Installing Cisco IoT FND

This chapter provides an overview of the steps required to install Cisco IoT Field Network Director (Cisco IoT FND) in your network.

Note: For an overview of the features and functionality of the application and details on how to configure features and manage the Cisco IoT Field Network Director after its installation, refer to the Cisco IoT Field Network Director User Guide, Release 4.1.x.

How to install IoT FND and related software:

blank.gifBefore You Install IoT FND

blank.gifInstalling and Setting Up the IoT FND Database

blank.gifInstalling and Setting Up IoT FND

blank.gifInstalling and Configuring the IoT FND TPS Proxy

blank.gifBacking Up and Restoring the IoT FND Database

blank.gifDeploying IoT FND/Oracle/TPS Virtual Machines on ESX 5.x

Before You Install IoT FND

Use the procedures in the following sections to prepare for your IoT FND installation:

blank.gifIoT FND Map View Requirements

blank.gifSystem Requirements

blank.gifObtaining IoT FND and CNR Licenses

blank.gifInstalling the Linux Packages Required for Installing Oracle

blank.gifObtaining IoT FND RPM Packages

blank.gifConfiguring NTP Service

blank.gifIoT FND Installation Overview

IoT FND Map View Requirements

On any device tab, click the Map button in the main pane to display a GIS map of device locations. In its Map View pane, IoT FND uses a GIS map to display device locations. However, before you can use this feature, you must configure your firewall to enable access for all IoT FND operator systems to Cisco-provided GIS map tile servers. Only IoT FND operator browsers are allowed access to the GIS map tile servers.

Note: The operator browsers will not have access to other Google sites. No Internet access is required for the IoT FND application server.

You must also assign a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for each IoT FND server installation and provide Cisco at with the following:

blank.gifThe number of IoT FND installation environments (test and production)

blank.gifThe FQDN of the IoT FND server

blank.gifFor cluster deployments, the FQDN of any load balancer in the deployment

Note: The FQDN is only used to provision and authorize access to the licensed Cisco IoT FND installation and make API calls to Enterprise Google Map to download the map tiles. No utility operational data or asset information is ever used (that is, sent over Internet) to retrieve Google map tiles. Map tiles are retrieved only using geographic location information.


For example, your non-cluster installation has a domain named, and cgnms1 as the hostname with an FQDN of You would email and include the FQDN,

In a cluster deployment with one or more IoT FND servers and a load balancer with the FQDN of loadbalancer-vip, which directs traffic to the cgnms-main or cnms-dr cluster (DR installations), you would email and include the FQDN,

System Requirements

Refer to the IoT FND Release Notes for the latest details on hardware and software requirements, as well as requirements for large scale deployments.

Obtaining IoT FND and CNR Licenses

blank.gifContact your Cisco partner to obtain the necessary licenses to use IoT FND and CNR.

blank.gifObtain a license to use SafeNet as your HSM for mesh endpoint security.

Installing the Linux Packages Required for Installing Oracle

Install these packages in this order before you install the Oracle database:

1.blank.gif libaio-devel-0.3.106-5.i386.rpm

2.blank.gif libaio-devel-0.3.106-5.x86_64.rpm

3.blank.gif sysstat-7.0.2-11.el5.x86_64.rpm

4.blank.gif unixODBC-libs-2.2.11-10.el5.i386.rpm

5.blank.gif unixODBC-libs-2.2.11-10.el5.x86_64.rpm

6.blank.gif unixODBC-2.2.11-10.el5.i386.rpm

7.blank.gif unixODBC-2.2.11-10.el5.x86_64.rpm

8.blank.gif unixODBC-devel-2.2.11-10.el5.i386.rpm

9.blank.gif unixODBC-devel-2.2.11-10.el5.x86_64.rpm

Obtaining IoT FND RPM Packages

Before you install and set up your IoT FND system, ensure that you have the following packages:


RPM Package

cgms- version_number.x86_64.rpm

Contains the IoT FND installer. This is the main RPM that contains the IoT FND application server itself. Install this package on the IoT FND application servers.

cgms-oracle- version_number.x86_64.rpm

Contains the scripts and tools to create the IoT FND Oracle database. This package contains the Oracle database template and management scripts. Install this package on the IoT FND database server system.

cgms-tools- version_number.x86_64.rpm

Contains a few optional command-line tools. If needed, install this package on the system running the IoT FND application server.

cgms-ssm- version_number.x86_64.rpm

Contains the Software Security Module (SSM). Install this package on the system running the IoT FND application server.

cgms-tpsproxy- version_number.x86_64.rpm

Contains the TPS proxy application. Install this package on the IoT FND TPS proxy system.

Configuring NTP Service

Configure all RHEL servers (including all servers that run IoT FND) in your IoT FND deployment to have their NTP service enabled and configured to use the same time servers as the rest of the system.

Caution: Before certificates are generated, synchronize the clocks of all system components.

To configure NTP on your RHEL servers:

1.blank.gif Configure the /etc/ntp.conf file.

For example:

cat /etc/ntp.conf
# Use the same NTP servers on all our Connected Grid systems.

2.blank.gif Restart the NTP daemon and ensure that it is set to run at boot time.

service ntpd restart
chkconfig ntpd on

3.blank.gif Check the configuration changes by checking the status of the NTP daemon.

This example shows that the system at is configured to be a local NTP server. This server synchronizes its time using the NTP server at

# ntpq -p
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
* 3 u 309 1024 377 0.694 0.899 0.435
LOCAL(0).LOCL. 10 l 36 64 377 0.000 0.000 0.001

For information about configuring NTP on RHEL servers, refer to RHEL documentation.

IoT FND Installation Overview

Complete the following procedures to install IoT FND:

1.blank.gif Installing and Setting Up the IoT FND Database.

2.blank.gif Installing and Setting Up IoT FND.

3.blank.gif Installing and Configuring the IoT FND TPS Proxy.

Installing and Setting Up the IoT FND Database

Complete the following procedures to finish your IoT FND installation:

blank.gifInstallation and Setup Overview

blank.gifDownloading and Unpacking Oracle Database

blank.gifRunning the Oracle Database Installer

blank.gifSetting Up the IoT FND Database

blank.gifAdditional IoT FND Database Topics

Installation and Setup Overview

The following topics provide an overview of IoT FND deployment:

blank.gifSingle-Server Deployment

blank.gifHigh Availability Deployment

Single-Server Deployment

To install and set up IoT FND database for a single-server database deployment:

1.blank.gif Log in to the database server.

2.blank.gif Downloading and Unpacking Oracle Database.

3.blank.gif Running the Oracle Database Installer.

4.blank.gif Setting Up the IoT FND Database.

High Availability Deployment

To install and set up IoT FND database for HA:

1.blank.gif Log in to the primary IoT FND database server.

2.blank.gif Downloading and Unpacking Oracle Database.

3.blank.gif Running the Oracle Database Installer.

4.blank.gif Log in to the standby database server.

5.blank.gif Downloading and Unpacking Oracle Database.

6.blank.gif Running the Oracle Database Installer.

7.blank.gif Setting Up IoT FND Database for HA.

Downloading and Unpacking Oracle Database

To download the Oracle database:

1.blank.gif Log in to your server as root.

2.blank.gif Download Oracle 11g Enterprise Edition ( 64-bit) or Oracle12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production (with Patch 20830993).

3.blank.gif To avoid display-related errors when installing the Oracle Database software, as root run this command:

# xhost + local:oracle

4.blank.gif Create the oracle user and dba group:

# groupadd dba
# adduser -d /home/oracle -g dba -s /bin/bash oracle

5.blank.gif Unpack the Oracle Database zip archives.

Running the Oracle Database Installer

Note: Before running the Oracle installer, disable the firewall.

To install the Oracle database:

1.blank.gif Switch to user oracle and run the Oracle database installer:

# su - oracle
# setenv DISPLAY <desktop>
# path_to_DB_installation_folder/database/runInstaller

2.blank.gif Click Yes, and then click Next.

3.blank.gif Click Install database software only, and then click Next.

4.blank.gif Click Single instance database installation, and then click Next.

5.blank.gif Select English as the language in which the database runs, and then click Next.

6.blank.gif Click Enterprise Edition (4.29GB (Oracle 11g) or 6.4GB (Oracle12c), and then click Next.

7.blank.gif Select the following two default installation values, Oracle Base and Software Location (11.2.0 or 12.1.0), and then click Next.

blank.gifOracle Base— /home/oracle/app/oracle

blank.gifSoftware Location— /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1

blank.gifSoftware Location— /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1

Later you will create the environment variables ORACLE_BASE and ORACLE_HOME based on the values of the Oracle Base and Software Location properties.

8.blank.gif On the Create Inventory page, keep the default values, and then click Next.

blank.gifInventory Directory— /home/oracle/app/oraInventory

blank.giforaInventory_Group Name— dba

9.blank.gif On the Privileged Operating System Groups page, keep the default values, and then click Next.

blank.gifDatabase Administrator (OSDBA) group— dba

blank.gifDatabase Operator (OSOPER) group— dba

Database Backup and Recovery (OSBACKUPDBA) group— dba (12c only)

blank.gifData Guard administrative (OSDGDBA) group— dba (12c only)

blank.gifEncryption Key Management administrative (OSKMDBA) group— dba (12c only)

10.blank.gif (optional) On the Perform Prerequisite Checks page, install any required software or run supplied scripts.

