Implementing Host Services and Applications

Implementing Host Services and Applications

Cisco IOS XR software Host Services and Applications features on the router are used primarily for checking network connectivity and the route a packet follows to reach a destination, mapping a hostname to an IP address or an IP address to a hostname, and transferring files between routers and UNIX workstations.

Prerequisites for implementing Host Services and Applications

Ensure to install the relevant optional RPM package before using the host services or applications. For example, Install Telnet RPM before using Telnet.

Network Connectivity Tools

Network connectivity tools enable you to check device connectivity by running traceroutes and pinging devices on the network:


The ping command is a common method for troubleshooting the accessibility of devices. It uses two Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) query messages, ICMP echo requests, and ICMP echo replies to determine whether a remote host is active. The ping command also measures the amount of time it takes to receive the echo reply.

The ping command first sends an echo request packet to an address, and then it waits for a reply. The ping is successful only if the echo request gets to the destination, and the destination is able to get an echo reply (hostname is alive) back to the source of the ping within a predefined time interval.

The bulk option has been introduced to check reachability to multiple destinations. The destinations are directly input through the CLI. This option is supported for ipv4 destinations only.

Checking Network Connectivity

As an aid to diagnosing basic network connectivity, many network protocols support an echo protocol. The protocol involves sending a special datagram to the destination host, then waiting for a reply datagram from that host. Results from this echo protocol can help in evaluating the path-to-host reliability, delays over the path, and whether the host can be reached or is functioning.

Configuration for Checking Network Connectivity

The following configuration shows an extended ping command sourced from the Router A HundredGigEinterface and destined for the Router B HundredGigE interface. If this ping succeeds, it is an indication that there is no routing problem. Router A knows how to get to the HundredGigEinterface of Router B, and Router B knows how to get to the HundredGigE interface of Router A. Also, both hosts have their default gateways set correctly.

If the extended ping command from Router A fails, it means that there is a routing problem. There could be a routing problem on any of the three routers: Router A could be missing a route to the subnet of Router B's interface, or to the subnet between Router C and Router B; Router B could be missing a route to the subnet of Router A's subnet, or to the subnet between Router C and Router A; and Router C could be missing a route to the subnet of Router A's or Router B's Ethernet segments. You should correct any routing problems, and then Host 1 should try to ping Host 2. If Host 1 still cannot ping Host 2, then both hosts' default gateways should be checked. The connectivity between the HundredGigE interface of Router A and the HundredGigE interface of Router B is checked with the extended ping command.

With a normal ping from Router A to Router B's HundredGigE interface, the source address of the ping packet would be the address of the outgoing interface; that is the address of the HundredGigE interface, ( When Router B replies to the ping packet, it replies to the source address (that is, This way, only the connectivity between the HundredGigE interface of Router A ( and the 10gige interface of Router B ( is tested.

To test the connectivity between Router A's HundredGigE interface ( and Router B's interface (, we use the extended ping command. With extended ping, we get the option to specify the source address of the ping packet.

Configuration Example

In this use case, the extended ping command verifies the IP connectivity between the two IP addresses Router A ( and Router B ( .

Router# ping
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5)

*/If you do not enter a hostname or an IP address on the same line as the ping command, 
the system prompts you to specify the target IP address and several other command parameters. 
After specifying the target IP address, you can specify alternate values for the 
remaining parameters or accept the displayed default for each parameter /*

Router# ping
Tue Sep 24 02:41:45.739 UTC
Protocol [ipv4]: ipv4
Target IP address:
Repeat count [5]: 5
Datagram size [100]: 1
% A decimal number between 36 and 18024.
Datagram size [100]: 36
Timeout in seconds [2]: 1
Interval in milliseconds [10]: 1
Extended commands? [no]: y
Source address or interface:
Type of service [0]: 
Set DF bit in IP header? [no]: 
Validate reply data? [no]: 
Data pattern [0xABCD]: 
Loose, Strict, Record, Timestamp, Verbose[none]: 
Sweep range of sizes? [no]: 
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 36-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 1 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/3/7 ms
Associated Commands
  • ping

Checking Network Connectivity for Multiple Destinations

The bulk option enables you to check reachability to multiple destinations. The destinations are directly input through the CLI. This option is supported for ipv4 destinations only.

