Configure the Node

This chapter describes the tasks related to node configuration in Cisco Optical Site Manager.

If Cisco Optical Site Manager is used to manage an XR device, any configuration changes made to the device using XR (CLI or NETCONF) will trigger a resynchronization of the device in Cisco Optical Site Manager. This means that Cisco Optical Site Manager will temporarily be out of sync with the device while it updates itself with the changes. Any alarms during this period will be reported on Cisco Optical Site Manager after the synchronization process is complete.


Removing any line card from the XR device will cause the configuration of the card to revert to the preconfigure state. This will result in the same behavior described above.

Optical Degrees

From a topological point of view, all the units that are equipped in a node belong to a side. A side can be identified by a letter, or by the ports that are physically connected to the spans. A node can be connected to a maximum of 20 different spans. Each side identifies one of the spans to which the node is connected.

Manage Optical Degrees

Use this task to create, view, modify, or delete optical degrees in the node.

Before you begin


Step 1

Click Optical Setup in the left panel.

Step 2

Click the Optical Configuration tab and then click Optical Degrees to expand it.

Step 3

Perform these steps, as needed.

  1. To create an optical degree, perform these steps:

    1. Click the + button.

      The Create Optical Degree dialog box appears.

    2. Select the Degree, Line In, and Line Out, values from their respective drop-down lists.

    3. (Optional) Enter a description in the Description field.

    4. Click Apply.

  2. To modify any one of the optical degree parameters described below degree, perform the following step as needed:

    • To modify the span validation of an optical degree, select a value from the drop-down list in the Span Validation column and click Apply.

    • Go to the related cell in the Channel Spacing column, select 50 or 100 from the drop-down list, and click Apply

    • Go to the related cell in the Spectrum Occupancy column, enter a valid value, and click Apply.

  3. To delete an optical degree, perform these steps:

    1. Check the check box corresponding to the optical degree you want to delete.

    2. Click the - button to delete the selected optical degree.

      A confirmation message appears.

    3. Click Yes.

      The optical degree is deleted from the table.

Step 4

(Optional) Click the Export to Excel button to export the information to an Excel sheet.


You can only create a maximum of 20 optical degrees. The optical degree is created and added to the table that displays the following information.
  • Degree—Specifies the optical span of the side.

  • Description—Specifies the description as entered while creating the optical degree.

  • Line In—Specifies line in settings.

  • Line Out—Specifies line out settings.

  • Connected-to (IP/Degree)—Specifies the IP address and the optical degree of the remote Cisco Optical Site Manager instance that is connected on the other side of the span.

  • Span Validation—Specifies whether the span can be used by the GMPLS algorithm for channel routing and validation. Values are True or False.

  • Channel Grid—Specifies the type of grid. Values are Flexible-Grid or Fixed-Grid.

  • Channel Spacing—Specifies the minimum frequency spacing between two adjacent channels in the optical grid. Values are 100 or 50 GHz.

  • Spectrum Occupancy—Specifies a percentage of the spectral density (the ratio of the C-band used by the carrier versus the total bandwidth). The valid range is 50% to 91%.

  • Domain Type—Specifies the algorithm that is active on the span. By default, LOGO is displayed.

Internal Patch Cords

Virtual links can be created between network termination points using internal patchcords. These termination points include OSC ports, transponder or muxponder trunk ports, line ports, and passive device ports.

Manage Internal Patch Cords

Use this task to create, modify, view, or delete internal patch cords in the node.

Before you begin

Log into Cisco Optical Site Manager


Step 1

Click Optical Setup in the left panel.

Step 2

Click the Optical Configuration tab and then click Internal Patch Cords to expand it.

Step 3

Click the + button.

The Create Internal Patch Cord dialog box appears. It displays the From and To columns indicating the two termination points.

Step 4

Perform the following steps for the From and To columns:

  1. Select the patch cord type from the Type drop-down lists. of the patch cord from the From and To drop-down lists.

    Available options are Chassis, Passive Chassis, and Passive Unit.

    The UID drop-down is displayed.
  2. Select the unique ID of the device from the UID drop-down list

    The Port drop-down is displayed.
  3. Select Bidirectional or Mpo check box for the From column.

