
Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol

Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol (RBSCP) was designed for wireless or long-distance delay links with high error rates, such as satellite links. Using tunnels, RBSCP can improve the performance of certain IP protocols, such as TCP and IP Security (IPSec), over satellite links without breaking the end-to-end model.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

Restrictions for Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol

  • RBSCP was designed for wireless or long-distance delay links with high error rates such as satellite links. If you do not have long-distance delay links with high error rates, do not implement this feature.

  • If IP access lists (ACLs) are configured on an interface that is used by an RBSCP tunnel, the RBSCP IP protocol (199) must be allowed to enter and exit that interface or the tunnel will not function.

  • RBSCP has some performance limitations because traffic through the tunnel is process-switched.

Information About Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol

IP over Satellite Links

Satellite links have several characteristics that affect the performance of IP protocols over the link. The figure below shows that satellite links can have a one-way delay of 275 milliseconds. A round-trip time (RTT) of 550 milliseconds is a very long delay for TCP. Another issue is the high error rates (packet loss rates) that are typical of satellite links as compared to wired links in LANs. Even the weather affects satellite links, causing a decrease in available bandwidth, and an increase in RTT and packet loss.

Figure 1. Typical Satellite Link

Long RTT keeps TCP in a slow start mode, which increases the time before the satellite link bandwidth is fully used. TCP and Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) interpret packet loss events as congestion in the network and start to perform congestion recovery procedures, which reduce the traffic being sent over the link.

Although available satellite link bandwidths are increasing, the long RTT and high error rates experienced by IP protocols over satellite links are producing a high bandwidth-delay product (BDP).

Performance Enhancing Proxy over Satellite Links

To address the problem of TCP being kept in a slow start mode when a satellite link is used, a disruptive performance enhancing proxy (PEP) solution is introduced into the network. In the figure below you can see that the transport connection is broken up into three sections with hosts on the remote side connecting to the Internet through their default router. The router sends all Internet-bound traffic to the TCP PEP, which terminates the TCP connection to the Internet. The PEP generates a local TCP ACK (TCP spoofing) for all data. Traffic is buffered and retransmitted through a single PEP protocol connection over the satellite link. The second PEP receives the data from the satellite link and retransmits the data over separate TCP connections to the Internet. TCP transmission is disrupted, so dropped packets are not interpreted as TCP congestion and can be retransmitted from buffered data. Minimal TCP ACKs and reduced TCP slow starts allow more bandwidth to be used.

Figure 2. Disruptive TCP PEP Solution

One of the disadvantages to using disruptive TCP PEP is the breaking of the end-to-end model. Some applications cannot work when the flow of traffic is broken, and the PEP has no provision for handling encrypted traffic (IPSec). New transport protocols such as SCTP require special handling or additional code to function with disruptive TCP PEP. An additional managed network component is also required at every satellite router.

RBSCP over Satellite Links

RBSCP has been designed to preserve the end-to-end model and provide performance improvements over the satellite link without using a PEP solution. IPSec encryption of clear-text traffic (for example a VPN service configuration) across the satellite link is supported. RBSCP allows two routers to control and monitor the sending rates of the satellite link, thereby increasing the bandwidth utilization. Lost packets are retransmitted over the satellite link by RBSCP preventing the end host TCP senders from going into slow start mode.

RBSCP is implemented using a tunnel interface as shown in the figure below. The tunnel can be configured over any network interface supported by Cisco IOS software that can be used by a satellite modem or internal satellite modem network module. IP traffic is sent across the satellite link with appropriate modifications and enhancements that are determined by the router configuration. Standard routing or policy-based routing can be used to determine the traffic to be sent through the RBSCP tunnel.

Figure 3. Nondisruptive RBSCP Solution

RBSCP tunnels can be configured for any of the following features.

