Setting Up Database Access

To obtain read-only access to the database, you must first configure the appliance to allow access. Then, you must configure your client system to connect to the appliance by downloading the JDBC driver and accepting the SSL certificate from the appliance you want to access. Finally, you must configure your reporting application to connect to the appliance.

Note Before you set up database access, you should make sure you have fulfilled the prerequisites described in Prerequisites.

For more information, see the following sections:

Deciding Which Appliance to Access

You can connect to multiple appliances with a single client, but you must configure each appliance individually to allow access.

To decide which appliance or appliances to connect to, keep in mind that the available data on the appliance depends on the licenses you have installed, and on your configuration of the FireSIGHT System.

The following list outlines some of the specific reasons why a query may not return results:

  • Your query is too specific. For example, you may need to adjust the time range or IP address range of a query.
  • Not all of the fields for an event may be populated, depending on the network traffic that caused an event to be generated. For example, not all connection events contain payload information.
  • The appliance does not have the appropriate license. For example, network discovery and user identity-related events are not logged to the database unless you have installed the appropriate feature licenses.
  • You have not configured the FireSIGHT System to log the event type you are querying. For example:

Logging intrusion events, discovery-related events, and health events requires that you apply the appropriate policy.

Logging network discovery events and host input events is configurable in the system policy. Note that logging is enabled by default.

Logging user identity data requires that you configure network discovery.

Transmitting packet data for intrusion events requires you to enable that option when adding a managed device to the Defense Center.

Generating and logging correlation events, compliance white list events, and remediation status events requires that you add rules or responses to an active correlation policy.

To log connection events, you must enable logging of connections in your access control rules and for the default action in your access control policy. Your managed devices are not receiving network traffic that causes events to be generated.

Database limits are set to zero in the system policy on the appliance you are querying.

Your managed devices are not receiving network traffic that causes events to be generated.

For more information on how events are generated and logged, see the FireSIGHT System User Guide.

Creating a Database User Account

License: Any

To configure access to the FireSIGHT System database, you must first create a user account and assign it the External Database User permission. You can grant this permission by assigning the account either a Cisco-predefined user role that includes the External Database User permission or a custom user role created by your organization that includes the External Database User permission. See the FireSIGHT System User Guide for information on creating the user account and viewing the permissions in a given user role.

Tip Users assigned the predefined Administrator role have the External Database User permission by default.

External Database users who are locally created and authenticated can change their passwords in the Defense Center web interface. See the FireSIGHT System User Guide for information on changing passwords. The following table describes some of the options for locally created users to regulate passwords and account access.


Table 2-1 User Account Password Options


Use External Authentication Method

Select this option if you want this user’s credentials to be externally authenticated.

Note If you select this option for the user and the external authentication server is unavailable, that user can log into the web interface but cannot access any functionality.

Maximum Number of Failed Logins

Enter an integer, without spaces, that determines the maximum number of times each user can consecutively fail login attempts before the account is locked. The default setting is five tries; use 0 to allow an unlimited number of failed logins.

Minimum Password Length

Enter an integer, without spaces, that determines the minimum required length, in characters, of a user’s password. The default setting is 8. A value of 0 indicates that no minimum length is required.

Days Until Password Expiration

Enter the number of days after which the user’s password expires. The default setting is 0, which indicates that the password never expires.

Days Before Expiration Warning

Enter the number of warning days users have to change their password before their password actually expires. The default setting is 0 days.

Caution The number of warning days must be less than the number of days before the password expires.

Force Password Reset on Login

Select this option to force users to change their passwords the first time they log in.

Check Password Strength

Select this option to require strong passwords. A strong password must be at least eight alphanumeric characters of mixed case and must include at least one numeric character and one special character. It cannot be a word that appears in a dictionary or include consecutive repeating characters.

Exempt from Browser Session Timeout

Select this option if you do not want a user’s login sessions to terminate due to inactivity. Users with the Administrator role cannot be made exempt.

Note that you can externally create and authenticate External Database users, in which case the appliance retrieves user credentials from an external repository, such as an LDAP directory server or RADIUS authentication server. You manage password settings for these users on the external server. For detailed information on external authentication, see the FireSIGHT System User Guide.

Enabling Database Access on the Defense Center

License: Any

After you create an External Database user, you must configure the Defense Center to allow access to the database on the appliance. You must also configure a database access list on the appliance and add all host IP addresses that will query the external database.

