Managing VNF Lifecycle Operations

Managing VNF Lifecycle On Or-Vnfm Reference Point

The NFVO communicates with ESC using the ETSI MANO API for lifecycle management of a VNF. A configuration template, the Virtual Network Function Descriptor (VNFD) file describes the deployment parameters and operational behaviors of a VNF type. The VNFD is used in the process of deploying a VNF and managing the lifecycle of a VNF instance.

The lifecycle operations of a VNF instance is as follows:

  1. Create a VNF Identifier—ESC generates a new VNF Instance Id (a universally unique identifier) that is subsequently used as a handle to reference the instance upon which to execute further operations.

  2. Instantiate / Deploy VNF—As part of VNF instantiation, ESC instantiates a new VNF instance in the VIM. ESC receives a request to instantiate a VNF instance from NFVO. The instantiate request contains resource requirements, networking and other service operational behaviors. All these requirements along with the VNFD and the grant information provides all the necessary information to instantiate the VNF.

  3. Operate VNF—ESC allows you to start and stop a VNF instance. The resources are not released or changed, but the VNF instance in the VIM is toggled between these two states.

  4. Query VNF—To query one or more VNF instances known to ESC. To query one or more VNF instances known to ESC. This is a specific REST end point that can be filtered to find specific instances. The instances can be filtered using the VNF Instance Id.

    Also, a separate REST end point allows the NFVO to query the status of one or more lifecycle operation occurrences associated with a VNF. The lifecycle operations can be filtered using a specific occurrence identifier.

  5. Modify VNF—ESC allows you to modify the properties of a single VNF instance. The instantiated VNF is updated, and the lifecycle management operation occurrence sends notification to the NFVO about the status of the VNF.

  6. Scale and Scale to Level VNF—ESC allows you to scale VNFs in two ways. You can scale a VNF incrementally, or to a specific level.

  7. Heal VNF—ESC heals the VNF when there is a failure.

  8. Terminate / Undeploy VNF—To terminate the VNF instance in the VIM. The resources themselves remain reserved for the VNF instance, however the VNF itself is undeployed.

  9. Delete VNF Identifier—The resources are fully released in the VIM and in ESC and the associated VNF instance identifer is also released.

For VNF lifecycle operations using REST and NETCONF APIs, see Configuring Deployment Parameters in the Cisco Elastic Services Controller User Guide.

VNF Lifecycle Operations On Or-Vnfm Reference Point

VNFM Prerequisites

The following prerequisites must be met for VNF lifecycle operations:

  • The resource definitions must be created out of band and must be available before VNF instantiation.

  • There are two options with regards to connecting to the VIM. The VIM Connector specifies how ESC connects to the VIM and may be created and validated in advance of deploying a VNF (and identified by name) or created as part of the request if new vimConnectionInfo is supplied. See VIM Connectors Overview.

NFVO Prerequisites

  • The VNF to be instantiated has to be onboarded to the NFVO within an ETSI compliant VNF package.

    • The NFVO must provide ETSI compliant VNF Packages to ESC.

    • The VNF package must contain a VNF Descriptor (VNFD) file.

    The NFVO must support the /vnf_packages API to allow access to the package artifacts.See chapter 10 in the ETSI GS NFV-SOL 003 specification on the ETSI website for details.

  • Update the properties file, under: /opt/cisco/esc/esc_database/. The properties file provides details about the NFVO to ESC.

    The single property nfvo.apiRoot allows specification of the NFVO host and port. For example, nfvo.apiRoot=localhost:8280.


The initial implementation of the ETSI MANO API supports only a single VIM. The tenant/project is currently specified using the resourceGroupId.

For notes on ESC in HA mode, enabled with ETSI service, see the Cisco Elastic Services Controller Install and Upgrade Guide.

