Deploy the ASA Virtual Auto Scale Solution on OCI

Use Case

The use case for this ASA virtual – OCI Autoscale solution is shown in the Use Case diagram. Internet-facing load balancer has public ip address with ports enabled using Listener and Target Group combination.

Figure 1. Use Case Diagram

Port based bi-furcation can be implemented for network traffic. This can be achieved through NAT rules. This configuration example is explained in the following sections.


Permission and Policies

Following are the OCI permissions and policies that you require to implement the solution:

  1. Users and Group


    You must be an OCI User or a Tenancy Administrator to create the Users and Groups.

    Create Oracle Cloud Infrastructure user accounts and a group to which the user accounts belong. If the relevant group with user accounts exist, you need not create them. For instructions on creating users and groups, see Creating Groups and Users.

  2. Group Policies

    You need to create the policies and then map them to the group. To create the policies, go to OCI > Identity & Security > Policies > Create Policy. Create and add the following policies to the desired group:

    • Allow group <Group_Name> to use metrics in compartment <Compartment_Name>

    • Allow group <Group_Name> to manage alarms in compartment <Compartment_Name>

    • Allow group <Group_Name> to manage ons-topics in compartment <Compartment_Name>

    • Allow group <Group_Name> to inspect metrics in compartment <Compartment_Name>

    • Allow group <Group_Name> to read metrics in compartment <Compartment_Name>

    • Allow group <Group_Name> to use tag-namespaces in compartment <Compartment_Name>

    • Allow group <Group_Name> to read log-groups in compartment <Compartment_Name>

    • Allow group <Group_Name> to use instance-pools compartment <Compartment_Name>

    • Allow group <Group_Name> to use cloud-shell in tenancy

    • Allow group <Group_Name> to read objectstorage-namespace in tenancy

    • Allow group <Group_Name> to manage repos in tenancy


    You can create policies at tenancy level as well. It is at your discretion how you want to provide all the permissions.

  3. Permission for Oracle Functions

    To enable a Oracle-Function to access another Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resource, include the function in a dynamic group, and then create a policy to grant the dynamic group access to that resource.

  4. Create Dynamic Group

    To create dynamic groups, go to OCI > Identity & Security > Dynamic Group > Create Dynamic Group

    Specify the following rule while creating the dynamic group:

    ALL {resource.type = 'fnfunc', = '<Your_Compartment_OCID>'}

    For more details on dynamic groups, see:

  5. Create Policy for Dynamic Group

    To add policy, go to OCI > Identity & Security > Policies > Create Policy. Add the following policy to the group:

    Allow dynamic-group <Dynamic_Group_Name> to manage all-resources in compartment <Compartment_OCID>

Download files from GitHub

ASA virtual – OCI Autoscale solution is delivered as a GitHub repository. You can pull or download the files from the repository.

Python3 Environment

A file can be found in the cloned repository. This program compresses the oracle functions and template files into a Zip file; copy them to a target folder. In order to do these tasks, the Python 3 environment should be configured.


This python script can be used only on Linux environment.

Infrastructure Configuration

The following must be configured:

  1. VCN

    Create VCN as required for your ASA virtual application. Create VCN with the Internet Gateway having at least one of the subnet attached with route to internet.

    For information on creating VCN, see

  2. Application Subnets

    Create subnets as required for your ASA virtual application. To implement the solution as per this use case, ASA virtual instance requires 3 subnets for its operation.

    For information on creating subnet, see

  3. Outside Subnet

    Subnet should have route with '' to Internet Gateway. This subnet contains the Outside interface of Cisco ASA virtual and the Internet-facing Load balancer. Ensure that the NAT Gateway is added for outbound traffic.

    For more information, see the following documents:

  4. Inside Subnet

    This is similar to the Application Subnets, with or without NAT/Internet gateway.


    For ASA virtual health probes, you can reach the metadata server ( through Port 80.

  5. Management Subnet

    Management subnet should be public so that it supports SSH accessibility to the ASA virtual.

