Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services

Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services - Nonsecure Mode


Noteblank.gif If voice gateway is already configured with Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services in secure mode, remove the secure mode configurations before you proceed with nonsecure mode configuration. Use the no uc wsapi command to remove the non-secure mode configuration.

You can configure Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services in either nonsecure mode or secure mode. When you configure Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services in nonsecure mode, the command ip http active-session-modules all is enabled by default, irrespective of whether UC Service APIs provisioned or not. This feature enables all the HTTP applications like UC Gateway Services APIs to register internally for enabling the service. However, if you configure ip http active-session-modules none, then none of the web applications will register.

To ensure that IOS applications are not enabled by default, configure the following. It explicitly enables web services for specific features of UC Gateway services:

ip http session-module-list [ module_list _ name ] [ list_of_modules_to_be_registered ]

ip http active-session-modules [ module_list _ name ]


The following is a sample configuration for nonsecure mode. To register only WSAPI services, configure the following:

ip http session-module-list wsapi cisco_xmf,cisco_xcc,cisco_xsvc,cisco_xcdr
ip http active-session-modules wsapi

To register only XCC services:

ip http session-module-list wsapi cisco_xcc
ip http active-session-modules wsapi


  • Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T or later
  • Cisco IOS XE Release 3.10 or later


1.blank.gif enable

2.blank.gif configure terminal

3.blank.gif ip http server

4.blank.gif ip http max-connection value

5.blank.gif ip http timeout-policy idle seconds life seconds requests value

6.blank.gif http client connection persistent

7.blank.gif http client connection idle timeout seconds

8.blank.gif uc wsapi

9.blank.gif message-exchange max-failures number

10.blank.gif probing max-failures number

11.blank.gif probing interval keepalive seconds

12.blank.gif probing interval negative seconds

13.blank.gif source-address ip-address

14.blank.gif end


Command or Action

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ip http server


Device(config)# ip http server

Enables the HTTP server (web server) on the system.

Step 4

ip http max-connection value


Device(config)# ip http max-connection 100

Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections to the HTTP sever that will be allowed. The default value is 5.

Step 5

ip http timeout-policy idle seconds life seconds requests value




Device(config)# ip http timeout-policy idle 600 life 86400 requests 86400



Sets the characteristics that determine how long a connection to the HTTP server should remain open. The characteristics are:

idle —The maximum number of seconds the connection will be kept open if no data is received or response data can not be sent out on the connection. Note that a new value may not take effect on any already existing connections. If the server is too busy or the limit on the life time or the number of requests is reached, the connection may be closed sooner. The default value is 180 seconds (3 minutes).

life —The maximum number of seconds the connection will be kept open, from the time the connection is established. Note that the new value may not take effect on any already existing connections. If the server is too busy or the limit on the idle time or the number of requests is reached, it may close the connection sooner. Also, since the server will not close the connection while actively processing a request, the connection may remain open longer than the specified life time if processing is occurring when the life maximum is reached. In this case, the connection will be closed when processing finishes. The default value is 180 seconds (3 minutes). The maximum value is 86400 seconds (24 hours).

requests —The maximum limit on the number of requests processed on a persistent connection before it is closed. Note that the new value may not take effect on any already existing connections. If the server is too busy or the limit on the idle time or the life time is reached, the connection may be closed before the maximum number of requests are processed. The default value is 1. The maximum value is 86400.

Step 6

http client connection persistent


Device(config)# http client connection persistent

Enables HTTP persistent connections.

Note When this command is configured, multiple files are loaded using the same connection. Executing this command determines whether the HTTP client requests a keepalive or closed connection from the server. The HTTP server is responsible for granting or denying the keepalive connection request from the client.

Step 7

http client connection idle timeout seconds


Device(config)# http client connection idle timeout 600

Sets the number of seconds that the client waits in the idle state until it closes the connection.

Step 8

uc wsapi


Device(config)# uc wsapi

Enters Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services configuration mode.

