• Creating and Editing Custom URL Categories
  • Filtering Adult Content
  • Redirecting Traffic in the Access Policies
  • Warning Users and Allowing Them to Continue
  • Creating Time Based URL Filters
  • Viewing URL Filtering Activity
  • Regular Expressions
  • URL Category Descriptions
  • Classify URLs for Policy Application

    This topic contains the following sections:

    Overview of Categorizing URL Transactions

    Using policy groups, you can create secure policies that control access to web sites containing questionable content. The sites that are blocked, allowed, or decrypted depend on the categories you select when setting up category blocking for each policy group. To control user access based on a URL category, you must enable Cisco Web Usage Controls. This is a multi-layered URL filtering engine that uses domain prefixes and keyword analysis to categorize URLs.

    You can use URL categories when performing the following tasks:



    Define policy group membership

    Matching URLs to URL Categories

    Control access to HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP requests

    Filtering Transactions Using URL Categories

    Create user defined custom URL categories that specify specific hostnames and IP addresses

    Creating and Editing Custom URL Categories

    Categorization of Failed URL Transactions

    The Dynamic Content Analysis engine categorizes URLs when controlling access to websites in Access Policies only. It does not categorize URLs when determining policy group membership or when controlling access to websites using Decryption or Cisco Data Security Policies. This is because the engine works by analyzing the response content from the destination server, so it cannot be used on decisions that must be made at request time before any response is downloaded from the server.

    If the web reputation score for an uncategorized URL is within the WBRS ALLOW range, AsyncOS allows the request without performing Dynamic Content Analysis.

    After the Dynamic Content Analysis engine categorizes a URL, it stores the category verdict and URL in a temporary cache. This allows future transactions to benefit from the earlier response scan and be categorized at request time instead of at response time.

    Enabling the Dynamic Content Analysis engine can impact transaction performance. However, most transactions are categorized using the Cisco Web Usage Controls URL categories database, so the Dynamic Content Analysis engine is usually only called for a small percentage of transactions.

    Enabling the Dynamic Content Analysis Engine


    It is possible for an Access Policy, or an Identity used in an Access Policy, to define policy membership by a predefined URL category and for the Access Policy to perform an action on the same URL category. The URL in the request can be uncategorized when determining Identity and Access Policy group membership, but must be categorized by the Dynamic Content Analysis engine after receiving the server response. Cisco Web Usage Controls ignores the category verdict from the Dynamic Content Analysis engine and the URL retains the “uncategorized” verdict for the remainder of the transaction. Future transactions will still benefit from the new category verdict.

    Step 1

    Choose Security Services > Acceptable Use Controls.

    Step 2

    Enable the Cisco Web Usage Controls.

    Step 3

    Click to enable the Dynamic Content Analysis engine.

    Step 4

    Submit and Commit Changes.

    Uncategorized URLs

    An uncategorized URL is a URL that does not match any pre-defined URL category or included custom URL category.


    When determining policy group membership, a custom URL category is considered included, only when it is selected for policy group membership.

    All transactions resulting in unmatched categories are reported on the Reporting > URL Categories page as “Uncategorized URLs.” A large number of uncategorized URLs are generated from requests to web sites within the internal network. Cisco recommends using custom URL categories to group internal URLs and allow all requests to internal web sites. This decreases the number of web transactions reported as “Uncategorized URLs” and instead reports internal transactions as part of “URL Filtering Bypassed” statistics.

    Related Topics

    Matching URLs to URL Categories

    When the URL filtering engine matches a URL category to the URL in a client request, it first evaluates the URL against the custom URL categories included in the policy group. If the URL in the request does not match an included custom category, the URL filtering engine compares it to the predefined URL categories. If the URL does not match any included custom or predefined URL categories, the request is uncategorized.


    When determining policy group membership, a custom URL category is considered included only when it is selected for policy group membership.

    To see what category a particular web site is assigned to, go to the URL in Reporting Uncategorized and Misclassified URLs.

    Related Topics

    Reporting Uncategorized and Misclassified URLs

    You can report uncategorized and misclassified URLs to Cisco. Cisco provides a URL submission tool on its website that allows you to submit multiple URLs simultaneously:

    URL Categories Database

    The category that a URL falls into is determined by a filtering categories database. The Web Security Appliance collects information and maintains a separate database for each URL filtering engine. The filtering categories databases periodically receive updates from the Cisco update server.

    The URL categories database includes many different factors and sources of data internal to Cisco and from the Internet. One of the factors occasionally considered, heavily modified from the original, is information from the Open Directory Project.

    To see what category a particular web site is assigned to, go to the URL in Reporting Uncategorized and Misclassified URLs.

    Related Topics

    Configuring the URL Filtering Engine

    By default, the Cisco Web Usage Controls URL filtering engine is enabled in the System Setup Wizard.


    Step 1

    Choose Security Services > Acceptable Use Controls.

    Step 2

    Click Edit Global Settings.

    Step 3

    Verify the Enable Acceptable Use Controls property is enabled.

    Step 4

    Choose any one of the following Cisco Web Usage Controls:

    1. Application Visibility and Control

    2. Dynamic Content Analysis Engine

    3. Multiple URL Categories



      The Multiple URL Categories feature is applicable only for Access Policies. You cannot apply the Multiple URL Categories feature for decryption policies and identification profiles.

    Step 5

    Choose the default action the Web Proxy should use when the URL filtering engine is unavailable, either Monitor or Block. Default is Monitor.

    Step 6

    Submit and Commit Changes.

    Managing Updates to the Set of URL Categories

    The set of predefined URL categories may occasionally be updated in order to accommodate new web trends and evolving usage patterns. Updates to the URL category set are distinct from the changes that add new URLs and re-map misclassified URLs. Category set updates may change configurations in your existing policies and therefore require action. URL category set updates may occur between product releases; an AsyncOS upgrade is not required.

    Information is available from: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps10164/prod_release_notes_list.html.

    Take the following actions:

    When to Act


    Before updates occur

    (Do these tasks as part of your initial setup)

    Understanding the Impacts of URL Category Set Updates

    Controlling Updates to the URL Category Set

    Default Settings for New and Changed Categories

    Receiving Alerts About Category and Policy Changes

    After updates occur

    Responding to Alerts about URL Category Set Updates

    Understanding the Impacts of URL Category Set Updates

    URL category set updates can have the following impacts on existing Access Policies, Decryption Policies, and Cisco Data Security policies, and on Identities:

    Effects of URL Category Set Changes on Policy Group Membership

    This section applies to all policy types with membership that can be defined by URL category, and to Identities. When policy group membership is defined by URL category, changes to the category set may have the following effects:

    • If the sole criterion for membership is a deleted category, the policy or identity is disabled.

    If membership in any policy is defined by a URL category that changes, and if this causes ACL list changes, the web proxy will restart.

    Effects of URL Category Set Updates on Filtering Actions in Policies

    URL category set updates can change policy behavior in the following ways:


    Effect on Policies and Identities

    A new category can be added

    For the new URL categories now, one of the following actions will be picked from the Default Action for Update Categories option of the Policy Configuartion page:

    • Least Restrictive

    • Most Restrictive

    The actions are set by default for the new categories. In Access Policies, and Cisco Data Security Policies:

    • Most Restrictive is Block

    • Least Restrictive is Monitor

    In Web Traffic Tap (WTT) Policies:

    • Most Restrictive is Tap

    • Least Restrictive is No Tap

    In Decryption Policies:

    • Most Restrictive is Block

    • Least Restrictive is Pass Through

    A category can be deleted

    The action associated with the deleted category is deleted.

    If the policy depended exclusively on the deleted category, the policy is disabled.

    If a policy depends on an identity that depended exclusively on a deleted category, the policy will be disabled.

    A category can be renamed

    No change to the behavior of the existing policy.

    A category can split

    A single category can become multiple new categories. New category actions will be picked from the Default Action for Update Categories.

    Two or more existing categories can merge

    If all original categories in a policy had the same action assigned, the merged category has the same action as the original categories. If all original categories were set to “Use Global Setting” then the merged category is also set to “Use Global Setting.”

