Remote Authentication

Authentication Services

Cisco UCS Central supports the following methods for authenticating user logins:

  • Local user authentication for user accounts that exist locally in Cisco UCS Central

  • Remote user authentication for registered UCS domains with one of the following protocols:

    • LDAP

    • RADIUS

    • TACACS+

Guidelines and Recommendations for Remote Authentication Providers

If you configure a system for one of the supported remote authentication services, you must create a provider for that service to ensure that Cisco UCS Central can communicate with it. In addition, be aware of the following guidelines that impact user authorization:

User Accounts in Remote Authentication Services

User accounts can exist locally in Cisco UCS Central or in the remote authentication server. You can view the temporary sessions for users who log in through remote authentication services through Cisco UCS Central GUI or Cisco UCS Central CLI.

User Roles in Remote Authentication Services

If you create user accounts in the remote authentication server, ensure that:
  • Accounts include the roles those users require for working in Cisco UCS Central.

  • Names of those roles match the names used in Cisco UCS Central.

Depending on the role policy, a user may not have permission to log in, or they may only have read-only privileges.

Local and Remote User Authentication Support

Cisco UCS Central uses LDAP, RADIUS and TACACS+ for remote authentication.

User Attributes in Remote Authentication Providers

When a user logs in, Cisco UCS Central:

  1. Queries the remote authentication service.

  2. Validates the user.

  3. Checks for the roles and locales assigned to that user, (if user passed validation).

The following table contains a comparison of the user attribute requirements for the remote authentication providers supported by Cisco UCS Central.

Table 1 Comparison of User Attributes by Remote Authentication Provider
Authentication Provider Custom Attribute Schema Extension Attribute ID Requirements



Do one of the following:

  • Do not extend the LDAP schema and configure an existing, unused attribute that meets the requirements.

  • Extend the LDAP schema and create a custom attribute with a unique name, such as CiscoAVPair.

The Cisco LDAP implementation requires a unicode type attribute.

If you choose to create the CiscoAVPair custom attribute, use the following attribute ID:

The following section contains a sample OID (object identifier).



Do one of the following:

  • Do not extend the RADIUS schema and use an existing unused attribute that meets the requirements.

  • Extend the RADIUS schema and create a custom attribute with a unique name, such as cisco-avpair.

The vendor ID for the Cisco RADIUS implementation is 009 and the vendor ID for the attribute is 001.

The following syntax example specifies multiples user roles and locales if you choose to create the cisco-avpair attribute: shell:roles="admin,aaa" shell:locales="L1,abc". Use a comma "," as the delimiter to separate multiple values.



You must extend the schema and create a custom attribute with the name cisco-av-pair.

The cisco-av-pair name is the string that provides the attribute ID for the TACACS+ provider.

The following syntax example specifies multiples user roles and locales when you create the cisco-av-pair attribute: cisco-av-pair=shell:roles="admin aaa" shell:locales*"L1 abc". Using an asterisk (*) in the cisco-av-pair attribute syntax flags the locale as optional, preventing authentication failures for other Cisco devices that use the same authorization profile. Use a space as the delimiter to separate multiple values.

Sample OID for LDAP User Attribute

The following is a sample OID for a custom CiscoAVPair attribute:

objectClass: top
objectClass: attributeSchema
cn: CiscoAVPair
distinguishedName: CN=CiscoAVPair,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,CN=X
instanceType: 0x4
uSNCreated: 26318654
isSingleValued: TRUE
showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE
adminDisplayName: CiscoAVPair
adminDescription: UCS User Authorization Field
oMSyntax: 64
lDAPDisplayName: CiscoAVPair
name: CiscoAVPair
objectCategory: CN=Attribute-Schema,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,CN=X

Configuring Multiple Authentication Systems

Multiple Authentication Systems

You can configure Cisco UCS to use multiple authentication systems by configuring the following features:

  • Provider groups

  • Authentication domains

Once you have configured provider groups and authentication domains in Cisco UCS Central, you can use the following syntax to log in to the system using Cisco UCS Central CLI: ucs- auth-domain

When you configure multiple authentication domains and native authentication with a remote authentication service, use one of the following syntax examples to log in with SSH or Putty:

From a Linux terminal:

  • ssh ucs-auth-domain\\username@Cisco UCS domain-ip-address

    ssh ucs-example\\jsmith@

  • ssh -l ucs-auth-domain\\username {Cisco UCS domain-ip-address | Cisco UCS domain-host-name}

    ssh -l ucs-example\\jsmith

  • ssh {Cisco UCS domain-ip-address | Cisco UCS domain-host-name} -l ucs-auth-domain\\username

    ssh -l ucs-example\\jsmith

From a Putty client:

  • Login as: ucs-auth-domain\\username

    Login as: ucs-example\\jsmith

From a SSH client:

  • Host Name: Cisco UCS domain-ip-address

    User Name: ucs-auth-domain\\username

    Host Name:

    User Name: ucs-example\\jsmith

Provider Groups

A provider group is a set of providers that Cisco UCS uses during the authentication process. Cisco UCS Central allows you to create a maximum of 16 provider groups, with a maximum of eight providers allowed per group.