The installer might require the installation of additional software based on your system kernel settings, and may also instruct you to run scripts to configure your system and complete the database installation.

Note: If no missing packages are noted or you see the message “This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package “ksh” is available on the system, check the Ignore All box.

11.blank.gif After installing any missing packages, click Fix & Check Again.

Keep doing this until all requirements are met.

Caution: Do not ignore errors on this page. If there are errors during database installation, IoT FND may not function properly.

12.blank.gif Click Next.

13.blank.gif On the Summary page, verify the database settings, and then click Finish (11g) or Install (12c) to start the installation process.

14.blank.gif At the prompts, run the supplied configuration scripts.

Because the installer runs as the user oracle, it cannot perform certain installation operations that require root privileges. For these operations, you will be prompted to run scripts to complete the installation process. When prompted, open a terminal window and run the scripts as root.

15.blank.gif If the installation succeeds, click Close on the Finish page.

Note: If performing a new installation of Oracle 12c or upgrading from Oracle 11g, you must install the Oracle 12c Patch 20830993. Go to (Mandatory) Installing 12c Patch.

(Mandatory) Installing 12c Patch

For all new Oracle 12c database installations and all Oracle 11g upgrades, you must install the 12c patch.

To install the patch:

1.blank.gif Stop IoT FND application if running.

2.blank.gif Stop Oracle service if running.

3.blank.gif Run the following commands to verify inventory of installed Oracle software components and patches. No patches are applied at this stage. The following displays at the end: There are no interim patches installed in this Oracle Home.

/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -details
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Oracle Home       : /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1
Central Inventory : /home/oracle/app/oraInventory   from           : /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location :/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2016-02-25_10-37-50AM_1.log
Lsinventory Output file location : /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/lsinv/lsinventory2016-02-25_10-37-50AM.txt
Installed Top-level Products (1):
Oracle Database 12c                                        
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.
Installed Products (135):
Assistant Common Files                                     
Buildtools Common Files                                    
Cluster Verification Utility Common Files                  
Database Configuration and Upgrade Assistants              
Database Migration Assistant for Unicode                   
Database SQL Scripts                                       
Database Workspace Manager                                 
DB TOOLS Listener                                          
Deinstallation Tool                                        
Enterprise Edition Options                                 
Expat libraries                                             
Generic Connectivity Common Files                          
Hadoopcore Component                                       
HAS Common Files                                           
HAS Files for DB                                           
Installation Common Files                                  
Installation Plugin Files                                  
Installer SDK Component                                    
Accelerator (COMPANION)                                   
Java Development Kit                                       
LDAP Required Support Files                                
OLAP SQL Scripts                                           
Oracle Advanced Security                                   
Oracle Application Express                                 
Oracle Bali Share                                          
Oracle Call Interface (OCI)                                
Oracle Clusterware RDBMS Files                             
Oracle Configuration Manager                               
Oracle Configuration Manager Client                        
Oracle Configuration Manager Deconfiguration               
Oracle Containers for Java                                 
Oracle Context Companion                                   
Oracle Core Required Support Files                         
Oracle Core Required Support Files for Core DB             
Oracle Core XML Development Kit                            
Oracle Data Mining RDBMS Files                             
Oracle Database 12c                                        
Oracle Database 12c                                        
Oracle Database 12c Multimedia Files                       
Oracle Database Deconfiguration                            
Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC                           
Oracle Database Plugin for Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder 
Oracle Database User Interface                             
Oracle Database Utilities                                  
Oracle Database Vault option                               
Oracle DBCA Deconfiguration                                
Oracle Extended Windowing Toolkit                          
Oracle Globalization Support                               
Oracle Globalization Support                               
Oracle Globalization Support For Core                      
Oracle Help for Java                                       
Oracle Help Share Library                                  
Oracle Ice Browser                                         
Oracle Internet Directory Client                           
Oracle Java Client                                         
Oracle Java Layout Engine                                  
Oracle JDBC Server Support Package                         
Oracle JDBC/OCI Instant Client                             
Oracle JDBC/THIN Interfaces                                
Oracle JFC Extended Windowing Toolkit                      
Oracle JVM                                                 
Oracle JVM For Core                                        
Oracle Label Security                                      
Oracle LDAP administration                                 
Oracle Locale Builder                                      
Oracle Message Gateway Common Files                        
Oracle Multimedia                                          
Oracle Multimedia Client Option                            
Oracle Multimedia Java Advanced Imaging                    
Oracle Multimedia Locator                                  
Oracle Multimedia Locator Java Required Support Files      
Oracle Multimedia Locator RDBMS Files                      
Oracle Net                                                 
Oracle Net Java Required Support Files                     
Oracle Net Listener                                        
Oracle Net Required Support Files                          
Oracle Net Services                                        
Oracle Netca Client                                        
Oracle Notification Service                                
Oracle Notification Service (eONS)                         
Oracle Notification Service for Instant Client             
Oracle ODBC Driver                                         
Oracle ODBC Driverfor Instant Client                       
Oracle OLAP                                                
Oracle OLAP API                                            
Oracle OLAP RDBMS Files                                    
Oracle One-Off Patch Installer                             
Oracle Partitioning                                        
Oracle Programmer                                          
Oracle Quality of Service Management (Client)              
Oracle R Enterprise Server Files                           
Oracle RAC Deconfiguration                                 
Oracle RAC Required Support Files-HAS                      
Oracle Real Application Testing                            
Oracle Recovery Manager                                    
Oracle Security Developer Tools                            
Oracle Spatial and Graph                                   
Oracle SQL Developer                                       
Oracle Starter Database                                    
Oracle Text                                                
Oracle Text ATG Language Support Files                     
Oracle Text for Core                                       
Oracle Text Required Support Files                         
Oracle Universal Connection Pool                           
Oracle Universal Installer                                 
Oracle USM Deconfiguration                                 
Oracle Wallet Manager                                      
Oracle XML Development Kit                                 
Oracle XML Query                                           
Parser Generator Required Support Files                    
Perl Interpreter                                           
Perl Modules
PL/SQL Embedded Gateway                                    
Platform Required Support Files                            
Precompiler Common Files                                   
Precompiler Common Files for Core                          
Precompiler Required Support Files
RDBMS Required Support Files                               
RDBMS Required Support Files for Instant Client            
RDBMS Required Support Files Runtime                       
Required Support Files                                     
Sample Schema Data                                         
Secure Socket Layer
SQL*Plus Files for Instant Client                          
SQL*Plus Required Support Files                            
SQLJ Runtime                                               
SSL Required Support Files for InstantClient               
Tracle File Analyzer                                       
XDK Required Support Files                                 
XML Parser for Java                                        
XML Parser for Oracle JVM                                  
There are 135 products installed in this Oracle Home.
There are no Interim patches installed in this Oracle Home.

4.blank.gif Apply the patch.

a.blank.gif On the database machine. Copy the patch file : “”

b.blank.gif Run a prerequisite check. It should pass.

$ cd /home/oracle/patches/20830993/
$ /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/OPatch/opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -ph./
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
PREREQ session
Oracle Home       : /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1
Central Inventory : /home/oracle/app/oraInventory
   from           : /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location :/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/cfgtool logs/opatch/opatch2016-02-25_10-48-48AM_1.log
Invoking prereq "checkconflictagainstohwithdetail"
Prereq "checkConflictAgainstOHWithDetail" passed.
OPatch succeeded.

c.blank.gif Apply the patch.

$ /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/OPatch/opatch apply
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Oracle Home       : /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1
Central Inventory : /home/oracle/app/oraInventory   from           : /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location: /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/20830993_Feb_25_2016_10_53_25/apply2016-02-25_10-53-25AM_1.log
Applying interim patch '20830993' to OH '/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1'
Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...
All checks passed.
Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system.
(Oracle Home = '/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1')
Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
Backing up files...
Patching component oracle.rdbms,
Verifying the update...
Patch 20830993 successfully applied
Log file location:/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/ 20830993_Feb_25_2016_10_53_25/apply2016-02-25_10-53-25AM_1.log
OPatch succeeded.

d.blank.gif Run Opatch utility to verify that the patch is now recognized. Notice the mention of "Interim Patch" at the end of following output.