    If the policy had different actions assigned to the original categories, the action assigned to the merged category depends on the Uncategorized URLs setting in that policy:

    • If Uncategorized URLs is set to Block (or “Use Global Setting” when the global setting is Block), then the most restrictive action among the original categories is applied to the merged category.

    • If Uncategorized URLs is set to any action other than Block (or “Use Global Setting” when the global setting is anything other than Block), then the least restrictive action among the original categories is applied to the merged category.

      In this case, sites that were previously blocked may now be accessible to users.

    If policy membership is defined by URL category, and some of the categories involved in the merge, or the Uncategorized URLs action, are not included in the policy membership definition, then the values in the Global Policy are used for the missing items.

    The order of restrictiveness is as follows (not all actions are available for all policy types):

    • Block

    • Drop

    • Decrypt

    • Warn

    • Time-based

    • Monitor

    • Pass Through


    Time-based policies that are based on merged categories adopt the action associated with any one of the original categories. (In time-based policies, there may be no obviously most- or least-restrictive action.)
    Related Topics

    Merged Categories - Examples

    Some examples of merged categories, based on settings on the URL Filtering page for the policy:

    Original Category 1

    Original Category 2

    Uncategorized URLs

    Merged Category



    (Not Applicable)




    (Not Applicable)


    Use Global Settings

    Use Global Settings

    (Not Applicable)

    Use Global Settings




    Use the least restrictive among the original categories.



    • Block or
    • Use Global Settings,when Global is set to Block
    • Block or
    • Use Global Setting, when Global is set to Block

    Use the most restrictive among the original categories.



    • Monitor or
    • Use Global Settings, when Global is set to Monitor
    • Monitor or
    • Use Global Setting, when Global is set to Monitor

    Use the least restrictive among the original categories.


    For policies in which membership is defined by URL category:


    An action for this category is not specified in this policy, but the value in the Global Policy for this category is Block

    An action for Uncategorized URLs is not specified in this policy, but the value in the Global Policy for Uncategorized URLs is Monitor


    Controlling Updates to the URL Category Set

    By default, URL category set updates to occur automatically. These updates may change existing policy configurations, so you may prefer to disable all automatic updates.



    If you disable updates, you will need to manually update all services listed in the Update Servers (list) section of the System Administration > Upgrade and Update Settings page

    Manually Updating the URL Category Set


    Manually Updating Security Service Components

    Disabling all automatic updates

    Configuring Upgrade and Service Update Settings.


    If you use the CLI, disable updates by setting the update interval to zero (0)

    Manually Updating the URL Category Set


    • Do not interrupt an update in progress.

    • If you have disabled automatic updates, you can manually update the set of URL categories at your convenience.


    Step 1

    Choose Security Services > Acceptable Use Controls.

    Step 2

    Determine whether an update is available:

    Look at the “Cisco Web Usage Controls - Web Categorization Categories List” item in the Acceptable Use Controls Engine Updates table.

    Step 3

    To update, click Update Now.

    Default Settings for New and Changed Categories

    URL category set updates may change the behavior of your existing policies. You should specify default settings for certain changes when you configure your policies, so that they are ready when URL category set updates occur. When new categories are added, or existing categories merge into a new category, the default action for these categories for each policy are affected by the Default Action for Update Categories setting in that policy.

    Verifying Existing Settings and/or Making Changes


    Step 1

    Choose Web Security Manager.

    Step 2

    For each Access Policy, Decryption Policy, and Cisco Data Security policy click the URL Filtering link.

    Step 3

    Check the selected setting for Uncategorized URLs.

    What to do next

    Related Topics

    Receiving Alerts About Category and Policy Changes

    Category set updates trigger two types of alerts:

    • Alerts about category changes
    • Alerts about policies that have changed or been disabled as a result of category set changes.


    Step 1

    Choose System Administration > Alerts.

    Step 2

    Click Add Recipient and add email address (or multiple email addresses).

    Step 3

    Decide which Alert Types and Alert Severities to receive.

    Step 4

    Submit and Commit Changes.

    Responding to Alerts about URL Category Set Updates

    When you receive an alert about category set changes, you should do the following:

    • Check policies and identities to be sure that they still meet your policy goals after category merges, additions, and deletions, and
    • Consider modifying policies and identities to benefit from new categories and the added granularity of split categories.

    Related Topics

    Filtering Transactions Using URL Categories

    The URL filtering engine lets you filter transactions in Access, Decryption, and Data Security Policies. When you configure URL categories for policy groups, you can configure actions for custom URL categories, if any are defined, and predefined URL categories.

    The URL filtering actions you can configure depends on the type of policy group:



    Access Policies

    Configuring URL Filters for Access Policy Groups

    Decryption Policies

    Configuring URL Filters for Decryption Policy Groups

    Cisco Data Security Policies

    Configuring URL Filters for Data Security Policy Groups

    Related Topics

    Configuring URL Filters for Access Policy Groups

    You can configure URL filtering for user-defined Access Policy groups and the Global Policy Group.


    Step 1

    Choose Web Security Manager > Access Policies.

    Step 2

    Click the link in the policies table under the URL Filtering column for the policy group you want to edit.

    Step 3

    (Optional) In the Custom URL Category Filtering section, you can add custom URL categories on which to take action in this policy:

    1. Click Select Custom Categories.

    2. Choose which custom URL categories to include in this policy and click Apply.

    Choose which custom URL categories the URL filtering engine should compare the client request against. The URL filtering engine compares client requests against included custom URL categories, and ignores excluded custom URL categories. The URL filtering engine compares the URL in a client request to included custom URL categories before predefined URL categories.

    The custom URL categories included in the policy appear in the Custom URL Category Filtering section.

    Step 4

    In the Custom URL Category Filtering section, choose an action for each included custom URL category.



    Use Global Settings

    Uses the action for this category in the Global Policy Group. This is the default action for user defined policy groups.

    Applies to user defined policy groups only.



    When a custom URL category is excluded in the global Access Policy, then the default action for included custom URL categories in user defined Access Policies is Monitor instead of Use Global Settings. You cannot choose Use Global Settings when a custom URL category is excluded in the global Access Policy.


    The Web Proxy denies transactions that match this setting.


    Redirects traffic originally destined for a URL in this category to a location you specify. When you choose this action, the Redirect To field appears. Enter a URL to which to redirect all traffic.


    Always allows client requests for web sites in this category.

    Allowed requests bypass all further filtering and malware scanning.

    Only use this setting for trusted web sites. You might want to use this setting for internal sites.


    The Web Proxy neither allows nor blocks the request. Instead, it continues to evaluate the client request against other policy group control settings, such as web reputation filtering.


    The Web Proxy initially blocks the request and displays a warning page, but allows the user to continue by clicking a hypertext link in the warning page.


    As a individual user approaches either the volume or time quotas you have specified, a warning is displayed. When a quota is met, a block page is displayed. See Time Ranges and Quotas.


    The Web Proxy blocks or monitors the request during the time ranges you specify. See Time Ranges and Quotas.

    Step 5

    In the Predefined URL Category Filtering section, choose one of the following actions for each category:

    • Use Global Settings

    • Monitor

    • Warn

    • Block

    • Time-Based

    • Quota-Based

    Step 6

    In the Uncategorized URLs section, choose the action to take for client requests to web sites that do not fall into a predefined or custom URL category. This setting also determines the default action for new and merged categories resulting from URL category set updates.

    Step 7

    Submit and Commit Changes.

    What to do next

    Exceptions to Blocking for Embedded and Referred Content

    A Website may embed or refer to content that is categorized differently than the source page, or that is considered an application. By default, embedded/referred content is blocked or monitored based on the action selected for its assigned category or application, regardless of how the source Website is categorized. For example, a News site could contain content, or a link to content, that categorized as Streaming Video and identified as being the application YouTube. According to your policy, Streaming Video and YouTube are both blocked, while News sites are not.


    Requests for embedded content usually include the address of the site from which the request originated (this is known as the “referer” field in the request’s HTTP header). This header information is used to determine categorization of the referred content.

    You can use this feature to define exceptions to the default actions for embedded/referred content; for example, to permit all content embedded in or referred to from News Websites, or from a custom category representing your intranet.


