DNS Push Notifications

DNS Push Notifications

DNS Push Notifications is a mechanism where a client is asynchronously notified when changes to DNS records occur. The feature allows the Authoritative DNS server to accept TCP connections from DNS Push Notification clients and accept subscription requests for specific DNS record names and optionally record types. Once the subscription is accepted, the client will receive update notifications whenever the subscribed to record is changed. Also if the record exists at the time of subscription, the client will receive an initial update notification of the existing record.

DNS Push Notifications Configuration Settings

DNS Push Notifications comes with pre-configured settings but it is not enabled by default. In order to use DNS Push Notifications the push-notifications setting must be enabled at the DNS Server level and on the desired zone(s). DNS Push Notifications can be enabled on any CNR DNS server that hosts the zone we want notifications on. This can be primary and secondary zones.


DNS server must be reloaded for DNS Push Notification changes to take effect.

Use the below DNS Server Level Attributes to enable DNS Push Notifications:
Table 1. DNS Server Level Attributes




Enables or disables Push Notification support in the DNS server. The default is disabled.


Specifies the TCP port number that the DNS server uses to listen for DNS Push Notifications connections. The default is 5352. The available range is 1-65535, but cannot be the same as the DNS server port.


Specifies the access control for Push Notifications. The default is any.


Specifies the maximum number of individual DNS Push Notification connections the server will allow. Once the maximum has been reached, no new connections will be allowed. The default is 5000. The available range is 1-65535.


Specifies the maximum number of DNS Push Notification connections per client (IP address) the server will allow. Once the maximum has been reached, the client will not be allowed to make new connections. A value of 0 indicates no limit should be applied. The default is 0. The available range is 0-1000.


Specifies the maximum time to live for each DNS Push Notification connection. Once the TTL has been reached, the connection is forced close. The default is 30 minutes. The available rate ranges from 1m to 24hr.


Enables or disables tls support for DNS Push Notification in the DNS server. Following two files required to enable TLS:

  1. data/dns/dpn/certificate.pem Defines a file that contains the certificate to be used for tls communication between dns server and push notification client. The format of the file is the standard X.509. The files must be in the data/dns/dpn directory.

  2. data/dns/dpn/key.pem Defines a file that contains the private key to be used for tls communication between dns server and push notification client. The format of the file is the standard base64 privacy enhanced mail (PEM) format. Default is no private key file. The files must be in the data/dns/dpn directory.

Advertising DNS Push Notifications to the Clients

DNS Push Notification clients discover the DNS Push Notification server(s) by doing a standard DNS queries for the _dns-push-tls._tcp.<zone> SRV record. SRV record points clients to the appropriate DNS server. Therefore you can always dedicate one or more secondary servers for push notifications functionality and leave the other servers for general DNS protocol queries, updates, etc. The SRV record has the following format:

_dns-push-tls._tcp TTL IN SRV priority weight port target


Port should match the pn-port in the DNS Push Notifications configuration.

One or more SRV records can be listed on the zone. Each SRV record specifies a unique DNS Push Notification server. The client is responsible for sorting the SRV records accordingly and choosing which server to contact and retrying or trying other servers when others are not available.

Enabling DNS Push Notifications on the Zone

Local Advanced Web UI


Step 1

On the Edit Zone Page, under the Push Notifications section, enable push-notifications.

Step 2

Click Save to save the changes.

Step 3

On the Manage DNS Authoritative Server page, under the Push Notifications section, enable push-notifications.

Step 4

Click Save to save the changes and reload the DNS Authoritative Server.

CLI Commands

nrcmd> zone <name> enable push-notifications

nrcmd> zone <name> addRR dns-push-tls.tcp SRV <priority> <weight> 5352 <target>


Also the target refers to the DNS server's FQDN and A/AAAA records may also need to be added.

nrcmd> dns enable push-notifications

nrcmd> dns reload


Restart the DNS Server to apply the configuration changes successfully.

DNS Push Notifications Statistics

You can view DNS Push Notifications Statistics through web UI in the following ways:

Local Basic or Advanced Web UI

Click the Statistics tab on the Manage DNS Authoritative Server page to view the Push Notification Statistics page. The statistics appear under the Push Notification Statistics of both the Total Statistics and Sample Statistics categories.

Table 2. DNS Push Notifications Statistics Attributes




Reports the total number of successful Push Notification connections.


Reports the current number of successful Push Notification connections.


Reports the number of timer Push Notification connections were refused due to ACL authorization failures.


Reports the number of Push Notification connections closed by the client.


Reports the number of Push Notification connections not allowed due to reaching the maximum connections limit (pn-max-conns).


Reports the number of Push Notification connections terminated by the server. Connection termination is typically caused by reloading the DNS server.


Reports the number of Push Notification connections terminated due to an error.


Reports the number of Push Notification connections terminated due to reaching the maximum connection TTL (pn-conn-ttl).


Reports the number of Push Notification SUBSCRIBE requests received.


Reports the number of Push Notification subscribe NOERROR responses.


Reports the number of Push Notification subscribe FORMERR responses.


Reports the number of Push Notification subscribe SERVFAIL responses.


Reports the number of Push Notification subscribe NOTAUTH responses.


Reports the number of Push Notification subscribe REFUSED responses, due to zone access control (zone query-acl).


Reports the number of Push Notification UNSUBSCRIBE requests received.


Reports the number of Push Notification UPDATE requests sent.


Reports the number of Push Notification RECONFIRM requests received.


Reports the number of keep alive requests received.


Reports the number of times that Push Notification requests are malformed. For example, requests having non-zero values in section counts and/or flags where zeros are expected.

DNS Push Notifications statistics can also be logged in the server by enabling the push-notifications option present in the Activity Summary Settings section of the Edit Local DNS server page.

CLI Commands

Use dns getStats dns-pn total to view the push notification Total statistics and dns getStats dns-pn sample to view the sampled counters statistics.

DNS Push Notifications Logging

DNS Push Notifications includes support for logging informational messages. By default, the DNS server is only logs DNS Push Notification configuration and error messages. For additional DNS Push Notification informational logging, the DNS server server-log-settings attribute must include push-notifications.


If you are using the default server-log-settings, you must enable the default server-log-settings explicitly.

Local Basic or Advanced Web UI


Step 1

On the Manage DNS Authoritative Server page, under the Log Settings section, enable push-notifications.

Step 2

Click Save to save the changes.

CLI Commands
nrcmd> dns set server-log-settings=push-notifications


No DNS reload is required for changing log settings. The changes should take effect immediately.

DNS Push Notifications Packet Logging

DNS Push Notifications include support for summary and detailed packet logging. These messages can be useful for debugging and troubleshooting. By default, the DNS server does not log any packet log messages. Packets can be logged in the form of one line summary messages or detail packet logging.

Local Advanced Web UI


Step 1

On the Manage DNS Authoritative Server page, under the Packet Logging Settings section, set packet-logging to summary or detail.

Step 2

Next set packet-log-settings to push-notifications-in and/or push-notifications-out.

Step 3

Click Save to save the changes.

CLI Commands
nrcmd> dns set packet-logging=summary   or  
nrcmd> dns set packet-logging=detail

nrcmd> dns set packet-log-settings=push-notifications-in, push-notifications-out


DNS reload is not required for changing log settings. The changes should take effect immediately.