Secure Appliance Reports on the New Web Interface

This topic contains the following sections:

Understanding the Web Reporting Pages on the New Web Interface

The following table lists the reports under the Reports drop-down. available in the latest supported release of AsyncOS for Web Security Appliance s under the Reports drop-down of the web interface. For more information, see Using the Interactive Report Pages on the New Web Interface. If your Web Security Appliance s are running earlier releases of AsyncOS, not all of these reports are available.

Table 1. Web Reports Drop-down Options

Reports Drop-down Option


General Reports

Overview Page

The Overview page provides a synopsis of the activity on your Web Security Appliance s. It includes graphs and summary tables for the incoming and outgoing transactions. For more information, see the Overview Page.

Application Visibility Page

The Application Visibility page allows you to apply and view the controls that have been applied to a particular application types within the Security Management appliance and Web Security Appliance . For more information, see the Application Visibility Page.

Layer 4 Traffic Monitor Page

Allows you to view information about malware ports and malware sites that the L4 Traffic Monitor detected during the specified time range. For more information, see the Layer 4 Traffic Monitor Page.

SOCKS Proxy Page

Allows you to view data for SOCKS proxy transactions, including destinations and users. For more information, see the SOCKS Proxy Page.

URL Categories Page

The URL Categories page allows you to view the top URL Categories that are being visited, including:

  • The top URLs that have triggered a block or warning action to occur per transaction.

  • All the URL categories during a specified time range for both completed, warned and blocked transactions. This is an interactive table with interactive column headings that you can use to sort data as you need.

For more information, see the URL Categories Page.

Users Page

The Users page provides several web tracking links that allow you to view web tracking information for individual users.

From the Users page you can view how long a user, or users, on your system have spent on the internet, on a particular site or URL, and how much bandwidth that user is using.

From the Users page you can click on an individual user in the interactive Users table to view more details for that specific user on the User Details page.

The User Details page allows you to see specific information about a user that you have identified in the Users table on the Users page. From this page you can investigate individual user’s activity on your system. This page is particularly useful if you are running user-level investigations and need to find out, for example, what sites your users are visiting, what Malware threats they are encountering, what URL categories they are accessing, and how much time a specific user is spending at these sites.

For more information, see the Users Page.

For information on a specific user in your system, see the User Details Page (Web Reporting).

Web Sites Page

The Web Sites page allows you to view an overall aggregation of the activity that is happening on your managed appliances. From this page you can monitor high-risk web sites accessed during a specific time range. For more information, see the Web Sites Page.

HTTPS Reports

The HTTPS Reports report page is an overall aggregation of the HTTP/HTTPS traffic summary (transactions or bandwidth usage) on the managed appliances. For more information, see the HTTPS Reports Page

Threat Reports

Anti-Malware Page

The Anti-Malware page allows you to view information about malware ports and malware sites that the anti-malware scanning engine(s) detected during the specified time range. The upper part of the report displays the number of connections for each of the top malware ports and web sites. The lower part of the report displays malware ports and sites detected. For more information, see the Anti-Malware Page.

Advanced Malware Protection Page

Advanced Malware Protection protects against zero-day and targeted file-based threats by obtaining the reputation of known files, analyzing behavior of certain files that are not yet known to the reputation service, and continuously evaluating emerging threats as new information becomes available, and notifying you about files that are determined to be threats after they have entered your network. For more information, see Advanced Malware Protection Page.

Client Malware Risk Page

The Client Malware Risk page is a security-related reporting page that can be used to identify individual client computers that may be connecting unusually frequently to malware sites.

For more information, see the Client Malware Risks Page.

Web Reputation Filters Page

Allows you to view reporting on Web Reputation filtering for transactions during a specified time range. For more information, see the Web Reputation Filters Page.

About Time Spent

The Time Spent column in various tables represents the amount of time a user spent on a web page. For purposes of investigating a user, the time spent by the user on each URL category. When tracking a URL, the time spent by each user on that specific URL.

Once a transaction event is tagged as ‘viewed’, that is, a user goes to a particular URL, a ‘Time Spent’ value will start to be calculated and added as a field in the web reporting table.

To calculate the time spent, AsyncOS assigns each active user with 60 seconds of time for activity during a minute. At the end of the minute, the time spent by each user is evenly distributed among the different domains the user visited. For example, if a user goes to four different domains in an active minute, the user is considered to have spent 15 seconds at each domain.

For the purposes of the time spent value, considering the following notes:

  • An active user is defined as a user name or IP address that sends HTTP traffic through the appliance and has gone to a website that AsyncOS considers to be a “page view.”
  • AsyncOS defines a page view as an HTTP request initiated by the user, as opposed to a request initiated by the client application. AsyncOS uses a heuristic algorithm to make a best effort guess to identify user page views.

Units are displayed in Hours:Minutes format.

Overview Page

The Overview report page provides a synopsis of the activity on your Web Security Appliance s. It includes graphs and summary tables for the incoming and outgoing transactions.

To view the Overview report page, choose Monitoring > Overview from the Reports drop-down. For more information, see Using the Interactive Report Pages on the New Web Interface.

At a high level the Overview report page shows you statistics about the URL and User usage, Web Proxy activity, and various transaction summaries. The transaction summaries gives you further trending details on, for example suspect transactions, and right across from this graph, how many of those suspect transactions are blocked and in what manner they are being blocked.

The lower half of the Overview report page is about usage. That is, the top URL categories being viewed, the top application types and categories that are being blocked, and the top users that are generating these blocks or warnings.

Table 2. Details on the Overview Page



Time Range (drop-down list)

Choose the time range for your report. For more information, see the Choosing a Time Range for Reports.

Total Web Proxy Activity

You can view the web proxy activity that is being reported by the Web Security Appliance s that are currently managed by the Security Management appliance.

This section displays the actual number of transactions and the approximate date that the activity occurred in graphical format.

You can also view the percentage of web proxy activity that are suspect, or clean proxy activity, including the total number of transactions.

Suspect Transactions

You can view the web transactions that have been labeled as suspect by the administrator in a graphical format.

This section displays the actual number of transactions and the approximate date that the activity occurred, in graphical format.

You can also view the percentage of blocked or warned transactions that are suspect. Additionally you can see the type of transactions that have been detected and blocked, and the actual number of times that this transaction was blocked.

L4 Traffic Monitor Summary

You can view any L4 traffic that is being reported by the Web Security Appliance s that are currently managed by the Security Management appliance, in graphical format.

Top URL Categories: Total Transactions

You can view the top URL categories that are being blocked, including the type of URL category and the actual number of times the specific type of category has been blocked in graphical format.

The set of predefined URL categories is occasionally updated. For more information about the impact of these updates on report results, see URL Category Set Updates and Reports.

Top Application Types: Total Transactions

You can view the top application types that are being blocked, including the name of the actual application type and the number of times the specific application has been blocked, in graphical format.

Top Malware Categories: Monitored or Blocked

You can view all the Malware categories that have been detected, in graphical format.

Top Users: Blocked or Warned Transactions

You can view the actual users that are generating the blocked or warned transactions, in graphical format. Users can be displayed by IP address or by user name.

Top Threat Categories: Blocked by WBRS

You can view all the threat categories that have been blocked, in graphical format

Application Visibility Page


For detailed information on Application Visibility, see the ‘Understanding Application Visibility and Control’ topic in User Guide for AsyncOS for Cisco Web Security Appliance .

