Distributing Administrative Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

Working with User Accounts

The email gateway provides two methods for adding user accounts: creating user accounts on the email gateways itself, and enabling user authentication using your own centralized authentication system, which can be either an LDAP or RADIUS directory. You can manage users and connections to external authentication sources on the System Administration > Users page in the GUI (or by using the userconfig command in the CLI). For information about using an external directory to authenticate users, see External Authentication.

The default user account for the system, admin, has all administrative privileges. The admin user account cannot be deleted, but you can change the passphrase and lock the account.

When you create a new user account, you assign the user to a predefined or a custom user role. Each role contains differing levels of permissions within the system.

Although there is no limit to the number of user accounts that you can create on the email gateway, you cannot create user accounts with names that are reserved by the system. For example, you cannot create the user accounts named “operator” or “root.”

User Roles

Table 1. User Roles Listing

User Role



The admin user is the default user account for the system and has all administrative privileges. The admin user account is listed here for convenience, but it cannot be assigned via a user role, and it cannot be edited or deleted, aside from changing the passphrase.

Only the admin user can issue the resetconfig and revert commands.


User accounts with the Administrator role have full access to all configuration settings of the system. However, only the admin user has access to the resetconfig and revert commands.


AsyncOS does not support multiple administrators configuring the email gateway from the GUI simultaneously.


User accounts with the Technician role can perform system upgrades, reboot the email gateway, and manage feature keys. Technicians can also perform the following actions in order to upgrade the email gateway:

  • Suspend email delivery and receiving.
  • View status of workqueue and listeners.
  • Save and email configuration files.
  • Back up safelists and blocklists. Technicians cannot restore these lists.
  • Disconnect the email gateway from a cluster.
  • Enable or disable remote service access for Cisco technical support.
  • Raise a support request.


User accounts with the Operator role are restricted from:

  • Creating or editing user accounts.
  • Issuing the resetconfig command.
  • Upgrading the email gateway.
  • Issuing the systemsetup command or running the System Setup Wizard.
  • Issuing the adminaccessconfig command.
  • Performing some quarantine functions (including creating, editing, deleting, and centralizing quarantines).
  • Modifying LDAP server profile settings other than username and passphrase, if LDAP is enabled for external authentication.

Otherwise, they have the same privileges as the Administrator role.


Users accounts with the Guest role can only view status information and reports. Users with the Guest role can also manage messages in quarantines, if access is enabled in a quarantine. Users with the Guest role cannot access Message Tracking.

Read-Only Operator

User accounts with the Read-Only Operator role have access to view configuration information. Users with the Read-Only Operator role can make and submit changes to see how to configure a feature, but they cannot commit them. Users with this role can manage messages in quarantines, if access is enabled in a quarantine.

Users with this role cannot access the following:

  • File system, FTP, or SCP.
  • Settings for creating, editing, deleting, or centralizing quarantines.

Help Desk User

User accounts with the Help Desk User role are restricted to:

  • Message tracking.
  • Managing messages in quarantines.

Users with this role cannot access to the rest of the system, including the CLI. You need to enable access in each quarantine before a user with this role can manage them.

Custom user role

User accounts with a custom user role can only access email security features assigned to the role. These features can be any combination of DLP policies, email policies, reports, quarantines, local message tracking, encryption profiles, Trace debugging tool, and access log subscriptions, Logging APIs, and log files. The users cannot access system configuration features, including enabling features globally. Only administrators can define custom user roles. See Managing Custom User Roles for Delegated Administration for more information.


Users assigned to custom roles cannot access the CLI.

Cloud Roles

The Cloud Email Security appliance uses a set of user roles designed specifically for the Cloud environment. For information about the roles defined for Cloud users, see Managing Cisco Secure Cloud Email Gateway.

All roles defined in the above table can access both the GUI and the CLI, except the Help Desk User role and custom user roles, which can only access the GUI.

If you use an LDAP directory to authenticate users, you assign directory groups to user roles instead of individual users. When you assign a directory group to a user role, each user in that group receives the permissions defined for the user role. For more information, see External Authentication.

Related Topics

Managing Users

The Users page lists the existing users for the system, including the username, full name, and user type or group.

From the Users page, you can:

Related Topics

Managing Cisco Secure Cloud Email Gateway

Adding Users

Before You Begin


Step 1

Choose System Administration > Users.

Step 2

Click Add User.

Step 3

Enter a login name for the user. Some words are reserved (such as “operator” or “root”).

Step 4

Enter the user’s full name.

Step 5

Select a predefined or custom user role.

Step 6

Enter a passphrase.


In addition to creating a login passphrase manually, you can also create a system-generated passphrase to log in to your email gateway.

Step 7

Submit and commit your changes.

Editing Users

Use this procedure to change a passphrase, etc.


Step 1

Choose System Administration > Users.

Step 2

Click the user’s name in the Users listing.

Step 3

Make changes to the user.

Step 4

Submit and commit your changes.

Force Users To Change Their Passphrases


Step 1

Choose System Administration > Users.

Step 2

Select the users from the Users listing.

Step 3

Click Enforce Passphrase Change.

Step 4

Choose whether the users must change the passphrase during the next login or after a specified duration (in days).

Step 5

(Optional) If you are enforcing a passphrase change after a specified duration, set the grace period (in days) to reset the passphrase after the passphrase expires.

Step 6

Click OK.

Step 7

Submit and commit your changes.

Deleting Users


Step 1

Click the trash can icon corresponding to the user’s name in the Users listing.

Step 2

Confirm the deletion by clicking Delete in the warning dialog that appears.

Step 3

Commit your changes.

Controlling Access to Sensitive Information in Message Tracking

You may want to restrict administrative access to message details that are likely to include sensitive information:

  • Messages that violate Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies may include information such as corporate confidential information or personal information including credit card numbers and health records. By default, this content is visible to all users who have access to the email gateway.
  • URLs that are caught by outbreak filters or by content filters that are based on URL reputation or category may also be considered sensitive. By default, only users with Administrator privileges can view this content.

This sensitive content appears in dedicated tabs on the Message Details page for messages listed in Message Tracking results.

You can hide these tabs and their content from administrative users based on their user role. However, although there is an option to hide this sensitive content from users who have the Administrator role, any user with the Administrator role (including cloud administrator users) can change these permissions and thus view sensitive information at any time.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have met the prerequisites for these features. See Displaying URL Details in Message Tracking.


Step 1

Go to the System Administration > Users page.

Step 2

Under Access to Sensitive Information in Message Tracking, click Edit Settings.

Step 3

Select the roles for which you want to grant access to each type of sensitive information.

Custom roles without access to Message Tracking can never view this information and thus are not listed.

Step 4

Submit and commit your changes.

