- About this Guide
- Chapter 1, Install the Shelf and Common Control Cards
- Chapter 2, Connect the PC and Log Into the GUI
- Chapter 3, Turn Up a Node
- Chapter 4, Perform Node Acceptance Tests
- Chapter 5, Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards
- Chapter 6, Turn Up a Network
- Chapter 7, Create Channels and Circuits
- Chapter 8, Monitor Performance
- Chapter 9, Manage Alarms
- Chapter 10, Manage the Node
- Chapter 11, Change DWDM Card Settings
- Chapter 12, Add and Remove Nodes
- Chapter 13, Maintain the Node
- Chapter 14, Power Down the Node
- Appendix A, CTC Information and Shortcuts
- Before You Begin
- NTP-G128 Manage Pluggable Port Modules
- NTP-G33 Create a Y-Cable Protection Group
- NTP-G98 Provision the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds
- DLP-G229 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Card Settings
- DLP-G230 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Line Settings
- DLP-G231 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Line Section Trace Settings
- DLP-G367 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Trunk Wavelength Settings
- DLP-G232 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder SONET or SDH Line Threshold Settings
- DLP-G320 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Line RMON Thresholds for 1G Ethernet or 1G FC/FICON Payloads
- DLP-G305 Provision the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
- DLP-G306 Provision the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
- DLP-G234 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder OTN Settings
- NTP-G96 Provision the 10G Multirate Transponder Card Line Settings, PM Parameters, and Thresholds
- DLP-G365 Provision the TXP_MR_10G Data Rate
- DLP-G216 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Card Settings
- DLP-G217 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line Settings
- DLP-G218 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line Section Trace Settings
- DLP-G368 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Trunk Wavelength Settings
- DLP-G219 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line Thresholds for SONET or SDH Payloads Including 10G Ethernet WAN Phy
- DLP-G319 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line RMON Thresholds for 10G Ethernet LAN Phy Payloads
- DLP-G301 Provision the 10G Multirate Transponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
- DLP-G302 Provision the 10G Multirate Transponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
- DLP-G221 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder OTN Settings
- NTP-G97 Modify the 4x2.5G Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds
- DLP-G222 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Card Settings
- DLP-G223 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Line Settings
- DLP-G224 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Section Trace Settings
- DLP-G225 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Trunk Settings
- DLP-G369 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Trunk Wavelength Settings
- DLP-G226 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder SONET/SDH Line Thresholds Settings
- DLP-G303 Provision the 4x2.5G Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
- DLP-G304 Provision the 4x2.5G Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
- DLP-G228 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Line OTN Settings
- NTP-G99 Modify the 2.5G Data Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds
- DLP-G236 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Client Line Settings
- DLP-G237 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Distance Extension Settings
- DLP-G238 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder SONET (OC-48)/SDH (STM-16) Settings
- DLP-G239 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Section Trace Settings
- DLP-G370 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Trunk Wavelength Settings
- DLP-G240 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder SONET or SDH Line Thresholds
- DLP-G321 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Line Thresholds for 1G Ethernet or 1G FC/FICON Payloads
- DLP-G307 Provision the 2.5G Data Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
- DLP-G308 Provision the 2.5G Data Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
- NTP-G148 Modify the 10G Data Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds
- DLP-G333 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Client Line Settings
- DLP-G334 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Distance Extension Settings
- DLP-G340 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Trunk Wavelength Settings
- DLP-G335 Change the 10G Data Muxponder SONET (OC-192)/SDH (STM-64) Settings
- DLP-G336 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Section Trace Settings
- DLP-G341 Change the 10G Data Muxponder SONET or SDH Line Thresholds
- DLP-G337 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Line RMON Thresholds for Ethernet, 1G FC/FICON, or ISC/ISC3 Payloads
- DLP-G338 Provision the 10G Data Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
- DLP-G339 Provision the 10G Data Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
- DLP-G366 Change the 10G Data Muxponder OTN Settings
- NTP-G162 Change the TXP or MXP ALS Maintenance Settings
- NTP-G192 Force FPGA Update
Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards
This chapter explains how to provision transponder (TXP) and muxponder (MXP) cards. The provisioning must be performed before you provision the dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) network and create circuits.
Note Unless otherwise specified, "ONS 15454" refers to both ANSI and ETSI shelf assemblies.
Before You Begin
Before performing any of the following procedures, investigate all alarms and clear any trouble conditions. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide as necessary.
This section lists the chapter procedures (NTPs). Turn to a procedure for applicable tasks (DLPs).
1. G128 Manage Pluggable Port Modules—Complete this procedure to provision a multirate pluggable port module (PPM), provision or change the optical line rate of a PPM, or delete a PPM. PPMs provide the fiber interface to the TXP and MXP cards. With the exception of the TXP_MR_10G card, all TXPs and MXPs accept PPMs.
2. G33 Create a Y-Cable Protection Group—Complete this procedure, as needed, for TXP and MXP cards that will be protected with Y-cable protection.
3. G98 Provision the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds—As needed, complete this procedure to change the transmission settings for TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G cards.
4. G96 Provision the 10G Multirate Transponder Card Line Settings, PM Parameters, and Thresholds—As needed, complete this procedure to change the transmission settings for TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, and TXP_MR_10E_L cards.
5. G97 Modify the 4x2.5G Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds—As needed, complete this procedure to change the transmission settings for MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, and MXP_2.5G_10E_L cards.
6. G99 Modify the 2.5G Data Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds—As needed, complete this procedure to change the transmission settings for MXP_MR_2.5G and MXPP_MR_2.5G cards.
7. G148 Modify the 10G Data Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds—As needed, complete this procedure to change the transmission settings for MXP_MR_10DME_C and MXP_MR_10DME_L cards.
8. G162 Change the TXP or MXP ALS Maintenance Settings—As needed, complete this procedure to change a TXP or MXP card automatic laser shutdown settings.
NTP-G128 Manage Pluggable Port Modules
Note If a single-rate PPM is installed, the PPM screen will autoprovision and no further steps are necessary.
Note The hardware device that plugs into a TXP or MXP card faceplate to provide a fiber interface to the card is called a Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP or XFP). In Cisco Transport Controller (CTC), SFPs and XFPs are called PPMs. SFPs/XFPs are hot-swappable input/output devices that plug into a TXP, MXP, or line card port to link the port with the fiber-optic network. For more information about SFPs and XFPs, refer "Hardware Specifications" chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual, or the Installing GBIC, SFP and XFP Optics Modules in Cisco ONS 15454, 15454 SDH, 15327, 15600, and 15310-CL Platforms document available in the ONS 15454 production documentation website on www.cisco.com.
Step 1 Complete the "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task to log into an ONS 15454 on the network. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 Click the Alarms tab:
a. Verify that the alarm filter is not turned on. See the "DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering" task as necessary.
b. Verify that no unexplained conditions appear on the network. If unexplained conditions appear, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 3 If you are provisioning a MXP_MR_2.5G and MXPP_MR_2.5G card, complete the "DLP-G235 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Card Mode" task. If not, continue with Step 4
Step 4 If you are provisioning a MXP_MR_10DME_C and MXP_MR_10DME_L card, complete the "DLP-G332 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Port Mode" task. If not, continue with Step 5.
Step 5 Complete the "DLP-G277 Provision a Multirate PPM" task. If you preprovisioned a multirate PPM (G273 Preprovision an SFP or XFP Slot), skip this step and continue with Step 6.
Step 6 If you are provisioning an IBM ETR_CLO (External Time Reference - Control Link Oscillator) or InterSystem Coupling Link (ISC) service on the PPM, complete "DLP-G274 Verify Topologies for ETR_CLO and ISC Services" task. Otherwise, continue with Step 7.
Step 7 Complete the "DLP-G278 Provision the Optical Line Rate" task to assign a line rate to a TXP or MXP port.
Step 8 If you need to delete a PPM at any point in this procedure, complete the "DLP-G280 Delete a PPM" task.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
DLP-G235 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Card Mode
Step 1 Click the Provisioning > Line > SONET (ANSI) or SDH (ETSI) tabs.
Step 2 Locate the Trunk port table row and verify that the Service State column value is OOS-MA,DSBLD (ANSI) or Locked-enabled,disabled (ETSI). If yes, continue with Step 3. If not, complete the following steps:
a. Click the Admin State table cell and choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,Maintenance (ETSI).
b. Click Apply, then Yes.
Step 3 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the card settings.
Step 4 Click the Provisioning > Card tabs.
Step 5 Modify any of the settings described in Table 5-1.
Card Mode |
Sets the mode of operation that determines what PPMs can be provisioned. (PPMs are provisioned in the "DLP-G277 Provision a Multirate PPM" task.) |
Chose one of the following: •FC-GE—Choose this option if you will provision any of the following PPM port rates: FC1G (Ports 1-1 and 2-1 only), FC2G (Port 1-1 only), FICON1G (Ports 1-1 and 2-1 only), FICON2G (Port 1-1 only), and ONE_GE (Ports 1-1 through 8-1). •Mixed—Choose this option if you will provision any of the following PPM port rates: FC1G and ONE_GE (Port 1-1 only), ESCON (Ports 5-1 through 8-1 only) •ESCON—Choose this option if you will provision the ESCON PPM on Ports 1-1 through 8-1. |
Tunable Wavelengths |
(Display only) Shows the supported wavelengths of the trunk port after the card is installed in the format: first wavelength-last wavelength-frequency spacing-number of supported wavelengths. For example, 1529.55nm-1561.83nm-50gHz-82. |
— |
Step 6 Click Apply.
Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G332 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Port Mode
Note To change the card mode, ports within the port group must be OOS (out-of-service). Ports in the other port group do not need to be OOS if you are not changing its card mode.
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L card where you want to change the card settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Card tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Table 5-2.
Note The PPM port rates are provisioned in the "DLP-G277 Provision a Multirate PPM" task.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
Note Loopbacks on MXP-MR-10DME are not applicable when Fiber Channel switches are present.
Note If the Fiber Channel switch version is not present then the Distance Extension settings are not supported.
DLP-G277 Provision a Multirate PPM
Purpose |
This task provisions a multirate TXP/MXP PPM. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
Required/As Needed |
As needed |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Note If the PPM was preprovisioned using the "DLP-G273 Preprovision an SFP or XFP Slot" task this task is unnecessary, unless the PPM has an Out-of-Service and Autonomous Management, Unassigned (OOS-AUMA,UAS) (ANSI) or unlocked-disabled, unassigned (ETSI) service state.
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP or MXP card where you want to provision PPM settings.
Step 2 If this is the first PPM provisioned for the TXP/MXP card, complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 3.
a. Click the Provisioning > Line > SONET (ANSI) or SDH (ETSI) tabs.
b. Locate the Trunk port table row and verify that the Service State column value is OOS-MA,DSBLD (ANSI) or Locked-enabled,disabled (ETSI). If yes, continue with Step 3. If not, continue with Step
c. Click the Admin State table cell and choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,Maintenance (ETSI).
d. Click Apply, then Yes.
Step 3 Click the Provisioning > Pluggable Port Modules tabs.
Step 4 In the Pluggable Port Modules area, click Create. The Create PPM dialog box appears.
Step 5 In the Create PPM dialog box, complete the following:
•PPM—Choose the slot number where the SFP is installed from the drop-down list.
•PPM Type—Choose the number of ports supported by your SFP from the drop-down list. If only one port is supported, PPM (1 port) is the only option.
Step 6 Click OK. The newly created port appears in the Pluggable Port Modules area. The row in the Pluggable Port Modules area turns white and the Actual Equipment Type column lists the equipment name.
Step 7 If you want to provision a PPM on another port, repeat Steps 4 through 6. If not, continue with Step 8.
Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G274 Verify Topologies for ETR_CLO and ISC Services
Step 1 Display your site plan in Cisco MetroPlanner.
Step 2 Verify that the topology where you plan to run the ETR_CLO or ISC service is one of the topologies that supports these services:
•Single span—Two terminal sites with no intermediate sites in between and one of the following sets of cards installed:
–32MUX-O and 32DMX-O cards
–32WSS and 32DMX cards
–32WSS and 32-DMX-O cards
Figure 5-1 shows a single-span topology as displayed in Cisco MetroPlanner.
Figure 5-1 Single-Span Topology
•Point-to-Point—Two terminal sites with one of the following sets of cards installed:
–32MUX-O and 32DMX-O cards
–32WSS and 32DMX cards
–32WSS and 32-DMX-O cards
Line amplifiers can be installed between the terminal sites, but intermediate (traffic terminating) sites cannot be installed. Figure 5-2 shows a point-to-point topology as shown in Cisco MetroPlanner.
Figure 5-2 Point-to-Point Topology
•Two hubs—Two hub nodes in a ring with one of the following sets of cards installed:
–32MUX-O and 32DMX-O cards
–32WSS and 32DMX cards
–32WSS and 32-DMX-O cards
Line amplifiers can be installed between the hubs. Figure 5-3 shows two hub nodes with no line amplifier nodes installed. Figure 5-4 shows two hub nodes with line amplifier nodes installed.
Figure 5-3 Hubs with No Line Amplifiers
Figure 5-4 Hubs with Line Amplifiers
Step 3 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G278 Provision the Optical Line Rate
Purpose |
This task provisions the line rate on a TXP/MXP multirate PPM. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
G277 Provision a Multirate PPM G274 Verify Topologies for ETR_CLO and ISC Services, if you are provisioning an ETR_CLO service. |
Required/As Needed |
Required |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Note Single-rate PPMs do not need to be provisioned.
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP or MXP card where you want to provision PPM ports. If the data rate that you are provisioning is DV-6000, HDTV, ESCON, SDI/D1 Video, ISC-3 (all cards except the MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L), or ETR_CLO, complete the following steps. Otherwise, continue with Step 2.
a. Click the Provisioning > OTN > OTN Lines tabs.
b. In the G.709 OTN field, choose Disable.
c. In the FEC field, choose Disable.
d. Click Apply.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Pluggable Port Modules tabs.
Step 3 In the Pluggable Ports area, click Create. The Create Port dialog box appears.
Step 4 In the Create Port dialog box, complete the following:
•Port—Choose the PPM number and port number from the drop-down list. The first number indicates the PPM in the Pluggable Port Modules area, and the second number indicates the port number on the PPM. For example, the first PPM with one port displays as 1-1 and the second PPM with one port displays as 2-1. The PPM number can be 1 to 4, but the port number is always 1.
•Port Type—Choose the type of port from the drop-down list. The port type list displays the supported port rates on your PPM. See Table 5-3 for definitions of the supported rates on the TXP or MXP card.
Step 5 Click OK. The row in the Pluggable Ports area turns light blue until the actual SFP is installed, and then the row turns white.
If the optical parameter values differ from the NE Default settings, change the port state to In-Service (for ANSI) or Unlocked (for ETSI) to synchronize the values with the NE Default settings.
Step 6 Repeat Steps 3 through 5 to configure the rest of the port rates as needed.
TXP_MR_2.5G TXPP_MR_2.5G |
•OC-3/STM1—155 Mbps •OC-12/STM4—622 Mbps •OC-48/STM16—2.48 Gbps •ONE_GE—One Gigabit Ethernet 1.125 Gbps •ESCON—Enterprise System Connection 200 Mbps (IBM signal) •DV6000—Proprietary signal from video vendor •SDI_D1_VIDEO—Serial Digital Interface and Digital Video signal type 1 •HDTV—High Definition Television •PASS-THRU—Not specified •FC1G—Fibre Channel 1.06 Gbps •FC2G—Fibre Channel 2.125 Gbps •FICON1G—Fiber connectivity1.06 Gbps (IBM signal) •FICON2G—Fiber connectivity 2.125 Gbps (IBM signal) •ETR_CLO—External Time Reference-Control Link Oscillator •ISC compat—InterSystem Coupling Link 1 (ISC1) •ISC peer—InterSystem Coupling Link 3 (ISC3) |
MXP_2.5G_10G MXP_2.5G_10E MXP_2.5G_10E_C MXP_2.5G_10E_L |
•OC-48/STM16—2.48 Gbps |
TXP_MR_10G1 |
•SONET (OC-192)/SDH (STM-64) including 10G Ethernet WAN Phy •10G Ethernet LAN Phy |
•SONET (OC-192)/SDH (STM-64) including 10G Ethernet WAN Phy—10 Gbps •10G Ethernet LAN Phy—10 Gbps Ethernet •10G Fibre Channel—10 Gbps Fibre Channel |
MXP_MR_2.5G MXPP_MR_2.5G |
If the card mode is FC_GE: •FC1G ISL—Fibre Channel 1.06 Gbps (Ports 1-1 and 2-1) •FC2G ISL—Fibre Channel 2.125 Gbps (Port 1-1 only) •FICON1G ISL—Fiber connectivity 1.06 Gbps (IBM signal) (Ports 1-1 and 2-1) •FICON2G ISL—Fiber connectivity 2.125 Gbps (IBM signal) (Port 1-1 only) •ONE_GE—One Gigabit Ethernet 1.125 Gbps (Ports 1-1 and 2-1 only) If the card mode is Mixed: •FC1G ISL—Fibre Channel 1.06 Gbps (Port 1-1 only) •FICON1G ISL—Fiber connectivity 1.06 Gbps (IBM signal) (Port1-1 only) •ONE_GE—One Gigabit Ethernet 1.125 Gbps (Port 1-1 only) •ESCON—Enterprise System Connection 200 Mbps (IBM signal) (Ports 5-1 through 8-1) If the card mode is ESCON: •ESCON—Enterprise System Connection 200 Mbps (IBM signal) (Ports 1-1 through 8-1) |
If the port mode is FC_GE_ISC: •FC1G—Fibre Channel 1.06 Gbps (Ports 1-1 through 8-1) •FC2G—Fibre Channel 2.125 Gbps (Ports 1-1, 3-1, 5-1, and 7-1 only; ports are not available if the port that follows—2-1, 4-1, 6-1, or 8-1—has a PPM provisioned.) •FICON1G—Fiber connectivity 1.06 Gbps (IBM signal) (Ports 1-1 through 8-1) •FICON2G—Fiber connectivity 2.125 Gbps (IBM signal) (Ports 1-1, 3-1, 5-1, and 7-1 only; ports are not available if the port that follows—2-1, 4-1, 6-1, or 8-1—has a PPM provisioned.) •ONE_GE—One Gigabit Ethernet 1.125 Gbps (Ports 1-1 through 8-1) •ISC COMPAT (Ports 1-1 through 8-1) •ISC3 PEER 1G (Ports 1-1 through 8-1) •ISC3 PEER 2G (Ports 1-1, 3-1, 5-1, and 7-1 only; ports are not available if the port that follows—2-1, 4-1, 6-1, or 8-1—has a PPM provisioned.) If the port mode is FC4G: •FC4G—Fibre Channel 4.25 Gbps (Ports 1-1 or 5-1 only; ports are not available if any of the three ports that follow has a PPM provisioned.) •FICON4G—Fiber connectivity 4.25 Gbps (IBM signal) (Ports 1-1 or 5-1 only; ports are not available if any of the three ports that follow has a PPM provisioned.) |
1 Provisioned on the Data Rate Selection tab. |
Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G280 Delete a PPM
Purpose |
This task deletes PPM provisioning for SFPs or XFPs installed on TXP or MXP cards. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
G273 Preprovision an SFP or XFP Slot |
Required/As Needed |
As needed |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Note Before deleting a PPM, delete the PPM from the provisioning pane.