    If you want to make the patch cord bidirectional, select the Bi-directional check box.
  4. Select the slot from the Slot type drop-down list for the To column.

    If the selected UID in the previous step is a Passive Unit, the Slot field is not displayed.

  5. Click the Add button to add the selected Internal Patch Cord options to the Adding list.

  6. (Optional) the Reset button to remove all the added Internal Patch Cords from the Adding list.

Step 5

Click Apply.

The internal patch cord is created and added to the table that displays the following information:
  • From—Specifies the location from where the connection originates.

  • To—Specifies the location where the connection terminates.

  • Type—Specifies the type of internal patch cord. Possible values are Transport and Add-Drop.

Step 6

(Optional) Select the check boxes corresponding to the internal patch cords you want to delete and click the - button.

Step 7

(Optional) Click the Export to Excel button to export the information to an Excel sheet.


You can view the internal patch cords and detailed information about cards and ports from the Map and Detailed views.

Fiber Attributes

The Fiber Attributes tab lists the attributes of the fibers that are connected to the optical side.

Manage Fiber Attributes

Use this task to create, view, modify, or delete fiber attributes of a span.

Before you begin

Log into Cisco Optical Site Manager


Step 1

Click Optical Setup in the left panel.

Step 2

Click the Optical Configuration tab and then click Fiber Attributes to expand it.

A list of already added opticaldegrees is displayed.

Step 3

Perform these steps, as needed.

  1. To create a fiber attribute, perform these steps:

    1. Click the + button corresponding to a row you want to create a fiber attribute.

      The Fiber Attributes section is displayed.

    2. Click the Fiber Attributes section to display it.

    3. Enter the fiber ID in the Fiber ID field.

    4. Select the Fiber Direction, Fiber ID, Fiber Type, Length, PMD, Attenuator In, and Attenuator Out from their respective scroll-lists.

    5. Click Apply.

      The fiber attribute is created and added to the table that displays the following information.

      • Fiber Direction—Specifies the TX or RX direction.

      • Fiber ID—Specifies the fiber number in the duct.

      • Fiber Type—Specifies the type of fiber deployed.

      • Length—Specifies the length of the optical span in kms or miles.

      • PMD—Specifies the polarization mode dispersion (PMD) fiber coefficient in ps/sqrt (km).

      • Attenuator In—Specifies the input attenuation in dB between the node output port (typically LINE-TX port) and the input of the fiber span. The span may include patchcords, attenuators, and patch panels.

      • Attenuator Out—Specifies the output attenuation in dB between the node input port (typically LINE-RX port) and the output of the fiber span. The span may include patchcords, attenuators, and patch panels.

  2. To modify the Fiber Type, Length, PMD, Attenuator In, Attenuator Out, or PMD values on an optical degree, perform these steps:

    1. Hover over the related cell for which you want to edit the value.

    2. Select a value from the drop-down list.

    3. Click Apply.

      A confirmation message appears.

    4. Click Yes.

  3. To delete a fiber attribute, perform these steps:

    1. Select the check box corresponding to the fiber attribute you want to delete.

    2. Click the - button to delete the selected fiber attribute.

      A confirmation message appears.

    3. Click Yes.

      The fiber attribute is deleted from the table.

Step 4

(Optional) Click the Export to Excel button to export the information to an Excel sheet.

Span Loss Measurement

Span loss measurements (in dB) check the span loss and are useful whenever changes to the network occur.

The span loss operational parameters are:

  • Measured By—Displays whether the span loss is measured by the channel or Optical Service Channel (OSC). If a channel is not configured, the span loss is measured by the OSC. An EDFA measures the span loss based on circuits.

  • Measured Span Loss—Displays the measured span loss.

  • Measured Span Loss Accuracy—Displays the accuracy of the span loss measurement. For example, if the measured span loss is 20 dB and the displayed accuracy value is 2.5, the actual span loss could either be 19 or 21 dB.

  • Measured Time—Displays the time and date when the last span loss measured value is changed.