Step 9

message-exchange max-failures number


Device(config-uc-wsapi)# message-exchange max failures 2

Configures the maximum number of failed message exchanges between the application and the provider before the provider stops sending messages to the application. Range is 1 to 3. Default is 1.

Step 10

probing max-failures number


Device(config-uc-wsapi)# probing max-failures 5

Configures the maximum number of failed probing messages before the voice gateway unregisters the application. Range is 1 to 5. Default is 3.

Step 11

probing interval keepalive seconds


Device(config-uc-wsapi)# probing interval keepalive 180

Configures the interval between probing messages, in seconds. Default is 120 seconds.

Step 12

probing interval negativ e seconds


Device(config-uc-wsapi)# probing interval negative 10

Configures the interval between negative probing messages, in seconds.

Step 13

source-address ip-address


Device(config-uc-wsapi)# source-address

Configures the IP address (hostname) as the source IP address for the Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services.

Note The source IP address is used by the provider in the NotifyProviderStatus messages.

Step 14



Device(config-uc-wsapi)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services - Secure Mode


Noteblank.gif If the voice gateway is already configured with Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services in nonsecure mode, remove the nonsecure mode configurations before you proceed with secure mode configuration.

You can configure Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services in either nonsecure mode or secure mode. When you configure Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services in secure mode, the command ip http active-session-modules all is enabled by default, irrespective of whether UC Service APIs provisioned or not. Due to this, all the web applications are registered with NGINX proxy. This feature enables all the HTTP applications like UC Gateway Services APIs to register internally for enabling the service. However, if you configure ip http secure-active-session-modules none, then none of the web applications register with NGINX server.

To ensure that IOS applications are not enabled by default, configure the following. It explicitly enables web services for specific features of UC Gateway services:

ip http session-module-list [ module_list _ name ] [ list_of_modules_to_be_registered ]

ip http secure-active-session-modules [ module_list _ name ]


The following is a sample configuration for secure mode. To register only WSAPI services, configure the following:

ip http session-module-list wsapi cisco_xmf,cisco_xcc,cisco_xsvc,cisco_xcdr
ip http secure-active-session-modules wsapi

To register only XCC services:

ip http session-module-list wsapi cisco_xcc
ip http secure-active-session-modules wsapi



  • Cisco IOS XE Everest Release 16.6.1 or later
  • Application certificate ready to import in voice gateway
  • Ensure that you have security and uck9 package licenses

Importing Application Certificate

Certificate is a digitally signed statement that is used to authenticate and to secure information on open networks.

When the voice gateway is behaving as a User Agent Server and receives HTTPS connection request from the application, the voice gateway requires the certificate of the application. You have to import the application certificate on to the voice gateway. By importing the application certificate, the voice gateway trusts the application, authenticates the request and establishes HTTPS connection.

Perform this procedure to import the application certificate to voice gateway.


1.blank.gif enable

2.blank.gif configure terminal

3.blank.gif crypto pki trustpoint trustpoint-name

4.blank.gif enrollment terminal

5.blank.gif exit

6.blank.gif crypto pki authenticate trust-point name

7.blank.gif Copy the application certificate and paste it on the voice gateway console

8.blank.gif exit


Command or Action

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

crypto pki trustpoint trustpoint-name


Device(config)#crypto pki trustpoint sampletpname

Creates a trustpoint.

Step 4

enrollment terminal


Device(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment terminal

Specifies the manual cut-and-paste certificate enrollment method.

Step 5



Device(ca-trustpoint)# exit

Exits ca-trustpoint configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

Step 6

crypto pki authenticate name


Device(config)# crypto pki authenticate sampletpname


Enter the base 64 encoded CA certificate. End with a blank line or the word with “quit” on a line by itself.

Requests the application certificate and authenticates it.

  • The certificate request will be displayed on the console terminal so that it may be manually copied (or cut).

Step 7

Copy the application certificate and paste it on the voice gateway console.

Manually copy the application certificate text and paste it on the console.

