Configuring Cisco TelePresence Manager

This section describes the configuration steps necessary for the Cisco TelePresence Manager to communicate with the Cisco TelePresence Exchange System.

The procedures in this section assume that the Cisco TelePresence Manager is installed and active in the network. For minimum software requirements for the Cisco TelePresence Manager, see the applicable Release Notes for the Cisco TelePresence Exchange System, at

If you are installing this system for the first time, see the "Initializing Cisco TelePresence Manager" chapter in the Cisco TelePresence Manager Release 1.8 Administration and Installation Guide for step-by-step instructions. The guide is available at

Note To ensure proper interoperability between the Cisco TelePresence Manager and the Cisco TelePresence Exchange System, a Cisco support engineer must perform additional configuration to enable the API on the Cisco TelePresence Manager and to enable the hosted mode for OBTP functionality. To arrange for this support, contact your local Cisco system engineer or file a support case at

Be aware that if the necessary configuration is not done, the Cisco TelePresence Exchange System might fail to authenticate with the Cisco TelePresence Manager or might report the following API exception value and cause code: ERC_CTSMAN_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE (exception value), CTSMAN_INTERCOMPANY_NOT_CONFIGURED (cause code).

This section includes the following topics:

Configuring Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Servers

Configuring Unified CM

Configuring the Scheduling API

Adding Licenses

Enabling Intercompany Calls

Configuring Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Servers


To configure Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) servers, do the following procedure:

Step 1 Log in to the Cisco TelePresence Manager web portal as the administrator.

Step 2 Choose Configure > LDAP Server.

Step 3 To add a new LDAP server, click New.

The LDAP Server entry window is displayed.

Step 4 At the LDAP server window, enter values in the LDAP Servers window as described in Table 19-1.

Step 5 After verifying the connection to the LDAP server by clicking Test Connection, select Save.

Step 6 To verify that the newly defined LDAP Server appears as a defined server in the summary list on the page, click Refresh on the LDAP Server window.

Step 7 To add an additional LDAP Server, repeat Step 3 through Step 6.

Table 19-1 LDAP Server Settings 

Field or Button
Description or Setting


The LDAP server hostname.

Bind Method

Select the applicable radio button to select the binding method:

Normal—Cisco TelePresence Manager communicates with the LDAP server in clear text by using HTTP.

Secure—Secure SSL connection requires the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) Certificate for the LDAP server.

Note To operate with the Cisco TelePresence Exchange System, select Normal.


Enter the applicable port given the configuration:

The default port for a normal connection in a single LDAP server deployment is 389.

The default port for a secure connection is 636.

Note To operate with the Cisco TelePresence Exchange System, use the default port value of 389.

Default Context

Refers to the default context from which the LDAP queries are performed.

To change the context string, click Fetch Distinguished Names and choose the context from the Fetch DNS drop-down list adjacent to this field.

Note To operate with Cisco TelePresence Exchange System, click Fetch Distinguished Names.


Refers to the username that is used to authenticate the LDAP server. This must be in the LDAP fully qualified domain name (FQDN) format.

Example: cn=administrator,cn=users, dc=<mydomain>, dc=com

Another example is cn=CTSMan User. The Cisco TelePresence Manager Active Directory configuration requires using users that have the Domain Admin privilege. The user, CTSMan User, needs to be created with only the Domain Users privilege.

Append default context

When you check the check box next to the username, it appends the default context to the username.

Note To operate with Cisco TelePresence Exchange System, check the Append default context check box.


Refers to the LDAP server password.


Refers to the name of the LDAP certificate.

Note You do not need to select this option unless you chose the Secure Bind Method. The Cisco TelePresence Exchange System uses the Normal Bind Method, so you do not need to enter the certificate.

User Containers

Describes values for user and meeting room information that the Cisco TelePresence Manager retrieves from the LDAP Server.

Additionally, these containers are used to retrieve user information for authentication from the LDAP server.

You can specify more than one user container.

Note If you have an LDAP peer domain configured, you need to specify its user containers and context.

