Statistics Management

This chapter includes the following sections:

Statistics Management

Cisco UCS Central enables you to generate standard and customized reports from the Statistics tab. You can generate reports on the following data in the registered Cisco UCS domains:

  • Cooling

  • Network

  • Power

  • Temperature

  • You must be logged in as an admin or as a user with statistics privilege to create, modify or delete a report. Other users can only run reports and view available data.

  • If the connection between Cisco UCS Central and registered Cisco UCS domains experiences high latency or limited connectivity, any statistics data at the specified interval is not recorded in the statistics database. When you generate the report, the chart or table would not display any information for that time frame.

When you generate a report, you can specify the option to view the report either in the format of a table or a chart. Using the display options, you can select top or bottom domains for a specific report type. You can also use overlay to overlay the data for a report type. The following are the two report options:

  • Standard Reports: Predefined reports on Peak Fan Speed, Receive Traffic(Rx), Transmit Traffic (Tx), Average Power, and Peak Temperature. You can run any of these predefined reports any time to view reports. You can also modify the predefined configurations, but cannot create any new standard report.

  • Custom Reports: Option to create customized reports from any of the available report options. Based on your requirements, you can create either create individual reports in the Ungrouped Reports or create Report Groups and then create reports under the groups or sub-groups. You can create, edit or delete the custom report groups at anytime.

Statistics Data Collection in Cisco UCS Central

Cisco UCS Central collects and aggregates statistics data on Network, Temperature, Cooling and Power from the registered Cisco UCS domains. During Cisco UCS Central installation, you must specify a default location to store the statistics data. You can store the statistics data in the internal PostgreSQL database called "ucscentral-stats-db" or in an external database such as Oracle 11g, MSSQL, or Postgre SQL. If you have chosen internal storage as the default location during installation, the statistics data is stored only for a maximum of two weeks. If you want to retain the collected data for more than two weeks, it is recommended that you set up an external database, see External Database for Statistics.

The collected data is aggregated based on daily, hourly, weekly and real time records and stored in tables. You can run SQL query in this database to retrieve data specific to each of the report components, see Retrieving Data from the External Database. Cisco UCS Central database is the default database to store the data.

You can set up statistics collection interval using Cisco UCS Central CLI, to collect information from the registered Cisco UCS domains at a specified interval. When a new Cisco UCS domain is registered in Cisco UCS Central, Cisco UCS Central subscribes the new domain to the statistics collection interval you have specified. If you reconfigure the collection interval, the data is updated in the registered domains. The registered Cisco UCS domains send statistics to Cisco UCS Central based on the specified collection interval.

Statistics collection interval can be one of the following:

  • 15 minutes (default)

  • 30 minutes

  • never—disables statistics collection

Important: You can specify the statistics collection interval only in the Cisco UCS Central CLI. You cannot set it from the Cisco UCS Central GUI. You can view the statistics reports only in the Cisco UCS Central GUI and not in the Cisco UCS Central CLI.

Setting the Statistics Collection Interval

The statistics collection policy governs the collection interval for the data from registered UCS domains. Cisco UCS Central subscribes to domain statistics when a new Cisco UCS domain is registered with Cisco UCS Central. This subscription request is also sent when you reconfigure the collection interval. After subscribing to this data, the registered Cisco UCS domains send statistics to Cisco UCS Central based on the specified collection interval.

Before You Begin

You must be logged in as an admin user to perform this task.

    Step 1   UCSC# connect stats-mgr

    Enters the statistics manager mode.

    Step 2   UCSC (stats-mgr) # scope collection-policy

    Enters collection policy configuration mode.

    Step 3   UCSC (stats-mgr) /collection-policy # set collection-interval 30min

    Sets the collection interval to 30 minutes. The other options are 15 minutes and never.

    Step 4   UCSC (stats-mgr) /collection-policy # commit-buffer

    Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

    Step 5   UCSC (stats-mgr) /collection-policy # show collection-policy

    Displays the collection policy interval.

    The following example sets the statistics collection interval to 15 minutes and commits the transaction:

    UCSC # connect stats-mgr
    UCSC (stats-mgr) # scope collection-policy
    UCSC (stats-mgr) /collection-policy # set collection-interval 15min
    UCSC (stats-mgr) /collection-policy* # commit-buffer
    UCSC (stats-mgr) /collection-policy # show collection-policy
    Stats Collection Policy:
        Collection Interval
    UCSC (stats-mgr) /collection-policy #
    What to Do Next

    Leave the system for a few days so statistics are collected and stored. You can then login to Cisco UCS Central GUI and create custom statistic reports for different endpoints.

