Perform Configuration Audits Using Compliance

How To Perform a Compliance Audit

The following table lists the basic steps for using the Compliance feature.




Create a compliance policy that contains a name and other descriptive text.

Create a New Compliance Policy


Add rules to the compliance policy. The rules specify what constitutes a violation.

Create Compliance Policy Rules


Create a compliance profile (which you will use to run an audit on network devices) and:

  • Add a compliance policy to it.

  • Choose the policy rules you want to include in the audit.

You can add multiple custom policies and/or predefined system policies to the same profile.

Create a Compliance Profile That Contains Policies and Rules


Run a compliance audit by selecting a profile and scheduling an audit job.

Run a Compliance Audit


View the results of the compliance audit and if necessary, fix the violations.

View the Results of a Compliance Audit

Enable and Disable Compliance Auditing

The Compliance feature uses device configuration baselines and audit policies to find and correct any configuration deviations in network devices. It is disabled by default because some of the compliance reports can impact system performance. To enable the Compliance feature, use the following procedure.


To use the compliance feature, your system must meet the Professional sizing requirements, as specified in the Cisco Evolved Programmable Network Manager Installation Guide.


In Cisco EPN Manager, disabling compliance auditing disables the compliance from GUI and stops the compliance data collection in the background. User must restart the Cisco EPN Manager server and resync the devices for the compliance settings to be functional.


Step 1

Choose Administration > Settings > System Settings, then choose General > Server.

Step 2

Next to Compliance Services, click Enable, then click Save.

Step 3

Restart the application.

Step 4

Resynchronize the device inventory: Choose Inventory> Network Devices, select all devices, then click Sync.

Create a New Compliance Policy

You can create a new compliance policy starting with a blank policy template.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Compliance > Policies.

Step 2

Click the Create Compliance Policy (+) icon in the Compliance Policies navigation area on the left.

Step 3

In the dialog box, enter a name and optional description, then click Create. The policy is added to the Compliance Policies navigation area on the left.

To duplicate the policy, select the policy radio button and click Duplicate.

Create Compliance Policy Rules

Compliance policy rules are platform-specific and define what is considered a device violation. A rule can also contain CLI commands that fix the violation. When you are designing the compliance audit job, you can select the rules you want to include in the audit (see Run a Compliance Audit).

Cisco EPN Manger supports audit for AireOS Wireless LAN Controllers platform.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Compliance > Policies, then select a policy from the navigation area on the left.

Step 2

From the work area pane, click New to add a new rule.

If a similar rule exists, you can copy the rule by clicking Duplicate, editing the rule, and saving it with a new name.

Step 3

Configure the new rule by entering your rule criteria.


Cisco Evolved Programmable Network Manager supports all Java-based regular expressions. See
  1. Enter a title, description, and other information in the Rule Information text fields. This information is free text and does not impact any of the rule settings.

  2. Specify the devices for this rule in the Platform Selection area.

  3. (Optional) In the Rule Inputs area, click New and specify the input fields that should be displayed to a user when they run a policy that contains this rule. For example, you could prompt a user for an IP address.



    If you choose the Accept Multiple Values check box, the audit will pass only if all the rule inputs match in the condition.

  4. In the Conditions and Actions area, click New and specify the criteria that will be checked. This will determine the rule pass and fail conditions. For examples, see Examples—Rule Conditions and Actions.

Step 4

Click Create. The rule is added to the compliance policy.

You can create as many rules as you want. Remember that when you want to run the audit job, you can pick the rules you want to validate.



It is recommended to use Java regex for testing the expressions while creating a new compliance policy rule and validating a rule or command using regular expressions, if any.

What to do next

Create a profile that contains the compliance policy and its rules, and then perform the audit using the profile. See Create a Compliance Profile That Contains Policies and Rules.

