Segment Routing Tree Segment Identifier

Tree Segment Identifier (Tree-SID) is a tree-building solution that uses a Segment Routing Path Computation Element (SR-PCE) using path computation element protocol (PCEP) to calculate the point-to-multipoint (P2MP) tree using SR policies. Tree-SID uses a single MPLS label for building a multicast replication tree in an SR network. Tree-SID does not require multicast control protocols such as RSVP, mLDP, and PIM.

A P2MP SR policy provides an SR-based TE solution for transporting multicast traffic. It works on existing data-plane (MPLS and IP) and supports TE capabilities and single/multi routing domains. At each node of the tree, the forwarding state is represented by the same segment (using a global Tree-SID specified from the SRLB range of labels). P2MP SR policy prevents transient loop and packet loss when updating the path of a P2MP SR policy.

A P2MP SR policy request contains the following:

  • Policy name

  • SID for the P2MP Tree (Tree-SID)

  • Address of the root-node

  • Addresses of the leaf-nodes

  • TE optimization criteria (for example, TE or IGP metric) and constraints

Configure Segment Routing Tree-SID

To configure Segment Routing Tree-SID for Point-to-Multipoint (P2MP) SR policies, complete the following configurations:

  1. Configure Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP) Path Computation Client (PCC) on all nodes involved in the Tree-SID path (root, mid-point, leaf)

  2. Configure Affinity Maps on the SR-PCE

  3. Configure P2MP SR Policy on SR-PCE

  4. Configure Multicast on the Root and Leaf Nodes

Configure PCEP PCC on All Nodes in Tree-SID Path

Configure all nodes involved in the Tree-SID path (root, mid-point, leaf) as PCEP PCC. For detailed PCEP PCC configuration information, see the Configure the Head-End Router as PCEP PCC section.

Configure Affinity Maps on the SR-PCE

Use the affinity bit-map COLOR bit-position command in PCE SR-TE sub-mode to define affinity maps. The bit-position range is from 0 to 255.

Router# configure
Router(config)# pce
Router(config-pce)# segment-routing traffic-eng
Router(config-pce-sr-te)# affinity bit-map RED 23
Router(config-pce-sr-te)# affinity bit-map BLUE 24
Router(config-pce-sr-te)# affinity bit-map CROSS 25

Configure P2MP SR Policy on SR-PCE

Configure the end-point name and addresses, Tree-SID label, and constraints for the P2MP policy.

Use the endpoint-set NAME command in SR-PCE P2MP sub-mode to enter the name of the end-point set and to define the set of end-point addresses.

Router(config-pce-sr-te)# p2mp 
Router(config-pce-sr-te-p2mp)# endpoint-set BAR
Router(config-pce-p2mp-ep-set)# ipv4
Router(config-pce-p2mp-ep-set)# ipv4
Router(config-pce-p2mp-ep-set)# ipv4
Router(config-pce-p2mp-ep-set)# exit

Use the policy policy command to configure the P2MP policy name and enter P2MP Policy sub-mode. Configure the source address, endpoint-set color, Tree-SID label, affinity constraints, and metric type.

Router(config-pce-sr-te-p2mp)# policy FOO
Router(config-pce-p2mp-policy)# source ipv4
Router(config-pce-p2mp-policy)# color 10 endpoint-set BAR 
Router(config-pce-p2mp-policy)# treesid mpls 15200
Router(config-pce-p2mp-policy)# candidate-paths 
Router(config-pce-p2mp-policy-path)# constraints 
Router(config-pce-p2mp-path-const)# affinity 
Router(config-pce-p2mp-path-affinity)# exclude BLUE  
Router(config-pce-p2mp-path-affinity)# exit
Router(config-pce-p2mp-path-const)# exit
Router(config-pce-p2mp-policy-path)# preference 100
Router(config-pce-p2mp-policy-path-preference)# dynamic 
Router(config-pce-p2mp-path-info)# metric type te
Router(config-pce-p2mp-path-info)# root

Configure Multicast on the Root and Leaf Nodes

On the root node of the SR P2MP segment, use the router pim command to enter Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) configuration mode to statically steer multicast flows into an SR P2MP policy.


Enter this configuration only on an SR P2MP segment. Multicast traffic cannot be steered into a P2P policy.
Router(config)# router pim
Router(config-pim)# vrf name
Router(config-pim-name)# address-family ipv4 
Router(config-pim-name-ipv4)# sr-p2mp-policy FOO 
Router(config-pim-name-ipv4-srp2mp)# static-group
Router(config-pim-name-ipv4-srp2mp)# root

On the root and leaf nodes of the SR P2MP tree, use the mdt static segment-routing command to configure the multicast distribution tree (MDT) core as Tree-SID from the multicast VRF configuration submode.

Router(config)# multicast-routing 
Router(config-mcast)# vrf TEST
Router(config-mcast-TEST)# address-family ipv4 
Router(config-mcast-TEST-ipv4)# mdt static segment-routing

On the leaf nodes of an SR P2MP segment, use the static sr-policy p2mp-policy command to configure the static SR P2MP Policy from the multicast VRF configuration submode to statically decapsulate multicast flows.

Router(config)# multicast-routing 
Router(config-mcast)# vrf TEST
Router(config-mcast-TEST)# address-family ipv4 
Router(config-mcast-TEST-ipv4)# static sr-policy FOO

Running Config

The following example shows how to configure the end point addresses and P2MP SR policy with affinity constraints on SR-PCE.

   affinity bit-map
    RED 23
    BLUE 24
    CROSS 25
    endpoint-set BAR
    policy FOO
     source ipv4
     color 10 endpoint-set BAR
     treesid mpls 15200
      preference 100
         type te

The following example shows how to statically decapsulate multicast flows on the leaf nodes.

 vrf TEST
  address-family ipv4
   static sr-policy FOO

The following example shows to configure the multicast distribution tree (MDT) core as Tree-SID on the root and leaf nodes.

 vrf TEST
  address-family ipv4
   mdt static segment-routing

The following example shows how to steer traffic to the SR P2MP policy on the root node.

router pim
 vrf TEST
  address-family ipv4
   sr-p2mp-policy FOO

Multicast VPN: Tree-SID MVPN

Table 1. Feature History Table

Feature Name

Release Information

Feature Description

Multicast VPN: Tree-SID MVPN

Release 7.8.1

With this feature, you can use SR and MVPN for optimally transporting IP VPN multicast traffic over the SP network, using SR-PCE as a controller.

With SR’s minimal source router configuration requirement, its ability to implement policies with specific optimization objectives and constraints and use SR-PCE to dynamically generate optimal multicast trees (including when topology changes occur in the multicast tree), the SR-enabled SP network can transport IP multicast traffic efficiently.

Prerequisites for Multicast VPN: Tree-SID MVPN

  • The underlay OSPF/IS-IS network is configured, and OSPF/IS-IS adjacency is formed between routers, across the network.

  • BGP is configured for the network, and BGP adjacency is formed between routers. BGP MVPN configuration information is provided in this feature document.

  • To understand the benefits, know-how, and configuration of SR and SR-TE policies, see About Segment Routing and Configure SR-TE Policies.

Information About Multicast VPN: Tree-SID MVPN

Typically, a customer’s IP VPN is spread across VPN sites. IP VPN customer traffic is sent from one site to another over a VPN Service Provider (SP) network.

When IP multicast traffic within a (BGP/MPLS) IP VPN is transported over an SP network (say, from VPN1-Site-A to VPN1-Site-B, as shown in the image), the SP network requires protocols and procedures to optimally transport multicast traffic from a multicast sender in Site-A to multicast receivers in Site-B.

This use case explains how to enable SR multicast for an SP network, and efficiently transport IP VPN multicast traffic (sent from VPN1-Site-A and) received at PE router A, through to PE routers D and E, towards receivers in sites VPN1-Site-B and VPN1-Site-C.

Figure 1. IP VPN Multicast Traffic Flow Over An SP Network

To enable the Multicast VPN: Tree-SID MVPN feature, the following protocols and software applications are used.

OSPF/IS-IS - The underlay network is created with OSPF/IS-IS routing protocol, and reachability is established across the network. See Configure Segment Routing for IS-IS Protocolor Configure Segment Routing for OSPF Protocol chapter for details.