    Referer-based exceptions are supported only in Access policies. To use this feature with HTTPS traffic, before defining exceptions in Access policies, you must configure HTTPS decryption of the URL Categories that you will select for exception. See Configuring URL Filters for Decryption Policy Groups for information about configuring HTTPS decryption. See Conditions and Restrictions for Exceptions to Blocking for Embedded and Referred Content for additional information about using this feature with HTTPS decryption.

    Step 1

    On the URL Filtering page for a particular Access Policy (see Configuring URL Filters for Access Policy Groups), click Enable Exceptions in the Exceptions to Blocking for Embedded/Referred Content section.

    Step 2

    Click the Click to select categories link in the Set Exception for Content Referred by These Categories column, opening the URL filtering category referral-exception selection page.

    Step 3

    From the Predefined and Custom URL Categories lists, select the categories for which you wish to define this referral exception, then click Done to return to the URL Filtering page for this Access Policy.

    Step 4

    Choose an exception type from the Set Exception for this Referred Content drop-down list:

    • All embedded/referred content – All content embedded in and referred from sites of the specified category types is not blocked, regardless of the categorization of that content.

    • Selected embedded/referred content – After choosing this option, select specific Categories and Applications that are not blocked when originating from the specified URL categories.

    • All embedded/referred content except – After choosing this option, all content embedded in and referred from sites of the specified category types is not blocked, except those URL categories and applications you now specify here. In other words, these types will remain blocked.


    The Referrer Exception option is enabled by default for the custom URL category even when this category is not included in Access Policies.

    Step 5

    Submit and Commit Changes.

    What to do next

    You can elect to display “Permitted by Referrer” transaction data in the tables and charts provided on the following Reporting pages: URL Categories, Users and Web Sites, as well as related charts on the Overview page. See Choosing Which Data to Chart for more information about selecting chart-display options.

    Configuring URL Filters for Decryption Policy Groups

    You can configure URL filtering for user defined Decryption Policy groups and the global Decryption Policy group.


    Step 1

    Choose Web Security Manager > Decryption Policies.

    Step 2

    Click the link in the policies table under the URL Filtering column for the policy group you want to edit.

    Step 3

    (Optional) In the Custom URL Category Filtering section, you can add custom URL categories on which to take action in this policy:

    1. Click Select Custom Categories.

    2. Choose which custom URL categories to include in this policy and click Apply.

      Choose which custom URL categories the URL filtering engine should compare the client request against. The URL filtering engine compares client requests against included custom URL categories, and ignores excluded custom URL categories. The URL filtering engine compares the URL in a client request to included custom URL categories before predefined URL categories.

      The custom URL categories included in the policy appear in the Custom URL Category Filtering section.

    Step 4

    Choose an action for each custom and predefined URL category.



    Use Global Setting

    Uses the action for this category in the global Decryption Policy group. This is the default action for user defined policy groups.

    Applies to user defined policy groups only.

    When a custom URL category is excluded in the global Decryption Policy, then the default action for included custom URL categories in user defined Decryption Policies is Monitor instead of Use Global Settings. You cannot choose Use Global Settings when a custom URL category is excluded in the global Decryption Policy.

    Pass Through

    Passes through the connection between the client and the server without inspecting the traffic content.


    The Web Proxy neither allows nor blocks the request. Instead, it continues to evaluate the client request against other policy group control settings, such as web reputation filtering.


    Allows the connection, but inspects the traffic content. The appliance decrypts the traffic and applies Access Policies to the decrypted traffic as if it were a plain text HTTP connection. By decrypting the connection and applying Access Policies, you can scan the traffic for malware.


    Drops the connection and does not pass the connection request to the server. The appliance does not notify the user that it dropped the connection.



    If you want to block a particular URL category for HTTPS requests, choose to decrypt that URL category in the Decryption Policy group and then choose to block the same URL category in the Access Policy group.

    Step 5

    In the Uncategorized URLs section, choose the action to take for client requests to web sites that do not fall into a predefined or custom URL category.

    This setting also determines the default action for new and merged categories resulting from URL category set updates.

    Step 6

    Submit and Commit Changes.

    Configuring URL Filters for Data Security Policy Groups

    You can configure URL filtering for user defined Data Security Policy groups and the Global Policy Group.


    Step 1

    Choose Web Security Manager > Cisco Data Security.

    Step 2

    Click the link in the policies table under the URL Filtering column for the policy group you want to edit.

    Step 3

    (Optional) In the Custom URL Category Filtering section, you can add custom URL categories on which to take action in this policy:

    1. Click Select Custom Categories.

    2. Choose which custom URL categories to include in this policy and click Apply.

      Choose which custom URL categories the URL filtering engine should compare the client request against. The URL filtering engine compares client requests against included custom URL categories, and ignores excluded custom URL categories. The URL filtering engine compares the URL in a client request to included custom URL categories before predefined URL categories.

      The custom URL categories included in the policy appear in the Custom URL Category Filtering section.

    Step 4

    In the Custom URL Category Filtering section, choose an action for each custom URL category.



    Use Global Setting

    Uses the action for this category in the Global Policy Group. This is the default action for user defined policy groups.

    Applies to user defined policy groups only.

    When a custom URL category is excluded in the global Cisco Data Security Policy, then the default action for included custom URL categories in user defined Cisco Data Security Policies is Monitor instead of Use Global Settings. You cannot choose Use Global Settings when a custom URL category is excluded in the global Cisco Data Security Policy.


    Always allows upload requests for web sites in this category. Applies to custom URL categories only.

    Allowed requests bypass all further data security scanning and the request is evaluated against Access Policies.

    Only use this setting for trusted web sites. You might want to use this setting for internal sites.


    The Web Proxy neither allows nor blocks the request. Instead, it continues to evaluate the upload request against other policy group control settings, such as web reputation filtering.


    The Web Proxy denies transactions that match this setting.



    If you do not disable the maximum file size limitation, Web Security Appliance continues to validate the maximum file size when the Allow or Monitor options are selected in the URL filtering.

    Step 5

    In the Predefined URL Category Filtering section, choose one of the following actions for each category:

    • Use Global Settings

    • Monitor

    • Block

    Step 6

    In the Uncategorized URLs section, choose the action to take for upload requests to web sites that do not fall into a predefined or custom URL category. This setting also determines the default action for new and merged categories resulting from URL category set updates.

    Step 7

    Submit and Commit Changes.

    What to do next

    Related Topics

    YouTube Categorization

    The YouTube categorization feature enables you to create a custom URL category for YouTube and set policies on the YouTube custom category for secure and control access.


    When you configure the time-based access policy rules to block specific YouTube category:

    • The time-based rules that you set are not applicable to the videos that are already opened and playing at the time when you configure the access policy.

    • The rules will be applicable only to the videos that are newly opened after you set the rules.


    • Make sure that the googleapis.com is not blocked in upstream proxy or upstream firewall. If you have configured an exception for Cisco update server and WBNP telemetry server, configure the same for googleapis.com as well.

    • You cannot block the video that appears on the main page of a channel, even if the video belongs to a blocked YouTube category.

      For example, you blocked autos and vehicles under YouTube category. If you open a video under the specified category on the main page of a channel related to autos and vehicles, the video will not be blocked. If you try to open the same video in a separate tab, it will be blocked as expected.

    To configure the YouToube categorization feature, perform the following tasks.



    Links to Topics and Procedures


    Create custom and external URL category for YouTube with www.youtube.com and m.youtube.com.

    Creating and Editing Custom URL Categories.


    Add custom and external URL category for YouTube to a decryption policy.

    Configuring URL Filters for Decryption Policy Groups.


    Enable YouTube categorization feature.

    Enabling the YouTube Categorization Feature.


    Apply access policies to custom and external URL category for YouTube.

    Configuring URL Filters for Access Policy Groups.



    You must set the actions 'Block, Monitor, or Warn' under the YouTube Category Filtering section in the Access Policies: URL Filtering page.

    Enabling the YouTube Categorization Feature

    Before you begin

    • Enable HTTPS proxy (Security Services > HTTPS Proxy).

    • Enable Acceptable Use Controls (Security Services > Acceptable Use Controls).

    • Configure Custom and External URL categories (Web Security Manager > Custom and External URL Categories) with www.youtube.com and m.youtube.com.

