Managing Resources

Managing Resources

Resource Definitions for ETSI API

Cisco Elastic Services Controller (ESC) resources comprises of images, flavours, tenants, volumes, networks, and subnetworks. These resources are the ones that ESC requests to provision a Virtual Network Function.

For ETSI MANO, these resource definitions are created by NFVO either at the time of onboarding the VNF package or onboarding the tenant, and represented by the VIM identifiers in the request to ESC.

For information on managing resources using NETCONF or REST APIs, see Managing Resources Overview in the Cisco Elastic Services Controller User Guide.

ETSI API Documentation

You can access the ETSI API documentation directly from the ESC VM:

http:[ESC VM IP]:8250/API

The ETSI API documentation provides details about all the various operations supported through the ESTI MANO interface.You can also see the Cisco ETSI API Guide for more information.

The following table lists the resource definitions on the VIM that must be made available before VNF instantiation.

Table 1. Resource Definitions on VIM

Resource Definitions



Out of band tenants

You can create a tenant using NETCONF API, REST API, or the ESC portal. You can also create a tenant directly on the VIM. The tenant is then referred to within the vimConnectionInfo data structure. For more information, see VIM Connectors Overview.


Out of band images

The NFVO onboards a VNF package, extracts and then onboards the image contained within the VNF package on to the VIM. Though the VNFD refers to the image file, because of the size of the image file, instead of onboarding the image at the time of deployment, the vimAssets in the Grant stipulates the image to be used.


Out of band flavors

During onboarding of the VNF package, the NFVO looks at each cisco.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute node's capabilities in the VNFD to determine the flavor to be created. This is available later at the time of instantiation, or optionally overriden by a VIM flavor supplied at instantiation time as an additional parameter.

ETSI deployment flavour is a different concept than OpenStack compute flavor. For more information, see Terms and Definitions in About This Guide.


ESC supports out-of-band volumes as Cisco extension.

External Networks (Virtual Link)

External networks specified in the instantiation payload to which external connection points will connect.

Externally Managed Internal Virtual Links

External networks specified in the instantiation payload to which internal virtual links will be bound instead of creating ephemeral networks.


Out-of-band subnets

For information on onboarding VNF packages and lifecycle operations using the ETSI API, see Managing VNF Lifecycle On Or-Vnfm Reference Point.

Updating Resource Definitions

This section provides details about updating ETSI API resource definitions.

Updating the VNF Flavour

A VNF flavour can be updated by updating the TOSCA parameters in the VNFD template. You can define the alternate VNF nodes and deployment flavours for a single VNFD using the following TOSCA parameters:

  • Import statements—The import statement allows a single, parent VNFD yaml file to conditionally include other files based on an input value which can be specified dynamically, at run time.

  • Substitution mappings—The substitution mapping applies only to the node types derived from the tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF. You cannot substitute values of other node types that is, Connection Points, Virtual Links and so on.


In this example, the yaml file contains three import files.

All three files must exist in the VNFD ZIP archive file in the same location as the parent file importing them.

The requirements and capabilities are not defined in the derived tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF node. These are mandatory for defining characteristics of VNFs instantiated using this VNFD. They are defined within the imported files.

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_2
description: Substitution Mapping Example

- df_default.yaml
- df_silver.yaml
- df_gold.yaml

. . .

derived_from: tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF

. . .


. . .

# Substitution Mapping #
node_type: my-vnf
# None


type: my-vnf
descriptor_id: 8717E6CC-3D62-486D-8613-F933DE1FB3A0

. . .

flavour_id: default
flavour_description: Default VNF Deployment Flavour

Example 2:

When the VNF is instantiated, the required flavour is sent in the Instantiate request to the VNFM. The TOSCA parser tries to match the flavour and the VNF node name with the defined substitution mappings. These may be imported or defined within the VNFD itself. For example, the df_silver.yaml contains the following:

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_2

description: Silver Deployment Flavour


node_type: my-vnf
flavour_id: silver
flavour_description: Silver VNF Deployment Flavour
- virtual_link: [ vm1_nic1, virtual_link ]

silver is the flavourId passed in the Instantiate Request payload. The parent yaml shown above has its empty requirements section updated with the requirements from the silver profile, and the existing flavour_id and flavour_description properties are updated as well.