Configuration Example

Check reachability and network connectivity to multiple hosts on IP networks with the following IP addresses:

  • 1:

  • 2:

  • 3:

Router# ping bulk ipv4 input cli batch 
*/You must hit the Enter button and then specify one destination address per line*/
Please enter input via CLI with one destination per line and when done Ctrl-D/(exit) to initiate pings: 
Starting pings...
Target IP address:
Repeat count [5]: 5
Datagram size [100]: 1
% A decimal number between 36 and 18024.
Datagram size [100]: 1
% A decimal number between 36 and 18024.
Datagram size [100]: 1000
Timeout in seconds [2]: 1
Interval in milliseconds [10]: 10
Extended commands? [no]: no
Sweep range of sizes? [no]: q
% Please answer 'yes' or 'no'.
Sweep range of sizes? [no]: q
% Please answer 'yes' or 'no'.
Sweep range of sizes? [no]: 
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 1000-byte ICMP Echos to, vrf is default, timeout is 1 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5),
Target IP address:
Repeat count [5]: 
Datagram size [100]: q
% A decimal number between 36 and 18024.
Datagram size [100]: 
Timeout in seconds [2]: 
Interval in milliseconds [10]: 
Extended commands? [no]: 
Sweep range of sizes? [no]: 
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, vrf is default, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5),
Target IP address:
Repeat count [5]: 4
Datagram size [100]: 100
Timeout in seconds [2]: 1
Interval in milliseconds [10]: 10
Extended commands? [no]: no
Sweep range of sizes? [no]: no
Sending 4, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, vrf is default, timeout is 1 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (4/5),
Associated Commands
  • ping bulk ipv4


Where the ping command can be used to verify connectivity between devices, the traceroute command can be used to discover the paths packets take to a remote destination and where routing breaks down.

The traceroute command records the source of each ICMP "time-exceeded" message to provide a trace of the path that the packet took to reach the destination. You can use the IP traceroute command to identify the path that packets take through the network on a hop-by-hop basis. The command output displays all network layer (Layer 3) devices, such as routers, that the traffic passes through on the way to the destination.

The traceroute command uses the Time To Live (TTL) field in the IP header to cause routers and servers to generate specific return messages. The traceroute command sends a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagram to the destination host with the TTL field set to 1. If a router finds a TTL value of 1 or 0, it drops the datagram and sends back an ICMP time-exceeded message to the sender. The traceroute facility determines the address of the first hop by examining the source address field of the ICMP time-exceeded message.

To identify the next hop, the traceroute command sends a UDP packet with a TTL value of 2. The first router decrements the TTL field by 1 and sends the datagram to the next router. The second router sees a TTL value of 1, discards the datagram, and returns the time-exceeded message to the source. This process continues until the TTL increments to a value large enough for the datagram to reach the destination host (or until the maximum TTL is reached).

To determine when a datagram reaches its destination, the traceroute command sets the UDP destination port in the datagram to a very large value that the destination host is unlikely to be using. When a host receives a datagram with an unrecognized port number, it sends an ICMP port unreachable error to the source. This message indicates to the traceroute facility that it has reached the destination.

Checking Packet Routes

The traceroute command allows you to trace the routes that packets actually take when traveling to their destinations.

Configuration Example

Trace the route from to

Router# traceroute
Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to
 1 39 msec  *  3 msec

*/If you do not enter a hostname or an IP address on the same line as the traceroute 
command, the system prompts you to specify the target IP address and several other 
command parameters. After specifying the target IP address, you can specify alternate 
values for the remaining parameters or accept the displayed default for each 

Router #traceroute
Protocol [ipv4]: 
Target IP address:
Source address:
Numeric display? [no]: 
Timeout in seconds [3]: 
Probe count [3]: 
Minimum Time to Live [1]: 
Maximum Time to Live [30]: 
Port Number [33434]: 
Loose, Strict, Record, Timestamp, Verbose[none]: 

Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to
 1 3 msec  *  3 msec
Associated Commands
  • traceroute

Domain Services

Cisco IOS XR software domain services acts as a Berkeley Standard Distribution (BSD) domain resolver. The domain services maintains a local cache of hostname-to-address mappings for use by applications, such as Telnet, and commands, such as ping and traceroute. The local cache speeds the conversion of host names to addresses. Two types of entries exist in the local cache: static and dynamic. Entries configured using the domain ipv4 host or domain ipv6 host command are added as static entries, while entries received from the name server are added as dynamic entries.