The Application Visibility report page allows you to apply controls to particular application types within the Security Management appliance and Web Security Appliance .

To view the Application Visibility report page, choose Monitoring > Application Visibility from the Reports drop-down. For more information, see Using the Interactive Report Pages on the New Web Interface.

The application control gives you more granular control over web traffic than just URL filtering, for example, as well as more control over the following types of applications, and application types:

  • Evasive applications, such as anonymizers and encrypted tunnels.

  • Collaboration applications, such as Cisco WebEx, Facebook, and instant messaging.

  • Resource intensive applications, such as streaming media.

Understanding the Difference between Application versus Application Types

It is crucial to understand the difference between an application and an application types so that you can control the applications involved for your reports.

  • Application Types. A category that contains one or more applications. For example, search engines is an application type that may contain search engines such as Google Search and Craigslist. Instant messaging is another application type category which may contain Yahoo Instant Messenger, or Cisco WebEx. Facebook is also an application type.

  • Applications. Particular applications that belong in an application type. For example, YouTube is an application in the Media application type.

  • Application behaviors. Particular actions or behaviors that users can accomplish within an application. For example, users can transfer files while using an application, such as Yahoo Messenger. Not all applications include application behaviors you can configure.


For detailed information on understanding how you can use Application Visibility and Control (AVC) engine to control Facebook activity, see the ‘Understanding Application Visibility and Control’ topic in User Guide for AsyncOS for Cisco Web Security Appliance s.

From the Application Visibility page, you can view the following information:

Table 3. Details on the Application Visibility Page



Time Range (drop-down list)

Choose the time range for your report. For more information, see the Choosing a Time Range for Reports.

Top Application Types by Total Transactions

You can view the top application types that are being visited on the site in graphical format.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see (Web Reports Only) Choosing Which Data to Chart.

For example, instant messaging tools such as Yahoo Instant Messenger, Facebook, and Presentation application types.

Top Applications by Blocked Transactions

You can view the top application types that triggered a block action to occur per transaction in graphical format.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see (Web Reports Only) Choosing Which Data to Chart.

For example, a user has tried to start a certain application type, for example Google Talk or Yahoo Instant Messenger, and because of a specific policy that is in place, this triggered a block action. This application then gets listed in this graph as a transaction blocked or warning.

Application Types Matched

The Application Types Matched interactive table allows you to view granular details about the application types listed in the Top Applications Type by Total Transactions table.

From the Applications column you can click on an application to view details.

Applications Matched

The Applications Matched interactive table shows all the application during a specified time range.

Additionally, you can find a specific Application within the Application Matched section. In the text field at the bottom of this section, enter the specific Application name and click Find Application.

Layer 4 Traffic Monitor Page

The Layer 4 Traffic Monitor report page displays information about malware ports and malware sites that the Layer 4 Traffic Monitors on your Web Security Appliance s have detected during the specified time range. It also displays IP addresses of clients that frequently encounter malware sites.

To view the Web Sites report page, choose Monitoring > Web Sites from the Reports drop-down. For more information, see Using the Interactive Report Pages on the New Web Interface.

The Layer 4 Traffic Monitor listens to network traffic that comes in over all ports on each Web Security Appliance and matches domain names and IP addresses against entries in its own database tables to determine whether to allow incoming and outgoing traffic.

You can use data in this report to determine whether to block a port or a site, or to investigate why a particular client IP address is connecting unusually frequently to a malware site (for example, this could be because the computer associated with that IP address is infected with malware that is trying to connect to a central command and control server.)

Table 4. Details on the Layer 4 Traffic Monitor Page



Time Range (drop-down list)

Choose the time range for your report. For more information, see the Choosing a Time Range for Reports.

Top Client IPs: Malware Connections Detected

You can view the top IP addresses of computers in your organization that most frequently connect to malware sites, in graphical format.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see Choosing Which Data to Chart.

This chart is the same as the “Layer 4 Traffic Monitor: Malware Connections Detected” chart on the Client Malware Risks Page.

Top Malware Sites: Malware Connections Detected

You can view the top malware domains detected by the Layer 4 Traffic Monitor, in graphical format.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see Choosing Which Data to Chart.

Client Source IPs

You can use the this interactive table to view the IP addresses of computers in your organization that frequently connect to malware sites.

To include only data for a particular port, enter a port number into the box at the bottom of the table and click Filter by Client IP. You can use this feature to help determine which ports are used by malware that “calls home” to malware sites.

To view details such as the port and destination domain of each connection, click an entry in the table. For example, if one particular client IP address has a high number of Malware Connections Blocked, click the number in that column to view a list of each blocked connection. The list is displayed as search results in the Layer 4 Traffic Monitor tab of the Web Tracking Search page. For more information about this list, see Searching for Transactions Processed by the Layer 4 Traffic Monitor.

This chart is the same as the “Layer 4 Traffic Monitor: Malware Connections Detected” chart on the Client Malware Risks Page.

Malware Ports

You can use the this interactive table to view the ports on which the Layer 4 Traffic Monitor has most frequently detected malware.

To view details, click an entry in the table. For example, click the number of Total Malware Connections Detected to view details of each connection on that port. The list is displayed as search results in the Layer 4 Traffic Monitor tab on the Web Tracking Search page. For more information about this list, see Searching for Transactions Processed by the Layer 4 Traffic Monitor.

Malware Sites Detected

You can use the this interactive table to view the domains on which the Layer 4 Traffic Monitor most frequently detects malware.

To include only data for a particular port, enter a port number into the box at the bottom of the table and click Filter by Port. You can use this feature to help determine whether to block a site or a port.

To view details, click an entry in the table. For example, click the number of Malware Connections Blocked to view the list of each blocked connection for a particular site. The list is displayed as search results in the Layer 4 Traffic Monitor tab on the Web Tracking Search page. For more information about this list, see Searching for Transactions Processed by the Layer 4 Traffic Monitor.

Related Topics

Troubleshooting L4 Traffic Monitor Reports

SOCKS Proxy Page

The SOCKS Proxy report page allows you to view transactions processed through the SOCKS proxy, including information about destinations and users, in a graphical and tabular format.

To view the SOCKS Proxy report page, choose Monitoring > SOCKS Proxy from the Reports drop-down. For more information, see Using the Interactive Report Pages on the New Web Interface.


The destination shown in the report is the address that the SOCKS client (typically a browser) sends to the SOCKS proxy.

To change SOCKS policy settings, see User Guide for AsyncOS for Cisco Web Security Appliance s.

Table 5. Details on the SOCKS Proxy Page



Time Range (drop-down list)

Choose the time range for your report. For more information, see the Choosing a Time Range for Reports.

Top Destinations for SOCKS: Total Transactions

You can view the top destinations detected by the SOCKS proxy, in graphical format.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see (Web Reports Only) Choosing Which Data to Chart.

Top Users for SOCKS: Malware Transactions

You can view the top users detected by the SOCKS proxy, in graphical format.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see (Web Reports Only) Choosing Which Data to Chart.


You can use the this interactive table to view the list of destination domains or IP addresses processed through SOCKS proxy.

To include only data for a particular destination, enter a domain name or IP address into the box at the bottom of the table and click Find Domain or IP.


