VMware Host Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

Add Datastore to VMWare Datastore Cluster

Adds a datastore to a datastore cluster.
This task adds a datastore to a datastore cluster. When you add a datastore to a datastore cluster, the datastore's resources become part of the datastore cluster's resources.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Datastore Cluster Select Datastore Cluster vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity Y
Datastores Select the datastores vmware​Multi​Datastore​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​NAME Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
DATASTORE_​NAME VMware Datastore Name vmware​Datastore​Name
DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Datastore name identity vmware​Datastore​Identity
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity

Add HostNode to vFiler NFS Export

Add host node to the NFS Export rule to access the volume.
This task will add the selected host node to the NFS Export rule of the selected export path and give permissions to access the volume. This task will work for both ONTAP and OnCommand accounts.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Export Path Enter the path that will be exported to NFS clients.​ gen_​text_​input
Actual Path Enter the actual path mounted when the NFS client mounts the exported path.​ v​Filer​Volume​Identity Y
Select Host Select the Host for which action need to be performed vmware​Host​Multi​Select Y
Port​Group Type Specify type of Port Group in use : Virtual Portgroup or Distributed Virtual Portgroup port​Group​Type Y
v​Lan Id Enter v​Lan Id.​ vlan​ID Y
Security Select the security flavors that apply for this export.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Persist NFS Export Rule Check this option to persist NFS Export rule.​ Y
nosuid nosuid
Output Description Type
NFS_​EXPORT_​PATH NFS Export Path gen_​text_​input
VFILER_​NAME v​Filer Name gen_​text_​input

Add Hosts to VMWare dvSwitch

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select the cloud name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Datacenter Name Select the Datacenter name .​ datacenter​Name Y
DVSwitch Name Select the DVSwitch to which hosts need to added.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Select Hosts Select Hosts to be added to the dv​Switch.​ vmware​Host​Multi​Select Y
uplink​Port​Group Name Select the uplink Port​Group to which free host PNICs need to be migrated to.​ uplink​Port​Group​Lov​List Y
Associate free PNICs Associate free PNICs
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​DVSWITCH_​NAME dv​Switch Name dv​Switch​Name
OUTPUT_​HOST_​LIST Comma-separated hosts.​ vmware​Host​Multi​Select
OUTPUT_​VDS_​UPLINK_​PORTGROUP_​NAME VMware DVSwitch Uplink Port Group uplink​Port​Group​Lov​List

Apply VMware Host Profile

Applies a host profile to a host.
This task applies a host profile to a host.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select cloud name on which host profile to be applied gen_​text_​input Y
Host Profile Name Select Host Profile Name vmware​Host​Profile​Name Y
Attached Host Select the host on which profile will be applied vmware​Host​Node​Identity Y
Output Description Type
HOST_​PROFILE_​NAME Host Profile Name gen_​text_​input
HOST_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Host Profile Identity vmware​Host​Profile​Name
HOST_​NAME Host Name vm​Host
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​HOST_​NODE_​IDENTITY VMware Host Node Identity vmware​Host​Node​Identity

Assign Resource Pool to Group

Assigns a resource pool to a group local to the UCS Director appliance.
This tasks assigns a resource pool to a group. A group is a logical grouping of resources. A resource pool can be assigned to a group. All users within the group have access to the assigned resource pool.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Resource Pool Select the resource pool name as parent.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Assign To Users Select this option to allow resource assignment to users.​
User Group ID Select the group to assign to resource pool.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Comments Enter comments gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​GROUP_​ID Group ID user​Group
RESOURCE_​POOL_​IDENTITY Resource pool name identity vmware​Resource​Pool​Identity

Assign VMWare VMs from Resource Pool to VDC

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select cloud name vmware​Account​Name Y
Resource Pool Select the resource pool vmware​Resource​Pool​Identity Y
v​DC Name Select v​DC to which VMs to migrated v​DC Y
Output Description Type
RESOURCE_​POOL_​IDENTITY Resource pool name identity vmware​Resource​Pool​Identity
OUTPUT_​VDC ID of the VDC on which the selected operation was performed v​DC

Assign VMware Datastore Cluster to Group

Assign datastore cluster to group.
This task assigns a datastore cluster to a group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Datastore Cluster Select Datastore Cluster vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity Y
Assign To Users Select this option to allow resource assignment to users.​
User Group ID Select the group to assign to datastore.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Comments Enter comments gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​GROUP_​ID Group ID user​Group
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity

Assign VMware Datastore to Group

Assigns a datastore to a group local to the UCS Director appliance.
This task assigns a datastore to a group. A group is a logical grouping of datastores. A datastore can be assigned to a group. All users within the group have access to the assigned datastore.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Datastore Select the datastore name as parent.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Assign To Users Select this option to allow resource assignment to users.​
User Group ID Select the group to assign to datastore.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Comments Enter comments gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​GROUP_​ID Group ID user​Group
DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Datastore name identity vmware​Datastore​Identity

Associate Hosts to DVSwitch

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
DVSwitch Name Select the DVSwitch to associate hosts.​ VMware​DVSwitch​Identity Y
Select Host/Cluster Select the Host/Cluster to perform operation.​ vmware​Hostor​Cluster Y
Select Cluster Select the Cluster to associate compatible hosts on cluster to DVSwitch.​ vmware​Cluster​Identity Y
Select Host Node Select the compatible Hosts to assocaite to DVSwitch.​ vmware​Host​Node​Identity Y
uplink​Port​Group Name Select the uplink Port​Group to which free host PNICs need to be migrated to.​ uplink​Port​Group​Lov​List Y
Associate free PNICs Associate free PNICs
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​DVSWITCH_​NAME dv​Switch Name dv​Switch​Name
OUTPUT_​HOST_​LIST Comma-separated hosts.​ vmware​Host​Multi​Select
OUTPUT_​VDS_​UPLINK_​PORTGROUP_​NAME VMware DVSwitch Uplink Port Group uplink​Port​Group​Lov​List
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DVSWITCH_​IDENTITY Identity of the DVSwitch VMware​DVSwitch​Identity
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Cluster Identity vmware​Cluster​Identity

Attach Host to VMware Host Profile

Attaches a host to a host profile.
This task attaches a host to a host profile. The host profile can be applied to an attached host.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select cloud gen_​text_​input Y
Select Host Select the host to be attached to the host profile vmware​Host​Node​Identity Y
Select Host Profile Select Host Profile to which Host to be attached vmware​Host​Profile​Name Y
Output Description Type
HOST_​PROFILE_​NAME Host Profile Name gen_​text_​input
HOST_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Host Profile Identity vmware​Host​Profile​Name
HOST_​NAME Host Name vm​Host
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​HOST_​NODE_​IDENTITY VMware Host Node Identity vmware​Host​Node​Identity

Cleanup Host

Clean up VCenter account-related details on a host.
This task executes scripts on a host to remove cluster and VCenter account details.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Datacenter Name Select VSAN Cluster vsan​VMware​Datacenter​Identity Y
Cluster Enter Cluster Name gen_​text_​input Y
Host Node Enter Host Node gen_​text_​input Y
Host User ID Enter Host User ID gen_​text_​input Y
Host Password Enter Host Password password Y
No Outputs

Collect VMware Host Profile Inventory

Collect a host profile inventory.
This task collects a VMware host profile inventory for a account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select the cloud name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

Collect VMware Inventory

Collect VMware inventory for cloud accounts.
Collects VMware inventory for the selected cloud accounts. This task triggers cloud account inventory system task and waits for the task to complete. This task is deprecated. Instead, use Collect VMware Object Inventory without selecting any object type for full Inventory.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VMware Account Select VMware Accounts for which inventory need to be collected.​ vmware​Cloud​Names​Multi​Select​List Y
No Outputs

Collect VMware Object Inventory

Collect VMware inventory for the selected object types in a cloud account.
This task collects VMware inventory for the selected objects in the cloud account. If only the account is selected and none of the object types are selected, then a full inventory is performed.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VMware Account Select VMware Account for which inventory need to be collected.​ vmware​Account​Name
Datacenter Datacenter
Datastore Inventory All Datastores for Inventory
Datastore Select the datastore for inventory, by default all of it is selected vmware​Multi​Datastore​Identity
Host Inventory All Hosts for Inventory
Host​Node Select the hostnode for inventory, by default all of it is selected vmware​Host​Node​Identity
Cluster Inventory All Cluster for Inventory
Cluster Select the cluster for inventory, by default all of it is selected vmware​Multi​Cluster​Identity
Resource​Pool Inventory All Resource​Pool for Inventory
Resource​Pool Select the resourcepool for inventory, by default all of it is selected vmware​Resource​Pool​Multi​Select
Dv​Switch Inventory Dv​Switch for Inventory
Dv​Switch Select the dvswitch for inventory, by default all of it is selected VMware​DVSwitch​Identity
Virtual Machine Inventory Virtual Machine for Inventory
Select VM Select the VM, by default all of it is selected multi​VM
Virtual​Switch Inventory Virtual​Switch Inventory
Select v​Switch Select the v​Switch, by default all of it is selected vmware​VSwitch​Identity
No Outputs