The name server is used by the World Wide Web (WWW) for translating names of network nodes into addresses. The name server maintains a distributed database that maps hostnames to IP addresses through the DNS protocol from a DNS server. One or more name servers can be specified using the domain name-server command.

When an application needs the IP address of a host or the hostname of an IP address, a remote-procedure call (RPC) is made to the domain services. The domain service looks up the IP address or hostname in the cache, and if the entry is not found, the domain service sends a DNS query to the name server.

You can specify a default domain name that Cisco IOS XR software uses to complete domain name requests. You can also specify either a single domain or a list of domain names. Any IP hostname that does not contain a domain name has the domain name you specify appended to it before being added to the host table. To specify a domain name or names, use either the domain name or domain list command.

Configuring Domain Services

DNS-based hostname-to-address translation is enabled by default. If hostname-to-address translation has been disabled using the domain lookup disable command, re-enable the translation using the no domain lookup disable command.

Configuration Example

Define a static hostname-to-address mapping. Associate (or map) the IPv4 addresses ( and with two hosts. The host names are host1 and host2.

Defining the Domain Host
Router# configure
Router(config)#domain ipv4 host host1 
Router(config)#domain ipv4 host host2

Defining the Domain Name
*/Define as the default domain name/*
Router(config)#domain name

Specifying the Addresses of the Name Servers
*/Specify host as the primary name server 
and host as the secondary server/*
Router(config)#domain name-server 
Router(config)#domain name-server


Router#show hosts 
Default domain is
Name/address lookup uses domain service
Name servers:,
Host                       Flags    Age(hr) Type Address(es)
host2                    (perm, OK)   0      IP
host1                    (perm, OK)   0      IP

Associated Commands

  • domain name

  • domain list

  • domain name-server

  • domain ipv4 host

  • domain ipv6 host

File Transfer Services

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), remote copy protocol (rcp) rcp clients, and Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) are implemented as file systems or resource managers. For example, path names beginning with tftp:// are handled by the TFTP resource manager.

The file system interface uses URLs to specify the location of a file. URLs commonly specify files or locations on the WWW. However, on Cisco routers, URLs also specify the location of files on the router or remote file servers.

When a router crashes, it can be useful to obtain a copy of the entire memory contents of the router (called a core dump) for your technical support representative to use to identify the cause of the crash. SCP, FTP, TFTP, rcp can be used to save the core dump to a remote server.


File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is part of the TCP/IP protocol stack, which is used for transferring files between network nodes. FTP is defined in RFC 959.

Configuring a Router to Use FTP Connections

You can configure the router to use FTP connections for transferring files between systems on the network. You can set the following FTP characteristics:

  • Passive-mode FTP

  • Password

  • IP address

Configuration Example

Enable the router to use FTP connections. Configure the software to use passive FTP connections, a password for anonymous users, and also specify the source IP address for FTP connections.

Router(config)#ftp client passive

Router(config)#ftp client anonymous-password xxxx
Router(config)#ftp client source-interface HundredGigE 0/0/0/0
Running Configuration
Router#show running-config ftp client passive
ftp client passive

Router#show running-config ftp client anonymous-password xxxx
ftp client anonymous-password xxxx
Router#show running-config ftp client source-interface HundredGigE 0/0/0/0
Associated Commands
  • ftp client passive

  • ftp client anonymous-password

  • ftp client source-interface


Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a simplified version of FTP that allows files to be transferred from one computer to another over a network, usually without the use of client authentication (for example, username and password).