To enable database access:

Access: Admin

Step 1 On the Defense Center, select System > Local > Configuration.

Step 2 Click Database.

The Database Settings menu appears.

Step 3 Select the Allow External Database Access check box.

The Access List field appears.

Step 4 Type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN), or IPv4 address, of the Defense Center in the Server Hostname field, depending on your third-party application requirements. You cannot use an IPv6 address as you cannot use an IPv6 address to install a certificate.

If you type an FQDN, you must make sure that the client can resolve the FQDN of the Defense Center. If you type an IP address, you must make sure that the client can connect to the Defense Center using the IP address.

Step 5 To add database access for one or more IP addresses, click Add Hosts.

An IP Address field appears in the Access List field.

Step 6 In the IP Address field, you have the following options, depending on the IP addresses you want to add:

  • an exact IPv4 address (for example,
  • an exact IPv6 address (for example, 2001:DB8::4)
  • an IP address range using CIDR notation (for example,
  • For information on using CIDR in the FireSIGHT System, see IP Address Conventions in the FireSIGHT System User Guide.
  • any, to designate any IP address

Step 7 Click Add.

The IP address is added to the database access list.

Step 8 Optionally, to remove an entry in the database access list, click the delete icon ().

Step 9 Click Save.

The database access settings are saved.

Step 10 Continue with the procedure in the next section, Downloading the JDBC Driver.


Downloading the JDBC Driver

License: Any

After you create an External Database user and configure the Defense Center to allow database access, download the JDBC driver to the client system. You must use this JDBC driver to connect to the database.

To download the JDBC driver:

Access: Admin

Step 1 On the Defense Center, select System > Local > Configuration.

Step 2 Click Database.

The Database Settings menu appears.

Step 3 Next to Client JDBC Driver, click Download and follow your browser’s prompts to download the package.

Step 4 Unpack the ZIP package. Note the location.
Make sure you preserve the file structure of the package.
The driver, along with other files, is packaged in a ZIP file ( The package contains the following directories:

  • bin, which contains a sample client called RunQuery, as well as the executable files you use to install the certificate for encrypted communication between your client and the Defense Center
  • lib, which contains JDBC driver JAR files
  • src, which contains source code for the executable files in the bin directory

Step 5 Continue with the procedure in the next section, Installing the Client SSL Certificate.


Installing the Client SSL Certificate

Once you have downloaded the JDBC driver, use the Cisco-provided program named InstallCert to accept and install the SSL certificate from the Defense Center. Your client system and the Defense Center communicate securely with SSL certificate authentication. When you accept the certificate, your computer adds it to the keystore ( jssecacerts) in the security directory of the currently running JRE:


The following represent common locations of the keystore for computers running Microsoft Windows and UNIX, respectively:

  • C:\Program Files\Java\jre[version]\lib\security\jssecacerts
  • /var/jre[version]/lib/security/jssecacerts

Note If the Java query application you plan to use to access the database access function uses a different JRE, you must copy the keystore to the security directory of the other JRE.

To install the SSL certificate using InstallCert:

Step 1 On your computer, open a command line interface.

Step 2 At the command prompt, change to the bin directory created when you unpacked the ZIP package.

Step 3 To install the Defense Center’s SSL certificate, type the following and press Enter:

java InstallCert defense_center

where defense_center is either the FQDN or the IP address of the Defense Center. InstallCert does not support IPv6 addresses. If you are on an IPv6 network, you must use a resolvable hostname.

Output similar to the following example from a computer running Microsoft Windows appears:

Loading KeyStore C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\security...
Opening connection to
Starting SSL handshake...
Subject GENERATION=server, T=vjdbc, O="
Cisco , Inc.",

You are prompted to view the certificate.

Step 4 Optionally, view the certificate.

You are prompted to accept the certificate.

Step 5 Accept the certificate.

The certificate is accepted, and output similar to the following example from a computer running Microsoft Windows appears:

Added certificate to keystore 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\security\jssecacerts' using alias ''

If you plan to use Crystal Reports, note the location of the keystore ( jssecacerts). You will need this information later.

Step 6 You have the following options:


Connecting to the Database Using a Third-Party Application

After you install the certificate, you can query the database on a Defense Center using any third-party client that supports JDBC SSL connections. The following table lists information you may need to configure a connection between your client and the Defense Center.