  • Enter the base 64 encoded CA certificate. End with a blank line or the word “quit” on a line by itself.

Step 8



Device(config)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Exporting Voice Gateway Certificate to the Application

When the voice gateway is behaving as a User Agent Client and requests HTTPS connection to the application, the application requires the voice gateway certificate. You have to export the voice gateway certificate to the application. When application has the voice gateway certificate, it trusts the HTTPS requests coming from the voice gateway and establishes the HTTPS connection.


Noteblank.gif If no trustpoint is configured, voice gateway generates self-signed certificate and uses the same for secure communication. For more information, see the “Configuring a Trustpoint and Specifying Self-Signed Certificate Parameters” section in Configuring Certificate Enrollment for a PKI.

Perform this procedure to export voice gateway certificate to the application.


Step 1blank.gif Execute the following command to see the voice gateway’s self-signed certificate:

Device#show crypto pki certificates
Router Self-Signed Certificate
Status: Available
Certificate Serial Number (hex): 01
Certificate Usage: General Purpose
Name: IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-378897163
Validity Date:
start date: 12:06:27 IST Jan 18 2017
end date: 05:30:00 IST Jan 1 2020
Associated Trustpoints: TP-self-signed-378897163
Storage: nvram:IOS-Self-Sig#1.cer


Voice gateway’s self-signed certificate is shown under Associated Trustpoints:

Step 2blank.gif Execute crypto pki export certificate-name pem terminal command to get certificate associated with the trustpoint.

Device(config)#crypto pki export TP-self-signed-378897163 pem terminal
% Self-signed CA certificate:
% General Purpose Certificate:

Step 3blank.gif Copy the self-signed CA certificate displayed on the console and upload it onto the application.


Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services in Secure Mode


1.blank.gif enable

2.blank.gif configure terminal

3.blank.gif ip http secure-port port

4.blank.gif ip http secure-server

5.blank.gif ip http tls-version version

6.blank.gif ip http secure-trustpoint name

7.blank.gif ip http max-connection value

8.blank.gif ip http timeout-policy idle seconds life seconds requests value

9.blank.gif http client connection persistent

10.blank.gif http client connection idle timeout seconds

11.blank.gif uc secure-wsapi

12.blank.gif message-exchange max-failures number

13.blank.gif probing max-failures number

14.blank.gif probing interval keepalive seconds

15.blank.gif probing interval negative seconds

16.blank.gif source-address ip-address

17.blank.gif end


Command or Action

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ip http secure-port port


Device(config)# ip http secure-port 1026

(Optional) HTTPS connection uses inbound port 443 by default. Execute ip http secure-port port command if you want to change the default port.

Step 4

ip http secure-server


Device(config)# ip http secure-server

Enables the HTTPS server (web server) on the system.

Note If a certificate authority (CA) is used for certification, you should declare the CA trustpoint on the routing device before enabling the HTTPS server.

Executing this command checks if there is any existing trustpoint configured.

  • If no trustpoint is configured, voice gateway generates self-signed certificate and uses the same for secure communication. For more information, see Configuring Certificate Enrollment for a PKI.
  • If you want to use a specific trustpoint that is already configured on the voice gateway, execute ip http secure-trustpoint <name> command to specify the trustpoint.

Step 5

ip http tls-version version



Device(config)# ip http tls-version 1.2

(Optional) By default, all TLS versions (1.1, and 1.2) will be enabled. Configure this command if you want to use only one version of TLS.

Step 6

ip http secure-trustpoint name


Device(config)# ip http secure-trustpoint TP-samplename

(Optional) Specifies the CA trustpoint that should be used to obtain certificate.

  • Use of this command assumes you have already declared a CA trustpoint using the crypto ca trustpoint command and associated submode commands.
  • Use the same trustpoint name that you used in the associated crypto ca trustpoint command.

Step 7

ip http max-connection value


Device(config)# ip http max-connection 100

Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections to the HTTP sever that will be allowed. The default value is 5.