Time Delay

One of the RBSCP routers can be configured to hold frames due for transmission through the RBSCP tunnel. The delay time increases the RTT at the end host and allows RBSCP time to retransmit lost TCP frames or other protocol frames. If the retransmission is successful, it prevents lost frame events from reaching the end host where congestion procedures would be enabled. In some cases the retransmission can be completed by RBSCP without inserting the delay.

ACK Splitting

Performance improvements can be made for clear-text TCP traffic using acknowledgement (ACK) splitting in which a number of additional TCP ACKs are generated for each TCP ACK received. TCP will open a congestion window by one maximum transmission unit (MTU) for each TCP ACK received. Opening the congestion window results in increased bandwidth becoming available. Configure this feature only when the satellite link is not using all the available bandwidth. Encrypted traffic cannot use ACK splitting.

Window Stuffing

Clear-text TCP and SCTP traffic can benefit from the RBSCP window stuffing feature. RBSCP can buffer traffic so that the advertised window can be incremented up to the available satellite link bandwidth or the available memory in the router. The end host that sends the packets is fooled into thinking that a larger window exists at the receiving end host and sends more traffic. Use this feature with caution because the end host may send too much traffic for the satellite link to handle and the resulting loss and retransmission of packets may cause link congestion.

SCTP Drop Reporting

SCTP uses an appropriate byte counting method instead of ACK counting to determine the size of the transmission window, so ACK splitting does not work with SCTP. The RBSCP tunnel can generate an SCTP packet-dropped report for packets dropped across the satellite but not as a result of congestion loss. This SCTP drop reporting is on by default and provides a chance to retransmit the packet without affecting the congestion window size. Actual congestion losses are still reported, and normal recovery mechanisms are activated.

How to Configure Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol

Configuring the RBSCP Tunnel

Perform this task to configure the RBSCP tunnel. Remember to configure the router at each end of the tunnel.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the physical interface to be used as the tunnel source in this task is already configured.


    1.    enable

    2.    configure terminal

    3.    interface type number

    4.    ip unnumbered interface-type interface-number

    5.    tunnel source {ip-address | interface-type interface-number}

    6.    tunnel destination {hostname | ip-address}

    7.    tunnel bandwidth {receive | transmit} bandwidth

    8.    tunnel mode {aurp | cayman| dvmrp| eon| gre| gre multipoint| ipip[decapsulate-any]| iptalk| mpls| nos| rbscp}

    9.    tunnel rbscp ack_split split-size

    10.    tunnel rbscp delay

    11.    tunnel rbscp report

    12.    tunnel rbscp window_stuff step-size

    13.    exit

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1 enable

    Router> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    • Enter your password if prompted.

    Step 2 configure terminal

    Router# configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode.

    Step 3 interface type number

    Router(config)# interface tunnel 0

    Specifies the interface type and number and enters interface configuration mode.

    Step 4 ip unnumbered interface-type interface-number

    Router(config-if)# ip unnumbered Ethernet 1

    Enables IP processing on an interface without assigning an explicit IP address.

    • Whenever the unnumbered interface generates a packet (for example, for a routing update), it uses the address of the specified interface as the source address of the IP packet.

    Step 5 tunnel source {ip-address | interface-type interface-number}

    Router(config-if)# tunnel source Ethernet 1

    Configures the tunnel source.

    • Use the ip-addressargument to specify the IP address of the service provider.

    • Use the interface-typeand interface-numberarguments to specify the interface to use. For RBSCP we recommend specifying an interface as the tunnel source.

    Step 6 tunnel destination {hostname | ip-address}

    Router(config-if)# tunnel destination

    Configures the tunnel destination.

    • Use the hostnameargument to specify the IP address of the service provider.

    • Use the ip-addressargument to specify the interface to use.

    Step 7 tunnel bandwidth {receive | transmit} bandwidth

    Router(config-if)# tunnel bandwidth transmit 1000

    Specifies the tunnel bandwidth to be used to transmit packets.

    • Use the bandwidthargument to specify the bandwidth.


    The receive keyword is no longer used.