If there is a new network with Cisco Optical Site Manager, the operational parameters list of span loss has two rows. The first row displays the OSC-measured span loss details. After the channel is configured, the second row is added, which displays the channel-measured span loss details. After the channel is configured, only the channel-measured span loss details are updated.

View or Modify Span Loss Parameters

Use this task to view or modify span loss parameters.


If a channel or OSC is not configured, span loss measurement is not reported and the operational parameters list is empty.

Before you begin

Log into Cisco Optical Site Manager


Step 1

Click Optical Setup in the left panel.

Step 2

Click the Optical Configuration tab and then click Span Loss to expand it.

Step 3

Click the + button corresponding to a degree in the list and then click Span Loss Measured Data to expand it.

Step 4

Select a row and click the Measure Span Loss button.

A message appears. Click OK.

Step 5

Click the Retrieve button to view the updated Measured Span Loss, Measured Accuracy, and Measured time values.

Step 6

Enter the values for Min. Exp. Span Loss or Max. Exp. Span Loss in dB. The range is from 0 to 99.

Step 7

Click Apply.

A confirmation message appears.

Step 8

Click Yes.

The span loss range is extended including the Accuracy value. A Span Loss Out of Range condition is raised when the measured span loss is higher than the extended range.

Step 9

(Optional) Click the Export to Excel button to export the information to an Excel sheet.

The Span Loss Measured Data section displays the following information:

  • Degree—Displays the side for which span loss information appears.

  • Measured By—Displays whether the measurement was executed with or without channels. Values are OSC or CHANNEL.

  • Min Exp. Span Loss (dB)—Displays the minimum expected span loss (in dB) for the incoming span.

  • Max Exp. Span Loss (dB)—Displays the maximum executed span loss (in dB) for the incoming span.

  • Measured Span Loss (dB)—Displays the measured span loss value.

  • Measured Accuracy (dB)—Displays the resolution or accuracy of the span loss measurement. The resolution is +/-1.5 dB if the measured span loss is 0–25 dB. The resolution is +/-2.5 dB if the measured span loss is 25–38 dB.

  • Measured Time—Displays the time and date when the last span loss measured value is changed.

Optical Cross-connect Management

Optical cross-connect (OXC) circuits are used to connect two optical nodes on a specified C-band wavelength. These circuits are created using data models and are bidirectional in nature. The connection is established through the ports present on the wavelength selective switches, multiplexers, demultiplexers, and add/drop cards.

In an OXC circuit, the wavelength from a source interface port enters to a DWDM system and then exits from the DWDM system to the destination interface port.

The administrative states are:

  • IS/Unlocked

  • IS, AINS/Unlocked, AutomaticInService

  • OOS, DSBLD/Locked, disabled

View Optical Cross-connect Circuits

Use this task to view the details of the optical cross-connects that are created for a node using data models.


The optical cross-connects are read-only and cannot be modified.

Before you begin

Log into Cisco Optical Site Manager


Step 1

Click Optical Setup in the left panel.

Step 2

Click the Optical Cross Connections tab.

Step 3

To delete an optical cross-connect, select the check box corresponding to the OXC you want to delete and click the - button.

Step 4

(Optional) Click the Export to Excel button to export the information to an Excel sheet.

Step 5

(Optional) Click the Download OXC as XML button to download the details of the optical cross-connects as a XML file.

Step 6

(Optional) Click the Sync from device button to synchronize the optical cross-connect information with the associated NCS 1000 device.

The Optical Cross Connections tab displays the following details for each cross-connect.

  • Connection Label—Displays the name of the cross-connect.

  • Type—Displays the type of cross-connect. It is bidirectional.

  • Admin Status—Displays the admin state on the circuit.

  • Service Status—Displays the status of the service.

  • Central Frequency (THz)—Displays the spectral position of the circuit.

  • Allocation Width (GHz)—Displays the bandwidth occupied by the service. The range is 25 to 300GHz.

  • Signal Width (GHz)—Displays the carrier bandwidth.


    The payload bandwidth is lesser than the allocation bandwidth.

  • Path 1 End-points—Displays the source and destination interfaces of the path.

  • Path 2 End-points—Displays the source and destination interfaces of the path.

