Advanced Caching DNS Server

This chapter explains how to set the Caching DNS parameters for the advanced features of the server. Before you proceed with the tasks in this chapter, see the chapter Introduction to the Domain Name System on page 1, which explains the basics of DNS.

Using Forwarders

You can specify a domain for which forwarding should occur. The forwarder definition is by a list of names of servers or a list of IP addresses with an optional port number, or both. Typically forwarders are other DNS Caching servers that have access to Internet or external DNS resources.

When forwarders are used, the Caching DNS server forwards user queries matching the forwarding domain to another Caching DNS server to perform the resolution. This can be useful in situations where the local Caching DNS server does not have Internet access (that is, inside a firewall). In these situations, it is typical for exceptions to be configured for local zones and then a root (.) forwarder to be created for all external queries.


You can specify IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses and for the changes to take effect, you must reload the CDNS server.


To force a caching DNS server to only talk to a forwarder, define a forwarder for the DNS root (.).


CDNS by default does not allow access to AS112 and RFC1918 reverse zones. These are the reverse zones for IP address ranges that are reserved for local use only. To access these zones, define an exception or forwarder for the reverse zones that are defined locally.

Local Basic or Advanced Web UI

To define a forwarder:


Step 1

From the Design menu, choose Forwarders under the Cache DNS submenu . This opens the List/Add Forwarders page.

Step 2

Click the Add Forwarders icon on the Forwarders pane to open the Add Forwarder dialog box.

Step 3

Enter the name of the zone to be forwarded as the name and click Add Forwarder .


To use a forwarder for all external queries, create a forwarder with the name ".".

Step 4

In the Edit Forwarders page, enter the hostname, and click Add Host or enter the IP address for the forwarder then click Add Address.

Step 5

Click Save.

CLI Commands

Use the following cdns commands to:

  • Specify the address (or space-separated addresses) of nameservers to use as forwarders, use cdns addForwarder .
  • List the current forwarders, use cdns listForwarders .
  • Edit your forwarder list, you must remove any offending forwarder and reenter it.
  • Remove a forwarder or list of forwarders, use cdns removeForwarder .


    For any change to the forwarders to take effect, you should restart the CDNS server.

Using Exceptions

If you do not want the CDNS server to use the standard resolution method to query the nameserver for certain domains, use exceptions. This bypasses the root nameservers and targets a specific server (or list of servers) to handle name resolution.

Let us say that has two subsidiaries: Red and Blue. Each has its own domain under the .com domain. When users at Red want to access resources at Blue, their CDNS server follows delegations starting at the root nameservers.

These queries cause unnecessary traffic, and in some cases fail because internal resources are often barred from external queries or sites that use unreachable private networks without unique addresses.

Exceptions solve this problem. The Red administrator can list all the other domains that users might want to reach and at least one corresponding nameserver. When a Red user wants to reach a Blue server, the Red server queries the Blue server instead following delegations from the root servers down.

To enable resolution exceptions, simply create an exception for the domain listing the IP address(es) and/or hostname(s) of the authoritative nameserver(s).


Exceptions can contain both IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses and require a CDNS server reload to take effect.

Local Basic or Advanced Web UI


Step 1

From the Design menu, choose Exceptions under the Cache DNS submenu . This opens the List/Add Exceptions page.

Step 2

Click the Add Exceptions icon in the Exceptions pane to open the Add Exception dialog box.

Step 3

In the name field, enter the domain or zone for which an exception is wanted and click Add Exception.

Step 4

In the Edit Exceptions page, enter the hostname in the DNS Name field and click Add Host . To address, enter the IP address in the IP Address field and click Add Address .

Step 5

If the prime attribute is on, CDNS queries the zone for the currently published name servers and use those. This is similar to how the server treats root hints.

Step 6

Click Save.

Deleting Exception List

To delete an exception list, select the exception in the Exceptions pane and click the Delete icon. To add or remove name servers to an exception, click the name of the exception in the List/Add Exceptions page to open the Edit Exceptions page.

CLI Commands

Use the exception commands only if you do not want your DNS Caching server to use the standard name resolution for querying root name servers for names outside the domain. Network Registrar sends non-recursive queries to these servers.

Use the following cdns commands to:

  • Add the resolution exception domains and the IP addresses of servers, separated by spaces, use cdns addException domain [prime=on|off] [views=on|off] addr. The addresses can be IPv4 or IPv6 with an optional port number (i.e. <addr>[@<port>]) or the name of a server (it must be possible to resolve the server name before it is used). Use this command only if you do not want your DNS Caching server to use the standard name resolution for a zone.
  • List the domains that are configured to have exceptional resolution of their names, use cdns listExceptions.
  • Remove an entry for exceptional resolution of addresses within a domain, use cdns removeException . You can remove an individual server by specifying it, or the exception itself by just specifying its name.
  • Replace an exception, you must first remove the current exception and then add a new one.

For any change to resolution exceptions to take effect, you must restart the CDNS server.

Managing DNS64

DNS64 with NAT64 provides access to the IPv4 Internet and servers for hosts that have only IPv6 addresses. DNS64 synthesizes AAAA records from A records, when a IPv6 client queries for AAAA records, but none are found. It also handles reverse queries for the NAT64 prefix(es).

In Cisco Prime Network Registrar 8.3 and later, you can define multiple prefixes for synthesizing AAAA record.


  • When you enable DNS64 on multiple Caching DNS servers you must ensure that the same version of Cisco Prime Network Registrar is installed on all the Caching DNS servers.

  • If DNS firewall redirect is also enabled, the Caching DNS redirect takes precedence over DNS64 functionality.