  6. Security Groups- Network Security Group for ASA virtual Instance

    Configure the security group for ASA virtual instances that addresses the following requirements:

    • The Oracle Functions(in same VCN) perform SSH connections to ASA virtual’s management address.

    • Admin hosts might need SSH access to ASA virtual instances.

    • ASA virtual initiates communication with CSSM/Satellite servers for licensing.

  7. Object Storage Namespace

    This object storage namespace is used for hosting static website, having configuration.txt file. You must create a pre-authenticated requests for the configuration.txt file. This pre-authenticated URL is used during the template deployment.


    Ensure that the following configurations that are uploaded are accessible by the ASA virtual instances through HTTP URL.

    When ASA virtual is booted, it executes the following command$ copy /noconfirm <configuration.txt file’s pre-authenticated request URL > disk0:Connfiguration.txt

    This command enables ASA virtual launch to be configured with configuration.txt file.

  8. Upload configuration.txt file

    To create a pre-authenticated request URL of the ASA virtual config file:

    1. Click Buckets > Create Bucket.

    2. Click Upload.

    3. When the config file is uploaded, choose Create Pre-Authenticated Request as shown in the figure below.


    The config file should be accessible from the oracle-function now.

Network Configuration

  1. Inbound traffic

    Make sure that <Application VM IP> address is correct in configuration.txt as mentioned in Configuring Objects, Licensing, NAT rules and Access Policies.

  2. Outbound Traffic

    • Make sure that <External Server IP> address is correct in configuration.txt. as mentioned in Configuring Objects, Licensing, NAT rules and Access Policies.

    • Make sure there is one NAT Gateway in your Outside VCN.

    • Make sure to add same <External Server IP> address in route table of your Outside VCN, destined through NAT gateway, as shown in the example figure below:

Encrypt Password


For more information on this procedure, see Create Vaults and Secrets.

Password for ASA virtual is used to configure all the ASA virtual instances being used while autoscaling and it is used to retrieve the CPU usage data of the ASA virtual instances.

Therefore, you need to save and process the password every now and then. Owing to the frequent changes and vulnerability, editing or saving the password in the plain-text format is not allowed. Password must be in an encrypted format only.

To obtain password in encrypted form:


Step 1

Create Vault.

OCI Vault provides services to create and save master encryption keys safely, and methods for encryption and decryption in using them. So Vault should be created (if not having already) in the same compartment as the rest of the autoscale solution.

Go to OCI > Identity & Security > Vault > Choose or Create New Vault


Step 2

Create Master Encryption Key.

One master encryption key is needed to encrypt the plain text password.

Go to OCI > Identity & Security > Vault > Choose or Create Key

Choose any of the keys from any of the given algorithm with any bit of length.

  1. AES – 128, 192, 256

  2. RSA – 2048, 3072, 4096

  3. ECDSA – 256, 384, 521

Figure 2. Create Key

Step 3

Create encrypted password.

  1. Go to OCI > Open CloudShell (OCI Cloud Terminal)

  2. Execute following command by replacing <Password> as your password.

    echo -n '<Password>' | base64
  3. From the selected Vault, copy cryptographic endpoint and master encryption key OCID. Replace the following values, and then execute the encrypt command:

    • KEY_OCID with Your key’s OCID

    • Cryptographic_Endpoint_URL with Your vault’s cryptographic endpoint URL

    • Password with Your password

    Encrypt Command

    oci kms crypto encrypt --key-id Key_OCID --endpoint

    Cryptographic_Endpoint_URL --plaintext <base64-value-of-password>

  4. Copy ciphertext from output of the above command and use it as required.

Preparation of the ASA Configuration File

Ensure that the Application is either deployed or its deployment plan is available.


Step 1

Collect the following input parameters before deployment:


Data Type




OCID of the tenancy to which your account belongs. To know how to find your tenancy OCID, see here.

The tenancy OCID looks something like this - ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<unique_ID>



The OCID of the compartment in which to create the resources.