Configure VMware Host Security Profile

Configure a VMware host security profile.
This task configures security profiles such as SSH and ESXi SSH services for the VMware host.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Host Select the host to be configured vmware​Host​Node​Identity Y
ESXi SSH Service ESXi SSH Service VMware​Enable​Disable​ESXISsh
SSH Service SSH Service VMware​Enable​Disable​SSH
Startup Policy Select Startup Policy vmware​ESXIShell​Startup​Policy​Selector Y
Select Service Select Service vmware​ESXIShell​Services​Selector Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
HOST_​NAME Host Name vmware​Host​Multi​Select
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​HOST_​NODE_​IDENTITY VMware Host Node Identity vmware​Host​Node​Identity

Create Datastore Cluster DRS Rule

Creates a datastore cluster DRS rule.
This task creates a new VMware datastore cluster DRS rule.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Name of the Rule gen_​text_​input Y
Select Datastore Cluster Select the datastore Cluster vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity Y
Type Select a type vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Rule​Type​Selector
Status Enable or Disable vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Rule​Status​Selector
Select VMs Select the VMs for which rule has to be applied multi​VM Y
Select VM Disks Select the VMs for which rule has to be applied vmware​VMDisk​Identity Y
Proceed with Conflicts Proceed with Conflicts vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Proceed​With​Conflicts
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​NAME Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​RULE_​NAME Datastore Cluster Rule Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​RULE_​IDENTITY Datastore Cluster Rule Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Rule​Identity
OUTPUT_​VM_​IDS VM IDs gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VM_​DISKS VM Disks gen_​text_​input

Create Resource Pool

Creates a new resource pool on the selected host node or cluster.
This task creates a resource pool that provides a way to divide the resources of a stand-alone host or a cluster into smaller pools. A resource pool is configured with a set of CPU and memory resources that the virtual machines that run in the resource pool share. Virtual machines execute in, and draw their resources from, resource pools. This arrangement allows virtual machine workloads to continuously balance across resource pools. When the workload increases, The vCenter server automatically allocates additional resources and transparently migrates virtual machines between the hosts in the resource pool.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Parent Resource Pool Select the resource pool name as parent.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Resource Pool Name Enter new resource pool name gen_​text_​input Y
CPU Resource Shares Select type of share gen_​text_​input Y
New CPU Resource Share Enter new CPU resource share value gen_​text_​input Y
CPU Resource Reservation (MHz) Enter reservation value gen_​text_​input Y
CPU Expandable Reservation Choose CPU Expandable Reservation gen_​text_​input
CPU Resource Limit (MHz) Enter CPU Resource Limit gen_​text_​input Y
CPU Resource Unlimited Choose CPU Resource Unlimited gen_​text_​input
Memory Resource Shares Select type of share gen_​text_​input Y
New Memory Resource Share Enter new Memory resource share value gen_​text_​input Y
Memory Resource Reservation (MB) Enter memory reservation value gen_​text_​input Y
Memory Expandable Reservation Choose Memory Expandable Reservation gen_​text_​input
Memory Resource Limit (MB) Enter Memory Resource Limit gen_​text_​input Y
Memory Resource Unlimited Choose Memory Resource Unlimited gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
HOST_​NAME Host Name vm​Host
RESOURCE_​POOL_​NAME Resource pool name vmware​Resource​Pool​Name
RESOURCE_​POOL_​IDENTITY Resource pool name identity vmware​Resource​Pool​Identity

Create TCP/IP stack on VMWare Host

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Host Host vmare​Host Y
User ID Host User ID gen_​text_​input Y
Password Host Password password Y
TCP/IP Stack Name TCP/IP Stack Name gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​TCPIP_​STACK_​IDENTITY TCP/IP Stack Identity vmware​Host​Tcp​Ip​Stack​Identity

