Backup and Restore

About Backup and Restore

The ability to recover from a disaster is an essential part of any system maintenance plan. As part of your disaster recovery plan, we recommend that you perform periodic backups to a secure remote location.

On-Demand Backups

You can perform on-demand backups for the FMC, 7000/8000 series devices, and many FTD devices from the FMC.

You can also use the local web interface on a 7000/8000 series device to perform on-demand backups. Local backup management on 7000/8000 series devices is slightly different and has fewer options than backup management on the FMC, but in general works in the same way. Note that you can use the FMC to back up these devices remotely.

For more information, see Backing Up FMCs or Managed Devices.

Scheduled Backups

You can use the scheduler on an FMC or 7000/8000 series device to automate backups. You can also schedule remote device backups from the FMC.

For more information, see Scheduled Backups.

Storing Backup Files

You can store backups locally. However, we recommend you back up FMCs and managed devices to a secure remote location by mounting an NFS, SMB, or SSHFS network volume as remote storage. After you do this, all subsequent backups are copied to that volume, but you can still use the FMC to manage them.

For more information, see Remote Storage Management and Manage Backups and Remote Storage.

Restoring the FMC and Managed Devices

You restore the FMC and 7000/8000 series devices from the local Backup Management page. You must use the FTD CLI to restore an FTD device.

For more information, see Restoring FMCs and Managed Devices.

What Is Backed Up?

FMC backups can include:

  • Configurations.

    All configurations you can set on the FMC web interface are included in a configuration backup, with the exception of remote storage and audit log server certificate settings. In a multidomain deployment, you must back up configurations. You cannot back up events or TID data only.

  • Events.

    Event backups include all events in the FMC database. However, FMC event backups do not include intrusion event review status. Restored intrusion events do not appear on Reviewed Events pages.

  • Threat Intelligence Director (TID) data.

    For more information, see About Backing Up and Restoring TID Data.

7000/8000 series device backups are always configuration-only.

Device backups are always configuration-only.

What Is Restored?

Restoring configurations overwrites all backed-up configurations, with very few exceptions. On the FMC, restoring events and TID data overwrites all existing events and TID data, with the exception of intrusion events.

Make sure you understand and plan for the following:

  • You cannot restore what is not backed up.

    FMC configuration backups do not include remote storage and audit log server certificate settings, so you must reconfigure these after restore. Also, because FMC event backups do not include intrusion event review status, restored intrusion events do not appear on Reviewed Events pages.

  • Restoring fails VPN certificates.

    The FTD restore process removes VPN certificates from FTD devices, including certificates added after the backup was taken. After you restore an FTD device, you must re-add/re-enroll all VPN certificates.

  • Restoring to a configured FMC — instead of factory-fresh or reimaged — merges intrusion events and file lists.

    The FMC event restore process does not overwrite intrusion events. Instead, the intrusion events in the backup are added to the database. To avoid duplicates, delete existing intrusion events before you restore.

    The FMC configuration restore process does not overwrite clean and custom detection file lists used by AMP for Networks. Instead, it merges existing file lists with the file lists in the backup. To replace file lists, delete existing file lists before you restore.

Requirements for Backup and Restore

Backup and restore has the following requirements.

Model Requirements: Backup

You can back up:

  • FMCs

  • FTD standalone devices, native instances, and HA pairs

  • FTDv for VMware devices, either standalone or HA pairs

  • 7000/8000 series devices

Backup is not supported for:

  • FTD container instances

  • FTD clusters

  • FTDv implementations other than FTDv for VMware

  • NGIPSv


If you need to replace a device where backup and restore is not supported, you must manually recreate device-specific configurations. However, backing up the FMC does back up policies and other configurations that you deploy to managed devices, as well as events already transmitted from the devices to the FMC.

Model Requirements: Restore

A replacement appliance must be the same model as the one you are replacing. Replacement managed devices should have the same number of network modules and same type and number of physical interfaces.

Version Requirements

As the first step in any backup, note the patch level. To restore a backup, the old and the new appliance must be running the same Firepower version, including patches.

Additionally, to restore Firepower software on a Firepower 4100/9300 chassis, the chassis must be running a compatible FXOS version.

For FMC backups, you must also have the same VDB. You are not required to have the same SRU.

License Requirements

Address licensing or orphan entitlements concerns as described in the best practices and procedures. If you notice licensing conflicts, contact Cisco TAC.

Domain Requirements


  • Back up or restore the FMC: Global only.

  • Back up a device from the FMC: Global only.

  • Restore a device: None. Restore devices locally.

In a multidomain deployment you cannot back up only events/TID data. You must also back up configurations.

Guidelines and Limitations for Backup and Restore

Backup and restore has the following guidelines and limitations.

Backup and Restore is for Disaster Recovery/RMA

Backup and restore is primarily intended for RMA scenarios. Before you begin the restore process of a faulty or failed physical appliance, contact Cisco TAC for replacement hardware.

Backup and Restore is not Configuration Import/Export

A backup file contains information that uniquely identifies an appliance, and cannot be shared. Do not use the backup and restore process to copy configurations between appliances or devices, or as a way to save configurations while testing new ones. Instead, use the import/export feature.

For example, threat defense device backups include the device's management IP address and all information the device needs to connect to its managing cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center. Do not restore an threat defense backup to a device being managed by a different cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center; the restored device will attempt to connect to the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center specified in the backup.

Restore is Individual and Local

You restore to cloud-delivered Firewall Management Centers and threat defensemanaged devices individually and locally. This means:

  • You cannot batch-restore to high availability (HA) FMCs or devices. The restore procedures in this guide explain how to restore in an HA environment.

  • You cannot use the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center to restore a device. For the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center and 7000/8000 series devices, you can use the local web interface to restore. For threat defense devices, you must use the threat defense CLI.

  • You cannot use an cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center user account to log into and restore one of its managed devices. cloud-delivered Firewall Management Centers and devices maintain their own user accounts.

Configuration Import/Export Guidelines for Firepower 4100/9300

You can use the configuration export feature to export an XML file containing logical device and platform configuration settings for your Firepower 4100/9300 chassis to a remote server or your local computer. You can later import that configuration file to quickly apply the configuration settings to your Firepower 4100/9300 chassis to return to a known good configuration or to recover from a system failure.

Guidelines and Restrictions

  • Do not modify the contents of the configuration file. If a configuration file is modified, configuration import using that file might fail.