Table 2-2 Connection Information for Database Access Clients



The following JDBC URL identifies the Cisco database so the JDBC driver on your client can establish a connection with it:

jdbc:vjdbc:rmi:// defense_center :2000/VJdbc,eqe

where defense_center is either the FQDN or the IP address for the Defense Center.

JDBC driver JAR files

You must use the following JAR files when you configure a connection to the Cisco database:

  • vjdbc.jar
  • commons-logging-1.1.jar

These files are located in the lib subdirectory where you unpacked the file you downloaded and unpacked, as described in Downloading the JDBC Driver.

JDBC driver class

You must use the following driver class when you configure a connection to the Cisco database:


user name and password

To connect to the database on an appliance, use a user account that has the External Database User permission. For more information, see Creating a Database User Account.

The following sections contain tips for connecting to the Cisco database using three popular industry-standard reporting tools. Whether you use one of these tools or another Java-based application, you should refer to the documentation for your reporting tool for detailed instructions on how to create a JDBC SSL connection.

Crystal Reports

The following is valid for installing Crystal Reports 2011 on a 32-bit Windows environment. If you run a 64-bit Windows environment, the filepaths may be different.

To allow Crystal Reports 2011 to connect to the Cisco database, you must:

Add the JDBC driver JAR files that you downloaded from the Defense Center to the Crystal Reports classpath. Assuming a default installation of Crystal Reports, you can edit the classpath section in the following file:
C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP Business Objects
Enterprise XI 4.0\Java\CRConfig.xml

Copy the keystore that was created when you installed the client SSL certificate to the appropriate Crystal Reports security directory. Assuming a default installation of Crystal Reports, that directory is:
C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP Business Objects
Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86\jdk\jre\lib\security

Create a new JDBC (JNDI) connection with the Database Expert, using Cisco as the database name.

JasperSoft iReport

To allow iReport to connect to the Cisco database, you must:

Add the JDBC driver JAR files that you downloaded from the Defense Center to the iReport classpath.

Add a new JDBC driver using the JDBC driver JAR files that you downloaded from the Defense Center. After you add the driver files, iReport should find the correct driver class.

Create a new database connection using the driver you just created.

Actuate BIRT

To allow BIRT to connect to the Cisco database, you must:

Add a driver definition using the Generic JDBC Driver template.

Create a new database connection using the Generic JDBC profile type.

Create a data source for reports using the JDBC Data Source data source type.

Tip If you cannot select the Cisco driver class when creating a new JDBC data source profile, add the driver using the JDBC driver JAR files you downloaded from the Defense Center.

Connecting to the Database Using a Custom Program

Once you install the certificate, you can enable custom Java report tools to query the Cisco database. Cisco provides a sample Java command line application named RunQuery that establishes the required SSL connection using the JDBC driver provided with your Defense Center. RunQuery retrieves both table records and table metadata. The source code is included in the src directory of the ZIP package you downloaded from the Defense Center. See Downloading the JDBC Driver.

Note RunQuery is a sample client only, not a fully featured reporting tool. Cisco strongly recommends against using it as your primary method of querying the database. For information on using RunQuery, refer to the README file included in the ZIP package.

See the following for more information on connecting to the database using a custom program:

Sample Code for Custom Java Programs

The RunQuery source code uses the functions discussed below. These code samples illustrate one of several possible implementation approaches.

Dynamically setting the SSL provider connection

After you install the SSL security certificate on your client (see Installing the Client SSL Certificate), you can dynamically register your JSSE provider with the following line in your program:


Initializing the JDBC driver for your program

You can load the JDBC driver class in your Java application using the Class.forName() method, as follows:


If your program launches from the command line, the user supplies the JDBC class as follows:

java -Djdbc.drivers=“com.sourcefire.vjdbc.VirtualDriver” program_name...

where program_name is the name of your program.

Connecting the program to the database

Your program must obtain a JDBC connection object before it can submit queries. Use the DriverManager.getConnection method as follows to establish the connection and get the connection object:

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(“jdbc:vjdbc:rmi://my_dc:2000/VJdbc,eqe”, “user”, “password”);

where my_dc is either the FQDN or the IP address for the Defense Center, user is the database access user account name, and password is the account password.

Querying the data in the Cisco tables

Create an SQL query object to submit the query and assign the retrieved records to a result set, as follows:

Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(“sql”);

where sql is the SQL query. See Querying the Database for supported SQL functions.