Create VMware Cluster

Creates a VMware cluster.
This task creates a VMware cluster on a datacenter.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select the cloud name to create the new cluster.​ vmware​Account​Name Y
Datacenter Name Select the Datacenter name in which the cluster need to be created.​ datacenter​Name Y
Cluster Name Enter cluster name to be created.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Enable DRS On selecting this option DRS will be enabled on the cluster created.​
Automation Level Automation Level
Migration Threshold vmotion​Rate - Ratings vary from 1 to 5
Power Management Power Management
DPM Threshold Power Action Rate - Ratings vary from 1 to 5
Enable Admission Control On selecting this option admission control will be enabled on the cluster created.​
Enable DAS On selecting this option DAS will be enabled on the cluster created.​
DAS Option Select the DAS option.​
DAS Option Value Enter DAS option value.​
Swap File Location Swap​File Policy for Virtual Machines
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​NAME Cluster Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Cluster Identity vmware​Cluster​Identity

Create VMware DRS Group

Adds a DRS group to a cluster.
This task adds a DRS group to a cluster. It can be a group of VMs or hosts.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Cluster Select Cluster vmware​Cluster​Identity Y
Name Name of the Group gen_​text_​input Y
Type Select a type vmware​DRSGroup​Type​Selector
Select VM Select the VMs for which rule has to be applied multi​VM
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​NAME Cluster Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DRS_​GROUP_​NAME DRS Group Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DRS_​GROUP_​IDENTITY DRS Group Identity vmware​DRSGroup​Identity

Create VMware DRS Rule

Adds a DRS rule to a cluster.
This task adds a VM affinity or anti-affinity (DRS) rule to a cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Cluster Select Cluster vmware​Cluster​Identity Y
Name Name of the Rule gen_​text_​input Y
Type Select a type vmware​DRSRule​Type​Selector
Status Enable or Disable vmware​DRSRule​Status​Selector
Select VM Select the VMs for which rule has to be applied multi​VM
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​NAME Cluster Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DRS_​RULE_​NAME DRS Rule Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DRS_​RULE_​IDENTITY DRS Rule Identity vmware​DRSRule​Identity

Create VMware Datastore Cluster

Creates a datastore cluster.
This task creates a new datastore cluster. A datastore cluster is a group of datastores. The datastore cluster manages the resources of all datastores within it.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select the cloud name to create Datastore cluster.​ vmware​Account​Name Y
Datastore Cluster Name Enter Datastore Cluster Name gen_​text_​input Y
Datacenter Name Select the Datacenter name.​ vmware​Datacenter​Name Y
Datastores Select the datastores vmware​Multi​Datastore​Identity Y
Enable Storage DRS Enable Storage DRS VMware​Enable​Storage​DRS Y
Enable I/O metric for SDRS Recommendations Enable I/O metric for SDRS Recommendations VMware​Enable​IO_​METRIC Y
Automation Level Select the Automation Level vmware​Storage​DRSAutomation​Level Y
Utilized Space(%) Storage DRS Thresholds gen_​text_​input Y
I/O Latency(ms) Storage DRS Thresholds gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​NAME Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity

Create VMware Host Profile

Creates a host profile from a host.
This task creates a host profile from a reference host.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select cloud name on which host profile to be created gen_​text_​input Y
Host Profile Name Enter Host Profile Name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter Host Profile Description gen_​text_​input
Reference Host Select the reference host vmware​Host​Node​Identity Y
Output Description Type
HOST_​PROFILE_​NAME Host Profile Name gen_​text_​input
HOST_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Host Profile Identity vmware​Host​Profile​Name
HOST_​NAME Host Name vm​Host
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​HOST_​NODE_​IDENTITY VMware Host Node Identity vmware​Host​Node​Identity

Delete Datastore Cluster

Deletes a datastore cluster.
This task deletes a datastore cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Datastore Cluster Select Datastore Cluster vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​NAME Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity

Delete VMware DRS Group

Deletes a DRS group from a cluster.
This task deletes DRS group in a cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select DRS Group Select DRS Group vmware​DRSGroup​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​NAME Cluster Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DRS_​GROUP_​NAME DRS Group Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DRS_​GROUP_​IDENTITY DRS Group Identity vmware​DRSGroup​Identity

Delete VMware DRS Rule

Deletes a DRS rule from a cluster.
This task deletes a VM affinity or anti-affinity (DRS) rule from a cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select DRS Rule Select DRS Rule vmware​DRSRule​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​NAME Cluster Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DRS_​RULE_​NAME DRS Rule Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DRS_​RULE_​IDENTITY DRS Rule Identity vmware​DRSRule​Identity

