- C.1 Traffic Mapping Troubleshooting
- C.1.1 Wavelength Exceeded
- C.1.2 Invalid Routing
- C.1.3 Cannot Find Alternate Route
- C.1.4 Cannot Route Service
- C.1.5 Overlapped Services Assigned to the Same Wavelength
- C.1.6 Protected Services Assigned to the Same Wavelength
- C.1.7 Cannot Route Service Because of Add/Drop Constraints
- C.1.8 Design Requires a ROADM or Full Mux/Demux Site
- C.2 Amplifier Troubleshooting
- C.2.1 Incompatible DCUs (C-Band)
- C.2.2 MMU Does Not Have Correct Amplifier (L-Band)
- C.2.3 MMU Does Not Have Correct Amplifier (C-Band)
- C.2.4 Output Power or Tilt are Out of Range
- C.2.5 Invalid Fiber Values, Types, and Loss Values
- C.2.6 Attenuator Forcing Not Allowed
- C.2.7 Unavailable Add/Drop Channels
- C.2.8 Tilt Forced When No Tilt Design is Selected
- C.2.9 Cannot Replace 32-DMX with 32DMX-O
- C.2.10 Preamplifier Working in Invalid Mode
- C.2.11 Gain Too Low for an Amplifier
- C.2.12 Gain Too High for an Amplifier
- C.2.13 User Forcing Overridden
- C.2.14 Unsupported Configuration
- C.2.15 Channel Power Near the Fail Threshold
- C.2.16 Channel Power Below the Fail Threshold
- C.2.17 OSC Channel Power Below the Fail Threshold
System Messages
This appendix lists Cisco MetroPlanner system messages (Table C-1).
Traffic mapping |
Wavelength {0}1 may require additional ASE filtering. |
Traffic mapping |
50GHz scalability is supported only with {0} design rules. |
Traffic mapping |
The network is broken: please connect all the sites together. |
Traffic mapping |
The traffic model is empty: please add at least one service request. |
Traffic mapping |
Number of Add/Drop nodes exceeded the maximum ({0}) allowed in the network. |
Traffic mapping |
ONS15454 DWDM platform supports up to {0} non-pass-though sites. |
Traffic mapping |
Line+ sites can't support DMX-O units due to layout constraints. |
Traffic mapping |
Line+ sites can't support Individual Shelf with DCC chain option due to layout constraints. |
Traffic mapping |
Client {0} is not available in the equipment list. |
Traffic mapping |
Any to Any traffic is not supported by {0} rules. |
Traffic mapping |
Any to Any traffic requires ROADM units but ROADM is not allowed by restricted equipment list. |
Traffic mapping |
Can't place ROADM units in site {0} to support Any to Any traffic. |
Traffic mapping |
ROADM configuration is not allowed by restricted equipment list. |
Traffic mapping |
Mux Demux configuration is not allowed by restricted equipment list. |
Traffic mapping |
Only ROADM configuration is allowed with selected design rules. |
Traffic mapping |
ROADM is not allowed by the selected design rules. |
Traffic mapping |
ROADM-O is not allowed with L band. |
Traffic mapping |
Line+ or Terminal+ site topologies are not allowed by selected design rules. |
Traffic mapping |
Line+ or Terminal+ site topologies require ROADM units but ROADM is not allowed by restricted equipment list. |
Traffic mapping |
OADM unit {0} defined in {1} is not allowed by restricted equipment list. |
Traffic mapping |
Can't find a valid aggregating client. |
Traffic mapping |
Can't find a valid client. |
Traffic mapping |
Client {0} can't be tuned on wavelength {1}. |
Traffic mapping |
Forced wavelength {0} is outside selected band. |
Traffic mapping |
Forced client {0} can't be tuned on selected band. |
Traffic mapping |
Interface Type {0} is not supported by the selected Design Rules. |
Traffic mapping |
Add/Drop not available in site {0}. |
Traffic mapping |
Maximum wavelength re-usage reached for ITU channel {0}. |
Traffic mapping |
All solutions exceed {0} wavelengths. See the "Wavelength Exceeded" section. |
Traffic mapping |
The anti ASE option is available only in sites with add/drop capability. |
Traffic mapping |
More than one anti ASE site was selected. |
Traffic mapping |
No specific anti-ASE node is required for this traffic matrix requirement. |
Traffic mapping |
Protected services are not allowed with linear networks. |
Traffic mapping |
In a network with hub nodes protected services are allowed only between hub sites. |
Traffic mapping |
Invalid routing (out of network boundary). See the "Invalid Routing" section. |
Traffic mapping |
Can't route service with optical bypass in {0}. |
Traffic mapping |
Can't find alternate route due to multiple HUB nodes along the path. See the "Cannot Find Alternate Route" section. |
Traffic mapping |
Can't route service through HUB node {0}. See the "Cannot Route Service" section. |
Traffic mapping |
Overlapped services assigned to the same wavelength. See the "Overlapped Services Assigned to the Same Wavelength" section. |
Traffic mapping |
Protected services assigned to the same wavelength. See the "Protected Services Assigned to the Same Wavelength" section. |
Traffic mapping |
Can't route service due to add drop equipment constraints. See the "Cannot Route Service Because of Add/Drop Constraints" section. |
Traffic mapping |
Design requires forcing a site as ROADM or Full Mux/Demux but no valid site was found. |
Traffic mapping |
Design requires forcing site as ROADM or Full Mux/Demux: remove equipment constraints. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, can't force a demux if it is not supported by site type. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, can't force an inline attenuator if it is not supported by site type. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, can't force an inline attenuator because of presence of OADMs in the other side. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Invalid forcing in amplifier node of {0} because of Pass-through site forcing. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, can't force unplaced OSC card in a non Pass-through site. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, can't force OSCM without an amplifier forced. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Can't force power output or tilt in {0} without the related amplifier forced. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Cannot force input attenuator in {1} without the related amplifier forced. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Can't force DCUs in {0} without forcing an amplifier that supports them. See the "Incompatible DCUs (C-Band)" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Incompatible types for DCU couple in {0}. See the "Incompatible DCUs (C-Band)" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Incompatible dispersion modules in {0}. See the "Incompatible DCUs (C-Band)" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, MMU presence requires OPT-AMP-L forcing in bst and pre position. See the "MMU Does Not Have Correct Amplifier (L-Band)" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, MMU presence requires OPT-PRE and OPT-BST-E forcing. See the "MMU Does Not Have Correct Amplifier (C-Band)" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, output power is out of limits of amplifier selected. See the "Output Power or Tilt are Out of Range" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, amplifier tilt is out of limits. See the "Output Power or Tilt are Out of Range" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Couple between {1} and {2} has an invalid value in {0}. See the "Invalid Fiber Values, Types, and Loss Values" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Couple between {0} and {1} is of invalid type. See the "Invalid Fiber Values, Types, and Loss Values" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Fibre between {1} and {2} has an invalid value in {0}. See the "Invalid Fiber Values, Types, and Loss Values" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Fibre between {0} and {1} has SOL total loss greater than EOL total loss. See the "Invalid Fiber Values, Types, and Loss Values" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Can't respect forcing on {0} attenuator (on channel {1}) in {2} {3} {4}. No A/D ports are available. See the "Attenuator Forcing Not Allowed" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
A {0} attenuator (on channel {1}) in {2} {3} {4} was present, but A/D ports on this channel are no longer available. See the "Unavailable Add/Drop Channels" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Tilt forced on {0} in {1} {2} {3} when no-tilt design option is selected. See the "Tilt Forced When No Tilt Design is Selected" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Can't change DMX with DMX-O as needed in {1} because user forcing. See the "Cannot Replace 32-DMX with 32DMX-O" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Low threshold on channels power in {0} {1} {2} because passive user forcing on OPT-BST position. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, {1} is working in an invalid mode. See the "Preamplifier Working in Invalid Mode" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, {1} is working with a gain of {2} dBm: this is too low. See the "Gain Too Low for an Amplifier" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, {1} will be work (in EOL condition) with a gain of {2} dBm: this is too low. See the "Gain Too Low for an Amplifier" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, {1} is working with a gain of {2} dBm: this is too high. See the "Gain Too High for an Amplifier" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, {1} will be work (in EOL condition) with a gain of {2} dBm: this is too high. See the "Gain Too High for an Amplifier" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, {1} cannot respect user forcing. See the "User Forcing Overridden" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, {1} cannot respect user forcing due to {2}. See the "User Forcing Overridden" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Unsupported configuration due to excessive number of amplifiers (max {0} per directions). See the "Unsupported Configuration" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Unsupported configuration due to excessive number of OSC regen sites (max {0}). See the "Unsupported Configuration" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, channel power is near the fail threshold. See the "Channel Power Near the Fail Threshold" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, channel power is below the fail threshold. See the "Channel Power Below the Fail Threshold" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, OSC channel power is near the fail threshold. See the "Channel Power Near the Fail Threshold" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
In {0}, OSC channel power is below the fail threshold. See the "OSC Channel Power Below the Fail Threshold" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Network unfeasible due to OSC channel. See the "OSC Channel Power Below the Fail Threshold" section. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Try to unfreeze amplifier or dcus in site {0}, interface {1}, {2} position |
Amplifier algorithm |
Transmission error. Please contact custom design. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Transmission error on channel {0}. Please contact custom design. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Excessive ROADM crossTalk penalty on channel {0}. Try to lower the output power of the preamplifier in the Roadm site in which the failed channels are added. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Excessive filtering penalty on channel {0}. Please contact custom design. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Filtering problem on channel {0}. Please contact custom design. |
Amplifier algorithm |
Excessive PMD on channel {0}. Please contact custom design. |
Layout messages |
MSTP shelves number in site {0} exceeds maximum MultiShelf configuration (8). |
Layout messages |
No linecards placed in Hybrid site {0} optical shelf. |
Layout messages |
Release 4.7/5.0 does not support MultiShelf. |
Layout messages |
No PRE/BST card present with OSCM in site {0}. |
Layout messages |
Layout not feasible for {0} Individual Shelf configuration - No room in the optical shelf to host all the OTS units. |
Layout messages |
No space for DCU: unlock Site {0} layout. |
Layout messages |
Hybrid Layout in Site {0} is allowed with Individual Shelf only. |
Layout messages |
Node protection is not allowed in Terminal Site {0}. |
Layout messages |
DCC Chain in Site {0} is allowed with Individual Shelf only. |
Layout messages |
Node protection in Site {0} is not allowed with Individual Shelf. |
Layout messages |
Cable DB part not identified in Site {0}. |
Layout messages |
Site {0} layout must be unlocked to allow Patch Panel/DCU insertion. |
Layout messages |
Layout in site {0} cannot be built due an internal error. Other reports for the same site may be wrong or incomplete. Please contact support. |
1 Cisco MetroPlanner will replace {n} with a specific unit name. |
C.1 Traffic Mapping Troubleshooting
The following procedures help you resolve traffic mapping problems with the network design.