Note This task does not apply to the TXP_MR_10G card.
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP or MXP card where you want to delete PPM settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Pluggable Port Modules tabs.
Step 3 To delete a PPM and the associated ports:
Note You cannot delete a client port if the client is in the In Service and Normal (IS-NR) (ANSI) or Unlocked-enabled (ETSI) service state; is part of a protection group; has a generic communications channel (GCC) or data communications channel (DCC) in use; is used as a timing source; has circuits; or has overhead circuits. You can delete a client port if the trunk port is in service and the client port is in the OOS-MA,DSBLD (ANSI) or Locked-enabled,disabled (ETSI) service state, with the exception of the last port. You can delete the last client port only if the trunk port is in a OOS-MA,DSBLD (ANSI) or Locked-enabled,disabled (ETSI) service state for all cards except the MXP_MR_2.5G, MXPP_MR_2.5G, MXP_MR_10DME_C, and MXP_MR_10DME_L cards. For more information about port states, refer to "DWDM Administrative and Service States" appendix in the Cisco DWDM Reference Manual.
a. In the Pluggable Port Modules area, click the PPM that you want to delete. The highlight changes to dark blue.
b. Click Delete. The Delete PPM dialog box appears.
c. Click Yes. The PPM provisioning is removed from the Pluggable Port Modules area and the Pluggable Ports area.
Step 4 Verify that the PPM provisioning is deleted:
•In the TXP/MXP card view, CTC shows an empty port after the PPM is deleted.
•If the SFP or XFP is physically present when you delete the PPM provisioning, CTC transitions to the deleted state, the ports (if any) are deleted, and the PPM is represented as a gray graphic in CTC. The SFP or XFP can be provisioned again in CTC, or the equipment can be removed, in which case the removal causes the graphic to disappear.
Step 5 If you need to remove the PPM hardware (the SFP or XFP), complete the "DLP-G64 Remove an SFP or XFP" task.
Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-G33 Create a Y-Cable Protection Group
Purpose |
This procedure creates a Y-cable protection group between the client ports of two transponder or muxponder cards. For additional information about Y-cable protection, see the "Card Reference" chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. |
Tools/Equipment |
Installed TXP or MXP cards Cisco MetroPlanner Traffic Matrix |
Prerequisite Procedures |
G15 Install the Common Control Cards |
Required/As Needed |
As needed |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Note For SONET or SDH payloads, Loss of Pointer Path (LOP-P) alarms can occur on a split signal if the ports are not in a Y-cable protection group.
Step 1 View the Cisco MetroPlanner Traffic Matrix (see Table 3-1) for your site. Verify the TXP or MXP cards that need Y-cable protection groups. (Cards requiring Y-cable protection are indicated with "Y-Cable" in the Traffic Matrix table Protection Type column. Refer to the Cisco MetroPlanner DWDM Operations Guide for more information.)
Step 2 Verify that the TXP or MXP cards are installed according to the requirements specified in Table 3-3. Table 5-4 lists the protection types available in the ONS 15454 for DWDM client cards.
Step 3 Verify that pluggable ports are provisioned for the same payload and payload rate on the TXP and MXP cards where you will create the Y-cable protection group:
a. Display the TXP or MXP card in card view.
b. Click the Provisioning > Pluggable Port Module tabs.
c. Verify that a pluggable port is provisioned in the Pluggable Port Module area, and the payload type and rate is provisioned for it in the Pluggable Ports area. If they are not the same, for example, if the pluggable port and rate are not the same, you must either delete the provisioned rate and create a new rate to match using the "DLP-G273 Preprovision an SFP or XFP Slot" task or replace the pluggable port (SFP or XFP). using the "DLP-G64 Remove an SFP or XFP" task.
Step 4 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), click the Provisioning > Protection tabs.
Step 5 In the Protection Groups area, click Create.
Step 6 In the Create Protection Group dialog box, enter the following:
•Name—Type a name for the protection group. The name can have up to 32 alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) characters. Special characters are permitted. For TL1 compatibility, do not use question mark (?), backslash (\), or double quote (") characters.
•Type—Choose Y Cable from the drop-down list.
•Protect Port—From the drop-down list, choose the port that will be the standby or protection port to the active port. The list displays the available transponder or muxponder ports. If transponder or muxponder cards are not installed, no ports appear in the drop-down list.
After you choose the protect port, a list of available working ports appear in the Available Ports list, as shown in Figure 5-5. If no cards are available, no ports appear. If this occurs, you can not complete this task until you install the physical cards or preprovision the ONS 15454 slots using the "DLP-G353 Preprovision a Single Slot" procedure.
Figure 5-5 Creating a Y-Cable Protection Group
Step 7 From the Available Ports list, select the port that will be protected by the port you selected in Protect Ports. Click the top arrow button to move the port to the Working Ports list.
Step 8 Complete the remaining fields:
•Revertive—Check this check box if you want traffic to revert to the working port after failure conditions remain corrected for the amount of time entered in the Reversion Time field.
•Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, select a reversion time from the drop-down list. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. Reversion time is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working card. The reversion timer starts after conditions causing the switch are cleared.
Note The Bidirectional switching option is available only for SONET and SDH 1+1 protection groups. It is not available for Y-cable protection groups.
Step 9 Click OK.
Step 10 Repeat this procedure for every Y-cable protection group indicated in the Cisco MetroPlanner Traffic Matrix.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
NTP-G98 Provision the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds
Purpose |
This procedure changes the line and threshold settings for TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G transponder cards. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
G32 Install the Transponder and Muxponder Cards G277 Provision a Multirate PPM (if necessary) G278 Provision the Optical Line Rate (if necessary) |
Required/As Needed |
As needed |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Step 1 Complete the "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task at the node where you want to change the transponder card settings. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 As needed, complete the "NTP-G103 Back Up the Database" procedure to preserve the existing transmission settings.
Step 3 Perform any of the following tasks as needed:
•G229 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Card Settings
•G230 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Line Settings
•G231 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Line Section Trace Settings
•G232 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder SONET or SDH Line Threshold Settings
•G305 Provision the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
•G306 Provision the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
•G234 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder OTN Settings
•G367 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Trunk Wavelength Settings
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
DLP-G229 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Card Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_2.5G or TXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the card settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Card tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Table 5-5.
Note The Card subtab Framing Type and Tunable Wavelengths fields are display-only. Framing Type shows the card framing type, either SONET or SDH, depending on whether the card is installed in an ANSI or ETSI chassis. The Tunable Wavelengths shows the tunable wavelengths for the physical TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G that is installed.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G230 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Line Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_2.5G or TXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the line settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Pluggable Port Rate, where Pluggable Port Rate is the pluggable port rate provisioned on the Pluggable Port Modules tab.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Table 5-6.
Note The 2.5G multirate transponder trunk settings are provisioned in the "DLP-G305 Provision the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds" task.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G231 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Line Section Trace Settings
Note This task only applies to SONET services.
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_2.5G or TXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the section trace settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Section Trace tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Table 5-7.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G367 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Trunk Wavelength Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_2.5G or TXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the trunk wavelength settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Wavelength Trunk Settings tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings for the Wavelength Trunk Settings tab as described in Table 5-8.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G232 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder SONET or SDH Line Threshold Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_2.5G or TXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the line threshold settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line Thresholds tabs.
Note You must modify Near End and Far End independently; 15 Min and 1 Day independently; and Line and Section independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings in Table 5-9.
Note Some parameters and options in Table 5-9 do not apply to all TXP_MR_2.5G or TXPP_MR_2.5G cards. If a parameter or option does not apply, it does not appear in CTC.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G320 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Line RMON Thresholds for 1G Ethernet or 1G FC/FICON Payloads
Step 1 Display the TXP_MR_2.5G or TXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the line threshold settings in card view.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line Thresholds > RMON Thresholds tabs.
Step 3 Click Create. The Create Threshold dialog box appears.
Step 4 From the Port drop-down list, choose the applicable port.
Step 5 From the Variable drop-down list, choose an Ethernet variable. See Table 5-10 for a list of available Ethernet variables.
Step 6 From the Alarm Type drop-down list, indicate whether the event will be triggered by the rising threshold, the falling threshold, or both the rising and falling thresholds.
Step 7 From the Sample Type drop-down list, choose either Relative or Absolute. Relative restricts the threshold to use the number of occurrences in the user-set sample period. Absolute sets the threshold to use the total number of occurrences, regardless of time period.
Step 8 Type in an appropriate number of seconds for the Sample Period.
Step 9 Type in the appropriate number of occurrences for the Rising Threshold.
For a rising type of alarm, the measured value must move from below the falling threshold to above the rising threshold. For example, if a network is running below a rising threshold of 1000 collisions every 15 seconds and a problem causes 1001 collisions in 15 seconds, the excess occurrences trigger an alarm.
