Model-Driven Command-Line Interface

This section shows the CLI commands that are based on YANG data models and can be used on the router console.

Model-Driven CLI to Display Data Model Structure

Table 1. Feature History Table

Feature Name

Release Information


Model-driven CLI to Show YANG Operational Data

Release 7.3.2

This feature enables you to use a traditional CLI command to display YANG data model structures on the router console and also obtain operational data from the router in JSON or XML formats. The functionality helps you transition smoothly between CLI and YANG models, easing data retrieval from your router and network.

This feature introduces the show yang operational command.

Cisco IOS XR Software provides a rich set of show commands and data models to access data from the router and network. The show commands present unstructured data, whereas data models are structured data that can be encoded in XML or JSON formats. However, both the access points do not always present the same view. Network operators who work on show commands face challenges with adopting the data models when transitioning to programmatic interfaces.

With this feature, these adoption challenges are overcome using show yang operational command that is driven by data models. The command uses the data model as the base to display the structured data using traditional CLI command. Using this command, you can simplify parsing scripts via XML and JSON formats.

A data model has a structured hierarchy: model, module, container, and leaf. The following example shows the structure of ietf-interfaces.yang data model:
module: ietf-interfaces
  +--rw interfaces
  |  +--rw interface* [name]
  |     +--rw name                        string
  |     +--rw description?                string
  |     +--rw type                        identityref
  |     +--rw enabled?                    boolean
  |     +--rw link-up-down-trap-enable?   enumeration {if-mib}?
  +--ro interfaces-state    
        +--ro interface* [name]        
        +--ro name               string        
        +--ro type               identityref        
        +--ro admin-status       enumeration {if-mib}
In the example, the hierarchy of the data model is as follows:
  • Model—ietf-interfaces.yang

  • Module—ietf-interfaces

  • Container—interfaces, interface-state

  • Node—interface* [name]

  • Leaf—name, description, type, enabled, link-up-down-trap-enable, admin-status

You can use the show yang operational command to navigate to the leaf level as you do in a data model.

The image show a mapping between CLI and data model, and how the structured data is displayed on the console.

The table shows various queries that can be used to navigate through the hierarchy of a data model using the CLI command. The queries are demonstrated using Cisco-IOS-XR-interfaces-oper.yang data model as an example.

Operational Query


Search specific top-level nodes

Search and produce the output of keywords from top-level nodes.

Router#show yang operational
Router#show yang operational | include <component>
The following example shows the search result for interfaces:
Router#show yang operational | include interface
Wed Jul  7 00:02:37.982 PDT

All the instances of the container

Lists all the models at the root level container and its container name.

Router#show yang operational ?
You can also see the containers for a partially typed keyword. For example, keyword search for mpls- displays all the containers with mpls :
Router#show yang operational mpls-
mpls-io-oper-mpls-ea      mpls-io-oper-mpls-ma             mpls-ldp-mldp-oper:mpls-mldp
mpls-lsd-oper:mpls-lsd    mpls-lsp-oper:mpls-lsd-nodes     mpls-ldp-mldp-oper:mpls-mldp
mpls-vpn-oper:l3vpn       mpls-te-oper:mpls-tp             mpls-te-oper:mpls-te
View the container data. The output of the command is in-line with the structure of the data model.
Router#show yang operational mpls-static-oper:mpls-static
Request datatree:
        mpls-static (ka)
 "Cisco-IOS-XR-mpls-static-oper:mpls-static": {
   "vrfs": {
    "vrf": [
       "vrf-name": "default"
    "summary": {
     "lsp-count": 0,
     "label-count": 0,
     "label-error-count": 0,
     "label-discrepancy-count": 0,
     "vrf-count": 1,
     "active-vrf-count": 1,
     "interface-count": 0,
     "interface-forward-reference-count": 0,
     "lsd-connected": true,
     "ribv4-connected": false,
     "ribv6-connected": false