Configuring a Router to Use TFTP Connections

Configuration Example

Configure the router to use TFTP connections and set the IP address of the HundredGigE 0/0/0/0 as the source address for TFTP connections:

Router(config)#tftp client source-interface HundredGigE 0/0/0/0
Running Configuration
Router#show running-config tftp client source-interface HundredGigE 0/0/0/0
tftp client source-interface HundredGigE 0/0/0/0
Router#show cinetd services
Vrf Name Family  Service  Proto Port ACL max_cnt  curr_cnt  wait   Program Client Option     
default  v4    tftp udp    69  				unlimited  0       wait   tftpd    sysdb disk0:         
default  v4      telnet   tcp    23  				10         0       nowait telnetd  sysdb   
Associated Commands
  • tftp client source-interface type

  • show cinetd services


Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) is a file transfer protocol which provides a secure and authenticated method for transferring files. SCP relies on SSHv2 to transfer files from a remote location to a local location or from local location to a remote location.

Cisco IOS XR software supports SCP server and client operations. If a device receives an SCP request, the SSH server process spawns the SCP server process which interacts with the client. For each incoming SCP subsystem request, a new SCP server instance is spawned. If a device sends a file transfer request to a destination device, it acts as the client.

When a device starts an SSH connection to a remote host for file transfer, the remote device can either respond to the request in Source Mode or Sink Mode. In Source Mode, the device is the file source. It reads the file from its local directory and transfers the file to the intended destination. In Sink Mode, the device is the destination for the file to be transferred.

Using SCP, you can copy a file from the local device to a destination device or from a destination device to the local device.

Using SCP, you can only transfer individual files. You cannot transfer a file from a destination device to another destination device.

Transferring Files Using SCP

Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) allows you to transfer files between source and destination devices. You can transfer one file at a time. If the destination is a server, SSH server process must be running.

Configuration Example

Transfers the file "test123.txt" from the local directory to the remote directory.

Router#scp /harddisk:/test123.txt xyz@
Connecting to

Verify if the file "test123.txt" is copied:

xyz-lnx-v1:/auto/remote> ls -altr test123.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 xyz eng 0 Nov 23 09:46 test123.txt
Associated Commands
  • scp

Cisco inetd

Cisco Internet services process daemon (Cinetd) is a multithreaded server process that is started by the system manager after the system has booted. Cinetd listens for Internet services such as Telnet service, TFTP service, and so on. Whether Cinetd listens for a specific service depends on the router configuration. For example, when the tftp server command is entered, Cinetd starts listening for the TFTP service. When a request arrives, Cinetd runs the server program associated with the service.


You must install Telnet RPM before using the Telnet service and the show cinetd services command.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show cinetd services
Wed Aug 21 16:49:42.609 UTC
Vrf Name   Family  Service  Proto  Port  ACL   max_cnt   curr_cnt  wait   Program Client     Option
default    v4      telnet   tcp    23     10       0     nowait  telnetd   sysdb


Enabling Telnet allows inbound Telnet connections into a networking device.


Ensure to install Telnet RPM before using the Telnet service and show cinetd services command.

Configuration Example

Enable telnet and limit the number of simultaneous users that can access the router to 10.

Router# configure 
Router(config)# telnet ipv4 server max-servers 10
Router(config)# commit


Router# show cinetd services 
Vrf Name  Family    Service   Proto Port ACL max_cnt  curr_cnt  wait   Program Client Option        
default   v4         tftp      udp  69       unlimited  0        wait   tftpd   sysdb  disk0:         
default   v4     telnet  tcp  23        10  0        nowait telnetd sysdb  

Syslog source-interface

You can configure the logging source interface to identify the syslog traffic, originating in a VRF from a particular router, as coming from a single device.

Configuration Example

Enable a source interface for the remote syslog server. Configure interface loopback 2 to be the logging source interface for the default vrf.

Router(config)#logging source-interface Loopback2


Running Configuration

Router#show running-config logging
/*Logging configuration after changing the source into loopback2 interface.
logging console debugging
logging monitor debugging
logging facility local4
logging vrf default severity info port default
logging source-interface Loopback2

Associated Commands

  • logging source-interface

  • show running-configuration logging