Limitations and Guidelines
General Limitation and Guidelines
Owner and partner RPMs can be installed only on route processors, and not on the line
Owner and partner RPMs are managed by App Manager, which is responsible for running the docker containers and handling notifications from Install.
Owner and partner RPMs must install files only to the designated filesystem locations. These locations are
respectively. -
When installing Owner and partner RPMs, the maximum size of a GISO that can be used for bootstrap or when using the install replace command is 4GB.
If you are upgrading from an IOS XR release that does not support installing the Owner or Partner RPMs (for example, upgrading from IOS XR Release 24.1.1 to IOS XR Release 24.2.11), owner and partner RPMs will not be installed automatically during the upgrade process. See the Two-Step Upgrade Process for Installing Owner or Partner RPMs section for more information.
Limitation and Guidelines for Owner RPMs
Names of all Owner RPMs must begin with the string “owner-”.
Owner RPMs can either be unsigned or signed with a non-Cisco key. However, signatures are not verified during installation.
Owner RPMs must not include any RPM scriptlets, including pre-install and post-install scripts.
You must request the installation of an Owner RPMs either by listing them explicitly or by including an additional parameter skip-implicit-owner-packages-checks in the install commands.
During the network boot process using PXE or when booting from a USB drive, Owner RPMs are not automatically installed. This limitation arises because in these scenarios, there is no mechanism for the owner (Cisco customer) to convey consent for the installation of Owner RPMs. That is, there is no way for the owner to provide the skip-implicit-owner-packages-checks parameter.
If you want to include Owner RPMs after booting from an ISO via PXE or USB, execute the install replace command with the ISO that contains the desired Owner RPM packages. This action incorporates the Owner RPM packages into your installation without affecting any other aspects of the system.
Limitation and Guidelines for Partner RPMs
All Partner RPMs must be signed with a Cisco key; otherwise, they are treated as owner RPMs.
Names of all Partner RPMs must begin with the string “partner-”.