Examples—Rule Conditions and Actions

Example Conditions and Actions: DNS Servers Configured on Device

This compliance policy checks if either IP name-server or IP name-server2.3.4.5 is configured on the device. If they are, the policy raises a violation with the message "DNS server must be configured as either or"


Tab Area



Condition Details

Condition Scope Details

Condition Scope


Condition Match Criteria


Matches the expression


ip name-server {|}

Action Details

Select Match Action

Select Action

Does not raise a violation

Select Does Not Match Action

Select Action

Raise a violation

Violation Message Type

User Defined Violation Message

Violation Text

DNS server must be configured as either or

Example: Block Options

This compliance policy checks if there are any rogue or unauthorized SNMP community strings are defined in the given blocks. If they are detected in the blocks, the policy raises a violation with the message “Detected unauthorized community string <1.1>” and removes all non-compliant SNMP strings from the blocks.


Tab Area



Rule Information

Rule Title

snmp-server community having non-standard entries

Platform Selection

Cisco IOS Devices, Cisco IOS-XE Devices

Condition 1

Condition Details Condition Scope Details

Condition Scope


Block Options

Block Start Expression

(This field will be enabled only when Parse as Blocks checkbox is selected)

^snmp-server community .*

Condition Match Criteria


Matches the expression


snmp-server community (.*)

Action Details Select Match Action

Select Action


Select Does Not Match Action

Select Action

Does Not Raise a Violation

Condition 2

Condition Details Condition Scope Details

Condition Scope

Previously Matched Blocks

Block Options

Block Start Expression

(This field will be enabled only when Parse as Blocks checkbox is selected)

^snmp-server community .*

Condition Match Criteria


Matches the expression


snmp-server community ((public RO)|(private RW))

Action Details Select Match Action

Select Action


Select Does Not Match Action

Select Action

Raise a Violation

Violation Message Type

User Defined Violation Message

Violation Text

Detected unauthorized community string <1.1>.


In the above example, the matching criteria will be termed as 1.1, 1.2, and so on, for first condition. For the second condition, the matching criterial will be termed as 2.1, 2.2, and so on.

Example Conditions and Actions: Community Strings

This compliance policy checks if either snmp-server community public or snmp-server community private is configured on a device (which is undesirable). If it is, the policy raises a violation with the message "Community string xxxxx configured", where xxx is the first violation that was found.


Tab Area



Condition Details Condition Scope Details

Condition Scope


Condition Match Criteria


Matches the expression


snmp-server community {public|private}

Action Details Select Match Action

Select Action

Raise a violation

Select Does Not Match Action

Select Action


Violation Message Type

User Defined Violation Message

Violation Text

Community string xxxxx configured.

Example Conditions and Actions: IOS Software Version

This compliance policy checks if Cisco IOS software version 15.0(2)SE7 is installed on a device. If it is not, the policy raises a violation with the message "Output of show version contains the string xxxxx," where xxxx is the Cisco IOS software version that does not match 15.0(2)SE7.


Tab Area



Condition Details

Condition Scope Details

Condition Scope

Device Command Outputs

Show Commands

show version

Condition Match Criteria


Contains the string



Action Details

Select Match Action

Select Action


Select Does Not Match Action

Select Action

Raise a Violation

Violation Message Type

User Defined Violation Message

Violation Text

Output of show version contains the string xxxxx.

Example Conditions and Actions: NTP Server Redundancy

This compliance policy checks if the command ntp server appears at least twice on the device. If it does not, the policy raises a violation with the message "At least two NTP servers must be configured."


Tab Area



Condition Details

Condition Scope Details

Condition Scope


Condition Match Criteria


Matches the expression


(ntp server.*\n){2,}

Action Details

Select Match Action

Select Action


Select Does Not Match Action

Select Action

Raise a violation

Violation Message Type

User Defined Violation Message

Violation Text

At least two NTP servers must be configured.

Create a Compliance Profile That Contains Policies and Rules

A compliance profile contains one or more compliance policies. When you add a compliance policy to a profile, all policy rules are applied to the profile. You can customize the profile by selecting the policy rules that you want to include (and ignoring the others). If you group several policies in a profile, you can check and uncheck the rules for each policy.