Producing the results of a table query

With the result set ( rs) generated by the above query, you can output the fields as follows:

for(int i=1; i<= md.getColumnCount(); i++)
System.out.print(rs.getString(i) + " ");

Getting schema information

Your program can list the tables in the database, as follows:

DatabaseMetaData metaData = conn.getMetaData();
ResultSet tables = meta.getTables(null, null, null, null);
while (

Your program can list a table’s columns, as follows:

ResultSet columns = metaData.getColumns(null, null, "table_name", null);

where table_name is the name of the database table.

Running the Application

Before you run your application, you must set the CLASSPATH on the client computer to include the current directory and the locations of your application’s JAR files.

If you downloaded and unpacked the ZIP package for Database Access as noted in Downloading the JDBC Driver, update the CLASSPATH as follows:

To run the application in a Unix environment:

Step 1 Use the following command:

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:.:path/lib/vjdbc.jar:path/lib/commons-logging-1.1.jar

where path is the directory path where you unpacked the ZIP package downloaded from the Defense Center.

To run the application in a Windows 7 environment:

Step 1 Right-click the Computer icon and select Properties.

The System window appears.

Step 2 Click Advanced System Settings.

The System Properties window appears.

Step 3 Select the Advanced tab.

Step 4 Click Environment Variables....

The Environment Variables window appears.

Step 5 Select the CLASSPATH system variable and click Edit....

The Edit System Variable window appears.

Step 6 Add the following to the Variable value: field:


where path is the directory path where you unpacked the ZIP package downloaded from the Defense Center.

Step 7 Click OK to save the value.

The Environment Variables window appears.

Step 8 Click OK to save the value. You can now run the application.


Querying the Database

The following sections contain information on supported query syntax and other important query-related requirements and limitations:

For schema information and allowed joins, see the following chapters:

Supported SHOW Statement Syntax

The SHOW statement lists all tables in the Cisco database. The following represents the supported MySQL SHOW statement syntax you can use when querying the Cisco database:


Any SHOW statement syntax not listed above is not supported.

Supported DESCRIBE or DESC Statement Syntax

The Cisco database offers limited use of the DESCRIBE statement. In the Cisco database, the output of the DESCRIBE statement only lists the names of the columns and the type of data in each column. The following represents the supported MySQL DESCRIBE statement syntax you can use when querying the Cisco database:

DESCRIBE table_name ;


The Cisco database also supports the identical command DESC :

DESC table_name;


Table 2-3 Supported DESCRIBE Statement Syntax



the name of a table you are querying

Any DESCRIBE statement syntax not listed above is not supported. In particular, the FireSIGHT System database access feature does not support:

  • the INDEX FOR clause
  • the TABLE clause
  • the PROCEDURE clause

Supported SELECT Statement Syntax

The following represents the supported MySQL SELECT statement syntax you can use when querying the Cisco database:



select_expr [, select_expr... ]

FROM table_references

[WHERE where_condition]

[GROUP BY { column_name | position } [ ASC | DESC ], …]

[HAVING where_condition]

[ORDER BY { column_name | position } [ ASC | DESC ], …]

[LIMIT { [offset,] row_count | row_count OFFSET offset}]

The following table details the required syntax for the clauses and arguments in the above SELECT statement.


Table 2-4 Supported SELECT Statement Syntax



{column_name [[AS] alias] | function(...) [[AS] alias] | aggregate_function(...) [[AS] alias]}


the name of a field you are querying






one of:

  • table_reference INNER JOIN table_reference join_condition
  • table_reference LEFT [OUTER] JOIN table_reference join_condition


table_name [[AS] alias]


the name of a table you are querying


ON conditional_expr


an equality comparison between fields that are join-compatible; see Join Constraints for more information


one of:

  • NOT, !
  • BETWEEN... AND...
  • LIKE
  • =, !=, <>, >, >=, <, <=

If you are not familiar with how supported MySQL syntax is expressed, see the following table for tips.


Table 2-5 MySQL Syntax Format

These symbols...
That is...



an optional clause or argument

curly brackets


a required clause or argument



a choice between clauses or arguments

Any SELECT statement syntax not listed above is not supported. In particular, the FireSIGHT System database access feature does not support:

  • SELECT *, that is, you must explicitly specify fields
  • unions
  • subqueries
  • the WITH ROLLUP modifier to the GROUP BY clause
  • the INTO clause
  • the FOR UPDATE clause

Join Constraints

The joins you can perform on Cisco database tables are limited, for performance and other practical reasons. Cisco does not allow you to perform joins where the result is not likely to be useful for event analysis.