    Step 8 tunnel mode {aurp | cayman| dvmrp| eon| gre| gre multipoint| ipip[decapsulate-any]| iptalk| mpls| nos| rbscp}

    Router(config-if)# tunnel mode rbscp

    Specifies the protocol to be used in the tunnel.

    • Use the rbscp keyword to specify that RBSCP will be used as the tunnel protocol.

    Step 9 tunnel rbscp ack_split split-size

    Router(config-if)# tunnel rbscp ack_split 6

    (Optional) Enables TCP acknowledgement (ACK) splitting with RBSCP tunnels.

    • Use the split-size argument to specify the number of ACKs to send for every ACK received.

    • The default number of ACKs is 4.

    Step 10 tunnel rbscp delay

    Router(config-if)# tunnel rbscp delay

    (Optional) Enables RBSCP tunnel delay.

    • Use this command only when the RTT is greater than 700 milliseconds.

    Step 11 tunnel rbscp report

    Router(config-if)# tunnel rbscp report

    (Optional) Reports dropped RBSCP packets to SCTP.

    • Reporting dropped packets to SCTP provides better bandwidth use because SCTP tells the end hosts to retransmit the dropped packets and this prevents the end hosts from assuming that the network is congested.

    Step 12 tunnel rbscp window_stuff step-size

    Router(config-if)# tunnel rbscp window_stuff 3

    (Optional) Enables TCP window stuffing by increasing the value of the TCP window scale for RBSCP tunnels.

    • Use the step-size argument to specify the step increment number.

    Step 13 exit

    Router(config-if)# exit

    Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

    • Repeat this step one more time to exit global configuration mode.


    What to Do Next

    This task must be repeated on the router on the other side of the satellite link. Substitute the sample IP addresses, host names, and other parameters for the appropriate values on the second router.

    Verifying that the RBSCP Tunnel Is Active

    Perform this task to verify that the RBSCP tunnel configured in the Configuring the RBSCP Tunnel task is active.


      1.    enable

      2.    show rbscp [all| state| statistics] [tunnel tunnel-number]

      3.    exit

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 enable

      Router> enable

      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

      • Enter your password if prompted.

      Step 2 show rbscp [all| state| statistics] [tunnel tunnel-number]

      Router# show rbscp state tunnel 1

      Use this command with the state and tunnelkeywords to display information about the current state of the tunnel. In the following sample output the tunnel is shown in an open state. All counters display totals accumulated since the last clear rbscp command was issued.

      Step 3 exit

      Router># exit

      Exits priviliged EXEC configuration mode.


      Verifying the RBSCP Traffic

      Perform this task to verify that the traffic is being transmitted through the RBSCP tunnel and across the satellite link.


        1.    enable

        2.    show interfaces tunnel number [accounting

        3.    exit

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1 enable

        Router> enable

        Enables privileged EXEC mode.

        • Enter your password if prompted.

        Step 2 show interfaces tunnel number [accounting

        Router# show interfaces tunnel 0

        Use this command to show that traffic is being transmitted through the RBSCP tunnel.

        Step 3 exit

        Router># exit

        Exits priviliged EXEC configuration mode.


        Configuration Examples for Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol

        Configuring the RBSCP Tunnel Example

        In the following example, Router 1 and Router 2 are configured to send traffic through an RBSCP tunnel over a satellite link.

        Router 1

        interface Tunnel 0
         ip unnumbered ethernet1
         tunnel source ethernet1
         tunnel destination
         tunnel bandwidth transmit 1000
         tunnel mode rbscp
         tunnel rbscp ack_split 6
         tunnel rbscp report
        interface ethernet1
         description Satellite Link
         ip address

        Router 2

        interface Tunnel 0
         ip unnumbered ethernet1
         tunnel source ethernet1
         tunnel destination
         tunnel bandwidth transmit 1000
         tunnel mode rbscp
         tunnel rbscp ack_split 6
         tunnel rbscp report
        interface ethernet1
         description Satellite Link
         ip address

        Configuring Routing for the RBSCP Tunnel Example

        To control the type of traffic that uses the RBSCP tunnel, you must configure the appropriate routing. If you want to direct all traffic through the tunnel, you can configure a static route.