    Setting up an Internal Database for Statistics

    Cisco UCS Central collects network statistics data of registered Cisco UCS domains and aggregates it to hourly, daily and weekly data. This statistical data is stored within the Cisco UCS Central environment in a PostgreSQL database called "ucscentral-stats-db". This is the database that is specific to Cisco UCS Central. The statistical data in this Cisco UCS Central database is stored only for a maximum of 2 weeks. Data older than 2 weeks is automatically purged. In addition, when Cisco UCS Central is configured to use the default PostgreSQL database for the statistics data, you can configure a maximum of only 5 Cisco UCS domains for statistics collection. If you want to retain statistics data for a longer period of time, or if you want to register additional Cisco UCS domains for statistics collection, it is recommended that you configure a database external to Cisco UCS Central.

    Follow this procedure only when you want to revert from an external database to the default PostgreSQLdatabase.

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1UCSC# connect stats-mgr  

      Enters the statistics manager mode.

      Step 2 UCSC (stats-mgr) # scope db-configuration  

      Enters database configuration mode.

      Step 3UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set port port-number 

      Sets the port. The default port is 5432.

      Step 4UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set database db-name 

      Sets the database name. For an internal database, the name is ucscentral-stats-db.

      Step 5UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set type dbtype 

      Sets the database type. In this case, enter postgres.

      Step 6UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set user dbusername 

      Sets the database user name.

      Step 7UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set pwd dbpassword 

      Sets the database password. The password for the internal database is always blank, so press Enter.

      Step 8UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # commit-buffer  

      Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


      The following example sets up an internal database for statistics data, commits the transaction and shows details for the database:

      UCSC# connect stats-mgr
      UCSC (stats-mgr)  # scope db-configuration
      UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set port 5432 
      UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set database ucscentral-stats-db
      UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set type postgres 
      UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set user postgres 
      UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set pwd
      UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # commit-buffer 
      UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # show detail 
      Database Configuration:
          Type: Postgres
          Hostname: localhost
          Port: 5432
          Database: ucscentral-stats-db
          User: postgres
      What to Do Next

      Set the statistics collection interval if you want it to be an interval other than the default of 15 minutes.

      External Database for Statistics

      You can set up an external database to retain the collected data for more than two weeks or to collect statistics data from more than 5 registered Cisco UCS domains.


      Setting up an external database requires the Cisco UCS Central CLI.

      You can use the following databases as external databases for statistics collection from Cisco UCS Central:

      • Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64-bit Production or higher

      • PostgreSQL Server 9.1.8 64-bit or higher

      • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3000.0 (X64) or higher

      • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 10.50.1600.1 (X64) SP1 or higher

      Make sure you have the following information to access and setup either of these databases as your external database:

      • Database server host name

      • Database name

      • Username

      • Password

      • Port number

      • Instance name - to configure Microsoft SQL Server using dynamic port


      You must open the firewall ports in the database server so that Cisco UCS Central can access the configured external database.

      Setting up an External Database

      You can set up the external database either during initial Cisco UCS Central set up or at anytime you have a requirement to set up an external database for statistics collection:

      • Setting up external database with initial setup: When you are doing the initial set up for Cisco UCS Central, you are prompted to enable statistics collection. If you choose Yes, you are prompted to enter information on the external database. If you choose No, the collection of statistics data from registered Cisco UCS domains is disabled.

      • Anytime: You can use the Cisco UCS Central CLI to connect to the external database and set up statistics collection for registered Cisco UCS domains. For information on setting up an Oracle database, see Connecting to an External Oracle Database. For information on setting up an PostgreSQL database, see Connecting to an External PostgreSQL Database. For setting up queries on MS SQL database, see Connecting to an External Microsoft SQL Server Database

      The external database stores statistical data on network traffic, temperature, cooling and power from the registered Cisco UCS domains. You can run queries on the external database to retrieve statistics data on network, temperature, cooling and power. For information on running queries on the database, see Retrieving Data from the External Database.


      When you set up an external database to store the statistical data, you must determine the time interval to purge old records from the database. You are responsible for maintaining the external database.

      Guidelines for Configuring an External Database

      When you configure the database for statistics collection, make sure to restart the Cisco UCS Central services. You must restart the services in the following scenarios:

      • After upgrading to the latest version of Cisco UCS Central using the ISO image

        Earlier versions of Cisco UCS Central did not have the capability for statistics collection. After the upgrade process is complete, you can use the Cisco UCS Central CLI to set up an external database for statistics data collection.

      • You set up an external database for statistics collection after installing Cisco UCS Central. The external database can be either an Oracle database or a PostgreSQL database.

      • After switching from an Oracle database to a PostgreSQL database or switching from a PostgreSQL database to an Oracle database.