During authentication, all of the providers within a provider group are tried in order. If all of the configured servers are unavailable or unreachable, Cisco UCS Central automatically falls back to the local authentication method using the local username and password.

Creating an LDAP Provider Group

Creating an LDAP provider group allows you to authenticate using multiple LDAP databases.


Authenticating with a single LDAP database does not require you to set up an LDAP provider group.

Before You Begin

Create one or more LDAP providers.

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

    Enters policy manager mode.

    Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr) #scope org   Enters organization mode for the specified organization.  
    Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /org #scope device-profile   Enters device profile mode for the specified organization.  
    Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile #scope security   Enters security mode.  
    Step 5UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope ldap  

    Enters LDAP security mode.

    Step 6UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap # create auth-server-group auth-server-group-name  

    Creates an LDAP provider group. Enters authentication server group security LDAP mode.

    Step 7UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap/auth-server-group* # create server-ref ldap-provider-name  

    Adds the specified LDAP provider to the LDAP provider group. Enters server reference authentication server group security LDAP mode.

    Step 8UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap/auth-server-group* # set order order-num  

    Specifies the order in which Cisco UCS uses this provider to authenticate users.

    Valid values include no-value and 0-16, with the lowest value indicating the highest priority. Setting the order to no-value is equivalent to giving that server reference the highest priority.

    Step 9UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap/auth-server-group* # commit-buffer  

    Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

    The following example:
    • Creates an LDAP provider group called ldapgroup

    • Adds two previously configured providers called ldap1 and ldap2 to the provider group

    • Sets the order

    • Commits the transaction

    UCSC # connect policy-mgr
    UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope org
    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org # scope device-profile
    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile # scope security
    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope ldap
    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap # create auth-server-group ldapgroup
    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap/auth-server-group* # create server-ref ldap1
    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap/auth-server-group/server-ref* # set order 1
    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap/auth-server-group/server-ref* # up
    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap/auth-server-group* # create server-ref ldap2
    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap/auth-server-group/server-ref* # set order 2
    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap/auth-server-group/server-ref* # commit-buffer
    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap/auth-server-group/server-ref #
    What to Do Next

    Configure an authentication domain or select a default authentication service.

    Deleting an LDAP Provider Group

    Before You Begin

    Remove the provider group from an authentication configuration.

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 UCSC#connect policy-mgr  

      Enters policy manager mode.

      Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr)#scope org   Enters organization mode for the specified organization.  
      Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /org#scope device-profile   Enters device profile mode for the specified organization.  
      Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile#scope security   Enters security mode.  
      Step 5UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope ldap  

      Enters LDAP security mode.

      Step 6UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap # delete auth-server-group auth-server-group-name  

      Deletes the LDAP provider group.

      Step 7UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap* # commit-buffer  

      Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

      The following example:
      • Deletes an LDAP provider group called ldapgroup

      • Commits the transaction

      UCSC # connect policy-mgr
      UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope org
      UCSC(policy-mgr) /org # scope device-profile
      UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile # scope security
      UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope ldap
      UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap # delete auth-server-group ldapgroup
      UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap* # commit-buffer
      UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/ldap #

      Creating a RADIUS Provider Group

      Creating a RADIUS provider group allows you to authenticate using multiple RADIUS databases.


      Authenticating with a single RADIUS database does not require you to set up a RADIUS provider group.

      Before You Begin

      Create one or more RADIUS providers.

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

        Enters policy manager mode.

        Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr) #scope org   Enters organization mode for the specified organization.  
        Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /org #scope device-profile   Enters device profile mode for the specified organization.  
        Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile #scope security   Enters security mode.  
        Step 5UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope radius  

        Enters RADIUS security mode.

        Step 6UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius # create auth-server-group auth-server-group-name  

        Creates a RADIUS provider group. Enters authentication server group security RADIUS mode.

        Step 7UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius/auth-server-group* # create server-ref radius-provider-name  

        Adds the specified RADIUS provider to the RADIUS provider group. Enters server reference authentication server group security RADIUS mode.

        Step 8UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius/auth-server-group* # set order order-num  

        Specifies the order in which Cisco UCS uses this provider to authenticate users.

        Valid values include no-value and 0-16, with the lowest value indicating the highest priority. Setting the order to no-value is equivalent to giving that server reference the highest priority.