$ /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -details
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Oracle Home       : /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1
Central Inventory : /home/oracle/app/oraInventory
   from           : /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location : /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2016-02-25_11-05-19AM_1.log
Lsinventory Output file location : /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/lsinv/lsinventory2016-02-25_11-05-19AM.txt
Installed Top-level Products (1): 
Oracle Database 12c                                        
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.
Installed Products (135):
Assistant Common Files                                     
Buildtools Common Files                                    
Cluster Verification Utility Common Files                  
Database Configuration and Upgrade Assistants              
Database Migration Assistant for Unicode                   
Database SQL Scripts                                       
Database Workspace Manager                                 
DB TOOLS Listener                                          
Deinstallation Tool                                        
Enterprise Edition Options                                 
Expat libraries                                             
Generic Connectivity Common Files                          
Hadoopcore Component                                       
HAS Common Files                                           
HAS Files for DB                                           
Installation Common Files                                  
Installation Plugin Files                                  
Installer SDK Component                                    
JAccelerator (COMPANION)                                   
Java Development Kit                                       
LDAP Required Support Files                                
LAP SQL Scripts                                           
Oracle Advanced Security                                   
Oracle Application Express                                 
Oracle Bali Share                                          
Oracle Call Interface (OCI)                                
Oracle Clusterware RDBMS Files                             
Oracle Configuration Manager                               
Oracle Configuration Manager Client                        
Oracle Configuration Manager Deconfiguration               
Oracle Containers for Java                                 
Oracle Context Companion                                   
Oracle Core Required Support Files                         
Oracle Core Required Support Files for Core DB             
Oracle Core XML Development Kit                            
Oracle Data Mining RDBMS Files                             
Oracle Database 12c                                        
Oracle Database 12c                                        
Oracle Database 12c Multimedia Files                       
Oracle Database Deconfiguration                            
Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC                           
Oracle Database Plugin for Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder 
Oracle Database User Interface                             
Oracle Database Utilities                                  
Oracle Database Vault option                               
Oracle DBCA Deconfiguration                                
Oracle Extended Windowing Toolkit                          
Oracle Globalization Support                               
Oracle Globalization Support                               
Oracle Globalization Support For Core                      
Oracle Help for Java                                       
Oracle Help Share Library                                  
Oracle Ice Browser                                         
Oracle Internet Directory Client                           
Oracle Java Client                                         
Oracle Java Layout Engine                                  
Oracle JDBC Server Support Package                         
Oracle JDBC/OCI Instant Client                             
Oracle JDBC/THIN Interfaces                                
Oracle JFC Extended Windowing Toolkit                      
Oracle JVM                                                 
Oracle JVM For Core                                        
Oracle Label Security                                      
Oracle LDAP administration                                 
Oracle Locale Builder                                      
Oracle Message Gateway Common Files                        
Oracle Multimedia                                          
Oracle Multimedia Client Option                            
Oracle Multimedia Java Advanced Imaging                    
Oracle Multimedia Locator                                  
Oracle Multimedia Locator Java Required Support Files      
Oracle Multimedia Locator RDBMS Files                      
Oracle Net                                                 
Oracle Net Java Required Support Files                     
Oracle Net Listener                                        
Oracle Net Required Support Files                          
Oracle Net Services                                        
Oracle Netca Client                                        
Oracle Notification Service                                
Oracle Notification Service (eONS)                         
Oracle Notification Service for Instant Client             
Oracle ODBC Driver                                         
Oracle ODBC Driverfor Instant Client                       
Oracle OLAP                                                
Oracle OLAP API                                            
Oracle OLAP RDBMS Files                                    
Oracle One-Off Patch Installer                             
Oracle Partitioning                                        
Oracle Programmer                                          
Oracle Quality of Service Management (Client)              
Oracle R Enterprise Server Files                           
Oracle RAC Deconfiguration                                 
Oracle RAC Required Support Files-HAS                      
Oracle Real Application Testing                            
Oracle Recovery Manager                                    
Oracle Security Developer Tools                            
Oracle Spatial and Graph                                   
Oracle SQL Developer                                       
Oracle Starter Database                                    
Oracle Text                                                
Oracle Text ATG Language Support Files                     
Oracle Text for Core                                       
Oracle Text Required Support Files                         
Oracle Universal Connection Pool                           
Oracle Universal Installer                                 
Oracle USM Deconfiguration                                 
Oracle Wallet Manager                                      
Oracle XML Development Kit                                 
Oracle XML Query                                            oracle.swd.oui.core.min                                    
Parser Generator Required Support Files                    
Perl Interpreter                                           
Perl Modules                                               
PL/SQL Embedded Gateway                                    
Platform Required Support Files                            
Precompiler Common Files                                   
Precompiler Common Files for Core                          
Precompiler Required Support Files                         
RDBMS Required Support Files                               
RDBMS Required Support Files for Instant Client            
RDBMS Required Support Files Runtime                       
Required Support Files                                     
Sample Schema Data                                         
Secure Socket Layer                                       
SQL*Plus Files for Instant Client                          
SQL*Plus Required Support Files                            
SQLJ Runtime                                               
SSL Required Support Files for InstantClient               
Tracle File Analyzer                                       
XDK Required Support Files                                 
XML Parser for Java                                        
XML Parser for Oracle JVM                                  
There are 135 products installed in this Oracle Home. 
Interim patches (1) :
Patch  20830993     : applied on Thu Feb 25 10:53:50 PST 2016
Unique Patch ID:  18912657
Created on 13 May 2015, 00:37:38 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:     20830993  
Files Touched:    
/qksvc.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver12.a --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/ioracle
Patch Location in Inventory:     /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/inventory/oneoffs/20830993
Patch Location in Storage area:     /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/.patch_storage/20830993_May_13_2015_00_37_38

Process complete.

Continue to Setting Up the IoT FND Database

Setting Up the IoT FND Database

Complete the following procedures to set up the IoT FND database:

blank.gifIoT FND Database Setup Overview

blank.gifDefining Oracle Database Environment Variables

blank.gifInstalling IoT FND Oracle Database Scripts

blank.gifCreating the IoT FND Oracle Database

blank.gifStarting the IoT FND Oracle Database

IoT FND Database Setup Overview

To set up the IoT FND database:

1.blank.gif Defining Oracle Database Environment Variables.

2.blank.gif Installing IoT FND Oracle Database Scripts.

3.blank.gif Creating the IoT FND Oracle Database.

4.blank.gif Starting the IoT FND Oracle Database.

Defining Oracle Database Environment Variables

Before installing the IoT FND Oracle database, switch to the oracle user account and define the following Oracle database environment variables.

Table 1 Oracle Database Environment Variables



Defines the path to the Oracle root directory on your system. For example:

$ export ORACLE_BASE=/home/oracle/app/oracle

If this variable is not set, the IoT FND setup script displays an error.


Defines the path to the Oracle home of the IoT FND database. For example:

$ export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1

Note: Do not have any trailing backslashes in the ORACLE_HOME environment variable.


Defines the path to the Oracle binaries. For example:

$ export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin


Defines the path to the libraries. For example:



Defines the Oracle System ID (SID).

If you are only using one database server or installing an HA deployment, set this variable on the primary database server to cgms :

$ export ORACLE_SID=cgms

If deploying a standby database server, set this variable on the standby database server to cgms_s :

$ export ORACLE_SID=cgms_s

If this variable is not set, the IoT FND setup script displays an error.

You can set these variables manually, as shown in the following example:

On a Single or Primary Database Server
On a Standby Database Server
$ su - oracle
$ export ORACLE_BASE=/home/oracle/app/oracle
$ export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
$ export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ export ORACLE_SID=cgms
$ su - oracle
$ export ORACLE_BASE=/home/oracle/app/oracle
$ export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
$ export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ export ORACLE_SID=cgms_s

You can also use a.bashrc file to define these variables.

Installing IoT FND Oracle Database Scripts

IoT FND is packaged with scripts and Oracle database templates.

To install the Oracle scripts on your Oracle server:

1.blank.gif Log in as the root user.

2.blank.gif Securely copy the IoT FND Oracle script RPM to your Oracle server:

$ scp cgms-oracle-version_number.x86_64.rpm root@oracle-machine:~
$ rpm –ivh cgms-oracle-version_number.x86_64.rpm

3.blank.gif Create the cgms directory and download the scripts and templates to it:

$ cd $ORACLE_BASE/app/oracle
$ mkdir cgms
$ cd cgms
$ cp -R /opt/cgms-oracle/scripts.
$ cp -R /opt/cgms-oracle/templates.
$ cp -R /opt/cgms-oracle/tools.
$ cd..
$ chown -R oracle:dba cgms

Creating the IoT FND Oracle Database

To create the IoT FND Oracle database in a single-database-server deployment, run the script as the user oracle. This script starts the Oracle Database and creates the IoT FND database.

This script creates the user cgms_dev used by IoT FND to access the database. The default password for this user account is cgms123.

The default password for the sys DBA account is cgmsDba123.

Note: We strongly recommend that you change all default passwords. Do not use special characters such as, @, #, !, or + when using the script. The script cannot encrypt special characters.