        Remember to configure the tunnel interface as passive if dynamic routing protocols are used to prevent routing flaps.

        The following example shows how to use policy based routing to route some specific protocol types through the tunnel. In this example, an extended access list allows TCP, Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) protocol, and Authentication Header (AH) traffic to travel through the tunnel. All IP traffic is denied.

        Router 1 (Local Side)

        interface Tunnel1
         ip unnumbered FastEthernet1/1
         tunnel source FastEthernet1/1
         tunnel destination
         tunnel mode rbscp
         tunnel ttl 5
         tunnel bandwidth transmit 30000
         tunnel rbscp window_stuff 1
         tunnel rbscp ack_split 4
        interface FastEthernet0/0
         ip address
         ip policy route-map rbscp-pbr
         duplex auto
         speed auto
        interface FastEthernet1/1
         description Satellite Link
         ip address
         duplex auto
         speed auto
        ip route FastEthernet1/1
        ip access-list extended rbscp-acl
         permit tcp any
         permit 132 any
         permit esp any
         permit ahp any
         deny ip any any
        route-map rbscp-pbr permit 10
         match ip address rbscp-acl
         set interface Tunnel1

        Router 2 (Remote Side)

        ip dhcp pool CLIENT
         import all
        interface Tunnel1
         ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/1
         tunnel source FastEthernet0/1
         tunnel destination
         tunnel mode rbscp
         tunnel ttl 5
         tunnel bandwidth transmit 30000
         tunnel rbscp window_stuff 1
         tunnel rbscp ack_split 4
        interface FastEthernet0/0
         description Local LAN
         ip address
         ip policy route-map rbscp-pbr
         duplex auto
         speed auto
        interface FastEthernet0/1
         description Satellite Link
         ip address
         duplex auto
         speed auto
        ip route FastEthernet0/1
        ip access-list extended rbscp-acl
         permit tcp any any
         permit 132 any any
         permit esp any any
         permit ahp any any
         deny ip any any
        route-map rbscp-pbr permit 10
         match ip address rbscp-acl
         set interface Tunnel1

        Additional References

        Related Documents

        Related Topic

        Document Title

        Tunnel interface commands: complete command syntax, command mode, defaults, usage guidelines, and examples

        Cisco IOS Interface and Hardware Component Command Reference

        Tunnel configuration

        Cisco IOS Interface and Hardware Component Configuration Guide




        No new or modified standards are supported by this feature, and support for existing standards has not been modified by this feature.




        MIBs Link

        No new or modified MIBs are supported by this feature, and support for existing MIBs has not been modified by this feature.

        To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:





        RFC 1323

        TCP Extensions for High Performance

        RFC 2018

        TCP Selective Acknowledgment Options

        Technical Assistance



        Technical Assistance Center (TAC) home page, containing 30,000 pages of searchable technical content, including links to products, technologies, solutions, technical tips, and tools. Registered users can log in from this page to access even more content.


        Feature Information for Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol

        The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

        Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

        Table 1 Feature Information for AToM NSF Any Transport over MPLS and AToM Graceful Restart

        Feature Name


        Feature Information

        Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol


        This feature was introduced.

        The following commands were introduced or modified:

        clear rbscp, debug tunnel rbscp, show rbscp, tunnel bandwidth, tunnel mode, tunnel rbscp ack_split, tunnel rbscp delay, tunnel rbscp input_drop, tunnel rbscp long_drop, tunnel rbscp report, tunnel rbscp, window_stuff.

        Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol

        Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol

        Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol (RBSCP) was designed for wireless or long-distance delay links with high error rates, such as satellite links. Using tunnels, RBSCP can improve the performance of certain IP protocols, such as TCP and IP Security (IPSec), over satellite links without breaking the end-to-end model.

