Top-N Reports

Prerequisites for Top-N Reports

Restrictions for Top-N Reports

Information About Top-N Reports

Default Settings for Top-N Reports

How to Use Top-N Reports

NoteFor complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this chapter, see these publications:

Cisco IOS Release 15.0SY supports only Ethernet interfaces. Cisco IOS Release 15.0SY does not support any WAN features or commands.

Tip For additional information about Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches (including configuration examples and troubleshooting information), see the documents listed on this page:

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Prerequisites for Top-N Reports


Restrictions for Top-N Reports


Information About Top-N Reports

Top-N Reports Overview

Top-N Reports Operation

Top-N Reports Overview

Top-N reports allows you to collect and analyze data for each physical port on a switch. When Top-N reports start, they obtain statistics from the appropriate hardware counters and then go into sleep mode for a user-specified interval. When the interval ends, the reports obtain the current statistics from the same hardware counters, compare the current statistics from the earlier statistics, and store the difference. The statistics for each port are sorted by one of the statistic types that are listed in Table 56-1.

Table 56-1 Valid Top-N Statistic Types  

Statistic Type


Number of input/output broadcast packets


Number of input/output bytes


Number of input errors


Number of input/output multicast packets


Number of buffer overflows


Number of input/output packets



Note When calculating the port utilization, Top-N reports bundles the Tx and Rx lines into the same counter and also looks at the full-duplex bandwidth when calculating the percentage of utilization. For example, a Gigabit Ethernet port would be 2000-Mbps full duplex.

Top-N Reports Operation

When you enter the collect top command, processing begins and the system prompt reappears immediately. When processing completes, the reports are not displayed immediately on the screen; the reports are saved for later viewing. The Top-N reports notify you when the reports are complete by sending a syslog message to the screen.

To view the completed reports, enter the show top counters interface report command. Only completed reports are displayed. For reports that are not completed, there is a short description of the process information.

To terminate a Top-N reports process, enter the clear top counters interface report command. Pressing Ctrl-C does not terminate Top-N reports processes. The completed reports remain available for viewing until you remove them by entering the clear top counters interface report {all | report_num} command.

Default Settings for Top-N Reports


How to Use Top-N Reports

Enabling Top-N Reports Creation

Displaying Top-N Reports

Clearing Top-N Reports

Enabling Top-N Reports Creation

To enable Top-N reports creation, perform this task:


Router# collect top [number_of_ports] counters interface {type | all | layer-2 | layer-3} [sort-by statistic_type] [interval seconds]

Enables Top-N reports creation.

When enabling Top-N reports creation, note the following information:

You can specify the number of busiest ports for which to create reports (the default is 20).

You can specify the statistic type by which ports are determined to be the busiest (the default is utilization). The supported values for statistic_type are broadcast, bytes, errors, multicast, overflow, packets, and utilization.

You can specify the interval over which statistics are collected (range: 0 through 999; the default is 30 seconds).

Except for a utilization report (configured with the sort-by utilization keywords), you can specify an interval of zero to create a report that displays the current counter values instead of a report that displays the difference between the start-of-interval counter values and the end-of-interval counter values.

This example shows how to enable Top-N reports creation for an interval of 76 seconds for the four ports with the highest utilization:

Router# collect top 4 counters interface all sort-by utilization interval 76 
TopN collection started.

Displaying Top-N Reports

To display Top-N reports, perform this task:


Router# show top counters interface report [report_num]

Displays Top-N reports.

Note To display information about all the reports, do not enter a report_num value.

Top-N reports statistics are not displayed in these situations:

If a port is not present during the first poll.

If a port is not present during the second poll.

If a port's speed or duplex changes during the polling interval.

If a port's type changes from Layer 2 to Layer 3 during the polling interval.

If a port's type changes from Layer 3 to Layer 2 during the polling interval.

This example shows how to display information about all the Top-N reports:

Router# show top counters interface report 
Id Start Time                   Int N   Sort-By   Status  Owner
-- ---------------------------- --- --- --------- ------- ----------------------
1  08:18:25 UTC Tue Nov 23 2004 76  20  util      done    console
2  08:19:54 UTC Tue Nov 23 2004 76  20  util      done    console
3  08:21:34 UTC Tue Nov 23 2004 76  20  util      done    console
4  08:26:50 UTC Tue Nov 23 2004 90  20  util      done    console

Note Reports for which statistics are still being obtained are shown with a status of pending.

This example shows how to display a specific Top-N report:

Router# show top counters interface report 1 
Started By        : console
Start Time        : 08:18:25 UTC Tue Nov 23 2004
End Time          : 08:19:42 UTC Tue Nov 23 2004
Port Type         : All
Sort By           : util
Interval          : 76 seconds
Port    Band  Util Bytes       Packets     Broadcast  Multicast  In-  Buf-
        width      (Tx + Rx)   (Tx + Rx)   (Tx + Rx)  (Tx + Rx)  err  ovflw
------- ----- ---- ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---- -----
Gi2/5   100   50   726047564   11344488    11344487   1          0    0   
Gi2/48  100   35   508018905   7937789     0          43         0    0   
Gi2/46  100   25   362860697   5669693     0          43         0    0   
Gi2/47  100   22   323852889   4762539     4762495    43         0    0 

Clearing Top-N Reports

To clear Top-N reports, perform one of these tasks:


Router# clear top counters interface report

Clears all the Top-N reports that have a status of done.

Router# clear top counters interface report [report_num]

Clears Top-N report number report_num regardless of status.

This example shows how to remove all reports that have a status of done:

Router# clear top counters interface report 
04:00:06: %TOPN_COUNTERS-5-DELETED: TopN report 1 deleted by the console
04:00:06: %TOPN_COUNTERS-5-DELETED: TopN report 2 deleted by the console
04:00:06: %TOPN_COUNTERS-5-DELETED: TopN report 3 deleted by the console
04:00:06: %TOPN_COUNTERS-5-DELETED: TopN report 4 deleted by the console

This example shows how to remove a report number 4:

Router# clear top counters interface report 4 
04:52:12: %TOPN_COUNTERS-5-KILLED: TopN report 4 killed by the console

Tip For additional information about Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches (including configuration examples and troubleshooting information), see the documents listed on this page:

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