To view Path 1 or Path 2, click the + icon to expand the cross-connect. Click the down arrow on the right to view the internal details of Path 1 or Path 2. The details are:

  • Interface Name—Displays the interface name.

  • Optical Power—Displays the value of the optical power.

  • Power Failure Low—Displays the threshold for power failure.

  • Optical PSD Setpoint (dBm/GHz)—Displays the configured optical power spectral density setpoint. This setpoint is independent of the width of the circuit.

  • Current PSD Setpoint—Displays the current optical power spectral density setpoint. This setpoint is independent of the width of the circuit.

  • Optical Power Setpoint—Displays optical power setpoint. This setpoint is scaled to the width of the circuit and matches the value of the optical power parameter.

Import the Cisco Optical Network Planner Configuration File

If you have a configuration file NETCONF file (.xml) exported from Cisco Optical Network Planner, you can import it to Cisco Optical Site Manager. The file includes parameters for the node, shelf, card type, port (including the wavelength of the card), pluggable port module (PPM), OTN, and FEC parameters.

Only the values present in XML format appear in the configuration file parameters. If the values are not in XML format, a column appears blank. The XML file values are independently reported and do not affect any configuration changes that you apply.

Use this task to import the Cisco Optical Network Planner NETCONF file (.xml) into Cisco Optical Site Manager.

Before you begin

Before importing the NETCONF file (.xml), ensure that:
  1. The NETCONF file (.xml) contains the following parameters available on Cisco Optical Site Manager:

    • device name

    • uid

    • rack id

    • chassis/passive unit id

  2. You are logged in to Cisco Optical Site Manager. For details, see Log into Cisco Optical Site Manager.



Step 1

Click Optical Setup in the left panel.

Step 2

Click the Node Setup tab.

Step 3

Click Select Files, navigate to the location where the NETCONF file (.xml) is present and select it.

A confirmation message appears.

Step 4

Click Yes.

Step 5

Click Upload.

A confirmation message appears after the upload is complete.

Step 6

To export the XML file, click the Download Node Configuration as XML button.

Configure Amplifier Parameters

Use this task to configure the optical amplifier parameters.

For more details about the supported cards, see Supported Cards and Passive Devices

Before you begin


Step 1

Click Optical Setup in the left panel.

Step 2

Click the ANS Parameters tab and then click Amplifier to expand it.

Step 3

Modify any of the settings described in the following table.

Table 1. Amplifier Parameters for Amplifier Cards




Working Mode

Shows the working mode.

  • Channel Power

  • Total Power

  • Optimized

  • Fixed Gain

  • Start and Hold

Tilt Setpoint (dB)

Target output tilt requested by the user.

PSD Setpoint (dBm/GHz)

Power Spectral Density. Target output power requested by the user for each circuit.

Gain Setpoint (dB)

Target amplifier gain requested by the user.

Gain Range

Sets the gain range of the amplifier.

  • Gain Range 1

  • Gain Range 2

  • No Gain Range

Step 4

Click Apply to save the changes.

The Amplifier section displays the following details:
Table 2. Amplifier Parameters for Amplifier Cards



Displayed Values


(Display only) Displays the port number, port type, and direction (TX or RX).

Total Output Power (dBm)

(Display only) Shows the current power level for each port.

Output Power Setpoint (dBm)

Shows the output power setpoint.

Working Mode

Shows the working mode.

  • Channel Power

  • Total Power

  • Optimized

  • Fixed Gain

  • Start and Hold


Role of the amplifier.

  • Preamplifier

  • Booster

Actual Gain (dB)

Actual gain setpoint.

Target Gain (dB)

Target gain setpoint.

Tilt Setpoint (dB)

Target output tilt requested by the user.

PSD Setpoint (dBm/GHz)

Power Spectral Density. Target output power requested by the user for each circuit.

PSD Optimized (dBm/GHz)

Optimized PSD

Gain Setpoint (dB)

Target amplifier gain requested by the user.

Gain Range

Sets the gain range of the amplifier.

  • Gain Range 1

  • Gain Range 2

  • No Gain Range

Power Degrade Threshold (High) (dBm/GHz)

Shows the current value of the optical power degrade high threshold.

