Schema: System-Level Tables

This chapter contains information on the schema and supported joins for system-level functions, including auditing, appliance health monitoring, malware detection, and logging of security updates.

For more information, see the sections listed in the following table.


Table 3-1 Schema for System-Level Tables

For the table that stores information on...


User interactions with the appliance’s web interface.



FireAMP malware detection and quarantine events.



Health status events for monitored appliances.



Rule updates that have been imported on your appliances.



The audit_log table contains information on FireSIGHT System users’ interactions with the web interface. Keep in mind that the audit log stores records for the local appliance only, not for managed appliances.

For more information, see the following sections:

audit_log Fields

The following table describes the database fields you can access in the audit_log table.


Table 3-2 audit_log Fields



The UNIX timestamp of the date and time the appliance generated the audit record.


The action the user performed.


The IP address of the web interface user’s host, in dotted-decimal notation.


The menu path the user followed to generate the audit record.


The user name of the user who triggered the audit event.

audit_log Joins

You cannot perform joins on the audit_log table.

audit_log Sample Query

The following query returns up to the 25 most recent audit log entries, sorted by time.

SELECT from_unixtime(action_time_sec)

AS Time, user, subsystem, message, source, count(*)

AS Total

FROM audit_log

GROUP BY source, subsystem, user, message



The fireamp_event table contains information on malware events. These events contain information on malware detected or quarantined within a cloud, the detection method, and hosts and users affected by the malware. New fields were added to identify the application which triggered the event, how the event is handled, and to correlate the event with connection, intrusion, and file events.

For more information, see the following sections:

fireamp_event Fields

The following table describes the database fields you can access in the fireamp_event table.


Table 3-3 fireamp_event Fields



ID number that maps to the application performing the file transfer.


Name of the application performing the transfer.


The Unix timestamp on which the SSL certificate used in the connection ceases to be valid.


The Unix timestamp when the SSL certificate used in the connection was issued.


The internal identification number for the client application, if applicable.


The name of the client application, if applicable.


The name of the cloud service from which the FireAMP event originated. Each cloud_name value has an associated cloud_uuid value.


The internal unique ID of the cloud service from which the FireAMP event originated. Each cloud_uuid value has an associated cloud_name value.


UNIX timestamp (seconds since 00:00:00 01/01/1970) of the connection event associated with the malware event.


Specific counter for the event, used to distinguish among multiple events that happened during the same second.


The name of the detected or quarantined malware.


The detector that detected the malware. Each detector_type value has an associated detector_type_id. The possible display values and the associated IDs are:

  • ClamAV — 128
  • ETHOS — 8
  • SPERO — 32
  • SHA — 4
  • Tetra — 64


The internal ID of the detection technology that detected the malware. Each detector_type_id value has an associated detector_type value. The possible display values and the associated types are:

  • 4 — SHA
  • 8 — ETHOS
  • 32 — SPERO
  • 64 — Tetra
  • 128 — ClamAV


Value that indicates whether the file was uploaded or downloaded. Can have the following values:

  • Download
  • Upload

Currently the value depends on the protocol (for example, if the connection is HTTP it is a download).


The malware status of the file. Possible values include:

  • CLEAN — The file is clean and does not contain malware.
  • UNKNOWN — It is unknown whether the file contains malware.
  • MALWARE — The file contains malware.
  • UNAVAILABLE — The software was unable to send a request to the Cisco cloud for a disposition, or the Cisco cloud services did not respond to the request.
  • CUSTOM SIGNATURE — The file matches a user-defined hash, and is treated in a fashion designated by the user.


The name of the continent of the destination host.

** — Unknown

na — North America

as — Asia

af — Africa

eu — Europe

sa — South America

au — Australia

an — Antarctica


Code for the country of the destination host.


Name of the country of the destination host.


This field has been deprecated and will now return null.


A binary representation of the IPv4 or IPv6 address for the destination of the connection.


Port number for the destination of the connection.


The user determined by the Cisco FireAMP agent if the event was detected by the Cisco cloud. This user is not associated with LDAP and does not appear in the discovered_users table.


The additional event information associated with the event type.


The internal unique ID of the FireAMP event.