        Finding Feature Information

        Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

        Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

        Restrictions for Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol

        • RBSCP was designed for wireless or long-distance delay links with high error rates such as satellite links. If you do not have long-distance delay links with high error rates, do not implement this feature.

        • If IP access lists (ACLs) are configured on an interface that is used by an RBSCP tunnel, the RBSCP IP protocol (199) must be allowed to enter and exit that interface or the tunnel will not function.

        • RBSCP has some performance limitations because traffic through the tunnel is process-switched.

        Information About Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol

        IP over Satellite Links

        Satellite links have several characteristics that affect the performance of IP protocols over the link. The figure below shows that satellite links can have a one-way delay of 275 milliseconds. A round-trip time (RTT) of 550 milliseconds is a very long delay for TCP. Another issue is the high error rates (packet loss rates) that are typical of satellite links as compared to wired links in LANs. Even the weather affects satellite links, causing a decrease in available bandwidth, and an increase in RTT and packet loss.

        Figure 1. Typical Satellite Link

        Long RTT keeps TCP in a slow start mode, which increases the time before the satellite link bandwidth is fully used. TCP and Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) interpret packet loss events as congestion in the network and start to perform congestion recovery procedures, which reduce the traffic being sent over the link.

        Although available satellite link bandwidths are increasing, the long RTT and high error rates experienced by IP protocols over satellite links are producing a high bandwidth-delay product (BDP).

        Performance Enhancing Proxy over Satellite Links

        To address the problem of TCP being kept in a slow start mode when a satellite link is used, a disruptive performance enhancing proxy (PEP) solution is introduced into the network. In the figure below you can see that the transport connection is broken up into three sections with hosts on the remote side connecting to the Internet through their default router. The router sends all Internet-bound traffic to the TCP PEP, which terminates the TCP connection to the Internet. The PEP generates a local TCP ACK (TCP spoofing) for all data. Traffic is buffered and retransmitted through a single PEP protocol connection over the satellite link. The second PEP receives the data from the satellite link and retransmits the data over separate TCP connections to the Internet. TCP transmission is disrupted, so dropped packets are not interpreted as TCP congestion and can be retransmitted from buffered data. Minimal TCP ACKs and reduced TCP slow starts allow more bandwidth to be used.

        Figure 2. Disruptive TCP PEP Solution

        One of the disadvantages to using disruptive TCP PEP is the breaking of the end-to-end model. Some applications cannot work when the flow of traffic is broken, and the PEP has no provision for handling encrypted traffic (IPSec). New transport protocols such as SCTP require special handling or additional code to function with disruptive TCP PEP. An additional managed network component is also required at every satellite router.

        RBSCP over Satellite Links

        RBSCP has been designed to preserve the end-to-end model and provide performance improvements over the satellite link without using a PEP solution. IPSec encryption of clear-text traffic (for example a VPN service configuration) across the satellite link is supported. RBSCP allows two routers to control and monitor the sending rates of the satellite link, thereby increasing the bandwidth utilization. Lost packets are retransmitted over the satellite link by RBSCP preventing the end host TCP senders from going into slow start mode.

        RBSCP is implemented using a tunnel interface as shown in the figure below. The tunnel can be configured over any network interface supported by Cisco IOS software that can be used by a satellite modem or internal satellite modem network module. IP traffic is sent across the satellite link with appropriate modifications and enhancements that are determined by the router configuration. Standard routing or policy-based routing can be used to determine the traffic to be sent through the RBSCP tunnel.

        Figure 3. Nondisruptive RBSCP Solution

        RBSCP tunnels can be configured for any of the following features.

        Time Delay

        One of the RBSCP routers can be configured to hold frames due for transmission through the RBSCP tunnel. The delay time increases the RTT at the end host and allows RBSCP time to retransmit lost TCP frames or other protocol frames. If the retransmission is successful, it prevents lost frame events from reaching the end host where congestion procedures would be enabled. In some cases the retransmission can be completed by RBSCP without inserting the delay.