Step 8

ip http timeout-policy idle seconds life seconds requests value




Device(config)# ip http timeout-policy idle 600 life 86400 requests 86400



Sets the characteristics that determine how long a connection to the HTTP server should remain open. The characteristics are:

idle —The maximum number of seconds the connection will be kept open if no data is received or response data can not be sent out on the connection. Note that a new value may not take effect on any already existing connections. If the server is too busy or the limit on the life time or the number of requests is reached, the connection may be closed sooner. The default value is 180 seconds (3 minutes).

life —The maximum number of seconds the connection will be kept open, from the time the connection is established. Note that the new value may not take effect on any already existing connections. If the server is too busy or the limit on the idle time or the number of requests is reached, it may close the connection sooner. Also, since the server will not close the connection while actively processing a request, the connection may remain open longer than the specified life time if processing is occurring when the life maximum is reached. In this case, the connection will be closed when processing finishes. The default value is 180 seconds (3 minutes). The maximum value is 86400 seconds (24 hours).

requests —The maximum limit on the number of requests processed on a persistent connection before it is closed. Note that the new value may not take effect on any already existing connections. If the server is too busy or the limit on the idle time or the life time is reached, the connection may be closed before the maximum number of requests are processed. The default value is 1. The maximum value is 86400.

Step 9

http client connection persistent


Device(config)# http client connection persistent

Enables HTTP persistent connection.

Note When this command is configured, multiple files are loaded using the same connection. Executing this command determines whether the HTTPS client requests a keepalive or closed connection from the server. The HTTPS server is responsible for granting or denying the keepalive connection request from the client.

Step 10

http client connection idle timeout seconds


Device(config)# http client idle timeout 600

Sets the number of seconds that the client waits in the idle state until it closes the connection.

Step 11

uc secure-wsapi


Device(config)# uc secure-wsapi

Enters secure Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services configuration mode.

Step 12

message-exchange max-failures number


Device(config-uc-wsapi)# message-exchange max failures 2

Configures the maximum number of failed message exchanges between the application and the provider before the provider stops sending messages to the application. Range is 1 to 3. Default is 1.

Step 13

probing max-failures number


Device(config-uc-wsapi)# probing max-failures 5

Configures the maximum number of failed probing messages before the voice gateway unregisters the application. Range is 1 to 5. Default is 3.

Step 14

probing interval keepalive seconds


Device(config-uc-wsapi)# probing interval keepalive 180

Configures the interval between probing messages, in seconds. Default is 120 seconds.

Step 15

probing interval negative seconds


Device(config-uc-wsapi)# probing interval negative 10

Configures the interval between negative probing messages, in seconds.

Step 16

source-address ip-address


Device(config-uc-wsapi)# source-address

Configures the IP address (hostname) as the source IP address for the Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services.

Note The source IP address is used by the provider in the NotifyProviderStatus messages.

Step 17



Device(config-uc-wsapi)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring the XCC Provider on the Voice Gateway

Perform this procedure to configure the XCC provider on the voice gateway.


1.blank.gif enable

2.blank.gif configure terminal

3.blank.gif Enter Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services configuration mode:

a.blank.gif uc wsapi


b.blank.gif uc secure-wsapi

4.blank.gif provider xcc

5.blank.gif no shutdown

6.blank.gif remote-url url

7.blank.gif If you enable DTMF detection for XCC application and the DTMF method used for the call is rtp-nte, then configure the following on outbound dial-peer of CUBE:

a.blank.gif dtmf-relay rtp-nte digit-drop

b.blank.gif dtmf-interworking standard

8.blank.gif exit

9.blank.gif end


Command or Action

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

uc wsapi


uc secure-wsapi


Device(config)# uc wsapi




Device(config)# uc secure-wsapi

Enters Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services configuration mode.

Step 4

provider xcc


Device(config-uc-wsapi)# provider xcc

Enters XCC provider configuration mode.