You can use the this interactive table to view the list of users or IP addresses processed through SOCKS proxy.

To include only data for a particular user, enter a user name or IP address into the box at the bottom of the table and click Find User ID / Client IP Address.

Related Topics

Searching for Transactions Processed by the SOCKS Proxy

URL Categories Page

The URL Categories report page can be used to view the URL categories of sites that users on your system are visiting.

To view the URL Categories report page, choose Monitoring > URL Categories from the Reports drop-down. For more information, see Using the Interactive Report Pages on the New Web Interface.

From the URL Categories page, you can view the following information:

Table 6. Details on the URL Categories Page



Time Range (drop-down list)

Choose the time range for your report. For more information, see the Choosing a Time Range for Reports.

Top URL Categories: Total Transactions

You can view the top URL Categories that are being visited on the site in a graphical format.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see (Web Reports Only) Choosing Which Data to Chart.

Top URL Categories: Blocked and Warned Transactions

You can view the top URL that triggered a block or warning action to occur per transaction in a graphical format. For example, a user went to a certain URL and because of a specific policy that is in place, this triggered a block action or a warning. This URL then gets listed in this graph as a transaction blocked or warning.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see (Web Reports Only) Choosing Which Data to Chart.

Top Youtube Categories : Total Transactions

You can view the top Youtube Categories that are being visited on the site in a graphical format.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see (Web Reports Only) Choosing Which Data to Chart.

Top Youtube Categories : Blocked and Warned Transactions

You can view the top Youtube URL that triggered a block or warning action to occur per transaction in a graphical format. For example, a user went to a certain Youtube URL and because of a specific policy that is in place, this triggered a block action or a warning. This Youtube URL then gets listed in this graph as a transaction blocked or warning.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see (Web Reports Only) Choosing Which Data to Chart.

URL Categories Matched

The URL Categories Matched interactive table shows the disposition of transactions by URL category during the specified time range, plus bandwidth used and time spent in each category.

If there are a large number of unclassified URLs, see Reducing Uncategorized URLs.

Reducing Uncategorized URLs

If the percentage of uncategorized URLs is higher than 15-20%, consider the following options:

  • For specific localized URLs, you can create custom URL categories and apply them to specific users or group policies. These transactions will then be included in “URL Filtering Bypassed” statistics instead. To do this, see information about custom URL categories AsyncOS for Cisco Web Security Appliance s User Guide.

  • For sites that you feel should be included in existing or other categories, see Reporting Misclassified and Uncategorized URLs.

URL Category Set Updates and Reports

The set of predefined URL categories may periodically be updated automatically on your Web Security Appliance .

When these updates occur, old category names will continue to appear in reports until the data associated with the older categories is too old to be included in reports. Report data generated after a URL category set update will use the new categories, so you may see both old and new categories in the same report.

Using The URL Categories Page in Conjunction with Other Reporting Pages

The URL Categories page can be used in conjunction with the Application Visibility Page, the User Details Page (Web Reporting)and the Users Page to investigate a particular user and the types of applications or websites that a particular user is trying to access.

For example, from the URL Categories Page, you can generate a high level report for Human Resources which details all the URL categories that are visited by the site. From the same page, you can gather further details in the URL Categories interactive table about the URL category ‘Streaming Media’. By clicking on the Streaming Media category link, you can view the specific URL Categories report page. This page not only displays the top users that are visiting streaming media sites (in the Top Users by Category for Total Transactions section), but also displays the domains that are visited (in the Domains Matched interactive table) such as or

At this point, you are getting more and more granular information for a particular user. Now, let’s say this particular user stands out because of their usage, and you want to find out exactly what they are accessing. From here you can click on the user in the Users interactive table. This action takes you to the Users Page, where you can view the user trends for that user, and find out exactly what they have been doing on the web.

If you wanted to go further, you can now get down to web tracking details by clicking on Transactions Completed link in the interactive table. This displays the Searching for Transactions Processed by Web Proxy Services on the Web Tracking page where you can see the actual details about what dates the user accessed the sites, the full URL, the time spent on that URL, etc.

Reporting Misclassified and Uncategorized URLs

You can report misclassified and uncategorized URLs at the following URL:

Submissions are evaluated for inclusion in subsequent rule updates.

To check the status of submitted URLs, click the Status on Submitted URLs tab on this page.

HTTPS Reports Page

The HTTPS Reports report page is an overall aggregation of the HTTP/HTTPS traffic summary (transactions or bandwidth usage) on the managed appliances.

You can also view the summary of supported ciphers based on either client side connections or server side connections, for individual HTTP/HTTPS web traffic that passes through the managed appliance.

To view the HTTPS Reports report page, choose Monitoring > HTTPS Reports from the Reports drop-down. For more information, see Using the Interactive Report Pages on the New Web Interface.

Table 7. Details on the HTTPS Reports Page



Time Range (drop-down list)

Choose the time range for your report. For more information, see the Changing the Time Range.

Web Traffic Summary

You can view the web traffic summary on the appliance in one of the following ways:

  • Transactions: Select this option from the drop-down list to display the web traffic summary based on the number of HTTP or HTTPS web transactions, in a graphical format and percentage of HTTP or HTTPS web transaction in tabular format.

  • Bandwidth Usage: Select this option from the drop-down list to display the web traffic summary based on the amount of bandwidth consumed by the HTTP or HTTPS web traffic, in a graphical format and the percentage of HTTP or HTTPS bandwidth usage in tabular format.

Trend: Web Traffic

You can view the trend graph for the web traffic on the appliance based on the required time range in one of the following ways:

  • Web Traffic Trend: Select this option from the dropdown list to display the cumulative trend for HTTP and HTTPS web traffic based on the transactions or bandwidth usage.

  • HTTPS Trend: Select this option from the dropdown list to display the trend for HTTPS web traffic based on the transactions or bandwidth usage.

  • HTTP Trend: Select this option from the dropdown list to display the trend for HTTP web traffic based on the transactions or bandwidth usage.


You can view the summary of the ciphers in one of the following ways:

  • By Client Side Connections: Select this option from the dropdown list to display the summary of the ciphers used on the client side of the HTTP or HTTPS web traffic in a graphical format.

  • By Server Side Connections: Select this option from the dropdown list to display the summary of the ciphers used on the server side of the HTTP or HTTPS web traffic in a graphical format.

Users Page

The Users report page provides several links that allow you to view web reporting information for individual users.

To view the Users report page, choose Monitoring > Users from the Reports drop-down. For more information, see Using the Interactive Report Pages on the New Web Interface.

From the Users page you can view how long a user, or users, on your system have spent on the internet, on a particular site or URL, and how much bandwidth that user is using.


The maximum number of users on the Web Security Appliance that the Security Management appliance can support is 500.

From the Users page, you can view the following information pertaining to the users on your system:

Table 8. Details on the Users Page



Time Range (drop-down list)

Choose the time range for your report. For more information, see the Choosing a Time Range for Reports.

Top Users: Transactions Blocked

You can view the top users, by either IP address or user name, and the number of transactions that have been blocked specific to that user, in graphical format. The user name or IP address can be made unrecognizable for reporting purposes. For more information on how to make user names unrecognizable in for this page or in scheduled reports, see the User Guide for AsyncOS for Cisco Content Security Management Appliances. The default setting is that all user names appear.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see (Web Reports Only) Choosing Which Data to Chart.