Delete VMware Datastore Cluster DRS Rule

Delete a datastore cluster DRS rule.
This task deletes a VMware datastore cluster DRS rule.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Datastore Cluster Select the datastore Cluster vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity Y
Select Rule Select the VMs for which rule has to be applied vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Rule​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​NAME Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​RULE_​NAME Datastore Cluster Rule Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​RULE_​IDENTITY Datastore Cluster Rule Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Rule​Identity

Delete VMware Host Profile

Deletes a host profile from an account.
This task deletes a host profile from a vCenter account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select cloud name gen_​text_​input Y
Select Host Profile Select Host Profile to be deleted vmware​Host​Profile​Name Y
No Outputs

Destroy VMWare Resource Pool

Destroys the resource pool on the selected host or cluster.
This task destroys the resource pool on the selected host or cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Resource Pool Select the resource pool name to destroy.​ gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

Detach VMware Host from Host Profile

Detaches a host from a host profile.
This task detaches a host from a host profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select cloud gen_​text_​input Y
Select Host Profile Select Host Profile from which Host to be detached vmware​Host​Profile​Name Y
Select Host Select the host to be detached from the host profile vmware​Host​Node​Identity Y
Output Description Type
HOST_​PROFILE_​NAME Host Profile Name gen_​text_​input
HOST_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Host Profile Identity vmware​Host​Profile​Name
HOST_​NAME Host Name vm​Host
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​HOST_​NODE_​IDENTITY VMware Host Node Identity vmware​Host​Node​Identity

Edit TCP/IP stack on VMWare Host

Edit a TCP/IP stack on a VMWare host
This task modifies a TCP\IP stack on a VMWare host.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
TCP/IP Stack Select TCP/IP Stack vmware​Host​Tcp​Ip​Stack​Identity Y
Obtain Settings automatically from VMkernel Network Adapter Obtain Settings automatically from VMkernel Network Adapter Boolean
VMkernel Network Adapter Select the Host VMkernel Network Adapter vmwarevmk​Nic​Identity Y
Preferred DNS Server Preferred DNS Server gen_​text_​input
Alternate DNS Server Alternate DNS Server gen_​text_​input
Search Domains Search Domains gen_​text_​input
VMkernel Gateway VMkernel Gateway gen_​text_​input
IPv6 VMkernel Gateway IPv6 VMkernel Gateway gen_​text_​input
Congestion Control Algorithm Congestion Control Algorithm vmware​Congestion​Control​Algo​Type​Selector
Max.​ number of connections Max.​ number of connections gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​TCPIP_​STACK_​IDENTITY TCP/IP Stack Identity vmware​Host​Tcp​Ip​Stack​Identity

Enable or Disable VMware VMDK Affinity Rule on VM

Enables or disables a VMDK affinity rule on a VM.
This enables or disables a VMDK affinity Rule on a VM.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Datastore Cluster Select the datastore Cluster vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity Y
Status Enable or Disable vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Rule​Status​Selector
Select VMs Select the VMs for which rule has to be applied multi​VM Y
Proceed with Conflicts Proceed with Conflicts vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Proceed​With​Conflicts
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​NAME Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
OUTPUT_​VM_​IDS VM IDs gen_​text_​input

Enable/Disable VMWare HA

Enable or disable HA.
This task enables or disables high availability (HA).
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Cluster Select Cluster vmware​Cluster​Identity Y
Enable HA Enable/Disable HA Boolean
Host Monitoring Enable/Disable Host Monitoring
Admission Control Enable/Disable Admission Control
Host Isolation Response Host Isolation Response
VM Monitoring VM Monitoring
Datastore Heartbeating Datastore Heartbeating
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​NAME Cluster Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Cluster Identity vmware​Cluster​Identity

Enable/Disable VMware DRS

Enables or disables DRS on a cluster.
This task turns on or turns off DRS on a cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Cluster Select Cluster vmware​Cluster​Identity Y
Enable DRS Enable/Disable DRS Boolean
DRS Automation Level Select DRS Automation Level
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​NAME Cluster Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Cluster Identity vmware​Cluster​Identity

Exit Host From VMware Maintenance Mode

Remove a host from maintenance mode.
This task removes a Virtual SAN host from maintenance mode.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name vmware​Account​Name Y
Cluster cluster​List Y
Host Node vmare​Host Y
No Outputs