Power Degrade Threshold (Low) (dBm/GHz)

Shows the current value of the optical power degrade low threshold.


Shows the current status of the amplifier.

Gain Degrade High (dB)

(Display only) Shows the current value of the gain degrade high threshold configured in the card. This threshold applies only when the amplifier is active and in constant gain mode.

Gain Degrade High refers to the Gain value of the port and is automatically calculated by the control card when the amplifier is turned up.

Gain Degrade Low (dB)

(Display only) Shows the current value of the gain degrade low threshold configured in the card. This threshold applies only when the amplifier is active and in constant gain mode.

Gain Degrade Low refers to the Gain value of the port and is automatically calculated by the control card when the amplifier is turned up.

Provision Interface Parameters

Use this task to change the optical interface parameters.

For more details about the supported cards, see Supported Cards and Passive Devices

Before you begin


Step 1

Click Optical Setup in the left panel.

Step 2

Click the ANS Parameters tab and then click Interface to expand it.

Step 3

Modify the settings described in the following table. The provisionable parameters are listed in the Options column in the table.

Table 3. Interface Options





(Display only) Displays the port number, port type, and direction (RX or TX)

All the RX and TX ports

Admin State

Sets the administrative state of the port.

From the drop-down list, choose one of the following:

  • Unlocked / IS

  • Locked, disabled/OOS, DSBLD

  • Locked, maintenance/OOS, MT

  • Unlocked, automaticInService/IS, AINS

Service State

(Display only) Identifies the autonomously generated state that gives the overall condition of the port. Service states appear in the format: Primary State-Primary State Qualifier, Secondary State.

  • IS-NR/






  • OOS-MA,MT/


Optical Power (dBm)

(Display only) Displays the optical power for each port.

OSC Power (dBm)

(Display only) Displays the service-channel power level for each port.

Optical PSD Setpoint (dBm/GHz)

Target output Power Spectral Density requested by the user.

-50 to 10

Attenuator Value (dB)

Sets the attenuator value.

Optical Power Threshold Low (dBm)

Fail low threshold used to detect the LOS alarm on the port.

OSC Power Threshold Low (dBm)

(Display only) Displays the OSC power level for each port.

Current Power Degrade High (dBm)

(Display only) Shows the current value of the optical power degrade high threshold configured in the card.

Power Degrade High refers to the Signal Output Power value of the port and is automatically calculated by the control card.

Current Power Degrade Low (dBm)

(Display only) Shows the current value of the optical power degrade low threshold configured in the card.

Power Degrade Low refers to the Signal Output Power value of the port and is automatically calculated by the control card.

Current Power Failure Low (dBm)

(Display only) Shows the optical power failure low threshold for the port.

Step 4

Click Apply to save the changes.

Provision Raman Amplifier Parameters

Use this task to provision the optical Raman amplifier parameters.

For more details about the supported cards, see Supported Cards and Passive Devices

Before you begin


Step 1

Click Optical Setup in the left panel.

Step 2

Click the ANS Parameters tab and then click Raman Amplifier to expand it.

Step 3

Modify any of the settings described in the following table.

Table 4. Raman Amplifier Parameters for Amplifier Cards





(Display only) Displays the port number, port type, and direction (TX or RX).


Displays the Status of the port.

Gain Setpoint (dB)

Target amplifier gain requested by the user.

Actual Gain (dB)

(Display only) Displays the actual amplifier gain.

Pumping Scheme

(Display only) Displays the pumping scheme that the card uses.

  • Counter-Propagating for the RAMAN-CTP, RMN-CTP-CL, EDRA-1-xx, and EDRA-2-xx cards.

  • Co-Propagating for the RAMAN-COP card.

Calibration Type

Calibration type that the card uses.

The RAMAN-COP card supports only manual calibration. The RAMAN-CTP card supports both automatic and manual calibration. The RMN-CTP-CL card supports only automatic calibration. If a node has both RAMAN-CTP and RAMAN-COP cards, the RAMAN-CTP card supports only manual calibration.