Step 10 Enter the appropriate number of occurrences in the Falling Threshold field. In most cases a falling threshold is set lower than the rising threshold.
A falling threshold is the counterpart to a rising threshold. When the number of occurrences is above the rising threshold and then drops below a falling threshold, it resets the rising threshold. For example, when the network problem that caused 1001 collisions in 15 seconds subsides and creates only 799 collisions in 15 seconds, occurrences fall below a falling threshold of 800 collisions. This resets the rising threshold so that if network collisions again spike over a 1000 per 15-second period, an event again triggers when the rising threshold is crossed. An event is triggered only the first time a rising threshold is exceeded (otherwise, a single network problem might cause a rising threshold to be exceeded multiple times and cause a flood of events).
Step 11 Click OK.
Step 12 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G305 Provision the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
Note In this task, trunk port refers to Port 2 for TXP_MR_2.5G cards, and to Ports 2 and 3 for TXPP_MR_2.5G cards.
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_2.5G or TXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the trunk port alarm and TCA settings.
Step 2 Click the Pluggable Port Modules tab. Under Pluggable Ports, record the Rate that is provisioned.
Step 3 Look up the rate in Table 5-11 and determine whether it is 2R or 3R.
OC-48/STM-16 |
2.488 Gbps |
3R |
On or Off |
DV-6000 |
2.38 Gbps |
2R |
— |
2 Gigabit Fibre Channel (2G-FC)/fiber connectivity (FICON) |
2.125 Gbps |
3R1 |
On or Off |
High-Definition Television (HDTV) |
1.48 Gbps |
2R |
— |
Gigabit Ethernet (GE) |
1.25 Gbps |
3R |
On or Off |
1 Gigabit Fibre Channel (1G-FC)/FICON |
1.06 Gbps |
3R |
On or Off |
OC-12/STM-4 |
622 Mbps |
3R |
On or Off |
OC-3/STM-1 |
155 Mbps |
3R |
On or Off |
Enterprise System Connection (ESCON) |
200 Mbps |
2R |
— |
SDI/D1 video |
270 Mbps |
2R |
— |
ISC-1 Compact |
1.06 Gbps |
3R |
Off |
ISC-3 |
1.06 or 2.125 Gbps |
2R |
— |
16 Mbps |
2R |
— |
1 No monitoring |
Step 4 Click the Provisioning > Optics Thresholds tabs.
Step 5 Click the 15 Min performance monitoring (PM) interval radio button and click Refresh.
Step 6 Referring to Table 5-12, provision the trunk port TCA thresholds for RX Power High and RX Power Low depending on whether the rate is 2R or 3R.
Note Do not modify the Laser Bias parameters.
3R |
-23 dBm |
-9 dBm |
2R |
-24 dBm |
-9 dBm |
Step 7 Click Apply.
Step 8 Under Types, click the Alarm radio button and click Refresh.
Step 9 Provision the trunk port Alarm thresholds for RX Power High to -7 dBm, and for RX Power Low to -26 dBm.
Step 10 Click Apply.
Step 11 Under Types, click TCA, then click the 1 Day interval. Click Refresh, then repeat Steps 6 through 10 for the 1-day interval. If you have completed both intervals, continue with Step 12.
Step 12 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G306 Provision the 2.5G Multirate Transponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
Purpose |
This task provisions the client port alarm and TCA thresholds for the TXP_MR_2.5G and TXPP_MR_2.5G cards. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
G278 Provision the Optical Line Rate |
Required/As Needed |
Required |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_2.5G or TXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the client port alarm and TCA settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Optics Thresholds tabs. The TCA thresholds are shown by default.
Step 3 Referring to Table 5-13, provision the Port 1 (client) TCA thresholds for RX Power High, RX Power Low, TX Power High, and TX Power Low based on the client interface at the other end. For additional information about client SFP and XFP interfaces, also known as PPMs, refer to the "Hardware Specifications" appendix in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual.
Note Do not modify the Laser Bias parameters.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Under Types, click the Alarm radio button and click Refresh.
Step 6 Referring to Table 5-14, provision the Alarm thresholds for RX Power High, RX Power Low, TX Power High, and TX Power Low based on the client interface that is provisioned.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Step 7 Click Apply.
Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G234 Change the 2.5G Multirate Transponder OTN Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_2.5G or TXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the OTN settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > OTN tabs, then choose one of the following subtabs: OTN Lines, G.709 Thresholds, FEC Thresholds, or Trail Trace Identifier.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Tables 5-15 through 5-18.
Note You must modify Near End and Far End; 15 Min and 1 Day; and SM and PM independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Table 5-15 describes the values on the Provisioning > OTN > OTN Lines tab.
Table 5-16 describes the values on the Provisioning > OTN > G.709 Thresholds tab.
Port1 |
(Display only) Port number. |
•2 (Trunk) •3 (Trunk) (TXPP_MR_2.5G) |
ES |
Errored seconds |
Numeric. Can be set for Near End or Far End, for 15-minute or one-day intervals, or for SM (OTUk) or PM (ODUk). Select a bullet and click Refresh. |
Severely errored seconds |
Numeric. Can be set for Near End or Far End, for 15-minute or one-day intervals, or for SM (OTUk) or PM (ODUk). Select a bullet and click Refresh. |
Unavailable seconds |
Numeric. Can be set for Near End or Far End, for 15-minute or one-day intervals, or for SM (OTUk) or PM (ODUk). Select a bullet and click Refresh. |
Background block errors |
Numeric. Can be set for Near End or Far End, for 15-minute or one-day intervals, or for SM (OTUk) or PM (ODUk). Select a bullet and click Refresh. |
FC |
Failure counter |
Numeric. Can be set for Near End or Far End, for 15-minute or one-day intervals, or for SM (OTUk) or PM (ODUk). Select a bullet and click Refresh. |
1 Latency for a 1G-FC payload without ITU-T G.709 is 4 microseconds, and with ITU-T G.709 is 40 microseconds. Latency for a 2G-FC payload without ITU-T G.709 is 2 microseconds, and with ITU-T G.709 is 20 microseconds. Consider these values when planning a FC network that is sensitive to latency. |
Table 5-17 describes the values on the Provisioning > OTN > FEC Threshold tab.
Table 5-18 describes the values on the Provisioning > OTN > Trail Trace Identifier tab.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-G96 Provision the 10G Multirate Transponder Card Line Settings, PM Parameters, and Thresholds
Purpose |
This procedure changes the line and threshold settings for 10G multirate transponder cards including the TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, and TXP_MR_10E_L cards. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
G32 Install the Transponder and Muxponder Cards G277 Provision a Multirate PPM (if necessary) G278 Provision the Optical Line Rate (if necessary) |
Required/As Needed |
As needed |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Note The TXP_MR_10G card does not support PPMs.
Step 1 Complete the "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task at the node where you want to change the transponder card settings. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 As needed, complete the "NTP-G103 Back Up the Database" procedure to preserve the existing transmission settings.
Step 3 If you are provisioning a TXP_MR_10G card, complete the "DLP-G365 Provision the TXP_MR_10G Data Rate" task. If not, continue with Step 4.
Step 4 Perform any of the following tasks as needed:
•G216 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Card Settings
•G217 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line Settings
•G218 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line Section Trace Settings
•G319 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line RMON Thresholds for 10G Ethernet LAN Phy Payloads
•G301 Provision the 10G Multirate Transponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
•G302 Provision the 10G Multirate Transponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
•G221 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder OTN Settings
•G368 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Trunk Wavelength Settings
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
DLP-G365 Provision the TXP_MR_10G Data Rate
Purpose |
This task changes the TXP_MR_10G data rate. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
Required/As Needed |
As needed |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_10G card where you want to change the card data rate settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Data Rate Selection tabs.
Step 3 Click Create.
Step 4 In the Create Port dialog box, choose one of the following data rates:
•SONET (ANSI) or SDH (ETSI) (including 10G Ethernet WAN Phy)
•10G Ethernet LAN Phy
Step 5 Click Ok.
Step 6 Return to your originating procedure.
DLP-G216 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Card Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, or TXP_MR_10E_L card where you want to change the card settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Card tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Table 5-19.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G217 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, or TXP_MR_10E_L card where you want to change the line settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Service where Service = SONET (including 10G Ethernet WAN phy) (ANSI), SDH (including 10G Ethernet WAN phy) (ETSI) or Ethernet (when the Pluggable Port Rate is set to 10GE LAN Phy) tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Table 5-20.
Note In Table 5-20, some parameter tabs do not always apply to all 10G multirate transponder cards. If a tab does not apply, it will not appear in CTC.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G218 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line Section Trace Settings
Note The Section Trace tab is available for the 10G Multirate Transponder cards only if no PPMs are provisioned, or the OC192 PPM is provisioned. The tab is not available if a 10G Ethernet LAN Phy or 10G Fibre Channel PPM is provisioned.
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, or TXP_MR_10E_L card where you want to change the section trace settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Section Trace tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Table 5-21.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G368 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Trunk Wavelength Settings
Note Before modifying the wavelength settings, change the port state to OOS,DSBLD (for ANSI) or Locked,disabled (for ETSI) and delete the circuit and patchcord provisioning present on the port. Payload or communication channel provisioning can be retained.
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, and TXP_MR_10E_L card where you want to change the trunk wavelength settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Wavelength Trunk Settings tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings for the Wavelength Trunk Settings tab as described in Table 5-22.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G219 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line Thresholds for SONET or SDH Payloads Including 10G Ethernet WAN Phy
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, or TXP_MR_10E_L card where you want to change the line threshold settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line Thresholds > SONET Thresholds (ANSI) or SDH Thresholds (ETSI) tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Table 5-23.