      Backing up and Restoring Cisco UCS Central Statistics Database

      The Cisco UCS Central database is not backed up during a full state backup. If you have set up an external database to store statistical data, then you must follow standard database backup and restore procedures. However, prior to restoring an external database, you must stop the Cisco UCS Central service. To stop this service, you must login to the Cisco UCS Central CLI, and run the pmon stop command in the local-mgmt command mode. After the database is restored, start the Cisco UCS Central service by running the pmon start command in the Cisco UCS Central CLI.

      Troubleshooting Faults with the External Database

      When Cisco UCS Central fails to connect to an external database, a fault is raised. You can view the fault details in the Cisco UCS Central CLI using the show fault command or in the Cisco UCS Central GUI, Fault panel.. When the problem is resolved ,Cisco UCS Central automatically retries to connect to the external database. If the connection is established, the fault is cleared from the Cisco UCS Central CLI.

      Statistics Data in External Database

      External database stores the collected statistics data in tables. You can purge old statistics data from the external database using a script. The following table describes the database table names and corresponding data stored in each table:

      Table Name

      Data Stored in the Table


      HBA Adaptor traffic data.


      NIC Adaptor traffic data.


      NIC/HBA Adaptor traffic data.


      Blade Server power data.


      Blade Server temperature data.


      Rack Server temperature data.


      Chassis power data.


      Chassis fan speed data.


      FI fan speed data.


      Chassis PSU data.


      Rack server fan speed data.


      Rack server PSU data.


      Ethernet traffic receive data


      Ethernet traffic transmit data.


      FC traffic data.


      CPU environment data.

      Retrieving Data from the External Database

      The database collects statistical data on network, temperature, cooling, and power. The data collected from the registered Cisco UCS domains is stored in the database and then aggregated in the following ways:

      • Real time records

      • Parent to child aggregation

      The following table describes the database table and the nature of information stored in this table.

      StatType Stat Table MO/TableName Property
      Temperature Inlet Air Temp 1 computeMbTempStats fmTempSenIo
        Processor Temp 2 processorEnvStats Temperature
      Power Blade DC Power 3 computeMbPowerStats consumedPower
        Chassis AC Power 4 equipmentChassisStats inputPower
      Cooling FI Fan Speed 5 equipmentNetworkElementFanStats Speed
        Chassis Fan Speed 6 equipmentFanStats speed
      FI Ethernet Traffic Transmit 7 etherTxStats TotalBytes
        Receive 8 etherRxStats TotalBytes
      FI Fibre Channel Traffic Transmit/Receive 9 fcStats BytesTx,BytesRx
      Server Ethernet Traffic Transmit/Receive 10 adaptorNICVnicStats BytesTx,BytesRx
      Server FC traffic Transmit/Receive 11 adaptorHBAVnicStats BytesTx,BytesRx
      Server Eth & FC Traffic Transmit/Receive 12 adaptorVnicStats BytesTx,BytesRx
      NA Internal DN mapping table 13 affectedId2Dn NA


      Statistics Database table names can be more than 30 Characters long. In Oracle database, due to a 30 character limitation, the table name may be truncated. Cisco UCS central handles this automatically.

      Aggregation on real time records

      The statistics collection policy determines the interval for the data from registered Cisco UCS domains. The data received from the registered Cisco UCS domains is stored in the database and aggregated as hourly, daily and weekly records. This aggregation based on real time records is defined by the statistics collection interval. Each of these record types have a specific ID or a unique identifier in the database. The following table lists the identifiers for each record type.

      Record Type ID

      Real Time








      If the statistics collection policy is set to 15 minutes, then for every 4 real time records, 1 hourly record is created and stored in the database. The daily and weekly record aggregation is internally defined, and is not determined by the collection interval. Every 24 hours, one daily record is created and stored in the database. Similarly, for every 7 days, one weekly record is created and stored in the database.

      Parent to child aggregation

      This type of data aggregation is based on the Distinguished Name (DN). A DN is a unique ID for every object that is defined in the database. The total bytes of data is collected and stored in the database tables from the child element to the parent element. For example, in a sample network, a domain has two fabric interconnects. Each fabric interconnect has slots and each of these slots has different ports. The statistics data for these ports is aggregated all the way to the domain level.

      Connecting to an External Oracle Database

      Before You Begin
      • Set up an external Oracle database. The supported version is Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64-bit Production or higher. Note down the database server hostname, the database name, the user name and the password to access the database. You must have privileges to create tables in the database and to add, modify and delete records in those tables.

      • You must open the firewall ports in the database server so that Cisco UCS Central can access the external database.

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1UCSC# connect stats-mgr  

        Enters the statistics manager mode.