        Step 9UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius/auth-server-group* # commit-buffer  

        Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

        The following example:
        • Creates a RADIUS provider group called radiusgroup

        • Adds two previously configured providers called radius1 and radius2 to the provider group

        • Sets the order

        • Commits the transaction

        UCSC # connect policy-mgr
        UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope org
        UCSC(policy-mgr) /org # scope device-profile
        UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile # scope security
        UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope radius
        UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius # create auth-server-group radiusgroup
        UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius/auth-server-group* # create server-ref radius1
        UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius/auth-server-group/server-ref* # set order 1
        UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius/auth-server-group/server-ref* # up
        UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius/auth-server-group* # create server-ref radius2
        UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius/auth-server-group/server-ref* # set order 2
        UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius/auth-server-group/server-ref* # commit-buffer
        UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius/auth-server-group/server-ref #
        What to Do Next

        Configure an authentication domain or select a default authentication service.

        Deleting a RADIUS Provider Group

        Remove the provider group from an authentication configuration.

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

          Enters policy manager mode.

          Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr) #scope org   Enters organization mode for the specified organization.  
          Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /org #scope device-profile   Enters device profile mode for the specified organization.  
          Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile #scope security   Enters security mode.  
          Step 5UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope radius  

          Enters RADIUS security mode.

          Step 6UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius # delete auth-server-group auth-server-group-name  

          Deletes the RADIUS provider group.

          Step 7UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius* # commit-buffer  

          Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

          The following example:
          • Deletes a RADIUS provider group called radiusgroup

          • Commits the transaction

          UCSC # connect policy-mgr
          UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope org
          UCSC(policy-mgr) /org # scope device-profile
          UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile # scope security
          UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope radius
          UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius # delete auth-server-group radiusgroup
          UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius* # commit-buffer
          UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/radius #

          Creating a TACACS+ Provider Group

          Creating a TACACS+ provider group allows you to authenticate using multiple TACACS+ databases.


          Authenticating with a single TACACS+ database does not require you to set up a TACACS+ provider group.

          Before You Begin

          Create a TACACS+ provider.

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

            Enters policy manager mode.

            Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr) #scope org   Enters organization mode for the specified organization.  
            Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /org #scope device-profile   Enters device profile mode for the specified organization.  
            Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile #scope security   Enters security mode.  
            Step 5UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope tacacs  

            Enters TACACS+ security mode.

            Step 6UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs # create auth-server-group auth-server-group-name  

            Creates a TACACS+ provider group and enters authentication server group security TACACS+ mode.

            Step 7UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs/auth-server-group* # create server-ref ldap-provider-name  

            Adds the specified TACACS+ provider to the TACACS+ provider group. Enters server reference authentication server group security TACACS+ mode.

            Step 8UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs/auth-server-group* # set order order-num  

            Specifies the order in which Cisco UCS uses this provider to authenticate users.

            Valid values include no-value and 0-16, with the lowest value indicating the highest priority. Setting the order to no-value is equivalent to giving that server reference the highest priority.

            Step 9UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs/auth-server-group* # commit-buffer  

            Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

            The following example:
            • Creates a TACACS+ provider group called tacacsgroup

            • Adds two previously configured providers called tacacs1 and tacacs2 to the provider group

            • Sets the order

            • Commits the transaction

            UCSC # connect policy-mgr
            UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope org
            UCSC(policy-mgr) /org # scope device-profile
            UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile # scope security
            UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope tacacs
            UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs # create auth-server-group tacacsgroup
            UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs/auth-server-group* # create server-ref tacacs1
            UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs/auth-server-group/server-ref* # set order 1
            UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs/auth-server-group/server-ref* # up
            UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs/auth-server-group* # create server-ref tacacs2
            UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs/auth-server-group/server-ref* # set order 2
            UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs/auth-server-group/server-ref* # commit-buffer
            UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs/auth-server-group/server-ref #
            What to Do Next

            Configure an authentication domain or select a default authentication service.

            Deleting a TACACS+ Provider Group

            Remove the provider group from an authentication configuration.

               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

              Enters policy manager mode.

              Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr) #scope org   Enters organization mode for the specified organization.  
              Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /org #scope device-profile   Enters device profile mode for the specified organization.  
              Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile #scope security   Enters security mode.  
              Step 5UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope tacacs  

              Enters TACACS+ security mode.

              Step 6UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs # delete auth-server-group auth-server-group-name  

              Deletes the TACACS+ provider group.

              Step 7UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs* # commit-buffer  

              Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

              The following example:
              • Deletes a TACACS+ provider group called tacacsgroup

              • Commits the transaction

              UCSC # connect policy-mgr
              UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope org
              UCSC(policy-mgr) /org # scope device-profile
              UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile # scope security
              UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope tacacs
              UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs # delete auth-server-group tacacsgroup
              UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs* # commit-buffer
              UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/tacacs #

              Authentication Domains

              Cisco UCS Central uses authentication domains to leverage multiple authentication systems. You specify and configure each authentication domain during login. If you do not specify an authentication domain, Cisco UCS Central uses the default authentication service configuration.