What to do next

Related Topics

Managing Cisco Secure Cloud Email Gateway

When managing your Cisco Secure Cloud Email Gateway service, there are certain administrative tasks performed by a Cisco security expert, and there are administrative tasks that can be performed by members of your organization. To meet the needs of the Cisco Secure Cloud Email Gateway users at your organization, the Cisco Secure Cloud Email Gateway service includes the following cloud-based roles:

Table 2. Cloud User Roles Listing

Cloud User Role


Cloud Administrator

The Cloud Administrator role is a special administrator role created for Cisco Secure Cloud Email Gateway , designed to allow access to specific administrative tasks specific to the role of a Cloud administrator. The role has many of the same privileges as an on-premises Administrator, but is restricted from activities that may interfere with the proper running of the Cisco Secure Cloud Email Gateway service, such as shutting down the device, running installations, or updating the device.

More than one user can be assigned the Cloud Administrator role. By default, at least one user is assigned this role upon provisioning.


The Cloud Administrator is the only Cloud user role that can access the CLI. Other Cloud users have access to the GUI only.

For more information, see The Cloud Administrator.

Cloud Operator

User account for a Cloud Operator with limited administrative rights. This user has full access to Mail Policy, DLP Policy, reports, message tracking, the debug trace feature, and the spam and system quarantines.

Access to the IronPort Spam Quarantine and system quarantines must be enabled before a user with this role can manage them.

For more information, see The Cloud Operator.

Cloud DLP Admin

User account for a Cloud user whose function is to administer DLP policies. This user has full access to DLP Policy administration.

For more information, see Cloud DLP Admin.

Cloud Help Desk

User account for a Cloud Help Desk User. This user has full access to message tracking, and the spam and system quarantines.

Access to the IronPort Spam Quarantine and system quarantines must be enabled before a user with this role can manage them.

For more information, see Cloud Help Desk.

Cloud Guest

User account for a Cloud guest who may want to run reports or access the IronPort spam quarantine and system quarantine. This user has full access to reporting and the quarantines.

Access to the IronPort Spam Quarantine and system quarantines must be enabled before a user with this role can manage them.

For more information, see Cloud Guest.

Custom user role

User accounts with a custom user role can only access email security features assigned to the role. These features can be any combination of DLP policies, email policies, reports, quarantines, local message tracking, encryption profiles, and the Trace debugging tool. The users cannot access system configuration features. Only Cloud administrators can define custom user roles. See Managing Custom User Roles for Delegated Administration for more information.

The Cloud Administrator

The Cloud Administrator role is designed to allow members of your organization to perform some administrative functions for the Cisco Secure Cloud Email Gateway service, but it has restricted administrative rights to prevent interference with the tasks handled by Cisco email security experts.

A Cisco email security expert is responsible for making network interface changes, changing security service update settings, starting and shutting down the device, managing clusters, and maintaining and updating configurations.

User accounts with the Cloud Administrator role can perform the following administrative tasks:

  • Creating or modifying users belonging to the Cloud Administrator role

  • Creating and modifying custom user roles (with limited privileges)

  • Creating and resetting passwords (but not modify password policy)

  • User management, such as creating new users and locking and unlocking accounts

  • Accessing and running reports and tracking messages

  • Creating mail policies and content filters

  • Creating and modifying DLP policies

  • Running the trace debugging tool

  • Configuring and modifying encryption profiles

  • Accessing the system quarantine and the IronPort Spam quarantine

  • Saving, modifying and loading the Safelist/Blocklist file

The Cloud Administrator role is restricted from performing a select group of administrative tasks:

  • Modifying Network interface settings (including routes and certificates)

  • Shutting down and rebooting the device

  • Applying software upgrades to the device

  • Disabling clustering and adding or deleting devices to a cluster

  • Creating or deleting an Administrator

  • Changing security service update settings

  • Loading configuration files or resetting the configurations

  • Modifying External Authentication settings

  • Modifying scheduled reports settings

  • Modifying alert settings

  • Modifying password account policy, such as password strength settings

  • Running System Setup wizards

When using external authentication, if a user’s group is mapped to the Cloud Administrator role, the user is assigned the privileges of a Cloud Administrator.

The Cloud Operator

The Cloud Operator role has full access to Mail Policy, DLP Policy, reports, message tracking, the debug trace feature, and the spam and system quarantines.

The Operator role is designed to have many of same privileges as the Cloud Administrator role, but is restricted from the following activities:

  • Creating or editing user accounts.

  • Performing some quarantine functions (including creating and deleting quarantines).

Cloud DLP Admin

The Cloud DLP Admin role is designed to allow a user full access to the DLP Policies. This user has full access to all DLP policies on the email gateway, including the ability to create new policies. The DLP manager can also reorder the DLP policies in the DLP Policy manager.

For more details about data loss prevention, see Data Loss Prevention.

Cloud Help Desk

The Cloud Help Desk role is designed to allow a user full access to message tracking, and the spam and system quarantines in order to support end-users. The Cloud Help Desk user can view and take actions on assigned quarantines, such as releasing or deleting messages, but cannot change the quarantine’s configuration, such as the size of the quarantine, retention period, and they cannot create or delete quarantines.

Cloud Guest

This account is designed for a user who wants to track information, but does not necessarily need to modify the infrastructure configuration. The Cloud guest account has full access to reporting and to system and spam quarantines. The Cloud Guest user can view and take actions in assigned quarantines, such as releasing or deleting messages, but cannot change the quarantine’s configuration, such as the size of the quarantine, retention period, and they cannot create or delete quarantines.

Access to the IronPort Spam Quarantine and system quarantines must be enabled before a user with this role can manage them.

Managing Custom User Roles for Delegated Administration

You can design custom user roles and delegate specific responsibilities to users that align with their roles within your organization, allowing these delegated administrators access only to the email security features they are responsible for and not the system configuration features that are not related to their roles. Delegated administration provides more flexible control over your users’ access to the email security features on the email gateway than the predefined administrator, operator, and help desk user roles.

For example, you may have users who are responsible for managing mail policies for specific domains on the email gateway, but you do not want these users to access the system administration and security services configuration features, which the predefined administrator and operator roles grant. You can create a custom user role for mail policy administrators who can grant these users access to the mail policies they manage, along with other email security features that they can use to manage messages processed by these policies, such as Message Tracking and policy quarantines.

Use the System Administration > User Roles page in the GUI (or the userconfig -> role command in the CLI) to define custom user roles and manage the email security features for which they are responsible, such as mail policies, DLP policies, email reports, and quarantines. For a full list of email security features that delegated administrators can manage, see Assigning Access Privileges. Custom roles can also be created when adding or editing a local user account using the System Administration > Users page. See Defining a Custom User Role When Adding a User Account for more information.