        ACK Splitting

        Performance improvements can be made for clear-text TCP traffic using acknowledgement (ACK) splitting in which a number of additional TCP ACKs are generated for each TCP ACK received. TCP will open a congestion window by one maximum transmission unit (MTU) for each TCP ACK received. Opening the congestion window results in increased bandwidth becoming available. Configure this feature only when the satellite link is not using all the available bandwidth. Encrypted traffic cannot use ACK splitting.

        Window Stuffing

        Clear-text TCP and SCTP traffic can benefit from the RBSCP window stuffing feature. RBSCP can buffer traffic so that the advertised window can be incremented up to the available satellite link bandwidth or the available memory in the router. The end host that sends the packets is fooled into thinking that a larger window exists at the receiving end host and sends more traffic. Use this feature with caution because the end host may send too much traffic for the satellite link to handle and the resulting loss and retransmission of packets may cause link congestion.

        SCTP Drop Reporting

        SCTP uses an appropriate byte counting method instead of ACK counting to determine the size of the transmission window, so ACK splitting does not work with SCTP. The RBSCP tunnel can generate an SCTP packet-dropped report for packets dropped across the satellite but not as a result of congestion loss. This SCTP drop reporting is on by default and provides a chance to retransmit the packet without affecting the congestion window size. Actual congestion losses are still reported, and normal recovery mechanisms are activated.

        How to Configure Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol

        Configuring the RBSCP Tunnel

        Perform this task to configure the RBSCP tunnel. Remember to configure the router at each end of the tunnel.

        Before You Begin

        Ensure that the physical interface to be used as the tunnel source in this task is already configured.


          1.    enable

          2.    configure terminal

          3.    interface type number

          4.    ip unnumbered interface-type interface-number

          5.    tunnel source {ip-address | interface-type interface-number}

          6.    tunnel destination {hostname | ip-address}

          7.    tunnel bandwidth {receive | transmit} bandwidth

          8.    tunnel mode {aurp | cayman| dvmrp| eon| gre| gre multipoint| ipip[decapsulate-any]| iptalk| mpls| nos| rbscp}

          9.    tunnel rbscp ack_split split-size

          10.    tunnel rbscp delay

          11.    tunnel rbscp report

          12.    tunnel rbscp window_stuff step-size

          13.    exit

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1 enable

          Router> enable

          Enables privileged EXEC mode.

          • Enter your password if prompted.

          Step 2 configure terminal

          Router# configure terminal

          Enters global configuration mode.

          Step 3 interface type number

          Router(config)# interface tunnel 0

          Specifies the interface type and number and enters interface configuration mode.

          Step 4 ip unnumbered interface-type interface-number

          Router(config-if)# ip unnumbered Ethernet 1

          Enables IP processing on an interface without assigning an explicit IP address.

          • Whenever the unnumbered interface generates a packet (for example, for a routing update), it uses the address of the specified interface as the source address of the IP packet.

          Step 5 tunnel source {ip-address | interface-type interface-number}

          Router(config-if)# tunnel source Ethernet 1

          Configures the tunnel source.

          • Use the ip-addressargument to specify the IP address of the service provider.

          • Use the interface-typeand interface-numberarguments to specify the interface to use. For RBSCP we recommend specifying an interface as the tunnel source.

          Step 6 tunnel destination {hostname | ip-address}

          Router(config-if)# tunnel destination

          Configures the tunnel destination.

          • Use the hostnameargument to specify the IP address of the service provider.

          • Use the ip-addressargument to specify the interface to use.

          Step 7 tunnel bandwidth {receive | transmit} bandwidth

          Router(config-if)# tunnel bandwidth transmit 1000

          Specifies the tunnel bandwidth to be used to transmit packets.

          • Use the bandwidthargument to specify the bandwidth.