    • Configure decryption policy using the Custom and External URL category for YouTube, with action as 'decrypt'.

    • Generated the Google API key using Google API services for YouTube. To generate Google API key:

      1. Logon to https://console.developers.google.com/ using Google account credentials. (Recommend not to use personal Google account).

      2. Create a project.

      3. In the Enable APIs and Services, enable YouTube Data API v3.

      4. Generate an API key using the wizard or use the Credentials option under APIs & Services.


        If you are generating the API key using wizard, under YouTube Data API v3:

        1. From the Where will you be calling the API from? drop-down list, choose Other non-UI (e.g. cron job, daemon) .

        2. In the What data will you be accessing section, choose Public data.

        3. Click What credentials do I need? then click Done.


    Step 1

    Choose Security Services > Acceptable Use Controls.

    Step 2

    Click Edit Global Settings.

    Step 3

    Check the Enable checkbox next to YouTube categorization.

    Step 4

    Enter the API key generated using the Google API services.

    You must generate the API key using the Google API services before you enable the YouTube Categorization feature.

    Step 5

    Enter the query timeout to set timeout period between the appliance and the YouTube API server.

    Step 6

    Choose the routing table through which the YouTube category traffic passes through:

    • Data : For P1 and P2 interfaces

    • Management: For M1 interface



      The default routing table is data. The above two options are avaialble only if you have configured two separate routing tables for data and management services (Network > Interfaces).

    Step 7

    Submit and commit your changes.

    Creating and Editing Custom URL Categories

    You can create custom and external live-feed URL categories that describe specific host names and IP addresses. In addition, you can edit and delete existing URL categories. When you include these custom URL categories in the same Access, Decryption, or Cisco Data Security Policy group and assign different actions to each category, the action of the higher included custom URL category takes precedence.


    You can use no more than 30 External Live Feed files in these URL category definitions, and each file should contain no more than 5000 entries. Increasing the number of external feed entries causes performance degradation.

    The Web Security Appliance uses the first four characters of custom URL category names preceded by “c_” in the access logs. Consider the custom URL category name if you use Sawmill to parse the access logs. If the first four characters of the custom URL category include a space, Sawmill cannot properly parse the access log entry. Instead, only use supported characters in the first four characters. If you want to include the full name of a custom URL category in the access logs, add the %XF format specifier to the access logs.


    If DNS resolves several IPs to a website, and if one of those IPs is custom blocked list, then the Web Security Appliance blocks the website for all IPs, irrespective of they not being listed in the custom blocked list.

    Before you begin

    Go to Security Services > Acceptable Use Controls to enable Acceptable Use Controls.


    Step 1

    Choose Web Security Manager > Custom and External URL Categories.

    Step 2

    To create a custom URL category, click Add Category. To edit an existing custom URL category, click the name of the URL category.

    Step 3

    Provide the following information.



    Category Name

    Enter an identifier for this URL category. This name appears when you configure URL filtering for policy groups.

    List Order

    Specify the order of this category in the list of custom URL categories. Enter “1” for the first URL category in the list.

    The URL filtering engine evaluates a client request against the custom URL categories in the order specified.

    Category Type

    Choose Local Custom Category or External Live Feed Category.

    Routing Table

    Choose Management or Data. This choice is available only if “split routing” is enabled; that is, it is not available with local custom categories. See Enabling or Changing Network Interfaces for information about enabling split routing.

    Sites / Feed File Location

    If you choose Local Custom Category for the Category Type, provide the custom Sites:

    • Enter one or more Site addresses for this custom category. You can enter multiple addresses separated by line breaks or commas. These addresses can be in any of the following formats:

      • IPv4 address, such as

      • IPv6 address, such as 2001:0db8::

      • IPv4 CIDR address, such as

      • IPv6 CIDR address, such as 2001:0db8::/32

      • Domain name, such as example.com

      • Hostname, such as crm.example.com

      • Partial hostname, such as .example.com; this will also match www.example.com

      • Regular expressions can be entered in the Advanced section, as described below.



      It is possible to use the same address in multiple custom URL categories, but the order in which the categories are listed is relevant. If you include these categories in the same policy, and define different actions for each, the action defined for the category listed highest in the custom URL categories table will be the one applied.

    • (Optional) Click Sort URLs to sort all addresses in the Sites field.


    Once you sort the addresses, you cannot retrieve their original order.

    Excluded Sites

    If you choose External Live Feed Category for the Category Type, provide the sites that you want to exclude from the existing feed file. You can enter multiple addresses separated by line breaks or commas. These addresses can be in any of the following formats:

    • IPv6 addresses such as 2001:0db8::/32

    • IPv4 addresses such as

    • CIDR IPv6 addresses such as 2001:0db8::/32

    • CIDR IPv4 address such as

    • Domain name, such as example.com

    • Hostname, such as crm.example.com

    • Partial hostname, such as .example.com; will also match www.example.com

    Feed Location (cont.)

    If you choose External Live Feed Category for the Category Type, provide the Feed File Location information; that is, locate and download the file containing the addresses for this custom category:

    1. Select either Cisco Feed Format, or Office 365 Feed Format, or Office 365 Web Service, and provide the appropriate feed-file information.

      • Cisco Feed Format:

        • Choose the transport protocol to be used—either HTTPS or HTTP—and then enter the URL of the live-feed file. This file must be a comma-separated values (.csv)-formatted file. See External Feed-file Formats for more information about this file.

        • Optionally, provide Authentication credentials in the Advanced section. Provide a Username and Passphrase to be used for connection to the specified feed server.

      • Office 365 Feed Format:

        • Enter the Office 365 Feed Location (URL) of the live-feed file.

          This file must be an XML-formatted file; see External Feed-file Formats for more information about this file.

        • Office 365 Web Service

          Enter the web service URL. It must not contain a ClientRequestId, and have JSON as the format. The appliance automatically generates the ClientRequestId.

    2. For Cisco Feed Format and Office 365 Feed formats, click Get File to test the connection to the feed server, and then parse and download the feed file from the server.

      Progress is displayed in the text box below the Get File button. If an error occurs, the problem is indicated and must be rectified before trying again. Refer to Issues Downloading An External Live Feed File for additional information about possible errors.

      For the Office 365 Web Service, click Start Test to initiate the service and download URLs and IPs.



    You can use no more than 30 External Live Feed files in these URL category definitions, and each file should contain no more than 5000 entries. Increasing the number of external feed entries causes performance degradation.



    After you save your changes to this live-feed category, you can click View in the Feed Content column for this entry on the Custom and External URL Categories page (Web Security Manager > Custom and External URL Categories) to open a window that displays the addresses contained in the Cisco Feed Format or Office 365 Feed Format feed file you downloaded here.


    If you choose Local Custom Category for the Category Type, you can enter regular expressions in this section to specify additional sets of addresses.

    You can use regular expressions to specify multiple addresses that match the patterns you enter.


    • The URL filtering engine compares URLs with addresses entered in the Sites field first. If the URL of a transaction matches an entry in the Sites field, it is not compared to any expression entered here.

    • Use “%20” instead of space character while adding URL paths as regular expressions. URL paths must not contain space characters when used as regular expressions.

    See Regular Expressions for more information about using regular expressions.

    Advanced (Exclude Regular Expresions)

    If you choose External Live Feed Category for the Category Type, enter the regular expressions that you want to exclude from the existing feed file. Entries must exactly match the regular expressions existing in the feed file.

    Auto Update the Feed

    Choose a feed update option:

    • Do not auto update

    • Every n HH:MM; for example, enter 00:05 for five minutes. However, note that updating frequently can affect Web Security Appliance performance.



    Upon every reload and republish, the appliance downloads the available feed file and updates the downloaded time, even if the available feed file is same as the currently downloaded one.

    Step 4

    Submit and Commit Changes.

