Use the vlan prohibit-internal-usage command in Global configuration mode to specify VLANs that cannot be used by the switch as internal VLANs.
vlan prohibit-internal-usage none | {add | except | remove} vlan-list
none—The Prohibit Internal Usage VLAN list is empty: any VLAN can be used by the switch as internal.
except—The Prohibit Internal Usage VLAN list includes all VLANs except the VLANs specified by the vlan-list argument: only the VLANs specified by the vlan-list argument can be used by the switch as internal.
add—Add the given VLANs to the Prohibit Internal Usage VLAN list.
remove—Remove the given VLANs from the Prohibit Internal Usage VLAN list.
vlan-list—List of VLAN. Separate nonconsecutive VLAN IDs with a comma and no spaces. Use a hyphen to designate a range of IDs. The
VLAN ID that can be used is from 1 through 4094.
Default Configuration
The Prohibit Internal usage VLAN list is empty.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode
User Guidelines
The switch requires an internal VLAN in the following cases:
When a switch needs an internal VLAN it takes a free VLAN with the highest VLAN ID.
Use the vlan prohibit-internal-usage command to define a list of VLANs that cannot be used as internal VLANs after reload.
If a VLAN was chosen by the software for internal usage, but you want to use that VLAN for a static or dynamic VLAN, do one
of the following
Example 1—The following example specifies that VLANs 4010, 4012, and 4090-4094 cannot be used as internal VLANs:
vlan prohibit-internal-usage add 4010,4012,4090-4094
Example 2—The following specifies that all VLANs except 4000-4107 cannot be used as internal VLANs:
vlan prohibit-internal-usage all
vlan prohibit-internal-usage remove 4000-4107
Example 3—The following specifies that all VLANs except 4000-4107 cannot be used as internal VLANs:
vlan prohibit-internal-usage 4000-4107