Top Users: Bandwidth Used

You can view the top users, by either IP address or user name, that are using the most bandwidth on the system, in graphical format.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see (Web Reports Only) Choosing Which Data to Chart.


You can use this interactive table to search for a specific User ID or Client IP address. In the text field at the bottom of the User table, enter the specific User ID or Client IP address and click on Find User ID / Client IP Address. The IP address does not need to be an exact match to return results.

You can click on a specific user to find more specific information. For more information, see the User Details Page (Web Reporting)


To view user IDs instead of client IP addresses, you must set up your Security Management appliance to obtain user information from an LDAP server.

User Details Page (Web Reporting)

The User Details page allows you to see specific information about a user that you have identified in the interactive table on the Users report page.

The User Details page allows you to investigate individual user’s activity on your system. This page is particularly useful if you are running user-level investigations and need to find out, for example, what sites your users are visiting, what Malware threats they are encountering, what URL categories they are accessing, and how much time a specific user is spending at these sites.

To display the User Details page for a specific user, click on a specific user from the Users interactive table on the Users report page.

From the User Details page, you can view the following information pertaining to an individual user on your system:

Table 9. Details on the User Details Page



Time Range (drop-down list)

Choose the time range for your report. For more information, see the Choosing a Time Range for Reports.

URL Categories: Total Transactions

You can view the specific URL Categories that a specific user is using, in graphical format.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart.

The set of predefined URL categories is occasionally updated. For more information about the impact of these updates on report results, see URL Category Set Updates and Reports.

Trend: Total Transactions

You can use this trend graph to view all the web transactions of a specific user.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart.

For example, this graph will indicate if there is a large spike in web traffic during certain hours of the day, and when those spikes occur. Using the Time Range drop-down list, you can expand this graph to see a more or less granular span of time that this user was on the web.

URL Categories Matched

The URL Categories Matched interactive table shows matched categories for both completed and blocked transactions.

You can search for a specific URL Category in the text field at the bottom of the table and click Find URL Category. The category does not need to be an exact match.

The set of predefined URL categories is occasionally updated. For more information about the impact of these updates on report results, see URL Category Set Updates and Reports.

Domains Matched

The Domains Matched interactive table shows domains or IP addresses that the user has accessed. You can also view the time spent on those categories, and various other information that you have set from the column view.

You can search for a specific Domain or IP address in the text field at the bottom of the table and click Find Domain or IP. The domain or IP address does not need to be an exact match.

Applications Matched

The Applications Matched interactive table shows applications that a specific user is using. For example, if a user is accessing a site that requires use of a lot of Flash video, you will see the application type in the Application column.

You can search for a specific application name in the text field at the bottom of the table and click Find Application. The name of the application does not need to be an exact match.

Advanced Malware Protection Threats Detected

The Advanced Malware Protection Threats Detected interactive table shows malware threat files that are detected by the Advanced Malware Protection engine.

You can search for data on a specific SHA value of the malware threat file, in the text field at the bottom of the table and click Find malware Threat File SHA 256. The name of the application does not need to be an exact match.

Malware Threats Detected

The Malware Threats Detected interactive table shows the top Malware threats that a specific user is triggering.

You can search for data on a specific malware threat name in the text field at the bottom of the table and click Find Malware Threat. The name of the Malware Threat does not need to be an exact match.

Policies Matched

The Policies Matched interactive table shows the policy groups that applied to this user when accessing the web.

You can search for a specific policy name in the text field at the bottom of the table and click Find Policy. The name of the policy does not need to be an exact match.


From Client Malware Risk Details table: The client reports sometimes show a user with an asterisk (*) at the end of the user name. For example, the Client report might show an entry for both “jsmith” and “jsmith*”. User names listed with an asterisk (*) indicate the user name provided by the user, but not confirmed by the authentication server. This happens when the authentication server was not available at the time and the appliance is configured to permit traffic when authentication service is unavailable.

Web Sites Page

The Web Sites report page is an overall aggregation of the activity that is happening on the managed appliances. You can use this report page to monitor high-risk web sites accessed during a specific time range.

To view the Web Sites report page, choose Monitoring > Web Sites from the Reports drop-down. For more information, see Using the Interactive Report Pages on the New Web Interface.

From the Web Sites page, you can view the following information:

Table 10. Details on the Web Sites Page



Time Range (drop-down list)

Choose the time range for your report. For more information, see the Choosing a Time Range for Reports.

Top Domains: Total Transactions

You can view the top domains that are being visited on the website in graphical format.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see (Web Reports Only) Choosing Which Data to Chart.

Top Domains: Transactions Blocked

You can view the top domains that triggered a block action to occur per transaction in graphical format.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see (Web Reports Only) Choosing Which Data to Chart.

For example, a user went to a certain domain and because of a specific policy that I have in place, this triggered a block action. This domain is listed in this graph as a transaction blocked, and the domain site that triggered the block action is listed.

Domains Matched

You can use this interactive table to search for the domains that are that are being visited on the website. You can click on a specific domain to access more granular information. The Proxy Services tab on the Web Tracking page appears and you can see tracking information and why certain domains were blocked.

When you click on a specific domain you can see the top users of that domain, the top transactions on that domain, the URL Categories matched and the Malware threats that have been detected.

Advanced Malware Protection Page

Advanced Malware Protection protects against zero-day and targeted file-based threats by:

  • Obtaining the reputation of known files.

  • Analyzing behavior of certain files that are not yet known to the reputation service.

  • Evaluating emerging threats as new information becomes available, and notifying you about files that are determined to be threats after they have entered your network.

For more information on the file reputation filtering and file analysis, see the user guide or online help for AsyncOS for Web Security Appliance s.

The Advanced Malware Protection report page shows the following reporting views:

To view the Advanced Malware Protection report page, choose Monitoring > Advanced Malware Protection from the Reports drop-down. For more information, see Using the Interactive Report Pages on the New Web Interface.

Advanced Malware Protection - AMP Summary Page

The AMP Summary section of the Advanced Malware Protection report page shows file-based threats that were identified by the file reputation service.

To see the users who tried to access each SHA, and the filenames associated with that SHA-256, click a SHA-256 in the table.

You can click on the link in the Malware Threat Files interactive table to view all the instances of the file in Web Tracking that were encountered within the maximum available time range, regardless of the time range selected for the report.

If a file extracted from a compressed or archived file is malicious, only the SHA value of the compressed or archived file is included in the Advanced Malware Protection report.

You can use the AMP Summary section of the Advanced Malware Protection page to view:

  • The summary of files that are identified by file reputation service of the Advanced Malware Protection engine, in a graphical format.

  • The top malware threat files in a graphical format.

  • The top threat files based on the file types in a graphical format.

  • A trend graph for all the malware threat files based on the selected time range.

  • The Malware Threat Files interactive table that lists the top malware threat files.

  • The Files With Retrospective Verdict Change interactive table that lists the files processed by this appliance for which the verdict has changed since the transaction was processed. For more information about this situation, see the documentation for your Web Security Appliance .

    In the case of multiple verdict changes for a single SHA-256, this report shows only the latest verdict, not the verdict history.

    If multiple Web Security Appliance s have different verdict updates for the same file, the result with the latest time stamp is displayed.