Get UCS Service Profile vNICs associated to VMware Hosts

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Host Selection Scope Select an option gen_​text_​input Y
VMware Cluster Select Cluster vmware​Cluster​Identity Y
VMware Hosts Select Hosts vmware​Host​Multi​Select Y
Get v​NICs connected to dv​Uplink Select this option to get v​NICs connected to dv​Uplink.​
dv​Uplink Name Select the dv​Uplinks.​ VMware​DVSwitch​Identity Y
Output Description Type
UCS_​MULTI_​SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Multi Service Profile Identity ucs​Multi​Service​Profile​Identity
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​MULTI_​VNIC_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Multi v​NIC Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Multiv​NICIdentity
UCS_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY UCS Account Identity ucs​Account​Identity

Marks disks as local for UCS Virtual SAN

Mark disks as local for a virtual SAN.
This task marks a disk as local for a Virtual SAN. Inputs are a IP address, User ID, and password.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
IP Address Host IP Address gen_​text_​input Y
User ID Host User ID gen_​text_​input Y
Password Host Password password Y
No Outputs

Modify VMware DRS Automation Level

Modifies the DRS automation level on a cluster.
This task modifies the DRS automation level on a cluster. It can be Manual, Partially Automated, or Fully Automated.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Cluster Select Cluster vmware​Cluster​Identity Y
DRS Automation Level Select DRS Automation Level vmware​DRSAutomation​Level Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​NAME Cluster Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Cluster Identity vmware​Cluster​Identity

Modify VMware DRS Group

Modifies a DRS group in a cluster.
This task modifies a DRS group in a cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select DRS Group Select DRS Group vmware​DRSGroup​Identity Y
Select VM Select the VMs for which rule has to be applied multi​VM
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​NAME Cluster Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DRS_​GROUP_​NAME DRS Group Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DRS_​GROUP_​IDENTITY DRS Group Identity vmware​DRSGroup​Identity

Modify VMware DRS Rule

Modifies a DRS rule in a cluster.
This task modifies a VM affinity or anti-affinity (DRS) rule in a cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select DRS Rule Select DRS Rule vmware​DRSRule​Identity Y
Status Enable or Disable vmware​DRSRule​Status​Selector
Select VM Select the VMs for which rule has to be applied multi​VM
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​NAME Cluster Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DRS_​RULE_​NAME DRS Rule Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DRS_​RULE_​IDENTITY DRS Rule Identity vmware​DRSRule​Identity

Modify VMware Datastore Cluster

Modifies a datastore cluster.
This task modifies a datastore cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Datastore Cluster Select Datastore Cluster vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity Y
Enable Storage DRS Enable Storage DRS VMware​Enable​Storage​DRS Y
Enable I/O metric for SDRS Recommendations Enable I/O metric for SDRS Recommendations VMware​Enable​IO_​METRIC Y
Automation Level Select the Automation Level vmware​Storage​DRSAutomation​Level Y
Utilized Space(%) Storage DRS Thresholds gen_​text_​input Y
I/O Latency(ms) Storage DRS Thresholds gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​NAME Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity

Modify VMware Datastore Cluster DRS Rule

Modify a datastore cluster DRS rule.
This task modifies a VMware datastore cluster DRS rule.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Datastore Cluster Select the datastore Cluster vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity Y
Select Rule Select the VMs for which rule has to be applied vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Rule​Identity Y
Type Select a type vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Rule​Type​Selector
Status Enable or Disable vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Rule​Status​Selector
Select VMs Select the VMs for which rule has to be applied multi​VM Y
Select VM Disks Select the VMs for which rule has to be applied vmware​VMDisk​Identity Y
Proceed with Conflicts Proceed with Conflicts vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Proceed​With​Conflicts
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​NAME Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​RULE_​NAME Datastore Cluster Rule Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​RULE_​IDENTITY Datastore Cluster Rule Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Rule​Identity
OUTPUT_​VM_​IDS VM IDs gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VM_​DISKS VM Disks gen_​text_​input