              You can create up to eight authentication domains. Each authentication domain is associated with a provider group and realm in Cisco UCS Domain. If no provider group is specified, all servers within the realm are used.

              Creating an Authentication Domain

                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

                Enters policy manager mode.

                Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr)#scope org   Enters organization mode for the specified organization.  
                Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /org #scope device-profile   Enters device profile mode for the specified organization.  
                Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile #scope security   Enters security mode.  
                Step 5UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope auth-realm  

                Enters authentication realm mode.

                Step 6UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm # create auth-domain domain-name  

                Creates an authentication domain and enters authentication domain mode. The Radius related settings are applicable only for the sub-domains in the domain group root and sub-domain groups.


                For systems using the remote authentication protocol, the authentication domain name is considered part of the username and counts toward the 32-character limit for locally created usernames. Because Cisco UCS inserts 5 characters for formatting, authentication fails if the domain name and username combined characters total exceeds 27.

                Step 7UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/auth-domain* # set refresh-period seconds   (Optional)

                When a web client connects to Cisco UCS Central, the client must send refresh requests to Cisco UCS Central to keep the web session active. This option specifies the maximum amount of time allowed between refresh requests for a user in this domain.

                If the client exceeds the time limit, Cisco UCS Central considers the web session inactive, but it does not terminate the session.

                Specify an integer between 60 and 172800. The default is 600 seconds.

                Step 8UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/auth-domain* # set session-timeout seconds   (Optional)

                The maximum amount of time that can elapse after the last refresh request before Cisco UCS Central considers a web session to have ended. If the client exceeds the time limit, Cisco UCS Central automatically terminates the web session.

                Specify an integer between 60 and 172800. The default is 7200 seconds.

                Step 9UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/auth-domain* # create default-auth   (Optional)

                Creates a default authentication for the specified authentication domain.

                Step 10UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/auth-domain/default-auth* # set auth-server-group auth-serv-group-name   (Optional)

                Specifies the provider group for the specified authentication domain.

                Step 11UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/auth-domain/default-auth* # set realm {ldap | local | radius | tacacs}  

                Specifies the realm for the specified authentication domain.

                Step 12UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/auth-domain/default-auth* # commit-buffer  

                Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                The following example:
                • Creates an authentication domain called domain1

                • Creates a web refresh period of 3600 seconds (1 hour)

                • Creates a session timeout period of 14400 seconds (4 hours)

                • Configures domain1 to use the providers in ldapgroup1

                • Sets the realm type to ldap

                • Commits the transaction

                UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope org
                UCSC(policy-mgr) /org # scope device-profile
                UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile # scope security
                UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope auth-realm
                UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm # create auth-domain domain1
                UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/auth-domain* # set refresh-period 3600
                UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/auth-domain* # set session-timeout 14400
                UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/auth-domain* # create default-auth
                UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/auth-domain/default-auth* # set auth-server-group ldapgroup1
                UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/auth-domain/default-auth* # set realm ldap
                UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/auth-domain/default-auth* # commit-buffer
                UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/auth-domain/default-auth #

                Selecting the Console Authentication Service

                Before You Begin

                If the system uses a remote authentication service, create a provider for that authentication service. If the system uses only local authentication through Cisco UCS, you do not need to create a provider first.

                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

                  Enters policy manager mode.

                  Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr) #scope org   Enters organization mode for the specified organization.  
                  Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /org #scope device-profile   Enters device profile mode for the specified organization.  
                  Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile #scope security   Enters security mode.  
                  Step 5UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope auth-realm  

                  Enters authentication realm security mode.

                  Step 6UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm # scope console-auth  

                  Enters console authorization security mode.

                  Step 7UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/console-auth # set realm auth-type  

                  Specifies the console authentication, where the auth-type argument is one of the following keywords:

                  • ldap —Specifies LDAP authentication

                  • local —Specifies local authentication

                  • none —Allows local users to log on without specifying a password

                  • radius —Specifies RADIUS authentication

                  • tacacs —Specifies TACACS+ authentication

                  Step 8UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/console-auth* # set auth-server-group auth-serv-group-name  

                  The associated provider group, if any.

                  Step 9UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/console-auth* # commit-buffer  

                  Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                  The following example:
                  • Sets the authentication to LDAP

                  • Sets the console authentication provider group to provider1

                  • Commits the transaction

                  UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                  UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope org
                  UCSC(policy-mgr) /org # scope device-profile
                  UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile # scope security
                  UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope auth-realm
                  UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm # scope console-auth
                  UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/console-auth # set realm local
                  UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/console-auth* # set auth-server-group provider1
                  UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/console-auth* # commit-buffer
                  UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/console-auth # 

                  Selecting a Primary Authentication Service

                  Selecting the Default Authentication Service

                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

                    Enters policy manager mode.