    You can click on a SHA-256 link to view web tracking results for all transactions that included this SHA-256 within the maximum available time range, regardless of the time range selected for the report.

Advanced Malware Protection - File Analysis Page

The File Analysis section of the Advanced Malware Protection report page shows the time and verdict (or interim verdict) for each file sent for analysis. The appliance checks for analysis results every 30 minutes.

For deployments with an on-premises Cisco AMP Malware Analytics Appliance: Files that are on the allowed list on the Cisco AMP Malware Analytics appliance show as "clean." For information about allowed listing, see the AMP Malware Analytics online help.

Drill down to view detailed analysis results, including the threat characteristics and score for each file.

You can also view additional details about an SHA directly on the server that performed the analysis by searching for the SHA or by clicking the Cisco AMP Malware Analytics link at the bottom of the file analysis details page.

If a file extracted from a compressed or archived file is sent for analysis, only the SHA value of the extracted file is included in the File Analysis report.

You can use the File Analysis section of the Advanced Malware Protection report page to view:

  • The number of files that are uploaded for file analysis by file analysis service of the Advanced Malware Protection engine.

  • A list of files that have completed file analysis requests.

  • A list of files that have pending file analysis requests.

Anti-Malware Page

The Anti-Malware report page is a security-related reporting page that reflects the results of scanning by your enabled scanning engines (Webroot, Sophos, McAfee, and/or Adaptive Scanning).

To view the Anti-Malware report page, choose Monitoring > Anti-Malware from the Reports drop-down. For more information, see Using the Interactive Report Pages on the New Web Interface.

You can use this page to help identify and monitor web-based malware threats.


To view data for malware found by L4 Traffic Monitoring, see Layer 4 Traffic Monitor Page

From the Anti-Malware page, you can view the following information:

Table 11. Details on the Anti-Malware Page



Time Range (drop-down list)

Choose the time range for your report. For more information, see the Choosing a Time Range for Reports.

Top Malware Categories

You can view the top malware categories that are detected by a given category type, in graphical format. See Malware Category Descriptions for more information on valid Malware categories.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see (Web Reports Only) Choosing Which Data to Chart.

Top Malware Threats

You can view the the top malware threats in graphical format.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see (Web Reports Only) Choosing Which Data to Chart.

Malware Categories

The Malware Categories interactive table shows detailed information about particular malware categories that are displayed in the Top Malware Categories chart.

Clicking on any of the links in the Malware Categories interactive table allows you to view more granular details about individual malware categories and where they are on the network.

Exception: an Outbreak Heuristics link in the table lets you view a chart showing when transactions in this category occurred.

See Malware Category Descriptions for more information on valid Malware categories.

Malware Threats

The Malware Threats interactive table shows detailed information about particular malware threats that are displayed in the Top Malware Threats section.

Threats labeled “Outbreak” with a number are threats identified by the Adaptive Scanning feature independently of other scanning engines.

Malware Category Report Page


Step 1

Choose Reporting > Anti-Malware.

Step 2

In the Malware Categories interactive table, click on a category in the Malware Category column.

Malware Threat Report

The Malware Threat Report page shows clients at risk for a particular threat, displays a list of potentially infected clients, and links to the Client Detail page. The trend graph at the top of the report shows monitored and blocked transactions for a threat during the specified time range. The table at the bottom shows the actual number of monitored and blocked transactions for a threat during the specified time range.

To view this report, click a category in the Malware Category column of the Anti-Malware report page.

For additional information, click the Support Portal Malware Details link below the table.

Malware Category Descriptions

The Web Security Appliance can block the following types of malware:

Malware Type



Adware encompasses all software executables and plug-ins that direct users towards products for sale. Some adware applications have separate processes that run concurrently and monitor each other, ensuring that the modifications are permanent. Some variants enable themselves to run each time the machine is started. These programs may also change security settings making it impossible for users to make changes to their browser search options, desktop, and other system settings.

Browser Helper Object

A browser helper object is browser plug-in that may perform a variety of functions related to serving advertisements or hijacking user settings.

Commercial System Monitor

A commercial system monitor is a piece of software with system monitor characteristics that can be obtained with a legitimate license through legal means.


A dialer is a program that utilizes your modem or another type of Internet access to connect you to a phone line or a site that causes you to accrue long distance charges to which you did not provide your full, meaningful, and informed consent.

Generic Spyware

Spyware is a type of malware installed on computers that collects small pieces of information about users without their knowledge.


A hijacker modifies system settings or any unwanted changes to a user’s system that may direct them to a website or run a program without a user’s full, meaningful, and informed consent.

Other Malware

This category is used to catch all other malware and suspicious behavior that does not exactly fit in one of the other defined categories.

Outbreak Heuristics

This category represents malware found by Adaptive Scanning independently of the other anti-malware engines.

Phishing URL

A phishing URL is displayed in the browser address bar. In some cases, it involves the use of domain names and resembles those of legitimate domains. Phishing is a form of online identity theft that employs both social engineering and technical subterfuge to steal personal identity data and financial account credentials.


Potentially Unwanted Application. A PUA is an application that is not malicious, but which may be considered to be undesirable.

System Monitor

A system monitor encompasses any software that performs one of the following actions:

Overtly or covertly records system processes and/or user action.

Makes those records available for retrieval and review at a later time.

Trojan Downloader

A trojan downloader is a Trojan that, after installation, contacts a remote host/site and installs packages or affiliates from the remote host. These installations usually occur without the user’s knowledge. Additionally, a Trojan Downloader’s payload may differ from installation to installation since it obtains downloading instructions from the remote host/site.

Trojan Horse

A trojan horse is a destructive program that masquerades as a benign application. Unlike viruses, Trojan horses do not replicate themselves.

Trojan Phisher

A trojan phisher may sit on an infected computer waiting for a specific web page to be visited or may scan the infected machine looking for user names and passwords for bank sites, auction sites, or online payment sites.


A virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes.


A worm is program or algorithm that replicates itself over a computer network and usually performs malicious actions.

Client Malware Risks Page

The Reporting > Client Malware Risk page is a security-related reporting page that can be used to monitor client malware risk activity. The Client Malware Risk page also lists client IP addresses involved in frequent malware connections, as identified by the L4 Traffic Monitor (L4TM).

Table 12. Details on Client Malware Risks Page



Time Range (drop-down list)

Choose the time range for your report. For more information, see the Choosing a Time Range for Reports.

Web Proxy: Top Clients Monitored or Blocked

This chart displays the top ten users that have encountered a malware risk.

L4 Traffic Monitor: Malware Connections Detected

This chart displays the IP addresses of the computers in your organization that most frequently connect to malware sites.

Web Proxy: Client Malware Risk

The Web Proxy: Client Malware Risk interactive table shows detailed information about particular clients that are displayed in the Web Proxy: Top Clients by Malware Risk section.

L4 Traffic Monitor: Clients by Malware Risk

The L4 Traffic Monitor: Clients by Malware Risk interactive table displays IP addresses of computers in your organization that frequently connect to malware sites.

Web Reputation Filters Page

You can use the Web Reputation Filters report page to view the results of your set Web Reputation filters for transactions during a specified time range.

To view the Web Reputation Filters report page, choose Monitoring > Web Reputation Filters from the Reports drop-down. For more information, see Using the Interactive Report Pages on the New Web Interface.

What are Web Reputation Filters?

