Center Backup and Restore

A new Command Line Interface (CLI) command is available to back up and restore a center. It will help the user to migrate a center from one appliance to another. For example, migrating a center from a virtual machine to a UCS appliance. The feature is designed to backup all settings and data, including:

  • Operating system settings (such as IP addresses, names, certificates, etc.)

  • Cyber Vision Settings

  • Cyber Vision Data

After restoration, the new center will function on the network just like the old center.

Backup and Restore Constraints

list of the constraints:

  • The new appliance requires an equal number of network interfaces as the center backed up.

  • Set up the new appliance with Cyber Vision configuration. (Achieve the center setup, at least for the eth0 IP address, which needs to be configured to transfer the center archive.

  • The new center interface configuration (single or dual) needs to match the backed-up center.

  • As the new center adopts all old center settings like the IP address, the old appliance needs to be powered off.

  • The Cyber Vision License cannot be copied.

    1. Return the license to the smart account server.

    2. After restoring, the new center needs to be licensed.

  • Install the report extension on the restored center.

    1. Report configuration and old report versions are copied.

Backup Cyber Vision Center


Step 1

Connect to the center in SSH.

Step 2

Type the following command:

sbs-backup export

A file will be generated in the folder: ‘/data/tmp/ccv-center-backup’

In the above given example, the created file is called:: ccv-center-backup-Center224433labautomccvlocal-4.4.0-20240405112443.tar.gz

Step 3

Copy the file to the new appliance for the restore.

Restore Cyber Vision Center

Copy the center backup file to the new center's /data/tmp/ folder.


Step 1

Connect to the center in SSH.

Step 2

Type the following command:

sudo -i 

sbs-backup import path-to center-backup 

Step 3

Type reboot to restart the sensor.

Step 4

Install the report management extension if necessary.

Step 5

Install a license on your center.

Automate the Backup of the Cyber Vision Center

Many tools are available to automate the Cyber Vision center backup.

rclone: It is a command line program to manage files. You can use it to synchronize your center backup with a remote drive.


Step 1

To handle the complex authentication of object storage systems, rclone requires configuration due to the information being stored in a config file. The simplest way to create this config is by running rclone with the config option:

sudo -i 

rclone config 

Various options are available, as mentioned here:

Example of config file:

Step 2

Rclone syncs a directory tree between storage systems. Here's the syntax:

Syntax: [options] subcommand <parameters> <parameters...>: 

For example:

sudo -i
rclone move /data/tmp/ccv-center-backup/ lab_sftp:/srv/pub/

With the example above, rclone will move the backup file stored in ‘/data/tmp/ccv-center-backup/’ to the remote drive ‘lab_sftp’.

Bash Script

You can use bash script to execute the two necessary commands mentioned below:

  • Generate the backup

  • Transfer the backup archive to a remote location

For example:

sbs-backup export 

rclone move /data/tmp/ccv-center-backup/ lab_sftp:/srv/pub/ 


You can schedule a bash script using cron to back up Cyber Vision data and send the backup file to a remote drive.

Usages are as follows:

  1. Edit crontab launching the command:

    • crontab -e
      : It allows you to edit the crontab file using the vi editor, enabling you to make modifications.
  2. Add the command mentioned bellow::

    • 00 01 * * 6 bash /data/tmp/