Note Parameters shown in Table 5-23 do not apply to all 10G multirate transponder cards. If the parameter or option does not apply, it is not shown in CTC.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G319 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder Line RMON Thresholds for 10G Ethernet LAN Phy Payloads
Step 1 Display the TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, or TXP_MR_10E_L card where you want to change the line threshold settings in card view.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line Thresholds > RMON Thresholds tabs.
Step 3 Click Create. The Create Threshold dialog box appears.
Step 4 From the Port drop-down list, choose the applicable port.
Step 5 From the Variable drop-down list, choose an Ethernet variable. See Table 5-24 for a list of available Ethernet variables.
Step 6 From the Alarm Type drop-down list, indicate whether the event will be triggered by the rising threshold, the falling threshold, or both the rising and falling thresholds.
Step 7 From the Sample Type drop-down list, choose either Relative or Absolute. Relative restricts the threshold to use the number of occurrences in the user-set sample period. Absolute sets the threshold to use the total number of occurrences, regardless of time period.
Step 8 Type in an appropriate number of seconds for the Sample Period.
Step 9 Type in the appropriate number of occurrences for the Rising Threshold.
For a rising type of alarm, the measured value must move from below the falling threshold to above the rising threshold. For example, if a network is running below a rising threshold of 1000 collisions every 15 seconds and a problem causes 1001 collisions in 15 seconds, the excess occurrences trigger an alarm.
Step 10 Enter the appropriate number of occurrences in the Falling Threshold field. In most cases a falling threshold is set lower than the rising threshold.
A falling threshold is the counterpart to a rising threshold. When the number of occurrences is above the rising threshold and then drops below a falling threshold, it resets the rising threshold. For example, when the network problem that caused 1001 collisions in 15 seconds subsides and creates only 799 collisions in 15 seconds, occurrences fall below a falling threshold of 800 collisions. This resets the rising threshold so that if network collisions again spike over a 1000 per 15-second period, an event again triggers when the rising threshold is crossed. An event is triggered only the first time a rising threshold is exceeded (otherwise, a single network problem might cause a rising threshold to be exceeded multiple times and cause a flood of events).
Step 11 Click OK.
Step 12 To view all RMON thresholds, click Show All RMON thresholds. If not, continue with Step 13
Step 13 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G301 Provision the 10G Multirate Transponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, or TXP_MR_10E_L card where you want to change the trunk port alarm and TCA settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Optics Thresholds tabs.
Step 3 Under Types, verify that the TCA radio button is checked. If not, check it, then click Refresh.
Step 4 Referring to Table 5-25, provision the trunk port (Port 2) TCA thresholds for RX Power High, RX Power Low, TX Power High, and TX Power Low.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Note Do not modify the Laser Bias parameters.
Step 5 Click Apply.
Step 6 Under Types, click the Alarm radio button and click Refresh.
Step 7 Referring to Table 5-26, provision the trunk port (Port 2) Alarm thresholds for RX Power High, RX Power Low, TX Power High, and TX Power Low.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Step 8 Click Apply.
Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G302 Provision the 10G Multirate Transponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
Purpose |
This task provisions the client port alarm and TCA thresholds for the TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, and TXP_MR_10E_L cards. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
G278 Provision the Optical Line Rate |
Required/As Needed |
Required |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, or TXP_MR_10E_L card where you want to change the client port alarm and TCA settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Optics Thresholds tabs. The TCA thresholds are shown by default.
Step 3 Under Types, verify that the TCA radio button is checked. If not, check it, then click Refresh.
Step 4 Referring to Table 5-27, provision the Port 1 (Client) TCA thresholds for RX Power High, RX Power Low, TX Power High, and TX Power Low based on the client interface at the other end. For additional information about client SFP and XFP interfaces, also known as PPMs, refer to the "Hardware Specifications" appendix in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Note Do not modify the Laser Bias parameters.
Note Pluggable port rates can be viewed on the Provisioning > Pluggable Port Modules tabs.
Step 5 Click Apply.
Step 6 Under Types, click the Alarm radio button and click Refresh.
Step 7 Referring to Table 5-28, provision the Port 1 (Client) Alarm thresholds for RX Power High, RX Power Low, TX Power High, and TX Power Low based on the client interface that is provisioned.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Step 8 Click Apply.
Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G221 Change the 10G Multirate Transponder OTN Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_10E_C, or TXP_MR_10E_L card where you want to change the OTN settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > OTN tabs, then click one of the following subtabs: OTN Lines, G.709 Thresholds, FEC Thresholds, or Trail Trace Identifier.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Tables 5-29 through 5-32.
Note You must modify Near End and Far End independently; 15 Min and 1 Day independently; and SM and PM independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Table 5-29 describes the values on the Provisioning > OTN > OTN Lines tab.
Table 5-30 describes the values on the Provisioning > OTN > G.709 Thresholds tab.
Table 5-31 describes the values on the Provisioning > OTN > FEC Thresholds tab.
Table 5-32 describes the values on the Provisioning > OTN > Trail Trace Identifier tab.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-G97 Modify the 4x2.5G Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds
Purpose |
This procedure changes the line and threshold settings for the MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, and MXP_2.5G_10E_L muxponder cards. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
G32 Install the Transponder and Muxponder Cards. G277 Provision a Multirate PPM (if necessary) G278 Provision the Optical Line Rate (if necessary) |
Required/As Needed |
As needed |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Step 1 Complete the "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task at the node where you want to change the muxponder card settings. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 As needed, complete the "NTP-G103 Back Up the Database" procedure to preserve the existing transmission settings.
Step 3 Perform any of the following tasks as needed:
•G222 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Card Settings
•G223 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Line Settings
•G224 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Section Trace Settings
•G225 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Trunk Settings
•G226 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder SONET/SDH Line Thresholds Settings
•G303 Provision the 4x2.5G Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
•G304 Provision the 4x2.5G Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
•G228 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Line OTN Settings
•G369 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Trunk Wavelength Settings
Step 4 As needed, complete the "NTP-G103 Back Up the Database" procedure.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
DLP-G222 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Card Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, or MXP_2.5G_10E_L card where you want to change the card settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Card tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Table 5-33.
Note Parameters shown in Table 5-33 do not apply to all 4x2.5G muxponder cards. If the parameter or option does not apply, it is not shown in CTC.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G223 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Line Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, or MXP_2.5G_10E_L card where you want to change the line settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > SONET (ANSI) or SDH (ETSI) tabs.
Note The SONET tab appears only if you have created a PPM for a given port.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Table 5-34.
Note You must modify Near End and Far End independently; 15 Min and 1 Day independently; and Line and Section independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G224 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Section Trace Settings
Note The Section Trace tab appears only if you have created a PPM for the card.
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, or MXP_2.5G_10E_L card where you want to change the section trace settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Section Trace tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Table 5-35.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G225 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Trunk Settings
Note This task does not apply to the MXP_2.5G_10G card.
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, or MXP_2.5G_10E_L card where you want to change the section trace settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Trunk tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Table 5-36.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G369 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Trunk Wavelength Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, and MXP_2.5G_10E_L card where you want to change the trunk wavelength settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Wavelength Trunk Settings tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings for the Wavelength Trunk Settings tab as described in Table 5-37.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G226 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder SONET/SDH Line Thresholds Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, or MXP_2.5G_10E_L card where you want to change the line threshold settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line Thresholds tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Table 5-38.
Note In Table 5-38, some parameter tabs or selections do not always apply to all 4x2.5G muxponder cards. If the tabs or selections do not apply, they do not appear in CTC.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G303 Provision the 4x2.5G Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, or MXP_2.5G_10E_L card where you want to change the trunk port alarm and TCA settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Optics Thresholds tabs.
Step 3 Select TCA (if not already selected), a 15 Min or 1 Day PM interval radio button and then click Refresh.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Step 4 Referring to Table 5-39, provision the trunk port (Port 5) TCA thresholds for RX Power High, RX Power Low, TX Power High, and TX Power Low.
Note Do not modify the Laser Bias parameters.
Step 5 Click Apply.
Step 6 Under Types, click the Alarm radio button and click Refresh.
Step 7 Referring to Table 5-40, provision the trunk port (Port 5) Alarm thresholds for RX Power High, RX Power Low, TX Power High, and TX Power Low.
Note Do not modify the Laser Bias parameters.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Step 8 Click Apply.
Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G304 Provision the 4x2.5G Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
Purpose |
This task provisions the client port alarm and TCA thresholds for the MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, and MXP_2.5G_10E_L cards. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
G278 Provision the Optical Line Rate |
Required/As Needed |
Required |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, or MXP_2.5G_10E_L card where you want to change the client port alarm and TCA settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Optics Thresholds tabs. The TCA thresholds are shown by default.
Step 3 Referring to Table 5-41, provision the client Port N (where N = 1 through 4) TCA thresholds for RX Power High, RX Power Low, TX Power High, and TX Power Low based on the client interface at the other end.
Note The hardware device that plugs into a TXP or MXP card faceplate to provide a fiber interface to the card is called a Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP or XFP). In Cisco Transport Controller (CTC), SFPs and XFPs are called PPMs. SFPs/XFPs are hot-swappable input/output devices that plug into a TXP, MXP, or line card port to link the port with the fiber-optic network. For more information about SFPs and XFPs, refer "Hardware Specifications" chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual, or the Installing GBIC, SFP and XFP Optics Modules in Cisco ONS 15454, 15454 SDH, 15327, 15600, and 15310-CL Platforms document available in the ONS 15454 production documentation website on www.cisco.com.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Note Do not modify the Laser Bias parameters.