  • Application-specific configuration settings are not contained in the configuration file. You must use the configuration backup tools provided by the application to manage application-specific settings and configurations.

  • When you import a configuration to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis, all existing configuration on the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis (including any logical devices) are deleted and completely replaced by the configuration contained in the import file.

  • Except in an RMA scenario, we recommend you only import a configuration file to the same Firepower 4100/9300 chassis where the configuration was exported.

  • The platform software version of the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis where you are importing should be the same version as when the export was taken. If not, the import operation is not guaranteed to be successful. We recommend you export a backup configuration whenever the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis is upgraded or downgraded.

  • The Firepower 4100/9300 chassis where you are importing must have the same Network Modules installed in the same slots as when the export was taken.

  • The Firepower 4100/9300 chassis where you are importing must have the correct software application images installed for any logical devices defined in the export file that you are importing.

  • To avoid overwriting existing backup files, change the file name in the backup operation or copy the existing file to another location.


You must backup the logicl APP separately as the FXOS import/export will backup only the FXOS configuration. The FXOS configuration import will cause logical device reboot and it rebuilds the device with the factory default configuration.

Best Practices for Backup and Restore

Backup and restore has the following best practices.

When to Back Up

We recommend backing up during a maintenance window or other time of low use.

While the system collects backup data, there may be a temporary pause in data correlation (cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center only), and you may be prevented from changing configurations related to the backup. If you include event data, event-related features such as eStreamer are not available.

You should back up in the following situations:

  • Regular scheduled backups.

    As part of your disaster recovery plan, we recommend that you perform periodic backups. To automate this process, see Scheduled Backups.

  • After SLR changes.

    Back up the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center after you make changes to Specific Licensing Reservations (SLRs). If you make changes and then restore an older backup, you will have issues with your Specific Licensing return code and can accrue orphan entitlements.

  • Before upgrade or reimage.

    If an upgrade fails catastrophically, you may have to reimage and restore. Reimaging returns most settings to factory defaults, including the system password. If you have a recent backup, you can return to normal operations more quickly.

  • After upgrade.

    Back up after you upgrade, so you have a snapshot of your freshly upgraded deployment. We recommend you back up the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center after you upgrade its managed devices, so your new cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center backup file 'knows' that its devices have been upgraded.

Maintaining Backup File Security

Backups are stored as unencrypted archive (.tar) files.

Private keys in PKI objects—which represent the public key certificates and paired private keys required to support your deployment—are decrypted before they are backed up. The keys are reencrypted with a randomly generated key when you restore the backup.


We recommend you back up cloud-delivered Firewall Management Centers and devices to a secure remote location and verify transfer success. Backups left locally may be deleted, either manually or by the upgrade process, which purges locally stored backups.

Especially because backup files are unencrypted, do not allow unauthorized access. If backup files are modified, the restore process will fail. Keep in mind that anyone with the Admin/Maint role can access the Backup Management page, where they can move and delete files from remote storage.

In the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center's system configuration, you can mount an NFS, SMB, or SSHFS network volume as remote storage. After you do this, all subsequent backups are copied to that volume, but you can still use the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center to manage them. For more information, see Remote Storage Management and Manage Backups and Remote Storage.

Note that only the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center mounts the network volume. Managed device backup files are routed through the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center. Make sure you have the bandwidth to perform a large data transfer between the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center and its devices. For more information, see Guidelines for Downloading Data from the Firepower Management Center to Managed Devices (Troubleshooting TechNote).

Backup and Restore in FMC High Availability Deployments

In an cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center high availability deployment, backing up one cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center does not back up the other. You should regularly back up both peers. Do not restore one HA peer with the backup file from the other. A backup file contains information that uniquely identifies an appliance, and cannot be shared.

Note that you can replace an HA cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center without a successful backup. For more information on replacing HAcloud-delivered Firewall Management Centers, both with and without successful backups, see Replacing FMCs in a High Availability Pair.

Backup and Restore in FTD High Availability Deployments

In an threat defense HA deployment, you should:

  • Back up the device pair from the FMC, but restore individually and locally from the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center CLI.

    The backup process produces unique backup files for threat defense HA devices. Do not restore one HA peer with the backup file from the other. A backup file contains information that uniquely identifies an appliance, and cannot be shared.

    An cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center HA device's role is noted in its backup file name. When you restore, make sure you choose the appropriate backup file: primary vs secondary.

  • Do not suspend or break HA before you restore.

    Maintaining the HA configuration ensures replacement devices can easily reconnect after restore. Note that you will have to resume HA synchronization to make this happen.

  • Do not run the restore CLI command on both peers at the same time.

    Assuming you have successful backups, you can replace either or both peers in an HA pair. Any physical replacement tasks you can perform simultaneously: unracking, reracking, and so on. However, do not run the restore command on the second device until the restore process completes for the first device, including the reboot.

Note that you can replace an cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center HA device without a successful backup; see Replace a Unit in an FTD High Availability Pair.

Backup and Restore for Firepower 4100/9300 Chassis

To restore Firepower software on a Firepower 4100/9300 chassis, the chassis must be running a compatible FXOS version.

When you back up a Firepower 4100/9300 chassis, we strongly recommend you also back up FXOS configurations. For additional best practices, see Configuration Import/Export Guidelines for Firepower 4100/9300.

Before Backup

Before you back up, you should:

  • Update the VDB and SRU on the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center.

    We always recommend you use the latest vulnerability database (VDB) and intrusion rules (SRU). Before you back up an cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center, check the Cisco Support & Download site for newer versions.

    This is especially important for the VDB, because the VDB versions must match to restore a backup. Because you cannot downgrade the VDB, you do not want a situation where your replacement cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center has a newer VDB than the backed up cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center.

  • Check Disk Space.

    Before you begin a backup, make sure you have enough disk space on the appliance or on your remote storage server. The space available is displayed on the Backup Management page.

    Backups can fail if there is not enough space. Especially if you schedule backups, make sure you regularly prune backup files or allocate more disk space to the remote storage location.

Before Restore

Before restore, you should:

  • Revert licensing changes.

    Revert any licensing changes made since you took the backup.

    Otherwise, you may have license conflicts or orphan entitlements after the restore. However, do not unregister from Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM). If you unregister from CSSM, you must unregister again after you restore, then re-register.