Note: This script might run for several minutes. To check the setup progress, run the command:
$ tail -f /tmp/cgmsdb_setup.log

$ su - oracle
$ export DISPLAY=localhost:0
$ cd $ORACLE_BASE/cgms/scripts
$ ./
09-13-2012 10:38:07 PDT: INFO: ======== CGMS Database Setup Started ==========
09-13-2012 10:38:07 PDT: INFO: Log file: /tmp/cgmsdb_setup.log
Are you sure you want to setup CG-NMS database (y/n)? y
09-13-2012 10:38:08 PDT: INFO: User response: y
09-13-2012 10:38:08 PDT: INFO: CGMS database does not exist.
Enter new password for SYS DBA:
Re-enter new password for SYS DBA:
09-13-2012 10:38:14 PDT: INFO: User entered SYS DBA password.
Enter new password for CG-NMS database:
Re-enter new password CG-NMS database:
09-13-2012 10:38:18 PDT: INFO: User entered CG-NMS DB password.
09-13-2012 10:38:18 PDT: INFO: Stopping listener...
09-13-2012 10:38:18 PDT: INFO: Listener already stopped.
09-13-2012 10:38:18 PDT: INFO: Deleting database files...
09-13-2012 10:38:18 PDT: INFO: Creating listener...
09-13-2012 10:38:19 PDT: INFO: Listener creation completed successfully.
09-13-2012 10:38:19 PDT: INFO: Configuring listener...
09-13-2012 10:38:19 PDT: INFO: Listener successfully configured.
09-13-2012 10:38:19 PDT: INFO: Creating database. This may take a while. Please be patient...
09-13-2012 10:42:55 PDT: INFO: Database creation completed successfully.
09-13-2012 10:42:55 PDT: INFO: Updating /etc/oratab...
09-13-2012 10:42:55 PDT: INFO: /etc/oratab updated.
09-13-2012 10:42:55 PDT: INFO: Configuring database...
09-13-2012 10:42:56 PDT: INFO: Starting listener...
09-13-2012 10:42:56 PDT: INFO: Listener start completed successfully.
09-13-2012 10:42:56 PDT: INFO: Starting database configuration...
09-13-2012 10:43:17 PDT: INFO: Database configuration completed successfully.
09-13-2012 10:43:17 PDT: INFO: Starting Oracle...
09-13-2012 10:43:17 PDT: INFO: Starting Oracle in mount state...
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 1.6836E+10 bytes
Fixed Size 2220032 bytes
Variable Size 8589934592 bytes
Database Buffers 8187281408 bytes
Redo Buffers 56487936 bytes
Database mounted.
09-13-2012 10:43:26 PDT: INFO: Opening database for read/write...
Database altered.
09-13-2012 10:43:29 PDT: INFO: ========== CGMS Database Setup Completed Successfully ==========

Starting the IoT FND Oracle Database

To start the IoT FND Oracle database:

1.blank.gif Run the script:

$ su - oracle
$ cd $ORACLE_BASE/cgms/scripts
$ ./

2.blank.gif Configure a cron job that starts IoT FND database at bootup by running this script:


Additional IoT FND Database Topics

The following procedures discuss database management:

blank.gifStopping the IoT FND Oracle Database

blank.gifRemoving the IoT FND Database

blank.gifUpgrading the IoT FND Database

blank.gifChanging the SYS DBA and IoT FND Database Passwords

blank.gifIoT FND Database Helper Scripts

Stopping the IoT FND Oracle Database

Typically, you do not have to stop the Oracle database during the installation procedure. However, if it becomes necessary to stop the Oracle database, use the stop script in the scripts directory:

su - oracle
cd $ORACLE_BASE/cgms/scripts
SQL> Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.

Removing the IoT FND Database

Caution: The following script is destructive. Do not use this script during normal operation.

To remove the IoT FND database, run this script:

cd $ORACLE_BASE/cgms/scripts

Upgrading the IoT FND Database

To upgrade the IoT FND database:

1.blank.gif Add the database files (a total of 15 files).

ALTER TABLESPACE USERS ADD DATAFILE '&oracle_base/oradata/&sid_caps/users<02 to 15>.dbf'

This is required for scaling the system.

2.blank.gif Enable block-change tracking (required for incremental backup):

'&oracle_base/oradata/&sid_caps/rman_change_track.f' REUSE;

3.blank.gif Disable parallel execution:

set parallel_max_servers = 0 scope=both

Caution: The incremental IoT FND backup script enables the Oracle block-change tracking feature to improve backup performance. To take advantage of this feature, delete your IoT FND database and run the script before performing the first incremental backup. To avoid losing data, run these commands:

sqlplus sys/password@cgms as sysdba
'/home/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/CGMS/rman_change_track.f' REUSE;

Changing the SYS DBA and IoT FND Database Passwords

To change default IoT FND database password for the cgms_dba user:

1.blank.gif On the IoT FND server, run the script and change the password for the cgms_dba user.

Caution: The password for the IoT FND database and the cgnms_dba user password must match or IoT FND cannot access the database.

# cd /opt/cgms/bin
Do you want to change the database password (y/n)? y
09-13-2012 17:15:07 PDT: INFO: User response: y
Enter database password:
Re-enter database password:
09-13-2012 17:15:31 PDT: INFO: Configuring database password. This may take a while. Please wait...
09-13-2012 17:15:34 PDT: INFO: Database password configured.

For information about running the script, see Setting Up IoT FND.

2.blank.gif On the Oracle server, run the script and change the password for the cgms_dba user:

$ ./
09-13-2012 10:48:32 PDT: INFO: ======== Database Password Util Started ==========
09-13-2012 10:48:32 PDT: INFO: Log file: /tmp/cgms_oracle.log
Are you sure you want to change CG-NMS database password (y/n)? y
09-13-2012 10:48:33 PDT: INFO: User response: y
Enter current password for SYS DBA:
Re-enter current password for SYS DBA:
09-13-2012 10:48:41 PDT: INFO: User entered current SYS DBA password.
Enter new password for SYS DBA:
Re-enter new password for SYS DBA:
09-13-2012 10:48:54 PDT: INFO: User entered SYS DBA password.
Enter new password for CG-NMS database:
Re-enter new password CG-NMS database:
09-13-2012 10:49:03 PDT: INFO: User entered CG-NMS DB password.
User altered.

Note: As root, you can also use this script to change the password for the sys user (SYS DBA).

3.blank.gif On the IoT FND server, run the script to verify the connection between IoT FND and the IoT FND database:

# service cgms status
09-06-2012 18:51:20 PDT: INFO: CG-NMS database server: localhost
09-06-2012 18:51:21 PDT: INFO: CG-NMS database connection verified.

IoT FND Database Helper Scripts

IoT FND Database Helper Scripts describes helper IoT FND database scripts available in the $ORACLE_BASE/cgms/scripts/ directory:

Table 2 IoT FND Database Helper Scripts


Use this script to change the passwords for the database administration and IoT FND database user accounts. The IoT FND database user account is used by IoT FND to access the database.

Use this script to back up the archive logs.

Use this script to back up the IoT FND database. This script supports full and incremental backups.

Use this script to restore the IoT FND database from a backup.

Use this script to set up IoT FND database.

Use this script to start the IoT FND database.

Use this script to stop the IoT FND database.

(IoT FND database HA installations only) Use this script to set up the standby database server.

(IoT FND database HA installations only) Use this script to set up the primary database server.

Run this script to verify that the database is set up for HA.

Installing and Setting Up the SSM

The Software Security Module (SSM) is a low-cost alternative to a Hardware Security Module (HSM). IoT FND uses the CSMP protocol to communicate with meters, DA Gateway (IR500 devices), and range extenders. SSM uses CiscoJ to provide cryptographic services such as signing and verifying CSMP messages, and CSMP Keystore management. SSM ensures Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) compliance, while providing services. You install SSM on the IoT FND application server or other remote server. SSM remote-machine installations use HTTPS to securely communicate with IoT FND.

This section describes SSM installation and set up, including:

blank.gifInstalling or Upgrading the SSM Server

blank.gifUninstalling the SSM Server

blank.gifIntegrating SSM and IoT FND

With the SSM server installed, configured, and started and with IoT FND configured for SSM, you can view the CSMP certificate on Admin > Certificates > Certificate for CSMP.

Note: See Setting Up an HSM Client for information on the Hardware Security Module (HSM).


Ensure that the installation meets the hardware and software requirements listed in the IoT FND Release Notes.

Installing or Upgrading the SSM Server

To install the SSM server:

1.blank.gif Run the cgms-ssm-<version>-<release>.<architecture>.rpm rpm script:

[root@VMNMS demossm]# rpm -Uvh cgms-ssm-<version>.x86_64.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:cgms-ssm ########################################### [100%]

2.blank.gif Get the IoT FND configuration details for the SSM. SSM ships with following default credentials:

blank.gifssm_csmp_keystore password: ciscossm

blank.gifcsmp alias name: ssm_csmp

blank.gifkey password: ciscossm

blank.gifssm_web_keystore password: ssmweb

[root@VMNMS demossm]# cd /opt/cgms-ssm/bin/
[root@VMNMS bin]# ./
Software Security Module Server
1. Generate a new keyalias with self signed certificate for CSMP
2. Generate a new keypair & certificate signing request for CSMP
3. Import a trusted certificate
4. Change CSMP keystore password
5. Print CG-NMS configuration for SSM
6. Change SSM server port
7. Change SSM-Web keystore password
Select available options.Press any other key to exit
Enter your choice :

3.blank.gif Enter 5 at the prompt, and complete the following when prompted:

Enter current ssm_csmp_keystore password :ciscossm
Enter alias name : ssm_csmp
Enter key password :ciscossm
ssm-host=<Replace with IPv4 address of SSM server>

4.blank.gif To connect to this SSM server, copy paste the output from Enter 5 at the prompt, and complete the following when prompted: into the file.

Note: You must include the IPv4 address of the interface for IoT FND to use to connect to the SSM server.