For example, cn=users, dc=domain2, dc=com.

When specifying the container and context information for your peer domain, you do not check the Append default context box.

Append default context

Refers to a check box next to the Users Containers field.

When you check the Append default context check box, it appends the default context to the User Container.

Note To operate with Cisco TelePresence Exchange System, check the Append default context check box.

Test Connection

Tests the connection between the Cisco TelePresence Manager and the LDAP server.

Configuring Unified CM

The following sections describe how to configure the Cisco Unified CM:

Adding a User Group

Assigning Roles to a User Group

Creating an Application User

Adding Users to a User Group

Downloading the Certificate

Uploading the Certificate to Cisco TelePresence Manager

Adding a User Group


To add a user group to the Cisco Unified CM, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the Cisco Unified CM Administration page, choose User Group from the User Management drop-down menu.

Step 2 Click Add New.

Step 3 Enter a name for the new user group.

Step 4 Click OK.

Step 5 To save the configuration, click Save.

Assigning Roles to a User Group


To assign roles to a user group in Cisco Unified CM, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the Cisco Unified CM Administration page, choose User Group from the User Management drop-down menu.

Step 2 Click the name of the user group for which you want to assign roles.

Step 3 From the Related Links drop-down list box, choose Assign Role to User Group.

Step 4 Click Go.

Step 5 Click Assign Role to Group.

Step 6 Choose the following roles to assign to this user group by clicking the check boxes next to the role names:

Standard AXL API Access

Standard CTI Enabled

Standard Serviceability

Standard CCM Admin Users

Step 7 Click Add Selected.

Step 8 To save the configuration, click Save.

Creating an Application User


To create an application user in Cisco Unified CM, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the Cisco Unified CM Administration page, choose Application User from the User Management drop-down menu.

Step 2 Click Add New.

Step 3 Complete all necessary Application User Information fields.

Step 4 To save your configuration, click Save.

Adding Users to a User Group


To add application users to a user group in Cisco Unified CM, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the Cisco Unified CM Administration page, choose User Group from the User Management drop-down menu.

Step 2 Click the name of the user group that you want to update.

Step 3 To add application users, click Add App Users to Group.

Step 4 Click the check box next to the application users that you want to add to this user group.

Step 5 Click Add Selected.

Step 6 To save the configuration, click Save.

Downloading the Certificate

To enable an HTTPS connection to the Unified CM, you must download a certificate that identifies the server during the connection process.

You can accept the server certificate for the current session only, or you can download the certificate to a trusted folder (file) to secure the current session and future sessions with that server. The trusted folder stores the certificates for all your trusted sites.

Cisco supports the following browsers for connection to the Cisco Tomcat web server application in Cisco Unified Communications Manager:

Internet Explorer 6 or later

Mozilla 3.0 or later

Note In this procedure, the steps for the Firefox Mozilla browser are shown. For specific details on downloading a certificate using Internet Explorer, see the "Using Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (HTTPS)" section in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Security Guide, at


To save the HTTPS certificate in the trusted folder, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From a new browser window, navigate to your Unified CM by entering the hostname, local host, or IP address for the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration web portal.

Step 2 Choose Tools > Page Info.

Step 3 When the Security Alert dialog box is displayed, click View Certificate.

The Certificate window is displayed.

Step 4 To view the details of the certificate, select the Details tab.

Step 5 From the Certification window, click Export.

Note When using Mozilla Firefox, save the certificate in the DER format.

Uploading the Certificate to Cisco TelePresence Manager


To upload the certificate from the trusted folder onto the Cisco TelePresence Manager server, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the Cisco TelePresence Manager, choose Configure > Unified CM.

Step 2 Click New.

Step 3 To add a new Unified CM Service, enter the values as described in Table 19-2.

Step 4 To save the configuration, click Save.

Step 5 To verify the addition of the new Unified CM Service, click Refresh on the Unified CM window.

Table 19-2 Unified CM Service Values 

Field or Button
Description or Setting


The Unified CM hostname.


The application user name on the Unified CM. This is the user name that you created in the "Creating an Application User" section.