    After the restore completes, reconfigure licensing. If you notice licensing conflicts or orphan entitlements, contact Cisco TAC.

  • Disconnect faulty appliances.

    Disconnect the management interface, and for devices, the data interfaces.

    Restoring an threat defense device sets the management IP address of the replacement device to the management IP address of the old device. To avoid IP conflicts, disconnect the old device from the management network before you restore the backup on its replacement.

    Note that restoring an cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center or 7000/8000 series device does not change the management IP address. You must set that manually on the replacement — just make sure you disconnect the old appliance from the network before you do.

  • Do not unregister managed devices.

    Whether you are restoring an FMC or managed device, do not unregister devices from the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center, even if you physically disconnect an appliance from the network.

    If you unregister, you will need to redo some device configurations, such as security zone to interface mappings. After you restore, the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center and devices should begin communicating normally.

  • Reimage.

    In an RMA scenario, the replacement appliance will arrive configured with factory defaults. However, if the replacement appliance is already configured, we recommend you reimage. Reimaging returns most settings to factory defaults, including the system password. You can only reimage to major versions, so you may need to patch after you reimage.

    If you do not reimage, keep in mind that cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center intrusion events and file lists are merged rather than overwritten.

After Restore

After restore, you should:

  • Reconfigure anything that was not restored.

    This can include reconfiguring licensing, remote storage, and audit log server certificate settings. You also must re-add/re-enroll failed threat defense VPN certificates.

  • Update the VDB and SRU on the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center.

    We always recommend you use the latest vulnerability database (VDB) and intrusion rules (SRU).

  • Deploy.

    After you restore an cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center, deploy to all managed devices. After you restore a device, deploy to that device. You must deploy. If the a device or devices are not marked out of date, force deploy from the Device Management page: Redeploy Existing Configurations to a Device.

Backing Up FMCs or Managed Devices

You can perform on-demand or scheduled backups for supported appliances.

You do not need a backup profile to back up devices from the FMC. However, FMC backups require backup profiles, as do local backups on 7000/8000 series devices.. The on-demand backup process allows you to create a new backup profile.

For more information, see:

Back up the FMC

Use this procedure to perform an on-demand FMC backup. To back up a 7000/8000 series device from its local web interface, see Back up a 7000/8000 Series Device Locally.

Before you begin

You must read and understand the requirements, guidelines, limitations, and best practices. You do not want to skip any steps or ignore security concerns. Careful planning and preparation can help you avoid missteps.


Step 1

Select System > Tools > Backup/Restore.

The Backup Management page lists all locally and remotely stored backups. It also lists how much disk space you have available to store backups. Backups can fail if there is not enough space.

Step 2

Choose whether to use an existing backup profile or start fresh.

FMC backups require that you use or create a backup profile.

  • Click Backup Profiles to use an existing backup profile.

    Next to the profile you want to use, click the edit icon. You can then click Start Backup to begin the backup right now. Or, if you want to edit the profile, go on to the next step.

  • Click Firepower Management Backup to start fresh and create a new backup profile.

    Enter a Name for the backup profile.

Step 3

Choose what to back up:

  • Back Up Configuration

  • Back Up Events

  • Back Up Threat Intelligence Director

In a multidomain deployment, you must back up configurations. You cannot back up events or TID data only. For details on what is and what is not backed up for each of these choices, see About Backup and Restore.

Step 4

Note the Storage Location for FMC backup files.

This will either be local storage in /var/sf/backup/, or a remote network volume. For more information, see Manage Backups and Remote Storage.

Step 5

(Optional) Enable Copy when complete to copy completed FMC backups to a remote server.

Provide a hostname or IP address, the path to the remote directory, and a username and password. To use an SSH public key instead of a password, copy the contents of the SSH Public Key field to the specified user's authorized_keys file on the remote server.



This option is useful if you want to store backups locally and also SCP them to a remote location. If you configured SSH remote storage, do not copy backup files to the same directory using Copy when complete.

Step 6

(Optional) Enable Email and enter an email address to be notified when the backup completes.

To receive email notifications, you must configure the FMC to connect to a mail server: Configuring a Mail Relay Host and Notification Address.

Step 7

Click Start Backup to start the on-demand backup.

If you are not using an existing backup profile, the system automatically creates one and uses it. If you decide not to run the backup now, you can click Save or Save As New to save the profile. In either case, you can use the newly created profile to configure scheduled backups.

Step 8

Monitor progress in the Message Center.

While the system collects backup data, there may be a temporary pause in data correlation, and you may be prevented from changing configurations related to the backup. If you configured remote storage or enabled Copy when complete, the FMC may write temporary files to the remote server. These files are cleaned up at the end of the backup process.

What to do next

If you configured remote storage or enabled Copy when complete, verify transfer success of the backup file.

Back up a Device from the FMC

Use this procedure to perform an on-demand backup of any of the following devices:

  • FTD: Physical devices, standalone or HA

  • FTDv: VMware, standalone or HA

  • 7000/8000 series devices

Backup and restore is not supported for any other platforms or configurations, including clustered devices and container instances.

Before you begin

You must read and understand the requirements, guidelines, limitations, and best practices. You do not want to skip any steps or ignore security concerns. Careful planning and preparation can help you avoid missteps.

If you are backing up a Firepower 4100/9300 chassis, it is especially important that you also back up FXOS configurations: Exporting an FXOS Configuration File.


Step 1

Select System > Tools > Backup/Restore, then click Managed Device Backup.

Step 2

Select one or more Managed Devices.

Step 3

Note the Storage Location for device backup files.

This will either be local storage in /var/sf/remote-backup/, or a remote network volume. For more information, see Manage Backups and Remote Storage.

Step 4

If you did not configure remote storage, choose whether you want to Retrieve to Management Center.

  • Enabled (default): Saves the backup to the FMC in /var/sf/remote-backup/.

  • Disabled: Saves the backup to the device in /var/sf/backup.

Step 5

Click Start Backup to start the on-demand backup.

Step 6

Monitor progress in the Message Center.

What to do next

If you configured remote storage, verify transfer success of the backup file.

Exporting an FXOS Configuration File

Use the configuration export feature to export an XML file containing logical device and platform configuration settings for your Firepower 4100/9300 chassis to a remote server or your local computer.