Step 4 Repeat Step 3 to provision each additional client port.
Step 5 Under Types, click the Alarm radio button and click Refresh.
Step 6 Referring to Table 5-42, provision the client Port N (where N = 1 through 4) Alarm thresholds for RX Power High, RX Power Low, TX Power High, and TX Power Low based on the client interface that is provisioned.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Note Do not modify the Laser Bias parameters.
Step 7 Click Apply.
Step 8 Repeat Steps 6 and 7 to provision each additional client port. When you have finished provisioning client ports, continue with Step 9.
Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G228 Change the 4x2.5G Muxponder Line OTN Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, or MXP_2.5G_10E_L card where you want to change the line OTN settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > OTN tabs, then choose one of the following subtabs: OTN Lines, OTN G.709 Thresholds, FEC Thresholds, or Trail Trace Identifier.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Tables 5-43 through 5-46.
Note You must modify Near End and Far End independently; 15 Min and 1 Day independently; and SM and PM independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Table 5-43 describes the values on the Provisioning > OTN > OTN Lines tab.
Note In Table 5-43, some parameter tabs or values do not always apply to all MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_2.5G_10E_C, or MXP_2.5G_10E_L cards. If the tabs or values do not apply, they do not appear in CTC.
Table 5-44 describes the values on the Provisioning > OTN > OTN G.709 Thresholds tab.
Table 5-45 describes the values on the Provisioning > OTN > FEC Thresholds tab.
Table 5-46 describes the values on the Provisioning > OTN > Trail Trace Identifier tab.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-G99 Modify the 2.5G Data Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds
Purpose |
This procedure changes the line and threshold settings for the MXP_MR_2.5G and MXPP_MR_2.5G muxponder cards. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
G32 Install the Transponder and Muxponder Cards G277 Provision a Multirate PPM (if necessary) G278 Provision the Optical Line Rate (if necessary) |
Required/As Needed |
As needed |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Step 1 Complete the "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task at the node where you want to change the muxponder card settings. If you are already logged in, proceed to Step 2.
Step 2 As needed, complete the "NTP-G103 Back Up the Database" procedure to preserve the existing transmission settings.
Step 3 Perform any of the following tasks as needed:
•G236 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Client Line Settings
•G237 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Distance Extension Settings
•G238 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder SONET (OC-48)/SDH (STM-16) Settings
•G239 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Section Trace Settings
•G240 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder SONET or SDH Line Thresholds
•G321 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Line Thresholds for 1G Ethernet or 1G FC/FICON Payloads
•G307 Provision the 2.5G Data Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
•G308 Provision the 2.5G Data Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
•G370 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Trunk Wavelength Settings
Note To use the Alarm Profiles tab, including creating alarm profiles and suppressing alarms, see Chapter 9 "Manage Alarms."
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
DLP-G236 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Client Line Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the line settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Client tabs. Tabs and parameter selections vary according to PPM provisioning.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings for the Client tab as described in Table 5-47.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G237 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Distance Extension Settings
Note Distance extension settings can be changed only if the facilities are out of service (OOS).
Note The distance extension parameters only apply to client ports (Ports 1 to 8) and not to the trunk ports (Port 9 for MXP_MR_2.5G card or Ports 9 and 10 for the MXPP_MR_2.5G card).
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the distance extension settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Service tabs, where Service is the service type provisioned on the Pluggable Port Modules tab, such as SONET (ANSI), SDH (ETSI), 1G Ethernet, and others.
Step 3 Locate the Trunk port table row and verify that the Service State column value is OOS-MA,DSBLD (ANSI) or Locked-enabled,disabled (ETSI). If yes, continue with Step 4. If not, complete the following steps:
a. Click the Admin State table cell and choose OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,Maintenance (ETSI).
b. Click Apply, then Yes.
Step 4 Click the Provisioning > Line > Distance Extension tabs. Tabs and parameter selections vary according to PPM provisioning.
Step 5 Modify any of the settings for the Distance Extension tab as described in Table 5-48.
Step 6 Click Apply.
Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G238 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder SONET (OC-48)/SDH (STM-16) Settings
Note SONET (OC-48)/SDH (STM-16) settings apply only to the trunk ports (Port 9 for the MXP_MR_2.5G card and Ports 9 and 10 for the MXPP_MR_2.5G card.)
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the OC-48/STM-64 settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > SONET (ANSI) or SDH (ETSI). Tabs and parameter selections vary according to PPM provisioning.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings for the SONET or SDH tab as described in Table 5-49.
Port |
(Display only) Port number. |
9 (trunk for MXP_MR_2.5G) or 9 and 10 (trunks for MXPP_MR_2.5G) |
Port Name |
Provides the ability to assign the specified port a name. |
User-defined. Name can be up to 32 alphanumeric/ special characters. Blank by default. |
Admin State |
Sets the port service state unless network conditions prevent the change. For more information about administrative states, refer to the "Administrative and Service States" appendix in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. |
•IS (ANSI) or Unlocked (ETSI) •IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) •OOS,DSBLD (ANSI) or Locked,disabled (ETSI) •OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) |
Service State |
(Display only) Identifies the autonomously generated state that gives the overall condition of the port. Service states appear in the format: Primary State-Primary State Qualifier, Secondary State. For more information about service states, refer to the "Administrative and Service States" appendix in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. |
•IS-NR (ANSI) or Unlocked-enabled (ETSI) •OOS-AU,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked-disabled, •OOS-MA,DSBLD (ANSI) or Locked-enabled,disabled (ETSI) •OOS-MA,MT (ANSI) or Locked-enabled,maintenance (ETSI) |
Sets the signal fail bit error rate. |
•1E-3 •1E-4 •1E-5 |
Sets the signal degrade bit error rate. |
•1E-5 •1E-6 •1E-7 •1E-8 •1E-9 |
ALS Mode |
Sets the ALS function mode. The DWDM transmitter supports ALS according to ITU-T G.644 (06/99). ALS can be disabled or can be set for one of three mode options. |
•Disable (default): ALS is off; the laser is not automatically shut down when traffic outages (LOS) occur. •Auto Restart: ALS is on; the laser automatically shuts down when traffic outages (LOS) occur. It automatically restarts when the conditions that caused the outage are resolved. •Manual Restart: ALS is on; the laser automatically shuts down when traffic outages (LOS) occur. However, the laser must be manually restarted when conditions that caused the outage are resolved. •Manual Restart for Test: Manually restarts the laser for testing. |
AINS Soak |
Sets the automatic in-service soak period. Double-click the time and use the up and down arrows to change settings. |
•Duration of valid input signal, in hh.mm format, after which the card becomes in service (IS) automatically •0 to 48 hours, 15-minute increments |
Type |
The optical transport type. |
SyncMsgIn |
Sets the EnableSync card parameter. Enables synchronization status messages (S1 byte), which allow the node to choose the best timing source. |
Checked or unchecked |
Send DoNotUse |
Sets the Send DoNotUse card state. When checked, sends a DUS message on the S1 byte. |
Checked or unchecked |
ProvidesSync |
Sets the ProvidesSync card parameter. If checked, the card is provisioned as an NE timing reference. |
Checked or unchecked |
1 SF BER and SD BER thresholds apply only to trunk ports (Port 9 for MXP_MR_2.5G and Ports 9 and 10 for MXPP_MR_2.5G). |
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G239 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Section Trace Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the section trace settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Section Trace tabs. Tabs and parameter selections vary according to PPM provisioning.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings in the Section Trace tab as described in Table 5-50.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G370 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Trunk Wavelength Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the trunk wavelength settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Wavelength Trunk Settings tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings for the Wavelength Trunk Settings tab as described in Table 5-51.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G240 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder SONET or SDH Line Thresholds
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the line threshold settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line Thresholds > SONET Thresholds (ANSI) or SDH Thresholds (ETSI) tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings as shown in Table 5-52.
Note You must modify Near End and Far End independently; 15 Min and 1 Day independently; and Line and Section independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Note In Table 5-52, some parameters or options do not apply to all MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G cards. If the parameters or options do not apply, they do not appear in CTC.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G321 Change the 2.5G Data Muxponder Line Thresholds for 1G Ethernet or 1G FC/FICON Payloads
Step 1 Display the MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the line threshold settings in card view.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line Thresholds > RMON Thresholds tabs.
Step 3 Click Create. The Create Threshold dialog box appears.
Step 4 From the Port drop-down list, choose the applicable port.
Step 5 From the Variable drop-down list, choose an Ethernet variable. See Table 5-53 for a list of available Ethernet variables.
Step 6 From the Alarm Type drop-down list, indicate whether the event will be triggered by the rising threshold, the falling threshold, or both the rising and falling thresholds.
Step 7 From the Sample Type drop-down list, choose either Relative or Absolute. Relative restricts the threshold to use the number of occurrences in the user-set sample period. Absolute sets the threshold to use the total number of occurrences, regardless of time period.
Step 8 Type in an appropriate number of seconds for the Sample Period.
Step 9 Type in the appropriate number of occurrences for the Rising Threshold.
For a rising type of alarm, the measured value must move from below the falling threshold to above the rising threshold. For example, if a network is running below a rising threshold of 1000 collisions every 15 seconds and a problem causes 1001 collisions in 15 seconds, the excess occurrences trigger an alarm.