5.blank.gif (Optional) Run the script to:

blank.gifGenerate a new key alias with self-signed certificate for CSMP

blank.gifChange SSM keystore password

blank.gifChange SSM server port

blank.gifChange SSM-Web keystore password

Note: If you perform any of the above operations, you must run the SSM setup script, select “Print CG-NMS configuration for SSM,” and copy and paste all details into the file.

6.blank.gif Start the SSM server:

[root@VMNMS ~]# service ssm start
Starting Software Security Module Server: [ OK ]

Monitoring SSM Log Files

You can monitor SSM logs in /opt/cgms-ssm/log/ssm.log

The default metrics report interval is 900 secs (15 min.), which is the minimum valid value. Only servicing metrics are logged. If there are no metrics to report, no messages are in the log.

You can change the metrics report interval by setting the ssm-metrics-report-interval field (in secs) in the /opt/cgms-ssm/conf/ file.

Note: Your SSM server must be up and running before starting the IoT FND server.

Uninstalling the SSM Server

This section presents steps to completely uninstall the SSM server, including the steps for a fresh installation.

Note: Do not use this procedure for upgrades. Use the procedure in Installing or Upgrading the SSM Server.

To uninstall the SSM server:

1.blank.gif Stop the SSM server:

service ssm stop

2.blank.gif Copy and move the /opt/cgms-ssm/conf directory and contents to a directory outside of /opt/cgms-ssm.

3.blank.gif Uninstall the cgms-ssm rpm:

rpm -e cgms-ssm

Fresh installations only

4.blank.gif Install a new SSM server.

5.blank.gif Copy and overwrite the /opt/cgms-ssm/conf directory with the contents moved in Copy and move the /opt/cgms-ssm/conf directory and contents to a directory outside of /opt/cgms-ssm..

Integrating SSM and IoT FND

Note: You must install and start the SSM server before switching to SSM.

To switch from using the Hardware Security Module (HSM) for CSMP-based messaging and use the SSM:

1.blank.gif Stop IoT FND.

service cgms stop

2.blank.gif Run the script on the SSM server.

3.blank.gif Select option 3 to print IoT FND SSM configuration.

4.blank.gif Copy and paste the details into the to connect to that SSM server.



5.blank.gif To set up the HSM, specify the following properties in the file (see also, Setting Up an HSM Client):

security-module=ssm/hsm (required; hsm : Hardware Security Module default.)
hsm-keystore-name=testGroup1 (optional; hsm partition name; testGroup1 default)
hsm-keystore-password=TestPart1 (optional; encrypted hsm partition password; TestPart1 default)

6.blank.gif Ensure that the SSM up and running and you can connect to it.

7.blank.gif Start IoT FND.

Installing and Setting Up IoT FND

Complete the following procedures to finish your IoT FND installation:

blank.gifInstallation and Setup Overview

blank.gifInstalling IoT FND

blank.gifSetting Up IoT FND

blank.gifStarting IoT FND

blank.gifChecking IoT FND Status

blank.gifRunning the IoT FND Database Migration Script

blank.gifAccessing the IoT FND Web GUI


To install IoT FND, first obtain the IoT FND installation RPM:


Note: Ensure that /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf files are correctly configured on the IoT FND server.

Installation and Setup Overview

These topics provide an overview of the two types of IoT FND installations:

blank.gifSingle-Server Deployment

blank.gifCluster Deployment (HA)

Single-Server Deployment

To install and set up IoT FND for a single-server deployment:

1.blank.gif Log in to the RHEL server that will host IoT FND.

2.blank.gif Installing IoT FND.

3.blank.gif Setting Up IoT FND.

4.blank.gif Running the IoT FND Database Migration Script.

5.blank.gif Checking IoT FND Status.

6.blank.gif Accessing the IoT FND Web GUI

Cluster Deployment (HA)

To install and set up IoT FND for HA deployments, repeat the steps in Single-Server Deployment, but only run the IoT FND database migration script once.

Installing IoT FND

To install the IoT FND application:

1.blank.gif Run the IoT FND installation RPM:

$ rpm –ivh cgms-version.x86_64.rpm

2.blank.gif Verify installation and check the RPM version:

$ rpm -qa | grep -i cgms

Setting Up IoT FND

To set up IoT FND, run the script.

Note: If deploying a IoT FND server cluster, the script must be run on every node in the cluster.

Caution: The IoT FND certificate encrypts data in the database. The script runs database migration, which requires access to the IoT FND certificate in the keystore. You must set up certificates before running The script results in an error if it migrates the database and cannot access the certificate (see Generating and Installing Certificates).

Caution: Ensure that the database password entered while running the script is valid. If you enter an invalid password multiple times, Oracle might lock your user account. You can unlock your account on the database server. For more information about unlocking your password, see “Unlocking the IoT FND Database Password” in the Troubleshooting chapter of the IoT Field Network Director User Guide, Release 4.1.x.

This example uses the script to set up a single-server IoT FND system that uses one database.

# cd /opt/cgms/bin
# ./
09-13-2012 17:10:00 PDT: INFO: ========== CG-NMS Setup Started - 2012-09-13-17-10-00 ==========
09-13-2012 17:10:00 PDT: INFO: Log file: /opt/cgms/bin/../server/cgms/log/cgms_setup.log
Are you sure you want to setup CG-NMS (y/n)? y
09-13-2012 17:10:02 PDT: INFO: User response: y
Do you want to change the database settings (y/n)? y
09-13-2012 17:10:05 PDT: INFO: User response: y
Enter database server IP address []:
09-13-2012 17:11:02 PDT: INFO: Database server IP:
Enter database server port [1522]:
09-13-2012 17:11:07 PDT: INFO: Database server port: 1522
Enter database SID [cgms]:
09-13-2012 17:11:12 PDT: INFO: Database SID: cgms
Do you wish to configure another database server for this CG-NMS ? (y/n)? n
09-13-2012 17:11:18 PDT: INFO: User response: n
09-13-2012 17:11:18 PDT: INFO: Configuring database settings. This may take a while. Please wait...
09-13-2012 17:11:19 PDT: INFO: Database settings configured.
Do you want to change the database password (y/n)? y
09-13-2012 17:15:07 PDT: INFO: User response: y
Enter database password:
Re-enter database password:
09-13-2012 17:15:31 PDT: INFO: Configuring database password. This may take a while. Please wait...
09-13-2012 17:15:34 PDT: INFO: Database password configured.
Do you want to change the keystore password (y/n)? n
09-13-2012 17:16:18 PDT: INFO: User response: n
Do you want to change the web application 'root' user password (y/n)? n
09-13-2012 17:16:34 PDT: INFO: User response: n
Do you want to change the FTP settings (y/n)? n
09-13-2012 17:16:45 PDT: INFO: User response: n
09-13-2012 17:16:45 PDT: INFO: ========== CG-NMS Setup Completed Successfully ==========

The script lets you configure these settings:

blank.gifConfiguring Database Settings

blank.gifConfiguring CGMS_S Standby Database

blank.gifConfiguring Database HA

blank.gifConfiguring the IoT FND Database Password

blank.gifConfiguring the Keystore Password

blank.gifConfiguring the Web root User Password

blank.gifConfiguring FTPS Settings

Configuring Database Settings

To configure the database settings, the script prompts you for this information:

blank.gifIP address of the primary IoT FND database server

blank.gifPort number of the IoT FND database server

Press Enter to accept the default port number (1522).

blank.gifDatabase System ID (SID), which is cgms for the primary database server

Press Enter to accept the default SID (cgms). This SID identifies the server as the primary database server.

Do you want to change the database settings (y/n)? y
09-13-2012 17:10:05 PDT: INFO: User response: y
Enter database server IP address []:
09-13-2012 17:11:02 PDT: INFO: Database server IP:
Enter database server port [1522]:
09-13-2012 17:11:07 PDT: INFO: Database server port: 1522
Enter database SID [cgms]:
09-13-2012 17:11:12 PDT: INFO: Database SID: cgms

Configuring CGMS_S Standby Database

1.blank.gif Log into the server with the standby database.

2.blank.gif Enter the following commands:

a.blank.gif Sudo su -oracle

b.blank.gif cd $ORACLE_HOME/cgms/scripts/ha

c.blank.gif./manageObserver <------ Enter this command to stop Observer

Note: Step c command above starts with a (.) period and is followed by a forward slash (/) as are steps d, e, g and i below.



f.blank.gif cd $ORACLE_HOME/cgms/scripts


h.blank.gif cd $ORACLE_HOME/cgms/scripts/ha

i.blank.gif./manageObserver <------ Enter this command to start Observer

Configuring Database HA

To configure the standby database settings, the script prompts you for the following information:

blank.gifIP address of the standby IoT FND database server

blank.gifPort number of the standby IoT FND database server

Enter 1522.

blank.gifDatabase System ID (SID), which is cgms for the primary database server

Enter cgms_s. This SID identifies the server as the standby database server.

Do you wish to configure another database server for this CG-NMS ? (y/n)? y
09-13-2012 17:11:18 PDT: INFO: User response: y
Enter database server IP address []:
09-13-2012 17:11:02 PDT: INFO: Database server IP:
Enter database server port []: 1522
09-13-2012 17:11:07 PDT: INFO: Database server port: 1522
Enter database SID []: cgms_s
09-13-2012 17:11:12 PDT: INFO: Database SID: cgms_s
09-13-2012 17:11:18 PDT: INFO: Configuring database settings. This may take a while. Please wait...
09-13-2012 17:11:19 PDT: INFO: Database settings configured.