Web Reputation Filters analyze web server behavior and assign a reputation score to a URL to determine the likelihood that it contains URL-based malware. It helps protect against URL-based malware that threatens end-user privacy and sensitive corporate information. The Web Security Appliance uses URL reputation scores to identify suspicious activity and stop malware attacks before they occur. You can use Web Reputation Filters with both Access and Decryption Policies.

Web Reputation Filters use statistical data to assess the reliability of Internet domains and score the reputation of URLs. Data such as how long a specific domain has been registered, or where a web site is hosted, or whether a web server is using a dynamic IP address is used to judge the trustworthiness of a given URL.

The web reputation calculation associates a URL with network parameters to determine the probability that malware exists. The aggregate probability that malware exists is then mapped to a Web Reputation Score between -10 and +10, with +10 being the least likely to contain malware.

Example parameters include the following:

  • URL categorization data

  • Presence of downloadable code

  • Presence of long, obfuscated End-User License Agreements (EULAs)

  • Global volume and changes in volume

  • Network owner information

  • History of a URL

  • Age of a URL

  • Presence on any block lists

  • Presence on any allow lists

  • URL typos of popular domains

  • Domain registrar information

  • IP address information

For more information on Web Reputation Filtering, see ‘Web Reputation Filters’ in the User Guide for AsyncOS for Web Security Appliance s.

From the Web Reputation Filters page, you can view the following information:

Table 13. Details on Web Reputation Filters Page



Time Range (drop-down list)

Choose the time range for your report. For more information, see the Choosing a Time Range for Reports.

Web Reputation Actions (Trend)

You can view the total number of web reputation actions against the time specified, in graphical format. From this you can see potential trends over time for web reputation actions.

Web Reputation Actions (Volume)

You can view the web reputation action volume in percentages by transactions.

Web Reputation Threat Types Blocked by WBRS

You can view the types of threats found in transactions that were blocked by Web Reputation filtering, in graphical format.



WBRS cannot always identify the threat type.

Threat Types Detected in Other Transactions

You can view the type of threats found in transactions that were not blocked by Web Reputation filtering, in graphical format.

To customize the view of the chart, click on the chart. For more information, see (Web Reports Only) Choosing Which Data to Chart.

Reasons these threats might not have been blocked include:

  • Not all threats have a score that meets the threshold for blocking. However, other features of the appliance may catch these threats.

  • Policies might be configured to allow threats to pass through.



WBRS cannot always identify the threat type.

Web Reputation Actions (Breakdown by Score)

If Adaptive Scanning is not enabled, this interactive table displays the Web Reputation scores broken down for each action.

Threat Categories Matched

You can view the threat categories matched, in graphical format.

Adjusting Web Reputation Settings

Based on your report results, you may want to adjust the configured web reputation settings, for example adjust the threshold scores or enable or disable Adaptive Scanning. For specific information about configuring web reputation settings, see User Guide for AsyncOS for Cisco Web Security Appliance s.

(Web Reports Only) Choosing Which Data to Chart

The default charts on each Web Reporting page display commonly-referenced data, but you can choose to chart different data instead. If a page has multiple charts, you can change each chart.

Generally, the chart options are the same as the columns of the table in the report. However, some columns cannot be charted.

Charts reflect all available data in a table column, regardless of the number of items (rows) you choose to display in the associated table.


Step 1

Click on a specific chart.

Step 2

Choose the required data to be displayed. The preview of the chart is displayed as per the selected options.

Step 3

Click Apply.

Web Tracking on the New Web Interface

You can use the Web Tracking Search page to search and view details about individual transactions or patterns of transactions that may be of concern. Depending on the services that your deployment uses, search in relevant tabs:

For more information about the distinction between the Web Proxy and the Layer4 Traffic Monitor, see the “Understanding How the Web Security Appliance Works” section in User Guide for AsyncOS for Cisco Web Security Appliance s.

Searching for Transactions Processed by Web Proxy Services

You can use the Proxy Services tab on the Web Tracking Search page to search web tracking data aggregated from individual security components and acceptable use enforcement components. This data does not include Layer 4 Traffic Monitoring data or transactions processed by the SOCKS Proxy.

You might want to use it to assist the following roles:

  • HR or Legal manager. Run an investigative report for an employee during a specific time period.

    For example, you can use the Proxy Services tab to retrieve information about a specific URL that a user is accessing, what time the user visited that URL, whether that URL is allowed, etc.

  • Network security administrator. Examine whether the company network is being exposed to malware threats through employees’ smartphones.

You can view search results for the transactions recorded (including blocked, monitored, warned, and completed) during a particular time period. You can also filter the data results using several criteria, such as URL category, malware threat, and application.


The Web Proxy only reports on transactions that include an ACL decision tag other than “OTHER-NONE.

For an example of how the Proxy Services tab can be used with other web reporting pages, see the .


Step 1

On the Security Management appliance, choose Web from the dropdown list..

Step 2

Using The URL Categories Page in Conjunction with Other Reporting Pages Choose Tracking > Proxy Services.

Step 3

To see all search and filtering options, click Advanced.

Step 4

Enter search criteria:

Table 14. Web Tracking Search Criteria on the Proxy Services Tab



Default Search Criteria

Time Range

Choose the time range on which to report. For information on time ranges available on the Security Management appliance, see the Choosing a Time Range for Reports.

User/Client IPv4 or IPv6

Optionally, enter an authentication username as it appears in reports or a client IP address that you want to track. You can also enter an IP range in CIDR format, such as

When you leave this field empty, the search returns results for all users.


Optionally, enter a website that you want to track. When you leave this field empty, the search returns results for all websites.

Transaction Type

Choose the type of transactions that you want to track, either All Transactions, Completed, Blocked, Monitored, or Warned.

Advanced Search Criteria

URL Category

To filter by a URL category, select Filter by URL Category and type the first letter of a custom or predefined URL category by which to filter. Choose the category from the list that appears .

All recent transactions that match the category name are included, regardless of the engine name noted in the drop-down list.

Malware Threat

To filter by a particular malware threat, select Filter by Malware Threat and enter a malware threat name by which to filter.

To filter by a malware category, select Filter by Malware Category and choose a malware category by which to filter. For descriptions, see Malware Category Descriptions.


To filter by an application, select Application and choose an application by which to filter.

To filter by an application type, select Application Type and choose an application type by which to filter.


In the WBRS section, you can filter by Web-Based Reputation Score and by a particular web reputation threat.

  • To filter by web reputation score, select Score Rangeand select the upper and lower values by which to filter. Or, you can filter for websites that have no score by selecting No Score.

  • To filter by web reputation threat, select Filter by Reputation Threat and enter a web reputation threat by which to filter.

For more information on WBRS scores, see the IronPort AsyncOS for Web User Guide.

Threat Category

To filter by a specific threat category, expand the Threat Category section and select the threat categories that you want.

To select all available threat categories, click Select All.

Youtube Category

To filter by a specific Youtube category, expand the Youtube Category section and select the Youtube categories that you want to view.

To select all available Youtube categories, click Select All. You can also filter by Acitve and Inactive categories.


To filter by a policy group, select Policy and enter a policy group name by which to filter.

Make sure that you have declared the policy on the Web Security Appliance .

AnyConnect Secure Mobility

To filter by remote or local access, select User Location and choose an access type. To include all access types, select Disable Filter.