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0
description: Deployment Flavour SILVER
    node_type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF.CiscoESC
      virtual_link: [ anECP, external_virtual_link ]
            flavour_id: silver
            description: 'SILVER Deployment Flavour'
                min_number_of_instances: 2
                max_number_of_instances: 2
                description: 'Default Instantiation Level'
                    number_of_instances: 1
                    scale_level: 2
                description: 'SILVER Instantiation Level'
                    number_of_instances: 2
                    scale_level: 2
            default_instantiation_level_id: default
            vnf_lcm_operations_configuration: {}
              - default_scaling_aspect
    description: "SILVER: This is substituted if not already defined"

ESC sends a POST request to update the VNF flavour:

Method Type:


VNFM Endpoint:


Updating the External VNF Connectivity

You can update the external VNF connectivity in an existing deployment. The API supports the following changes:

  • Disconnect the existing connection points (CPs) to the existing external virtual link and connect to a different virtual link.

  • Change the connectivity parameters of the existing external CPs, including changing the addresses.

ESC sends a POST request to update the VNF external connectivity:

Method Type


VNFM Endpoint


Request Payload (Data structure = ChangeExtVnfConnectivityRequest)

  "extVirtualLinks": [
      "id": "extVL-98345443-7797-4c6d-a0ed-e18771dacf1c",
      "resourceId": "node_1_ecp",
      "extCps": [
          "cpdId": "node_1_ecp",
          "cpConfig": [
              "cpProtocolData": [
                  "layerProtocol": "IP_OVER_ETHERNET",
                  "ipOverEthernet": {
                    "ipAddresses": [
                        "type": "IPV4",
                        "numDynamicAddresses": 2,
                        "subnetId": "esc-subnet"


The id in the extVirtualLinks, extVL-98345443-7797-4c6d-a0ed-e18771dacf1c in the above example, must also exist in the instantiatedVnfInof in the vnfInstance.

Merging Policy

The substitution merges the new values into the VNFD.

  1. For regular scalar properties such as name=joe, the value is replaced in the VNFD.

  2. Arrays such as [list, of, strings] are merged. The new values are added into the array, if they do not exist.

  3. Objects such as where a key is indented under another key, are replaced. The configurable_properties object in the matched substitution will overwrite that defined in the VNFD.

Parser Behaviour

  • If the VNF is instantiated by the Test Harness, the flavour is persisted and used in the subsequent LCM operations so that the VNFD always uses the same mappings.

  • If the instantiate operation is called from elsewhere (such as cURL or Postman) then the flavour contained in the grant is persisted and used in the subsequent LCM operations.

  • If the Test Harness receives a grant request for a VNF not instantiated through it, then the grant is most likely to fail if no substitution mapping occurs.

  • After the substitution mappings are made, the parser tries to populate any additionalParams provided. Note that the command fails if the input parameters do not match those in the template.

For more information on VNF lifecycle operations, see Managing VNF Lifecycle On Or-Vnfm Reference Point.

OAuth (Open Authorization) 2.0 Authentication

The ETSI NFV MANO supports OAuth 2.0 authentication for SOL003 Or-Vnfm reference point. The NFVO makes a token request to ESC providing the client credentials such as client id and client secret for authentication. In turn, ESC verifies the request and returns the access token.

The NFVO makes a POST request providing the clientId and secret as primary authentication.

Method Type





Authorization: Basic {base 64 encoded CLIENT_ID:CLIENT_SECRET}
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded



ESC returns the access token in response.


    "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJjaHJpcyIsImlzcyI6IkVUU0ktVk5GTSIsImlhdCI6MTU1ODYwMzk2NiwiZXhwIjoxNTU4NjA0NTY2f
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 600

The access token is then used to access the or_vnfm endpoints.







Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJjaHJpcyIsImlzcyI6IkVUU0k


The existing tokens become invalid if the ETSI service is restarted.

Accessing and Updating the OAuth Properties File

ESC stores the client id and secret in the new etsi-production.yaml properties file in the same location as the file. The new escadm etsi commands are available to maintain the client id and secret values. The client secret is encrypted the same way as the existing rest username.

To add or update a client id

sudo escadm etsi oauth2_clients --set <CLIENT_ID>:<CLIENT_SECRET>

To remove a client id

sudo escadm etsi oauth2_clients --remove <CLIENT_ID>


Restart the ETSI services after updating the OAuth 2.0 values.

For information on other properties, see ETSI Production Properties.