  • If DNS64 is enabled, enabling DNSSEC is not recommended. DNS64 causes responses to be simulated

    which may cause DNSSEC validation to fail.

Local Advanced Web UI

To add, edit, or view the DNS64 configuration items:


Step 1

From the Design menu, choose DNS64 under the Cache DNS submenu . This opens the List/Add DNS64 page.

Step 2

Click the Add DNS64 icon in the DNS64 pane to open the Add DNS64 dialog box.

Step 3

Enter the Name for the DNS64 configuration item.

Step 4

Click Add DNS64 to save the configuration item. The Edit DNS64 name appears with the list of attributes that can be edited.

Step 5

Edit the values of the attributes, as required. The value defined for priority decides the search order for the client's DNS64 configuration.

Step 6

Click Save to save your settings for the selected DNS64 configuration item.

To delete a DNS64 configuration item, select the DNS64 entry on the DNS64 pane, click the Delete DNS64 icon, and then confirm the deletion.

CLI Commands

To create DNS64 in the Caching DNS server, use cdns64 <name>create [acl-match-clients=<ACL> prefix=<IPv6 prefix>]. (see the cdns64 command in the CLIGuide.html file in the /docs directory for syntax and attribute descriptions or use help cdns64 in the CLI). For Example:

nrcmd> cdns64 dns64 create

nrcmd> cdns64 dns64 set acl-match-clients=baaa::56ff:febd:3d6

When connected to a regional cluster, you can use the following pull, push, and reclaim commands. For push and reclaim, a list of clusters or "all" may be specified.

cdns64 <name | all > pull < ensure | replace | exact > cluster-name [-report-only | -report]

cdns64 <name | all > push < ensure | replace | exact > cluster-list [-report-only | -report]

cdns64 name reclaim cluster-list [-report-only | -report]

Managing DNSSEC

DNSSEC enables the server to determine the security status of all Resource Records that are retrieved. You can manage DNSSEC in the Advanced and Expert mode. The dnssec attribute enables validation of DNS information. The domain-insecure attribute defines domain names to be insecure, DNSSEC chain of trust is ignored towards the domain names. So, a trust anchor above the domain name can not make the domain secure with a DS record, such a DS record is then ignored. DNSSEC requires a root trust anchor to establish trust for the DNS root servers. The initial DNSSEC root trust anchor, root.anchor, is stored in the .../data/cdns directory and is the default value of the auto-trust-anchor-file attribute. Additional trust anchors may be added by adding them to the .../data/cdns directory and to the auto-trust-anchor-file if the zone supports automated updates according to RFC 5011 or the trust-anchor-file attribute if not. The cdnssec command controls and configures DNSSEC processing in the Cisco Prime Network Registrar DNS Caching server.

To set the size of the aggressive negative cache in bytes, use the neg-cache-size attribute on the Manage DNS Caching Server page.

The key-cache-size attribute sets the size of the key cache in bytes. The prefetch-key attribute sets whether the DNS caching server should fetch the DNSKEYs earlier in the validation process, when a DS record is encountered.


If DNS64 is enabled, enabling DNSSEC is not recommended. DNS64 causes responses to be simulated which may cause DNSSEC validation to fail.

Local Advanced or Expert Web UI


Step 1

From the Design menu, choose Caching DNSSEC under the Security submenu to open the Manage Caching DNSSEC page.

Step 2

Enable DNSSEC validation by selecting the enabled option.

Step 3

The page displays all the Caching DNSSEC attributes. Modify the attributes as per your requirements.

Step 4

Click Save to save your settings.

CLI Commands

  • To create DNSSEC in the DNS Caching server, use cdnssec create . To enable cdnssec, use cdnssec enable dnssec (see the cdnssec command in the CLIGuide.html file in the /docs directory for syntax and attribute descriptions or use help dnssec in the CLI).

  • Use cdns set neg-cache-size to set Negative Cache Size.

Managing DNS Views

The Cisco Prime Network Registrar Caching DNS server can associate the client requests to the appropriate views on behalf of the Authoritative DNS server. This is done by configuring the DNS Views on the Caching DNS server and setting the uses-views attribute on the List/Add Exceptions page to true. The Caching DNS server maps the client to the appropriate view and tag the queries forwarded to the Authoritative DNS server with the appropriate view. Therefore, in these cases, the view mapping is done by the Caching DNS server.


The Caching DNS server only maps clients to acl-match-clients. The acl-match-destinations attribute is ignored.

DNS Views and Exception settings are automatically synced/set by zone distribution.

For more information on DNS Views, see Managing DNS Views.

Setting up Caching DNS and Authoritative DNS Servers on the Same Operating System

In Cisco Prime Network Registrar 10.0 and later, both the Caching DNS and Authoritative DNS servers can run on the same operating system, without the need for two separate virtual or physical machines. For more information on DNS firewall, see Managing DNS Firewall.

Managing DNS Firewall

Cisco Prime Network Registrar DNS Firewall provides a mechanism to control the domain names, IP addresses, and name servers that are allowed to function on the network. For more information on DNS firewall, see Managing DNS Firewall.

Configuring Caching DNS to Use Umbrella

Cisco Umbrella provides the first line of defense against threats on the Internet. To switch to Umbrella from CPNR CDNS server, you need to create a forwarder for the “.” domain by using the following CLI commands:

nrcmd> cdns addForwarder .

nrcmd> cdns reload

Once configured, the CPNR CDNS server will forward all resolution queries to Cisco Umbrella (the server will still respond with locally cached answers). It can be used in conjunction with DNS firewall for queries not explicitly blocked by the firewall.


Exceptions will operate as usual. Local resolution through exceptions will bypass the Umbrella servers.