(In previous releases, this option was labeled Mobile User Security.)

Advanced Malware Protection

To filter file-based threats identified by the file reputation service, enter a filename in the Filename box.

To filter files using the SHA-256 hash, enter a SHA-256 has value in the File SHA-256 box.

To filter files based on file verdict, select AMP File Verdict and choose a verdict type. The available file verdict types are Clean, Malicious, Unknown, UnScannable, and Lowrisk.

The Malicious verdict type has three sub-cateogries:

  • Malware: Files that are blocked due to reasons other than Custom Detection nor Custom Threshold.

  • Custom Detection: The percentage of file SHAs on the blocked list received from the AMP for Endpoints console.

  • Custom Threshold: The files blocked due to Threshold Settings while configuring AMP.

User Request

To filter by transactions that were actually initiated by the user, select Filter by Web User-Requested Transactions.

Note: When you enable this filter, the search results include “best guess” transactions.

Malware Category Descriptions

The Web Security Appliance can block the following types of malware:

Malware Type



Adware encompasses all software executables and plug-ins that direct users towards products for sale. Some adware applications have separate processes that run concurrently and monitor each other, ensuring that the modifications are permanent. Some variants enable themselves to run each time the machine is started. These programs may also change security settings making it impossible for users to make changes to their browser search options, desktop, and other system settings.

Browser Helper Object

A browser helper object is browser plug-in that may perform a variety of functions related to serving advertisements or hijacking user settings.

Commercial System Monitor

A commercial system monitor is a piece of software with system monitor characteristics that can be obtained with a legitimate license through legal means.


A dialer is a program that utilizes your modem or another type of Internet access to connect you to a phone line or a site that causes you to accrue long distance charges to which you did not provide your full, meaningful, and informed consent.

Generic Spyware

Spyware is a type of malware installed on computers that collects small pieces of information about users without their knowledge.


A hijacker modifies system settings or any unwanted changes to a user’s system that may direct them to a website or run a program without a user’s full, meaningful, and informed consent.

Other Malware

This category is used to catch all other malware and suspicious behavior that does not exactly fit in one of the other defined categories.

Outbreak Heuristics

This category represents malware found by Adaptive Scanning independently of the other anti-malware engines.

Phishing URL

A phishing URL is displayed in the browser address bar. In some cases, it involves the use of domain names and resembles those of legitimate domains. Phishing is a form of online identity theft that employs both social engineering and technical subterfuge to steal personal identity data and financial account credentials.


Potentially Unwanted Application. A PUA is an application that is not malicious, but which may be considered to be undesirable.

System Monitor

A system monitor encompasses any software that performs one of the following actions:

Overtly or covertly records system processes and/or user action.

Makes those records available for retrieval and review at a later time.

Trojan Downloader

A trojan downloader is a Trojan that, after installation, contacts a remote host/site and installs packages or affiliates from the remote host. These installations usually occur without the user’s knowledge. Additionally, a Trojan Downloader’s payload may differ from installation to installation since it obtains downloading instructions from the remote host/site.

Trojan Horse

A trojan horse is a destructive program that masquerades as a benign application. Unlike viruses, Trojan horses do not replicate themselves.

Trojan Phisher

A trojan phisher may sit on an infected computer waiting for a specific web page to be visited or may scan the infected machine looking for user names and passwords for bank sites, auction sites, or online payment sites.


A virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes.


A worm is program or algorithm that replicates itself over a computer network and usually performs malicious actions.

Searching for Transactions Processed by the Layer 4 Traffic Monitor

The Layer 4 Traffic Monitor tab on the Web Tracking Search page provides details about connections to malware sites and ports. You can search for connections to malware sites by the following types of information:

  • Time range

  • IP address of the machine that initiated the transaction (IPv4 or IPv6)

  • Domain or IP address of the destination website (IPv4 or IPv6)

  • Port

  • IP address associated with a computer in your organization

  • Connection type

To view the hostname at the questionable site or the Web Security Appliance that processed the transaction, click the Display Details link in the Destination IP Address column heading.

For more information about how you can use this information, see Layer 4 Traffic Monitor Page.

Searching for Transactions Processed by the SOCKS Proxy

You can search for transactions that meet a variety of criteria, including blocked or completed transactions; IP address of the client machine that initiated the transaction; and destination domain, IP address, or port. You can also filter results by custom URL category, policy matched, and user location (local or remote). IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported.


Step 1

Choose Tracking > SOCKS Proxy.

Step 2

To see all search and filtering options, click Advanced.

Step 3

Enter search criteria.

Step 4

Click Search.

What to do next

Related Topics

SOCKS Proxy Page

Working with Web Tracking Search Results

Displaying More Web Tracking Search Results


Step 1

Be sure to review all pages of returned results.

Step 2

To display more results per page than the current number displayed, select an option from the Items Displayed menu.

Step 3

If more transactions match your criteria than the maximum number of transactions offered in the Items Displayed menu, you can view the complete set of results by clicking the Printable Download link to obtain a CSV file that includes all matching transactions.

This CSV file includes the complete set of raw data, excluding details of related transactions.

Understanding Web Tracking Search Results

By default, results are sorted by time stamp, with the most recent result at the top.

Search results include:

  • The time that the URL was accessed.

  • The number of related transactions spawned by the user-initiated transaction, such as images loaded, javascripts run, and secondary sites accessed. The number of related transactions appears in each row below the Display All Details link in the column heading.

  • The disposition (The result of the transaction. If applicable, shows the reason the transaction was blocked, monitored, or warned.)

Viewing Transaction Details for Web Tracking Search Results

To View

Do This

The full URL for a truncated URL in the list

Note which host Web Security Appliance processed the transaction, then check the Accesslog on that appliance.

Details for an individual transaction

Click a URL in the Website column.

Details for all transactions

Click the Display All Details... link in the Website column heading.

A list of up to 500 related transactions

The number of related transactions appears in parentheses below the “Display Details” link in the column heading in the list of search results.

Click the Related Transactions link in the Details view for a transaction.

About Web Tracking and Upgrades

New web tracking features may not apply to transactions that occurred before upgrade, because the required data may not have been retained for those transactions. For possible limitations related to web tracking data and upgrades, see the Release Notes for your release.

Scheduling and Archiving Web Reports on the New Web Interface

This section includes the following:

Scheduling Web Reports on the New Web Interface

This section includes the following:

You can schedule reports to run on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Scheduled reports can be configured to include data for the previous day, previous seven days, previous month, previous calendar day (up to 250), previous calendar month (up to 12). Alternatively, you can include data for a custom number of days (from 2 days to 100 days) or a custom number of months (from 2 months to 12 months).

Regardless of when you run a report, the data is returned from the previous time interval (hour, day, week, or month). For example, if you schedule a daily report to run at 1AM, the report will contain data from the previous day, midnight to midnight (00:00 to 23:59).

You can define as many recipients for reports as you want, including zero recipients. If you do not specify an email recipient, the system will still archive the reports. If you need to send the reports to a large number of addresses, however, you may want to create a mailing list instead of listing the recipients individually.

Adding Scheduled Web Reports on the New Web Interface


Step 1

Choose Monitoring > Schedule & Archive.

Step 2

In the Schduled / Archived tab, click the + button.

Step 3

Select your report type from the Report Type drop-down menu.

Step 4

In the Report Title field, enter the title of your report.

To avoid creating multiple reports with the same name, we recommend using a descriptive title.

Step 5

Choose the time range for the report from the Time Range to Include drop-down menu.

Step 6

Choose the format for the generated report.

The default format is PDF.

Step 7

From the Delivery Options section, choose any one of the following:

By choosing this, the report will be listed on the Archived Reports page.


Domain-Based Executive Summary reports cannot be archived.
  • To archive the report, select Only Archive.

  • To archive and email the report, click Archive and Email to Recipients.

  • To email the report, click Only Email to Recipients.

In the Email IDs field, enter the recipient email addresses.

Step 8

From the Schedule area, select the radio button next to the day, week, or month for your scheduled report.

Step 9

Select the language in which the report must be generated from the Report Language drop-down list.

Step 10

Click Submit.

Editing Scheduled Web Reports on the New Web Interface

To edit reports on the new web interface of your appliance, choose Monitoring > Scheduled & Archive page. Click on the link corresponding to the Report Title of report that you want to edit. Modify the settings and then click Edit to submit your changes on the page.

Deleting Scheduled Web Reports on the New Web Interface

To delete reports on the new web interface of your appliance, choose Monitoring > Scheduled / Archived page. Select the checkboxes corresponding to the reports that you want to delete and click on the trash can icon.

To remove all scheduled reports, select the check box next to the report title. Note that archived versions of deleted reports are not deleted.

Archiving Web Reports on the New Web Interface

[New Web Interface] Generating Web Reports on Demand

Most reports that you can schedule, you can also generate on demand.

To generate a report on demand, perform the following:


Step 1

On the Web Security Appliance , choose Monitoring > Schedule & Archive.

Step 2

In the View Archived tab, click on the + button.

Step 3

From the Report Type section, choose a report type from the drop-down list.

The options on the page may change.

Step 4

In the Report Title section, enter the name of the title for the report.

AsyncOS does not verify the uniqueness of report names. To avoid confusion, do not create multiple reports with the same name.

Step 5

From the Time Range to Include drop-down list, select a time range for the report data.

Step 6

In the Attachment Details section, choose the format of the report.

PDF. Create a formatted PDF document for delivery, archival, or both. You can view the report as a PDF file immediately by clicking Preview PDF Report.

Step 7

From the Delivery Options section, choose any one of the following:

By choosing this, the report will be listed on the Archived Reports page.


Domain-Based Executive Summary reports cannot be archived.
  • To archive the report, select Only to Archive.

  • To archive and email the report, click Archive and Email to Recipients.

  • To email the report, click Only Email to Recipients.

In the Email IDs field, enter the recipient email addresses.

Step 8

Select the language in which the report must be generated from the Report Language drop-down list.

Step 9

Click Deliver This Report to generate the report.

Viewing and Managing Archived Web Reports on the New Web Interface

Use the information in this section to work with reports that are generated as scheduled reports.


Step 1

Login to the new web interface of your appliance.

Step 2

Select Monitoring > Schedule& Archive.

Step 3

Select the View Archived tab.

Step 4

To view a report, click the report names in the Report Title column. The Report Type drop-down list filters the types of reports that are listed on the Archived Reports tab.

Step 5

You can search for a particular report in the search box.

System Status Page on the New Web Interface

On the Web Security Appliance , choose Monitoring > System Status to monitor the System Status. This page displays the current status and configuration of the Web Security Appliance . Browser time is displayed on the system status page at the top right corner.

The System Status page has the following tabs:

The Status tab is displayed by default.


The Status page displays the following information.

This Section...


Web Security Appliance Status

  • System uptime

  • System resource utilization — CPU usage, RAM usage, and percentage of disk space used for reporting and logging.

RAM usage for a system that is working efficiently may be above 90%, because RAM that is not otherwise in use by the system is used by the web object cache. If your system is not experiencing serious performance issues and this value is not stuck at 100%, the system is operating normally.


Proxy Buffer Memory is one component that uses this RAM.


Displays the alert names and the date and time at which it has occurred. When you click More at the top right corner or an alert name, the All Alerts pop-up appears. The selected alert row is highlighted in the All Alerts pop-up.

The All Alerts pop-up displays:

  • Date and Time of Alert

  • Alert Level - Info, Warning, or Critical

  • Alert Class

  • Problem - Short description of the alert

  • Recipient - email address to which the alert details are sent

Disk Usage

Displays the value of disk usage and RAID storage status.

The RAID storage status depends on the appliance configuration. For virtual appliances, the RAID storage status displays "Unknown" and for physical appliances, it displays "Optimal".

Proxy Status

Displays Proxy CPU usage and Proxy Disk I/O utilization.

It also displays the proxy connection backlog with the port number and number of connections.

High Availability

Displays the Failover group name, Priority and Status.

It also displays the number of High Availability Failover groups enabled. If there are no failover groups, the service status displays "Not Configured".

Proxy Traffic Characteristics

Displays the following proxy traffic characteristics:

  • Request Per Second

  • Bandwidth

  • Response Time

  • Cache Hit Rate

It displays the average and maximum values of these data. The average values are shown for the last minute, last hour and since the proxy restart. The maximum values are shown for the last hour and since proxy restart.


The Services page displays the services and its status. The services ribbon displays the status of AMP, WCCP, ISE, and CTR services. The color next to the service name denotes the service status:

  • Red - The service is not ready.

  • Grey - The service is ready, but disabled.

  • Green - The service is ready, enabled and running.

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The service data for the current day is displayed by default. You can view up to previous seven days data. Choose a date from the calendar to view the data for the particular day.

Service Status

The Service Status table displays the events and alerts for the services. The table displays a 24-hour time interval, which is divided into 1-hour slots. Each block represents the alerts in a 1-hour time interval.

Green color for a block indicates that there are no critical alerts in the corresponding hour. If there is at least one critical alert in an hour, the corresponding block appears in Red color. The blocks corresponding to future time slots is displayed in White.

The icon at the left side near the service name displays the color of the last block (or ongoing hour).

You can click the Red block to see the times at which the last 5 alerts have occurred. It also displays the total number of alerts as 5 of 'n' Events, where 'n' is the total number of alerts occurred during that time period. Click More to see the All Alerts pop-up.

The All Alerts pop-up displays:

  • Date and Time of Alert

  • Alert Level - Info, Warning, or Critical

  • Alert Class

  • Problem - Short description of the alert

  • Recipient - email address to which the alert details are sent

Service Response Time

The Service Response Time table shows the response time pattern taken by each service running in the system. The following times are shown:

  • McAfee Service Time

  • WBRS Service Time

  • DNS Response Time

  • Webroot Service Time

  • AMP Service Time

  • Sophos Service Time

  • Server Response Time

The table displays a 24-hour time interval divided into 1-hour slots. Each block represents the service response pattern in a 1-hour time. The response time for each service is split into the following time slots:

  • 0.001s to 0.06s

  • 0.06s to 0.6s

  • 0.6s to 1s

  • 1s to 6s

  • 6s and more

By default, the table displays the 1s to 6s response values for all services. You can expand and view the detailed split up.

The system calculates the response time for all transactions. It then displays the percentage of transaction volume that has occurred in each timeslot. The block color is based on the transaction volume percentage.