          The receive keyword is no longer used.

          Step 8 tunnel mode {aurp | cayman| dvmrp| eon| gre| gre multipoint| ipip[decapsulate-any]| iptalk| mpls| nos| rbscp}

          Router(config-if)# tunnel mode rbscp

          Specifies the protocol to be used in the tunnel.

          • Use the rbscp keyword to specify that RBSCP will be used as the tunnel protocol.

          Step 9 tunnel rbscp ack_split split-size

          Router(config-if)# tunnel rbscp ack_split 6

          (Optional) Enables TCP acknowledgement (ACK) splitting with RBSCP tunnels.

          • Use the split-size argument to specify the number of ACKs to send for every ACK received.

          • The default number of ACKs is 4.

          Step 10 tunnel rbscp delay

          Router(config-if)# tunnel rbscp delay

          (Optional) Enables RBSCP tunnel delay.

          • Use this command only when the RTT is greater than 700 milliseconds.

          Step 11 tunnel rbscp report

          Router(config-if)# tunnel rbscp report

          (Optional) Reports dropped RBSCP packets to SCTP.

          • Reporting dropped packets to SCTP provides better bandwidth use because SCTP tells the end hosts to retransmit the dropped packets and this prevents the end hosts from assuming that the network is congested.

          Step 12 tunnel rbscp window_stuff step-size

          Router(config-if)# tunnel rbscp window_stuff 3

          (Optional) Enables TCP window stuffing by increasing the value of the TCP window scale for RBSCP tunnels.

          • Use the step-size argument to specify the step increment number.

          Step 13 exit

          Router(config-if)# exit

          Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

          • Repeat this step one more time to exit global configuration mode.


          What to Do Next

          This task must be repeated on the router on the other side of the satellite link. Substitute the sample IP addresses, host names, and other parameters for the appropriate values on the second router.

          Verifying that the RBSCP Tunnel Is Active

          Perform this task to verify that the RBSCP tunnel configured in the Configuring the RBSCP Tunnel task is active.


            1.    enable

            2.    show rbscp [all| state| statistics] [tunnel tunnel-number]

            3.    exit

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1 enable

            Router> enable

            Enables privileged EXEC mode.

            • Enter your password if prompted.

            Step 2 show rbscp [all| state| statistics] [tunnel tunnel-number]

            Router# show rbscp state tunnel 1

            Use this command with the state and tunnelkeywords to display information about the current state of the tunnel. In the following sample output the tunnel is shown in an open state. All counters display totals accumulated since the last clear rbscp command was issued.

            Step 3 exit

            Router># exit

            Exits priviliged EXEC configuration mode.


            Verifying the RBSCP Traffic

            Perform this task to verify that the traffic is being transmitted through the RBSCP tunnel and across the satellite link.

            SUMMARY STEPS

              1.    enable

              2.    show interfaces tunnel number [accounting

              3.    exit

            DETAILED STEPS
               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1 enable

              Router> enable

              Enables privileged EXEC mode.

              • Enter your password if prompted.

              Step 2 show interfaces tunnel number [accounting

              Router# show interfaces tunnel 0

              Use this command to show that traffic is being transmitted through the RBSCP tunnel.

              Step 3 exit

              Router># exit

              Exits priviliged EXEC configuration mode.


              Configuration Examples for Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol

              Configuring the RBSCP Tunnel Example

              In the following example, Router 1 and Router 2 are configured to send traffic through an RBSCP tunnel over a satellite link.

              Router 1

              interface Tunnel 0
               ip unnumbered ethernet1
               tunnel source ethernet1
               tunnel destination
               tunnel bandwidth transmit 1000
               tunnel mode rbscp
               tunnel rbscp ack_split 6
               tunnel rbscp report
              interface ethernet1
               description Satellite Link
               ip address

              Router 2

              interface Tunnel 0
               ip unnumbered ethernet1
               tunnel source ethernet1
               tunnel destination
               tunnel bandwidth transmit 1000
               tunnel mode rbscp
               tunnel rbscp ack_split 6
               tunnel rbscp report
              interface ethernet1
               description Satellite Link
               ip address

              Configuring Routing for the RBSCP Tunnel Example

              To control the type of traffic that uses the RBSCP tunnel, you must configure the appropriate routing. If you want to direct all traffic through the tunnel, you can configure a static route.