Step 5

no shutdown


Device(config-uc-wsapi-xcc)# no shutdown

Activates XCC provider.

Step 6

remote-url url


Device(config-uc-wsapi-xcc)# remote-url


Device(config-uc-wsapi-xcc)# remote-url

Specifies the URL (IP address and port number) that the application uses to communicate with XCC provider. The XCC provider uses the IP address and port to authenticate incoming requests.

Note Only IPv4 address is allowed in secure mode (under uc secure-wsapi configuration).

Step 7

dtmf-relay rtp-nte digit-drop


Device(config-uc-wsapi-xcc)# dtmf-relay rtp-nte digit-drop


dtmf-interworking standard


Device(config-uc-wsapi-xcc)# dtmf-interworking standard

(Optional) If you enable DTMF detection for XCC application and the DTMF method used for the call is rtp-nte, then configure the dtmf-relay rtp-nte digit-drop and dtmf-interworking standard commands on the outbound dial-peer of CUBE to avoid any DTMF issues in the RTP data path of the call.

Note The digit-drop command is available only when the rtp-nte keyword is configured.

Step 8



Device(config-uc-wsapi-xcc)# exit

Exits XCC configuration mode.

Step 9



Device(config-uc-wsapi)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring the XSVC Provider on the Voice Gateway

Perform this procedure to configure the XSVC providers on the voice gateway.


1.blank.gif enable

2.blank.gif configure terminal

3.blank.gif Enter Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services configuration mode:

a.blank.gif uc wsapi


b.blank.gif uc secure-wsapi

4.blank.gif provider xsvc

5.blank.gif no shutdown

6.blank.gif remote-url [ url-number ] url

7.blank.gif exit

8.blank.gif trunk group name

9.blank.gif description

10.blank.gif xsvc

11.blank.gif exit

12.blank.gif voip trunk group name

13.blank.gif description

14.blank.gif xsvc

15.blank.gif session target ipv4: destination-address

16.blank.gif exit

17.blank.gif end


Command or Action

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

uc wsapi


uc secure-wsapi


Device(config)# uc wsapi




Device(config)# uc secure-wsapi

Enters Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services configuration mode.

Step 4

provider xsvc


Device(config-uc-wsapi)# provider xsvc

Enters XSVC provider configuration mode.

Step 5

no shutdown


Device(config-uc-wsapi-xsvc)# no shutdown

Activates XSVC provider.

Step 6

remote-url [ url-number ] url


Device(config-uc-wsapi-xsvc)# remote-url 1


Device(config-uc-wsapi-xsvc)# remote-url 1

Specifies up to 8 different URLs (IP address and port number) that applications can use to communicate with the XSVC provider. The XSVC provider uses the IP address and port to authenticate incoming requests.

The url-number identifies the unique url. Range is 1 to 8.

Note In secure mode, only one remote URL is allowed. Only IPv4 address can be configured.

Step 7



Device(config-uc-wsapi-xsvc)# exit

Exits XSVC configuration mode.

Step 8

trunk group name


Device(config)# trunk group SJ_PRI

Enters trunk-group configuration mode to define a trunk group.

Step 9



Device(config)# description IN

Enter a description for the trunk group. The name is passed to external application as part of XSVC status and XCC connection messages.

Step 10



Device(config-trunk-group)# xsvc

Enables xsvc monitoring on the trunk group.

Step 11



Device(config-trunk-group)# exit

Exits trunk group configuration mode.

Step 12

voip trunk group name


Device(config)# trunk group SJ_SIP

Enters VOIP trunk-group configuration mode to define a trunk group.

Step 13



Device(config-voip-trk-gp)# description IN

Enter a description for the VOIP trunk group. The name is passed to external application as part of XSVC status and XCC connection messages.

Step 14



Device(config-voip-trk-gp)# xsvc

Enables xsvc monitoring on the VOIP trunk group.

Step 15

session target ipv4: destination address


Device(config-voip-trk-gp)# session target ipv4:

Configures the IP address of the remote voice gateway.