If you login as a Root or an Admin user, you will be able to do the following actions:

  • Create, edit, or delete a profile.

  • Select the rules that are created in the Policies page.


"Other" users must enable the following task permissions to perform the relevant actions:
  • Compliance Audit Profile Access to run the profile, refresh the profile and browse through the policies in the profile.

  • Compliance Audit Profile Edit Access to create and edit a compliance audit profile.

The task permissions are located in the Administration > Users > Users and Roles > Roles page.

If you do not select the Compliance Audit Profile Access task permission, you will not be able to view the Profile page, even if you have selected the Compliance Audit Profile Edit Access task permission.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Compliance > Profiles.

Step 2

Click the Create Policy Profile (+) icon in the Compliance Profiles navigation area on the left. This opens the Add Compliance Policies dialog box.

Step 3

Select the policies that you want to include in the profile. User-defined policies will be available under the User-Defined category.

  1. In the Add Compliance Policies dialog box, choose the policies you want to add.

  2. Click OK. The policies are added to the Compliance Policy Selector area.

Step 4

Select the rules that you want to include in the policy.

  1. Select a policy in the Compliance Policy Selector area. The policy's rules are displayed in the area on the right.

  2. Select and uncheck specific rules, then click Save.


The choices you make here only apply to the policy instance in this profile. Your choices do not modify the original version of the compliance policy.

What to do next

Schedule the compliance audit job as described in Run a Compliance Audit.

Import and Export Compliance Audit Profiles

Compliance profiles are saved as XML files. You can import and export individual compliance profiles. Files can be imported only in XML format.

Import Compliance Audit Profiles

Before you import a compliance audit profile, ensure that all user-defined policies associated with the profile are available in Cisco EPN Manager. To import a compliance profile:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Compliance > Profiles.

  2. Click the Import Profiles icon in the Compliance Profiles area on the left.

  3. In the Import Profiles dialog box, click Choose Profiles.

  4. Browse to the profile XML file and select it.

  5. (Optional) To import multiple profiles, click Choose more files and upload the profile XML files.

  6. Click Import.

Cisco EPN Manager displays an error message in case an invalid profile XML file is uploaded. Click on the warning icon in the Import Profiles dialog to check logs for profiles that failed to import.

Export Compliance Audit Profiles

To export a compliance profile:

  1. Hover your mouse on "i" icon next to the profile in the Compliance Profiles navigation area on the left.

  2. In the Policy Profile pop up window, click the Export Profile as XML hyperlink, and save the file.

Run a Compliance Audit

To run a compliance audit, select a profile, choose the devices you want to audit (using the policies and rules in the profile), and schedule the audit job.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Compliance > Profiles.

Step 2

Select a profile in the Compliance Profiles navigation area on the left.

Step 3

Click the Run Compliance Audit icon in the Compliance Profiles navigation area.

Step 4

Expand the Devices and Configuration area, select the required devices and configuration files that you want to audit.

  1. Select the devices (or device groups).

  2. Specify which configuration file you want to audit.

    • Use Latest Archived Configuration —Audit the latest backup file from the archive. If no backup file is available,Cisco Evolved Programmable Network Manager does not audit the device.

    • Use Current Device Configuration— Poll and audit the device's running configuration. (For example, show command output will be from the device's running configuration.)

      When you select this option, Cisco Evolved Programmable Network Manager first takes a backup of the configuration from device and then performs audit. This is useful when periodic or event triggered configuration backup is not enabled and also useful because archived configuration in Cisco Evolved Programmable Network Manager is often out-of-sync with the device.

  3. Click Next.

Step 5

Enter a value in the Configure Idle Time Limit (min) field. By default, the time limit is set to 5 minutes. Users can enter a number between 5 and 30 if they wish to change the time limit. The audit job will be aborted if it is idle for the configured time limit.

Step 6

Select Now to schedule the audit job immediately or select Date and enter a date and time to schedule it later.

Use the Recurrence option to repeat the audit job at regular intervals.