    What to do next

    Related Topics

    Address Formats and Feed-file Formats for Custom and External URL Categories

    When Creating and Editing Custom and External URL Categories, you must provide one or more network addresses, whether for a Local Custom Category, or in an External Live Feed Category feed file. In each instance, you can enter multiple addresses separated by line breaks or commas. These addresses can be in any of the following formats:

    • IPv4 address, such as

    • IPv6 address, such as 2001:0db8::

    • IPv4 CIDR address, such as

    • IPv6 CIDR address, such as 2001:0db8::/32

    • Domain name, such as example.com

    • Hostname, such as crm.example.com

    • Partial hostname, such as .example.com; this will also match www.example.com

    • Regular expressions to specify multiple addresses that match the provided patterns (see Regular Expressions for more information about using regular expressions)


    It is possible to use the same address in multiple custom URL categories, but the order in which the categories are listed is relevant. If you include these categories in the same policy, and define different actions for each, the action defined for the category listed highest in the custom URL categories table will be the one applied.

    External Feed-file Formats

    If you select External Live Feed Category for the Category Type when Creating and Editing Custom and External URL Categories, you must select the feed format (Cisco Feed Format or Office 365 Feed Format) and then provide a URL to the appropriate feed-file server.

    The expected format for each feed file is as follows:

    • Cisco Feed Format – This must be a comma-separated values (.csv) file; that is, a text file with a .csv extension. Each entry in the .csv file must be on a separate line, formatted as address/comma/addresstype (for example: www.cisco.com,site or ad2.*\.com,regex). Valid addresstypes are site and regex. Here is an excerpt from a Cisco Feed Format .csv file:



      Do not include http:// or https:// as part of any site entry in the file, or an error will occur. In other words, www.example.com is parsed correctly, while http://www.example.com produces an error.

    • Office 365 Feed Format – This is an XML file located on a Microsoft Office 365 server, or a local server to which you saved the file. It is provided by the Office 365 service and cannot be modified. The network addresses in the file are enclosed by XML tags, following this structure: products > product > addresslist > address. In the current implementation, an addresslist type can be IPv6, IPv4, or URL (which can include domains and regex patterns). Here is a snippet of an Office 365 feed file:

      <products updated="4/15/2016">
         <product name="o365">
            <addresslist type="IPv6">
            <addresslist type="IPv4">
            <addresslist type="URL">
         <product name="LYO">
            <addresslist type="URL">

    Filtering Adult Content

    You can configure the Web Security Appliance to filter adult content from some web searches and websites. To enforce safe search and site content ratings, the AVC engine takes advantage of the safe mode feature implemented at a particular website by rewriting URLs and/or web cookies to force the safety mode to be on.

    The following features filter adult content:



    Enforce safe searches

    You can configure the Web Security Appliance so that outgoing search requests appear to search engines as safe search requests. This can prevent users from bypassing acceptable use policies using search engines.

    Enforce site content ratings

    Some content sharing sites allow users to restrict their own access to the adult content on these sites by either enforcing their own safe search feature or blocking access to adult content, or both. This classification feature is commonly called content ratings.


    Any Access Policy that has either the safe search or site content ratings feature enabled is considered a safe browsing Access Policy.

    Enforcing Safe Searches and Site Content Ratings


    When you enable Safe Search or Site Content Rating, the AVC Engine is tasked with identifying applications for safe browsing. As one of the criteria, the AVC engine will scan the response body to detect a search application. As a result, the appliance will not forward range headers.


    Step 1

    Choose Web Security Manager > Access Policies.

    Step 2

    Click the link under the URL Filtering column for an Access Policy group or the Global Policy Group.

    Step 3

    When editing a user-defined Access Policy, choose Define Content Filtering Custom Settings in the Content Filtering section.

    Step 4

    Click the Enable Safe Search check box to enable the safe search feature.

    Step 5

    Choose whether to block users from search engines that are not currently supported by the Web Security Appliance safe search feature.

    Step 6

    Click the Enable Site Content Rating check box to enable the site content ratings feature.

    Step 7

    Choose whether to block all adult content from the supported content ratings websites or to display the end-user URL filtering warning page.


    When the URL of one of the supported search engines or supported content ratings websites is included in a custom URL category with the Allow action applied, no search results are blocked and all content is visible.

    Step 8

    Submit and Commit Changes.

    What to do next

    Related Topics

    Logging Adult Content Access

    By default, the access logs include a safe browsing scanning verdict inside the angled brackets of each entry. The safe browsing scanning verdict indicates whether or not either the safe search or site content ratings feature was applied to the transaction. You can also add the safe browsing scanning verdict variable to the access logs or W3C access logs:

    • Access logs: %XS
    • W3C access logs: x-request-rewrite




    The original client request was unsafe and the safe search feature was applied.


    The original client request was unsafe and the site content ratings feature was applied.


    The original client request was to an unsupported search engine.


    The original client request was unsafe, but neither the safe search nor the site content ratings feature could be applied due to an error.


    Neither the safe search nor the site content ratings feature was applied to the client request because the features were bypassed (for example, the transaction was allowed in a custom URL category) or the request was made from an unsupported application.

    Requests blocked due to either the safe search or site content rating features, use one of the following ACL decision tags in the access logs:


    Related Topics

    Redirecting Traffic in the Access Policies

    You can configure the Web Security Appliance to redirect traffic originally destined for a URL in a custom URL category to a location you specify. This allows you to redirect traffic at the appliance instead of at the destination server. You can redirect traffic for a custom Access Policy group or the Global Policy Group

    Before you begin

    To redirect traffic you must define at least one custom URL category.


    Step 1

    Choose Web Security Manager > Access Policies.

    Step 2

    Click the link under the URL Filtering column for an Access Policy group or the Global Policy Group.

    Step 3

    In the Custom URL Category Filtering section, click Select Custom Categories.

    Step 4

    In the Select Custom Categories for this Policy dialog box, choose Include in policy for the custom URL category you want to redirect.

    Step 5

    Click Apply.

    Step 6

    Click the Redirect column for the custom category you want to redirect.

    Step 7

    Enter the URL to which you want to redirect traffic in the Redirect To field for the custom category.

    Step 8

    Submit and Commit Changes.


    Beware of infinite loops when you configure the appliance to redirect traffic.

    What to do next

    Related Topics

    Logging and Reporting

    When you redirect traffic, the access log entry for the originally requested website has an ACL tag that starts with REDIRECT_CUSTOMCAT. Later in the access log (typically the next line) appears the entry for the website to which the user was redirected.

    The reports displayed on the Reporting tab display redirected transactions as “Allowed.”

    Warning Users and Allowing Them to Continue

    You can warn users that a site does not meet the organization’s acceptable use policies. Users are tracked in the access log by user name if authentication has made a user name available, and tracked by IP address if no user name is available.

    You can warn and allow users to continue using one of the following methods:

    • Choose the Warn action for a URL category in an Access Policy group or
    • Enable the site content ratings feature and warn users that access adult content instead of blocking them.

    Configuring Settings for the End-User Filtering Warning Page


    • The warn and continue feature only works for HTTP and decrypted HTTPS transactions. It does not work with native FTP transactions.

    • When the URL filtering engine warns users for a particular request, it provides a warning page that the Web Proxy sends to the end user. However, not all websites display the warning page to the end user. When this happens, users are blocked from the URL that is assigned the Warn option without being given the chance to continue accessing the site anyway.


    Step 1

    Choose Security Services > End-User Notification.

    Step 2

    Click Edit Settings.

    Step 3

    Configure the following settings on the End-User Filtering Warning page:



    Time Between Warning

    The Time Between Warning determines how often the Web Proxy displays the end-user URL filtering warning page for each URL category per user.

    This setting applies to users tracked by username and users tracked by IP address.

    Specify any value from 30 to 2678400 seconds (one month). Default is 1 hour (3600 seconds).

    Custom Message

    The custom message is text you enter that appears on every end-user URL filtering warning page.

    Include some simple HTML tags to format the text.

    Step 4

    Click Submit.

    What to do next

    Related Topics

    Creating Time Based URL Filters

    You can configure how the Web Security Appliance to handles requests for URLs in particular categories differently based on time and day.

    Before you begin

    Go to the Web Security Manager > Defined Time Range page to define at least one time range.


    Step 1

    Choose Web Security Manager > Access Policies.

    Step 2

    Click the link in the policies table under the URL Filtering column for the policy group you want to edit.

    Step 3

    Select Time-Based for the custom or predefined URL category you want to configure based on time range.

    Step 4

    In the In Time Range field, choose the defined time range to use for the URL category.

    Step 5

    In the Action field, choose the action to enact on transactions in this URL category during the defined time range.