Deployment Request

The deployment request includes the following tasks:

The VNFD provides a description of the following constructs (see ETSI GS NFV-SOL 001 specification on the ETSI website for details)

  • The deployment level configuration such as deployment flavours and external connections

  • The VDU configuration, including any applicable images (Compute)

  • The internal connection points (VduCp)

  • Any volumes to be created, including any applicable images (VirtualBlockStorage)

  • The internal virtual links (VnfVirtualLink)

  • Policies and groups for placement, scaling and security

The InstantiateVnfRequest ( see ETSI GS NFV-SOL 003 specification on the ETSI website for details):

  • The chosen deployment flavour

  • The VIM connection details (vimConnectionInfo)

  • Any external networks to which to connect the external connection points (extVirtualLinks)

  • Any external networks that may be bound to for internal virtual links (extManagedVirtualLinks)

  • A list of key-value pairs to provide deployment specific variables for the deployment (additionalParams)

The Grant from the NFVO (see ETSI GS NFV-SOL 003 specification on the ETSI website for details):

  • Approved and/or updated resources to be added, updated or removed (UUIDs)

  • Confirmed placement information

Creating the VNF Identifier

Creating the VNF Identifier is the first request for any VNF instance. This identifier is used for all further LCM operations executed by the ETSI API. Resources are neither created nor reserved at this stage.

ESC sends a POST request to create VNF instances:

Method Type:


VNFM Endpoint:


HTTP Request Headers:


Request Payload (ETSI data structure: CreateVnfRequest):

    "vnfInstanceName": "Test-VNf-Instance",
    "vnfdId": "vnfd-88c6a03e-019f-4525-ae63-de58ee89db74"

Response Headers:

HTTP/1.1 201
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
X-Application-Context: application:8250
Accept-Ranges: none
Location: http://localhost:8250/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/14924fca-fb10-45da-bcf5-59c581d675d8
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2018 12:18:13 GMT

Response Body (ETSI Data structure:VnfInstance)

    "id": "14924fca-fb10-45da-bcf5-59c581d675d8",
    "instantiationState": "NOT_INSTANTIATED",
    "onboardedVnfPkgInfoId": "vnfpkg-bb5601ef-cae8-4141-ba4f-e96b6cad0f74",
    "vnfInstanceName": "Test-VNf-Instance",
    "vnfProductName": "vnfd-1VDU",
    "vnfProvider": "Cisco",
    "vnfSoftwareVersion": "1.1",
    "vnfdId": "vnfd-88c6a03e-019f-4525-ae63-de58ee89db74",
    "vnfdVersion": "1.3",
    "_links": {
        "instantiate": {
            "href": "http://localhost:8250/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/14924fca-fb10-45da-bcf5-59c581d675d8/instantiate"
        "self": {
            "href": "http://localhost:8250/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/14924fca-fb10-45da-bcf5-59c581d675d8"

For instantiating VNFs, see Instantiating Virtual Network Functions.

Instantiating Virtual Network Functions

The instantiation request triggers a number of message exchanges, which allows the call flow to be completed in order to instantiate a VNF instance. The resources are allocated when the VNF instance is instantiated. It requires the VNF instance identifier, returned by the create VNF request, encoded into the URL to which the request is posted.

The instantiation request sub-tasks within the flow include:

  1. Retrieving the VNF Descriptor template from the NFVO.

  2. Requesting permission from the NFVO (bi-directional Grant flow). For more information see, Requesting Grant Permission.

Method type:


VNFM Endpoint:


HTTP Request Header:


Request Payload (ETSI data structure: InstantiateVnfRequest)

    "flavourId": "default",
    "extManagedVirtualLinks": [
            "id": "my-network",
            "resourceId": "93fb90ae-0ec1-4a6e-8700-bf109a0f4fba",
            "virtualLinkDescId": "VLD1"
    "vimConnectionInfo": [
            "accessInfo": {
                "password": "P@55w0rd!",
                "username": "admin",
                "vim_project": "tenantName"
            "extra": {
                "name": "esc"
            "id": "default_openstack_vim",
            "interfaceInfo": {
                "baseUrl": "http://localhost:8080"
            "vimId": "default_openstack_vim",
            "vimType": "OPENSTACK"
    "additionalParams": {
        "CPUS": 2,
        "MEM_SIZE": "512 MB",
        "VIM_FLAVOR": "Automation-Cirros-Flavor",
        "BOOTUP_TIME": "1800"

The flavourId value must be same as a single flavour_id specified in the VNFD.

