Next Steps

This chapter contains the following sections:

Configuring Cisco Prime Network Registrar

After installing Cisco Prime Network Registrar, you can perform the following tasks:

Using Cisco Prime Network Registrar

To administer the local and regional clusters that you have installed, you must create a superuser administrator and enter the appropriate license information. To do this, follow the below steps first time when you connect to Cisco Prime Network Registrar:


Step 1

Start the Cisco Prime Network Registrar web UI or CLI:

  • To access the web UI, open the web browser and use the HTTPS (secure login) website:



    • hostname is the actual name of the target host.

    • https-port is the default HTTPS port (8443 for local and 8453 for regional).

  • To start the CLI, launch nrcmd by entering:

    install-path/usrbin/nrcmd -R -N username -P password 

    Specify the username and password of the administrator account that you want to create. You will be asked to confirm the password if the superuser administrator account needs to be created (during the first login).


    Specify -R only if you are connecting to a regional cluster.

Step 2

Create a superuser administrator by providing the username and password.

  • Web UI—Enter the username and password in the Admin and Password fields respectively. Then, click the Add button.

Step 3

In Cisco Prime Network Registrar 11.0, Smart Licensing is enabled by default. Click the Configure Smart Licensing link in the alert window to open the Smart Software Licensing page and set up Smart Licensing. For details, see the "Use Cisco Smart Licensing" section in the Cisco Prime Network Registrar 11.0 Administration Guide.

If you want to use traditional licensing, then you must disable Smart Licensing first (see the "Disabling Smart Licensing" section in the Cisco Prime Network Registrar 11.0 Administration Guide). Then, click Use Traditional Licensing and enter the license information as follows:

  • Web UI—Click Browse to navigate to the license file.

  • CLI—Enter an absolute or relative path for the license filename, as follows:

    nrcmd> license create filename

You must add the licenses in the regional cluster which means the regional should be installed first. The local cluster has to be registered with the regional cluster at the time of your first login. You can choose the services (dhcp, dns, and cdns) for the local based on the licenses added in the regional cluster.

Step 4

Enter the superuser username and password (created in Step 2) to log in to web UI and CLI.

You may create other administrator accounts to perform certain functions based on the assigned roles. For more information, see the "Managing Administrators" chapter in the Cisco Prime Network Registrar 11.0 Administration Guide.

Starting and Stopping Servers

If the installation completed successfully and you enabled the servers, the Cisco Prime Network Registrar DNS and DHCP servers start automatically each time you reboot the machine.

For the TFTP server, you must use the following Cisco Prime Network Registrar CLI command to enable it to restart on bootup:

nrcmd> tftp enable start-on-reboot 

All servers in the cluster are controlled by the Cisco Prime Network Registrar regional or local server agent. You can stop or start the servers by stopping or starting the server agent.

For details on stopping and starting servers, see the Cisco Prime Network Registrar 11.0 Administration Guide.

The Cisco Prime Network Registrar servers automatically start up after a successful installation or upgrade. You do not need to reboot the system.

To start and stop servers:


Step 1

Log in as superuser.

Step 2

Start the server agent by running the nwreglocal or nwregregional script with the start argument:

For the local cluster:
# systemctl start nwreglocal

For the regional cluster:
# systemctl start nwregregional
Step 3

Verify the status of the Cisco Prime Network Registrar servers. Run either of the following commands:

# ./cnr_status (available in the install-path/usrbin directory)


# systemctl status nwreglocal (for the local cluster)

# systemctl status nwregregional (for the regional cluster)

Step 4

Stop the server agent by running the nwreglocal or nwregregional script with the stop argument:

For the local cluster:
# systemctl stop nwreglocal

For the regional cluster:
# systemctl stop nwregregional

Starting or Stopping Servers Using the Local Web UI

To start or stop servers in the local web UI:


Step 1

From Operate menu, choose Manage Servers under the Servers submenu to open the Manage Servers page.

Step 2

To start or stop the DHCP, DNS, CDNS, TFTP, or SNMP servers, select the server in the Manage Servers pane and do any of the following:

  • Click the Start Server button to start the server.
  • Click the Stop Server button to stop the server.
Step 3

To reload the server, click the Restart Server button.

Starting and Stopping Servers Using the Regional Web UI

To start or stop servers in the regional web UI:


Step 1

From Operate menu, choose Manage Servers under the Servers submenu to open the Manage Servers page.

Step 2

To start or stop the SNMP servers, select the server in the Manage Servers pane and do any of the following:

  • Click the Start Server button to start the server.
  • Click the Stop Server button to stop the server.
Step 3

To reload the server, click the Restart Server button.

Server Event Logging

System activity begins logging when you start Cisco Prime Network Registrar. The server maintains all the logs by default in the following directories:

  • Local cluster: /var/nwreg2/local/logs

  • Regional cluster: /var/nwreg2/regional/logs

To monitor the logs, use the tail -f command.

Disabling REST API

When you install Cisco Prime Network Registrar 11.0 or upgrade to 11.0 from previous versions, the REST API gets enabled by default. If you want to disable REST API, then do the following:

Local and Regional Advanced Web UI


Step 1

From the Operate menu, choose Manage Servers under the Servers submenu to open the Manage Servers page.

Step 2

Click CCM in the Manage Servers pane on the left. The Edit Local CCM Server page appears. This page displays all the CCM server attributes.

Step 3

Under the Control Settings section, set the is-rest-enabled attribute value to false to disable REST API.

Step 4

Click Save to save the changes.

CLI Commands

Use ccm disable is-rest-enabled to disable REST.

Use ccm enable is-rest-enabled to enable REST.