
Revised: December 15, 2009, OL-18339-03

Document Objectives

This user guide provides information for installing, configuring, and using the Cisco Media Gateway Controller (MGC) Node Manager (MNM). It also contains reference information for administrators, service technicians, and users.

NoteFrom Cisco MNM Release 2.7(3) onward, Cisco VSPT is packaged with Cisco MNM and is no longer available as a free customer download.

Cisco IP Transfer Point LinkExtender (ITP-L) is the new name for Cisco Signaling Link Terminal (SLT). Over time, Cisco ITP-L will replace Cisco SLT in publications and the product.


The audience for this document is network operators and administrators. This audience is assumed to have experience in telecommunications networks, protocols, and equipment, and a familiarity with data communications networks, protocols, and equipment.

Related Documentation

This document contains information that is related to Cisco Media Gateway Controller Node Manager software. For additional information on those subjects, see the documents at this URL:

The user guide for Cisco MNM on is available from the Cisco MNM Launch Pad. To open the user guide for Cisco MNM on, click the Manual button on the Cisco MNM Launch Pad.

This document contains information that is related to Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch software installation and configuration. For additional information on those subjects, see the documents at this URL:

Cisco Voice Services Provisioning Tool Documentation

The Cisco VSPT provides an integrated provisioning graphical user interface for the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch and the Cisco Billing and Measurements Server (BAMS).

You can find the Cisco VSPT documentation at this URL:

Cisco Element Management Framework Documentation

For more information on Cisco EMF 3.2, see documents at this URL:

Cisco Billing and Measurements Server Documentation

For more information on the Cisco BAMS, see documents at this URL:

Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface Server Documentation

For more information on the Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface (HSI) Server, see documents at this URL:

Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide, at

Release Notes for Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface, Cisco HSI Release 4.3 and Related Patches at

Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request

For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation at

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Document Change History

Release Number
Document Number
Change Date
Change Summary

2.8(1) Patch 1


December 2009

Removed information related to TALI interface.

2.8(1) Patch 1


February 2009

Updated to document new features in Cisco MNM Release 2.8(1) Patch 1.



December 2008

Initial release