Example: ocid1.compartment.oc1..<unique_ID>



Name of the compartment



The unique identifier of the region in which you want the resources to be created.


us-phoenix-1, us-ashburn-1



A template that determines the total pre-provisioned bandwidth (ingress plus egress) of the external and internal load balancer.

Supported values: 100Mbps, 10Mbps, 10Mbps-Micro, 400Mbps, 8000Mbps

Example: 100Mbps


Comma separated value

Example: Tpeb:PHX-AD-1



Execute oci iam availability-domain list command in the Cloud Shell to get the availability domain names.


comma separated value

The minimum and the maximum number of instances that you would want to retain in the instance pool.

Example: 1,5



The prefix to be used to name all the resources that are created using the template. For example, if the resource prefix is given as 'autoscale', all the resources are named as follows - autoscale_resource1, autoscale_resource2 etc.



The URL of the configuration file uploaded to the object storage to be used to configure the ASA virtual.



Pre-Authenticated Request URL of the configuration file has to be given

Example: https://objectstorage.<region-name>.<object-storage-name>/ oci-asav-configuration.txt



OCID of the Management subnet that is to be used.



OCID of the Inside subnet that is to be used.



OCID of the Outside subnet that is to be used.



OCID of the Management subnet network security group that is to be used.



OCID of the Inside subnet network security group that is to be used.



OCID of the Outside subnet network security group that is to be used.


comma separated Values

List of the communication ports for the external load balancer listener.

Example: 80


comma separated Values

List of the communication ports for the internal load balancer listener.

Example: 80



The backend server port of load balancer against which the health check is executed.

Example: 8080



The shape of the instance to be created. The shape determines the number of CPUs, amount of memory, and other resources allocated to the instance.

Supported shapes :"VM.Standard2.4" & "VM.Standard2.8"



The load balancer policy to be used for the internal and external load balancer’s backend set. To know more about how load balancer policies work, see here.




The name of the marketplace image to be used for creating the instance configuration.

Default value : "Cisco ASA virtual firewall (ASAv)"



If the user wants to deploy custom image, user has to configure the custom_image_ocid parameter.



The Version of the ASA virtual image available in OCI Marketplace to be used. Currently, and 9.16.1 versions are available.

Default value : "Cisco ASA virtual firewall (ASAv)"


Comma separated value

The CPU usage thresholds to be used for scale-in and scale-out. Specify the scale-in and scale-out threshold values as comma separated input.

Example : 15,50

where, 15 is the scale-in threshold and 50 is the scale-out threshold.



OCID of the custom image to be used to create instance configuration if the marketplace image is not to be used.



custom_image_ocid is optional parameter



The password for ASA virtual in the encrypted form, to SSH into the ASA virtual for configuration. Use configuration guide for the instructions on how to encrypt password or see here.



Cryptographic endpoint is a URL, that is used for decrypting password. It can be found in the Vault.



The OCID of key with which the password was encrypted. It can be found in the Vault.

Profile Name

It is the User’s profile name in OCI. It can be found under profile section of the user.

Example: oracleidentitycloudservice/ <user>@<mail>.com

Object Storage Namespace

It is unique identifier created at the time of Tenancy creation. You can find this value in OCI > Administration > Tenancy Details

Authorization Token

This is used as password for docker login which authorizes to push Oracle-Functions into the OCI container registry. To procure the token, go to OCI > Identity > Users > User Details > Auth Tokens > Generate Token.

Step 2

Configure Objects, Licensing, NAT rule for Load Balancer health probes and Access Policies.