All the nodes of the container

Router#show yang operational mpls-static-oper:mpls-static ?
   JSON      Output in JSON format
   XML       Output in XML format
   |          Output Modifiers
Output in JSON Format:
Router#show yang operational man-netconf-oper:netconf-yang clients JSON
Mon Sep 27 11:38:27.158 PST
Request datatree:
        netconf-yang (ka)
"Cisco-IOS-XR-man-netconf-oper:netconf-yang": {
  "clients": {
   "client": [
     "session-id": "1396267443",
     "version": "1.1",
     "connect-time": "52436839",
     "last-op-time": "1545",
     "last-op-type": "get",
     "locked": "No"
Output in XML Format:
Router#show yang operational man-netconf-oper:netconf-yang clients XML
Mon Sep 27 11:38:34.218 PST
Request datatree:
        netconf-yang (ka)
<netconf-yang xmlns="">

Navigate until the last leaf level

Router#show yang operational mpls-static-oper:mpls-static summary ?
   JSON                           Output in JSON format
   XML                            Output in XML format
   |                               Output Modifiers
View data specific to the leaf value. The read only (ro) leaves in a YANG model are considered as the state data (operational).
Router#show yang operational mpls-static-oper:mpls-static summary active-vrf-count
Request datatree:
        mpls-static (ka)
 "Cisco-IOS-XR-mpls-static-oper:mpls-static": {
   "summary": {
    "active-vrf-count": [

Model-Driven CLI to Display Running Configuration in XML and JSON Formats

Table 2. Feature History Table

Feature Name

Release Information


Model-driven CLI to Display Running Configuration in XML and JSON Formats

Release 7.3.2

This feature enables you to display the configuration data for Cisco IOS XR platforms in both JSON and XML formats.

This feature introduces the show run | [xml | json] command.

The show run | [xml | json] command uses native, OpenConfig and unified models to retrieve and display data.

Use the following variations of the command to generate output:

  • show run | [xml | json] —Shows configuration in YANG XML or JSON tree.

  • show run | [xml | json] openconfig —Shows configuration in OpenConfig YANG XML tree.

  • show run | [xml | json] unified —Shows configuration in unified model YANG XML tree.

  • show run component | [xml | json] —Shows configuration in YANG XML or JSON tree for the top-level component. For example, show run interface | xml

  • show run component | [xml | json] unified —Shows configuration in unified model YANG XML or JSON tree for the top-level component. For example, show run interface | json unified

  • show run component subcomponent | [xml | json] —Shows configuration in YANG XML or JSON tree for the granular-level component. For example, show run router bgp 12 neighbor | xml

  • show run component subcomponent | [xml | json] unified —Shows configuration in unified model YANG XML or JSON tree for the granular-level component. For example, show run router bgp 12 neighbor | json unified

XML Output
Router#show run | xml
Building configuration...
  <interface-configurations xmlns="">
  <interfaces xmlns="">
JSON Output
Router#show run | json
Building configuration...
  "data": {
    "Cisco-IOS-XR-ifmgr-cfg:interface-configurations": {
       "interface-configuration": [
	     "active": "act",
	     "interface-name": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0",
	     "shutdown": [
	     "active": "act",
	     "interface-name": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1",
	     "shutdown": [
	     "active": "act",
	     "interface-name": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2",
	     "shutdown": [
	"Cisco-IOS-XR-man-netconf-cfg:netconf-yang": {
	   "agent": {
	     "ssh": true
Granular-Level Component Output
Router#sh run router bgp 12 neighbor | json unified
 "data": {
  "Cisco-IOS-XR-um-router-bgp-cfg:router": {
   "bgp": {
    "as": [
      "as-number": 12,
      "neighbors": {
       "neighbor": [
         "neighbor-address": "",
         "remote-as": 12,
         "address-families": {
          "address-family": [
            "af-name": "ipv4-unicast"
Unified Model Output
Router#sh run router bgp 12 | xml unified
 <router xmlns=>