Step 10 Enter the appropriate number of occurrences in the Falling Threshold field. In most cases a falling threshold is set lower than the rising threshold.
A falling threshold is the counterpart to a rising threshold. When the number of occurrences is above the rising threshold and then drops below a falling threshold, it resets the rising threshold. For example, when the network problem that caused 1001 collisions in 15 seconds subsides and creates only 799 collisions in 15 seconds, occurrences fall below a falling threshold of 800 collisions. This resets the rising threshold so that if network collisions again spike over a 1000 per 15-second period, an event again triggers when the rising threshold is crossed. An event is triggered only the first time a rising threshold is exceeded (otherwise, a single network problem might cause a rising threshold to be exceeded multiple times and cause a flood of events).
Step 11 Click OK.
Step 12 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G307 Provision the 2.5G Data Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
Note Throughout this task, trunk port refers to Port 9 (MXP_MR_2.5G and MXPP_MR_2.5G) and Port 10 (MXPP_MR_2.5G only).
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the trunk port alarm and TCA settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Optics Thresholds tabs.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Step 3 Provision the trunk port TCA thresholds for RX Power High to -9 dBm and for RX Power Low to -23 dBm.
Step 4 Under Types, click the Alarm radio button and click Refresh.
Note Do not modify the Laser Bias parameters.
Step 5 Provision the trunk port Alarm thresholds for RX Power High to -7 dBm and for RX Power Low to -26 dBm.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Step 6 Click Apply.
Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G308 Provision the 2.5G Data Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
Purpose |
This task provisions the client port alarm and TCA thresholds for the MXP_MR_2.5G and MXPP_MR_2.5G cards. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
G278 Provision the Optical Line Rate |
Required/As Needed |
Required |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G card where you want to change the client port alarm and TCA settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Optics Thresholds tabs. The TCA thresholds are shown by default.
Step 3 Referring to Table 5-54, provision the client port (Ports 1 through 8) TCA thresholds for RX Power High, RX Power Low, TX Power High, and TX Power Low based on the client interface at the other end. For additional information about client SFP and XFP interfaces, also known as PPMs, refer to the "Hardware Specifications" appendix in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual.
Note Do not modify the Laser Bias parameters.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to provision each additional client port.
Step 6 Under Types, click the Alarm radio button and click Refresh.
Step 7 Referring to Table 5-55, provision the client port (Ports 1 through 8) Alarm thresholds for RX Power High, RX Power Low, TX Power High, and TX Power Low based on the client interface that is provisioned.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Step 8 Click Apply.
Step 9 Repeat Steps 7 and 8 to provision each additional client port. When you have finished provisioning client ports, continue with Step 10.
Step 10 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-G148 Modify the 10G Data Muxponder Card Line Settings and PM Parameter Thresholds
Purpose |
This procedure changes the line and threshold settings for the MXP_MR_10DME_C and MXP_MR_10DME_L muxponder cards. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
G32 Install the Transponder and Muxponder Cards G277 Provision a Multirate PPM (if necessary) G278 Provision the Optical Line Rate (if necessary) |
Required/As Needed |
As needed |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Step 1 Complete the "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task at the node where you want to change the muxponder card settings. If you are already logged in, proceed to Step 2.
Step 2 As needed, complete the "NTP-G103 Back Up the Database" procedure to preserve the existing transmission settings.
Step 3 Perform any of the following tasks as needed:
•G333 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Client Line Settings
•G334 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Distance Extension Settings
•G340 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Trunk Wavelength Settings
•G335 Change the 10G Data Muxponder SONET (OC-192)/SDH (STM-64) Settings
•G336 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Section Trace Settings
•G341 Change the 10G Data Muxponder SONET or SDH Line Thresholds
•G338 Provision the 10G Data Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
•G339 Provision the 10G Data Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
•G366 Change the 10G Data Muxponder OTN Settings
Note To use the Alarm Profiles tab, including creating alarm profiles and suppressing alarms, see Chapter 9 "Manage Alarms."
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
DLP-G333 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Client Line Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L card where you want to change the line settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Client tabs. Tabs and parameter selections vary according to PPM provisioning.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings for the Client tab as described in Table 5-56.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G334 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Distance Extension Settings
Note The distance extension parameters only apply to client ports (Ports 1 to 8) and not to the trunk port (Port 9).
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L card where you want to change the distance extension settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Distance Extension tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings for the Distance Extension tab as described in Table 5-57.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G340 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Trunk Wavelength Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L card where you want to change the trunk wavelength settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Wavelength Trunk Settings tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings for the Wavelength Trunk Settings tab as described in Table 5-58.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G335 Change the 10G Data Muxponder SONET (OC-192)/SDH (STM-64) Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L card where you want to change the SONET (OC-192)/SDH (STM-64) settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > SONET (ANSI) or SDH (ETSI). Tabs and parameter selections vary according to PPM provisioning.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings for the SONET or SDH tab as described in Table 5-59.
Port |
(Display only) Port number. |
9 (Trunk) |
Port Name |
Provides the ability to assign the specified port a name. |
User-defined. Name can be up to 32 alphanumeric/ special characters. Blank by default. |
Admin State |
Sets the port service state unless network conditions prevent the change. For more information about administrative states, refer to the "Administrative and Service States" appendix in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. |
•IS (ANSI) or Unlocked (ETSI) •IS,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInService (ETSI) •OOS,DSBLD (ANSI) or Locked,disabled (ETSI) •OOS,MT (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI) |
Service State |
(Display only) Identifies the autonomously generated state that gives the overall condition of the port. Service states appear in the format: Primary State-Primary State Qualifier, Secondary State. For more information about service states, refer to the "Administrative and Service States" appendix in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual. |
•IS-NR (ANSI) or Unlocked-enabled (ETSI) •OOS-AU,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked-disabled, •OOS-MA,DSBLD (ANSI) or Locked-enabled,disabled (ETSI) •OOS-MA,MT (ANSI) or Locked-enabled,maintenance (ETSI) |
Sets the signal fail bit error rate. |
•1E-3 •1E-4 •1E-5 |
Sets the signal degrade bit error rate. |
•1E-5 •1E-6 •1E-7 •1E-8 •1E-9 |
Type |
The optical transport type. |
ALS Mode |
Sets the ALS function mode. The DWDM transmitter supports ALS according to ITU-T G.644 (06/99). ALS can be disabled or can be set for one of three mode options. |
•Disabled (default): ALS is off; the laser is not automatically shut down when traffic outages (LOS) occur. •Auto Restart: ALS is on; the laser automatically shuts down when traffic outages (LOS) occur. It automatically restarts when the conditions that caused the outage are resolved. •Manual Restart: ALS is on; the laser automatically shuts down when traffic outages (LOS) occur. However, the laser must be manually restarted when conditions that caused the outage are resolved. •Manual Restart for Test: Manually restarts the laser for testing. |
AINS Soak |
Sets the automatic in-service soak period. Double-click the time and use the up and down arrows to change settings. |
•Duration of valid input signal, in hh.mm format, after which the card becomes in service (IS) automatically •0 to 48 hours, 15-minute increments |
ProvidesSync |
Sets the ProvidesSync card parameter. If checked, the card is provisioned as a NE timing reference. |
Checked or unchecked |
SyncMsgIn |
Sets the EnableSync card parameter. Enables synchronization status messages (S1 byte), which allow the node to choose the best timing source. |
Checked or unchecked |
Send DoNotUse |
Sets the Send DoNotUse card state. When checked, sends a DUS (do not use) message on the S1 byte. |
Checked or unchecked |
1 SF BER and SD BER thresholds apply only to trunk ports (Port 9 for MXP_MR_2.5G and Ports 9 and 10 for MXPP_MR_2.5G). |
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G336 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Section Trace Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L card where you want to change the section trace settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line > Section Trace tabs. Tabs and parameter selections vary according to PPM provisioning.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings in the Section Trace tab as described in Table 5-60.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G341 Change the 10G Data Muxponder SONET or SDH Line Thresholds
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L card where you want to change the line threshold settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line Thresholds > SONET Thresholds (ANSI) or SDH Thresholds (ETSI) tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings as shown in Table 5-61.
Note You must modify Near End and Far End independently; 15 Min and 1 Day independently; and Line and Section independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Note In Table 5-61, some parameters and options do not apply to all 4x2.5G muxponder cards. If the parameter or options do not apply, they do not appear in CTC.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G337 Change the 10G Data Muxponder Line RMON Thresholds for Ethernet, 1G FC/FICON, or ISC/ISC3 Payloads
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), display the MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L card where you want to change the line threshold settings in card view.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line Thresholds > RMON Thresholds tabs.
Step 3 Click Create. The Create Threshold dialog box appears.
Step 4 From the Port drop-down list, choose the applicable port, either the payload port, for example "1-1 (ONE_GE)", or the equivalent ITU-T G.7041 GFP (Generic Frame Procedure) port.