    Step 6

    In the Otherwise field, choose the action to enact on transactions in this URL category outside the defined time range.

    Step 7

    Submit and Commit Changes.

    What to do next

    Related Topics

    Viewing URL Filtering Activity

    The Reporting > URL Categories page provides a collective display of URL statistics that includes information about top URL categories matched and top URL categories blocked. This page displays category-specific data for bandwidth savings and web transactions.

    Related Topics

    Understanding Unfiltered and Uncategorized Data

    When viewing URL statistics on the Reporting > URL Categories page, it is important to understand how to interpret the following data:

    Data Type


    URL Filtering Bypassed

    Represents policy, port, and admin user agent blocking that occurs before URL filtering.

    Uncategorized URL

    Represents all transactions for which the URL filtering engine is queried, but no category is matched.

    Regular Expressions

    The Web Security Appliance uses a regular expression syntax that differs slightly from the regular expression syntax used by other Velocity pattern-matching engine implementations. Further, the appliance does not support using a backward slash to escape a forward slash. If you need to use a forward slash in a regular expression, simply type the forward slash without a backward slash.


    Technically, AsyncOS for Web uses the Flex regular expression analyzer.

    You can use regular expressions in the following locations:

    • Custom URL categories for Access Policies. When you create a custom URL category to use with Access Policy groups, you can use regular expressions to specify multiple web servers that match the pattern you enter. The maximum number of characters that can be used in regular expressions has been set to 2048 to restrict any web security vulnerability.

    • Custom user agents to block. When you edit the applications to block for an Access Policy group, you can use regular expressions to enter specific user agents to block.


    Regular expressions that perform extensive character matching consume resources and can affect system performance. For this reason, regular expressions should be cautiously applied.

    Related Topics

    Forming Regular Expressions

    Regular expressions are rules that typically use the word “matches” in the expressions. They can be applied to match specific URL destinations or web servers. For example, the following regular expression matches any pattern containing “blocksite.com”:


    Consider the following regular expression example:


    In this example, server[0-9] matches server0, server1, server2, ..., server9 in the domain example.com.

    In the following example, the regular expression matches files ending in .exe, .zip and .bin in the downloads directory.



    You must enclose regular expressions that contain blank spaces or non-alphanumeric characters in ASCII quotation marks.

    Guidelines for Avoiding Validation Failures

    Important: Regular expressions that return more that 63 characters will fail and produce an invalid-entry error. Please be sure to form regular expressions that do not have the potential to return more than 63 characters.

    Follow these guidelines to minimize validation failures:

    • Use literal expressions rather than wildcards and bracketed expressions whenever possible. A literal expression is essentially just straight text such as “It’s as easy as ABC123”. This is less likely to fail than using “It’s as easy as [A-C]{3}[1-3]{3}”. The latter expression results in the creation of non-deterministic finite automatons (NFA) entries, which can dramatically increase processing time.

    • Avoid the use of an unescaped dot whenever possible. The dot is a special regular-expression character that means match any character except for a newline. If you want to match an actual dot, for example, as in “url.com”, then escape the dot using the \ character, as in “url\.com”. Escaped dots are treated as literal entries and therefore do not cause issues.

    • Any unescaped dot in a pattern that will return more than 63 characters after the dot will be disabled by the pattern-matching engine, and an alert to that effect will be sent to you, and you will continue to receive an alert following each update until you correct or replace the pattern.

      Similarly, use more specific matches rather than unescaped dots wherever possible. For example, if you want to match a URL that is followed by a single digit, use “url[0-9]” rather than “url.”.

    • Unescaped dots in a larger regular expression can be especially problematic and should be avoided. For example, “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created .qual” may cause a failure. Replacing the dot in “.qual” with the literal “equal” should resolve the problem.

      Also, an unescaped dot in a pattern that will return more than 63 characters after the dot will be disabled by the pattern-matching engine. Correct or replace the pattern.

    • You cannot use “.*” to begin or end a regular expression. You also cannot use “./” in a regular expression intended to match a URL, nor can you end such an expression with a dot.

    • Combinations of wildcards and bracket expressions can cause problems. Eliminate as many combinations as possible. For example, “id:[A-F0-9]{8}-[A-F0-9]{4}-[A-F0-9]{4}-[A-F0-9]{4}-[A-F0-9]{12}\) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/9\.0\.1\$” may cause a failure, while “Gecko/20100101 Firefox/9\.0\.1\$” will not. The latter expression does not include any wildcards or bracketed expressions, and both expressions use only escaped dots.

      When wildcards and bracketed expressions cannot be eliminated, try to reduce the expression’s size and complexity. For example, “[0-9a-z]{64}” may cause a failure. Changing it to something smaller or less complex, such as “[0-9]{64}” or “[0-9a-z]{40}” may resolve the problem.

    If a failure occurs, try to resolve it by applying the previous rules to the wildcard (such as *, + and .) and bracketed expressions.


    You can use the CLI option advancedproxyconfig > miscellaneous > Do you want to enable URL lower case conversion for velocity regex? to enable or disable default regex conversion to lower case for case-insensitive matching. Use if you are experiencing issues with case sensitivity. See Web Security Appliance CLI Commands for more information about this option.

    Regular Expression Character Table




    Matches any single character, except the newline character (0x0A). For example, the regular expression r.t matches the strings rat, rut, r t, but not root.

    Be wary of using unescaped dots in long patterns, and especially in the middle of longer patterns. See Guidelines for Avoiding Validation Failures for more information.


    Matches zero or more occurrences of the character immediately preceding. For example, the regular expression .* means match any string of characters, and [0-9]* matches any string of digits.

    Be wary of using this meta-character, especially in conjunction with the dot character. Any pattern containing an unescaped dot that returns more than 63 characters after the dot will be disabled. See Guidelines for Avoiding Validation Failures for more information.


    The escape character; it means treat the following meta-character as an ordinary character. For example, \^ is used to match the caret character (^) rather than the beginning of a line. Similarly, the expression \. is used to match an actual dot rather than any single character.


    Matches the beginning of a line. For example, the regular expression ^When in matches the beginning of the string “When in the course of human events” but not the string “What and when in the”.


    Matches the end of a line or string. For example, b$\. matches any line or string that ends with “b.”


    Matches one or more occurrences of the character or regular expression immediately preceding. For example, the regular expression 9+ matches 9, 99, and 999.


    Matches zero or one occurrence of the preceding pattern element. For example, colou?r matches both “colour” and “color” since the “u” is optional.

    ( )

    Treat the expression between the left and right parens as a group, limiting the scope of other meta-characters. For example, (abc)+ matches one or more occurrences of the string “abc”; such as, “abcabcabc” or “abc123” but not “abab” or “ab123”.


    Logical OR: matches the preceding pattern or the following pattern. For example (him|her) matches the line “it belongs to him” and the line “it belongs to her” but does not match the line “it belongs to them.”

    [ ]

    Matches any one of the characters between the brackets. For example, the regular expression r[aou]t matches “rat”, “rot”, and “rut”, but not “ret”.

    Ranges of characters are specified by a beginning character, a hyphen, and an ending character. For example, the pattern [0-9] means match any digit. Multiple ranges can be specified as well. The pattern [A-Za-z] means match any upper- or lower-case letter. To match any character except those in the range (that is, the complementary range), use a caret as the first character after the opening bracket. For example, the expression [^269A-Z] matches any characters except 2, 6, 9, and uppercase letters.

    { }

    Specifies the number of times to match the previous pattern.

    For example:

    D{1,3} matches one to three occurrences of the letter D

    Matches a specific number {n} or a minimum number {n,} of instances of the preceding pattern. For example, the expression A[0-9]{3} matches “A” followed by exactly three digits. That is, it matches “A123” but not “A1234”. The expression [0-9]{4,} matches any sequence of four or more digits.


    Literally interpret any characters enclosed within the quotation marks.

    URL Category Descriptions

    This section lists the URL categories for Cisco Web Usage Controls. The tables also include the abbreviated URL category names that may appear in the Web Reputation filtering and anti-malware scanning section of an access log file entry.


    In the access logs, the URL category abbreviations for Cisco Web Usage Controls include the prefix “IW_” before each abbreviation so that the “art” category becomes “IW_art.”