The password for the application user name.


Certificate file. Browse to locate the certificate in the trusted folder.


Saves the entry.

Configuring the Scheduling API

The Cisco TelePresence Exchange System uses the Scheduling API to obtain information from the Cisco TelePresence Manager about hosted rooms.

You can configure the Scheduling API during Cisco TelePresence Manager initialization (see Table 19-3 for configuration values) or you can configure at a later date by accessing the Configure > Scheduling API window of the Cisco TelePresence Manager as detailed in the procedure below.


To configure the Scheduling API, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the Cisco TelePresence Manager Administration Portal, choose Configure > Scheduling API.

Step 2 To configure the Scheduling API, enter values in the Scheduling API window as described in Table 19-3.

Step 3 To verify the connectivity, click Verify.

Step 4 To save the configuration, click Apply.

Table 19-3 Scheduling API Settings 

Field or Button
Description or Setting


Enter in the hostname field. A hostname is not necessary.

Bind Method

Select the applicable radio button to select the binding method:

Normal—Cisco TelePresence Manager communicates with the LDAP server in clear text by using HTTP.

Secure—Secure SSL connection requires the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) Certificate for the LDAP server.

Note To operate with the Cisco TelePresence Exchange System, select Normal.


Enter the HTTP default port number of 80.

Logon Name

Logon Name is in the email format of LDAP servers, for example,


The password that is associated with the logon name.


Available only if the secure bind method is selected.

Click Choose File to select the certificate.

Test Connection

Tests the connection between the Cisco TelePresence Manager and the LDAP server.

Note You must configure the Cisco TelePresence Manager as a resource in the Cisco TelePresence Exchange System Administration Console before you can test the connection. See the "Configuring CTS Manager Resources" section in the "Configuring Endpoints" chapter.

Adding Licenses

You must configure the following licenses on the Cisco TelePresence Manager:

Room Handling License

The Room Handling License is a count-based license. Count-based licenses are based on the number of rooms (with a telepresence system). Each telepresence system subscribes to a license. The count-based license is available in 10-room, 50-room, and 100-room license groups.

Scheduling API License

For the Scheduling API, the license is enforced at the API call. When a client makes an API call, Cisco TelePresence Manager returns the response if a valid license exists. If a license does not exist, a License-not-found error is returned.


To configure the Room and Scheduling API licenses, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the Cisco TelePresence Manager, choose Configure > Licenses > Licences Files.

The Licenses Files window displays licenses that are already loaded on the system.

Step 2 To find the license file to upload, click Upload.

The License Upload window is displayed.

Step 3 At the License Upload window, click Browse to find the appropriate license file, and then click Open.

Step 4 To upload the license file, click Upload.

Step 5 To verify that your license uploads properly, click the Summary tab.

A status of LICENSE_VALID indicates a successful upload.

Enabling Intercompany Calls

Enabling the intercompany setting allows you to schedule meetings between organizations. After you enable the intercompany setting, it cannot be disabled.

The Provider setting allows you to select either Another Company Hosts or Our Company Hosts. You cannot select both. You can change this setting depending on whether the company is going to host a meeting or be hosted. If multiple occurring meetings are set up with the company that is acting as host, this company will be the host for all of the meetings.

Another Company Hosts

If you select this feature, this allows another company to set up telepresence meetings. You must provide the host with information on the number of rooms that will be participating in the telepresence calls.

Our Company Hosts

If your company is hosting the meeting, the person setting up the meetings needs to reserve the rooms and obtain dial-in and room information from the other company before setting up the telepresence meeting.


Step 1 To enable intercompany features, choose Configure > Application Settings.

Step 2 Select the Conference Bridges tab.

Step 3 In the Intercompany section of the Conference Bridges window:

a. Enable Intercompany by clicking the Yes radio button.

b. Check the Our Company Hosts check box as the Provider option.

Do not select any options other than Our Company Hosts.

Step 4 To save the configuration changes, click Apply.

Step 5 In the warning dialog box that is displayed, click OK to accept the configuration change.