              Remember to configure the tunnel interface as passive if dynamic routing protocols are used to prevent routing flaps.

              The following example shows how to use policy based routing to route some specific protocol types through the tunnel. In this example, an extended access list allows TCP, Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) protocol, and Authentication Header (AH) traffic to travel through the tunnel. All IP traffic is denied.

              Router 1 (Local Side)

              interface Tunnel1
               ip unnumbered FastEthernet1/1
               tunnel source FastEthernet1/1
               tunnel destination
               tunnel mode rbscp
               tunnel ttl 5
               tunnel bandwidth transmit 30000
               tunnel rbscp window_stuff 1
               tunnel rbscp ack_split 4
              interface FastEthernet0/0
               ip address
               ip policy route-map rbscp-pbr
               duplex auto
               speed auto
              interface FastEthernet1/1
               description Satellite Link
               ip address
               duplex auto
               speed auto
              ip route FastEthernet1/1
              ip access-list extended rbscp-acl
               permit tcp any
               permit 132 any
               permit esp any
               permit ahp any
               deny ip any any
              route-map rbscp-pbr permit 10
               match ip address rbscp-acl
               set interface Tunnel1

              Router 2 (Remote Side)

              ip dhcp pool CLIENT
               import all
              interface Tunnel1
               ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/1
               tunnel source FastEthernet0/1
               tunnel destination
               tunnel mode rbscp
               tunnel ttl 5
               tunnel bandwidth transmit 30000
               tunnel rbscp window_stuff 1
               tunnel rbscp ack_split 4
              interface FastEthernet0/0
               description Local LAN
               ip address
               ip policy route-map rbscp-pbr
               duplex auto
               speed auto
              interface FastEthernet0/1
               description Satellite Link
               ip address
               duplex auto
               speed auto
              ip route FastEthernet0/1
              ip access-list extended rbscp-acl
               permit tcp any any
               permit 132 any any
               permit esp any any
               permit ahp any any
               deny ip any any
              route-map rbscp-pbr permit 10
               match ip address rbscp-acl
               set interface Tunnel1

              Additional References

              Related Documents

              Related Topic

              Document Title

              Tunnel interface commands: complete command syntax, command mode, defaults, usage guidelines, and examples

              Cisco IOS Interface and Hardware Component Command Reference

              Tunnel configuration

              Cisco IOS Interface and Hardware Component Configuration Guide




              No new or modified standards are supported by this feature, and support for existing standards has not been modified by this feature.




              MIBs Link

              No new or modified MIBs are supported by this feature, and support for existing MIBs has not been modified by this feature.

              To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:





              RFC 1323

              TCP Extensions for High Performance

              RFC 2018

              TCP Selective Acknowledgment Options

              Technical Assistance



              Technical Assistance Center (TAC) home page, containing 30,000 pages of searchable technical content, including links to products, technologies, solutions, technical tips, and tools. Registered users can log in from this page to access even more content.


              Feature Information for Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol

              The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

              Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

              Table 1 Feature Information for AToM NSF Any Transport over MPLS and AToM Graceful Restart

              Feature Name


              Feature Information

              Rate Based Satellite Control Protocol


              This feature was introduced.

              The following commands were introduced or modified:

              clear rbscp, debug tunnel rbscp, show rbscp, tunnel bandwidth, tunnel mode, tunnel rbscp ack_split, tunnel rbscp delay, tunnel rbscp input_drop, tunnel rbscp long_drop, tunnel rbscp report, tunnel rbscp, window_stuff.