You can perform only inner joins and left (outer) joins. Nested joins, cross joins, natural joins, right (outer) joins, full (outer) joins, and joins with the USING clause are not supported.

The schema documentation indicates the supported joins for each table. Joins not listed are not supported. For example, you cannot join the compliance_event and intrusion_event tables on IP address fields, even though both tables contain IP address information. In addition, joins on deprecated tables and deprecated fields are not listed.

Querying Data Stored in Unfamiliar Formats

The Cisco database stores some data in formats that may not be display-friendly. The following sections detail how to perform queries on various fields so your queries are successful and your results appear as expected:

IPv6 Addresses

The Cisco database stores IPv6 addresses in binary format. For results in hex notation, use the HEX() function. To query the database on a specific IPv6 address, use the UNHEX() function.

For example, the following statement queries the connection_log table, which contains information on monitored sessions, constraining the query by a specific IPv6 address:

SELECT HEX(initiator_ip), HEX(responder_ip), packets_sent, bytes_sent

FROM connection_log

WHERE initiator_ip = UNHEX('20010db8000000000000000000004321');

IPv4 Addresses

The Cisco database stores IPv4 addresses in binary format within the same fields as IPv6 addresses. As with IPv6 addresses, use the HEX() function for hex notation. The database follows the RFC by filling in bits 80-95 with 1s, which yields an invalid IPv6 address. For example, the IPv4 address would be stored as 00000000000000000000FFFF0A050F01.

MAC Addresses

The Cisco database stores MAC addresses in binary format. For results in hex notation, use the HEX() function.

For example. the following statement queries the rna_host_mac_map table, which contains information on hosts with MAC addresses that are not identified with an IP address, limiting the query to the first five hosts:

SELECT HEX(host_id), HEX(mac_address)

FROM rna_host_mac_map


Packet Data

The Cisco database stores packet data for intrusion events in binary format. For results in hex notation, use the HEX() function.

For example. the following statement queries the intrusion_event_packet table to obtain packet data for a particular event:

SELECT HEX(packet_data)

FROM intrusion_event_packet

WHERE event_id = 1234;

UNIX Timestamps

The Cisco database stores most timestamps as UNIX timestamps, which represent the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 January 1st, 1970 (UTC). For results in your local time, use the FROM_UNIXTIME() function.

For example, the following statement queries the audit_log table, which keeps a record of all user actions on the web interface of an appliance, and returns up to 25 results:

SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(action_time_sec), user, message

FROM audit_log

LIMIT 0, 25;

Keep in mind that all times in the database are in UTC. Although the CONVERT_TZ() function is allowed, it only provides results in UTC.

Note that some events have microsecond resolution associated with them. Use the CONCAT() and LPAD() functions to concatenate the UNIX timestamp and the microsecond increment. For example, the following statement queries the intrusion_event table:

SELECT CONCAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(event_time_sec)), '.', LPAD (event_time_usec, 6, '0')), HEX(host_id),


FROM intrusion_event

LIMIT 0, 25;

To query the database for events with a particular UNIX timestamp, use the UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function.

Limiting Queries for Performance Reasons

Although the system limits the joins you can perform on Cisco database tables, it does still allow some expensive queries - queries that may negatively impact the performance of your Defense Center.

Therefore, you should try to limit the result set for large tables. Strategies include:

  • constraining queries to a specific time range
  • constraining queries by IP address
  • using the LIMIT clause

Depending on your deployment, querying many tables may require a limited result set. In particular, the following tables can contain up to 100 million events on a DC3000:

  • fireamp_event
  • intrusion_event
  • intrusion_event_packet
  • connection_log (pre-Version 5.0 name: rna_flow)
  • connection_summary (pre-Version 5.0 name: rna_flow_summary)

Queries on network map tables may also be expensive, depending on the number of hosts the system has detected on your monitored network.

Query Tips

The following sections provide tips on ensuring unique results when you build queries that include detection engines or intrusion events.

Device Names

Device names are not necessarily unique across multiple Defense Centers. To ensure uniqueness, include a specific device UUID in your query.

Intrusion Events

To uniquely match an intrusion event across multiple managed devices, include the following fields in your query of the intrusion_event table:




Sample Queries

The following sections contain sample queries that illustrate how you can use the database access feature:

Caution Performing some of these sample queries may be expensive, depending on your deployment. See Limiting Queries for Performance Reasons for more information.

