
Installation Tasks Summary

Microsoft Hyper-V Installation consists of the following steps:

Deploying HX Data Platform Installer

Deploy HX Data Platform Installer using Microsoft Hyper-V Manager to create a HX Data Platform Installer virtual machine.


Step 1

Locate and download the HX Data Platform Installer.vhdx zipped file ( for example, from the Cisco Software Downloads site.

Step 2

Extract the zipped folder to your local computer and copy the .vhdx file to the Hyper-V host where you want to host the HX Data Platform Installer. For example, \\hyp-v-host01\....\HX-Installer\Cisco-HX-Data-Platform-Installer-v5.0.1a-33133-hyperv.vhdx

Step 3

In Hyper-V Manager, navigate to one of the Hyper-V servers.

Step 4

Select the Hyper-V server, and right click and select New > Create a virtual machine. The Hyper-V Manager New Virtual Machine Wizard displays.

Step 5

In the Before you Begin page, click Next.

Step 6

In the Specify Name and Location page, enter a name and location for the virtual machine where the virtual machine configuration files will be stored. Click Next.



As a best practice, store the VM together with the .vhdx file.

Step 7

In the Specify Generation page, select Generation 1. Click Next. If you select Generation 2, the VM may not boot.

Step 8

In the Assign Memory page, set the start up memory value to 4096 MB. Click Next.

Step 9

In the Configure Networking page, select a network connection for the virtual machine to use from a list of existing virtual switches. Click Next.

Step 10

In the Connect Virtual Hard Disk page, select Use an existing virtual hard disk, and browse to the folder on your Hyper-V host that contains the .vhdx file. Click Next.

Step 11

In the Summary page, verify that the list of options displayed are correct. Click Finish.

Step 12

After the VM is created, power it ON, and launch the GUI.

  1. Right-click on the VM and choose Connect.

  2. Choose Action > Start (Ctrl+S).

  3. When the VM is booted, make a note of the URL (IP address of the VM). You will need this information in the following steps in the installation.

  4. Log in using the HX Installer default credentials Cisco123.

Configuring a Static IP Address on HX Data Platform Installer

During a default installation of the VM, the HX Installer will try and automatically obtain an IP address using DHCP. To ensure that you have the same IP address at every boot, you can assign a static IP address on the VM

Use the following commands to configure your network interface (/etc/network/interfaces) with a static IP address. Make sure you change the relevant settings to suit your network.


Network guidelines are:

  • Should be able to connect to the Active Directory (AD).

  • Use the network to stream OS media from Hyper-V Installer to Hyper-V host for Windows Install.


Step 1

Run the following command: ifdown eth0.


This step ensures that the interface is down before performing the static IP configuration. Failure to do so could lead to issues during the installation process that may require TAC support.

Step 2

Using your favorite editor, edit the /etc/network/eth0.interface file to match your environment. For example, add the following lines in the file:

auto eth0 # eth0 interface
iface eth0 inet static # configures static IP for the eth0 interface
metric 100
address XX.XX.XX.XX # Static IP address fr the installer VM
netmask # netmask for the Static IP address
gateway XX.XX.X.X # gateway for the Static IP address
dns-nameservers XX.XX.X.XXX #DNS name servers used by the HX installer
dns-search <DNS_Search_Name>.local # DNS search domain name used by the installer

Step 3

Save the file so that the changes take effect.

Step 4

Run the following command: ifup eth0

Step 5

Reboot the installer VM.

Deploying a Hyper-V Cluster

After downloading and deploying Cisco HX Data Platform Installer, perform the following procedure to deploy your Hyper-V cluster. The following subtasks are also completed as part of this procedure.

  • Cisco UCS Manager configuration

  • Hyper-V installation

  • Windows OS Installation

  • Initial cluster creation

Before you begin

Prior to deploying your Hyper-V cluster, ensure that you have the Windows 2016 Datacenter edition ISO or the Windows Server 2019 Datacenter-Desktop Experience ISO available.


Step 1

Launch HX Data Platform Installer and log in.

Step 2

In the Select a Workflow screen, click Cluster Creation with HyperFlex (FI), complete information for the UCS Manager, Domain Information and Hypervisor Credentials.



Example Value

UCS Manager Credentials

UCS Manager Host Name

FQDN or the IP address for UCS Manager

UCS Manager User Name

The name for the administrator or a user with UCS Manager administrator privileges.



The password for UCS Manager.


Domain Information

Domain Name

Active Directory domain name that the HyperFlex cluster.

HX Service Account

The HX service account that was created in the preinstallation phase.

HX Service account should have full access to the organizational unit used for the cluster.



Verify that the Active Directory policies allow HX service account to have effective permissions to “Write servicePrincipalName” on the computer object created for smb namespace.