The action that led to malware detection. Each event_subtype value has an associated event_subtype_id value. The possible display values and the associated IDs are:

  • Create — 1
  • Execute — 2
  • Move — 22
  • Scan — 4


The internal ID of the action that led to malware detection. Each event_subtype_id value has an associated event_subtype value. The possible display values and the associated subtypes are:

  • 1 — Create
  • 2 — Execute
  • 4 — Scan
  • 22 — Move


The type of FireAMP event. Each event_type value has an associated event_type_id value. The possible display values and the associated IDs are:

  • Blocked Execution — 553648168
  • Cloud Recall Quarantine — 553648155
  • Cloud Recall Quarantine Attempt Failed — 2164260893
  • Cloud Recall Quarantine Started — 553648147
  • Cloud Recall Restore from Quarantine — 553648154
  • Cloud Recall Restore from Quarantine Failed — 2164260892
  • Cloud Recall Restore from Quarantine Started — 553648146
  • FireAMP IOC — 1107296256
  • Quarantine Failure — 2164260880
  • Quarantined Item Restored — 553648149
  • Quarantine Restore Failed — 2164260884
  • Quarantine Restore Started — 553648150
  • Scan Completed, No Detections — 554696715
  • Scan Completed With Detections — 1091567628
  • Scan Failed — 2165309453
  • Scan Started — 554696714
  • Threat Detected — 1090519054
  • Threat Detected in Exclusion — 553648145
  • Threat Detected in Network File Transfer — 1
  • Threat Detected in Network File Transfer (Retrospective) — 2
  • Threat Quarantined — 553648143


The internal ID of the FireAMP event type. Each event_type_id value has an associated event_type value. The possible display values and the associated types are:

  • 553648143 — Threat Quarantined
  • 553648145 — Threat Detected in Exclusion
  • 553648146 — Cloud Recall Restore from Quarantine Started
  • 553648147 — Cloud Recall Quarantine Started
  • 553648149 — Quarantined Item Restored
  • 553648150 — Quarantine Restore Started
  • 553648154 — Cloud Recall Restore from Quarantine
  • 553648155 — Cloud Recall Quarantine
  • 553648168 — Blocked Execution
  • 554696714 — Scan Started
  • 554696715 — Scan Completed, No Detections
  • 1090519054 — Threat Detected
  • 1091567628 — Scan Completed With Detections
  • 1107296256 — FireAMP IOC
  • 2164260880 — Quarantine Failure
  • 2164260893 — Cloud Recall Quarantine Attempt Failed
  • 2164260884 — Quarantine Restore Failed
  • 2164260892 — Cloud Recall Restore from Quarantine Failed
  • 2165309453 — Scan Failed


The name of the detected or quarantined file. This name can contain UTF-8 characters.


The file path, not including the file name, of the detected or quarantined file.


The SHA-256 hash value of the detected or quarantined file.


The size in bytes of the detected or quarantined file.


The creation timestamp of the detected or quarantined file.


The file type of the detected or quarantined file.


The internal ID of the file type of the detected or quarantined file.


Numerical ID of the Snort instance on the managed device that generated the event.


Number of indications of compromise found in the event.


The name of the file accessing the detected or quarantined file when detection occurred.


The SHA-256 hash value of the parent file accessing the detected or quarantined file when detection occurred.


Identification number that acts as a unique identifier for the access control policy that triggered the event.


Disposition of the file if the disposition is updated. If the disposition is not updated, this field contains the same value as the disposition field. The possible values are the same as the disposition field.


A numeric value from 0 to 100 based on the potentially malicious behaviors observed during dynamic analysis.


Description of the security context (virtual firewall) that the traffic passed through. Note that the system only populates this field for ASA FirePOWER devices in multi-context mode.


IP address of the device that generated the event.


ID of the device that generated the event.


The text name of the managed device that generated the event record. This field is null when the event refers to the reporting device itself, rather than to a connected device.


A unique identifier for the managed device, or 0 if fireamp_event.sensor_name is null.


The name of the continent of the source host.

** — Unknown

na — North America

as — Asia

af — Africa

eu — Europe

sa — South America

au — Australia

an — Antarctica


Code for the country of the source host.


Name of the country of the source host.


Field deprecated in Version 5.2. Returns null for all queries.


A binary representation of the IPv4 or IPv6 address for the source of the connection.


Port number for the source of the connection.


Issuer Common Name from the SSL certificate. This is typically the host and domain name of the certificate issuer, but may contain other information.


The country of the SSL certificate issuer.


The organization of the SSL certificate issuer.


The organizational unit of the SSL certificate issuer.


The serial number of the SSL certificate, assigned by the issuing CA.


Subject Common name from the SSL certificate This is typically the host and domain name of the certificate subject, but may contain other information.


The country of the SSL certificate subject.


The organization of the SSL certificate subject.


The organizational unit of the SSL certificate subject.


Name of the threat.


The FireAMP event generation timestamp.


The URL of the source of the connection.


An internal identification number for the user who last logged into the host that sent or received the file. This user is in the discovered_users table.


The name of the user who last logged into the host that sent or received the file.


The internal identification number for the web application, if applicable.