BGP Multicast VPN (MVPN) – The PE routers (A, D, and E) are IP VPN end-points for IP multicast traffic arriving at the SP network (at PE router A) and exiting the SP network (at PE routers D and E). So, BGP MVPN is enabled on the PE routers. NSO is used to configure BGP MVPN on the PE routers.

BGP Auto-Discovery (AD) - To enable distributed VPN end-point discovery and C-multicast flow mapping and signalling, BGP AD function is configured on the PE routers. A BGP Auto-Discovery route contains multicast router (loopback IP address) and tree identity (segment ID) information. It carries the information in the Provider Multicast Service Interface (PMSI) Tunnel Attribute (PTA).

C-multicast states are signaled using BGP.

SR - To transport IP multicast traffic between the VPN end-points (PE routers A, D, and E), Provider (or P-) tunnels are used. In a P-tunnel, the PE devices are the tunnel end-points. P-tunnels can be generated using different technologies (RSVP-TE, P2MP LSPs, PIM trees, mLDP P2MP LSPs, and mLDP MP2MP LSPs). In this use case, Segment Routing (SR) is used for its benefits that were noted earlier.

With SR and SR-PCE, a Tree-SID Point-to-Multipoint (P2MP) segment is used to create P-Tunnels for MVPN. You can specify SR policy optimization objectives (such as metrics) and constraints (such as affinity) in an SR policy and send it to the SR-PCE controller, so that it can dynamically create SR multicast trees for traffic flow.

SR-PCE - This is a controller which, based on the provided SR policy information, computes optimal paths for a multicast tree, and deploys the tree forwarding state on the multicast routers. When a topology change occurs, SR-PCE automatically computes a new, optimal multicast tree, and deploys the new tree forwarding state on the multicast routers.

Overview of Multicast VPN: Tree-SID MVPN

The following sections provide an overview of Tree-SID MVPN. The topology remains the same, with PE routers A, D, and E acting as VPN end-points for carrying IP VPN multicast traffic.

Tree-SID MVPN Overview

  1. For SR, A is designated as the SR head-end router, and D and E are designated as the SR end-points.

    For multicast traffic, A is the root of the SR multicast tree, and D and E are leaf routers of the tree. B and C are the other multicast routers. The objective is to send the IP multicast traffic arriving at A to D and E, as needed

    Figure 2. Multicast Tree
  2. A discovers leaf routers’ information through BGP MVPN.

  3. Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP) is used for the SR multicast policy communication between A and the SR-PCE server, and communication between PE routers and the SR-PCE server.

  4. When the head-end router SR policy is created on A, and PCEP configurations are enabled on the SR-PCE server and all multicast routers, SR-PCE receives the SR policy and leaf router identity information from A.

  5. Based on the policy information it receives, including TE objectives and constraints, SR-PCE builds multicast distribution trees in the underlay for efficient VPN traffic delivery.

  6. SR-PCE assigns an SID for the SR multicast tree policy, and deploys the multicast tree forwarding state on the multicast routers.

  7. When IP multicast traffic is sent from VPN1-SiteA to PE router A, it steers it into the SR policy, and sends it towards D and E, which forward it to multicast traffic receivers in the sites VPN1-SiteB and VPN1-SiteC.

  8. When a leaf/multicast router is added or removed, PE router A updates the SR multicast policy and sends it to SR-PCE. SR-PCE computes new multicast routes, and deploys the multicast tree forwarding state information on the multicast routers.

SR Multicast Tree Types

This is an overview of the types of SR multicast trees you can configure, depending on your requirement. You can create a full mesh, on-demand, or optimal multicast tree for IP VPN multicast flow in the SP network.

Figure 3. Full Mesh Multicast Tree
  1. A assigns Tree-ID 10 and invokes a Create an SR multicast tree request by sending the multicast router and tree ID information (A, 10) towards SR-PCE.

  2. A announces BGP AD Inclusive PMSI (I-PMSI) route with the PTA (A, 10). Inclusive PMSI - Traffic that is multicast by a PE router on an I-PMSI is received by all other PEs in the MVPN. I-PMSIs are generated by Inclusive P-tunnels .

  3. A discovers VPN endpoints D and E from their BGP AD Type I-PMSI route messages.

  4. A invokes an Add SR multicast leaf router request (for D and E) to SR-PCE.

  5. SR-PCE computes and generates the multicast tree forwarding state information on all the routers that are part of the tree.

Figure 4. On-Demand SR Multicast Tree
  1. A assigns Tree-ID 20 and invokes a Create an SR multicast tree request by sending the multicast router and tree ID information (A, 20) towards SR-PCE.

  2. A announces BGP AD Selective PMSI (or S-PMSI) route with PTA (A, 20). A sets the leaf-info-required to discover endpoint interest set.

    Selective PMSI - Traffic multicast by a PE on an S-PMSI is received by some PEs in the MVPN. S-PMSIs are generated by Selective P-tunnels.

  3. E has a receiver behind it, and announces a BGP-AD leaf route towards A. A discovers service endpoint E for the on-demand tree.

  4. A invokes an Add SR multicast leaf router request (for E) to SR-PCE.

  5. SR-PCE computes and generates the multicast tree information for all the routers that are part of the tree.

Figure 5. Optimal Multicast Tree
  1. A decides to optimize a flow and assigns Tree-ID 30 and invokes a Create an SR multicast tree request by sending the multicast router and tree ID information (A, 30) towards SR-PCE.

  2. A announces BGP AD I-PMSI route with PTA (A,30). A sets the leaf-info-required to discover endpoint interest set.

  3. D has a receiver behind it, and announces a BGP-AD leaf route towards A. A discovers service endpoint D for optimized flow.

  4. A invokes an Add SR multicast leaf router request (for D) to SR-PCE.

  5. SR-PCE computes and generates the multicast tree information for all the routers that are part of the tree.


Head End Router Configuration (Router A) - The following configuration is specific to the head end router.

Configure TE Constraints and Optimization Parameters

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# segment-routing traffic-engineering

An affinity bit-map is created so that it can be applied to a link or interface.

Router(config-sr-te)# affinity-map name 10 bit-position 24
Router(config-sr-te)# commit

An affinity (or relationship) is created between the SR policy path and the link color so that SR-TE computes a path that includes or excludes links, as specified. The head-end router automatically follows the actions defined in the ODN template (for color 10) upon the arrival of VPN routes with a BGP color extended community that matches color 10.

Router(config)# segment-routing traffic-engineering
Router(config-sr-te)# on-demand color 10 dynamic
Router(config-sr-te-color-dyn)# affinity include-all name red
Router(config-sr-te-color-dyn)# affinity include-any name blue
Router(config-sr-te-color-dyn)# affinity exclude-any name green
Router(config-sr-te-color-dyn)# metric type te
Router(config-sr-te-color-dyn)# commit 

The SR policy configuration on the head-end router A will be sent to the SR-PCE server, after a connection is established between A and SR-PCE.

Multicast Router Configuration

Configure PCEP Client on Multicast Routers

Associate each multicast router as a client of the SR-PCE server. The pce address ipv4 command specifies the SR-PCE server’s IP address.

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# segment-routing traffic-engineering
Router(config-sr-te)# pcc pce address ipv4
Router(config-pcc-pce)# commit

SR PCE Server Configuration

Configure Label Range for Multicast Trees

Configure the label range to be used for transporting IP multicast traffic in SP network.
Router(config)# pce segment-routing traffic-eng p2mp label-range min 30000 max 60000
Router(config)# commit

Disable ECMP load splitting

To disable ECMP load splitting of different trees on the SR-PCE server, configure the multipath-disable command.

Router(config)# pce segment-routing traffic-eng p2mp multipath-disable
Router(config)# commit

Multicast Routing Configuration On PE Routers

The following MVPN configurations are required for VPN end-points, the 3 PE routers.

Configure Default MDT SR P2MP MVPN Profile

In this configuration, an MDT profile of the type default is created, and the SR multicast policy with color 10 will be used to send IP multicast traffic, as per the constraints and optimizations of the policy, through the multicast tree.

Router(config)# multicast-routing vrf cust1 
Router(config-mcast-cust1)# address-family ipv4 
Router(config-mcast-cust1-ipv4)# mdt default segment-routing mpls color 10
Router(config-mcast-cust1-ipv4)# commit

Configure Partitioned MDT SR P2MP MVPN Profile

In this configuration, an MDT profile of the type partitioned is created, and the SR multicast policy with color 10 will be used to send IP multicast traffic, as per the constraints and optimizations of the policy, through the multicast tree.