                    Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr)#scope org   Enters organization mode for the specified organization.  
                    Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /org #scope device-profile   Enters device profile mode for the specified organization.  
                    Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile #scope security   Enters security mode.  
                    Step 5UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope auth-realm  

                    Enters authentication realm security mode.

                    Step 6UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm # scope default-auth  

                    Enters default authorization security mode.

                    Step 7UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/default-auth # set realm auth-type  

                    Specifies the default authentication, where auth-type is one of the following keywords:

                    • ldap—Specifies LDAP authentication

                    • local—Specifies local authentication

                    • none—Allows local users to log on without specifying a password

                    • radius—Specifies RADIUS authentication

                    • tacacs—Specifies TACACS+ authentication

                    Step 8UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/default-auth* # set auth-server-group auth-serv-group-name   (Optional)

                    The associated provider group, if any.

                    Step 9UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/default-auth* # set refresh-period seconds   (Optional)

                    When a web client connects to Cisco UCS Central, the client must send refresh requests to Cisco UCS Central to keep the web session active. This option specifies the maximum amount of time allowed between refresh requests for a user in this domain.

                    If the client exceeds the time limit, Cisco UCS Central considers the web session inactive, but it does not terminate the session.

                    Step 10UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/default-auth* # set session-timeout seconds   (Optional)

                    The maximum amount of time that can elapse after the last refresh request before Cisco UCS Central considers a web session to have ended. If the client exceeds the time limit, Cisco UCS Central automatically terminates the web session.

                    Specify an integer between 60 and 172800. The default is 7200 seconds.

                    Step 11UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm/default-auth* # commit-buffer  

                    Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                    The following example:
                    • Sets the default authentication to LDAP

                    • Sets the default authentication provider group to provider1

                    • Sets the refresh period to 7200 seconds (2 hours)

                    • Sets the session timeout period to 28800 seconds (8 hours)

                    • Commits the transaction

                    UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                    UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope org
                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org # scope device-profile
                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile # scope security
                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope auth-realm
                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm # scope default-auth
                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/default-auth # set realm ldap
                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/default-auth* # set auth-server-group provider1
                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/default-auth* # set refresh-period 7200
                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/default-auth* # set session-timeout 28800
                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/default-auth* # commit-buffer
                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/default-auth # 

                    Role Policy for Remote Users

                    By default, if you do not configure user roles in Cisco UCS Central, then it grants read-only access to all users logging in from a remote server.


                    You can configure the role policy for remote users in the following ways:
                    • assign-default-role

                      Does not restrict user access to Cisco UCS Central based on user roles. Cisco UCS Central grants read-only access to all users unless you defined other user roles in Cisco UCS Central.

                      This is the default behavior.

                    • no-login

                      Restricts user access to Cisco UCS Central based on user roles. If you did not assign user roles for the remote authentication system, access is denied.

                    For security reasons, you can restrict access to those users matching an established user role in Cisco UCS Central.

                    Configuring the Role Policy for Remote Users

                       Command or ActionPurpose
                      Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

                      Enters policy manager mode.

                      Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr)#scope org   Enters organization mode for the specified organization.  
                      Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /org #scope device-profile   Enters device profile mode for the specified organization.  
                      Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile #scope security   Enters security mode.  
                      Step 5UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope auth-realm  

                      Enters authentication realm security mode.

                      Step 6UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm # set remote-user default-role {assign-default-role | no-login}  

                      Specifies if user access to Cisco UCS Central is restricted based on user roles.

                      Step 7UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm* # commit-buffer  

                      Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                      The following example:
                      • Sets the role policy for remote users

                      • Commits the transaction

                      UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                      UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope org
                      UCSC(policy-mgr) /org # scope device-profile
                      UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile # scope security
                      UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security # scope auth-realm
                      UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm # set remote-user default-role assign-default-role
                      UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm* # commit-buffer
                      UCSC(policy-mgr) /org/device-profile/security/auth-realm #

                      Remote Access Policies

                      Cisco UCS Central supports global remote access policies defining the interfaces monitoring policy, displaying SSH configuration status, and providing policy settings for HTTP, Telnet, web session limits and CIM XML.

                      Configuring HTTP

                      Configuring an HTTP Remote Access Policy

                      Before You Begin

                      Create this policy before configuring an HTTP remote access policy in a domain group. Policies in the domain group root were previously created by the system and are ready to configure.

                         Command or ActionPurpose
                        Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

                        Enters policy manager mode.

