Hyper-V Policy Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

Hyper-V - Add NIC to VDC Network Policy

Add a NIC to a Hyper-V network policy.
This task adds a NIC to a Hyper-V network policy for a Hyper-V account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Policy Name Hyperv​Network​Policies​List Y
NIC Alias NIC Alias gen_​text_​input Y
Mandatory Mandatory or Optional Boolean
Allow end user to choose VM Networks Selecting this option enables end user to choose vm networks during provisioning Boolean
Adapter Type Select adapter type Hyper​VAdapter​Types Y
Network Name Select Network Name hyperv​VMNetwork​Identity Y
Enable MAC Spoofing Select if need to enable the MAC spoofing Boolean
Enable VLAN Select if need to assign VLAN for the NIC Boolean
VLAN ID VLAN ID gen_​text_​input
Use DHCP Select if DHCP is used for VM IP address allocation Boolean
Static IP Pool Select an IP pool hyperv​Ip​Pool​Identity
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERV_​NETWORK_​POLICY_​NAME Hyper-V Network Policy Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERV_​NIC_​ALIAS Hyper-V NIC Alias gen_​text_​input

Hyper-V - Create VDC Computing Policy

Create a Hyper-V computing policy.
This task creates a Hyper-V computing policy for the selected Hyper-V account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Policy Name Policy Name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Policy Description Policy Description.​ gen_​text_​input
Cloud Name Cloud for which policies apply.​ hyperv​Account​Name Y
Host Node/Cluster Scope Specify type of Host​Node/Cluster scope, include/exclude or all? scope​Type​Computing
Associate SCVMM Cloud Associate Provisioned VM with SCVMM Cloud gen_​text_​input
Allow Migration to Different CPU Type Override Template Properties.​ Boolean
Filter Conditions Select one or more filter conditions
Deployment Options Deployment Options
Override Template Override Template Properties.​ Boolean
Number of v​CPUs Number of v​CPUs gen_​text_​input Y
Enable Dynamic Memory Memory Configuration Boolean Y
Resizing Options Resizing Options
Allow Resizing of VM Allow resizing of VMs provisioned using this policy? Boolean
Permitted Values for v​CPUs Comma separated list of number of v​CPUs, example: 1,2,4 gen_​text_​input Y
Permitted Values for Memory in MB Comma separated list of memory values in MB, example: 512,1024,2048 gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERV_​COMPUTE_​POLICY_​NAME Hyper-V Computing Policy Name gen_​text_​input

Hyper-V - Create VDC Networking Policy

Create a Hyper-V network policy.
This task creates a Hyper-V network policy for a Hyper-V account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Policy Name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Policy Description gen_​text_​input
Select Hyper​V Cloud Select name of the Hyper​V Cloud in this system hyperv​Account​Name Y
Allow end user to select optional NICs Selecting this option enables end user to select optional NICs during provisioning Boolean
VM Nic(s) Add one or more NICs hyperv​VMNics​Form​Managed​List
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERV_​NETWORK_​POLICY_​NAME Hyper-V Network Policy Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERV_​NIC_​ALIAS Hyper-V NIC Alias gen_​text_​input

Hyper-V - Create VDC Storage Policy

Create a Hyper-V storage policy.
This task creates a Hyper-V storage policy for a Hyper-V account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Policy Name Policy Name gen_​text_​input Y
Policy Description Policy Description gen_​text_​input
Cloud Name Cloud for which policies apply.​ hyperv​Account​Name Y
Scope Storage Scope.​
Data Stores Scope Specify type of data store scope: include/exclude or all hyperv​Datastore​Scope Y
Selected Data Stores List of data stores selected for include/exclude hyperv​Multi​Datastore
Use CSV Select if Cluster Shared Volumes are to be used for VM Storage allocation Boolean
Storage Options Select from the storage options below.​
Use Local Storage Select if local storage to be used for VM storage allocation Boolean
Use SAN Select if SAN storage to be used for VM storage allocation Boolean
Use SMB Select if SMB storage to be used for VM storage allocation Boolean
Filter Conditions Select one or more filter conditions
Deployment Options Deployment Options
Override Template Select if template properties to be overridden Boolean
Use Dynamic Provisioning Select if Dynamic Provisioning to be used during VM storage allocation Boolean
Custom Disk Size (GB) Custom Disk Size (GB) gen_​text_​input
Resizing Options for VM lifecycle Post Deployment Resizing Options
Allow Resizing of Disk Allow resizing of disk provisioned using this policy? Boolean
Permitted Values for Disk in GB Comma separated list of disk size values in GB, example: 10,50,100 gen_​text_​input
Allow user to select datastores from scope Select if user is allowed to choose datastores during SR creation Boolean
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERV_​STORAGE_​POLICY_​NAME Hyper-V Storage Policy Name gen_​text_​input