You can customize the VNF before instantiation by adding variables to the VNFD template. Specify the variables in the additionalParams field of the LCM request. The variables are name-value pairs, where the value can be either string, numeric or boolean. In the example below, the cpus, and mem_size additionalParams are defined in the VNFD template using the get_input: <TOSCA method>.


If there are multiple vm groups within the VNFD in a single ETSI deployment, they must all use the same VIM.

When this template is submitted to the VNFM, the variables are merged into the same VNF instance. The additionalParams variables are merged with the VNF variables, and actual values for the variables are provided only during instantiation.

The list of parameters supplied are driven by the contents of the VNFD; the additionalParams specified in the request are used by the VNFD using the get_input TOSCA method within the VNFD. For example, the cpus, and mem_size variables are merged with the placeholders within the VNFD:

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_2
  - cisco_nfv_sol001_types.yaml
  - etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_0_10_0_types.yaml
  template_name: Example
  template_author: Cisco Systems
  template_version: '1.0'
      description: Number of CPUs
      type: string
      default: "2"
      description: Memory size
      type: string
      default: "512 MB"
      description: VIM Flavor
      type: string
      default: "Automation-Cirros-Flavour"
      description: Time taken to boot the VNF
      type: string
      default: "1800"
      type: cisco.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
        name: vdu1
        description: Example
            vim_flavor: { get_input: VIM_FLAVOR }
            bootup_time: { get_input: BOOTUP_TIME }
          min_number_of_instances: 1
          max_number_of_instances: 1
              num_virtual_cpu: { get_input: CPUS }
              virtual_mem_size: { get_input: MEM_SIZE }

If further LCM requests with additionalParams variables are submitted for the same VNF, then the new variables overwrite the existing variables. The VNFM uses the new variables for instantiation.

Although internal links are designed to be ephemeral, in some deployment scenarios they can be bound to external links that outlive the VNF. Consider the following example VNFD fragment:

      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLink
          layer_protocols: [ ipv4 ]
        description: Internal Network VL
            root: 10000
            root: 0

To specify an external virtual link to be used in place of automation_net in the VNF deployment, the following data structure must be used as part of the instantiation request:

"extManagedVirtualLinks": [
            "id": "net-5ddc8435-9d85-4560-8b95-bfcd3369c5c2",
            "resourceId": "esc-net2",
            "virtualLinkDescId": "automation_net"

Although the ETSI specifications only support the concept of ephemeral volumes, many vendors require the specification of a persistent volume and so Cisco have implemented an extension to support this. The resource Id of the persistent volume can be supplied as an additionalParam and tied to a volume in the VNFD using an optional property, as per the following example:

      type: cisco.nodes.nfv.Vdu.VirtualBlockStorage
        resource_id: { get_input: EX_VOL_UUID }
          size_of_storage: 200 GB
            vol_id: 1
            bus: ide
            type: LUKS

Requesting Permission via Grant

The ETSI API requests for permission from the NFVO to complete lifecycle management operations for the VNF instance resources and gets resource Ids for any resources pre-provisioned. An example GrantRequest looks like:

  "flavourId": "default",
  "instantiationLevelId": "default",
  "isAutomaticInvocation": false,
  "operation": "INSTANTIATE",
  "vnfInstanceId": "e426a94e-7963-430c-96ee-778dde5bd021",
  "vnfLc mOpOccId": "06fe989b-7b0b-40dc-afb3-de26c18651ae",
  "vnfdId": "6940B47B-B0D0-48CB-8920-86BC23F91B16",
      "id": "res-1abb1609-a1f3-418a- a7a0-2692a5e53311",
      "resourceTemplateId": "vdu1",
      "type": "COMPUTE",
      "vduId": "vdu1"
      "id": "res-c5ece35c-89e3-4d29-b594-ee9f6591f061",
      "resourceTemplateI d": "node_1_nic0",
      "type": "LINKPORT",
      "vduId": "vdu1"
      "id": "res-e88d8461-5f5a-4dba-af14-def82ce894e5",
      "resourceTemplateId": "automation_net",
      "type": "VL"
      "href": "https://172.16 .255.8:8251/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/14924fca-fb10-45da-bcf5-59c581d675d8"
      "href": ""

The corresponding grant returned may look like the following:

    "id": "grant-0b7d3420-e6ee-4037-b116-18808dea4e2a",
    "vnfInstanceId": "14924fca-fb10-45da-bcf5-59c581d675d8",
    "vnfLcmOpOccId": "457736f0-c877-4e07-8055-39dd406c616b",
    "addResources": [
            "resourceDefinitionId": "res-1abb1609-a1f3-418a-a7a0-2692a5e53311",
            "vimConnectionId": "esc-005e4412-e056-43a9-8bc0-d6699c968a3c"
            "resourceDefinitionId": "res-c5ece35c-89e3-4d29-b594-ee9f6591f061",
            "vimConnectionId": "esc-005e4412-e056-43a9-8bc0-d6699c968a3c"
            "resourceDefinitionId": "res-e88d8461-5f5a-4dba-af14-def82ce894e5",
            "vimConnectionId": "esc-005e4412-e056-43a9-8bc0-d6699c968a3c"
    "vimAssets": {
        "computeResourceFlavours": [
                "vimConnectionId": "esc-005e4412-e056-43a9-8bc0-d6699c968a3c",
                "vimFlavourId": "Automation-Cirros-Flavor",
                "vnfdVirtualComputeDescId": "vdu1"
        "softwareImages": [
                "vimConnectionId": "esc-005e4412-e056-43a9-8bc0-d6699c968a3c",
                "vimSoftwareImageId": "Automation-Cirros-DHCP-2-IF",
                "vnfdSoftwareImageId": "vdu1"
    "vimConnections": [
            "id": "esc-005e4412-e056-43a9-8bc0-d6699c968a3c",
            "vimId": "default_openstack_vim",
            "vimType": "OPENSTACK",
            "accessInfo": {
                "vim_project": "admin"
    "zones": [
            "id": "zone-c9f79460-7a23-43e4-bb6d-0683e2cdb3d4",
            "vimConnectionId": "default_openstack_vim",
            "zoneId": "default"
            "id": "zone-4039855e-a2cb-48f8-996d-b328cdf9889a",
            "vimConnectionId": "default_openstack_vim",
            "zoneId": "nova"
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "http://localhost:8280/grant/v1/grants/grant-0b7d3420-e6ee-4037-b116-18808dea4e2a"
        "vnfInstance": {
            "href": "https://172.16 .255.8:8251/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/14924fca-fb10-45da-bcf5-59c581d675d8"
        "vnfLcmOpOcc": {
            "href": ""

The grant request is accepted only if all the requested resources have been granted, else the grant is rejected.

Retrieving the Deployment Descriptor from ESC

The NFVO can retrieve the ESC datamodel instance in the form of a deployment descriptor. The NFVO can view all the inputs provided at the time of instantiation and changes made later to the deployment descriptor.

To retrieve the deployment descriptor, you must:

  • Create the VNF

  • Provide the vnfinstanceId

Method Type


VNFM Endpoint


HTTP Request Header


Request Payload

not applicable.

Querying Virtual Network Functions

Querying VNFs does not affect the state of any VNF instance. This operation simply queries ESC for all the VNF instances it knows about, or a specific VNF isntance.

Method Type:


VNFM Endpoint:


HTTP Request Header:

Content-Type: application/json

Request Payload:

 not applicable.

Response Headers:

< HTTP/1.1 200
HTTP/1.1 200
< X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
< X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
< Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
< Pragma: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
< Expires: 0
Expires: 0
< X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-Frame-Options: DENY
< Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
< X-Application-Context: application:8250
X-Application-Context: application:8250
< Accept-Ranges: none
Accept-Ranges: none
< ETag: "2"
ETag: "2"
< Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2018 12:25:32 GMT
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2018 12:25:32 GMT

Response Body for a single VNF Instance (ETSI Data structure:VnfInstance)


The ETag response header is only returned for a single VNF query (that is, one with the VNF Instance ID specified). The ETag value is conditionally used during any subsequent VNF modify operations.

  "_links": {
    "instantiate": {
      "href": "http://localhost:8250/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/14924fca-fb10-45da-bcf5-59c581d675d8/instantiate"
    "self": {
      "href": "http://localhost:8250/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/14924fca-fb10-45da-bcf5-59c581d675d8"
  "id": "14924fca-fb10-45da-bcf5-59c581d675d8",
  "instantiationState": "NOT_INSTANTIATED",
  "onboardedVnfPkgInfoId": "vnfpkg-bb5601ef-cae8-4141-ba4f-e96b6cad0f74",
  "vnfInstanceName": "Test-VNf-Instance",
  "vnfProductName": "vnfd-1VDU",
  "vnfProvider": "Cisco",
  "vnfSoftwareVersion": "1.1",
  "vnfdId": "vnfd-88c6a03e-019f-4525-ae63-de58ee89db74",
  "vnfdVersion": "2.1"

The query VNF operation output shows the instantiated state of the VNF. The InstantiatedVnfInfo element shows the VIM resource information for all the VNFs.

For example:

"instantiatedVnfInfo": {
"extCpInfo": [
"cpProtocolInfo": [
"ipOverEthernet": {
"ipAddresses": [
"addresses": [
"isDynamic": false,
"type": "IPV4"
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:4b:f8:03"
"layerProtocol": "IP_OVER_ETHERNET"
"cpdId": "anECP",
"id": "extCp-4143f7d4-f581-45fc-a730-568435dfdb4f"
"extManagedVirtualLinkInfo": [
"id": "net-d39bc4de-285c-4056-8113-24eccf821ebc",
"networkResource": {
"resourceId": "my-network",
"vimConnectionId": "esc-b616e5be-58ce-4cfc-8eee-e18783c5ae5d"
"vnfLinkPorts": [
"cpInstanceId": "vnfcCp-9b24c9e0-1b28-4aba-a9df-9bfc786bfaed",
"id": "vnfLP-9b24c9e0-1b28-4aba-a9df-9bfc786bfaed",
"resourceHandle": {
"resourceId": "926b7748-61d9-4295-b9ff-77fceb05589a",
"vimConnectionId": "esc-b616e5be-58ce-4cfc-8eee-e18783c5ae5d"
"vnfVirtualLinkDescId": "my-network"
"extVirtualLinkInfo": [
"extLinkPorts": [
"cpInstanceId": "extCp-4143f7d4-f581-45fc-a730-568435dfdb4f",
"id": "extLP-4143f7d4-f581-45fc-a730-568435dfdb4f",
"resourceHandle": {
"resourceId": "d6a4c231-e77c-4d1f-a6e2-d3f463c4ff72",
"vimConnectionId": "default_openstack_vim"
"id": "extVL-b9bd55a9-4bd9-4ad8-bf67-ba1e7b82aca6",
"resourceHandle": {
"resourceId": "anECP",
"vimConnectionId": "esc-b616e5be-58ce-4cfc-8eee-e18783c5ae5d"
"flavourId": "bronze",
"scaleStatus": [
"aspectId": "default_scaling_aspect",
"scaleLevel": 1
"vnfState": "STARTED",
"vnfcResourceInfo": [
"computeResource": {
"resourceId": "a21f0b15-ec4b-4968-adce-1ccfad118caa",
"vimConnectionId": "default_openstack_vim"
"id": "res-89a669bb-fef4-4099-b9fe-c8d2e465541b",
"vduId": "vdu_node_1",
"vnfcCpInfo": [
"cpProtocolInfo": [
"ipOverEthernet": {
"ipAddresses": [
"addresses": [
"isDynamic": false,
"type": "IPV4"
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:4b:f8:03"
"layerProtocol": "IP_OVER_ETHERNET"
"cpdId": "node_1_nic0",
"id": "vnfcCp-c09d5cf2-8727-400e-8845-c4d5cb479db8",
"vnfExtCpId": "extCp-4143f7d4-f581-45fc-a730-568435dfdb4f"
"cpProtocolInfo": [
"ipOverEthernet": {
"ipAddresses": [
"addresses": [
"isDynamic": false,
"type": "IPV4"
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:94:b3:91"
"layerProtocol": "IP_OVER_ETHERNET"
"cpdId": "node_1_nic1",
"id": "vnfcCp-9b24c9e0-1b28-4aba-a9df-9bfc786bfaed"

Modifying Virtual Network Functions

You can modify or update the properties of a VNF instance, which is in the NOT_INSTANTIATED state, using the modify VNF lifecycle operation. ESC receives a PATCH request from NFVO to modify a single VNF instance.