                        Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr) # scope domain-group domain-group  

                        Enters domain group root mode and (optionally) enters a sub-domain group under the domain group root. To enter the domain group root mode, type / as the domain-group.

                        Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # create http   (Optional)

                        If scoping into a domain group previously created, creates the HTTP policy for that domain group.

                        Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # scope http   (Optional)

                        If scoping into the domain group root previously created, scopes the default HTTP policy's configuration mode from the Domain Group root.

                        Step 5UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http # enable | disable {http | http-redirect}  

                        Specifies whether the HTTP remote access policy is enabled or disabled in HTTP or HTTP-redirect mode.

                        Step 6UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http* # set http port port-number  

                        Specifies the HTTP service port number from the port range 1-65535.

                        Step 7UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http* # commit-buffer  

                        Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                        The following example:
                        • Scopes into the domain group root (which has an existing HTTP policy by default)

                        • Enables the HTTP remote access policy to HTTP redirect mode

                        • Sets the HTTP service port to 1111

                        • Commits the transaction

                        UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                        UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group /
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # scope http
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http # enable http-redirect
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http* # set port 1111
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http* # commit-buffer
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http # 
                        The following example:
                        • Scopes into the domain group domaingroup01

                        • Creates the HTTP remote access policy and enable it to HTTP mode

                        • Sets the HTTP service port to 222

                        • Commits the transaction

                        UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                        UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group domaingroup01
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # create http
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http* # enable http
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http* # set port 222
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http* # commit-buffer
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http # 
                        The following example:
                        • Scopes into the domain group root (which has an existing HTTP policy by default)

                        • Disables the HTTP remote access policy for HTTP redirect mode

                        • Commits the transaction

                        UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                        UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group /
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # scope http
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http # disable http-redirect
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http* # commit-buffer
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http # 
                        The following example:
                        • Scopes into the domain group domaingroup01

                        • Disables the HTTP remote access policy for HTTP mode

                        • Commits the transaction

                        UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                        UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group domaingroup01
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http # disable http
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http* # commit-buffer
                        UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http # 
                        What to Do Next

                        Optionally, configure the following remote access policies:

                        • Telnet

                        • Web Session Limits

                        • CIM XML

                        • Interfaces Monitoring Policy

                        • SSH Configuration

                        Deleting an HTTP Remote Access Policy

                        You can delete an HTTP remote access policy from a sub-domain group under the domain group root. You cannot delete HTTP remote access policies in the domain groups root.

                           Command or ActionPurpose
                          Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

                          Enters policy manager mode.

                          Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group domain-group  

                          Enters a domain group under the domain group root.


                          Do not enter the domain group root. You cannot delete system default HTTP policies under the domain group root.

                          Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # delete http  

                          Deletes the HTTP policy for that domain group.

                          Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http* # commit-buffer  

                          Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                          The following example:
                          • Scopes into the domain group domaingroup01

                          • Deletes the HTTP policy for that domain group

                          • Commits the transaction

                          UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                          UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group domaingroup01
                          UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/domain-group # delete http
                          UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/domain-group* # commit-buffer
                          UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/domain-group # 

                          Configuring Web Session Limits

                          Configuring a Web Session Limits Remote Access Policy

                          Before You Begin

                          Create this policy before configuring a web session limits remote access policy under a domain group. Policies under the domain groups root were already created by the system and are ready to configure.

                             Command or ActionPurpose
                            Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

                            Enters policy manager mode.

                            Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr) # scope domain-group domain-group  

                            Enters domain group root mode and (optionally) enters a sub-domain group under the domain group root. To enter the domain group root mode, type / as the domain-group.

                            Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # create web-session-limits   (Optional)

                            If scoping into a domain group previously created, creates the web session limits policy for that domain group.

                            Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # scope web-session-limits   (Optional)

                            If scoping into the domain group root previously created, scopes the default web session limits policy's configuration mode from the domain group root.

                            Step 5UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/web-session-limits* # set sessionsperuser sessions-per-user  

                            Sets the sessions per user limit (1-256).

                            Step 6UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/web-session-limits* # set totalsessions total-sessions  

                            Sets the total sessions limit (1-256).