! Default route via outside
route outside <Outside Subnet gateway> 2
! Health Check Configuration
object network metadata-server
object service health-check-port
service tcp destination eq <health-check-port>
object service http-port
service tcp destination eq <traffic port>
route inside <Inside Subnet GW> 1
! Health check NAT
nat (outside,inside) source static any interface destination static interface metadata-server service health-check-port http-port
nat (inside,outside) source static any interface destination static interface metadata-server service health-check-port http-port
! Outbound NAT
object network inside-subnet
subnet <Inside Subnet> <Inside Subnet Gateway>
object network external-server
host <External Server IP>
nat (inside,outside) source static inside-subnet interface destination static interface external-server
! Inbound NAT
object network outside-subnet
subnet <Outside Subnet> <Outside Subnet GW>
object network http-server-80
host <Application VM IP>
nat (outside,inside) source static outside-subnet interface destination static interface http-server-80
dns domain-lookup outside 
DNS server-group DefaultDNS 
! License Configuration
profile license 
destination transport-method http 
destination address http <URL>
debug menu license 25 production
license smart
feature tier standard 
throughput level <Entitlement>
licence smart register idtoken <License token> force

These health probe connections and data plane configuration should be allowed on Access policy.

Step 3

Update configuration.txt file with the configuration details.

Step 4

Upload configuration.txt file to the user created object storage space and create the pre-authenticated request for the uploaded file.



Ensure that pre-authenticated request URL of configuration.txt is used in the stack deployment.

Step 5

Create Zip files.

A file can be found in the cloned repository. Execute the python3 build command to create the zip files. The target folder has the following files.



If you are deploying the autoscale solution using cloud shell, update the easy_deploy/deployment_parameters.json file before executing the python3 build. For updating, refer Collection of input parameters and Deploy Oracle-Function Deployment.

Deploy the Auto Scale Solution

After completing the pre-requisite steps for deployment, start creating the OCI stack. You can perform a manual deployment or perform deployment using the cloud shell. Deployment scripts and templates for your version are available in the GitHub repository.

Manual Deployment

End-to-end Autoscale solution deployment consist of three steps: Deploy Terraform Template-1 Stack, Deploy Oracle Functions, and then Deploy Terraform Template-2.

Deploy Terraform Template-1 Stack


Step 1

Log into the OCI portal.

The region is displayed in the upper right corner of your screen. Make sure you are in the intended region.

Step 2

Choose Developer Service > Resource Manager > Stack > Create Stack

Choose My Configuration, and then select the Terraform file in the target folder as Terraform Configuration Source as shown in the figure below.

Step 3

In the Transform version drop-down list, select 0.13.x or 0.14.x.

Step 4

In the next step, enter all the details as collected in Collection of Input parameters.



Enter valid input parameters, otherwise stack deployment may fail in further steps.

Step 5

In the next step, choose Terraform Actions > Apply.

Post successful deployment, proceed to deploy the Oracle functions.

Deploy Oracle Functions


This step must be performed only after successful Terraform Template-1 deployment.

In OCI, Oracle Functions are uploaded as Docker Images, which are saved into the OCI container registry. Oracle Functions are needed to be pushed into one of the OCI Application (created in Terraform Template-1) at the time of deployment.


Step 1

Open OCI Cloud Shell.

Step 2

Upload and

From the Cloud Shell's hamburger menu, choose Upload.

Step 3

Verify files using the ls command.

Step 4

Run python3 -h. The script requires some input parameters whose details can be found using help argument, as shown in figure below.

To run the script pass the following arguments:

Table 1. Arguments and Details



Application Name

It is the name of OCI Application created by Terraform Template-1 deployment. Its value is obtained by combining “autoscale_group_prefix” given in Template-1 and suffix “_application”.

Region Identifier

Region identifier is the region codeword fixed in the OCI for different regions.

Example: 'us-phoenix-1' for Phoenix or “ap-melbourne-1” for Melbourne.

To get the list of all region with their region identifiers, go to OCI > Administration > Region Management.

Profile Name

It is simple User’s profile name in OCI.

Example: oracleidentitycloudservice/<user>@<mail>.com

The name can be found under profile section of the user.

Compartment OCID

It is the compartment’s OCID (Oracle Cloud Identifier). Compartment OCID where user have the OCI Application.

Go to OCI > Identity > Compartment > Compartment Details.