    URL Category

    Abbre viation



    Example URLs




    Directed at adults, but not necessarily pornographic. May include adult clubs (strip clubs, swingers clubs, escort services, strippers); general information about sex, non-pornographic in nature; genital piercing; adult products or greeting cards; information about sex not in the context of health or disease.






    Banner and pop-up advertisements that often accompany a web page; other advertising websites that provide advertisement content. Advertising services and sales are classified as “Business and Industry.”






    Alcohol as a pleasurable activity; beer and wine making, cocktail recipes; liquor sellers, wineries, vineyards, breweries, alcohol distributors. Alcohol addiction is classified as “Health and Medicine.” Bars and restaurants are classified as “Dining and Drinking.”



    Animals and Pets



    Information about domestic animals, livestock, service animals, pets and their care. Veterinary services, medicines, and animal health. Pet and animal training, aquariums, zoos, and animal shows. Includes animal shelters, humane societies, animal centric charities, and sanctuaries, bee keeping, training, and animal husbandry; dinosaurs and extinct animals.






    Galleries and exhibitions; artists and art; photography; literature and books; performing arts and theater; musicals; ballet; museums; design; architecture. Cinema and television are classified as “Entertainment.”






    Astrology; horoscope; fortune telling; numerology; psychic advice; tarot.






    Online and offline auctions, auction houses, and classified advertisements.



    Business and Industry



    Marketing, commerce, corporations, business practices, workforce, human resources, transportation, payroll, security and venture capital; office supplies; industrial equipment (process equipment), machines and mechanical systems; heating equipment, cooling equipment; materials handling equipment; packaging equipment; manufacturing: solids handling, metal fabrication, construction and building; passenger transportation; commerce; industrial design; construction, building materials; shipping and freight (freight services, trucking, freight forwarders, truckload carriers, freight and transportation brokers, expedited services, load and freight matching, track and trace, rail shipping, ocean shipping, road feeder services, moving and storage).






    Websites that focus on the recreational and medicinal consumption of cannabis. Sites may include marketing, discussions about legal and regulatory issues, growth and production, paraphernalia, research, and investment in the cannabis industry. Dispensaries, cannabinoid (CBD oil, THC, etc.) based products are also included.



    Chat and Instant Messaging



    Web-based instant messaging and chat rooms.



    Cheating and Plagiarism



    Promoting cheating and selling written work, such as term papers, for plagiarism.



    Child Abuse Content



    Worldwide illegal child sexual abuse content.

    Cloud and Data Centers



    Platforms used to serve cloud infrastructure or data center hosting to support an organization's applications, services, or data processing. Due to the de-centralized nature of these domains and IP addresses, a more specific category cannot be applied based on content or ownership.



    Computer Security



    Offering security products and services for corporate and home users.



    Computers and Internet



    Information about computers and software, such as hardware, software, software support; information for software engineers, programming and networking; website design; the web and Internet in general; computer science; computer graphics and clipart. “Freeware and Shareware” is a separate category.



    Conventions, Conferences and Trade Shows



    Seminars, trade shows, conventions and conferences themed around a particular industry, market, or common interest. May include information about acquiring tickets, registration, abstract or presentation proposal guidelines, workshops, sponsorship details, vendor or exhibitor information, and other marketing or promotional material. This category includes academic, professional, as well as pop-culture events, all of which tend to be a short-lived or annual event.






    Online brokerages and websites that enable users to trade cryptocurrencies; information regarding cryptocurrencies including analysis, commentary, advice, performance indexes, and price charts. General information about cryptomining and mining businesses are included in this category but domains and IP addresses directly involved in mining activities are categorized as Cryptomining.






    Hosts that are actively participating in a cryptocurrency mining pool.






    Dating, online personals, matrimonial agencies.



    Digital Postcards



    Enabling sending of digital postcards and e-cards.



    Dining and Drinking



    Eating and drinking establishments; restaurants, bars, taverns, and pubs; restaurant guides and reviews.



    DIY Projects



    Guidance and information to create, improve, modify, decorate and repair something without the aid of experts or professionals.






    Sites that provide DNS Tunneling as a service. These services can be for PC or mobile and create a VPN connection specifically over DNS to send traffic that may bypass corporate policies and inspection.

    DoH and DoT



    Encrypted DNS requests using either the DNS over HTTPS (DoH) protocol or the DNS over TLS protocol. These protocols are typically used as a layer of security and privacy by end-users, but the encryption hides the destination of the request and passes it through a third-party.



    Dynamic and Residential



    IP addresses of broadband links that usually indicates users attempting to access their home network, for example for a remote session to a home computer.

    Dynamic DNS Provider



    sers may use dynamic DNS services to make certain applications or content accessible via the web from endpoints hosted on dynamically assigned IP addresses. Access is granted through a hostname on the domain owned by the dynamic DNS service.






    Education-related, such as schools, colleges, universities, teaching materials, and teachers’ resources; technical and vocational training; online training; education issues and policies; financial aid; school funding; standards and testing.






    Details or discussion of films; music and bands; television; celebrities and fan websites; entertainment news; celebrity gossip; entertainment venues. Compare with the “Arts” category.






    Material of a sexually violent or criminal nature; violence and violent behavior; tasteless, often gory photographs, such as autopsy photos; photos of crime scenes, crime and accident victims; excessive obscene material; shock websites.






    Clothing and fashion; hair salons; cosmetics; accessories; jewelry; perfume; pictures and text relating to body modification; tattoos and piercing; modeling agencies. Dermatological products are classified as “Health and Medicine.”



    File Transfer Services



    File transfer services with the primary purpose of providing download services and hosted file sharing



    Filter Avoidance



    Promoting and aiding undetectable and anonymous web usage, including cgi, php and glype anonymous proxy services.






    Primarily financial in nature, such as accounting practices and accountants, taxation, taxes, banking, insurance, investing, the national economy, personal finance involving insurance of all types, credit cards, retirement and estate planning, loans, mortgages. Stock and shares are classified as “Online Trading.”



    Freeware and Shareware



    Providing downloads of free and shareware software.






    Casinos and online gambling; bookmakers and odds; gambling advice; competitive racing in a gambling context; sports booking; sports gambling; services for spread betting on stocks and shares. Websites dealing with gambling addiction are classified as “Health and Medicine.” Government-run lotteries are classified as “Lotteries”.






    Various card games, board games, word games, and video games; combat games; sports games; downloadable games; game reviews; cheat sheets; computer games and Internet games, such as role-playing games.



    Government and Law



    Government websites; foreign relations; news and information relating to government and elections; information relating to the field of law, such as attorneys, law firms, law publications, legal reference material, courts, dockets, and legal associations; legislation and court decisions; civil rights issues; immigration; patents and copyrights; information relating to law enforcement and correctional systems; crime reporting, law enforcement, and crime statistics; military, such as the armed forces, military bases, military organizations; anti-terrorism.






    Discussing ways to bypass the security of websites, software, and computers.



    Hate Speech



    Websites promoting hatred, intolerance, or discrimination on the basis of social group, color, religion, sexual orientation, disability, class, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, gender identity; sites promoting racism; sexism; racist theology; hate music; neo-Nazi organizations; supremacism; Holocaust denial.



    Health and Medicine



    Health care; diseases and disabilities; medical care; hospitals; doctors; medicinal drugs; mental health; psychiatry; pharmacology; exercise and fitness; physical disabilities; vitamins and supplements; sex in the context of health (disease and health care); tobacco use, alcohol use, drug use, and gambling in the context of health (disease and health care).






    Jokes, sketches, comics and other humorous content. Adult humor likely to offend is classified as “Adult.”






    Hunting and Fishing Professional or sport hunting; gun clubs and other hunting related sites.



    Illegal Activities



    Promoting crime, such as stealing, fraud, illegally accessing telephone networks; computer viruses; terrorism, bombs, and anarchy; websites depicting murder and suicide as well as explaining ways to commit them.



    Illegal Downloads



    Providing the ability to download software or other materials, serial numbers, key generators, and tools for bypassing software protection in violation of copyright agreements. Torrents are classified as “Peer File Transfer.”