For information about setting up database HA, see Setting Up IoT FND Database for HA.

Configuring the IoT FND Database Password

When prompted to change the IoT FND database password, enter the password of the cgms_dba user account on the database server. If using the default password, do not change the database password now.

Do you want to change the database password (y/n)? y
09-13-2012 17:15:07 PDT: INFO: User response: y
Enter database password:
Re-enter database password:
09-13-2012 17:15:31 PDT: INFO: Configuring database password. This may take a while. Please wait...
09-13-2012 17:15:34 PDT: INFO: Database password configured.

Configuring the Keystore Password

To configure the keystore password:

Do you want to change the keystore password (y/n)? y
09-13-2012 10:21:52 PDT: INFO: User response: y
Enter keystore password: keystore_password
Re-enter keystore password: keystore_password
09-13-2012 10:21:59 PDT: INFO: Configuring keystore password. This may take a while. Please wait... 09-13-2012 10:22:00 PDT: INFO: Keystore password configured.

Configuring the Web root User Password

To change the password of the root user account that lets you access the IoT FND browser-based interface, enter y and provide the password:

Do you want to change the web application 'root' user password (y/n)? n
09-13-2012 17:16:34 PDT: INFO: User response: n

Configuring FTPS Settings

If deploying a cluster, provide the FTPS settings required for downloading logs. FTPS securely transfers files between cluster nodes. If the FTPS settings are not configured, you can only download logs from the IoT FND node where you are currently logged in.

Do you want to change the FTP settings (y/n)? y
09-13-2012 17:16:45 PDT: INFO: User response: y
Enter FTP user password:
Re-enter FTP user password:
09-13-2012 17:16:49 PDT: INFO: Configuring FTP settings. This may take a while. Please wait...
09-13-2012 17:16:57 PDT: INFO: FTP settings configuration completed successfully

Checking IoT FND Status

Before you can start IoT FND, check its connection to the IoT FND database by running this command:

# service cgms status
09-06-2012 18:51:20 PDT: INFO: CG-NMS database server: localhost
09-06-2012 18:51:21 PDT: INFO: CG-NMS database connection verified.

This command provides the IP address or hostname and status of the IoT FND database, and also verifies the connection to the IoT FND database. If the connection is not verified, you cannot start IoT FND.

Running the IoT FND Database Migration Script

IoT FND uses a special database migration system that lets you quickly migrate your IoT FND database without having to perform a database dump and restore. Each database migration creates or modifies some of the tables in the IoT FND database so that IoT FND can keep a record of migrations already performed.

Before launching IoT FND the first time, run the database migration script to set up the IoT FND tables in the database:

# cd /opt/cgms/bin
# ./db-migrate

Note: This script runs for a few minutes before launching IoT FND for the first time. Running this script after upgrading to a new version of IoT FND takes longer depending on the amount of data in the IoT FND database.

Note: If deploying a IoT FND server cluster, run the db-migrate script on only one cluster node.

The db-migrate command prompts you for the database password. The default password is cgms123.

Caution: Ensure that the password entered while running the db-migrate script is the correct password. If you enter an incorrect password multiple times, Oracle might lock your user account. If so, you have to unlock your account on the database server. Follow the steps below to unlock your password:

blank.gif If you enter an incorrect IoT FND Database password multiple times, Oracle locks your user account. Unlock your password using the Oracle software, as shown in this example:

# su - oracle
# sqlplus sys/<database_password>@cgms as sysdba
alter user cgms_dev account unlock;

Accessing the IoT FND Web GUI

IoT FND has a self-signed certificate for its Web GUI. You must add a security exception in your browser to access the IoT FND GUI. Once you start IoT FND, you can access its web GUI at:


The initial default username is root; the password is root123.

IoT FND uses the default password of root123 unless the password was changed when the setup script ran.

For more information on the setup script, see Setting Up IoT FND.

Note: If the IoT FND includes the Hardware Security Module (HSM), the Firefox browser will not connect to IoT FND. To work around this issue, open Firefox Preferences, navigate to Advancedblank.gif, and click the Encryption tab. Under Protocols, clear the Use TLS 1.0 check box. Reconnect to IoT FND and ensure that the page loaded properly.

HTTPS Connections

IoT FND only accepts TLSv1.2 based HTTPS connections. To access the IoT FND GUI, you must enable the TLSv1.2 protocol to establish an HTTPS connection with the IoT FND.

Note: IoT FND Release 2.1.1-54 and later do not support TLSv1.0 or TLSv1.1 based connections.

First-Time Log In Actions

Changing the Password

When you log in to IoT FND for the first time, a popup window prompts you to change the password.

Note: IoT FND supports a maximum 32-character password length.

1.blank.gif Enter your New password.

2.blank.gif Re-enter the new password in the Confirm Password field.

3.blank.gif Click Change Password.


Configuring the Time Zone

To configure the time zone, follow these steps:

1.blank.gif From the username drop-down menu (top right), choose Time Zone.

2.blank.gif Select a time zone.

3.blank.gif Click Update Time Zone.

4.blank.gif Click OK.

Changing the Sorting Order of Columns

For pages that display lists under a column heading (such as a list of routers) you can change the sort order (ascending or descending) by toggling the triangle icon in the column heading,

Filtering Lists

IoT FND lets you define filters on the DEVICES and OPERATIONS pages.

blank.gifTo define a filter, click Show Filters to the right of the search field to open a filter definition panel (shown below). After you define the search parameters in the field, click the magnifying glass icon to start search. Results display beneath the filter field.





blank.gifClick Hide Filters to close the search field.

In the following example, typing the search string deviceType:cgmesh status:up in the Search Devices field lists the mesh endpoint devices with an Up status.


Setting User Preferences for User Interface

You can define what items display in the user interface by selecting the Preferences option under the < user name> drop-down menu (top right).

In the User Preferences panel that displays, you can select those items (listed below) that you want to display by checking the box next to that option. Click Apply to save.

User Preference options include:

blank.gifShow chart on events page

blank.gifShow summary counts on events/issues page

blank.gifEnable map:

blank.gifDefault to map view

blank.gifShow device type and function on device pages: Routers, Endpoints, Head End Routers, Servers

Logging Out

Click Log Out in the <user name> drop-down menu (top right).


This section addresses key command-line interface (CLI) commands used to manage IoT FND:

blank.gifStarting IoT FND

blank.gifChecking IoT FND Status

blank.gifStopping IoT FND

blank.gifRestarting IoT FND

blank.gifIoT FND Log File Location

blank.gifIoT FND Helper Scripts

blank.gifUpgrading IoT FND

blank.gifUninstalling IoT FND

Starting IoT FND

To start IoT FND, run this command:

service cgms start

To configure IoT FND so that it runs automatically at boot time, run this command:

chkconfig cgms on

Checking IoT FND Status

To check IoT FND status, run this command:

service cgms status

Stopping IoT FND

To stop IoT FND, run this command:

service cgms stop

Note: The application typically takes approximately 10 seconds to stop. Run ps | grep java to verify that no Java processes are running.

Restarting IoT FND

To restart IoT FND, run this command:

service cgms restart

IoT FND Log File Location

The IoT FND log file (server.log) is located in the /opt/cgms/server/cgms/log directory.

IoT FND Helper Scripts

IoT FND Helper Scripts describes the helper IoT FND scripts in the /opt/cgms/bin/ directory.

Table 3 IoT FND Helper Scripts


Uninstalls the watchdog script.

Installs the watchdog script.

Tests the communication between cluster members.

Changes or resets the user password used to access IoT FND.

Prints cluster members.

Upgrading IoT FND

Note: It is not necessary to stop the database during normal upgrades. All upgrades are in-place.

Note: For virtual IoT FND installations using custom security certificates, see Managing Custom Certificates before performing this upgrade.

Caution: Run the following steps sequentially.

To upgrade the IoT FND application:

1.blank.gif Obtain the new IoT FND RPM.

2.blank.gif Stop IoT FND:

service cgms stop

Note: The application typically takes approximately 10 seconds to stop. Run ps | grep javablank.gif to verify that no Java processes are running.

3.blank.gif Make sure the cgms service has stopped:

service cgms status

4.blank.gif Upgrade the IoT FND RPM:

rpm -Uvh new_cgms_rpm_filename

Note: These files overwrite the files in /opt/cgms.

5.blank.gif Run the database migrations to upgrade the database from the /opt/cgms directory:

cd /opt/cgms/bin

Note: You must run the db-migrate script after each upgrade.

6.blank.gif When prompted, enter the database password. The default password is cgms123.

7.blank.gif Start IoT FND:

# service cgms start

You can also use the RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) GUI to start the IoT FND service (ADMIN > System Management > Server Settings > Services). For information, see the RHEL documentation.

Uninstalling IoT FND

Note: This deletes all IoT FND local installation configuration settings and installation files (for example, the keystore with your certificates).

Tip: If you plan to reinstall IoT FND, copy your current keystore and certificate files to use to overwrite the keystore and certificate files included with the install package.