Hyper-V - Create VDC System Policy

Create a Hyper-V system policy.
This task creates a Hyper-V system policy for a Hyper-V account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Policy Name Policy Name gen_​text_​input Y
Policy Description Enter description of policy gen_​text_​input
Power On after deploy Enable this option to power the VM after deployment Boolean
VM Name Template VM Name Template gen_​text_​input Y
Disable VM Name Uniqueness Check VM name uniqueness check is skipped when this field is selected Boolean
Recycle VM Name Reuse old VM names Boolean
End User VM Name or VM Prefix Allow end user to provide VM Name or VM Prefix? Boolean
Host Name Template Host Name Template gen_​text_​input Y
Disable Host Name Uniqueness Check VM host name uniqueness check is skipped when this field is selected Boolean
Recycle Host Name Reuse old Host names Boolean
End User Host Name or Host Prefix Allow end user to provide Host Name or Host Prefix? Boolean
Time Zone Select time zone hyperv​Time​Zone Y
GUI Run Once Commands Comma separated list of GUI run once commands gen_​text_​input
VM Image Type Select a VM image type hyperv​VMImage​Type Y
Linux Parameters
Root Password Root Password password
DNS Domain Name DNS Domain Name gen_​text_​input
Windows Parameters
Product ID Enter product ID gen_​text_​input
Username Enter username gen_​text_​input
Administrator Password Enter administrator password password
Organization Name Enter organization Name gen_​text_​input
Full Name Full Name gen_​text_​input
Domain/Workgroup Domain/Workgroup hyperv​Domain​List
Domain Domain gen_​text_​input
Domain Username Domain Username gen_​text_​input
Domain Password Domain Password gen_​text_​input
Workgroup Workgroup gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERV_​SYSTEM_​POLICY_​NAME Hyper-V System Policy Name gen_​text_​input

Hyper-V - Edit NIC in VDC Network Policy

Edit a NIC in the Hyper-V network policy.
This task edits a NIC in the Hyper-V network policy for a Hyper-V account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Policy Name Policy Name Hyperv​Network​Policies​List Y
NIC Alias NIC Alias gen_​text_​input Y
Mandatory Mandatory or Optional Boolean
Allow end user to choose VM Networks Selecting this option enables end user to choose vm networks during provisioning Boolean
Adapter Type Select adapter type Hyper​VAdapter​Types Y
Modify VM Networks Add or Edit VM Networks in the NIC Boolean
Add/Edit VM Network
Add/Edit VM Network Select whether to add new VM Network or edit existing VM Network gen_​text_​input
VM Networks Associated with NIC VM Networks associated with NIC hyperv​VMNetwork​Identity
VM Network Select VM Network hyperv​VMNetwork​Identity
Enable MAC Spoofing Select if need to enable the MAC spoofing Boolean
Enable VLAN Select if need to assign VLAN for the NIC Boolean
VLAN ID VLAN ID gen_​text_​input
Use DHCP Select if DHCP is used for VM IP address allocation Boolean
Static IP Pool Select an IP pool hyperv​Ip​Pool​Identity
Port Classification Select a port classification hyperv​Port​Classification​Identity
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERV_​NETWORK_​POLICY_​NAME Hyper-V Network Policy Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERV_​NIC_​ALIAS Hyper-V NIC Alias gen_​text_​input

Hyper-V - Edit VDC Computing Policy

Modify a Hyper-V computing policy.
This task modifies a Hyper-V computing policy for the selected Hyper-V account and policy name.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Cloud Name Cloud for which policies apply.​ hyperv​Account​Name Y
Policy Name Policy Name.​ hyperv​Compute​Policies​List Y
Policy Description Policy Description.​ gen_​text_​input
Host Node/Cluster Scope Specify type of Host​Node/Cluster scope, include/exclude or all? scope​Type​Computing
Associate SCVMM Cloud Associate Provisioned VM with SCVMM Cloud gen_​text_​input
Allow Migration to Different CPU Type Override Template Properties.​ Boolean
Filter Conditions Select one or more filter conditions
Deployment Options Deployment Options
Override Template Override Template Properties.​ Boolean
Number of v​CPUs Number of v​CPUs gen_​text_​input Y
Enable Dynamic Memory Memory Configuration Boolean Y
Resizing Options Resizing Options
Allow Resizing of VM Allow resizing of VMs provisioned using this policy? Boolean
Permitted Values for v​CPUs Comma separated list of number of v​CPUs, example: 1,2,4 gen_​text_​input Y
Permitted Values for Memory in MB Comma separated list of memory values in MB, example: 512,1024,2048 gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERV_​COMPUTE_​POLICY_​NAME Hyper-V Computing Policy Name gen_​text_​input