Step 5 From the Variable drop-down list, choose an Ethernet, FC, FICON, or ISC variable. See Table 5-62 for a list of available Ethernet variables, Table 5-63 for a list of FC and FICON variables, and Table 5-64 for a list of ISC and ISC3 variables.
ifInOctets |
Number of bytes received since the last counter reset. |
rxTotalPkts |
Total number of receive packets. |
ifInErrors |
Total number of receive errors. |
ifOutOctets |
The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. |
txTotalPkts |
Total number of transmitted packets. |
mediaIndStatsRxFramesTruncated |
Total number of frames received that are less than 5 bytes. This value is a part of HDLC and GFP port statistics. |
mediaIndStatsRxFramesTooLong |
Number of received frames that exceed the MTU1 . This value is part of HDLC and GFP port statistics. |
mediaIndStatsRxFramesBadCRC |
Number of receive data frames with payload CRC errors when HDLC framing is used. |
mediaIndStatsTxFramesBadCRC |
Number of transmitted data frames with payload CRC errors when HDLC framing is used. |
8b10bInvalidOrderedSetsDispErrorsSum |
Number of code violations/running disparity errors in the 8b/10b encoded characters received. |
1 Frames larger than the MTU, including Jumbo frames, pass through. The MTU, however, is not specified by the user. |
Step 6 From the Alarm Type drop-down list, indicate whether the event will be triggered by the rising threshold, the falling threshold, or both the rising and falling thresholds.
Step 7 From the Sample Type drop-down list, choose either Relative or Absolute. Relative restricts the threshold to use the number of occurrences in the user-set sample period. Absolute sets the threshold to use the total number of occurrences, regardless of time period.
Step 8 Type in an appropriate number of seconds for the Sample Period.
Step 9 Type in the appropriate number of occurrences for the Rising Threshold.
For a rising type of alarm, the measured value must move from below the falling threshold to above the rising threshold. For example, if a network is running below a rising threshold of 1000 collisions every 15 seconds and a problem causes 1001 collisions in 15 seconds, the excess occurrences trigger an alarm.
Step 10 Enter the appropriate number of occurrences in the Falling Threshold field. In most cases a falling threshold is set lower than the rising threshold.
A falling threshold is the counterpart to a rising threshold. When the number of occurrences is above the rising threshold and then drops below a falling threshold, it resets the rising threshold. For example, when the network problem that caused 1001 collisions in 15 seconds subsides and creates only 799 collisions in 15 seconds, occurrences fall below a falling threshold of 800 collisions. This resets the rising threshold so that if network collisions again spike over a 1000 per 15-second period, an event again triggers when the rising threshold is crossed. An event is triggered only the first time a rising threshold is exceeded (otherwise, a single network problem might cause a rising threshold to be exceeded multiple times and cause a flood of events).
Step 11 Click OK.
Step 12 To view all RMON thresholds, click Show All RMON thresholds. If not, continue with Step 13
Step 13 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G338 Provision the 10G Data Muxponder Trunk Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L card where you want to change the trunk port alarm and TCA settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Optics Thresholds tabs.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Note Do not modify the Laser Bias parameters.
Step 3 If TCA is not selected, click TCA and then click Refresh. If it is selected, continue with Step 4.
Step 4 Provision the trunk port (Port 9) TCA thresholds as follows:
•RX Power High: -9 dBm
•RX Power Low: -18 dBm
•TX Power High: 9 dBm
•TX Power Low: 0 dBm
Step 5 Under Types, click the Alarm radio button and click Refresh.
Note Do not modify the Laser Bias parameters.
Step 6 Provision the trunk port (Port 9) Alarm thresholds as follows:
•RX Power High: -8 dBm
•RX Power Low: -20 dBm
•TX Power High: 7 dBm
•TX Power Low: 3 dBm
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Step 7 Click Apply.
Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G339 Provision the 10G Data Muxponder Client Port Alarm and TCA Thresholds
Purpose |
This task provisions the client port alarm and TCA thresholds for the MXP_MR_10DME_C and MXP_MR_10DME_L cards. |
Tools/Equipment |
None |
Prerequisite Procedures |
G278 Provision the Optical Line Rate |
Required/As Needed |
Required |
Onsite/Remote |
Onsite or remote |
Security Level |
Provisioning or higher |
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_10DME_C and MXP_MR_10DME_L card where you want to change the client port alarm and TCA settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Optics Thresholds tabs. The TCA thresholds are shown by default.
Step 3 Referring to Table 5-65, provision the client ports (Ports 1 through 8) TCA thresholds for RX Power High, RX Power Low, TX Power High, and TX Power Low based on the client interface at the other end. For additional information about client SFP and XFP interfaces, also known as Pluggable Port Modules (PPMs), refer to the "Hardware Specifications" appendix in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual.
Note Do not modify the Laser Bias parameters.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Note The PPM port rate can be viewed on the Provisioning > Pluggable Port Modules tab. For more information about SFPs and XFPs, refer to the "Hardware Specifications" chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual, or the Installing GBIC, SFP and XFP Optics Modules in Cisco ONS 15454, 15454 SDH, 15327, 15600, and 15310-CL Platforms document available in the ONS 15454 production documentation website on www.cisco.com.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to provision each additional client port.
Step 6 Under Types, click the Alarm radio button and click Refresh.
Step 7 Referring to Table 5-66, provision the client port (Ports 1 through 8) Alarm thresholds for RX Power High, RX Power Low, TX Power High, and TX Power Low based on the client interface that is provisioned.
Note You must modify 15 Min and 1 Day independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Step 8 Click Apply.
Step 9 Repeat Steps 7 and 8 to provision each additional client port. When you have finished provisioning client ports, continue with Step 10.
Step 10 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G366 Change the 10G Data Muxponder OTN Settings
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf view), double-click the MXP_MR_10DME_C and MXP_MR_10DME_L card where you want to change the OTN settings.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > OTN tabs, then choose one of the following subtabs: OTN Lines, G.709 Thresholds, FEC Thresholds, or Trail Trace Identifier.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Tables 5-15 through 5-18.
Note You must modify Near End and Far End; 15 Min and 1 Day; and SM and PM independently. To do so, choose the appropriate radio button and click Refresh.
Table 5-67 describes the values on the Provisioning > OTN > OTN Lines tab.
Table 5-68 describes the values on the Provisioning > OTN > G.709 Thresholds tab.
Port1 |
(Display only) Port number. |
9 (Trunk) |
ES |
Errored seconds |
Numeric. Can be set for Near End or Far End, for 15-minute or one-day intervals, or for SM (OTUk) or PM (ODUk). Select a bullet and click Refresh. |
Severely errored seconds |
Numeric. Can be set for Near End or Far End, for 15-minute or one-day intervals, or for SM (OTUk) or PM (ODUk). Select a bullet and click Refresh. |
Unavailable seconds |
Numeric. Can be set for Near End or Far End, for 15-minute or one-day intervals, or for SM (OTUk) or PM (ODUk). Select a bullet and click Refresh. |
Background block errors |
Numeric. Can be set for Near End or Far End, for 15-minute or one-day intervals, or for SM (OTUk) or PM (ODUk). Select a bullet and click Refresh. |
FC |
Failure counter |
Numeric. Can be set for Near End or Far End, for 15-minute or one-day intervals, or for SM (OTUk) or PM (ODUk). Select a bullet and click Refresh. |
1 Latency for a 1G-FC payload without ITU-T G.709 is 4 microseconds, and with ITU-T G.709 is 40 microseconds. Latency for a 2G-FC payload without ITU-T G.709 is 2 microseconds, and with ITU-T G.709 is 20 microseconds. Consider these values when planning a FC network that is sensitive to latency. |
Table 5-69 describes the values on the Provisioning > OTN > FEC Threshold tab.
Table 5-70 describes the values on the Provisioning > OTN > Trail Trace Identifier tab.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-G162 Change the TXP or MXP ALS Maintenance Settings
Note The automatic laser shutdown (ALS) function is normally disabled for TXP and MXP cards. Enable ALS only when TXP and MXP cards are directly connected to each other.
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), double-click the TXP or MXP card where you want to change the ALS maintenance settings.
Step 2 Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs.
Step 3 Modify any of the settings described in Table 5-71. The provisionable parameters are listed in the Options column in the table.
Step 4 Click Apply. If the change affects traffic, a warning message displays. Click Yes to complete the change.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-G192 Force FPGA Update
Note Perform Step 1 through Step 4 if you are updating the node software. Otherwise continue with Step 5 to force FPGA image upgrade on MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L card.
Step 1 Close the CTC window, if open.
Step 2 Delete the CTC Cache from the CTC Launcher browser window.
Step 3 Close the CTC Launcher browser window.
Step 4 Relaunch the CTC Launcher browser window on the TCC.
Step 5 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), double-click the MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L card to be upgraded.
Step 6 Click the Provisioning > Line tabs.
a. Click the Admin State table cell and choose OOS,DSBLD (ANSI) or Locked,Disabled (ETSI).
b. Click Apply, then Yes.
Step 7 Click the Provisioning > Card tabs.
Step 8 Change the Card Mode as needed:
•FC-GE_ISC—Choose this option if you will provision any of the following PPM port rates: FC1G (Ports 1-1 through 4-1), FC2G (Ports 1-1 and 3-1 only), FICON1G (Ports 1-1 through 4-1), FICON2G (Ports 1-1 and 3-1 only), ONE_GE (Ports 1-1 through 4-1), ISC3 COMPAT (Ports 1-1 through 4-1), ISC3 PEER 1G (Ports 1-1 through 4-1), and ISC3 PEER 2G (Ports 1-1 and 3-1 only).
•FC4G—Choose this option if you will provision an FC4G or FICON4G PPM (Port 1-1 only).
Step 9 Click the Force FPGA Update button. This upgrades the FPGA image in the MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L card, as appropriate. The MXP_MR_10DME_C or MXP_MR_10DME_L card reboots and the FPGA now contains the updated image.
Step 10 Click the Provisioning > Line tabs.
a. Click the Admin State table cell and choose IS (ANSI) or Unlocked (ETSI).
b. Click Apply, then Yes.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.