data field of the .csv file.
v verbose (flag) Enables verbose output printing.