                            Step 7UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/web-session-limits* # commit-buffer  

                            Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                            The following example:
                            • Scopes into the domain group root (which has an existing web sessions limit policy by default)

                            • Sets the sessions per user limit to 12 sessions

                            • Sets the total sessions limit to 144 sessions

                            • Commits the transaction

                            UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                            UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group /
                            UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # scope web-session-limits
                            UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/web-session-limits # set sessionsperuser 12
                            UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/web-session-limits* # set totalsessions 144
                            UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/web-session-limits* # commit-buffer
                            UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/web-session-limits # 
                            The following example:
                            • Scopes into the domain group domaingroup01

                            • Creates a web sessions limit policy

                            • Sets the sessions per user limit to 12 sessions

                            • Sets the total sessions limit to 144 sessions

                            • Commits the transaction

                            UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                            UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group /
                            UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # create web-session-limits
                            UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/web-session-limits* # set sessionsperuser 12
                            UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/web-session-limits* # set totalsessions 144
                            UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/web-session-limits* # commit-buffer
                            UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/web-session-limits # 
                            What to Do Next

                            Optionally, configure the following remote access policies:

                            • HTTP

                            • Telnet

                            • CIM XML

                            • Interfaces Monitoring Policy

                            Deleting a Web Session Limits Remote Access Policy

                            You can delete a web session limits remote access policy from a sub-domain group in the domain group root. You cannot delete web session limits remote access policies under the domain groups root.

                               Command or ActionPurpose
                              Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

                              Enters policy manager mode.

                              Step 2UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

                              Enters policy manager mode.

                              Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group domain-group  

                              Enters a domain group in the domain group root.


                              Do not enter the domain group root. You cannot delete system default web session limits policies under the domain group root.

                              Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # delete web-session-limits  

                              Deletes the web session limits policy for that domain group.

                              Step 5UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/http* # commit-buffer  

                              Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                              The following example:
                              • Scopes into the domain group domaingroup01

                              • Deletes a web sessions limit policy

                              • Commits the transaction

                              UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                              UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group domaingroup01
                              UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # delete web-session-limits
                              UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/web-session-limits* # commit-buffer
                              UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/web-session-limits # 

                              Configuring CIM XML

                              Configuring a CIM XML Remote Access Policy

                              Before You Begin

                              Create the policy before configuring a CIM XML remote access policy in a sub-domain group. Policies under the domain group root were already created by the system and are ready to configure.

                                 Command or ActionPurpose
                                Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

                                Enters policy manager mode.

                                Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr) # scope domain-group domain-group  

                                Enters domain group root mode and (optionally) enters a sub-domain group under the domain group root. To enter the domain group root mode, type / as the domain-group.

                                Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # create cimxml   (Optional)

                                If scoping into a domain group previously created, it creates the CIM XML policy for that domain group.

                                Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # scope cimxml   (Optional)

                                If scoping into the domain group root previously created, it scopes the default CIM XML's policy's configuration mode from the domain group root.

                                Step 5UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # enable cimxml  

                                Enables CIM XML mode.

                                Step 6UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml* # commit-buffer  

                                Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                                The following example:
                                • Scopes into the domain group root (which has an existing CIM XML policy by default)

                                • Enables CIM XML mode

                                • Commits the transaction

                                UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                                UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group /
                                UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # scope cimxml
                                UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # enable cimxml
                                UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml* # commit-buffer
                                UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # 
                                The following example:
                                • Scopes into the domain group domaingroup01

                                • Creates a CIM XML policy

                                • Enables CIM XML mode

                                • Commits the transaction

                                UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                                UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group /
                                UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # create cimxml
                                UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml* # enable cimxml
                                UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml* # commit-buffer
                                UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # 
                                What to Do Next

                                Optionally, configure the following remote access policies:

                                • HTTP

                                • Telnet

                                • Web Session Limits

                                • Interfaces Monitoring Policy

                                Deleting a CIM XML Remote Access Policy

                                You can delete a CIM XML remote access policy from a sub-domain group in the domain group root. You cannot delete CIM XML remote access policies in the domain group root.

                                   Command or ActionPurpose
                                  Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

                                  Enters policy manager mode.

                                  Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group domain-group  

                                  Enters a domain group under the domain group root.


                                  Do not enter the domain group root. You cannot delete system default CIM XML policies under the domain group root.

                                  Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # delete cimxml  

                                  Deletes the CIM XML policy for that domain group.

                                  Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml* # commit-buffer  

                                  Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                                  The following example:
                                  • Scopes into the domain group domaingroup01

                                  • Deletes the CIM XML policy

                                  • Commits the transaction

                                  UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                                  UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group domaingroup01
                                  UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # delete cimxml
                                  UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group* # commit-buffer
                                  UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # 

                                  Configuring Interfaces Monitoring

                                  Configuring an Interfaces Monitoring Remote Access Policy

                                  Before You Begin

                                  Create the monitoring remote access policy before configuring it in a domain group. Policies in the domain group root were already created by the system and are ready to configure.

                                     Command or ActionPurpose
                                    Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

                                    Enters policy manager mode.

                                    Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr) # scope domain-group domain-group  

                                    Enters domain group root mode and (optionally) enters a sub-domain group under the domain group root. To enter the domain group root mode, type / as the domain-group.

                                    Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # create mgmt-if-mon-policy   (Optional)

                                    If scoping into a domain group previously created, creates the management interface monitor policy for that domain group.