Name of the web application, if applicable.

fireamp_event Joins

The following table describes the joins you can perform on the fireamp_event table.


Table 3-4 fireamp_event Joins

You can join this table on...




rna_host_ip_map. ipaddr
. ipaddr

fireamp_event Sample Query

The following query returns 25 malware events associated with the specified user, sorted by timestamp in ascending order.

SELECT event_id, timestamp, src_ipaddr, dst_ipaddr, username, cloud_name, event_type, event_subtype, event_description, detection_name, detector_type, file_name, parent_file_name

FROM fireamp_event

WHERE username="username" ORDER BY timestamp ASC



The health_event table contains information on health events generated by the FireSIGHT System.

For more information, see the following sections:

health_event Fields

The following table describes the database fields you can access in the health_event table.


Table 3-5 health_event Fields



The description of the condition that caused the associated health module to generate the health event. For example, health events generated when a process was unable to execute are labeled Unable to Execute.


The UNIX timestamp of the date and time the Defense Center generated the health event.


The internal identification number for the event.


The name of the health module that generated the event.


The text name of the managed device that generated the event record. This field is null when the health event refers to the reporting device itself, rather than to a connected one.


A unique identifier for the managed device, or zero if sensor_name is null.


The health monitor status that has been reported for the appliance identified in sensor_uuid. Values are:

  • red — Critical status. Limits have been exceeded for at least one health module on the appliance and the problem has not been corrected.
  • yellow — Warning status. Limits have been exceeded for at least one health module on the appliance and the problem has not been corrected.
  • green — Normal status. All health modules on the appliance are running within the limits configured in the health policy applied to the appliance.
  • recovered — All health modules on the appliance are running within the limits configured in the health policy applied to the appliance, including modules that were in a Critical or Warning state.
  • disabled — Either the appliance is disabled or blacklisted, or is currently unreachable, or has no health policy applied to it.
  • error — At least one health monitoring module has failed on the appliance and has not been successfully re-run since the failure occurred


The unit of measure for results obtained by the health test. For example, % (of Disk Usage).


The number of units of the result obtained by the health test. For example, the value of 80% is 80.

health_event Joins

You cannot perform joins on the health_event table.

health_event Sample Query

The following query returns up to the 25 most recent health events logged within the defined time frame.

SELECT module_name, FROM_UNIXTIME(event_time_sec)

AS event_time, description, value, units, status, sensor_name

FROM health_event

WHERE event_time_sec

BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2011-10-01 00:00:00")

AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2011-10-07 23:59:59")

ORDER BY event_time DESC

LIMIT 0, 25;


The sru_import_log table contains information on rule update processes that have been run on your appliances. The sru_import_log table supersedes the deprecated seu_import_log table starting with Version 5.0 of the FireSIGHT System.

For more information, see the following sections:

sru_import_log Fields

The following table describes the database fields you can access in the sru_import_log table.


Table 3-6 sru_import_log Fields



Indicates the action that has occurred for the imported rule update object type:

  • apply — The Reapply intrusion policies after the Rule Update import completes option was enabled for the import
  • changed — For a rule update component or rule, the rule update component was modified, or the rule has a higher revision number and the same GID and SID
  • collision — For a rule update component or rule, import was skipped because its revision conflicts with an existing component or rule on the appliance
  • deleted — For rules, the rule has been deleted from the rule update
  • disabled — For rules, the rule has been disabled in a default policy provided by Cisco
  • drop — For rules, the rule has been set to Drop and Generate Events in a default policy provided by Cisco
  • enabled — For a rule update, edit, a preprocessor, rule, or other feature provided by the rule update has been enabled in a default policy provided by Cisco
  • error — For a rule update or local rule file, the import failed
  • new — For a rule, this is the first time the object has been stored on this appliance


Either a comment string unique for the change applied by the imported rule update to the component or rule, or blank, for a rule that has not changed.


The GID for the generator for a rule.


The UNIX timestamp of the date and time the rule update import was logged.


The name of the imported object. For rules, this corresponds to the rule message. For rule update components, this is the component name, such as online help or Snort.


All, indicating that a rule is included in all default policies.


Revision number for a rule.


The SID for a rule or set of rules, decoder, or preprocessor.


Descriptive name of the rule update.


A unique identifier for the rule update.


Type of imported object in the rule update: update, rule, variable, and so forth.

sru_import_log Joins

You cannot perform joins on the sru_import_log table.

sru_import_log Sample Query

The following query returns up to 25 results in descending order, sorted by timestamp.

SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(import_time_sec)

AS time, name, type, action, generator_id, signature_id, revision, policy

FROM sru_import_log


LIMIT 0, 25;