Step 7

Click Finish. An audit job is scheduled. A notification pop-up will appear once the audit job is scheduled. To view the status of the audit job, choose Administration > Dashboards > Job Dashboard > User Jobs > Compliance Jobs.

What to do next

Check the audit results as described in View the Results of a Compliance Audit.

View the Results of a Compliance Audit

Use this procedure to check an audit job results. The results will tell you which devices were audited, which devices were skipped, which devices had violations, and so forth. There might be several different compliance policies running on a single device.

After a job is created, you can set the following preferences for the job:

  • Pause Series—Can be applied only on jobs that are scheduled in the future. You cannot suspend a job that is running.

  • Resume Series—Can be applied only on jobs that have been suspended.

  • Edit Schedule—Reschedule a job that has been scheduled for a different time.


Step 1

Choose Administration > Dashboards > Job Dashboard > User Jobs > Compliance Jobs.

Step 2

Click the Audit Jobs tab, locate your job, and check the information in the Last Run column.

Last Run Result Value



One or more devices audited have a violation in the policies specified in the profile.

Partial Success

The compliance job contains a mix of both audited and non-audited devices, and the compliance status of audited devices is successful.


All devices audited conform to the policies specified in the profile.

For a compliance audit job, the number of violations supported is 20000 for Standard setup and 80000 for Pro and above setup of Cisco Evolved Programmable Network Manager.

Step 3

If the audit check failed:

  • To see which devices failed, hover over the "i" icon next to the Failure hyperlink to display a details popup.
  • Launch a Device 360 view by selecting the job, clicking View Job Details, and clicking the "i" icon next to a device in the popup window.

Step 4

For the most detail, click the Failure hyperlink to open the Compliance Audit Violation Details window.


Use the Next and Previous buttons to traverse the Compliance Audit Violation Details window.

What to do next

To fix any of the violations, see Fix Device Compliance Violations.

View Violation Job Details

The following table shows the details that can be viewed from the Violation Details page.

To View:

Do the following

The status of scheduled fixable violation jobs.

1. Go to the Violation Details page.

2. Click the Fixable column filter box and choose Running.

The details of Fixed violation jobs.

1. Go to the Violation Details page.

2. Click the Fixable column filter box and choose Fixed.

3. Click the Fixed link.

The details of Fix Failed violation jobs.

1. Go to the Violation Details page.

2. Click the Fixable column filter box and choose Fix Failed.

3. Click the Fix Failed link.

View Audit Failure and Violation Summary Details

You can view detailed violation information, export this data, and view details of compliance jobs. You can export detailed data for a specific job, or export summary data for multiple jobs.


Step 1

Choose Administration > Dashboards > Job Dashboard > User Jobs > Compliance Jobs.

Step 2

To view the details for a specific audit job:

  1. Click the Audit Jobs tab and locate your job.

  2. Click the job's Failure hyperlink to view the Compliance Audit Details window.

    You can view information about the policy name, the set rules, its compliance state, the total violation count, the job's instance count, its highest severity value, and the ignored count values.

  3. To export these details use one of the following options:

    • To export the violation details to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in XLS format, click Export as XLS.

    • To export the violation details to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in comma-separated text, click Export as CSV.

    • To export the violation details to an HTML file, click Export as HTML.

  4. Click Save File.

Step 3

To view a collective summary of all audit jobs:

  1. Click the Violation Summary tab.

    You can view a collective report for all devices on which violations have occurred, their associated policy and profile names, their audit job IDs, their associated rules and rule severity values, details on whether the violations are fixable or not, or whether they are already fixed, and the message associated with the violation.

  2. To export this detailed summary report, choose one of the following options from the drop-down menu:

    • To export the summary to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in comma-separated text, click Violation Report CSV.

    • To export the summary to a PDF file, click Violation Report PDF.

  3. Click Save File.

What to do next

To fix any of the violations, see Fix Device Compliance Violations.

Fix Device Compliance Violations

Use this procedure to fix compliance violations for a failed compliance audit.