                                    Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # scope mgmt-if-mon-policy   (Optional)

                                    If scoping into the domain group root previously created, scopes the default management interface monitors policy's configuration mode from the Domain Group root.

                                    Step 5UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # set admin-state enabled | disabled  

                                    Enables or disabled the administrator status mode.

                                    Step 6UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # set arp-deadline arp-response-deadline  

                                    Enter the deadline time in minutes to wait for ARP (Address Resolution Protocol ) responses (5-15).

                                    Step 7UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # set arp-requests arp-requests  

                                    Enter the number of ARP requests (1-5).

                                    Step 8UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # set arp-target1 arp-ip-target-1  

                                    Enter the ARP IP Target1 (in format to remove.

                                    Step 9UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # set arp-target2 arp-ip-target-1  

                                    Enter the ARP IP Target2 (in format to remove.

                                    Step 10UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # set arp-target3 arp-ip-target-1  

                                    Enter the ARP IP Target3 (in format to remove.

                                    Step 11UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # set max-fail-reports arp-ip-target-1  

                                    Enter the number of failure reports at which the interface is considered down (2-5).

                                    Step 12UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # set mii-retry-count mii-retry-count  

                                    Enter the maximum number of retries when using the Media Independent Interface (MII) status to perform monitoring (1-3).

                                    Step 13UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # set mii-retry-interval mii-retry-interval  

                                    Enter the interval between MII status monitoring retries (3-10).

                                    Step 14UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # set monitor-mechanism mii-status | ping-arp-targets | ping-getaway  

                                    Enter the MII monitoring mechanism of MII status (mii-status), ping ARP targets (ping-arp-targets), or ping getaway (ping-getaway).

                                    Step 15UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # set ping-deadline ping-deadline  

                                    Enter the deadline time to wait for ping responses (5-15).

                                    Step 16UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # set ping-requests ping-requests  

                                    Enter the number of ping requests (1-5).

                                    Step 17UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml # set poll-interval poll-interval  

                                    Enter the polling interval in seconds (90-300).

                                    Step 18UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/cimxml* # commit-buffer  

                                    Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                                    The following example:
                                    • Scopes into the domain group root (which has an existing Management Interfaces Monitoring policy by default)

                                    • Enables Management Interfaces Monitoring mode

                                    • Enters the status settings

                                    • Commits the transaction

                                    UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group /
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # scope mgmt-if-mon-policy
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy # set admin-state enabled
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set arp-deadline 5
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set arp-requests 1
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set arp-target1
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set arp-target2
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set arp-target3
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set max-fail-reports 2
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set mii-retry-count 1
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set mii-retry-interval 3
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set monitor-mechanism ping-getaway
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set ping-deadline 5
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set ping-requests 1
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set poll-interval 90
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # commit-buffer
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy # 
                                    The following example:
                                    • Scopes into the domain group domaingroup01

                                    • Creates the Management Interfaces Monitoring policy

                                    • Enters the status settings

                                    • Commits the transaction

                                    UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group domaingroup01
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # create mgmt-if-mon-policy
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set admin-state enabled
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set arp-deadline 15
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set arp-requests 5
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set arp-target1
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set arp-target2
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set arp-target3
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set max-fail-reports 5
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set mii-retry-count 3
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set mii-retry-interval 10
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set monitor-mechanism ping-getaway
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set ping-deadline 15
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set ping-requests 5
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # set poll-interval 300
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy* # commit-buffer
                                    UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group/mgmt-if-mon-policy # 
                                    What to Do Next

                                    Optionally, configure the following remote access policies:

                                    • HTTP

                                    • Telnet

                                    • Web Session Limits

                                    • CIM XML

                                    Deleting an Interfaces Monitoring Remote Access Policy

                                    You can delete an interfaces monitoring remote access policy from a sub-domain group in the domain group root. You cannot delete interfaces monitoring remote access policies under the domain group root.

                                       Command or ActionPurpose
                                      Step 1UCSC# connect policy-mgr  

                                      Enters policy manager mode.

                                      Step 2UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group domain-group  

                                      Enters a domain group under the domain group root.


                                      Do not enter the domain group root. You cannot delete system default Management Interfaces Monitoring policies in the domain group root.

                                      Step 3UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # delete mgmt-if-mon-policy  

                                      Deletes the Management Interfaces Monitoring policy for that domain group.

                                      Step 4UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group* # commit-buffer  

                                      Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                                      The following example:
                                      • Scopes into the domain group domaingroup01

                                      • Deletes the Management Interfaces Monitoring policy

                                      • Commits the transaction

                                      UCSC # connect policy-mgr
                                      UCSC(policy-mgr)# scope domain-group /
                                      UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group # delete mgmt-if-mon-policy
                                      UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group* # commit-buffer
                                      UCSC(policy-mgr) /domain-group #