Router(config)# multicast-routing vrf cust1 
Router(config-mcast-cust1)# address-family ipv4 
Router(config-mcast-cust1-ipv4)# mdt partitioned segment-routing mpls color 10
Router(config-mcast-cust1-ipv4)# commit

The following Data MVPN configuration is required at the Ingress PE (router A) where the multicast flows need to be steered onto the data MDT for SR multicast traffic flow.

Note - Data MDT can be configured for Default and Partitioned profiles.

Configure Data MDT for SR P2MP MVPN

In this configuration, an MDT profile of the type data is created, and the SR multicast policy with color 10 will be used to send IP multicast traffic, as per the constraints and optimizations of the policy, through the multicast tree.

  • As an alternative to the color keyword, you can specify a route policy in the route-policy command, and define the route policy separately (as mentioned in the next configuration).

  • The threshold command specifies the threshold above which a multicast flow is switched onto the data MDT. The immediate-switch keyword enables an immediate switch of a multicast flow to the data MDT, without waiting for threshold limit to be crossed.

  • The customer-route-acl keyword specifies an ACL to enable specific multicast flows to be put on to the data MDT.

Router(config)# multicast-routing vrf cust1 
Router(config-mcast-cust1)# address-family ipv4 
Router(config-mcast-cust1-ipv4)# mdt data segment-routing mpls 2 color 10
Router(config-mcast-cust1-ipv4)# commit

Route Policy Example

The route policy designates multicast flow-to-SR multicast policy mapping, with different colors.

  • With this configuration, IP multicast flows for the multicast group are steered into the SR multicast policy created with the on-demand color 10, while flows for are steered into the policy created with color 20.

  • Route policies can also be used to match other parameters, such as source address.

Router(config)# route-policy TSID-DATA
Router(config-rpl)# if destination in ( then 
Router(config-rpl-if)# set on-demand-color 10
Router(config-rpl-if)# pass
Router(config-rpl-if)# elseif destination in ( then 
Router(config-rpl-elseif)# set on-demand-color 20
Router(config-rpl-elseif)# pass 
Router(config-rpl-elseif)# endif 
Router(config-rpl)# end-policy 
Router(config)# commit 

Configure MVPN BGP Auto-Discovery for SR P2MP

The following configuration is required on all PE routers, and is mandatory for default MDT, partitioned MDT, and data MDT.

Configure the BGP Auto-Discovery function for transporting IP multicast traffic.
Router(config)# multicast-routing vrf cust1 
Router(config-mcast-cust1)# address-family ipv4 
Router(config-mcast-cust1-ipv4)# bgp auto-discovery segment-routing 
Router(config-mcast-cust1-ipv4-bgp-ad)# commit


View MVPN Context Information - You can view MVPN VRF context information with these commands.

View Default MDT Configuration

This command displays SR multicast tree information, including the MDT details (of default type, etc), and customer VRF information (route target, route distinguisher, etc).

Router# show mvpn vrf vpn1 context    

MVPN context information for VRF vpn1 (0x9541cf0)

RD: 1:10 (Valid, IID 0x1), VPN-ID: 0:0
Import Route-targets : 2
BGP Auto-Discovery Enabled (I-PMSI added) 
SR P2MP Core-tree data:
  MDT Name: TRmdtvpn1, Handle: 0x4150, idb: 0x956fc30
  MTU: 1376, MaxAggr: 255, SW_Int: 30, AN_Int: 60
  RPF-ID: 3, C:0, O:1, D:0, CP:0
  Static Type : - / - 
  Def MDT ID: 524289 (0x93993f0), added: 1, HLI: 0x80001, Cfg: 1/0
  Part MDT ID: 0 (0x0), added: 0, HLI: 0x00000, Cfg: 0/0
  Ctrl Trees : 0/0/0, Ctrl ID: 0 (0x0), Ctrl HLI: 0x00000

View Partitioned MDT Configuration

This command displays SR multicast tree information, including the MDT details (of partitioned type, etc), and customer VRF information (route target, route distinguisher, etc).

Router# show mvpn vrf vpn1 context 

MVPN context information for VRF vpn1 (0x9541cf0)

RD: 1:10 (Valid, IID 0x1), VPN-ID: 0:0
Import Route-targets : 2
BGP Auto-Discovery Enabled (I-PMSI added) , MS-PMSI sent
SR P2MP Core-tree data:
  MDT Name: TRmdtvpn1, Handle: 0x4210, idb: 0x956fc30
  MTU: 1376, MaxAggr: 255, SW_Int: 30, AN_Int: 60
  RPF-ID: 1, C:0, O:1, D:0, CP:0
  Static Type : - / - 
  Def MDT ID: 0 (0x0), added: 0, HLI: 0x00000, Cfg: 0/0
  Part MDT ID: 524292 (0x9399318), added: 1, HLI: 0x80004, Cfg: 1/0
  Ctrl Trees : 0/0/0, Ctrl ID: 0 (0x0), Ctrl HLI: 0x00000

View Partitioned MDT Ingress PE Configuration

This command displays SR multicast tree information on the PE router that receives the multicast traffic on the SP network. The information includes PE router details, MDT details, Tree-SID details, and the specified customer VRF information.

Router# show mvpn vrf vpn1 pe 

MVPN Provider Edge Router information

VRF : vpn1

PE Address : (0x9570240)
  RD: 0:0:0 (null), RIB_HLI 0, RPF-ID 13, Remote RPF-ID 0, State: 0, S-PMSI: 2
  PPMP_LABEL: 0, MS_PMSI_HLI: 0x00000, Bidir_PMSI_HLI: 0x00000, MLDP-added: [RD 0, ID 0, Bidir ID 0, Remote Bidir ID 0], Counts(SHR/SRC/DM/DEF-MD): 0, 0, 0, 0, Bidir: GRE RP Count 0, MPLS RP Count 0RSVP-TE added: [Leg 0, Ctrl Leg 0, Part tail 0 Def Tail 0, IR added: [Def Leg 0, Ctrl Leg 0, Part Leg 0, Part tail 0, Part IR Tail Label 0
  Tree-SID Added: [Def/Part Leaf 1, Def Egress 0, Part Egress 0, Ctrl Leaf 0]
  bgp_i_pmsi: 1,0/0 , bgp_ms_pmsi/Leaf-ad: 1/1, bgp_bidir_pmsi: 0, remote_bgp_bidir_pmsi: 0, PMSIs: I 0x9570378, 0x0, MS 0x94e29d0, Bidir Local: 0x0, Remote: 0x0, BSR/Leaf-ad 0x0/0, Autorp-disc/Leaf-ad 0x0/0, Autorp-ann/Leaf-ad 0x0/0
 IIDs: I/6: 0x1/0x0, B/R: 0x0/0x0, MS: 0x1, B/A/A: 0x0/0x0/0x0

  Bidir RPF-ID: 14, Remote Bidir RPF-ID: 0
  I-PMSI:   Unknown/None (0x9570378)
  I-PMSI rem:  (0x0)
  MS-PMSI:   Tree-SID [524290,] (0x94e29d0)
  Bidir-PMSI:  (0x0)
  Remote Bidir-PMSI:  (0x0)
  BSR-PMSI:  (0x0)
  A-Disc-PMSI:  (0x0)
  A-Ann-PMSI:  (0x0)
  RIB Dependency List: 0x0
  Bidir RIB Dependency List: 0x0
    Sources: 0, RPs: 0, Bidir RPs: 0

View Partitioned MDT Egress PE Configuration

This command displays SR multicast tree information on the MVPN egress PE router that sends multicast traffic from the SP network towards multicast receivers in the destination sites. The information includes PE router, Tree-SID, MDT, and the specified customer VRF details.