Step 1

Choose Administration > Dashboards > Job Dashboard > User Jobs > Compliance Jobs.

Step 2

Click the Audit Jobs, locate your job, and check the information in the Last Run Result column.

Step 3

Click the Failure hyperlink to open the Compliance Audit Violation Details window.


Use the Next and Previous buttons to traverse the Compliance Audit Violation Details window.

Step 4

In the Job Details and Violations area, click Next.

Step 5

In the Violations by Device area, select the device and violation and click Next.

Step 6

In the Fix Rule Inputs area, preview the fix commands that were previously defined in the policy, then click Next.

If custom policies are created with fix CLI ^<Rule input ID>^ as the action for the condition, then the Fix Rule Inputs tab is displayed. Enter the required fix rule values and click Next to continue.

Step 7

Review the configuration that is displayed in the Preview Fix Commands pop up.

Step 8

Schedule the fix job so that the generated configuration can be deployed to the device, then Click Schedule the Fix Job.



User can add the compliance fix CLI to the device's startup configuration. This retains the fix CLI even when the device is rebooted.

What to do next

To view any of the violations job details, see View Audit Failure and Violation Summary Details.

View Audit Failure and Violation Summary Details

You can view detailed violation information, export this data, and view details of compliance jobs. You can export detailed data for a specific job, or export summary data for multiple jobs.


Step 1

Choose Administration > Dashboards > Job Dashboard > User Jobs > Compliance Jobs.

Step 2

To view the details for a specific audit job:

  1. Click the Audit Jobs tab and locate your job.

  2. Click the job's Failure hyperlink to view the Compliance Audit Details window.

    You can view information about the policy name, the set rules, its compliance state, the total violation count, the job's instance count, its highest severity value, and the ignored count values.

  3. To export these details use one of the following options:

    • To export the violation details to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in XLS format, click Export as XLS.

    • To export the violation details to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in comma-separated text, click Export as CSV.

    • To export the violation details to an HTML file, click Export as HTML.

  4. Click Save File.

Step 3

To view a collective summary of all audit jobs:

  1. Click the Violation Summary tab.

    You can view a collective report for all devices on which violations have occurred, their associated policy and profile names, their audit job IDs, their associated rules and rule severity values, details on whether the violations are fixable or not, or whether they are already fixed, and the message associated with the violation.

  2. To export this detailed summary report, choose one of the following options from the drop-down menu:

    • To export the summary to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in comma-separated text, click Violation Report CSV.

    • To export the summary to a PDF file, click Violation Report PDF.

  3. Click Save File.

What to do next

To fix any of the violations, see Fix Device Compliance Violations.

Import and Export Compliance Policies

Compliance policies are saved as XML files. You can export individual compliance policies and, if desired, import them into another server. Files can only be imported in XML format.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Compliance > Policies.

Step 2

To export a compliance policy:

  1. Mouse hover on "i" icon next to the policy in the Compliance Policies navigation area on the left.

  2. In the popup window, click the Export Policy as XML hyperlink, and save the file.

Step 3

To import a compliance policy:

  1. Click the Import Policies icon above the Compliance Policies navigation area on the left.

  2. In the Import Policies dialog box, click Choose Policies.

  3. Browse to the XML file and select it.

  4. Click Import.

View the Contents of a Compliance Policy XML File

Compliance policies are saved as XML files. To view the contents of a policy's XML file:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Compliance > Policies.

Step 2

Locate the policy in the Compliance Policies navigation area on the left, then hover your mouse over the "i" icon next to the policy.

Step 3

In the popup window, click the View Policy as XML hyperlink. Cisco Evolved Programmable Network Manager displays the content in XML format.

View PSIRT and EOX Information


The PSIRT and EOX page displays the PAS and RBML bundle generated dates. The PAS report holds the PSIRT and EoX records that are published on or before the bundle generated dates. It will not display the PSIRT records that are published post the bundle generation.