        Step 2 UCSC (stats-mgr) # scope db-configuration  

        Enters database configuration mode.

        Step 3 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set type dbtype  

        Sets the database type, in this case Oracle.

        Step 4 UCSC (stats-mgr) db-configuration # set hostname hostname  

        Sets the hostname.

        Step 5 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set port port-number  

        Sets the port. The default Oracle port is 1521.

        Step 6 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set instance instance-name  

        Sets the instance to configure Microsoft SQL Server using dynamic port.

        Step 7 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set database dbname  

        Sets the database name.

        Step 8 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set user dbusername  

        Sets the database user name.

        Step 9 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set pwd <enter_key>  

        Sets the database password.

        Step 10 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # commit-buffer  

        Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


        The following example sets up Cisco UCS Central to use an external Oracle database on the default port and commits the transaction:

        UCSC # connect stats-mgr
        UCSC (stats-mgr) # scope db-configuration
        UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set type oracle 
        UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set hostname
        UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set port 1521 
        UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set database DB1 
        UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set user User1
        UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set pwd <enter_key>
        UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # commit-buffer  
        What to Do Next

        You can change the statistics collection interval from the default 15 minutes to 30 minutes. This is optional.

        Connecting to an External PostgreSQL Database

        Before You Begin
        • Set up an external PostgreSQL database. The supported version is PostgreSQL (9.2.3) or higher. Note down the database server hostname, the database name, the user name and the password to access the database. You must have privileges to create tables in the database and to add, modify and delete records in those tables.

        • The name of the database should not include the postgres phrase.

        • You must open the firewall ports in the database server so that Cisco UCS Central can access the external database.

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1UCSC# connect stats-mgr  

          Enters the statistics manager mode.

          Step 2 UCSC (stats-mgr) # scope db-configuration  

          Enters database configuration mode.

          Step 3 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set type dbtype 

          Sets the database type, in this case postgreSQL.

          Step 4 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set hostname hostname 

          Sets the hostname.

          Step 5 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set port port-number 

          Sets the port. The default port is 5432.

          Step 6 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set database dbname 

          Sets the database name.

          Step 7 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set user dbusername 

          Sets the database user name.

          Step 8 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set pwd <enter_key> 

          Sets the database password.

          Step 9 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # commit-buffer  

          Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


          The following example sets up Cisco UCS Central to use an external postgreSQL database on the default port and commits the transaction:

          UCSC # connect stats-mgr
          UCSC (stats-mgr) # scope db-configuration
          UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set type postgres 
          UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set hostname
          UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set port 5432 
          UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set database DB1 
          UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set user User1
          UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set pwd <enter_key>
          UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # commit-buffer 
          What to Do Next

          You can change the statistics collection interval from the default 15 minutes to 30 minutes. This is optional.

          Connecting to an External Microsoft SQL Server Database

          Before You Begin
          • Set up an external Microsoft SQL Server database. The supported versions are-

            • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 10.50.1600.1 (X64) SP1 or higher

            • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3000.0 (X64) or higher

          • Note down the database server hostname, the database name, the user name and the password to access the database. You must have privileges to create tables in the database and to add, modify and delete records in those tables.

          • You must open the firewall ports in the database server so that Cisco UCS Central can access the external database.

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1UCSC# connect stats-mgr  

            Enters the statistics manager mode.

            Step 2 UCSC (stats-mgr) # scope db-configuration  

            Enters database configuration mode.

            Step 3 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set type dbtype  

            Sets the database type, in this case MSSQL.

            Step 4 UCSC (stats-mgr) db-configuration # set hostname hostname  

            Sets the hostname.

            Step 5 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set port port-number  

            Sets the port. The default SQL Server port is 1433.


            Even if you are running SQL database on default port 1433, you must specify the port number here.

            Step 6 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set database dbname  

            Sets the database name.

            Step 7 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set user dbusername  

            Sets the database user name. Make sure the user has dbowner privilege on the statistics database in the MSSQL Server.

            If you are using Windows domain authentication, specify the user name in the following format: Domainname\\user name. For example: Cisco\\admin.

            Step 8 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set pwd <enter_key>  

            Sets the database password.

            Step 9 UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # commit-buffer  

            Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


            The following example sets up Cisco UCS Central to use an external Oracle database on the default port and commits the transaction:

            UCSC # connect stats-mgr
            UCSC (stats-mgr) # scope db-configuration
            UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set type mssql 
            UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set hostname
            UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set port 1433 
            UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set database DB1 
            UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set user User1
            UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # set pwd <enter_key>
            UCSC (stats-mgr) /db-configuration # commit-buffer  
            What to Do Next

            You can change the statistics collection interval from the default 15 minutes to 30 minutes. This is optional.