This procedure explains how to use Firepower Chassis Manager to export FXOS configurations when you back up Firepower Threat Defense. For the CLI procedure, see the appropriate version of the Cisco Firepower 4100/9300 FXOS CLI Configuration Guide.

Before you begin

Review the Guidelines and Restrictions.


Step 1

Choose System > Configuration > Export on the Firepower Chassis Manager.

Step 2

To export a configuration file to your local computer:

  1. Click Local.

  2. Click Export.

    The configuration file is created and, depending on your browser, the file might be automatically downloaded to your default download location or you might be prompted to save the file.

Step 3

To export the configuration file to a remote server:

  1. Click Remote.

  2. Choose the protocol to use when communicating with the remote server. This can be one of the following: FTP, TFTP, SCP, or SFTP.

  3. Enter the hostname or IP address of the location where the backup file should be stored. This can be a server, storage array, local drive, or any read/write media that the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis can access through the network.

    If you use a hostname rather than an IP address, you must configure a DNS server.

  4. If you are using a non-default port, enter the port number in the Port field.

  5. Enter the username the system should use to log in to the remote server. This field does not apply if the protocol is TFTP.

  6. Enter the password for the remote server username. This field does not apply if the protocol is TFTP.



    The password must not exceed 64 characters. If you enter a password more than 64 character, Firepower Chassis Manager will display an error stating that property pwd of org-root/cfg-exp-policy-default is out of range.

  7. In the Location field, enter the full path to where you want the configuration file exported including the filename.

  8. Click Export.

    The configuration file is created and exported to the specified location.

Back up a 7000/8000 Series Device Locally

Use this procedure to perform a local, on-demand backup for a 7000/8000 series device. Device backups are always configuration-only.

Note that local backup management on 7000/8000 series devices is slightly different and has fewer options than backup management on the FMC, but in general works in the same way. Unless you have a specific need, we recommend you use the FMC to back up these devices remotely.

Before you begin

You must read and understand the requirements, guidelines, limitations, and best practices. You do not want to skip any steps or ignore security concerns. Careful planning and preparation can help you avoid missteps.


Step 1

On the device's local web interface, select System > Tools > Backup/Restore.

The Backup Management page lists all locally stored backups. It also lists how much disk space you have available to store backups. Backups can fail if there is not enough space.

Step 2

Choose whether to use an existing backup profile or start fresh.

7000/8000 series local backups require that you use or create a backup profile. When you perform an on-demand backup, if you do not pick an existing backup profile, the system automatically creates one and uses it. You can then use the newly created profile to configure scheduled backups.

  • Click Backup Profiles to use an existing backup profile.

    Next to the profile you want to use, click the edit icon. You can then click Start Backup to begin the backup right now. Or, if you want to edit the profile, go on to the next step.

  • Click Device Backup to start fresh and create a new backup profile.

    Enter a Name for the backup profile.

Step 3

(Optional) Enable Copy when complete to copy completed backups to a remote server.

This is your only option for remote storage for 7000/8000 series local backups.

Provide a hostname or IP address, the path to the remote directory, and a username and password. To use an SSH public key instead of a password, copy the contents of the SSH Public Key field to the specified user's authorized_keys file on the remote server.

Step 4

(Optional) Enable Email and enter an email address to be notified when the backup completes.

To receive email notifications, you must configure the device to connect to a mail server: Configuring a Mail Relay Host and Notification Address.

Step 5

Click Start Backup to start the on-demand backup.

If you are not using an existing backup profile, the system automatically creates one and uses it. If you decide not to run the backup now, you can click Save or Save As New to save the profile. In either case, you can use the newly created profile to configure scheduled backups.

Step 6

Monitor progress in the Message Center.

While the system collects backup data, you may be prevented from changing configurations related to the backup. If you enabled Copy when complete, the device may write temporary files to the remote server. These files are cleaned up at the end of the backup process.

What to do next

If you enabled Copy when complete, verify transfer success of the backup file.

Create a Backup Profile

A backup profile is a saved set of preferences—what to back up, where to store the backup file, and so on.

FMC backups and 7000/8000 series local backups require backup profiles. Backup profiles are not required to back up a device from the FMC.

When you perform an on-demand FMC or 7000/8000 series local backup, if you do not pick an existing backup profile, the system automatically creates one and uses it. You can then use the newly created profile to configure scheduled backups.

The following procedure explains how to create a backup profile without performing an on-demand backup.


Step 1

Select System > Tools > Backup/Restore, then click Backup Profiles.

Step 2

Click Create Profile and enter a Name.

Step 3

(FMC only) Choose what to back up.

7000/8000 series backups are always configuration-only.

  • Back Up Configuration

  • Back Up Events

  • Back Up Threat Intelligence Director

In a multidomain deployment, you must back up configurations. You cannot back up events or TID data only. For details on what is and what is not backed up for each of these choices, see About Backup and Restore.

Step 4

Note the Storage Location for backup files.

For FMC backup profiles, this will either be local storage in /var/sf/backup/, or a remote network volume. For 7000/8000 local backup profiles, this is always /var/sf/backup/. For more information, see Manage Backups and Remote Storage.

Step 5

(Optional) Enable Copy when complete to copy completed FMC backups to a remote server.

Provide a hostname or IP address, the path to the remote directory, and a username and password. To use an SSH public key instead of a password, copy the contents of the SSH Public Key field to the specified user's authorized_keys file on the remote server.



This option is useful if you want to store backups locally and also SCP them to a remote location. If you configured SSHFS remote storage, do not copy backup files to the same directory using Copy when complete.

Step 6

(Optional) Enable Email and enter an email address to be notified when the backup completes.

To receive email notifications, you must configure the FMC to connect to a mail server: Configuring a Mail Relay Host and Notification Address.

Step 7

Click Save.

Restoring FMCs and Managed Devices

For the FMC and 7000/8000 series devices, you use the local web interface to restore from backup. For FTD devices, you must use the FTD CLI. You cannot use the FMC to restore a device.

The following sections explain how to restore FMCs and managed devices.

Restore an FMC from Backup

When you restore an FMC backup, you can choose to restore any or all of the components included in the backup file (events, configurations, TID data).


Restoring configurations overwrites all configurations, with very few exceptions. It also reboots the FMC. Restoring events and TID data overwrites all existing events and TID data, with the exception of intrusion events. Make sure you are ready.