Password for the HX service account.


Constrained Delegation

HX Service Account

Required for Constrained Delegation. The user must be a domain administrator.



Password for the HX Service Account

Configure Constrained Delegation now (recommended) or Configure Constrained Delegation later

Select one of the checkboxes.

Constrained Delegation is required for VM Live Migration.

Use the following screenshot as a reference to complete the fields in this page.

The HX Data Platform Installer now connects to UCS Manager and fetches the lists the relevant servers for the HX cluster. The HX Data Platform Installer now validates UCS Firmware.

Click Continue.

Step 3

On the Server Selection page, view all the associated and unassociated servers under the Associated and Unassociated tabs respectively.

Under the Unassociated tab, you can choose to add any nodes to the existing cluster.

Under the Associated tab, you can choose to unassociate servers from the existing cluster.

Use the following screenshot as a reference to complete the fields in this page.

Click Continue.

Step 4

On the UCSM Configuration page, use the guidance below to complete the VLAN Configuration, Mac Pool, Cisco IMC access management (Out-of-band or in band) sub-sections.

  1. VLAN Configuration—A minimum of 4 VLANs are required, and each VLAN needs to be on a different IP subnet and extended from the fabric interconnects to the connecting uplink switches. This will ensure that traffic can flow from the Primary Fabric Interconnect (Fabric A) to the Subordinate Fabric Interconnect (Fabric B).

    Use the following table and illustration as reference for entering values in this screen.

    Example VLAN Name

    Example VLAN ID




    Hyper-V and HyperFlex VM Management.



    HyperFlex Storage traffic



    Hyper-V Live Migration network



    VM guest network



    The use of VLAN 1 may cause issues with disjoint layer 2.

    The vm-network can be multiple VLANs added as a comma separated list.

  2. MAC Pool— Use the following table and illustration to complete the remaining network configuration settings.



    Example Value

    MAC pool prefix

    MAC address pool for the HX cluster, to be configured in UCS Manager by HX Installer. Ensure that the mac address pool is not used anywhere else in your layer 2 environment.


    IP blocks

    The range of IP addresses that are used for Out-Of-Band management of the HyperFlex nodes.

    Subnet Mask

    The subnet mask for the Out-Of-Band network.


    The gateway address for the Out-Of-Band network.

    Cisco IMC access management

    In-band or Out of band

    Out of band

Step 5

If you want to add external storage, use the guidance below:

  1. Configure iSCSI Storage by completing the following fields:



    Enable iSCSI Storage check box

    Select to configure iSCSI storage.

    VLAN A Name

    Name of the VLAN associated with the iSCSI vNIC, on the primary Fabric Interconnect (FI-A).


    ID of the VLAN associated with the iSCSI vNIC, on the primary Fabric Interconnect (FI-A).

    VLAN B Name

    Name of the VLAN associated with the iSCSI vNIC, on the subordinate Fabric Interconnect (FI-B).


    ID of the VLAN associated with the iSCSI vNIC, on the subordinate Fabric Interconnect (FI-A).

  2. Configure FC Storage by completing the following fields:



    Enable FC Storage check box

    Select to enable FC Storage.

    WWxN Pool

    A WWN pool that contains both WW node names and WW port names. For each Fabric Interconnect, a WWxN pool is created for WWPN and WWNN.

    VSAN A Name

    The name of the VSAN for the primary Fabric Interconnect (FI-A).



    The unique identifier assigned to the network for the primary Fabric Interconnect (FI-A).



    Do not enter VSAN IDs that are currently used on the UCS or HyperFlex system. If you enter an existing VSAN ID in the installer which utilizes UCS zoning, zoning will be disabled in your existing environment for that VSAN ID.

    VSAN B Name

    The name of the VSAN for the subordinate Fabric Interconnect (FI-B).



    The unique identifier assigned to the network for the subordinate Fabric Interconnect (FI-B).



    Do not enter VSAN IDs that are currently used on the UCS or HyperFlex system. If you enter an existing VSAN ID in the installer which utilizes UCS zoning, zoning will be disabled in your existing environment for that VSAN ID.

Step 6

On the Hypervisor Configuration page, complete the following fields.



Example Value

Bare metal configuration

Install Hypervisor (Hyper-V)

By default, the Install Hypervisor (Hyper-V) checkbox is selected for Windows OS installation on a bare metal node. Click Browse to select and upload the ISO file. Alternatively, drag and drop the ISO file into the area.

