Installing the Cisco Prime Network Registrar SDK

This section documents how to install the Cisco Prime Network Registrar SDK. Before installing the SDK, ensure that you have JRE 1.8, or the equivalent JDK, installed on your system. The Cisco Prime Network Registrar SDK is a separate product and is sold separately.

This appendix contains the following sections:

Installing Cisco Prime Network Registrar SDK

To install the Cisco Prime Network Registrar SDK:


Step 1

Extract the contents of the distribution .tar file.

  1. Create the SDK directory:

    % mkdir /cnr-sdk
  2. Change to the directory that you just created and extract the .tar file contents:

    % cd /cnr-sdk
    % tar xvf sdk_tar_file_location/cnrsdk.tar
Step 2

Export your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and CLASSPATH environment variable:

% export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/cnr-sdk/lib
% export CLASSPATH=/cnr-sdk/classes/cnrsdk.jar:.
If you have Cisco Prime Network Registrar installed on the system, then use the /opt/nwreg2/{local | regional}/lib path for LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If you do not have Cisco Prime Network Registrar installed, then you must point to the lib directory into which you untarred the files. If the system is not running as a local or regional cluster, you may want to consider installing the cpnr-client kit (to get access to other command line utilities). You can then specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH as /opt/nwreg2/client/lib.

Testing Your Installation

The following test program verifies that you have set your PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly:

% java -jar /cnr-sdk/classes/cnrsdk.jar

Compatibility Considerations

For Java SDK client code developed with an earlier version of the SDK, you can simply recompile most code with the latest JAR file to connect to an upgraded server.

Review the "SDK Compatibility Considerations" sections of the Cisco Prime Network Registrar 11.0 Release Notes for the intervening Cisco Prime Network Registrar versions, as these highlight any significant SDK compatibility considerations.