To remove the IoT FND application, run these commands:

# rpm -e cgms
# rm -rf /opt/cgms

Cleaning up the IoT FND Database

To clean up the IoT FND database:

1.blank.gif (HA database configurations) Stop the Observer server.

2.blank.gif (HA database configurations) Run the $ORACLE_BASE/cgms/scripts/ha/ script to delete the standby database.

3.blank.gif (HA database configurations) Run the $ORACLE_BASE/cgms/scripts/ha/ script to delete the HA configuration from primary database.

4.blank.gif Run the $ORACLE_BASE/cgms/scripts/ script to delete primary database.

Installing and Configuring the IoT FND TPS Proxy

The first use of the optional TPS proxy is typically when a CGR sends an inbound request to initialize the portion of Zero Touch Deployment (ZTD) handled by IoT FND. IoT FND operates behind a firewall and does not have a publicly reachable IP address. When field area routers (CGRs) contact IoT FND for the first time, IoT FND requires that they use the TPS proxy. This server lets these routers contact the IoT FND application server to request tunnel provisioning (see Managing Tunnel Provisioning).

The TPS proxy does not have its own GUI. You must edit the properties in the and files for HTTPS outbound tunnel provisioning requests so that IoT FND recognizes them as requests from the TPS proxy.

After provisioning the tunnel(s), the field area routers can contact IoT FND directly without using the TPS proxy. IoT FND is notified of the exact certificate subject from the proxy certificate, and then authenticates that the HTTPS inbound requests are coming from the TPS proxy.

Setting Up the TPS Proxy

Install the cgms-tpsproxy RPM package Java application on a separate (TPS proxy) server to act as a stateless extension of IoT FND outside the firewall. The TPS proxy can be a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) server (see TPS proxy system requirements in the IoT FND Release Notes). The cgnms-tpsproxy application runs as a daemon on the server and requires the following configuration parameters:

blank.gifURL of the IoT FND server (to forward inbound requests).

blank.gifIP address of the IoT FND server, as part of a whitelist (approved list) for forwarding outbound requests.

Before you install the TPS proxy, obtain the TPS proxy installation package:


To configure the proxy-server settings:

1.blank.gif Configure a RHEL server to use as the TPS proxy.

2.blank.gif Connect this RHEL server so that it can be reached while outside the firewall.

3.blank.gif Configure the TPS proxy using the template file:

ssh root@tps_proxy_server
cd /opt/cgms-tpsproxy/conf

Note: Edit the and files after running the script during IoT FND TPS Proxy Enrollment.

4.blank.gif Edit the file to add the following lines defining the inbound and outbound addresses for the IoT FND application server:

[root@cgr-centos57 conf]# cat
cgms-keystore-password-hidden=<obfuscated password>

Note: You must edit the properties in the and files for HTTPS outbound tunnel provisioning requests so that IoT FND recognizes them as requests from the TPS proxy.

Configuring the TPS Proxy Firewall

To configure the TPS proxy firewall:

blank.gifSet up a firewall rule to allow HTTPS connections from the TPS proxy to the IoT FND server on port 9120 (for HTTPS inbound requests).

blank.gifSet up a firewall rule to allow HTTPS connections from the IoT FND server to the TPS proxy on port 9122 (for HTTPS outbound requests).

IoT FND TPS Proxy Enrollment

The enrollment process for the TPS proxy is the same as the IoT FND enrollment process. The certification authority (CA) that signs the certificate of the IoT FND application server must also sign the certificate of the TPS proxy. The certificate of the TPS proxy is stored in a Java keystore and is similar to the IoT FND certificate.

For the enrollment process, consider these scenarios:

blank.gifFresh installation

blank.gifIf the keystore password is the same as the default password, change the default password.

Note: We strongly recommend that you change all default passwords. Do not use special characters such as, @, #, !, or + as the script cannot encrypt special characters.

blank.gifIf the keystore password is different from default password, run the script and copy the encrypted password to the properties file.

Note: Edit the and files after running the script.


Regardless of whether you are using the default password or a custom one, the upgrade process encrypts the password in the /opt/cgms-tpsproxy/conf/ file.

For information on IoT FND enrollment, refer to Generating and Exporting Certificates in the Generating and Installing Certificates chapter of this guide.

To enroll the terminal TPS proxy:

1.blank.gif Create a cgms_keystore file.

2.blank.gif Add your certifications to this file.

3.blank.gif Copy the file to the /opt/cgms-tpsproxy/conf directory.

Configuring IoT FND to Use the TPS Proxy

You must edit the properties in the and files for HTTPS outbound tunnel provisioning requests so that IoT FND recognizes them as requests from the TPS proxy. The TPS proxy logs all inbound and outbound requests.

Note: If the properties in the and files are not set, IoT FND does not recognize the TPS proxy, drops the forwarded request, and considers it from an unknown device.

Note: The following examples employ variable not mandatory values, and are provided as examples only.

To configure IoT FND to use the TPS proxy:

1.blank.gif Open an SSH connection to the IoT FND server:

ssh root@nms_machine
cd /opt/cgms/server/cgms/conf/

Note: Edit the and files after running the script during IoT FND TPS Proxy Enrollment.

2.blank.gif Edit the file to add lines identifying the TPS proxy IP address, domain name, and user subjects in the cgdm-tpsproxy-subject property:

Note: The cgdm-tpsproxy-subject property must match the installed TPS proxy certificate.

cgdm-tpsproxy-subject=CN="common_name", OU="organizational_unit", O="organization", L="location", ST="state", C="country"

Note: Use quotes around comma-separated strings.

Starting the IoT FND TPS Proxy

Start the TPS proxy after it is installed, configured, and enrolled.

To start the TPS proxy, run the start script:

service tpsproxy start

The TPS proxy log file is located at:


Note: For information, see TPS Proxy Validation.

TPS Proxy Validation

The TPS proxy logs all HTTPS inbound and outbound requests in the TPS proxy log file located at /opt/cgms-tpsproxy/log/tpsproxy.log

The following entry in the TPS proxy tpsproxy.log file defines inbound requests for a CGR:

73: cgr-centos57: May 21 2014 01:05:20.513 -0700: %CGMS-6-UNSPECIFIED: %[ch=TpsProxyServlet-49dc423f][eid=CGR1240/K9+JAF1732ARCJ][ip=][sev=INFO][tid=qtp46675819-29]: Inbound proxy request from [] with client certificate subject [, SERIALNUMBER=PID:CGR1240/K9 SN:JAF1732ARCJ]

This message entry in the TPS proxy tpsproxy.log file indicates that the TPS successfully forwarded the message to IoT FND:

74: cgr-centos57: May 21 2014 01:05:20.564 -0700: %CGMS-6-UNSPECIFIED: %[ch=TpsProxyServlet-49dc423f][sev=INFO][]: Completed inbound proxy request from [] with client certificate subject [, SERIALNUMBER=PID:CGR1240/K9 SN:JAF1732ARCJ]

The following entry in the IoT FND server log file identifies the TPS proxy:

Request came from proxy
Using forwarded client subject (CN=cg-cgr-1, SERIALNUMBER=PID:CGR1240/K9 SN:JSJ15220047) for authentication

The following entry in the TPS proxy tpsproxy.log file defines outbound requests:

%CGMS-6-UNSPECIFIED: %[ch=TpsProxyOutboundHandler][ip=][sev=INFO][tid=qtp257798932-15]: Outbound proxy request from [] to []

The following entry in the IoT FND server log file identifies the HTTPS connection:

Using proxy at to send to commands:

Backing Up and Restoring the IoT FND Database

The following topics demonstrate how IoT FND supports both full and incremental database backups:

blank.gifBefore You Begin

blank.gifCreating a Full Backup of the IoT FND Database

blank.gifScheduling a Full IoT FND Backup

blank.gifRestoring a IoT FND Backup

Before You Begin

Before backing up your IoT FND database:

1.blank.gif Download and install the latest cgms-oracle- version_number.x86_64.rpm package.

2.blank.gif Copy the scripts, templates, and tools folders from the /opt/cgms-oracle folder to the $ORACLE_BASE/cgms folder.

3.blank.gif Set the ownership of the files and folders you copied to oracle:dba.

Creating a Full Backup of the IoT FND Database

Full backups back up all the blocks from the data file. Full backups are time consuming and consume more disk space and system resources than partial backups.

IoT FND lets you perform full hot backups of IoT FND database. In a hot backup, IoT FND and the IoT FND database are running during the backup.

Note: The destination backup directory must be writable by the oracle user and have enough space for the IoT FND data.

To create a backup file of the IoT FND software:

1.blank.gif On the IoT FND database server, open a CLI window.

2.blank.gif Switch to the user oracle:

su - oracle

3.blank.gif Change directory to the location of the IoT FND backup script (

cd /home/oracle/app/oracle/cgms/scripts

4.blank.gif Run the backup script and specify the destination folder. For example, to store the backup data in the /home/oracle/bkp folder, enter this command:

./ full /home/oracle/bkp
08-03-2012 15:54:10 PST: INFO: ========== CGMS Database Backup Started ==========
08-03-2012 15:54:10 PST: INFO: Log file: /tmp/cgms_backup_restore.log
Are you sure you want to backup CG-NMS database (y/n)? y

5.blank.gif Enter y to begin the backup process.