Select the operating system you want to install

The operating system to install can be one of the following:

  • Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (Desktop Experience)

  • Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (CORE)

Configure common Hypervisor Settings

Subnet Mask

Subnet mask for the hypervisor hosts management network


Default gateway for the hypervisor hosts management network

DNS Servers

Comma separated list for the DNS Servers in the AD that the hypervisor hosts are going to be member of.,10.992.201

Hypervisor Settings

Static IP address

Management IP address for each host



If you leave the checkbox Make IP Addresses and Hostnames Sequential as checked then the installer will automatically fill the rest of the servers sequential from the first.


Hostname for each host


Click Continue.

Step 7

HX Data Platform Deployment



Example Value

Domain Information

Domain Name

Active Directory Domain that the cluster will be a part of.

HX Service Account

The HX service account that was created in the preinstallation phase.



Verify that the Active Directory policies allow HX service account to have effective permissions to “Write servicePrincipalName” on the computer object created for smb namespace.



Password for the HX service account.

Constrained Delegation

HX Service Account and Password

Required for Constrained Delegation.

Use HX Service Account

Uses the HX service account for Constrained Delegation. The user must be a domain administrator.

Click checkbox if HX service account is provided.

Configure Constrained Delegation now (recommended) or Configure Constrained Delegation later

Select one of the checkboxes.

Constrained Delegation is required for VM Live Migration. To configure Constrained Delegation later, use the procedure described in Configuring a Static IP Address for Live Migration and VM Network.

Advanced Attributes (optional)

Domain Controller

FQDN for the Domain Controller that you want to use specifically for the installation.

Organization Unit

The OU created during the preinstallation phase can be used here Then, the OU will be the home for the HX nodes in the Active Directory.

OU=HyperFlex, DC=contoso, DC=com

Hypervisor Credentials

Hypervisor Local Administrator User Name

Local administrator username on the Hyper-V hosts

Default username/password: administrator/Cisco123



Systems ship with a default password of Cisco123 that must be changed during installation. You cannot continue installation unless you specify a new user supplied password.

Click Continue.

Step 8

On the IP Addresses page, use the table below to complete the fields in this page.



Example Value

Cisco HX Cluster

Cluster Name (SMB Access Point)

The cluster name to be used as the FQDN for the datastores.


Replication Factor

Select the number of redundant data replicas across the HX storage cluster. Options are 2 or 3. This cannot be changed after the cluster is created. 3 is recommended for production workloads.

3 (Default Value)

Failover Cluster Name

The name used for the Windows Failover Cluster.

Controller VM

Create Admin Password

Confirm Administrator Password

System Services

DNS Servers

Comma separated lists of DNS Servers.,

NTP Servers

The controller VMs needs must be in sync with Windows Active Directory, therefore you must point to your AD domain controllers for time synchronization.,

DNS Domain Name

The domain name for the Active Directory.


The timezone that you want the HX controllers to report in.

Auto Support

Enable Connected Services

Auto Support to ship telemetry data of the HX cluster to Cisco Support.

Send Service ticket to

Email address or alias to receive a copy of the ticket sent to Cisco.


Advance Networking

Management VLAN tag

VLAN used for the Management Network. This must be the same as used earlier in the installation process for the management network.

Data VLAN tag

VLAN used for the Management network. This must be the same as used earlier in the installation process for the data network.

Advanced Configuration

Enable Jumbo Frames on Data network

Sets the MTU size for the storage data network on the host vSwitches and vNICs, and each storage controller VM. The default value is 9000.

Ensure that jumbo frames run on the links connected to the storage VMs.

Disk Partitions

Removes all existing data and partitions from all nodes added to the storage cluster. You must backup any data that should be retained. Select this option to delete existing data and partitions.

This is for manually prepared servers. Do not select this option for factory prepared systems. The disk partitions on factory prepared systems are properly configured.


Configures for VDI only environments. To change the VDI settings after the storage cluster is created, shutdown or move the resources, make changes, and restart the cluster.

Hypervisor Settings

Primary DNS suffix

Completed in earlier steps in the installation.

Additional DNS suffixes

Complete this field if you need more suffices appended on your Hyper-V hosts.

Refer to the illustration below as a sample entries for the various fields in this page.

Step 9

Click Start to begin the deployment. The Progress page displays the progress of the configuration tasks: Start, Deploy Validation, Deploy, Create Validation, Cluster Creation.

Best Practices

Common best practices for Cisco HyperFlex with Microsoft Hyper-V installations are listed below.

  • Do not perform updates to your Windows system out of band with regards to Cisco HyperFlex.

  • If you are using Group Policy settings to configure the behavior of Windows Update (WU), ensure that they do not override the default settings configured by Cisco HyperFlex. Do not configure policies that specify downloading updates automatically and installing them on a schedule.


    By default, Cisco HyperFlex disables automatic updates. The AU Options value is set to 2: Notify of download and installation. For more information about Windows update settings, see Manage additional Windows Update settings.