View Device Security Vulnerabilities

You can run a report to determine if any devices in your network have security vulnerabilities as defined by the Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT). The report includes Device PSIRT, Device Hardware EOX, Device Software EOX, Module Hardware EOX and Field Notice information. You can also view documentation about the specific vulnerabilities that describes the impact of a vulnerability and any potential steps needed to protect your environment.


PSIRT and EOX reports cannot be run for specific devices. When you schedule PSIRT and EOX jobs, the report is generated for all devices in Managed and Completed state (on the Inventory > Configuration > Network Devices page).

Before you begin

Sync the devices prior to scheduling the job. Choose Configuration > Network Devices, select the devices, then click Sync.


Step 1

Choose Reports > PSIRT and EoX.

Step 2

Schedule and run the job. The Schedule dialog box appears. You can set the Start Time and Recurrence options and then click the Submit button to schedule the job. Click the OK button, in the pop-up that appears, to delete the already scheduled job and create a new one.

A job is created in which Device PSIRT, Device Hardware EOX, Device Software EOX, Module Hardware EOX and Field Notice information is gathered and reported. Separate jobs on each of the tabs need not be created.

Step 3

Click View Job Details to view the current status of the PSIRT report.

Step 4

When the report is completed, click the Device PSIRT tab to view PSIRT information.

Step 5

In the PSIRT Title column, click the hyperlink to view the full description of a security vulnerability.

Step 6

(Optional) You can export the device PSIRT details in PDF and CSV format for each device and for all devices collectively.

View Device Hardware and Software End-of-Life Report

You can run a report to determine if any Cisco device hardware or software in your network have reached end of life (EOX). This can help you determine product upgrade and substitution options.


Step 1

Choose Reports > PSIRT and EOX.

Step 2

Click Schedule Job. The Schedule dialog box appears. You can set the Start Time and Recurrence options and then click the Submit button to Schedule the job. Click the OK button, in the pop-up that appears, to delete the already scheduled job and create a new one.

A job is created in which Device PSIRT, Device Hardware EOX, Device Software EOX, Module Hardware EOX and Field Notice information is gathered and reported. You do not create separate jobs on each of the tabs.

Step 3

After the job completes, click one of the following EOX tabs to view the report information specific to that tab:

  • Device Hardware EOX

  • Device Software EOX

  • Module Hardware EOX

Step 4

(Optional) You can export these EOX details in PDF and CSV format for each device and for all devices collectively.

View Module Hardware End-of-Life Report

You can run a report to determine if any Cisco module hardware in your network have reached end of life (EOX). This can help you determine product upgrade and substitution options.


Step 1

Choose Reports > PSIRT and EOX.

Step 2

Click Schedule Job. A job is created in which Device PSIRT, Device Hardware EOX, Device Software EOX, Module Hardware EOX and Field Notice information is gathered and reported. You do not create separate jobs on each of the tabs.

Step 3

Click the Module Hardware EOX tab to view the module hardware information.

Step 4

(Optional) You can export these EOX details in PDF and CSV format for each module.

View Field Notices for Device

You can run a report to determine if any Cisco devices that are managed and have completed a full inventory collection have any field notices. Field Notices are notifications that are published for significant issues, other than security vulnerability-related issues, that directly involve Cisco products and typically require an upgrade, workaround, or other customer action.


Step 1

Choose Reports > PSIRT and EOX.

Step 2

Click Schedule Job. The Schedule dialog box appears. You can set the Start Time and Recurrence options and then click the Submit button to schedule the job. Click the OK button, in the pop-up that appears, to delete the already scheduled job and create a new one.

A job is created in which Device PSIRT, Device Hardware EOX, Device Software EOX, Module Hardware EOX and Field Notice information is gathered and reported. You do not create separate jobs on each of the tabs.

Step 3

Click the Field Notice tab to view field notice information.

Step 4

Click on the i icon in the Vulnerable column to open the Field Notice URL and Caveat Details dialog box. Click on the Field Notice URL to view more information on

Step 5

(Optional) You can export the device field notice details in PDF and CSV format for each device and for all devices collectively.