Scheduling a Full IoT FND Backup

To schedule a full IoT FND backup to run daily at 1:00 AM (default setting):

Note: The destination backup directory must be writable by the oracle user and have enough space for the IoT FND data.

1.blank.gif On the IoT FND database server, open a CLI window.

2.blank.gif Switch to the user oracle :

su - oracle

3.blank.gif Change directory to the location of the IoT FND backup script (

cd /home/oracle/app/oracle/cgms/scripts

4.blank.gif Run the backup script and specify the destination folder.

To change the backup scheduling interval, edit the script before running it.
For example, to store the backup data in /home/oracle/bkp, enter this command:

./ /home/oracle/bkp

To delete the backup job, enter these commands:

cd /home/oracle/app/oracle/cgms/scripts

Backing Up the IoT FND Database Incrementally

Incremental backups only back up data file blocks that changed since the previous specified backup. IoT FND supports two incremental backup levels, and an hourly log backup:

blank.gifincr0–Base backup for subsequent incremental backups. This is similar to a full backup. For large deployments (millions of mesh endpoints and several thousand routers such as CGR1000 and IR800), run incr0 backups twice a week.

blank.gifincr1–Differential backup of all blocks changed since the last incremental backup. For large deployments (millions of mesh endpoints and several thousand routers), run incr1 backups once a day.

Note: An incr0 backup must run before an incr1 backup to establish a base for the incr1 differential backup.

blank.gifHourly archivelog backup–The Oracle Database uses archived logs to record all changes made to the database. These files grow over time and can consume a large amount of disk space. Schedule the script to run every hour. This script backs up the database archive (.arc) log files, stores them on a different server, and deletes the source archivelog files to free space on the database server.

Tip: Before performing any significant operation that causes many changes in the IoT FND database (for example, importing a million mesh endpoints or uploading firmware images to mesh endpoints), perform am incr0 backup. After the operation completes, perform another incr0 backup, and then resume the scheduled incremental backups.

Performing an Incremental Backup

Note: The destination backup directory must be writable by the oracle user and have enough space for the IoT FND data.

To perform an incremental backup:

1.blank.gif On the IoT FND database server, open a CLI window.

2.blank.gif Switch to the user oracle and change directory to the location of the IoT FND backup script:

su - oracle
cd /home/oracle/app/oracle/cgms/scripts

3.blank.gif Run the backup script and specify the incremental backup level and the destination folder where the backup data is stored (for example, /home/oracle/bkp). For example, to perform an incr0 backup to/home/oracle/bkp, enter the command:

./ incr0 /home/oracle/bkp

To perform an incr1 backup, enter the command:

./ incr1 /home/oracle/bkp

Restoring a IoT FND Backup

Perform database backups and restores using the scripts provided in the cgms-oracle.rpm package. If using the supplied scripts, backups and restores only work if performed on the same Oracle database version.

Note: Backups from Oracle version can only be restored on v11.2.0.1 if using the supplied scripts. Backups do not work across different versions of Oracle, for example, a backup taken on cannot be restored on using the supplied scripts. If a database upgrade from to is required, follow the Oracle upgrade procedure. Refer to the Oracle upgrade document and Web site.

IoT FND supports restoring IoT FND backups on the same host or different host. If you choose to restore IoT FND backups on a different host, ensure that the host runs the same or a higher version of the Oracle database software and that IoT FND database on the destination host was created using the script.

Note: IoT FND does not support cross-platform backups.

To restore a IoT FND backup:

1.blank.gif Stop IoT FND.

service cgms stop

2.blank.gif Switch to the user oracle, change directories to the script location, and stop Oracle:

su -oracle
cd /home/oracle/app/oracle/cgms/scripts

3.blank.gif To restore the IoT FND database, run the command:

./ full-backup-file

Tip: Performing a restore from a full backup can be time consuming. For large deployments, we recommend restoring the database from incremental backups.

To restore IoT FND database from an incremental backup, run these commands and specify the path to last incremental backup file:

su -oracle
cd /home/oracle/app/oracle/cgms/scripts
./ last-incr1-backup-file

The restore script might display these errors:

06-08-2012 13:12:56 PDT: INFO: Import completed successfully
06-08-2012 13:12:56 PDT: INFO: Shared memory file system. Required (1K-blocks): 6084456,
Available (1K-blocks): 4083180
06-08-2012 13:12:56 PDT: ERROR: Insufficient shared memory file system. Increase your
shared memory file system before restoring this database.
06-08-2012 13:12:56 PDT: ERROR: ========== CGMS Database Restore Failed ==========
06-08-2012 13:12:56 PDT: ERROR: Check log file for more information.

To avoid these errors, increase the size of the shared memory file system:

###### as "root" user
###### Following command allocates 6G to shm. Adjust size as needed.
# umount tmpfs
# mount -t tmpfs tmpfs -o size=6G /dev/shm
###### Edit /etc/fstab and replace defaults as shown below
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs size=6G 0 0

4.blank.gif Start Oracle:


5.blank.gif Change directories to /opt/cgms and run the db-migrate script:

$ cd /opt/cgms
$ bin/db-migrate

When you restore a IoT FND database, the restore script restores the database to the IoT FND version the database was using. An error returns if you restore an old database to a newer version of IoT FND. Run the migrate script to ensure that the database runs with the current version of IoT FND.

6.blank.gif Start IoT FND:

service cgms start

For disaster recovery, perform a clean restore. The script starts by deleting the current IoT FND database:

$ su -oracle
$ cd /home/oracle/app/oracle/cgms/scripts
$ ./
INFO: ======== CGMS Database Deletion Started - 2011-10-16-07-24-09 ==========
INFO: Log file: /tmp/cgmsdb_setup.log
INFO: Deleting database. This may take a while. Please be patient...
INFO: Delete database completed successfully
INFO: ========== CGMS Database Deletion Completed Successfully - 2011-10-16-07-25-01 ==========

If a clean restore is not required, use the Oracle tool to restore the database.

Deploying IoT FND/Oracle/TPS Virtual Machines on ESX 5.x

You use the VMware vSphere client to import OVA files into ESXi 5.x.


blank.gifInstall the VMware vSphere Client for the ESXi 5.x server.

blank.gifLocate the VMware ESXi 5. x credentials to create virtual machines in ESXi 5.x.

blank.gifEnsure that you meet the VMware server machine requirements.

Listed below are the VM CPU and memory requirements for a small scale deployment:


blank.gif16 GB memory

blank.gif1 core and 4 virtual sockets

blank.gif150 GB of virtual storage

Oracle OVA

blank.gif24 GB of memory

blank.gif2 virtual sockets with 2 cores per socket

blank.gif300 GB of virtual storage


blank.gif4 GB of memory

blank.gif1 virtual socket with 1 core

blank.gif50 GB of virtual storage


To import the IoT FND, Oracle, and TPS virtual appliances into ESXi 5.x or ESXi6.x using VMware vSphere Client version 5.0.0 or 6.0.0, respectively:

1.blank.gif Select the Network Adapter > NAT setting for the server.

2.blank.gif At the VMware vSphere Client window enter the IP address, username and password of the server where VMware resides. Click Login.




3.blank.gif Select File > Deploy OVF Template...

4.blank.gif Browse to the FND-OVA\oracle-415.ovf file.



5.blank.gif Ensure that the correct OVA file displays in the Source location window, and then click Next. ( Note: The Next button, not shown, is found in the bottom, right-hand portion of the window.)

6.blank.gif In the OVF Template Details window, enter the Name and Inventory Location of the deployed template (for example, FND-Oracle-12c-VM) Click Next.

7.blank.gif In the next window that appears, verify the OVA file name matches what you entered in the previous window. If no issues, click Next. If the OVA file name does not match, click Back and reenter the information.






8.blank.gif Select a Storage destination for the VM deployed template.



9.blank.gif In the Disk Format window (not shown), select the Thin Provision option, and then click Next.


Note: Thin Provision allows the VM disk to grow as needed.


10.blank.gif In the Ready to Complete window, confirm your deployment settings, and then click Finish. Deployment of the FND-Oracle-12C-VM templates begins.

11.blank.gif After completion of the FND-Oracle-12c-VM install, a window displays.

blank.gifIn the left panel, select the FND-Oracle-12c-VM server.

blank.gifIn the right panel, Under Basic Task, select Edit virtual machine settings to confirm CPU and MEM settings.

blank.gifClick OK to close the window.





12.blank.gif Click Power on the virtual machines and select Console tab in the window that opens. The console opens showing possible RHEL server versions to select.



13.blank.gif After you select a RHEL option, you will be prompted for your username and password.

14.blank.gif Click Sign In and select the GNOME Classic option.



15.blank.gif Click Sign In.

16.blank.gif At the Welcome screen, select the default language (such as English-United States) for the interface, Click Next.

17.blank.gif Continue through the install script until you reach the final screen that indicates that “Your computer is ready to use.” Click Start using Red Hat Enterprise Linus Server button.

18.blank.gif Close Getting Started window, right-click to open.

19.blank.gif At the Application Places window, right-click in the window to display a menu panel. Select Open in Terminal.