You should make sure when creating a custom user role so that its responsibilities don’t overlap too much with the responsibilities of other delegated administrators. If multiple delegated administrators are responsible for the same content filter, for example, and use the content filter in different mail policies, the changes made to the filter by one delegated administrator may cause unintended side effects for the mail policies managed by other delegated administrators.

When you have created the custom user roles, you can assign local users and external authentication groups to them like any other user role. See Working with User Accounts for more information. Please note that users assigned to custom roles cannot access the CLI.

Related Topics

Account Privileges Page

When a delegated administrator logs into the email gateway, the Account Privileges page displays links to the security features for which the delegated administrator is responsible and brief descriptions of their access privileges. A delegated administrator can return to this page by selecting Account Privileges in the Options menu. Delegated administrators can also access the features that they manage using the menu at the top of the web page.

The following figure shows an Account Privileges page for a delegated administrator with access to mail policies, email reporting, message tracking, and quarantines.

Figure 1. Account Privileges Page for a Delegated Administrator

The following figure shows an Account Privileges page for a delegated administrator with access to Mail Policies, Advanced Malware Protection, Email Reporting, Message Tracking, and Quarantines.

Figure 2. Account Privileges Page for a Delegated Administrator

Assigning Access Privileges

When creating a custom user role, you define the levels of access to the security features for which delegated administrators are responsible.

The security features available for delegated administrators to manage are:

  • Incoming and outgoing mail policies and content filters

  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies

  • AMP Configurations

  • Email reporting

  • Message Tracking

  • The Trace debugging tool

  • Spam, policy, virus, and outbreak quarantines

  • Cisco Email Encryption profiles

  • Log Subscription

After defining the access levels for a custom user role, you need to assign the specific mail policies, content filters, DLP policies, quarantines, or encryption profiles for which the delegated administrators will be responsible.

For example, you can create two different DLP policy administrator roles that are responsible for different DLP policies. One role is only responsible for DLP violations related to company confidentiality and acceptable use, while the other is responsible for DLP violations related to privacy protection. In addition to DLP policies access, these custom user roles can also be assigned privileges for tracking message data and viewing quarantines and reports. They can search for DLP violations related to the policies that they are responsible for in using Message Tracking.

You can view which responsibilities are available to assign to a custom user role by clicking on the links for the assigned privileges in the Custom User Roles for Delegated Administration table on the User Roles page. See Updating Responsibilities for a Custom User Role.

Related Topics

Mail Policies and Content Filters

The Mail Policies and Content Filters access privileges define a delegated administrator’s level of access to the incoming and outgoing mail policies and content filters on the email gateway. You can assign specific mail policies and content filters to a custom user role, allowing only the delegated administrators belonging to this role, along with operators and administrators, to manage the mail policies and content filters.

All delegated administrators with this access privilege can view the default incoming and outgoing mail policies but they can only edit these policies if they have full access.

All delegated administrators with access privileges can create new content filters to use with their mail policies. A content filter created by a delegated administrator is available to the other delegated administrators assigned to the custom user role. Content filters that are not assigned to any custom user role are public and can be viewed by all delegated administrators with the mail policy access privilege. Content filters created by operators and administrators are public by default. Delegated administrators can enable or disable any existing content filters on mail policies assigned to their custom user role, but they cannot modify or delete public content filters.

If a delegated administrator deletes a content filter used by mail policies other than their own, or if the content filter is assigned to other custom user roles, AsyncOS does not delete the content filter from the system. AsyncOS instead unlinks the content filter from the custom user role and removes it from the delegated administrator’s mail policies. The content filter remains available to other custom user roles and mail policies.

Delegated administrators can use any text resource or dictionary in their content filters, but they cannot access the Text Resources or Dictionaries pages in the GUI to view or modify them. Delegated administrators also cannot create new text resources or dictionaries.

For outgoing mail policies, delegated administrators can enable or disable DLP policies but they cannot customize the DLP settings unless they also have DLP policy privileges.

You can assign one of the following access levels for mail policies and content filters to a custom user role:

  • No access: Delegated administrators cannot view or edit mail policies and content filters on the email gateway.
  • View assigned, edit assigned: Delegated administrators can view and edit the mail policies and content filters assigned to the custom user role and create new content filters. Delegated administrators can edit a policy’s Anti-Spam, Anti-Virus, and Outbreak Filters settings. They can enable their content filters for the policy, as well as disable any existing content filter assigned to the policy, regardless of whether they are responsible for it. Delegated administrators cannot modify a mail policy’s name or its senders, recipients, or groups. Delegated administrators can modify the order of the content filters for mail policies assigned to their custom user role.
  • View all, edit assigned: Delegated administrators can view all mail policies and content filters on the email gateway, but they can only edit the ones assigned to the custom user role.

View all, edit all (full access): Delegated administrators have full access to all of the mail policies and content filters on the email gateway, including the default mail policies, and have the ability to create new mail policies. Delegated administrators can modify the senders, recipients, and groups of all mail policies. They can also reorder mail policies.

You can assign individual mail policies and content filters to the custom user role using either the Email Security Manager or the Custom User Roles for Delegated Administration table on the User Roles page.

See Updating Responsibilities for a Custom User Role for information on using the Custom User Roles for Delegated Administration table to assign mail policies and content filters.

DLP Policies

The DLP Policies access privileges define a delegated administrator’s level of access to the DLP policies via the DLP Policy Manager on the email gateway. You can assign DLP policies to specific custom user roles, allowing delegated administrators, in addition to operators and administrators, to manage these policies. Delegated administrators with DLP access can also export DLP configuration files from the Data Loss Prevention Global Settings page.

If a delegated administrator also has mail policy privileges, they can customize the DLP policies. Delegated administrators can use any custom DLP dictionary for their DLP policies, but they cannot view or modify the custom DLP dictionaries.

You can assign one of the following access levels for DLP policies to a custom user role:

  • No access: Delegated administrators cannot view or edit DLP policies on the email gateway.
  • View assigned, edit assigned: Delegated administrators can use the DLP Policy Manager to view and edit the DLP policies assigned to the custom user role. Delegated administrators cannot rename or reorder DLP policies in the DLP Policy Manager. Delegated administrators can export DLP configurations.
  • View all, edit assigned: Delegated administrators can view and edit the DLP policies assigned to the custom user role. They can export DLP configurations. They can also view all DLP policies that are not assigned to the custom user role but they cannot edit them. Delegated administrators cannot reorder DLP policies in the DLP Policy Manager or rename the policy.
  • View all, edit all (full access): Delegated administrators have full access to all of the DLP policies on the email gateway, including the ability to create new ones. Delegated administrators can reorder DLP policies in the DLP Policy Manager. They cannot change the DLP mode that the email gateway uses.

You can assign individual DLP policies to the custom user role using either the DLP Policy Manager or the Custom User Roles for Delegated Administration table on the User Roles page.

See Data Loss Prevention for more information on DLP policies and the DLP Policy Manager.

See Updating Responsibilities for a Custom User Role for information on using the Custom User Roles for Delegated Administration list to assign DLP policies.

AMP Configurations

The AMP Configurations access privilege defines a delegated administrator’s level of access for the following privileges:

  • File Reputation and Analysis under Security Services

  • AMP Reports - Advanced Malware Protection (AMP Reputation), File Analysis, AMP Verdict Update (File Retrospection), and Mailbox Auto Remediation

  • File Analysis Quarantine

  • Message Tracking

You (administrator) can assign one of the following access levels for AMP Configuration to a custom user role:

  • No access - Delegated administrators do not have any access to AMP configurations.

  • Full access - Delegated administrators have complete access to AMP configurations. Delegated administrators have access to AMP Configuration, AMP Reports, File Analysis Quarantine, and Message Tracking.

See File Reputation Filtering and File Analysis for more information on File Reputation and Analysis.

See Updating Responsibilities for a Custom User Role for information on using the custom user roles for Delegated Administration list to provide access to AMP Configurations.

Email Reporting

The Email Reporting access privileges define which reports and Email Security Monitor pages a delegated administrator can view, depending on the custom user role’s access to mail policies, content filters, and DLP policies. These reports are not filtered for assigned policies; delegated administrators can view reports for mail and DLP policies that for which they are not responsible.

You can assign one of the following access levels for email reporting to a custom user role:

  • No access: Delegated administrators cannot view reports on the email gateway.
  • View relevant reports: Delegated administrators can view reports on the Email Security Monitor pages related to their Mail Policies and Content Filters and DLP Policies access privileges. Delegated administrators with Mail Policies and Content Filters access privileges can view the following Email Security Monitor pages:
    • Overview
    • Incoming Mail
    • Outgoing Destinations
    • Outgoing Senders
    • Internal Users
    • Content Filters
    • Virus Outbreaks
    • Virus Types
    • Archived Reports

    Delegated administrators with DLP Policies access privileges can view the following Email Security Monitor pages:

    • Overview
    • DLP Incidents
    • Archived Reports
  • View all reports: Delegated administrators can view all reports and Email Security Monitor pages on the email gateway.

See the Using Email Security Monitor chapter for more information on email reporting and the Email Security Monitor.

Message Tracking

The Message Tracking access privileges define whether delegated administrators assigned to the custom user role have access to Message Tracking, including message content that may violate your organization’s DLP policies if the DLP Tracking Policies option has been enabled on the System Administration > Users page and the custom user role also has DLP policies access privileges.

Delegated administrators can only search for the DLP violations for the DLP policies assigned to them.

See Tracking Messages for more information on Message Tracking.

See Controlling Access to Sensitive Information in Message Tracking for information for allowing delegated administrators access to viewing matched DLP content in Message Tracking.


The Trace access privileges define whether delegated administrators assigned to the custom user role can use Trace to debug the flow of messages through the system. Delegated administrators with access can run Trace and view all of the generated output. Trace results are not filtered based on the delegated administrator’s mail or DLP policy privileges.

See Debugging Mail Flow Using Test Messages: Trace for more information on using Trace.


The Quarantines access privileges define whether delegated administrators can manage assigned quarantines. Delegated administrators can view and take actions on any message in an assigned quarantine, such as releasing or deleting messages, but cannot change the quarantine’s configuration (e.g. the size, retention period, etc.), or create or delete quarantines.

You can assign any of the quarantines to the custom user role using either the Monitor > Quarantines page or the Custom User Roles for Delegated Administration table on the User Roles page.

See About Distributing Message Processing Tasks to Other Users and Configuring Administrative User Access to the Spam Quarantine for more information on assigning Quarantine management tasks to administrative users.

See Updating Responsibilities for a Custom User Role for information on using the Custom User Roles for Delegated Administration list to assign quarantines.

Encryption Profiles

The Encryption Profiles access privileges define whether delegated administrators can use encryption profiles assigned to their custom user role when editing content filters or DLP policies. Encryption profiles can only be assigned to custom user roles with mail or DLP policy access privileges. Encryption profiles that are not assigned to a custom role are available for use by all delegated administrators with mail or DLP policy privileges. Delegated administrators cannot view or modify any encryption profiles.

You can assign encryption profiles when creating or editing an encryption profile using the Security Services > IronPort Email Encryption page.

Log Subscription

The Log Subscription access privileges define whether delegated administrators assigned to the custom user role can access log subscriptions or Logging APIs to view or download log files.

Defining a Custom User Role

User the User Roles page in the GUI (or the userconfig -> role command in the CLI) to define a new user role and assign its access privileges. The User Roles page displays all existing custom user roles on the email gateway and the access privileges for each role.


Step 1

Choose System Administration > User Roles.

Step 2

Click Add User Role.

Step 3

Enter a name for the user role.

Step 4

Enter a description of the user role and its privileges.

Step 5

Select the user role’s access privileges. (See Assigning Access Privileges for more information on each type of access privilege.)

Step 6

Submit and commit your changes.

Defining a Custom User Role When Adding a User Account

You can create a new custom user role when adding or editing a local user account on the email gateway.

See Managing Users for more information on adding a user account.


Step 1

Go to the System Administration > Users page.

Step 2

Click Add User.

Step 3

When creating the user account, select Custom Roles.

Step 4

Select Add Role.

Step 5

Enter the name for the new role.

Step 6

Submit the new user account.

AsyncOS displays a notification that the new user account and custom user role have been added.

Step 7

Go to the System Administration > User Roles page.

Step 8

Click on the name of the custom user role in the Custom User Roles for Delegated Administration table.

Step 9

Enter a description of the user role and its privileges.

Step 10

Select the user role’s access privileges. (See Assigning Access Privileges for more information on each type of access privilege.)

Step 11

Submit and commit your changes.

Updating Responsibilities for a Custom User Role


Step 1

Go to the System Administration > User Roles page.

Step 2

Click the name of the access privilege for the custom user role you want to update.

AsyncOS displays a list of all the mail policies, content filters, DLP policies, or quarantines available on the email gateway, along with the names of any other assigned custom user roles.

Step 3

Select the mail policies, content filters, DLP policies, or quarantines for which you want the delegated administrators assigned to be responsible.

Step 4

Submit and commit your changes.

Editing a Custom User Role


Step 1

Go to the System Administration > User Roles page.

Step 2

Click the user role’s name in the Custom User Roles for Delegated Administration listing.

Step 3

Make changes to the user role.

Step 4

Submit and commit your changes.

Duplicating a Custom User Role

You may want to create multiple custom user roles with similar access privileges but assign different responsibilities to different sets of users. For example, if the email gateway handles messages for multiple domains, you may want to create custom user roles with similar access rights but for different mail policies based on the domain. This allows delegated administrators to manage mail policies for their domains without interfering with the responsibilities of other delegated administrators.


Step 1

Go to the System Administration > User Roles page.

Step 2

Click the duplicate icon corresponding to the user role you want to duplicate in the Custom User Roles for Delegated Administration listing.

Step 3

Change the name of the custom user role.

Step 4

Make any access privilege changes required for the new custom user role.

Step 5

Submit and commit your changes.

Deleting a Custom User Role

When a custom role is deleted, users become unassigned and do not have access to the email gateway. If you delete a custom user role that is assigned to one or more users, you do not receive a warning message. You should reassign any users that were assigned to the custom user role that you deleted.


Step 1

Go to the System Administration > User Roles page.

Step 2

Click the trash can icon corresponding to the user role you want to delete in the Custom User Roles for Delegated Administration list.

Step 3

Confirm the deletion by clicking Delete in the warning dialog that appears.

Step 4

Commit your changes.


Changing Your Passphrase

Administrative users can change their own passphrases via the Options > Change Passphrase link at the top of the GUI.

As soon as you submit a new passphrase, you are logged out and taken to the log in screen.

In the CLI, use the passphrase or passwd command to change your passphrase. If you forget the passphrase for the admin user account, contact your customer support provider to reset the passphrase.


In addition to creating a login passphrase manually, you can also create a system-generated passphrase to log in to your email gateway.

The passphrase command requires you to enter the old passphrase for security.


Changes to the passphrase take effect immediately and do not require you commit the change.

Locking and Unlocking a User Account

Locking a user account prevents a local user from logging into the email gateway. A user account can be locked in one of the following ways:

  • AsyncOS locks a user account if the user exceeded the maximum number of failed login attempts defined in the Local User Account & Passphrase Settings section.
  • Administrators can manually lock user accounts for security purposes using the System Administration > Users page.

AsyncOS displays the reason why the user account was locked when you view the user account on the Edit User page.

To unlock a user account, open the user account by clicking on the user name in the Users listing and click Unlock Account.

To manually lock a local user account, open the user account by clicking on the user name in the Users listing and click Lock Account. AsyncOS displays a message saying that the user will be unable to log into the email gateway and asks if you want to continue.

You can also configure all local user accounts to lock after users fail to login successfully after a configured number of attempts. For more information, see Configuring Restrictive User Account and Passphrase Settings.


If you lock the admin account, you can only unlock it by logging in as the admin through a serial communications connection to the serial console port. The admin user can always access the email gateway using the serial console port, even when the admin account is locked. See Connecting to the Email Gateway for more information on accessing the email gateway using the serial console port.

Configuring Restrictive User Account and Passphrase Settings

You can define user account and passphrase restrictions to enforce organizational passphrase policies. The user account and passphrase restrictions apply to local users defined on the email gateway. You can configure the following settings:

  • User account locking. You can define how many failed login attempts cause the user to be locked out of the account.
  • Passphrase lifetime rules. You can define how long a passphrase can exist before the user is required to change the passphrase after logging in.
  • Passphrase rules. You can define what kinds of passphrases users can choose, such as which characters are optional or mandatory.

You define user account and passphrase restrictions on the System Administration > Users page in the Local User Account & Passphrase Settings section.

Cloud User Accounts

Cloud user accounts have pre-configured password settings that cannot be changed by a Cloud Administrator. The following password settings are configured for cloud users:

  • Users must change their passwords on the first login.

  • Users must change their passwords every 6 months.

  • The password must contain a minimum of eight characters; and the password must include one uppercase character (A-Z), one lowercase character (a-z), one numeric character (1-9) and one special character (such as @#$%).


Step 1

Choose System Administration > Users.

Step 2

Scroll to the Local User Account & Passphrase Settings section.

Step 3

Click Edit Settings.

Step 4

Configure the settings as described below.



User Account Lock

Choose whether or not to lock the user account after the user fails to login successfully. Specify the number of failed login attempts that cause the account locking. You can enter any number from one (1) to 60. Default is five (5).

When you configure account locking, enter the message to be displayed to the user attempting to login. Enter text using 7-bit ASCII characters. This message is only displayed when users enter the correct passphrase to an account locked by an administrator. This message is not shown for accounts locked due to failed login attempts.

When a user account gets locked, an administrator can unlock it on the Edit User page in the GUI or using the userconfig CLI command.

Failed login attempts are tracked by user, regardless of the machine the user connects from or the type of connection, such as SSH or HTTP. Once the user successfully logs in, the number of failed login attempts is reset to zero (0).

When a user account is locked out due to reaching the maximum number of failed login attempts, an alert is sent to the administrator. The alert is set at the “Info” severity level.


You can also manually lock individual user accounts. For more information see Locking and Unlocking a User Account.

Passphrase Reset

You can choose whether:

  • Users should be forced to change their passphrases after an administrator changes their passphrases.
  • Users should be forced to change their passphrases after a specified duration. Enter the number of days a passphrase can last before users must change it. You can enter any number from one (1) to 366. Default is 90. In this case, you can optionally choose:
    • To display a notification about the upcoming passphrase expiration. Enter the number of days before expiration to notify users.
    • To allow a grace period (of specified days) to reset the passphrase after the passphrase expiry. Enter the number of days.

If you are setting a grace period, user accounts will be locked if the passphrases are not changed within the specified duration. If you are not setting a grace period, users can change their passphrases any time after the passphrase expiry.


When a user account uses SSH keys instead of a passphrase challenge, the Passphrase Reset rules still apply. When a user account with SSH keys expires, the user must enter their old passphrase or ask an administrator to manually change the passphrase to change the keys associated with the account. For more information, see Managing Secure Shell (SSH) Keys.

Passphrase Rules:

Require at least <number> characters.

Enter the minimum number of characters that a passphrase may contain.

Enter any number between 0 and 128.

Default is 8 characters.

Passphrases can have more characters than the number you specify here.

Passphrase Rules:

Require at least one number (0-9).

Choose whether or not the passphrases must contain at least one number.

Passphrase Rules:

Require at least one special character.

Choose whether or not the passphrases must contain at least one special character. Passphrases may contain the following special characters:

~ ? ! @ # $ % ^ & * - _ + =

\ | / [ ] ( ) < > { } ` ' " ; : , .

Passphrase Rules:

Ban usernames and their variations as passphrases.

Choose whether or not the passphrase are allowed to be the same as the associated username or variations on the username. When username variations are banned, the following rules apply to passphrases:

  • The passphrase may not be the same as the username, regardless of case.
  • The passphrase may not be the same as the username in reverse, regardless of case.
  • The passphrase may not be the same as the username or reversed username with the following character substitutions:
    • "@" or "4" for "a"
    • "3" for "e"
    • "|", "!", or "1" for "i"
    • "0" for "o"
    • "$" or "5" for "s"
    • "+" or "7" for "t"

Passphrase Rules:

Ban reuse of the last <number> passphrases.

Choose whether or not users are allowed to choose a recently used passphrase when they are forced to change the passphrase. If they are not allowed to reuse recent passphrases, enter the number of recent passphrases that are banned from reuse.

You can enter any number from one (1) to 15. Default is three (3).

Passphrase Rules:

List of words to disallow in passphrases

You can create a list of words to disallow in passphrases.

Make this file a text file with each forbidden word on a separate line. Save the file with the name forbidden_password_words.txt and use SCP or FTP to upload the file to the appliance.

If this restriction is selected but no word list is uploaded, this restriction is ignored.

Passphrase Strength

You can display a passphrase-strength indicator when an admin or user enters a new passphrase.

This setting does not enforce creation of strong passphrases, it merely shows how easy it is to guess the entered passphrase.

Select the roles for which you wish to display the indicator. Then, for each selected role, enter a number greater than zero. A larger number means that a passphrase that registers as strong is more difficult to achieve. This setting has no maximum value.


  • If you enter 30 , then an 8 character passphrase with at least one upper- and lower-case letter, number, and special character will register as a strong passphrase.
  • If you enter 18 , then an 8 character passphrase with all lower case letters and no numbers or special characters will register as strong.

Passphrase strength is measured on a logarithmic scale. Evaluation is based on the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology rules of entropy as defined in NIST SP 800-63, Appendix A.

Generally, stronger passphrases:

  • Are longer
  • Include upper case, lower case, numeric, and special characters
  • Do not include words in any dictionary in any language.

To enforce passphrases with these characteristics, use the other settings on this page.

Step 5

Submit and commit your changes.

What to do next

If you selected List of words to disallow in passphrases, create and upload the described text file.

External Authentication

If you store user information in an LDAP or RADIUS directory on your network, you can configure your email gateway to use the external directory to authenticate users who log in to the email gateway. To set up the email gateway to use an external directory for authentication, use the System Administration > Users page in the GUI or the userconfig command and the external subcommand in the CLI.

When external authentication is enabled and a user logs into the email gateway, the email gateway first determines if the user is the system defined “admin” account. If not, then the email gateway checks the first configured external server to determine if the user is defined there. If the email gateway cannot connect to the first external server, the email gateway checks the next external server in the list.

For LDAP servers, if the user fails authentication on any external server, the email gateway tries to authenticate the user as a local user defined on the email gateway. If the user does not exist on any external server or on the email gateway, or if the user enters the wrong passphrase, access to the email gateway is denied.

If an external RADIUS server cannot be contacted, the next server in the list is tried. If all servers cannot be contacted, the email gateway tries to authenticate the user as a local user defined on the email gateway. However, if an external RADIUS server rejects a user for any reason, such as an incorrect passphrase or the user being absent, access to the email gateway is denied.

Related Topics

Enabling LDAP Authentication

In addition to using an LDAP directory to authenticate users, you can assign LDAP groups to Cisco user roles. For example, you can assign users in the IT group to the Administrator user role, and you can assign users in the Support group to the Help Desk User role. If a user belongs to multiple LDAP groups with different user roles, AsyncOS grants the user the permissions for the most restrictive role. For example, if a user belongs to a group with Operator permissions and a group with Help Desk User permissions, AsyncOS grants the user the permissions for the Help Desk User role.


If an external user changes the user role for their LDAP group, the user should log out of the email gateway and then log back in. The user will have the permissions of their new role.

Before You Begin

Define an LDAP server profile and an external authentication query for the LDAP server. For more information, see LDAP Queries


Step 1

Choose System Administration > Users.

Step 2

Scroll down to the External Authentication section.

Step 3

Click Enable.

Step 4

Select the Enable External Authentication check box.

Step 5

Select LDAP for the authentication type.

Step 6

Enter the amount of time to store external authentication credentials in the web user interface.

Step 7

Select the LDAP external authentication query that authenticates users.

Step 8

Enter the number of seconds that the email gateway waits for a response from the server before timing out.

Step 9

Enter the name of a group from the LDAP directory that you want the email gateway to authenticate, and select the role for the users in the group.

Step 10

Optionally, click Add Row to add another directory group. Repeat steps 9 and 10 for each directory group that the email gateway authenticates.

Step 11

Submit and commit your changes.

Enabling RADIUS Authentication

You can also use a RADIUS directory to authenticate users and assign groups of users to Cisco roles. The RADIUS server should support the CLASS attribute, which AsyncOS uses to assign users in the RADIUS directory to Cisco user roles. AsyncOS supports two authentication protocols for communicating with the RADIUS server: Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).

To assign RADIUS users to Cisco user roles, first set the CLASS attribute on the RADIUS server with a string value of <radius-group> , which will be mapped to Cisco user roles. The CLASS attribute may contain letters, numbers, and a dash, but cannot start with a dash. AsyncOS does not support multiple values in the CLASS attribute. RADIUS users belonging to a group without a CLASS attribute or an unmapped CLASS attribute cannot log into the email gateway.

If the email gateway cannot communicate with the RADIUS server, the user can log in with a local user account on the email gateway.


If an external user changes the user role for their RADIUS group, the user should log out of the appliance and then log back in. The user will have the permissions of their new role.

Step 1

On the System Administration > Users page, click Enable.

Step 2

Check the Enable External Authentication option if it is not enabled already.

Step 3

Enter the hostname for the RADIUS server.

Step 4

Enter the port number for the RADIUS server. The default port number is 1812.

Step 5

Enter the Shared Secret password for the RADIUS server.

Step 6

Enter the number of seconds for the email gateway to wait for a response from the server before timing out.

Step 7

(Optional) Click Add Row to add another RADIUS server. Repeat steps 3 – 6 for each RADIUS server.


You can add up to ten RADIUS servers.

Step 8

Enter the number of seconds AsyncOS stores the external authentication credentials before contacting the RADIUS server again to re-authenticate in the “External Authentication Cache Timeout” field. Default is zero (0).


If the RADIUS server uses one-time passwords, for example passwords created from a token, enter zero (0). When the value is set to zero, AsyncOS does not contact the RADIUS server again to authenticate during the current session.


The cache timeout value must be an integer in seconds between 0 and 86400. The recommended maximum cache timeout value is 3600.

Step 9

Configure Group Mapping:



Map externally authenticated users to multiple local roles.

AsyncOS assigns RADIUS users to email gateway roles based on the RADIUS CLASS attribute. CLASS attribute requirements:

  • 3 character minimum
  • 253 character maximum
  • no colons, commas, or newline characters
  • one or more mapped CLASS attributes for each RADIUS user (With this setting, AsyncOS denies access to RADIUS users without a mapped CLASS attribute.)

For RADIUS users with multiple CLASS attributes, AsyncOS assigns the most restrictive role. For example, if a RADIUS user has two CLASS attributes, which are mapped to the Operator and Read-Only Operator roles, AsyncOS assigns the RADIUS user to the Read-Only Operator role, which is more restrictive than the Operator role.

These are the email gateway roles ordered from least restrictive to most restrictive:

  • admin
  • Administrator
  • Technician
  • Operator cloudadmin
  • Read-only Operator
  • Help Desk User
  • Guest

Map all externally authenticated users to the Administrator role.

AsyncOS assigns RADIUS users to the Administrator role.

Step 10

Choose whether to map all externally authenticated users to the Administrator role or to different email gateway user role types.

Step 11

If you map users to different role types, enter the group name as defined in the RADIUS CLASS attribute in the Group Name or Directory field, and choose an email gateway role type from the Role field. You can add more role mappings by clicking Add Row.

For more information on user role types, see Working with User Accounts.

Step 12

Submit and commit your changes.

Enable SAML Authentication

You can enable Single Sign On using SAML to authenticate users and assign groups of users to Cisco rules.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have configured the SAML profiles with Service Provider and Identity Provider settings. See How to Configure SSO on your Email Gateway.


Step 1

Navigate to System Administration > Users.

Step 2

Scroll down to the External Authentication section.

Step 3

Click Enable.

Step 4

Select the Enable External Authentication check box.

Step 5

Select SAML as the authentication type from the drop-down list.

Step 6

(Optional) In the External Authentication Attribute Name Map field, enter the attribute name to search from the Group Mapping.

The Attribute Name depends on the attributes that you configure for the Identity Provider to relay the SAML response. The email gateway will search for matching entries of the Attribute Name from SAML response against the attributes that you configure in the Group Mapping field. This is optional and if you do not configure, the email gateway will search for matching entries of all attributes present in SAML response against configured Group Mapping field.

Step 7

In the Group Mapping field, enter the group name attribute as defined in the SAML directory based on the predefined or custom user role. You can click Add Row to add multiple role mappings.

The Group Mapping must contain a group attribute. You can add 'Unspecified Groups' attribute to authenticate SAML assertions or response.

For more information on types of user roles, see Working with User Accounts.



The Group Mapping attributes are case-sensitive and must match exactly in order to return the proper results.

Step 8

Submit and commit your changes.

What to do next

After you enable SAML external authentication, you can use the Use Single Sign On link on the login page of the email gateway and enter the username to log in to the email gateway.

Configuring Access to the Email Gateway

AsyncOS provides administrators controls to manage users’ access to the email gateway, including a timeout for Web UI session and an access list that specifies the IP addresses from which users and your organization’s proxy servers can access the email gateway.

Related Topics

Configuring IP-Based Network Access

You can control from which IP addresses users access the email gateway by creating access lists for users who connect directly to the appliance and users who connect through a reverse proxy, if your organization uses reverse proxies for remote users.

Related Topics

Direct Connections

You can specify the IP addresses, subnets, or CIDR addresses for machines that can connect to the email gateway. Users can access the email gateway from any machine with IP address from the access list. Users attempting to connect to the email gateway from an address not included in the list are denied access.

Connecting Through a Proxy

If your organization’s network uses reverse proxy servers between remote users’ machines and the email gateway, AsyncOS allows you create an access list with the IP addresses of the proxies that can connect to the email gateway.

Even when using a reverse proxy, AsyncOS still validates the IP address of the remote user’s machine against a list of IP addresses allowed for user connections. To send the remote user’s IP address to the email gateway, the proxy needs to include the x-forwarded-for HTTP header in its connection request to the email gateway.

The x-forwarded-for header is a non-RFC standard HTTP header with the following format:

x-forwarded-for: client-ip, proxy1, proxy2,... CRLF .

The value for this header is a comma-separated list of IP addresses with the left-most address being the address of the remote user’s machine, followed by the addresses of each successive proxy that forwarded the connection request. (The header name is configurable.) The email gateway matches the remote user’s IP address from the header and the connecting proxy’s IP address against the allowed user and proxy IP addresses in the access list.


AsyncOS supports only IPv4 addresses in the x-forwarded-for header.

Important Precautions When Restricting Network Access

Caution! You may lose access to the email gateway after submitting and committing network access changes if one of the following conditions is true:

  • If you select Only Allow Specific Connections and do not include the IP address of your current machine (PC, email gateway in a clustered environment, or Cisco Secure Manager Email and Web Gateway, etc.) in the list.
  • If you select Only Allow Specific Connections Through Proxy and the IP address of the proxy currently connected to the email gateway is not in the proxy list and the value of the Origin IP header is not in the list of allowed IP addresses.
  • If you select Only Allow Specific Connections Directly or Through Proxy and
    • the value of the Origin IP header is not in the list of allowed IP addresses


    • the value of the Origin IP header is not in the list of allowed IP Addresses and the IP address of the proxy connected to the email gateway is not in the list of allowed proxies.

Creating the Access List

You can create the network access list either via the GUI or the adminaccessconfig > ipaccess CLI command.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you will not lock yourself out of the email gateway after changing network access settings. See Important Precautions When Restricting Network Access.


Step 1

Select System Administration > Network Access.

Step 2

Click Edit Settings.

Step 3

Select the mode of control for the access list:



Allow All

This mode allows all connections to the email gateway.

This is the default mode of operation.

Only Allow Specific Connections

This mode allows a user to connection to the email gateway if the user’s IP address matches the IP addresses, IP ranges, or CIDR ranges included in the access list.

Only Allow Specific Connections Through Proxy

This mode allows a user to connect to the email gateway through a reverse proxy if the following conditions are met:

  • The connecting proxy’s IP address is included in the access list’s IP Address of Proxy Server field.
  • The proxy includes the x-forwarded-header HTTP header in its connection request.
  • The value of x-forwarded-header is not empty.
  • The remote user’s IP address is included in x-forwarded-header and it matches the IP addresses, IP ranges, or CIDR ranges defined for users in the access list.

Only Allow Specific Connections Directly or Through Proxy

This mode allows users to connect through a reverse proxy or directly to the email gateway if their IP address matches the IP addresses, IP ranges, or CIDR ranges included in the access list. The conditions for connecting through a proxy are the same as in the Only Allow Specific Connections Through Proxy mode.

Step 4

Enter the IP addresses from which users will be allowed to connect to the email gateway.

You can enter an IP address, IP address range or CIDR range. Use commas to separate multiple entries.

Step 5

If connecting through a proxy is allowed, enter the following information:

  1. The IP addresses of the proxies allowed to connect to the email gateway. Use commas to separate multiple entries.

  2. The name of the origin IP header that the proxy sends to the email gateway, which contains the IP addresses of the remote user’s machine and the proxy servers that forwarded the request. By default, the name of the header is x-forwarded-for .

Step 6

Ensure that you have not configured a change that will lock you out of the email gateway after you submit and commit your changes.

Step 7

Submit and commit your changes.

Configuring Session Timeouts

Configuring the Web UI Session Timeout

You can specify how long a user can be logged into the email gateway's Web UI before AsyncOS logs the user out due to inactivity. This Web UI session timeout applies to:

  • All users, including administrator
  • HTTP and HTTPS sessions
  • Cisco Spam Quarantine

Once AsyncOS logs a user out, the email gateway redirects the user’s web browser to login page.


Step 1

Select System Administration > Network Access.

Step 2

Click Edit Settings.

Step 3

In the Web UI Inactivity Timeout field, enter the number of minutes users can be inactive before being logged out. You can define a timeout period between 5 and 1440 minutes.

Step 4

Submit and commit your changes.

What to do next

You can also use the adminaccessconfig command in CLI to configure Web UI session timeout. See CLI Reference Guide for AsyncOS for Cisco Secure Email Gateway .

Configuring the CLI Session Timeout

You can specify how long a user can be logged into the email gateway's CLI before AsyncOS logs the user out due to inactivity. The CLI session timeout applies:

  • To all users, including administrator
  • Only to the connections using Secure Shell (SSH), SCP, and direct serial connection


Any uncommitted configuration changes at the time of CLI session timeout will be lost. Make sure that you commit the configuration changes as soon as they are made.

Step 1

Select System Administration > Network Access.

Step 2

Click Edit Settings.

Step 3

In the CLI Inactivity Timeout field, enter the number of minutes users can be inactive before being logged out. You can define a timeout period between 5 and 1440 minutes.

Step 4

Submit and commit your changes.

What to do next

You can also use the adminaccessconfig command in CLI to configure CLI session timeout. See CLI Reference Guide for AsyncOS for Cisco Secure Email Gateway .

Displaying Messages to Administrative Users

Displaying a Message Before Login

You can configure the email gateway to display a message before a user attempts to log into the email gateway through SSH, FTP, or Web UI. The login banner is customizable text that appears above the login prompt. You can use the login banner to display internal security information or best practice instructions for the email gateway. For example, you can create a simple note that saying that unauthorized use of the email gateway is prohibited or a detailed warning concerning the organization’s right to review changes made by the user to the email gateway.

Use the adminaccessconfig > banner command in the CLI to create the login banner. The maximum length of the login banner is 2000 characters to fit 80x25 consoles. A login banner can be imported from a file in the /data/pub/configuration directory on the email gateway. After creating the banner, commit your changes.

Displaying a Message After Login

You can configure AsyncOS to display a welcome banner after a user successfully logs into the email gateway through SSH, FTP, or Web UI. You can use the welcome banner to display internal security information or best practice instructions for the email gateway.

Use the adminaccessconfig > welcome command in CLI to create the welcome banner. The maximum length of the welcome banner is 1600 characters.

You can import a welcome banner from a file in the /data/pub/configuration directory on your email gateway. After creating the banner, commit your changes.

For more information, see CLI Reference Guide for AsyncOS for Cisco Secure Email Gateway .

Managing Secure Shell (SSH) Keys

Use the sshconfig command to:

  • Add or delete secure shell (SSH) public User keys to the authorized_keys file of user accounts that have been configured on the system, including the admin account. This allows authentication to user accounts using SSH keys rather than passphrase challenge.
  • Edit the following SSH server configuration settings:
    • Public Key Authentication Algorithms
    • Cipher Algorithms
    • KEX Algorithms
    • MAC Methods


To configure Host keys, which are used when performing SCP pushes of log files from the email gateway to other host machines, use logconfig -> hostkeyconfig . For more information, see Logging.

Using hostkeyconfig , you can scan for keys of remote hosts and add them to the email gateway.

Related Topics

Example: Install a New Public Key

In the following example, a new public key is installed for the administrator account:

mail.example.com> sshconfig
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- SSHD - Edit SSH server settings.
- USERKEY - Edit SSH User Key settings
[]> userkey
Currently installed keys for admin:
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Add a new key.
- USER - Switch to a different user to edit.
[]> new
Please enter the public SSH key for authorization.
Press enter on a blank line to finish.
[-paste public key for user authentication here-]
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- SSHD - Edit SSH server settings.
- USERKEY - Edit SSH User Key settings

Example: Edit SSH Server Configuration

The following example shows how to edit the SSH server configuration.

mail1.example.com> sshconfig

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- SSHD - Edit SSH server settings.
- USERKEY - Edit SSH User Key settings
- ACCESS CONTROL - Edit SSH allowed list/blocked list
[]> sshd

ssh server config settings:
Public Key Authentication Algorithms: 
Cipher Algorithms: 
MAC Methods: 
KEX Algorithms: 

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- SETUP - Setup SSH server configuration settings
[]> setup

Available Public Key Authentication Algorithms options :
Enter the Public Key Authentication Algorithms do you want to use
[ssh-rsa,rsa-sha2-256, ssh-ed25519,ecdsa-sha2-nistp256]> 

Available Cipher Algorithms options :
Enter the Cipher Algorithms do you want to use

Available MAC Methods options :

Enter the MAC Methods do you want to use
[hmac-sha1, hmac-sha2-256]> 

Available KEX Algorithms options :
Enter the KEX Algorithms do you want to use

ssh server config settings:
Public Key Authentication Algorithms: 
Cipher Algorithms: 
MAC Methods: 
KEX Algorithms: 

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- SETUP - Setup SSH server configuration settings

Remote SSH Command Execution

The CLI allows commands to be run via remote SSH command execution. For example, the following command can be run from a remote host unchallenged if an SSH public key has been configured for the admin account on the email gateway:

# ssh admin@mail3.example.com status

Enter "status detail" for more information.

Status as of: Mon Jan 20 17:24:15 2003

Last counter reset: Mon Jan 20 17:08:21 2003

System status: online

[rest of command deleted]

Monitoring Administrative User Access


Do This

View session details of all active users of the email gateway

Click Options > Active Sessions at the top right of the page

In the command-line interface, use the w , whoami and who commands.

View users who have recently logged into the email gateway.

The IP address of the remote host, and the login, logout, and total time are also displayed.

In the command-line interface, use the l ast command.