Router# show mvpn vrf vpn1 pe

MVPN Provider Edge Router information

PE Address : (0x9fa38f8)
  RD: 1:10 (valid), RIB_HLI 0, RPF-ID 15, Remote RPF-ID 0, State: 1, S-PMSI: 2
  PPMP_LABEL: 0, MS_PMSI_HLI: 0x00000, Bidir_PMSI_HLI: 0x00000, MLDP-added: [RD 0, ID 0, Bidir ID 0, Remote Bidir ID 0], Counts(SHR/SRC/DM/DEF-MD): 1, 1, 0, 0, Bidir: GRE RP Count 0, MPLS RP Count 0RSVP-TE added: [Leg 0, Ctrl Leg 0, Part tail 0 Def Tail 0, IR added: [Def Leg 0, Ctrl Leg 0, Part Leg 0, Part tail 0, Part IR Tail Label 0
  Tree-SID Added: [Def/Part Leaf 0, Def Egress 0, Part Egress 1, Ctrl Leaf 0]
  bgp_i_pmsi: 1,0/0 , bgp_ms_pmsi/Leaf-ad: 1/0, bgp_bidir_pmsi: 0, remote_bgp_bidir_pmsi: 0, PMSIs: I 0x9f77388, 0x0, MS 0x9fa2f98, Bidir Local: 0x0, Remote: 0x0, BSR/Leaf-ad 0x0/0, Autorp-disc/Leaf-ad 0x0/0, Autorp-ann/Leaf-ad 0x0/0
 IIDs: I/6: 0x1/0x0, B/R: 0x0/0x0, MS: 0x1, B/A/A: 0x0/0x0/0x0

  Bidir RPF-ID: 16, Remote Bidir RPF-ID: 0
  I-PMSI:   Unknown/None (0x9f77388)
  I-PMSI rem:  (0x0)
  MS-PMSI:   Tree-SID [524292,] (0x9fa2f98)
  Bidir-PMSI:  (0x0)
  Remote Bidir-PMSI:  (0x0)
  BSR-PMSI:  (0x0)
  A-Disc-PMSI:  (0x0)
  A-Ann-PMSI:  (0x0)
  RIB Dependency List: 0x9f81370
  Bidir RIB Dependency List: 0x0
    Sources: 1, RPs: 1, Bidir RPs: 0

View Data MDT Information

The commands in this section displays SR multicast tree information for data MDTs. The information includes cache, router-local, and remote MDT information.

View Data MDT Cache Information

Router# show pim vrf vpn1 mdt cache 
Core Source      Cust (Source, Group)                Core Data        Expires      (,             [tree-id 524292]  never      (,             [tree-id 524290]  never

   Leaf AD:

View Local MDTs Information

Router# show pim vrf vpn1 mdt sr-p2mp local 

Tree                           MDT             Cache DIP Local VRF Routes  On-demand
Identifier                     Source          Count     Entry Using Cache Color
[tree-id 524290 (0x80002)]     1     N   Y     1           10
   Tree-SID Leaf:

View Remote MDTs Information

Router # show pim vrf vpn1 mdt sr-p2mp remote 

Tree                           MDT             Cache DIP Local VRF Routes  On-demand
Identifier                     Source          Count     Entry Using Cache Color
[tree-id 524290 (0x80002)]     1     N   N     1           0

View MRIB MPLS Forwarding Information

This command displays labels used for transporting IP multicast traffic, on a specified router.

Router# show mrib mpls forwarding 

LSP information (XTC) :
  LSM-ID: 0x00000, Role: Head, Head LSM-ID: 0x80002
    Incoming Label       : (18000)
    Transported Protocol : <unknown>
    Explicit Null        : None
    IP lookup            : disabled

    Outsegment Info #1 [H/Push, Recursive]:
      OutLabel: 18000, NH:, Sel IF: GigabitEthernet0/2/0/0

LSP information (XTC) :
  LSM-ID: 0x00000, Role: Tail, Peek
  RPF-ID: 0x00011, Assoc-TIDs: 0xe0000011/0x0, MDT: TRmdtvpn1
    Incoming Label       : 18001
    Transported Protocol : <unknown>
    Explicit Null        : None
    IP lookup            : enabled

    Outsegment Info #1 [T/Pop]:
      No info.

SR-PCE Show Commands

View Tree Information On PCE Server

This command displays SR multicast tree information on the SR-PCE server.

Router# show pce lsp p2mp 

Tree: sr_p2mp_root_192.168.0.1_tree_id_524290
 Label:    18000     Operational: up  Admin: up
 Metric Type: TE
 Transition count: 3
 Uptime: 00:00:03 (since Fri Jan 24 14:57:51 PST 2020)
  Node[0]: (rtrM)
   Role: Transit
    Incoming: 18000 CC-ID: 4
    Outgoing: 18000 CC-ID: 4 ( [rtrR]
  Node[1]: (rtrL1)
   Role: Ingress
    Incoming: 18000 CC-ID: 5
    Outgoing: 18000 CC-ID: 5 ( [rtrM]
  Node[2]: (rtrR)
   Role: Egress
    Incoming: 18000 CC-ID: 6

For dynamic SR multicast trees created for MVPN, the show command has filters to view root multicast router and Tree-ID information. When the root router is specified, all multicast trees from that root are displayed. When root and Tree-ID are specified, only the specified tree information is displayed.

Router# show pce lsp p2mp root ipv4 524289

Tree: sr_p2mp_root_10.1.1.1_tree_id_524289, Root: ID: 524289 
 Label:    20000     Operational: up  Admin: up
 Local LFA FRR: Disabled
 Metric Type: TE
 Transition count: 11
 Uptime: 00:03:37 (since Mon May 11 12:53:33 PDT 2020)
  Node[0]: (root1)
   Role: Ingress
    Incoming: 20000 CC-ID: 26
    Outgoing: 20000 CC-ID: 26 ( [mid-4]
    Outgoing: 20000 CC-ID: 26 ( [mid-2]
  Node[1]: (mid-4)
   Role: Egress
    Incoming: 20000 CC-ID: 27
  Node[2]: (mid-2)
   Role: Transit
    Incoming: 20000 CC-ID: 28
    Outgoing: 20000 CC-ID: 28 ( [leaf-3]
    Outgoing: 20000 CC-ID: 28 ( [leaf-5]
  Node[3]: (leaf-3)
   Role: Egress
    Incoming: 20000 CC-ID: 29
  Node[4]: (leaf-5)
   Role: Egress
    Incoming: 20000 CC-ID: 30

Multicast Tree Information on Routers

Router# show segment-routing traffic-eng p2mp policy 

SR-TE P2MP policy database: 

Policy: sr_p2mp_root_192.168.0.1_tree_id_524290  LSM-ID: 0x2
 Role: Leaf
  Incoming label: 18001 CC-ID: 6

Policy: sr_p2mp_root_192.168.0.4_tree_id_524290  LSM-ID: 0x80002 (PCC-initiated)
 Color: 0
 Role: Root
  Incoming label: 18000 CC-ID: 2
  Interface: None [!]  Outgoing label: 18000 CC-ID: 2

For SR multicast policies originated locally on the router (root router of a dynamic MVPN multicast policy) additional policy information is displayed.

For dynamic SR multicast trees created for MVPN, the show command has filters for displaying root multicast router and Tree-ID information. When the root router is specified, all multicast trees for that root are displayed. When root and Tree-ID are specified, only the specified tree information is displayed.

Router# show segment-routing traffic-eng p2mp policy root ipv4 1.1$

SR-TE P2MP policy database: 

Policy: sr_p2mp_root_10.1.1.1_tree_id_524289  LSM-ID: 0x691 
 Root:, ID: 524289
 Role: Transit
  Incoming label: 20000 CC-ID: 28
  Interface: Bundle-Ether23 []  Outgoing label: 20000 CC-ID: 28
  Interface: Bundle-Ether25 []  Outgoing label: 20000 CC-ID: 28

Policy: sr_p2mp_root_10.1.1.1_tree_id_524290  LSM-ID: 0x692 
 Root:, ID: 524290
 Role: Transit
  Incoming label: 19999 CC-ID: 28
  Interface: Bundle-Ether23 []  Outgoing label: 19999 CC-ID: 28
  Interface: Bundle-Ether25 []  Outgoing label: 19999 CC-ID: 28

Multicast: Cisco Nonstop Forwarding for Tree-SID

Table 2. Feature History Table

Feature Name

Release Information

Feature Description

Multicast: Cisco Nonstop Forwarding for Tree-SID

Release 7.10.1 Starting from this release, Multicast Nonstop Forwarding supports Tree-SID (Tree Segment Identifier). This ensures that traffic forwarding continues without interruptions whenever the active RSP fails over to the standby RSP.

This feature prevents hardware or software failures on the control plane from disrupting the forwarding of existing packet flows through the router for Tree-SID. Thus, ensuring improved network availability, network stability, preventing routing flaps, and no loss of user sessions while the routing protocol information is being restored.