  • Automatic

  • Manual

  • No-Calibration

Unsaturated Gain Setpoint (dBm)

Unsaturated target amplifier gain. This field is editable only for the RAMAN-COP card.


Step 4

Click Apply to save the changes.

The RAMAN port section is displayed.

Step 5

Expand the RAMAN port to view the pump power details.

Table 5. RAMAN Pump Power Parameters



Pump ID

(Display only) Identifier of the Raman Pump (2 pumps with RAMAN-CTP and 4 pumps with EDRA).

Pump Power Setpoint (mW)

(Only for RAMAN-CTP and RAMAN-COP cards) Provisioned value of pump power setpoint. This value is effective only for manual calibration of RAMAN-CTP and RAMAN-COP cards and if the calibration is not performed. The value of this parameter must also be provided for automatic calibration of the RAMAN-CTP card even if the value is not effective.

Pump Power Target (mW)

(Display only) Target power set by the internal control algorithm. The result of calibration can be both automatic and manual.

Pump Power (mW)

(Display only) Actual power value of the individual pump.

Step 6

Click Apply to save the changes.

Manage Raman Interface Parameters

Use this task to manage the Raman interface parameters.

For more details about the supported cards, see Supported Cards and Passive Devices

Before you begin


Step 1

Click Optical Setup in the left panel.

Step 2

Click the ANS Parameters tab and then click Raman Interface to expand it.

Step 3

View the settings described in the following table. Only the Admin State parameter can be modified.

Table 6. Interface Options





(Display only) Displays the port number, port type, and direction (RX or TX)

All the RX and TX ports

Admin State

Sets the administrative state of the port.

From the drop-down list, choose one of the following:

  • Unlocked (ETSI)/ IS (ANSI)

  • Locked, disabled (ETSI)/OOS, DSBLD (ANSI)

  • Locked, maintenance (ETSI)/OOS, MT (ANSI)

  • Unlocked, automaticInService (ETSI)/ IS, AINS (ANSI)

Service State

(Display only) Identifies the autonomously generated state that gives the overall condition of the port. Service states appear in the format: Primary State-Primary State Qualifier, Secondary State.

  • IS-NR/






  • OOS-MA,MT/


Optical Power (mW)

(Display only) Displays the optical power for each port.

Current Optical Power Setpoint (mW)

(Display only) Shows the current value of the optical power setpoint that must be reached.

Current Power Degrade High (mW)

(Display only) Shows that the current value of the optical power degrade high threshold.

Power Degrade High refers to the Signal Output Power value of the port and is automatically calculated by the control card.

Current Power Degrade Low (mW)

(Display only) Shows that the current value of the optical power degrade high threshold configured in the card.

Power Degrade Low refers to the Signal Output Power value of the port and is automatically calculated by the control card.

Current Power Failure Low (mW)

(Display only) Shows the optical power failure low threshold for the port.

Step 4

Click Apply to save the changes.

Connection Verification

Connection verification validates card connectivity and detects incorrect cabling between NCS1K-E-OLT-C and NCS1K14-CCMD-16-C cards. This feature also measures power levels and verifies the optical cables and patchcords in a node for the following:

  • Connectivity: Checks whether the cable is connected.

  • Insertion Loss: Checks whether the cable loss is within expected value.

A connectivity check signal is generated and transmitted into the DMUX input port of a card by a dedicated laser source. This signal is detected by an embedded photo diode to complete the connection verification.


The connection verification feature is only compatible with OLT-E and CCMD-16 cards.

Supported Cards and Passive Devices

The following table lists the cards and passive devices that support connection verification:

Table 7. Supported Devices and Cards for Connection Verification

Card Type


Transponder and Muxponder Cards

  • NCS1K14-2.4T-K9

  • NCS1K14-2.4T-K9

Active Add/Drop Modules


Optical Add/Drop and Amplifier Modules



  • NCS1K-ILA-2R-C






  • NCS1K-E-ILA-R-C-2

  • NCS1K14-CNTLR-K9

  • NCS1K14-CTLR-B-K9

Controller Modules



  • NCS1K14-CCMD-16-C


The passive devices require loopback caps on unused ports. The connection verification version of the passive devices is shipped with loopback caps.