    Illegal Drugs



    Information about recreational drugs, drug paraphernalia, drug purchase and manufacture.



    Infrastructure and Content Delivery Networks



    Content delivery infrastructure and dynamically generated content; websites that cannot be classified more specifically because they are secured or otherwise difficult to classify.



    Internet of Things



    Domains used to monitor the general health, activity, or aid in the configuration of Internet of Things (IoT) and other network-aware electronics. Additionally these sites may provide software or firmware updates or allow remote access to administer the device. IoT exists in both consumer and professional segments, in products such as printers, televisions, thermostats, system monitoring, automation, and smart appliances.



    Internet Telephony



    Telephonic services using the Internet.



    Job Search



    Career advice; resume writing and interviewing skills; job placement services; job databanks; permanent and temporary employment agencies; employer websites.



    Lingerie and Swimsuits



    Intimate apparel and swimwear, especially when modeled.






    Sweepstakes, contests and state-sponsored lotteries.






    Military, such as the armed forces; military bases; military organizations; anti-terrorism.



    Mobile Phones



    Short Message Services (SMS); ringtones and mobile phone downloads. Cellular carrier websites are included in the “Business and Industry” category.






    Museums and exhibits, both online and physical, dedicated to preserving information regarding subjects that could be of general interest or highly specialized. Subjects could range from art, history, science, or be of cultural importance.



    Nature and Conservation



    Sites related to natural resources; ecology and conservation; forests; wilderness; plants; flowers; forest conservation; forest, wilderness, and forestry practices; forest management (reforestation, forest protection, conservation, harvesting, forest health, thinning, and prescribed burning); agricultural practices (agriculture, gardening, horticulture, landscaping, planting, weed control, irrigation, pruning, and harvesting); pollution issues (air quality, hazardous waste, pollution prevention, recycling, waste management, water quality, and the environmental cleanup industry).






    News; headlines; newspapers; television stations; magazines; weather; ski conditions.



    Non-governmental Organizations



    Non-governmental organizations such as clubs, lobbies, communities, non-profit organizations and labor unions.



    Non-sexual Nudity



    Nudism and nudity; naturism; nudist camps; artistic nudes.



    Not Actionable



    Sites that have been inspected but are unreachable or do not have enough content to be assigned a category.

    Online Communities



    Affinity groups; special interest groups; web newsgroups; message boards. Excludes websites classified as “Professional Networking” or “Social Networking.”



    Online Document Sharing and Collaboration



    Cloud-based software used to create, convert, or edit documents. Collaboration and sharing features may be available with access permissions typically configured by the author. Documents may be stored online or available to download.



    Online Meetings



    Online meetings; desktop sharing; remote access and other tools that facilitate multi-location collaboration



    Online Storage and Backup



    Offsite and peer-to-peer storage for backup, sharing, and hosting.



    Online Trading



    Online brokerages; websites that enable the user to trade stocks online; information relating to the stock market, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, brokers, stock analysis and commentary, stock screens, stock charts, IPOs, stock splits. Services for spread betting on stocks and shares are classified as “Gambling.” Other financial services are classified as “Finance.”



    Organizational Email



    Websites used to access business email (often via Outlook Web Access).






    UFOs; ghosts; cryptid; telekenesis; urban legends; and myths.



    Parked Domains



    Websites that monetize traffic from the domain using paid listings from an ad network, or are owned by “squatters” hoping to sell the domain name for a profit. These also include fake search websites which return paid ad links.



    Peer File Transfer



    Peer-to-peer file request websites. This does not track the file transfers themselves.



    Personal Sites



    Websites about and from private individuals; personal homepage servers; websites with personal contents; personal blogs with no particular theme.



    Personal VPN



    Virtual private network (VPN) sites or tools that are typically for personal use, and, may or may not be approved for corporate usage.



    Photo Search and Images



    Facilitating the storing and searching for, images, photographs, and clip-art.






    Websites of politicians; political parties; news and information on politics, elections, democracy, and voting.






    Sexually explicit text or depictions. Includes explicit anime and cartoons; general explicit depictions; other fetish material; explicit chat rooms; sex simulators; strip poker; adult movies; lewd art; web-based explicit email.



    Private IP Addresses as Host



    Private IP addresses which are used as the host part of a URL. Private IP addresses are meant for internal use behind border routers only, so they are not publicly routable.

    Professional Networking



    Social networking for the purpose of career or professional development. See also “Social Networking.”



    Real Estate



    Information that would support the search for real estate; office and commercial space; real estate listings, such as rentals, apartments, and homes; house building.



    Recipes and Food



    Sites dedicated to sharing or discussing information about cooking, recipes, and food or non-alcoholic beverages; cultural aspects of cuisine and food; diet descriptions and adherence tips, general nutrition information about foods. Use and instruction on cooking appliances and utensils. Food celebrity, lifestyle, and enthusiast blogs.






    City and state guides; maps, time; reference sources; dictionaries; libraries.



    Regional Restricted Sites (Germany)



    URLs that are restricted in Germany due to content which may be unlawful as determined by the regional government.

    Regional Restricted Sites (Great Britain)



    URLs that are restricted in Great Britain due to content which may be unlawful as determined by the regional government.

    Regional Restricted Sites (Italy)



    URLs that are restricted in Italy due to content which may be unlawful as determined by the regional government.

    Regional Restricted Sites (Poland)



    URLs that are restricted in Poland due to content which may be unlawful as determined by the regional government.






    Religious content, information about religions; religious communities.



    SaaS and B2B



    Web portals for online business services; online meetings.



    Safe for Kids



    Directed at, and specifically approved for, young children.



    Science and Technology



    Science and technology, such as aerospace, electronics, engineering, mathematics, and other similar subjects; space exploration; meteorology; geography; environment; energy (fossil, nuclear, renewable); communications (telephones, telecommunications).



    Search Engines and Portals



    Search engines and other initial points of access to information on the Internet.



    Sex Education



    Factual websites dealing with sex; sexual health; contraception; pregnancy.






    Bartering; online purchasing; coupons and free offers; general office supplies; online catalogs; online malls.



    Social Networking



    Social networking. See also “Professional Networking.”



    Social Science



    Sciences and history related to society; archaeology; anthropology; cultural studies; history; linguistics; geography; philosophy; psychology; women's studies.



    Society and Culture



    Family and relationships; ethnicity; social organizations; genealogy; seniors; child-care.



    Software Updates



    Websites that host updates for software packages.



    Sports and Recreation



    All sports, professional and amateur; recreational activities; fishing; fantasy sports; public parks; amusement parks; water parks; theme parks; zoos and aquariums; spas.



    Streaming Audio



    Real-time streaming audio content including Internet radio and audio feeds.



    Streaming Video



    Real-time streaming video including Internet television, web casts, and video sharing.



    Terrorism and Violent Extremism



    Terrorist or extremist websites that promote death or violence as part of their ideology. Sites may contain graphic or disturbing images, videos, and text. Some sites may not advocate terrorism but share first-hand material of a violent nature.




    Pro-tobacco websites; tobacco manufacturers; pipes and smoking products (not marketed for illegal drug use). Tobacco addiction is classified as “Health and Medicine.”






    Personal transportation; information about cars and motorcycles; shopping for new and used cars and motorcycles; car clubs; boats, airplanes, recreational vehicles (RVs), and other similar items. Note, car and motorcycle racing is classified as “Sports and Recreation.”






    Business and personal travel; travel information; travel resources; travel agents; vacation packages; cruises; lodging and accommodation; travel transportation; flight booking; airfares; car rental; vacation homes.



    URL Shorteners



    Domains used to shorten long URLs, brand URLs, or may obscure the final destination of a hyperlink.






    Information relating to the purchase or use of conventional weapons such as gun sellers, gun auctions, gun classified ads, gun accessories, gun shows, and gun training; general information about guns; other weapons and graphic hunting sites may be included. Government military websites are classified as “Government and Law.”



    Web Cache and Archives



    Cached or archived web content often stored for preservation or to decrease load times.



    Web Hosting



    Website hosting; bandwidth services.



    Web Page Translation



    Translation of web pages between languages.



    Web-based Email



    Public web-based email services. Websites enabling individuals to access their company or organization’s email service are classified as “Organizational Email.”



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