C.1.1 Wavelength Exceeded
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that all network analysis solutions exceed the wavelengths.
Table C-2 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.1.2 Invalid Routing
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you of invalid routing (out of network boundary).
Table C-3 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.1.3 Cannot Find Alternate Route
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that it cannot find an alternate route due to multiple hub nodes along the path.
Table C-4 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.1.4 Cannot Route Service
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that it cannot route service through a hub node.
Table C-5 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.1.5 Overlapped Services Assigned to the Same Wavelength
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that overlapped services are assigned to the same wavelength.
Table C-6 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.1.6 Protected Services Assigned to the Same Wavelength
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that protected services are assigned to the same wavelength.
Table C-7 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.1.7 Cannot Route Service Because of Add/Drop Constraints
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that it cannot route service because of add/drop equipment constraints.
Table C-8 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.1.8 Design Requires a ROADM or Full Mux/Demux Site
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that the design requires a ROADM or full mux/demux site, but no valid site was found.
Table C-9 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.2 Amplifier Troubleshooting
The following procedures help you resolve amplifier-related problems with the network design.
C.2.1 Incompatible DCUs (C-Band)
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that DCUs are incompatible.
Table C-10 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.2.2 MMU Does Not Have Correct Amplifier (L-Band)
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that an L-band node with an MMU requires that the OPT-AMP-L card is forced as the preamplifier (PRE) and booster (BST).
Table C-11 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.2.3 MMU Does Not Have Correct Amplifier (C-Band)
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that a C-band node with an MMU requires both a preamplifier (OPT-PRE) and a booster (OPT-BST).
Table C-12 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.2.4 Output Power or Tilt are Out of Range
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that the output power or tilt are out of range for the amplifier selected.
Table C-13 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.2.5 Invalid Fiber Values, Types, and Loss Values
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you of one of the following:
•Fiber pairs are of invalid types or values
•Fibers have a start of life (SOL) total loss greater than an end of life (EOL) total loss
Table C-14 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.2.6 Attenuator Forcing Not Allowed
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that attenuator forcing on channels is not allowed; no add/drop ports are available.
Table C-15 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.2.7 Unavailable Add/Drop Channels
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that an attenuator was present, but add/drop channels are no longer available.
Table C-16 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.2.8 Tilt Forced When No Tilt Design is Selected
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that tilt is forced for an amplifier although No Tilt Design was selected for the network.
Table C-17 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.2.9 Cannot Replace 32-DMX with 32DMX-O
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that 32-DMX cannot be replaced with 32DMX-O as needed because of user forcing.
Table C-18 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.2.10 Preamplifier Working in Invalid Mode
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that a preamplifier is working in an invalid mode.
Table C-19 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.2.11 Gain Too Low for an Amplifier
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that an amplifier is working with a gain that is too low.
Table C-20 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.2.12 Gain Too High for an Amplifier
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that an amplifier is working with a gain that is too high.
Table C-21 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.2.13 User Forcing Overridden
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that user forcing will not be allowed.
Note This is a warning and does not prevent the network from being fully functional.
Table C-22 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.2.14 Unsupported Configuration
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that the configuration is unsupported because of an excessive number of amplifiers or OSC regeneration sites.
Table C-23 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
Possible Problem |
Solution |
The system is working over its specifications. |
Revise the design and reanalyze. |
C.2.15 Channel Power Near the Fail Threshold
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that the channel power is near the fail threshold.
Table C-24 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.2.16 Channel Power Below the Fail Threshold
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that the channel power is below the fail threshold.
Table C-25 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.
C.2.17 OSC Channel Power Below the Fail Threshold
Symptom : Cisco MetroPlanner warns you that the OSC channel power is below the fail threshold and that the network is not feasible.
Table C-26 describes the potential causes of the symptom and the solution.