A JSON merge algorithm is applied from the input payload against the stored data to modify the VNF instance.


Modifying VNF operation updates only the properties, but not the functionality of the VNF. The modify operation is only valid on a VNF instance resource that is NOT_INSTANTIATED.

The following properties of an existing VNF instance can be modified:

  • vnfInstanceName

  • vnfInstanceDescription

  • onboardedVnfPkgInfoId (null value is not allowed)

  • vnfConfigurableProperties

  • metadata

  • extensions

  • vimConnectionInfo

Method Type


VNFM Endpoint


HTTP Request Header

Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json
If-Match: ETag value


The ETag, if specified, is validated against the ETag value stored against the VNF instance resource. If the values do not match, the modify request will be rejected.

Request Payload (ETSI data structure: VnfInfoModifications)

    "vnfInstanceName": "My NEW VNF Instance Name",
    "vnfInstanceDescription": "My NEW VNF Instance Description",
    "vnfPkgId": "pkg-xyzzy-123",
    "vnfConfigurableProperties": {
        "isAutoscaleEnabled": "true"
    "metadata": {
        "serialRange": "ab123-cc331",
        "manufacturer": "Cisco"
    "extensions": {
        "testAccess": "false",
        "ipv6Interface": "false"
    "vimConnectionInfo": [
            "id": "vci1",
            "vimType": "openstack",
            "interfaceInfo": {
                "uri": ""
            "accessInfo": {
                "domainName": "default",
                "projectName": "admin",
                "userName": "default"

Response Header:

not applicable.

Response Body:

not applicable.

When the PATCH operation is complete, the VNF instance is modified, and the details are sent to the NFVO through the notification.

Operating Virtual Network Functions

You can start or stop a VNF instance using the operate lifecycle management operation. The VNF instance can be stopped gracefully or forcefully.


The OpenStack API supports only forceful stop.

The changeStateTo field must have the value STARTED or STOPPED in the request payload, to start or stop a VNF instance.

Permission is also required from the NFVO (bi-directional Grant flow) for this operation. See Requesting Grant Permission for more informaiton.

Method Type:

VNFM Endpoint:


HTTP Request Headers:


Response Headers:

HTTP/1.1 202
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: TEST
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
X-Application-Context: application:8250
Accept-Ranges: none
Location: http://localhost:8250/vnflcm/v1/vnf_lcm_op_occs/e775aad5-8683-4450-b260-43656b6b13e9
Content-Length: 0
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2018 12:40:27 GMT

Response Body:

not applicable.

Terminating Virtual Network Functions

The terminating VNF request terminates a VNF instance. The resources are deallocated but remain reserved for this instance until it is deleted. Permission is required from the NFVO (bi-directional Grant flow) for this operation. The VNF instance can be decommissioned gracefully or forcefully.


The OpenStack API supports only forceful termination.

As per the Instantiate VNF Request, the terminate VNF request requires the VNF instance identifier encoded into the URL to which the request is posted.

Method Type:


VNFM Endpoint:


HTTP Request Headers:


Request Payload (ETSI data structure: TerminateVnfRequest)


Response Headers:

HTTP/1.1 202
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: TEST
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
X-Application-Context: application:8250
Accept-Ranges: none
Location: http://localhost:8250/vnflcm/v1/vnf_lcm_op_occs/dae25dbc-fcde-4ff9-8fd6-31797d19dbc1
Content-Length: 0
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2018 12:45:59 GMT

Response Body:

not applicable.

Deleting Virtual Network Function Resource Identifier

Deleting VNF operation releases the VIM resources reserved for the VNF instance as well as deletes the VNF instance identifier. Upon deletion, the VNF instance identifier is no longer available. So, no further lifecycle management operations are possible using this identifier.

Method Type:


VNFM Endpoint:


HTTP Request Headers:


Request Payload:

not applicable.

Response Headers:

HTTP/1.1 204
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: TEST
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
X-Application-Context: application:8250
Accept-Ranges: none
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2018 12:48:59 GMT

Response Body:

not applicable.