Detecting Rogue Traffic on Non-Standard Ports

This topic contains the following sections:

Overview of Detecting Rogue Traffic

The Web Security Appliance has an integrated Layer-4 Traffic Monitor that detects rogue traffic across all network ports and stops malware attempts to bypass port 80. When internal clients are infected with malware and attempt to phone-home across non-standard ports and protocols, the L4 Traffic Monitor prevents phone-home activity from going outside the corporate network. By default, the L4 Traffic Monitor is enabled and set to monitor traffic on all ports. This includes DNS and other services.

The L4 Traffic Monitor uses and maintains its own internal database. This database is continuously updated with matched results for IP addresses and domain names.

Configuring the L4 Traffic Monitor


Step 1

Configure the L4 Traffic Monitor inside the firewall.

Step 2

Ensure the L4 Traffic Monitor is “logically” connected after the proxy ports and before any device that performs network address translation (NAT) on client IP addresses.

Step 3

Configure the Global Settings

See Configuring L4 Traffic Monitor Global Settings.

Step 4

Create L4 TrafficMonitor Policies

See Creating a Policy to Detect Rogue Traffic.

List of Known Sites



Known allowed

Any IP address or hostname listed in the Allow List property. These addresses appear in the log files as “allowed list” addresses.


Any IP address that is not known to be a malware site nor is a known allowed address. They are not listed on the Allow List, Additional Suspected Malware Addresses properties, or in the L4 Traffic Monitor Database. These addresses do not appear in the log files.


These appear in the log files as “greylist” addresses and include:

  • Any IP address that is associated with both an unlisted hostname and a known malware hostname .
  • Any IP address that is associated with both an unlisted hostname and a hostname from the Additional Suspected Malware Addresses property

Known malware

These appear in the log files as “blocked list” addresses and include:

  • Any IP address or hostname that the L4 Traffic Monitor Database determines to be a known malware site and not listed in the Allow List.
  • Any IP address that is listed in the Additional Suspected Malware Addresses property, not listed in the Allow List and is not ambiguous

Configuring L4 Traffic Monitor Global Settings


Step 1

Choose Security Services > L4 Traffic Monitor.

Step 2

Click Edit Global Settings.

Step 3

Choose whether or not to enable the L4 Traffic Monitor.

Step 4

When you enable the L4 Traffic Monitor, choose which ports it should monitor:

  • All ports. Monitors all 65535 TCP ports for rogue activity.

  • All ports except proxy ports. Monitors all TCP ports except the following ports for rogue activity.

    • Ports configured in the “HTTP Ports to Proxy” property on the Security Services > Web Proxy page (usually port 80).

    • Ports configured in the “Transparent HTTPS Ports to Proxy” property on the Security Services > HTTPS Proxy page (usually port 443).

Step 5

Submit and Commit Changes.

Updating L4 Traffic Monitor Anti-Malware Rules


Step 1

Choose Security Services > L4 Traffic Monitor.

Step 2

Click Update Now.

Creating a Policy to Detect Rogue Traffic

The actions the L4 Traffic Monitor takes depends on the L4 Traffic Monitor policies you configure :


Step 1

Choose Web Security Manager > L4 Traffic Monitor.

Step 2

Click Edit Settings.

Step 3

On the Edit L4 Traffic Monitor Policies page, configure the L4 Traffic Monitor policies:

  1. Define the Allow List

  2. Add known good sites to the Allow List


    Do not include the Web Security Appliance IP address or hostname to the Allow List otherwise the L4 Traffic Monitor does not block any traffic.
  3. Determine which action to perform for Suspected Malware Addresses:




    It always allows traffic to and from known allowed and unlisted addresses


    It monitors traffic under the following circumstances:

    • When the Action for Suspected Malware Addresses option is set to Monitor, it always monitors all traffic that is not to or from a known allowed address.

    • When the Action for Suspected Malware Addresses option is set to Block, it monitors traffic to and from ambiguous addresses


    When the Action for Suspected Malware Addresses option is set to Block, it blocks traffic to and from known malware addresses



    - When you choose to block suspected malware traffic, you can also choose whether or not to always block ambiguous addresses. By default, ambiguous addresses are monitored.

    - If the L4 Traffic Monitor is configured to block, the L4 Traffic Monitor and the Web Proxy must be configured on the same network. Use the Network > Routes page to confirm that all clients are accessible on routes that are configured for data traffic.

    - In a VM setup, the requests in transparent mode are duplicated while passing through the P1 and T1 interfaces at an intermittent time difference. Hence, some IPs even after blocking them may pass through the appliance.

  4. Define the Additional Suspected Malware Addresses properties


    Adding internal IP addresses to the Additional Suspected Malware Addresses list causes legitimate destination URLs to show up as malware in L4 Traffic Monitor reports. To avoid this do not enter internal IP addresses in the “Additional Suspected Malware Addresses” field on the Web Security Manager > L4 Traffic Monitor Policies page.

Step 4

Submit and Commit Changes.

What to do next

Related Topics

Valid Formats

When you add addresses to the Allow List or Additional Suspected Malware Addresses properties, separate multiple entries with whitespace or commas. You can enter addresses in any of the following formats:

  • IPv4 IP address. Example: IPv4 format: IPv6 format: 2002:4559:1FE2::4559:1FE2
  • CIDR address. Example:
  • Domain name. Example:
  • Hostname. Example:

Viewing L4 Traffic Monitor Activity

The S-Series appliance supports several options for generating feature specific reports and interactive displays of summary statistics.

Monitoring Activity and Viewing Summary Statistics

The Reporting > L4 Traffic Monitor page provides statistical summaries of monitoring activity. You can use the following displays and reporting tools to view the results of L4 Traffic Monitor activity:

To view...


Client statistics

Reporting > Client Activity

Malware statistics

Port statistics

Reporting > L4 Traffic Monitor

L4 Traffic Monitor log files

System Administration > Log Subscriptions

  • trafmon_errlogs
  • trafmonlogs


If the Web Proxy is configured as a forward proxy and L4 Traffic Monitor is set to monitor all ports, the IP address of the proxy’s data port is recorded and displayed as a client IP address in the client activity report on the Reporting > Client Activity page. If the Web Proxy is configured as a transparent proxy, enable IP spoofing to correctly record and display the client IP addresses.

L4 Traffic Monitor Log File Entries

The L4 Traffic Monitor log file provides a detailed record of monitoring activity.