Modify VMware Resource Pool

Modifies the resource pool on the selected host or cluster.
This task modifies the resource pool on the selected host or cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Resource Pool Select the resource pool name to modify.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Rename Resource Pool Rename resource pool.​ gen_​text_​input
CPU Resource Shares Select type of share gen_​text_​input Y
New CPU Resource Share Enter new CPU resource share value gen_​text_​input Y
CPU Resource Reservation (MHz) Enter reservation value gen_​text_​input Y
CPU Expandable Reservation Choose CPU Expandable Reservation gen_​text_​input
CPU Resource Limit (MHz) Enter CPU Resource Limit gen_​text_​input Y
CPU Resource Unlimited Choose CPU Resource Unlimited gen_​text_​input
Memory Resource Shares Select type of share gen_​text_​input Y
New Memory Resource Share Enter new Memory resource share value gen_​text_​input Y
Memory Resource Reservation (MB) Enter memory reservation value gen_​text_​input Y
Memory Expandable Reservation Choose Memory Expandable Reservation gen_​text_​input
Memory Resource Limit (MB) Enter Memory Resource Limit gen_​text_​input Y
Memory Resource Unlimited Choose Memory Resource Unlimited gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
HOST_​NAME Host Name vm​Host
RESOURCE_​POOL_​NAME Resource pool name vmware​Resource​Pool​Name
RESOURCE_​POOL_​IDENTITY Resource pool name identity vmware​Resource​Pool​Identity

Mount NFS Datastore

Creates a Datastore with the specified remote NFS path for the selected host node.
This task creates an NFS datastore with the specified storage path from the storage server for the selected host.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Storage IP Address Server IP Address gen_​text_​input Y
Host Name Host Name vmware​Host​Multi​Select Y
NFS Path NFS Path gen_​text_​input Y
Datastore Name Datastore Name gen_​text_​input
Access Mode Access Mode gen_​text_​input Y
Success Criteria Select an option from list to pass the task gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
DATASTORE_​NAME Datastore Name data​Store​Name
HOST_​NAME Host Name vm​Host
DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Datastore Identity vmware​Datastore​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​INFO_​IDENTITY Datastore Info identity gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​HOST_​NODE_​IDENTITY VMware Host Node Identity vmware​Host​Node​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​HOST_​NODE_​NAME Host Node Name.​ vmware​Host​Multi​Select

Register Host with VMWare vCente

Registers a new Host with vCenter.
This task registers a new host within the selected vCenter cloud and also places the host on the specified cluster or datacenter.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select cloud name to register the host node with gen_​text_​input Y
Register PXE Host Select this option to register PXE Host to the cloud
PXEBoot Request ID The PXEBoot Request ID of the Host that is to be registered with the cloud.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Host Node The hode node IPAddress that is to be registered with the cloud gen_​text_​input Y
User ID Host User ID gen_​text_​input Y
Password Host Password password Y
Host License Host License gen_​text_​input
Associate With Associate the selected host with either cluster or data center Y
Cluster/Data Center Select a cluster or data center to which the host node will be associated gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HOST_​IP Host IP vmware​Host​Multi​Select
HOST_​NAME Host Name vm​Host
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​VSWICTH_​IDENTITY Identity of the v​Switch vmware​VSwitch​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​HOST_​NODE_​IDENTITY VMware Host Node Identity vmware​Host​Node​Identity

Register NetApp iSCSI Storage with Hostnode

Registers an iSCSI protocol enabled vFiler IP address to a hostnode
This task registers a new vFiler IP address, which is iSCSI protocol enabled, to the selected hostnode.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Filer Name Filer Name gen_​text_​input Y
Filer/v​Filer Name Select Filer Name or v​Filer Name gen_​text_​input Y
Select SVM Name Select SVM name which is having iscsi enabled lif ipaddresses.​ netapp​Cluster​VServer​Identity Y
i​SCSI Enable IP Address Select a IP Address.​ ipaddress Y
Initiator Name Select the Initiator that needs to be deleted.​ vmware​Host​Storage​Adapter​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HOST_​NODE_​LIST Host Name vmware​Host​Multi​Select

Register VMWare Hosts with Cluster

Register hosts with a cluster.
This task registers hosts with a cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select cloud name to register the host node with gen_​text_​input Y
Datacenter Name Select the Datacenter name in which the cluster need to be created.​ datacenter​Name Y
Cluster Select a cluster to which the host node will be associated gen_​text_​input Y
Select Hosts Select Hosts gen_​text_​input Y
User ID Host User ID gen_​text_​input Y
Password Host Password password Y
Host License Host License gen_​text_​input
Skip Inventory Collection Inventory Collection for Virtual Account is skipped after Host Registration Boolean
Skip Failed Host Registration Host Registration Failure continues in case of Multiple Hosts Boolean
Output Description Type
HOST_​NAME Host Name vmware​Host​Multi​Select
OUTPUT_​HOST_​LIST Host List vmware​Host​Node​Identity
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​HOST_​LIST Datacenter Host List vmware​Host​Node​Identity