Object Storage Namespace

It is unique identifier created at the time of Tenancy creation.

Go to OCI > Administration > Tenancy Details.

Authorization Token

This is used as password for docker login which authorizes it to push Oracle-Functions into the OCI container registry. Specify the token in quotes in the deployment script.

Go to OCI > Identity > Users > User Details > Auth Tokens > Generate Token.

For some reason, if you are not able to see User Details then click Developer services > Functions. Go to the application created by Terraform Template-1. Click Getting Started, and choose Cloud Shell Setup and among the steps you will find the link to generate auth token as shown below.

Step 5

Run the python3 command by passing valid input arguments. It will take some time to deploy all the functions. You can then remove the file and close the Cloud Shell.

Deploy Terraform Template-2

Template 2 deploys the resources related to alarm creation, including alarms, ONS topics for invoking function. The deployment of template 2 is similar to Terraform Template-1 deployment.


Step 1

Log into the OCI portal.

The region is displayed in the upper right corner of your screen. Make sure you are in the intended region.

Step 2

Choose Developer Service > Resource Manager > Stack > Create Stack.

Select Terraform template in the target folder as source of Terraform configuration.

Step 3

In next step, click Terraform Actions > Apply.

Deploy Autoscale Using Cloud Shell

To avoid the deployment overhead, you can invoke the easy, end-to-end deployment script to deploy the autoscale solution (terraform template1, template2 and oracle functions).


Step 1

Upload the file in the target folder to the cloud shell and extract the files.

Step 2

Make sure you have updated the input parameters in the deployment_parameters.json before executing the python3 build command.

Step 3

To start the autoscale solution deployment, run the python3 command on the cloud shell.

It will take approximately 10-15 minutes for the solution deployment to complete.

If there is any error during the solution deployment, error log is saved.

Validate Deployment

Validate if all resources are deployed and the Oracle Functions are connected with Alarm & Events. By default, instance pool has minimum and maximum number of instances as zero. You can edit the instance pool in OCI UI with the minimum and maximum number that you want. This will trigger new ASA virtual instances.

We recommend that you launch only one instance and check for its workflow, validate its behaviour to ensure that it is working as it is expected. Post this validation, you can deploy the actual requirements of ASA virtual.


Specify the minimum number of ASA virtual instances as Scale-In protected to avoid their removal by OCI scaling policies.


Upgrade Autoscale Stack

No support for upgrade in this release. Stacks should be re-deployed.

Upgrade ASA Virtual VMs

No support for upgrade for ASA virtual VMs in this release. The Stack should be re-deployed with the required ASA virtual image.

Instance Pool

  1. To change minimum and maximum number of instances in the Instance Pool:

    Click Developer Services > Function > Application Name(created by Terraform Template 1) > Configuration.

    Change the min_instance_count and max_instance_count respectively.

  2. Deletion/Termination of Instance is not equal to Scale-in. If any instance in the Instance Pool is deleted/terminated due to external action and not the scale-in action, instance pool automatically initiates a new instance to recover.

  3. Max_instance _count defines threshold limit for Scale-out action, but it can be surpassed by changing the instance count of the Instance Pool through the UI. Ensure that the instance count from UI is less than max_instance_count set in OCI Application. Else, increase the threshold accordingly.

  4. Reducing the count of instances in Instance Pool directly from the application does not perform the clean-up actions set programmatically. Due to which backends will not be drained and removed from both the load balancers, if ASA virtual has license, it will be lost.

  5. Due to some reasons, if ASA virtual instance is unhealthy, not responding and unreachable through SSH for some definite period of time, instance is removed from the instance pool forcefully, any license may be lost.

Oracle Functions

  • Oracle Functions are actually docker images. These images are saved into root directory of OCI Container registry. These images should not be deleted as it will also delete the function that are used in the Autoscale solution.

  • OCI Application created by Terraform template-1, contains crucial environmental variables, which are required by Oracle Functions to work properly. Neither the value nor the format of these environment variables should be changed, unless it is mandated. Any changes made are reflected with new instances only.

Load Balancer Backend Sets

In OCI, Load Balancer attachment to instance pool is only supported using primary interface that is configured as management interface in ASA virtual. Hence, inside interface is connected to Internal Load Balancer’s backend set; outside interface is connected to External load balancer’s backend set. These IPs are not automatically added or removed from backend set. The Autoscale solution programmatically handles both of this task. But in case of any external action, maintenance or troubleshooting, there could be situation demanding manual effort to operate on them.

As per requirements, more ports can be opened on Load Balancer using listener and backend sets. Upcoming instances IPs are automatically added to the backend set, however already existing instances IPs should be manually added.

Adding Listener in Load Balancer

To add some port as listener in Load Balancer, go to OCI > Networking > Load Balancer > Listener > Create Listener.

Register a backend to Backend Set

In order to register an ASA virtual instance to Load Balancer, ASA virtual instance Outside interface IP should be configured as a backend in the Backend Set of External Load Balancer. Inside interface IP should be configured as backend in Backend set of Internal Load Balancer. Ensure that the port you are using has been added into the listener.

Delete Autoscale Configuration from OCI

Stacks deployed using terraform can be deleted in the same manner, using Resource Manager in OCI. Deletion of stack removes all the resources created by it and all the information associated with these resources are removed permanently.


In case of stack deletion, it is recommended to make the Minimum number of instances in Instance pool to 0, wait for instances to be terminated. This will help removal of all instances and won’t leave any residue.

You can perform a manual deletion or use Cloud Shell.

Manual Deletion

The end-to-end autoscale solution deletion consist of three steps: Delete Terraform Template-2 Stack, Delete Oracle Functions, and then Delete Terraform Template-1 Stack.

Delete Terraform Template-2 Stack

To delete the Autoscale configuration, you must begin with Terraform Template-2 stack deletion.


Step 1

Log into the OCI portal.

The region is displayed in the upper right corner of your screen. Make sure you are in the intended region.

Step 2

Choose Developer Services > Resource Manager > Stack.

Step 3

Select the stack created by Terraform Template-2, then select Destroy in Terraform Actions drop-down menu as shown in the figure below:

Destroy Job is created which takes some time to remove resources one after another. You can delete the stack after the destroy job is completed. as shown in the figure below:

Step 4

Proceed to delete the Oracle functions.

Delete Oracle-Functions

The Oracle-Function deployment is not a part of Terraform Template Stack deployment, it is uploaded separately using Cloud Shell. Hence, its deletion is also not supported by Terraform Stack deletion. You must delete all the Oracle-Functions inside the OCI application created by Terraform Template-1.


Step 1

Log into the OCI portal.

The region is displayed in the upper right corner of your screen. Make sure you are in the intended region.

Step 2

Choose Developer Services > Functions. Choose the application name that was created in Template-1 stack.

Step 3

Inside this application visit each function and delete it.

Delete Terraform Template-1 Stack


Template-1 Stack deletion will only succeed after deleting all Oracle-Functions.

Same as Terraform Template-2 Deletion.


Step 1

Log into the OCI portal.

The region is displayed in the upper right corner of your screen. Make sure you are in the intended region.

Step 2

Choose Developer Services > Resource Manager > Stack.

Step 3

Select the stack created by Terraform Template-2, then click Destroy in Terraform Actions drop-down menu. Destroy Job will be created which will take some time to remove resources one after another.

Step 4

After the destroy job is completed, you can delete the stack from More Actions drop-down menu as shown in the figure below.

Post successful deletion of Terraform Template-1 stack, you must verify whether all the resources are deleted and there is no residue of any kind.

Delete Autoscale Using Cloud Shell

User can use the script to delete the stacks and oracle functions by executing the python3 command in the cloud shell. If the stacks are deployed manually, update the stack id of the stack1 and stack2, and update the application id in the teardown_parameters.json file.