Hyper-V - Edit VDC Network Policy

Modify a Hyper-V Network policy.
This task modifies the Hyper-V network policy for the selected Hyper-V account and policy name.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Hyper​V Cloud Select name of the Hyper​V Cloud in this system hyperv​Account​Name Y
Name Policy Name Hyperv​Network​Policies​List Y
Description Policy Description gen_​text_​input
Allow end user to select optional NICs Selecting this option enables end user to select optional NICs during provisioning Boolean
VM Nic(s) Add one or more NICs hyperv​VMNics​Form​Managed​List
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERV_​NETWORK_​POLICY_​NAME Hyper-V Network Policy Name gen_​text_​input

Hyper-V - Edit VDC Storage Policy

Modify a Hyper-V storage policy.
This task modifies a Hyper-V Storage policy for the selected Hyper-V account and policy name.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Cloud Name Cloud for which policies apply.​ hyperv​Account​Name Y
Policy Name Policy Name Hyperv​Storage​Policies​List Y
Policy Description Policy Description gen_​text_​input
Scope Storage Scope.​
Data Stores Scope Specify type of data store scope: include/exclude or all hyperv​Datastore​Scope Y
Selected Data Stores List of data stores selected for include/exclude hyperv​Multi​Datastore
Use CSV Select if Cluster Shared Volumes are to be used for VM Storage allocation Boolean
Storage Options Select from the storage options below.​
Use Local Storage Select if local storage to be used for VM storage allocation Boolean
Use SAN Select if SAN storage to be used for VM storage allocation Boolean
Use SMB Select if SMB storage to be used for VM storage allocation Boolean
Filter Conditions Select one or more filter conditions
Deployment Options Deployment Options
Override Template Select if template properties to be overridden Boolean
Use Dynamic Provisioning Select if Dynamic Provisioning to be used during VM storage allocation Boolean
Custom Disk Size (GB) Custom Disk Size (GB) gen_​text_​input
Resizing Options for VM lifecycle Post Deployment Resizing Options
Allow Resizing of Disk Allow resizing of disk provisioned using this policy? Boolean
Permitted Values for Disk in GB Comma separated list of disk size values in GB, example: 10,50,100 gen_​text_​input
Allow user to select datastores from scope Select if user is allowed to choose datastores during SR creation Boolean
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERV_​STORAGE_​POLICY_​NAME Hyper-V Storage Policy Name gen_​text_​input

Hyper-V - Edit VDC System Policy

Modify a Hyper-V system policy.
This task modifies the Hyper-V System policy with the selected policy name.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Policy Name Policy Name hyperv​System​Policies​List Y
Policy Description Enter description of policy gen_​text_​input
Power On after deploy Enable this option to power the VM after deployment Boolean
VM Name Template VM Name Template gen_​text_​input Y
Disable VM Name Uniqueness Check VM name uniqueness check is skipped when this field is selected Boolean
Recycle VM Name Reuse old VM names Boolean
End User VM Name or VM Prefix Allow end user to provide VM Name or VM Prefix? Boolean
Host Name Template Host Name Template gen_​text_​input Y
Disable Host Name Uniqueness Check VM host name uniqueness check is skipped when this field is selected Boolean
Recycle Host Name Reuse old Host names Boolean
End User Host Name or Host Prefix Allow end user to provide Host Name or Host Prefix? Boolean
Time Zone Select time zone hyperv​Time​Zone Y
GUI Run Once Commands Comma separated list of GUI run once commands gen_​text_​input
VM Image Type Select a VM image type hyperv​VMImage​Type Y
Linux Parameters
Root Password Root Password password
DNS Domain Name DNS Domain Name gen_​text_​input
Windows Parameters
Product ID Enter product ID gen_​text_​input
Username Enter username gen_​text_​input
Administrator Password Enter administrator password password
Organization Name Enter organization Name gen_​text_​input
Full Name Full Name gen_​text_​input
Domain/Workgroup Domain/Workgroup hyperv​Domain​List
Domain Domain gen_​text_​input
Domain Username Domain Username gen_​text_​input
Domain Password Domain Password gen_​text_​input
Workgroup Workgroup gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERV_​SYSTEM_​POLICY_​NAME Hyper-V System Policy Name gen_​text_​input

Hyper-V - Generate Formatted NIC Output

Generates formatted VM NIC output so that it can be used as input to NON VDC Provisioning task
The task takes input from form managed list for VM NICs and converts it into format which can be supplied as input to to the task - Hyper-V - Provision a VM without VDC. The format is given below - [NIC Alias]@[Adapter Type]@[VM Network]@[VM Subnet]@[VLAN Id]@[IsMACSpoofingEnabled]@[IsDHCPEnabled]@[Static IP Pool Id]@[PortClassification] Multiple NICs are comma separated
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Hyper​V Cloud Select name of the Hyper​V Cloud in this system Y
VM Nic(s) Add one or more NICs
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​FORMATTED_​NIC_​STRING Create NIC Output gen_​text_​input