Audit Records for a User

The following query returns all records in the audit log for a particular user, displaying all timestamps in UTC:

SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(action_time_sec), user, message

FROM audit_log

WHERE user = 'eventanalyst';

Intrusion Events by Priority and Classification

The following query duplicates the Drilldown of Event, Priority, and Classification view in the Events By Priority and Classification workflow. If you have not changed the default Intrusion Events workflow in your user preferences, this is the first page you see when you select Analysis > Intrusion Events on the Defense Center web interface:

SELECT rule_message, priority, rule_classification, count(*) as Count

FROM intrusion_event

WHERE reviewed="0" GROUP BY rule_message, priority, rule_classification



Intrusion Events and Their Associated Policies

The following query lists intrusion events from the specified week. For each event it shows the associated intrusion policy violation and rule classification.

SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(event_time_sec) AS event_time, event_id AS intrusion_event, intrusion_event_policy_name AS policy, rule_classification AS classification

FROM intrusion_event

WHERE event_time_sec BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP(’2011-10-01 00:00:00’) AND

UNIX_TIMESTAMP(’2011-10-07 23:59:59’)

ORDER BY policy ASC;

Lists of Detected Hosts

The following query returns the basic information in the hosts network map for all MAC hosts (hosts without an IP address) detected on your network, along with the hardware vendor for each NIC:

SELECT HEX(mac_address), mac_vendor, host_type, FROM_UNIXTIME(last_seen_sec)

FROM rna_mac_host;

The following query maps IP addresses to MAC addresses:

SELECT HEX(ipaddr), HEX(mac_address), HEX(host_id)

FROM rna_host_ip_map LEFT JOIN rna_host_mac_map on


List of Detected Servers

The following query joins two related tables to give you a list of the servers detected on your network along with many of their attributes, similar to what you can see in a table view of servers on the Defense Center’s web interface:

SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(s.last_used_sec), HEX(s.host_id), s.port, s.protocol, s.hits,

i.service_name, i.vendor, i.version, i.source_type, s.confidence


LEFT JOIN rna_ip_host_service_info AS i ON (s.host_id = i.host_id AND s.port = i.port AND s.protocol =


Note that this query left joins the tables on the set of host_id, port, and protocol, as required by Database Access. See rna_host_service Joins and rna_host_service_info Joins.

Server Vulnerabilities on Your Network

The following query joins two vulnerability-related tables to give you a list of valid server-related vulnerabilities detected for a particular host, along with whether each vulnerability is exploitable across a network:

SELECT h.rna_vuln_id, v.title, v.remote

FROM rna_host_service_vulns AS h

LEFT JOIN rna_vuln AS v ON (h.rna_vuln_id = v.rna_vuln_id)

WHERE h.ip_address = INET_ATON('')

AND h.invalid = 0;

Note that this query left joins the tables on rna_vuln_id, as required by rna_host_service_vulns and rna_vuln Joins.

Operating System Summary

The following query duplicates the Summary of OS Names page in the Operating System Summary workflow. If you have not changed the default workflow in your user preferences, this is the first page you see when you select Analysis > Hosts on the Defense Center web interface, then select Hosts :

SELECT vendor, product, count(*) AS total

FROM rna_host_os

GROUP BY vendor, product


Operating System Vulnerabilities for a Host

The following query joins two vulnerability-related tables to give you a list of valid operating system-related vulnerabilities detected for a particular host, along with whether each vulnerability is exploitable across a network:

SELECT h.rna_vuln_id, v.title, v.remote

FROM rna_host_os_vulns AS h

LEFT JOIN rna_vuln AS v ON (h.rna_vuln_id = v.rna_vuln_id)

WHERE h.host_id = UNHEX('9610B6E6F1784DA4B39BEA7A210AAD68')

AND h.invalid = 0;

Note that this query left joins the tables on rna_vuln_id, as required by Database Access. See rna_host_os_vulns and rna_vuln Joins.

Host Violation Count

The following query duplicates the Host Violation Count page in the Host Violation Count workflow. If you have not changed the default Compliance White List Violations workflow in your user preferences, this is the first page you see when you select Analysis > Correlation > White List Violations on the Defense Center’s web interface.

SELECT host_id, HEX(host_id), white_list_name, count(*) AS total

FROM white_list_violation

GROUP BY host_id, white_list_name