The feature modifies the show mrib nsf private command.


This section captures only the Cisco Nonstop Forwarding feature in relation with Tree-SID. For more information on the Cisco Nonstop Forwarding feature, see Multicast Nonstop Forwarding.

Multicast now supports hitless Route Processor Fail Over (RPFO). During RPFO, the software deletes IP routes from the Static Tree-SID profile in the headend router. The Dynamic Tree-SID does not have this issue, because in this case, the BGP advertises the states that supports Nonstop Routing (NSR). To overcome this problem for static Tree-SID, there are checkpoints to check the feature in Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM). On switchover, the checkpoint reads to check if the feature is there or not and push Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) to Cisco Nonstop Forwarding state.

Verification Steps

The show mrib nsf private command is enhanced to display the XTC info as well.

Router#show mrib nsf private 
Mon Jul 31 13:27:05.056 UTC
IP MRIB Non-Stop Forwarding Status:
Multicast routing state: Normal
   NSF Lifetime:       00:03:00
   Respawn Count: 6
   Last NSF On triggered: Tue Jul 25 13:20:49 2023, 6d00h
   Last NSF Off triggered: Tue Jul 25 13:22:49 2023, 6d00h
   Last NSF ICD Notification sent: Tue Jul 25 13:22:49 2023, 6d00h
   Last Remote NSF On triggered: Tue Jul 25 13:10:18 2023, 6d00h
   Last Remote NSF Off triggered: Tue Jul 25 13:10:27 2023, 6d00h
   Last Label TE NSF On triggered: Tue Jul 25 13:10:18 2023, 6d00h
   Last Label TE NSF Off triggered: Tue Jul 25 13:10:27 2023, 6d00h
   Last Label mLDP NSF On triggered: Tue Jul 25 13:10:18 2023, 6d00h
   Last Label mLDP NSF Off triggered: Tue Jul 25 13:10:27 2023, 6d00h
   Last Label PIM NSF On triggered: Tue Jul 25 13:20:49 2023, 6d00h
   Last Label PIM NSF Off triggered: Tue Jul 25 13:22:49 2023, 6d00h
   Last Label PIM6 NSF On triggered: Tue Jul 25 13:31:22 2023, 5d23h
   Last Label PIM6 NSF Off triggered: Tue Jul 25 13:33:22 2023, 5d23h
   Last Label XTC NSF On triggered: Tue Jul 25 13:41:51 2023, 5d23h
   Last Label XTC NSF Off triggered: Tue Jul 25 13:41:52 2023, 5d23h

IP NSF :- Active: N, Assume N
MRIB connect timer: Inactive
NSF statistics:
   Enabled Cnt - 4, Disabled Cnt - 4
   Last Enabled: 6d00h, Last Disabled: 6d00h
Multicast COFO routing state: Normal
Current LMRIB clients: LDP RSVP_TE PIM PIM6 XTC 
Converged LMRIB clients: LDP RSVP_TE PIM PIM6 XTC 

Multicast VPN IPv6: Dynamic Tree-SID Multicast VPN IPv6

Table 3. Feature History Table

Feature Name

Release Information

Feature Description

Multicast VPN: Dynamic Tree-SID Multicast VPN IPv6

Release 7.10.1

This feature allows Dynamic Tree Segment Identifier (Tree-SID) deployment where IPv6 Multicast payload is used for optimally transporting IP VPN multicast traffic over the provider network, using SR-PCE as a controller. This implementation supports IPv6 only for the Dynamic Tree-SID. Currently, the Static Tree-SID supports IPV4 payloads only, not the IPv6 payloads.

Overview of Multicast VPN: Tree-SID Multicast VPN

Typically, a customer’s IP VPN is spread across VPN sites. IP VPN customer traffic is sent from one site to another over a VPN Service Provider (SP) network.

When IP Multicast traffic within a (BGP/MPLS) IP VPN is transported over a provider network (say, from VPN1-Site-A to VPN1-Site-B, as shown in the image), the provider network requires protocols and procedures to optimally transport multicast traffic from a multicast sender in Site-A to multicast receivers in Site-B.

This use case explains how to enable SR multicast for a provider network, and efficiently transport IP VPN multicast traffic (sent from VPN1-Site-A and) received at PE router A, through to PE routers D and E, toward receivers in sites VPN1-Site-B and VPN1-Site-C.

Figure 6. IP VPN Multicast Traffic Flow Over A Provider Network

To enable the Multicast VPN: Tree-SID multicast VPN feature, the following protocols and software applications are used:

  • OSPF/IS-IS - The underlay network is created with OSPF/IS-IS routing protocol, and reachability is established across the network. See Configure Segment Routing for IS-IS Protocol or Configure Segment Routing for OSPF Protocol chapter for details, within this Guide.

  • BGP Multicast VPN (multicast VPN) – The PE routers (A, D, and E) are IP VPN endpoints for IP Multicast traffic arriving at the provider network (at PE router A) and exiting the provider network (at PE routers D and E). So, BGP multicast VPN is enabled on the PE routers. NSO is used to configure BGP multicast VPN on the PE routers. See, Configure Segment Routing for BGP chapter for details, within this guide

  • BGP Auto-Discovery (AD) - To enable distributed VPN endpoint discovery and C-multicast flow mapping and signaling, BGP AD function is configured on the PE routers. A BGP Auto-Discovery route contains multicast router (loopback IP address) and tree identity (segment ID) information. It carries the information in the Provider Multicast Service Interface (PMSI) Tunnel Attribute (PTA). See, Configure Segment Routing for BGP chapter for details, within this guide

  • C-multicast states are signaled using BGP. See, Configure Segment Routing for BGP chapter for details, within this guide

  • SR - To transport IP Multicast traffic between the VPN endpoints (PE routers A, D, and E), Provider (or P-) tunnels are used. In a P-tunnel, the PE devices are the tunnel endpoints. P-tunnels can be generated using different technologies (RSVP-TE, point-to-multipoint LSPs, PIM trees, mLDP point-to-multipoint LSPs, and mLDP MP2MP LSPs). In this use case, Segment Routing (SR) is used for its benefits that were noted earlier.

  • With SR and SR-PCE, a Tree-SID point-to-multipoint (P2MP) segment is used to create P-Tunnels for multicast VPN. You can specify SR policy optimization objectives (such as metrics) and constraints (such as affinity) in an SR policy and send it to the SR-PCE controller, so that it can dynamically create SR multicast trees for traffic flow.

  • SR-PCE - This is a controller which, based on the provided SR policy information, computes optimal paths for a multicast tree, and deploys the tree forwarding state on the multicast routers. When a topology change occurs, SR-PCE automatically computes a new, optimal multicast tree, and deploys the new tree forwarding state on the multicast routers.

Tree-SID multicast VPN

The topology remains the same, with PE routers A, D, and E acting as VPN endpoints for carrying IP VPN multicast traffic.

  1. For SR, A is designated as the SR headend router, and D and E are designated as the SR endpoints.

    For multicast traffic, A is the root of the SR multicast tree, and D and E are leaf routers of the tree. B and C are the other multicast routers. The objective is to send the IP Multicast traffic arriving at A to D and E, as needed.

    Figure 7. Multicast Tree
  2. A discovers leaf routers’ information through BGP multicast VPN.

  3. Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP) is used for the SR multicast policy communication between A and the SR-PCE server, and communication between PE routers and the SR-PCE server.

  4. When the headend router SR policy is created on A, and PCEP configurations are enabled on the SR-PCE server and all multicast routers, SR-PCE receives the SR policy and leaf router identity information from A.

  5. Based on the policy information it receives, including traffic engineering objectives and constraints, SR-PCE builds multicast distribution trees in the underlay for efficient VPN traffic delivery.

  6. SR-PCE assigns an SID for the SR multicast tree policy, and deploys the multicast tree forwarding state on the multicast routers.

  7. When IP Multicast traffic is sent from VPN1-SiteA to PE router A, it steers it into the SR policy, and sends it toward D and E, which forward it to multicast traffic receivers in the sites VPN1-SiteB and VPN1-SiteC.

  8. When a leaf or multicast router is added or removed, PE router A updates the SR multicast policy and sends it to SR-PCE. SR-PCE computes new multicast routes, and deploys the multicast tree forwarding state information on the multicast routers.

SR Multicast Tree Types

This is an overview of the types of SR multicast trees that you can configure, depending on your requirement. You can create the following tree types for IP VPN multicast flow in the provider network:

  • Full Mesh Multicast Tree

  • On-Demand SR Multicast Tree

  • Optimal Multicast Tree

  • Full Mesh Multicast Tree

    Figure 8. Full Mesh Multicast Tree
    1. A assigns Tree-ID 10 and invokes a Create an SR multicast tree request by sending the multicast router and tree ID information (A, 10) toward SR-PCE.

    2. A announces BGP AD Inclusive PMSI (I-PMSI) route with the PTA (A, 10). Inclusive PMSI - Traffic that is multicast by a PE router on an I-PMSI is received by all other PEs in the multicast VPN. I-PMSIs are generated by Inclusive P-tunnels.

    3. A discovers VPN endpoints D and E from their BGP AD Type I-PMSI route messages.

    4. A invokes an Add SR multicast leaf router request (for D and E) to SR-PCE.

    5. SR-PCE computes and generates the multicast tree forwarding state information on all the routers that are part of the tree.

  • On-Demand SR Multicast Tree

    Figure 9. On-Demand SR Multicast Tree
    1. A assigns Tree-ID 20 and invokes a Create an SR multicast tree request by sending the multicast router and tree ID information (A, 20) toward SR-PCE.

    2. A announces BGP AD Selective PMSI (or S-PMSI) route with PTA (A, 20). A sets the leaf-info-required to discover endpoint interest set.

      Selective PMSI - Traffic multicast by a PE on an S-PMSI is received by some PEs in the multicast VPN. S-PMSIs are generated by Selective P-tunnels.

    3. E has a receiver behind it, and announces a BGP-AD leaf route toward A. A discovers service endpoint E for the on-demand tree.

    4. A invokes an Add SR multicast leaf router request (for E) to SR-PCE.

    5. SR-PCE computes and generates the multicast tree information for all the routers that are part of the tree.

  • Optimal Multicast Tree

    Figure 10. Optimal Multicast Tree
    1. A decides to optimize a flow and assigns Tree-ID 30 and invokes a Create an SR multicast tree request by sending the multicast router and tree ID information (A, 30) toward SR-PCE.

    2. A announces BGP AD I-PMSI route with PTA (A, 30). A sets the leaf-info-required to discover endpoint interest set.

    3. D has a receiver behind it, and announces a BGP-AD leaf route toward A. A discovers service endpoint D for optimized flow.

    4. A invokes an Add SR multicast leaf router request (for D) to SR-PCE.

    5. SR-PCE computes and generates the multicast tree information for all the routers that are part of the tree.

Prerequisites for Tree-SID mVPN IPv6

Listed are the prerequisites for Tree-SID Multicast VPN IPv6:
  • The underlay OSPF or IS-IS network is configured, and OSPF/IS-IS adjacency forms between routers, across the network.

  • BGP is configured for the network, and BGP adjacency is formed between routers. BGP multicast VPN configuration information is provided in this feature document.

Restrictions to Tree-SID mVPN IPv6

Listed are the restrictions related to this feature:

  • The following are not supported for MVPN SR P2MP:

    • SRv6 SR P2MP policies

    • Hitless RP failover

    • IPV6 Multicast payload

    • PCE redundancy

    • PIM Bidir is not supported

  • The following are not supported for SR P2MP:

    • PCE server restart not supported for REST initiated SR P2MP policies

    • Co-existence of static MVPN SR P2MP profiles in a VRF of a PE.

    • Co-existence with other MVPN profiles (MLDP, P2MP RSVP-TE, Ingress Replication) that need BGP MVPN Auto-Discovery in a VRF of a PE.

    • PIM C-Multicast signaling (only BGP C-multicast is supported)

Configure Tree-SID mVPN IPv6

Configuration Examples

Following are examples to configure Tree-SID multicase VPN IPv6

  • Headend Router Configuration (Router A) - The following configuration is specific to the headend router.

    • Configure traffic engineering Constraints and Optimization Parameters
      Router# configure terminal
      Router(config)# segment-routing traffic-engineering
      An affinity bit-map is created so that it can be applied to a link or interface.
      Router(config-sr-te)# affinity-map name 10 bit-position 24
      Router(config-sr-te)# commit

      An affinity (or relationship) is created between the SR policy path and the link color so that SR-TE computes a path that includes or excludes links, as specified. The headend router automatically follows the actions that are defined in the ODN template (for color 10) upon the arrival of VPN routes with a BGP color extended community that matches color 10.

      Router(config)# segment-routing traffic-engineering
      Router(config-sr-te)# on-demand color 10 dynamic
      Router(config-sr-te-color-dyn)# affinity include-all name red
      Router(config-sr-te-color-dyn)# affinity include-any name blue
      Router(config-sr-te-color-dyn)# affinity exclude-any name green
      Router(config-sr-te-color-dyn)# metric type te
      Router(config-sr-te-color-dyn)# commit 

      The SR policy configuration on the headend router A will be sent to the SR-PCE server, after a connection is established between A and SR-PCE.

  • Multicast Router Configuration

    • Configure PCEP Client on Multicast Routers - Associate each multicast router as a client of the SR-PCE server. The pce address ipv6 command specifies the SR-PCE server’s IP address.

      Router# configure terminal
      Router(config)# segment-routing traffic-engineering
      Router(config-sr-te)# pcc pce address ipv6
      Router(config-pcc-pce)# commit
  • SR PCE Server Configuration

    • Configure Label Range for Multicast Trees - Configure the label range to be used for transporting Cisco IOS IP Multicast traffic in provider network.
      Router(config)# pce segment-routing traffic-eng p2mp label-range min 30000 max 60000
      Router(config)# commit
    • Disable ECMP load splitting - To disable ECMP load splitting of different trees on the SR-PCE server, configure the multipath-disable command.
      Router(config)# pce segment-routing traffic-eng p2mp multipath-disable
      Router(config)# commit
  • Multicast Routing Configuration On PE Routers - The following multicast VPN configurations are required for VPN endpoints, the 3 PE routers.

    • Configure Default MDT SR point-to-multipoint multicast VPN Profile - In this configuration, an MDT profile of the type default is created, and the SR multicast policy with color 10 will be used to send Cisco IOS IP Multicast traffic, as per the constraints and optimizations of the policy, through the multicast tree.

      Router(config)# multicast-routing vrf cust1 
      Router(config-mcast-cust1)# address-family ipv6 
      Router(config-mcast-cust1-ipv6)# mdt default segment-routing mpls color 10
      Router(config-mcast-cust1-ipv6)# commit
    • Configure Partitioned MDT SR point-to-multipoint multicast VPN Profile - In this configuration, an MDT profile of the type partitioned is created, and the SR multicast policy with color 10 will be used to send Cisco IOS IP Multicast traffic, as per the constraints and optimizations of the policy, through the multicast tree.

      Router(config)# multicast-routing vrf cust1 
      Router(config-mcast-cust1)# address-family ipv6 
      Router(config-mcast-cust1-ipv6)# mdt partitioned segment-routing mpls color 10
      Router(config-mcast-cust1-ipv6)# commit

      The following Data multicast VPN configuration is required at the Ingress PE (router A) where the multicast flows need to be steered onto the data MDT for SR multicast traffic flow.

      Note - Data MDT can be configured for Default and Partitioned profiles.

      Configure Data MDT for SR point-to-multipoint multicast VPN - In this configuration, an MDT profile of the type data is created, and the SR multicast policy with color 10 will be used to send Cisco IOS IP Multicast traffic, as per the constraints and optimizations of the policy, through the multicast tree.

      • As an alternative to the color keyword, you can specify a route policy in the route-policy command, and define the route policy separately (as mentioned in the next configuration).

      • The threshold command specifies the threshold above which a multicast flow is switched onto the data MDT. The immediate-switch keyword enables an immediate switch of a multicast flow to the data MDT, without waiting for threshold limit to be crossed.

      • The customer-route-acl keyword specifies an access control list to enable specific multicast flows to be put on to the data MDT.

Router(config)# multicast-routing vrf cust1 
Router(config-mcast-cust1)# address-family ipv6 
Router(config-mcast-cust1-ipv6)# mdt data segment-routing mpls 2 color 10
Router(config-mcast-cust1-ipv6)# commit

Route Policy Example

The route policy designates multicast flow-to-SR multicast policy mapping, with different colors.

  • With this configuration, Cisco IOS IP Multicast flows for the multicast group are steered into the SR multicast policy that is created with the on-demand color 10, while flows for are steered into the policy created with color 20.

  • Route policies can also be used to match other parameters, such as source address.

Router(config)# route-policy TSID-DATA
Router(config-rpl)# if destination in ( then 
Router(config-rpl-if)# set on-demand-color 10
Router(config-rpl-if)# pass
Router(config-rpl-if)# elseif destination in ( then 
Router(config-rpl-elseif)# set on-demand-color 20
Router(config-rpl-elseif)# pass 
Router(config-rpl-elseif)# endif 
Router(config-rpl)# end-policy 
Router(config)# commit 

Configure multicast VPN BGP Auto-Discovery for SR point-to-multipoint

The following configuration is required on all PE routers, and is mandatory for default MDT, partitioned MDT, and data MDT.

Configure the BGP Auto-Discovery function for transporting Cisco IOS IP Multicast traffic.
Router(config)# multicast-routing vrf cust1 
Router(config-mcast-cust1)# address-family ipv6 
Router(config-mcast-cust1-ipv6)# bgp auto-discovery segment-routing 
Router(config-mcast-cust1-ipv6-bgp-ad)# commit

Verify Tree-SID mVPN IPv6 With TI-LFA

This section guides you through the verification options:

  • View multicast VPN Context Information - You can view multicast VPN virtual routing and forwarding context information with these commands.

  • View Default MDT Configuration - This command displays SR multicast tree information, including the MDT details (of default type, and so on), and customer virtual routing and forwarding information (route target, route distinguisher, and so on).
    Router# show mvpn vrf vpn1 context    
    MVPN context information for VRF vpn1 (0x9541cf0)
    RD: 1:10 (Valid, IID 0x1), VPN-ID: 0:0
    Import Route-targets : 2
      RT:, BGP-AD
      RT:, BGP-AD
    BGP Auto-Discovery Enabled (I-PMSI added) 
    SR P2MP Core-tree data:
      MDT Name: TRmdtvpn1, Handle: 0x4150, idb: 0x956fc30
      MTU: 1376, MaxAggr: 255, SW_Int: 30, AN_Int: 60
      RPF-ID: 3, C:0, O:1, D:0, CP:0
      Static Type : - / - 
      Def MDT ID: 524289 (0x93993f0), added: 1, HLI: 0x80001, Cfg: 1/0
      Part MDT ID: 0 (0x0), added: 0, HLI: 0x00000, Cfg: 0/0
      Ctrl Trees : 0/0/0, Ctrl ID: 0 (0x0), Ctrl HLI: 0x00000
  • View Partitioned MDT Configuration - This command displays SR multicast tree information, including the MDT details (of partitioned type, and so on), and customer virtual routing and forwarding information (route target, route distinguisher, and so on).
    Router# show mvpn vrf vpn1 context 
    MVPN context information for VRF vpn1 (0x9541cf0)
    RD: 1:10 (Valid, IID 0x1), VPN-ID: 0:0
    Import Route-targets : 2
      RT:, BGP-AD
      RT:, BGP-AD
    BGP Auto-Discovery Enabled (I-PMSI added) , MS-PMSI sent
    SR P2MP Core-tree data:
      MDT Name: TRmdtvpn1, Handle: 0x4210, idb: 0x956fc30
      MTU: 1376, MaxAggr: 255, SW_Int: 30, AN_Int: 60
      RPF-ID: 1, C:0, O:1, D:0, CP:0
      Static Type : - / - 
      Def MDT ID: 0 (0x0), added: 0, HLI: 0x00000, Cfg: 0/0
      Part MDT ID: 524292 (0x9399318), added: 1, HLI: 0x80004, Cfg: 1/0
      Ctrl Trees : 0/0/0, Ctrl ID: 0 (0x0), Ctrl HLI: 0x00000
  • View Partitioned MDT Ingress PE Configuration - This command displays SR multicast tree information on the PE router that receives the multicast traffic on the provider network. The information includes PE router details, MDT details, Tree-SID details, and the specified customer virtual routing and forwarding information.
    Router# show mvpn vrf vpn1 pe 
    MVPN Provider Edge Router information
    VRF : vpn1
    PE Address : (0x9570240)
      RD: 0:0:0 (null), RIB_HLI 0, RPF-ID 13, Remote RPF-ID 0, State: 0, S-PMSI: 2
      PPMP_LABEL: 0, MS_PMSI_HLI: 0x00000, Bidir_PMSI_HLI: 0x00000, MLDP-added: [RD 0, ID 0, Bidir ID 0, Remote Bidir ID 0], Counts(SHR/SRC/DM/DEF-MD): 0, 0, 0, 0, Bidir: GRE RP Count 0, MPLS RP Count 0RSVP-TE added: [Leg 0, Ctrl Leg 0, Part tail 0 Def Tail 0, IR added: [Def Leg 0, Ctrl Leg 0, Part Leg 0, Part tail 0, Part IR Tail Label 0
      Tree-SID Added: [Def/Part Leaf 1, Def Egress 0, Part Egress 0, Ctrl Leaf 0]
      bgp_i_pmsi: 1,0/0 , bgp_ms_pmsi/Leaf-ad: 1/1, bgp_bidir_pmsi: 0, remote_bgp_bidir_pmsi: 0, PMSIs: I 0x9570378, 0x0, MS 0x94e29d0, Bidir Local: 0x0, Remote: 0x0, BSR/Leaf-ad 0x0/0, Autorp-disc/Leaf-ad 0x0/0, Autorp-ann/Leaf-ad 0x0/0
     IIDs: I/6: 0x1/0x0, B/R: 0x0/0x0, MS: 0x1, B/A/A: 0x0/0x0/0x0
      Bidir RPF-ID: 14, Remote Bidir RPF-ID: 0
      I-PMSI:   Unknown/None (0x9570378)
      I-PMSI rem:  (0x0)
      MS-PMSI:   Tree-SID [524290,] (0x94e29d0)
      Bidir-PMSI:  (0x0)
      Remote Bidir-PMSI:  (0x0)
      BSR-PMSI:  (0x0)
      A-Disc-PMSI:  (0x0)
      A-Ann-PMSI:  (0x0)
      RIB Dependency List: 0x0
      Bidir RIB Dependency List: 0x0
        Sources: 0, RPs: 0, Bidir RPs: 0
  • View Partitioned MDT Egress PE Configuration - This command displays SR multicast tree information on the multicast VPN egress PE router that sends multicast traffic from the provider network toward multicast receivers in the destination sites. The information includes PE router, Tree-SID, MDT, and the specified customer virtual routing and forwarding details.
    Router# show mvpn vrf vpn1 pe
    MVPN Provider Edge Router information
    PE Address : (0x9fa38f8)
      RD: 1:10 (valid), RIB_HLI 0, RPF-ID 15, Remote RPF-ID 0, State: 1, S-PMSI: 2
      PPMP_LABEL: 0, MS_PMSI_HLI: 0x00000, Bidir_PMSI_HLI: 0x00000, MLDP-added: [RD 0, ID 0, Bidir ID 0, Remote Bidir ID 0], Counts(SHR/SRC/DM/DEF-MD): 1, 1, 0, 0, Bidir: GRE RP Count 0, MPLS RP Count 0RSVP-TE added: [Leg 0, Ctrl Leg 0, Part tail 0 Def Tail 0, IR added: [Def Leg 0, Ctrl Leg 0, Part Leg 0, Part tail 0, Part IR Tail Label 0
      Tree-SID Added: [Def/Part Leaf 0, Def Egress 0, Part Egress 1, Ctrl Leaf 0]
      bgp_i_pmsi: 1,0/0 , bgp_ms_pmsi/Leaf-ad: 1/0, bgp_bidir_pmsi: 0, remote_bgp_bidir_pmsi: 0, PMSIs: I 0x9f77388, 0x0, MS 0x9fa2f98, Bidir Local: 0x0, Remote: 0x0, BSR/Leaf-ad 0x0/0, Autorp-disc/Leaf-ad 0x0/0, Autorp-ann/Leaf-ad 0x0/0
     IIDs: I/6: 0x1/0x0, B/R: 0x0/0x0, MS: 0x1, B/A/A: 0x0/0x0/0x0
      Bidir RPF-ID: 16, Remote Bidir RPF-ID: 0
      I-PMSI:   Unknown/None (0x9f77388)
      I-PMSI rem:  (0x0)
      MS-PMSI:   Tree-SID [524292,] (0x9fa2f98)
      Bidir-PMSI:  (0x0)
      Remote Bidir-PMSI:  (0x0)
      BSR-PMSI:  (0x0)
      A-Disc-PMSI:  (0x0)
      A-Ann-PMSI:  (0x0)
      RIB Dependency List: 0x9f81370
      Bidir RIB Dependency List: 0x0
        Sources: 1, RPs: 1, Bidir RPs: 0
  • View Data MDT Information - The commands in this section display SR multicast tree information for data MDTs. The information includes cache, router-local, and remote MDT information.