Remove Hosts from VMware dvSwitch

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select the cloud name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Datacenter Name Select the Datacenter name .​ datacenter​Name Y
DVSwitch Name Select the DVSwitch from which hosts need to removed.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Select Hosts Select Hosts to be removed from the dv​Switch.​ vmware​Host​Multi​Select Y
Force Remove Select to force remove hosts
Enter Maintenance mode Select to enter hosts into maintenance mode
Power Off VMs Select to power off VMs on the selected host.​
Power Off VMs(If selected host is alone in the cluster) Select to power off VMs, if the selected host is the only host in the cluster
Power Off VMs after wait time Select to power off VMs, if maintenance mode takes more than selected minutes
Wait Time(in minutes) Time to allow maintenance mode to finish before powering off vms.​
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​DVSWITCH_​NAME dv​Switch Name dv​Switch​Name
OUTPUT_​HOST_​LIST Comma-separated hosts.​ vmware​Host​Multi​Select

Remove VMware Cluster

Removes a cluster.
This task removes a cluster from a datacenter.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Cluster Select Cluster vmware​Cluster​Identity Y
No Outputs

Remove VMware Datastore from Datastore Cluste

Removes a datastore from a datastore cluster.
This task removes a datastore from datastore cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Datastore Cluster Select Datastore Cluster vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity Y
Datastores Select the datastores vmware​Multi​Datastore​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​NAME Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
DATASTORE_​NAME VMware Datastore Name vmware​Datastore​Name
DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Datastore name identity vmware​Datastore​Identity
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity

Select VMware Cluster

Selects a VMware cluster to map in a workflow.
This task selects a VMware cluster and gets the properties to map them further in a workflow.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Cluster Select Cluster vmware​Cluster​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​NAME Cluster Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Cluster Identity vmware​Cluster​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​IDENTITY VMware Datacenter Identity datacenter​Identity
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​TOTAL_​HOST_​NODES Total Number of host nodes gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HOST_​LIST Comma-separated hosts.​ vmware​Host​Multi​Select
OUTPUT_​HOST_​NAMES_​LIST Comma-separated host names.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VM_​IDS VM IDs gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​RESOURCE_​POOL_​IDENTITY_​LIST Comma seperated resource pool identities vmware​Resource​Pool​Multi​Select
OUTPUT_​RESOURCE_​POOL_​NAME_​LIST Comma seperated resource pool names gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HA_​STATUS HA Enabled status gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DRS_​STATUS DRS Enabled status gen_​text_​input

Select VMware Resource Cluster

Lists cluster resource output.
This task ouputs a list of hostnodes under the selected cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Cluster Select Cluster vmware​Cluster​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​HOST_​NODE_​IDENTITY VMware Host Node Identity vmware​Host​Node​Identity
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY Cluster Identity vmware​Cluster​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATACENTER_​NAME VMware Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
OUTPUT_​CLUSTER_​NAME Cluster Name gen_​text_​input

Unassign VMWare Datastore Cluster from Group

Unassign a datastore cluster from a group.
This task unassigns a datastore cluster from a group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Datastore Cluster Select Datastore Cluster vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity Y
No Outputs

Unassign VMWare Resource Pool from Group

Unassigns a resource pool from a group local to the UCS Director appliance.
This task unassigns the resource pool from the selected group. Users within the selected group can no longer access the resource pool.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Resource Pool Select the resource pool name as parent.​ gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

Unassign VMware Datastore from Group

Unassigns a datastore from a group local to the UCS Director appliance.
This task unassigns the datastore from the selected group. Users within the selected group can no longer access the datastore.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Datastore Select the datastore name as parent.​ gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

Unregister Host from VMware vCenter

Removes a host from vCenter.
This task removes a host from the vCenter.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select the cloud name to remove the host.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Host Node The hode node IPAddress to remove from v​Center.​ gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

VMWare ISO Image Collector

Collects ISO images.
This task collects ISO images from the selected datastores.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Policy Select Policy vmware​Mark​Datastorefor​ISOs Y
No Outputs

VMware Remove Datastore from Host

Removes a datastore from the host.
This task removes a datastore from the specified host.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Host Select the Host for which datastore need to be removed vmware​Host​Multi​Select Y
Select Datastore Select datastore to be removed gen_​text_​input
Success Criteria Select an option from list to pass the task gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs