
This chapter provides details on the licensing for the IR807.


This chapter provides details on the licensing for the IR807.

The IOS feature set is aligned with the IOT 15.x M/T release strategy. They are:

  • IR800IUK9-15703M - Cisco IR800L Series UNIVERSAL

The Software License PIDs are shown in Table 1

Table 1. Software License PIDs

Software PID




Cisco 800 Series Industrial Routers IP Base License

Routing (BGP, OSPF, RIP, EIGRP, ISIS,), PBR, IGMP/MLD, Multicast, QoS, AAA, Raw Sockets, Manageability


Cisco 800 Series Industrial Routers Security License

SSL, VPN, IPSec, DMVPN, FlexVPN, IOS Firewall


Licenses are installed at manufacturing. If the advsecurity technology-package is not installed, the crypto related functions will not work. See additional information under Hardware Crypto Support

To enable the RightToUse license, perform the following:

  1. Accept the EULA
  2. Enable the technology-package
  3. Reload the IR807

Licensing CLI

IR807# show version
License Info:
License UDI:
Device#   PID                   SN
*1        IR807G-LTE-GA-K9      FCW2132001S
License Information
    License Level: advipservices   Type: RightToUse
    Next reboot license Level: advipservices
IR807# license install flash:FCW2132001S_201710030808172450.lic
IR807# conf term
license accept end user agreement
license boot module ir800l level advsecurity
license boot module ir800l level advipservices
IR807#show license feature
Feature name      Enforcement  Evaluation Subscription   Enabled    RightToUse
advipservices      no           yes        no             yes       yes
advsecurity        no           no         no             no        no
ios-ips-update     yes          yes        yes            no        yes

Hardware Crypto Support

Hardware and Software based crypto support is available. A security license must be installed to enable hardware based crypto support.

To see information relating to crypto support, use variations on the show crypto command:

IR807#show crypto engine configuration
        crypto engine name:  Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module
        crypto engine type:  hardware
                     State:  Enabled
                  Location:  onboard 0
              Product Name:  Onboard-VPN
                HW Version:  1.0
               Compression:  No
                       DES:  Yes
                     3 DES:  Yes
                   AES CBC:  Yes (128,192,256)
                  AES CNTR:  No
     Maximum buffer length:  4096
          Maximum DH index:  0000
          Maximum SA index:  0000
        Maximum Flow index:  0256
      Maximum RSA key size:  0000
        crypto lib version:  22.0.0
     crypto engine in slot:  0
                  platform:  VPN hardware accelerator
        crypto lib version:  22.0.0
IR807#sh crypto engine ?
  accelerator    Show crypto accelerator information
  brief          Show all crypto engines in the system
  configuration  Show crypto engine config
  connections    Show connection information
  qos            Show QoS information
  token          Show crypto token engine info
IR807sh crypto engine brief
        crypto engine name:  Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module
        crypto engine type:  hardware
                     State:  Enabled
                  Location:  onboard 0
              Product Name:  Onboard-VPN
                FW Version:  1
              Time running:  1335 seconds
               Compression:  Yes
                       DES:  Yes
                     3 DES:  Yes
                   AES CBC:  Yes (128,192,256)
                  AES CNTR:  No
     Maximum buffer length:  4096
          Maximum DH index:  0500
          Maximum SA index:  0500
        Maximum Flow index:  1000
      Maximum RSA key size:  0000
        crypto engine name:  Cisco VPN Software Implementation
        crypto engine type:  software
             serial number:  FF98383A
       crypto engine state:  installed
       crypto engine in slot:  N/A
IR807#sh crypto engine config
        crypto engine name:  Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module
        crypto engine type:  hardware
                     State:  Enabled
                  Location:  onboard 0
              Product Name:  Onboard-VPN
                FW Version:  1
              Time running:  1358 seconds
               Compression:  Yes
                       DES:  Yes
                     3 DES:  Yes
                   AES CBC:  Yes (128,192,256)
                  AES CNTR:  No
     Maximum buffer length:  4096
          Maximum DH index:  0500
          Maximum SA index:  0500
        Maximum Flow index:  1000
      Maximum RSA key size:  0000
        crypto lib version:  22_421.0.0
     crypto engine in slot:  0
                  platform:  VPN hardware accelerator
        crypto lib version:  22_421.0.0
IR807#sh crypto engine accelerator stat
Device:   Onboard VPN
Location: Onboard: 0
        :Statistics for encryption device since the last clear 
         of counters 1404 seconds ago
                      0 packets in                           0 packets out           
                      0 bytes in                             0 bytes out             
                      0 paks/sec in                          0 paks/sec out          
                      0 Kbits/sec in                         0 Kbits/sec out         
                      0 packets decrypted                    0 packets encrypted     
                      0 bytes before decrypt                 0 bytes encrypted       
                      0 bytes decrypted                      0 bytes after encrypt   
                      0 packets decompressed                 0 packets compressed    
                      0 bytes before decomp                  0 bytes before comp     
                      0 bytes after decomp                   0 bytes after comp      
                      0 packets bypass decompr               0 packets bypass compres
                      0 bytes bypass decompres               0 bytes bypass compressi
                      0 packets not decompress               0 packets not compressed
                      0 bytes not decompressed               0 bytes not compressed  
                  1.0:1 compression ratio                1.0:1 overall
                Last 5 minutes: 
                      0 packets in                           0 packets out           
                      0 paks/sec in                          0 paks/sec out          
                      0 bits/sec in                          0 bits/sec out          
                      0 bytes decrypted                      0 bytes encrypted       
                      0 Kbits/sec decrypted                  0 Kbits/sec encrypted   
                  1.0:1 compression ratio                1.0:1 overall
Total Number of Packet Drops = 0
Pad Error                    = 0
Data Error                   = 0
Packet Error                 = 0
Null IP Error                = 0
Hardware Error               = 0
CP Unavailable               = 0
HP Unavailable               = 0
AH Seq Failure               = 0
Link Down Error              = 0
ESP Seq Failure              = 0
AH Auth Failure              = 0
ESP Auth Failure             = 0
Queue Full Error             = 0
API Request Error            = 0
Invalid Flow Error           = 0
Buffer Unavailable           = 0
QOS Queue Full Error         = 0
Packet too Big Error         = 0
AH Replay Check Failure      = 0
Too Many Particles Error     = 0
ESP Replay Check Failure     = 0
Input Queue Full Error       = 0
Output Queue Full Error      = 0
raw_PAK_alloc                = 0
raw_PAK_free                 = 0
mod_exp_PAK_alloc            = 3
mod_exp_PAK_free             = 3
extropy_PAK_alloc            = 0
entropy_PAK_free             = 0
Pre-batch Queue Full Error   = 0
Post-batch Queue Full Error  = 0
batch_PAK_free               = 0
BATCHING Statistics: 
Batching Allowed
Batching currently Inactive 
No of times batching turned on        = 0
No of times batching turned off       = 0
No of Flush Done                      = 0
Flush Timer in Milli Seconds          = 8
Disable Timer in Seconds              = 20
Threshold Crypto Paks/Sec                  
  to enable batching                  = 10000
Post-batch count, max_count           = 0, 16
Packets queued to post-batch queue    = 0
Packets flushed from post-batch queue = 0
The Post-batch Queue Information 
The Queuesize is                      = 512 
The no entries currently being used   = 0 
The Read Index is                     = 0 
The Write Index is                    = 0 
The entries in use are between Read and Write Index 
The entries in use are 
SEC MFIFO Statistics: 
Channel 0 allocated times             = 3
Channel 1 allocated times             = 0
Channel 2 allocated times             = 0
Channel 3 allocated times             = 0
Channel 0 freed times                 = 3
Channel 1 freed times                 = 0
Channel 2 freed times                 = 0
Channel 3 freed times                 = 0
Sec MFIFO flush count                 = 3
Sec MFIFO interrupt count             = 3
Sec MFIFO put back count              = 0
Sec MFIFO Timer flush count           = 0
Sec MFIFO Timer put back count        = 0
Sec alloc workq count                 = 0
Sec free workq count                  = 64