  • View Data MDT Cache Information
    Router# show pim vrf vpn1 mdt cache 
    Core Source      Cust (Source, Group)                Core Data        Expires      (,             [tree-id 524292]  never      (,             [tree-id 524290]  never
       Leaf AD:
  • View Local MDTs Information
    Router# show pim vrf vpn1 mdt sr-p2mp local 
    Tree                           MDT             Cache DIP Local VRF Routes  On-demand
    Identifier                     Source          Count     Entry Using Cache Color
    [tree-id 524290 (0x80002)]     1     N   Y     1           10
       Tree-SID Leaf:
  • View Remote MDTs Information
    Router # show pim vrf vpn1 mdt sr-p2mp remote 
    Tree                           MDT             Cache DIP Local VRF Routes  On-demand
    Identifier                     Source          Count     Entry Using Cache Color
    [tree-id 524290 (0x80002)]     1     N   N     1           0
  • View MRIB MPLS Forwarding Information - This command displays labels that are used for transporting Cisco IOS IP Multicast traffic, on a specified router.
    Router# show mrib mpls forwarding 
    LSP information (XTC) :
      LSM-ID: 0x00000, Role: Head, Head LSM-ID: 0x80002
        Incoming Label       : (18000)
        Transported Protocol : <unknown>
        Explicit Null        : None
        IP lookup            : disabled
        Outsegment Info #1 [H/Push, Recursive]:
          OutLabel: 18000, NH:, Sel IF: GigabitEthernet0/2/0/0
    LSP information (XTC) :
      LSM-ID: 0x00000, Role: Tail, Peek
      RPF-ID: 0x00011, Assoc-TIDs: 0xe0000011/0x0, MDT: TRmdtvpn1
        Incoming Label       : 18001
        Transported Protocol : <unknown>
        Explicit Null        : None
        IP lookup            : enabled
        Outsegment Info #1 [T/Pop]:
          No info.
  • SR-PCE Show Commands

    • View Tree Information On PCE Server - This command displays SR multicast tree information on the SR-PCE server.

      Router# show pce lsp p2mp 
      Tree: sr_p2mp_root_192.168.0.1_tree_id_524290
       Label:    18000     Operational: up  Admin: up
       Metric Type: TE
       Transition count: 3
       Uptime: 00:00:03 (since Fri Jan 24 14:57:51 PST 2020)
        Node[0]: (rtrM)
         Role: Transit
          Incoming: 18000 CC-ID: 4
          Outgoing: 18000 CC-ID: 4 ( [rtrR]
        Node[1]: (rtrL1)
         Role: Ingress
          Incoming: 18000 CC-ID: 5
          Outgoing: 18000 CC-ID: 5 ( [rtrM]
        Node[2]: (rtrR)
         Role: Egress
          Incoming: 18000 CC-ID: 6
      For dynamic SR multicast trees created for multicast VPN, the show command has filters to view root multicast router and Tree-ID information. When the root router is specified, all multicast trees from that root are displayed. When root and Tree-ID are specified, only the specified tree information is displayed.
      Router# show pce lsp p2mp root ipv6 524289
      Tree: sr_p2mp_root_10.1.1.1_tree_id_524289, Root: ID: 524289 
       Label:    20000     Operational: up  Admin: up
       Local LFA FRR: Disabled
       Metric Type: TE
       Transition count: 11
       Uptime: 00:03:37 (since Mon May 11 12:53:33 PDT 2020)
        Node[0]: (root1)
         Role: Ingress
          Incoming: 20000 CC-ID: 26
          Outgoing: 20000 CC-ID: 26 ( [mid-4]
          Outgoing: 20000 CC-ID: 26 ( [mid-2]
        Node[1]: (mid-4)
         Role: Egress
          Incoming: 20000 CC-ID: 27
        Node[2]: (mid-2)
         Role: Transit
          Incoming: 20000 CC-ID: 28
          Outgoing: 20000 CC-ID: 28 ( [leaf-3]
          Outgoing: 20000 CC-ID: 28 ( [leaf-5]
        Node[3]: (leaf-3)
         Role: Egress
          Incoming: 20000 CC-ID: 29
        Node[4]: (leaf-5)
         Role: Egress
          Incoming: 20000 CC-ID: 30
      The following output shows that LFA FRR is enabled on the hop from rtrR to rtrM. Unlike typical multicast replication where the address displayed is the remote address on the link to a downstream router, the IP address (displayed with an exclamation mark) is the router-ID of the downstream router rtrM. The output also displays the LFA FRR state for the multicast tree.
      Router# show pce lsp p2mp 
      Tree: sr_p2mp_root_192.168.0.4_tree_id_524290 
       Label:    18000     Operational: up  Admin: up
       LFA FRR: Enabled
       Metric Type: TE
       Transition count: 1
       Uptime: 3d19h (since Thu Feb 13 13:43:40 PST 2020)
        Node[0]: (rtrM)
         Role: Transit
          Incoming: 18000 CC-ID: 1
          Outgoing: 18000 CC-ID: 1 ( [rtrL1]
          Outgoing: 18000 CC-ID: 1 ( [rtrL2]
        Node[1]: (rtrR)
         Role: Ingress
          Incoming: 18000 CC-ID: 2
          Outgoing: 18000 CC-ID: 2 (!) [rtrM]
        Node[2]: (rtrL1)
         Role: Egress
          Incoming: 18000 CC-ID: 3
        Node[3]: (rtrL2)
         Role: Egress
          Incoming: 18000 CC-ID: 4
  • Multicast Tree Information on Routers
    Router# show segment-routing traffic-eng p2mp policy 
    SR-TE P2MP policy database: 
    ! - Replications with Fast Re-route
    Policy: sr_p2mp_root_192.168.0.1_tree_id_524290  LSM-ID: 0x2
     Role: Leaf
      Incoming label: 18001 CC-ID: 6
    Policy: sr_p2mp_root_192.168.0.4_tree_id_524290  LSM-ID: 0x80002 (PCC-initiated)
     Color: 0
     LFA FRR: Disabled
     Role: Root
      Incoming label: 18000 CC-ID: 2
      Interface: None [!]  Outgoing label: 18000 CC-ID: 2

    For SR multicast policies originated locally on the router (root router of a dynamic multicast VPN multicast policy) additional policy information is displayed. The information includes color, end points, and whether LFA FRR is requested by the local application. When the SR-PCE server enables LFA FRR on a specific hop, the outgoing information shows the address of the next router with an exclamation mark and None is displayed for the outgoing interface.

    For dynamic SR multicast trees created for multicast VPN, the show command has filters for displaying root multicast router and Tree-ID information. When the root router is specified, all multicast trees for that root are displayed. When root and Tree-ID are specified, only the specified tree information is displayed.

    Router# show segment-routing traffic-eng p2mp policy root ipv6 1.1$
    SR-TE P2MP policy database: 
    ! - Replications with Fast Re-route, * - Stale dynamic policies/endpoints
    Policy: sr_p2mp_root_10.1.1.1_tree_id_524289  LSM-ID: 0x691 
     Root:, ID: 524289
     Role: Transit
      Incoming label: 20000 CC-ID: 28
      Interface: Bundle-Ether23 []  Outgoing label: 20000 CC-ID: 28
      Interface: Bundle-Ether25 []  Outgoing label: 20000 CC-ID: 28
    Policy: sr_p2mp_root_10.1.1.1_tree_id_524290  LSM-ID: 0x692 
     Root:, ID: 524290
     Role: Transit
      Incoming label: 19999 CC-ID: 28
      Interface: Bundle-Ether23 []  Outgoing label: 19999 CC-ID: 28
      Interface: Bundle-Ether25 []  Outgoing label: 19999 CC-ID: 28