Step 16



Device(config-voip-trk-gp)# exit

Exits VOIP trunk group configuration mode.

Step 17



Device(config-uc-wsapi)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring the XCDR Provider on the Voice Gateway

Perform this procedure to configure the XCDR provider on the voice gateway.


1.blank.gif enable

2.blank.gif configure terminal

3.blank.gif uc wsapi

4.blank.gif provider xcdr

5.blank.gif no shutdown

6.blank.gif remote-url [ url-number ] url

7.blank.gif exit

8.blank.gif end


Command or Action

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

uc wsapi


Device(config)# uc wsapi

Enters Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services configuration mode.

Step 4

provider xcdr


Device(config-uc-wsapi)# provider xcdr

Enters XCDR provider configuration mode.

Step 5

no shutdown


Device(config-uc-wsapi-xcdr)# no shutdown

Activates XCDR provider.

Step 6

remote-url [ url-number ] url


Device(config-uc-wsapi-xcdr)# remote-url 1

Specifies up to eight different URLs (IP address and port number) that applications can use to communicate with the XCDR provider. The XCDR provider uses the IP address and port to authenticate incoming requests.

The url-number identifies the unique url. Range is 1 to 8.

Step 7



Device(config-uc-wsapi-xcdr)# exit

Exits XCDR configuration mode.

Step 8



Device(config-uc-wsapi)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring the XMF Provider on the Voice Gateway

Perform this procedure to configure the XMF provider on the voice gateway.


1.blank.gif enable

2.blank.gif configure terminal

3.blank.gif uc wsapi

4.blank.gif provider xmf

5.blank.gif no shutdown

6.blank.gif remote-url url

7.blank.gif exit

8.blank.gif end


Command or Action

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

uc wsapi


Device(config)# uc wsapi

Enters Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services configuration mode.

Step 4

provider xmf


Device(config-uc-wsapi)# provider xcc

Enters XMF provider configuration mode.

Step 5

no shutdown


Device(config-uc-wsapi-xcc)# no shutdown

Activates XMF provider.

Step 6

remote-url url


Device(config-uc-wsapi-xcc)# remote-url

Specifies the URL (IP address and port number) that the application uses to communicate with XMF provider. The XMF provider uses the IP address and port to authenticate incoming requests.

Step 7



Device(config-uc-wsapi-xcc)# exit

Exits XMF configuration mode.

Step 8



Device(config-uc-wsapi)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuration Example

The following example sets up the voice gateway for Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services. It enables the HTTP server and the XCC, XSVC, and XCDR providers. The configuration specifies the address and port that the application uses to communicate with the XCC, XSVC, and XCDR provider. It also identifies the trunk group that XSVC will be monitoring.


Noteblank.gif XSVC and XCDR can support up to eight different remote URLs.

ip http server
call fallback monitor
call fallback icmp-ping count 1 interval 2 timeout 100
uc wsapi
provider xcc
provider xsvc
remote-url 1
provider xcdr
remote-url 1
trunk group pri
voip trunk group 1
session target ipv4:
interface Serial0/1/0:23
isdn switch-type primary-ni
isdn incoming-voice voice
trunk-group pri

Verifying and Troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services

Use the following show commands to gather information on the performance of the Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services:

  • show wsapi registration
  • show wsapi http client
  • show wsapi http server
  • show wsapi xsvc routes

Use the following debug commands to gather troubleshooting information on the service provider:

  • debug wsap i xcc [CR | all | function | default | detail | error | inout | event]
  • debug wsapi xsvc [CR | all | function | default | detail | error | inout | event]
  • debug wsapi xcdr [CR | all | function | default | detail | error | inout | event ]
  • debug wsapi xmf [CR | all | function | default | detail | error | inout | event ]
  • debug wsapi infrastructure [CR | all | function | default | detail | error | inout | event]

Command Reference

This section documents the CLI commands that are used on the voice gateway.