Use this procedure to restore an FMC from backup. For more information on backup and restore in an FMC HA deployment, see Replacing FMCs in a High Availability Pair. To restore a 7000/8000 series device, see Restore a 7000/8000 Series Device from Backup.

Before you begin

You must read and understand the requirements, guidelines, limitations, and best practices. You do not want to skip any steps or ignore security concerns. Careful planning and preparation can help you avoid missteps.


Step 1

Log into the FMC you want to restore.

Step 2

Select System > Tools > Backup/Restore.

The Backup Management page lists all locally and remotely stored backup files. You can click a backup file to view its contents.

If the backup file is not in the list and you have it saved on your local computer, click Upload Backup; see Manage Backups and Remote Storage.

Step 3

Select the backup file you want to restore and click Restore.

Step 4

Select from the available components to restore, then click Restore again to begin.

Step 5

Monitor progress in the Message Center.

If you are restoring configurations, you can log back in after the FMC reboots.

What to do next

  • If necessary, reconfigure any licensing settings that you reverted before the restore. If you notice licensing conflicts or orphan entitlements, contact Cisco TAC.

  • If necessary, reconfigure remote storage and audit log server certificate settings. These settings are not included in backups.

  • (Optional) Update the SRU and VDB. If the SRU or the VDB available on the Cisco Support & Download site is newer than the version currently running, we recommend you install the newer version.

  • Deploy configuration changes; see Deploy Configuration Changes.

Restore FTD from Backup: Firepower 1000/2100, ASA-5500-X, ISA 3000

FTD backup and restore is intended for RMA. Restoring configurations overwrites all configurations on the device, including the management IP address. It also reboots the device.

In case of hardware failure, this procedure outlines how to replace a Firepower 1000/2100, ASA-5500-X, or ISA 3000 FTD device, either standalone or in an HA pair. It assumes you have access to a successful backup of the device or devices you are replacing; see Back up a Device from the FMC.

In an FTD HA deployment, you can use this procedure to replace either or both peers. To replace both, perform all steps on both devices simultaneously, except the restore CLI command itself. Note that you can replace an FTD HA device without a successful backup; see Replace a Unit in an FTD High Availability Pair.


Do not unregister from the FMC, even when disconnecting a device from the network. In an FTD HA deployment, do not suspend or break HA. Maintaining these links ensures replacement devices can automatically reconnect after restore.

Before you begin

You must read and understand the requirements, guidelines, limitations, and best practices. You do not want to skip any steps or ignore security concerns. Careful planning and preparation can help you avoid missteps.


Step 1

Contact Cisco TAC for replacement hardware.

Obtain an identical model, with the same number of network modules and same type and number of physical interfaces. You can begin the RMA process from the Cisco Returns Portal.

Step 2

Locate a successful backup of the faulty device.

Depending on your backup configuration, device backups may be stored:

  • On the faulty device itself in /var/sf/backup.

  • On the FMC in /var/sf/remote-backup.

  • In a remote storage location.

In an FTD HA deployment, you back up the pair as a unit but the backup process produces unique backup files. The device's role is noted in the backup file name.

If the only copy of the backup is on the faulty device, copy it somewhere else now. If you reimage the device, the backup will be erased. If something else goes wrong, you may not be able to recover the backup. For more information, see Manage Backups and Remote Storage.

The replacement device will need the backup, but can retrieve it with SCP during the restore process. We recommend you put the backup somewhere SCP-accessible to the replacement device. Or, you can copy the backup to the replacement device itself.

Step 3

Remove (unrack) the faulty device.

Disconnect all interfaces. In FTD HA deployments, this includes the failover link.

See the hardware installation and getting started guides for your model: Cisco Firepower NGFW: Install and Upgrade Guides.



Do not unregister from the FMC, even when disconnecting a device from the network. In an FTD HA deployment, do not suspend or break HA. Maintaining these links ensures replacement devices can automatically reconnect after restore.

Step 4

Install the replacement device and connect it to the management network.

Connect the device to power and the management interface to the management network. In an FTD HA deployment, connect the failover link. However, do not connect the data interfaces.

See the hardware installation guide for your model: Cisco Firepower NGFW: Install and Upgrade Guides.

Step 5

(Optional) Reimage the replacement device.

In an RMA scenario, the replacement device will arrive configured with factory defaults. If the replacement device is not running the same major version as the faulty device, we recommend you reimage.

See the Cisco ASA and Firepower Threat Defense Reimage Guide.

Step 6

Perform initial configuration on the replacement device.

Access the FTD CLI as the admin user. You can use the console or you can SSH to the factory-default management interface IP address ( A setup wizard prompts you to configure the management IP address, gateway, and other basic network settings.

Do not set the same management IP address as the faulty device. This can cause problems if you need to register the device in order to patch it. The restore process will correctly reset the management IP address.

See the initial configuration topics in the getting started guide for your model: Cisco Firepower NGFW: Install and Upgrade Guides.



If you need to patch the replacement device, start the FMC registration process as described in the getting started guide. If you do not need to patch, do not register.

Step 7

Make sure the replacement device is running the same Firepower software version, including patches, as the faulty device.

Ensure that the existing device should not be deleted from the FMC. The replacement device should be unmanaged from the physical network and the new hardware as well as the replacing FTD patch should have the same version. The FTD CLI does not have an upgrade command. To patch:

  1. From the FMC web interface, complete the device registration process: Add a Device to the FMC.

    Create a new AC policy and use the default action "Network Discovery". Leave this policy as is; do not add any features or modifications. This is being used to register the device and deploy a policy with no features so that you do not require licenses, and you will then be able to patch the device. Once backup is restored, it should restore the licensing and policy into the expected state.

  2. Patch the device: Cisco Firepower Management Center Upgrade Guide.

  3. Unregister the freshly patched device from the FMC: Delete a Device from the FMC.

    If you do not unregister, you will have a ghost device registered to the FMC after the restore process brings your "old" device back up.

Step 8

Make sure the replacement device has access to the backup file.

The restore process can retrieve the backup with SCP, so we recommend you put the backup somewhere accessible. Or, you can manually copy the backup to the replacement device itself, to /var/sf/backup.

Step 9

From the FTD CLI, restore the backup.

Access the FTD CLI as the admin user. You can use the console or you can SSH to the newly configured management interface (IP address or hostname). Keep in mind that the restore process will change this IP address.

To restore:

  • With SCP: restore remote-manager-backup location scp-hostname username filepath backup tar-file

  • From the local device: restore remote-manager-backup backup tar-file

In an FTD HA deployment, make sure you choose the appropriate backup file: primary vs secondary. The role is noted in the backup file name. If you are restoring both devices in the HA pair, do this sequentially. Do not run the restore command on the second device until the restore process completes for the first device, including the reboot.

Step 10

Log into the FMC and wait for the replacement device to connect.

When the restore is done, the device logs you out of the CLI, reboots, and automatically connects to the FMC. At this time, the device should appear out of date.

Step 11

Before you deploy, perform any post-restore tasks and resolve any post-restore issues:

  • Resolve licensing conflicts or orphan entitlements. Contact Cisco TAC.

  • Resume HA synchronization. From the FTD CLI, enter configure high-availability resume. See Suspend and Resume High Availability.

  • Re-add/re-enroll all VPN certificates. The restore process removes VPN certificates from FTD devices, including certificates added after the backup was taken. See Managing Firepower Threat Defense Certificates.

Step 12

Deploy configurations.

You must deploy. If a restored device is not marked out of date, force deploy from the Device Management page: Redeploy Existing Configurations to a Device.

Step 13

Connect the device's data interfaces.

See the hardware installation guide for your model: Cisco Firepower NGFW: Install and Upgrade Guides.

What to do next

Verify that the restore succeeded and the replacement device is passing traffic as expected.

Restore FTD from Backup: Firepower 4100/9300 Chassis

FTD backup and restore is intended for RMA. Restoring configurations overwrites all configurations on the device, including the management IP address. It also reboots the device.

In case of hardware failure, this procedure outlines how to replace a Firepower 4100/9300 chassis. It assumes you have access to a successful backups of:


Do not unregister from the FMC, even when disconnecting a device from the network. Maintaining registration ensures replacement devices can automatically reconnect after restore.

Before you begin

You must read and understand the requirements, guidelines, limitations, and best practices. You do not want to skip any steps or ignore security concerns. Careful planning and preparation can help you avoid missteps.


Step 1

Contact Cisco TAC for replacement hardware.

Obtain an identical model, with the same number of network modules and same type and number of physical interfaces. You can begin the RMA process from the Cisco Returns Portal.

Step 2

Locate a successful backup of the faulty device.

Depending on your backup configuration, device backups may be stored:

  • On the faulty device itself in /var/sf/backup.

  • On the FMC in /var/sf/remote-backup.

  • In a remote storage location.

If the only copy of the backup is on the faulty device, copy it somewhere else now. If you reimage the device, the backup will be erased. If something else goes wrong, you may not be able to recover the backup. For more information, see Manage Backups and Remote Storage.

The replacement device will need the backup, but can retrieve it with SCP during the restore process. We recommend you put the backup somewhere SCP-accessible to the replacement device. Or, you can copy the backup to the replacement device itself.

Step 3

Locate a successful backup of your FXOS configurations.

Step 4

Remove (unrack) the faulty device.

Disconnect all interfaces.

See the hardware installation and getting started guides for your model: Cisco Firepower NGFW: Install and Upgrade Guides.



Do not unregister from the FMC, even when disconnecting a device from the network. Maintaining registration ensures replacement devices can automatically reconnect after restore.

Step 5

Install the replacement device and connect it to the management network.

Connect the device to power and the management interface to the management network. However, do not connect the data interfaces.

See the hardware installation guide for your model: Cisco Firepower NGFW: Install and Upgrade Guides.

Step 6

(Optional) Reimage the replacement device.

In an RMA scenario, the replacement device will arrive configured with factory defaults. If the replacement device is not running the same major version as the faulty device, we recommend you reimage.

See the instructions on restoring the factory default configuration in the appropriate Cisco Firepower 4100/9300 FXOS Firepower Chassis Manager Configuration Guide.

Step 7

Make sure FXOS is running a compatible version.

You must be running a compatible FXOS version before you re-add logical devices. You can use Firepower Chassis Manager to import your backed-up FXOS configurations: Importing a Configuration File.

Step 8

Use Firepower Chassis Manager to add logical devices and perform initial configurations.

Do not set the same management IP addresses as the logical device or devices on the faulty chassis. This can cause problems if you need to register a logical device in order to patch it. The restore process will correctly reset the management IP address.

See the FMC deployment chapter in the getting started guide for your model: Cisco Firepower NGFW: Install and Upgrade Guides.



If you need to patch a logical device, register to the FMC as described in the getting started guide. If you do not need to patch, do not register.

Step 9

Make sure the replacement device is running the same Firepower software version, including patches, as the faulty device.

Ensure that the existing device should not be deleted from the FMC. The replacement device should be unmanaged from the physical network and the new hardware as well as the replacing FTD patch should have the same version. The FTD CLI does not have an upgrade command. To patch:

  1. From the FMC web interface, complete the device registration process: Add a Device to the FMC.

    Create a new AC policy and use the default action "Network Discovery". Leave this policy as is; do not add any features or modifications. This is being used to register the device and deploy a policy with no features so that you do not require licenses, and you will then be able to patch the device. Once backup is restored, it should restore the licensing and policy into the expected state.

  2. Patch the device: Cisco Firepower Management Center Upgrade Guide.

  3. Unregister the freshly patched device from the FMC: Delete a Device from the FMC.

    If you do not unregister, you will have a ghost device registered to the FMC after the restore process brings your "old" device back up.

Step 10

Make sure the replacement device has access to the backup file.

The restore process can retrieve the backup with SCP, so we recommend you put the backup somewhere accessible. Or, you can manually copy the backup to the replacement device itself, to /var/sf/backup.

Step 11

From the FTD CLI, restore the backup.

Access the FTD CLI as the admin user. You can use the console or you can SSH to the newly configured management interface (IP address or hostname). Keep in mind that the restore process will change this IP address.

To restore:

  • With SCP: restore remote-manager-backup location scp-hostname username filepath backup tar-file

  • From the local device: restore remote-manager-backup backup tar-file

Step 12

Log into the FMC and wait for the replacement device to connect.

When the restore is done, the device logs you out of the CLI, reboots, and automatically connects to the FMC. At this time, the device should appear out of date.

Step 13

Before you deploy, perform any post-restore tasks and resolve any post-restore issues:

  • Resolve licensing conflicts or orphan entitlements. Contact Cisco TAC.

  • Re-add/re-enroll all VPN certificates. The restore process removes VPN certificates from FTD devices, including certificates added after the backup was taken. See Managing Firepower Threat Defense Certificates.

Step 14

Deploy configurations.

You must deploy. If a restored device is not marked out of date, force deploy from the Device Management page: Redeploy Existing Configurations to a Device.

Step 15

Connect the device's data interfaces.

See the hardware installation guide for your model: Cisco Firepower NGFW: Install and Upgrade Guides.

What to do next

Verify that the restore succeeded and the replacement device is passing traffic as expected.

Importing a Configuration File

You can use the configuration import feature to apply configuration settings that were previously exported from your Firepower 4100/9300 chassis. This feature allows you to return to a known good configuration or to recover from a system failure.


This procedure explains how to use Firepower Chassis Manager to import FXOS configurations before you restore the software. For the CLI procedure, see the appropriate version of the Cisco Firepower 4100/9300 FXOS CLI Configuration Guide.

Before you begin

Review the Guidelines and Restrictions.


Step 1

Choose System > Tools > Import/Export on the Firepower Chassis Manager.

Step 2

To import from a local configuration file:

  1. Click Local.

  2. Click Choose File to navigate to and select the configuration file that you want to import.

  3. Click Import.

    A confirmation dialog box opens asking you to confirm that you want to proceed and warning you that the chassis might need to restart.
  4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to import the specified configuration file.

    The existing configuration is deleted and the configuration specified in the import file is applied to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis. If there is a breakout port configuration change during the import, the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis will need to restart.

Step 3

To import from a configuration file on a remote server:

  1. Click Remote.

  2. Choose the protocol to use when communicating with the remote server. This can be one of the following: FTP, TFTP, SCP, or SFTP.

  3. If you are using a non-default port, enter the port number in the Port field.

  4. Enter the hostname or IP address of the location where the backup file is stored. This can be a server, storage array, local drive, or any read/write media that the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis can access through the network.

    If you use a hostname rather than an IP address, you must configure a DNS server.

  5. Enter the username the system should use to log in to the remote server. This field does not apply if the protocol is TFTP.

  6. Enter the password for the remote server username. This field does not apply if the protocol is TFTP.



    The password must not exceed 64 characters. If you enter a password more than 64 character, Firepower Chassis Manager will display an error stating that property pwd of org-root/cfg-exp-policy-default is out of range.

  7. In the File Path field, enter the full path to the configuration file including the file name.

  8. Click Import.

    A confirmation dialog box opens asking you to confirm that you want to proceed and warning you that the chassis might need to restart.
  9. Click Yes to confirm that you want to import the specified configuration file.

    The existing configuration is deleted and the configuration specified in the import file is applied to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis. If there is a breakout port configuration change during the import, the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis will need to restart.

Restore FTD from Backup: FTDv

Use this procedure to replace a faulty or failed Firepower Threat Defense Virtual device for VMware.


Do not unregister from the FMC, even when disconnecting a device from the network. Maintaining registration ensures replacement devices can automatically reconnect after restore.

Before you begin

You must read and understand the requirements, guidelines, limitations, and best practices. You do not want to skip any steps or ignore security concerns. Careful planning and preparation can help you avoid missteps.


Step 1

Locate a successful backup of the faulty device.

Depending on your backup configuration, device backups may be stored:

  • On the faulty device itself in /var/sf/backup.

  • On the FMC in /var/sf/remote-backup.

  • In a remote storage location.

If the only copy of the backup is on the faulty device, copy it somewhere else now. If you reimage the device, the backup will be erased. If something else goes wrong, you may not be able to recover the backup. For more information, see Manage Backups and Remote Storage.

The replacement device will need the backup, but can retrieve it with SCP during the restore process. We recommend you put the backup somewhere SCP-accessible to the replacement device. Or, you can copy the backup to the replacement device itself.

Step 2

Remove the faulty device.

Shut down, power off, and delete the virtual machine. For procedures, see the documentation for your virtual environment.

Step 3

Deploy a replacement device.

See the Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Virtual for VMware Getting Started Guide.

Step 4

Perform initial configuration on the replacement device.

Use the VMware console to access the FTD CLI as the admin user. A setup wizard prompts you to configure the management IP address, gateway, and other basic network settings.

Do not set the same management IP address as the faulty device. This can cause problems if you need to register the device in order to patch it. The restore process will correctly reset the management IP address.

See the CLI setup topics in the getting started guide: Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Virtual for VMware Getting Started Guide.



If you need to patch the replacement device, start the FMC registration process as described in the getting started guide. If you do not need to patch, do not register.

Step 5

Make sure the replacement device is running the same Firepower software version, including patches, as the faulty device.

Ensure that the existing device should not be deleted from the FMC. The replacement device should be unmanaged from the physical network and the new hardware as well as the replacing FTD patch should have the same version. The FTD CLI does not have an upgrade command. To patch:

  1. From the FMC web interface, complete the device registration process: Add a Device to the FMC.

    Create a new AC policy and use the default action "Network Discovery". Leave this policy as is; do not add any features or modifications. This is being used to register the device and deploy a policy with no features so that you do not require licenses, and you will then be able to patch the device. Once backup is restored, it should restore the licensing and policy into the expected state.

  2. Patch the device: Cisco Firepower Management Center Upgrade Guide.

  3. Unregister the freshly patched device from the FMC: Delete a Device from the FMC.

    If you do not unregister, you will have a ghost device registered to the FMC after the restore process brings your "old" device back up.

Step 6

Make sure the replacement device has access to the backup file.

The restore process can retrieve the backup with SCP, so we recommend you put the backup somewhere accessible. Or, you can manually copy the backup to the replacement device itself, to /var/sf/backup.

Step 7

From the FTD CLI, restore the backup.

Access the FTD CLI as the admin user. You can use the console or you can SSH to the newly configured management interface (IP address or hostname). Keep in mind that the restore process will change this IP address.

To restore:

  • With SCP: restore remote-manager-backup location scp-hostname username filepath backup tar-file

  • From the local device: restore remote-manager-backup backup tar-file

Step 8

Log into the FMC and wait for the replacement device to connect.

When the restore is done, the device logs you out of the CLI, reboots, and automatically connects to the FMC. At this time, the device should appear out of date.

Step 9

Before you deploy, perform any post-restore tasks and resolve any post-restore issues:

  • Resolve licensing conflicts or orphan entitlements. Contact Cisco TAC.

  • Re-add/re-enroll all VPN certificates. The restore process removes VPN certificates from FTD devices, including certificates added after the backup was taken. See Managing Firepower Threat Defense Certificates.

Step 10

Deploy configurations.

You must deploy. If a restored device is not marked out of date, force deploy from the Device Management page: Redeploy Existing Configurations to a Device.

Step 11

Add and configure data interfaces.

See the Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Virtual for VMware Getting Started Guide and the documentation for your virtual environment.

What to do next

Verify that the restore succeeded and the replacement device is passing traffic as expected.

Restore a 7000/8000 Series Device from Backup

This procedure explains how to use the 7000/8000 series local web interface to restore from backup. Restoring overwrites all configurations, with very few exceptions. It also reboots the device.

Before you begin

You must read and understand the requirements, guidelines, limitations, and best practices. You do not want to skip any steps or ignore security concerns. Careful planning and preparation can help you avoid missteps.


Step 1

Log into the device you want to restore.

Step 2

Select System > Tools > Backup/Restore.

The Backup Management page lists all locally stored backup files. You can click a backup file to view its contents.

If the backup file is not in the list and you have it saved on your local computer, click Upload Backup; see Manage Backups and Remote Storage.

Step 3

Select the backup file you want to restore and click Restore.

Step 4

Make sure Replace Configuration Data is enabled, then click Restore again to begin.

Device backups are always configuration-only.

Step 5

Monitor progress in the Message Center until the device reboots.

What to do next

Deploy configuration changes; see Deploy Configuration Changes.

Manage Backups and Remote Storage

Backups are stored as unencrypted archive (.tar) files. The file name includes identifying information that can include:

  • The name of the backup profile or scheduled task associated with the backup.

  • The display name or IP address of the backed-up appliance.

  • The appliance's role, such as a member of an HA pair.

We recommend you back up appliances to a secure remote location and verify transfer success. Backups left on an appliance may be deleted, either manually or by the upgrade process; upgrades purge locally stored backups. For more information on your options, see Backup Storage Locations.


Especially because backup files are unencrypted, do not allow unauthorized access. If backup files are modified, the restore process will fail. Keep in mind that anyone with the Admin/Maint role can access the Backup Management page, where they can move and delete files from remote storage.

The following procedure describes how to manage backup files.


Step 1

Select System > Tools > Backup/Restore.

The Backup Management page lists available backups. It also lists how much disk space you have available to store backups. Backups can fail if there is not enough space.

Step 2

Do one of the following:

Table 1. Remote Storage and Backup File Management
To Do This

Enable or disable remote storage for backups without having to edit the FMC system configuration.

Click Enable Remote Storage for Backups.

This option appears only after you configure remote storage. Toggling it here also toggles it in the system configuration (System > Configuration > Remote Storage Device).


To quickly access your remote storage configuration, click Remote Storage at the upper right of the Backup Management page.



To store backup on the remote storage location, you must also enable the Retrieve to Management Center option (see Back up a Device from the FMC).

Move a file between the FMC and the remote storage location.

Click Move.

You can move a file back and forth as many times as you want. This will delete—not copy—the file from the current location.

When you move a backup file from remote storage to the FMC, where it is stored on the FMC depends on the kind of backup:

  • FMC backups: /var/sf/backup

  • Device backups: /var/sf/remote-backup

View the contents of the backup.

Click the backup file.

Delete a backup file.

Choose a backup file and click Delete.

You can delete both locally and remotely stored backup files.

Upload a backup file from your computer.

Click Upload Backup, choose a backup file, and click Upload Backup again.

Download a backup to your computer.

Choose a backup file and click Download.

Unlike moving a backup file, this does not delete the backup from the FMC.

Backup Storage Locations

The following table describes backup storage options for FMCs and managed devices.

Table 2. Backup Storage Locations
Location Details

Remote, by mounting a network volume (NFS, SMB, SSHFS).



Backup is stored on a remote storage location only when you have configured remote storage and enabled the Retrieve to Management Center option (see Back up a Device from the FMC).

In the FMC's system configuration, you can mount an NFS, SMB, or SSHFS network volume as remote storage for FMC and device backups; see Remote Storage Management.)

After you do this, all subsequent FMC backups and FMC-initiated device backups are copied to that volume, but you can still use the FMC to manage them (restore, download, upload, delete, move).

Note that only the FMC mounts the network volume. Managed device backup files are routed through the FMC. Make sure you have the bandwidth to perform a large data transfer between the FMC and its devices. For more information, see Guidelines for Downloading Data from the Firepower Management Center to Managed Devices (Troubleshooting TechNote).

Remote, by copying (SCP).



Backup is stored on a remote storage location only when you have configured remote storage and enabled the Retrieve to Management Center option (see Back up a Device from the FMC).

For the FMC and for 7000/8000 series local backups, you can use a Copy when complete option to securely copy (SCP) completed backups to a remote server.

Compared with remote storage by mounting a network volume, Copy when complete cannot copy to NFS or SMB volumes. You cannot provide CLI options or set a disk space threshold, and it does not affect remote storage of reports. You also cannot manage backup files after they are copied out.

This option is useful if you want to store backups locally and SCP them to a remote location. It is also your only option for remote storage for 7000/8000 series local backups.



If you configure SSHFS remote storage in the FMC system configuration, do not copy backup files to the same directory using Copy when complete.

Local, on the FMC.

If you do not configure remote storage by mounting a network volume, you can save backup files on the FMC:

  • FMC backups are saved to /var/sf/backup.

  • Device backups are saved to /var/sf/remote-backup on the FMC if you enable the Retrieve to Management Center option when you perform the backup.

Note that you cannot save 7000/8000 series local backups to the FMC.

Local, on the device internal flash memory.

Device backup files are saved to /var/sf/backup on the device if you:

  • Do not configure remote storage by mounting a network volume.

  • Do not enable Retrieve to Management Center.

History for Backup and Restore




On-demand remote backups of managed devices


You can now use the FMC to perform on-demand remote backups of certain managed devices. Previously, only 7000 and 8000 series devices supported backups, and you had to use the device's local GUI.

For supported platforms, see Requirements for Backup and Restore.

New/modified screens: System > Tools > Backup/Restore > Managed Device Backup

New/modified FTD CLI commands: restore