Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability

Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability

Access Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability

When you complete the AppAdmin inital setup, the end user with administrator capability as configured in AppAdmin web interface can login to Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability. You can also log in as an Application user with default administrator capability configured during the installation of Unified CCX. See the Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Install and Upgrade Guide and Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Administration and Operations Guide for detailed instructions on initial AppAdmin setup and how to assign administrator capability to end users.

To access Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability:


Step 1

By using a supported web browser, open a browser session.

Step 2

Go to https://<server name or IP address>/uccxservice/.

Step 3

Enter an applicable username and password, and click Login.


If you log in as an end user, you can access Cisco Unified CCX Administration from the Navigation drop-down list box without logging in again. If you log in as an Application user, you can access Cisco Unified Serviceability in addition to these web applications.


Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability alarms provide information on runtime status and the state of the system so that you can monitor the status and troubleshoot problems that are associated with the system. Alarm information includes the catalog, name, severity, explanation, recommended action, routing list, and parameters.

You can view alarm information by using the SysLog Viewer in Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT). See Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Express and Cisco Unified IP IVR for detailed information on how to view alarm information.


Use the Alarm Definitions web page in Cisco Unified Serviceability to find information about an alarm message.

For information on alarm definitions, see the Cisco Unified Serviceability Administration Guide available at:

Alarm Configuration

Use the Alarm Configuration web page in Unified CCX Serviceability to view and configure alarm server settings for different Unified CCX components.


Alarm Server Configuration is applicable for the following Unified CCX components: Unified CCX Administration, Unified CCX Engine, and Unified CCX Cluster View Daemon .

The alarm configuration submenu allows you to:

  • Enable or disable sending of alarms to local or remote syslog server.

  • Configure alarm event level for local or remote syslog server

Select Alarm > Configuration from the Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability menu bar to access the Alarm Configuration web page.

Configure Alarm Settings

The Alarm Configuration page is used to view and update Cisco Unified CCX Alarm Configuration for local and remote syslogs.


Step 1

From the Unified CCXServiceability menu bar, choose Alarm and click Configuration.

The Alarm Configuration web page opens and the following fields are displayed on the Alarm Configuration web page, if configured on your Unified CCX server:



Local Syslogs

Enable Alarm

Use the check box next to Enable Alarm field to enable or disable the alarms for local syslog.

Alarm Event Level

Lists the alarm severity level.

Remote Syslogs

Enable Alarm

Use the check box next to Enable Alarm field to enable or disable the alarms for remote syslog.

Alarm Event Level

Lists the alarm severity level.

Server Name

IP address or hostname of the Syslog server to which system should send the alarm messages. If you are using CiscoWorks, enter the IP address or the hostname of the CiscoWorks server.

Step 2

To update the Alarm Event Level for local or remote syslogs, check the check box before Enable Alarm field.

Step 3

Modify Alarm Event Level for the local or remote syslogs by selecting from the Alarm Event Level drop-down list. Modify the syslog server name in case of remote syslog.

Step 4

Click Update icon that displays in the tool bar in the upper, left corner of the window or the Update button that displays at the bottom of the window to save your configuration. Click Clear to reset data to the previous values.

In case of a High Availability deployment, the alarm configuration changes are automatically propagated to the second node. If the second node cannot be contacted, an alert message indicating that the update has failed on the remote node is displayed.


You should activate logging only for the purpose of debugging and remember to deactivate logging once the debugging session is complete.

Alarm Configuration Settings

Use the Alarm Configuration page to modify alarm settings.

In the case of a High Availability deployment, the alarm configuration changes are automatically propagated to the second node. If the second node cannot be contacted, an alert message indicating that the update has failed on the remote node is displayed.

Following table defines the options available on this page:



Enable Alarm for Local Syslogs

The SysLog viewer serves as the alarm destination. The program logs errors in the Application Logs within SysLog Viewer and provides a description of the alarm and a recommended action. You can access the SysLog Viewer from the Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool.

For information on viewing logs with the SysLog Viewer, see Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Express and Cisco Unified IP IVR.

Enable Alarm for Remote Syslogs

The Syslog file serves as the alarm destination. Check this check box to enable the Syslog messages to be stored on a Syslog server and to specify the Syslog server name.

Alarm Event Level

Alarm event level messages range from severity 0 (most severe) to severity 7 (least severe) description of which is mentioned below. When you choose a severity level, all messages of that severity level and higher are sent.

For example, if you choose ERROR_ALARM (Severity 3), all messages of severity 3, severity 2, severity 1, and severity 0 are sent. The default is "INFORMATIONAL_ALARM (Severity 6)", which will send messages of all severity levels starting from 6 to severity level 0.

You can choose one of the following alarm event level options from the drop-down list box:
This level designates system as unusable.
This level indicates that immediate action is needed.
The system detects a critical condition.
This level signifies an error condition exists.
This level indicates that a warning condition is detected.
This level designates a normal but significant condition.
This level designates information messages only.
This level designates detailed event information that Cisco TAC engineers use for debugging.


A trace file is a log file that records activity from the Cisco Unified CCX components. Trace files let you obtain specific, detailed information about the system that can help you troubleshoot problems.

The Cisco Unified CCX system can generate trace information for different services. This information is stored in a trace file. To help you control the size of a trace file, you can specify the services for which you want to collect information and the level of information that you want to collect.

The Cisco Unified CCX system also generates information about all threads that are running on the system. This information is stored in the thread dump file and is useful for troubleshooting.

Component Trace Files

The component trace file contains information about each component. You can create a trace file for any of the following Unified CCX components:

  • Cisco Unified CCX Administration

  • Cisco Unified CCX Cluster View Daemon

  • Cisco Unified CCX Editor

  • Cisco Unified CCX Engine

  • Cisco Unified CM Telephony Client

  • Cisco Unified CCX Recording and Monitoring Services

  • Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Services

  • Cisco Unified CCX Socket.IO Service

The component trace file contains information about each component. To set up the trace file, follow the procedure mentioned in Configure Trace Parameters section.

After configuring the information that you want to include in the trace files for the various services, you can collect and view trace files by using the trace and log central option in the Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool. See Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Express and Cisco Unified IP IVR for detailed information.

Configure Trace Parameters

To update trace file information and to activate and deactivate logging, follow the procedure mentioned below:


Step 1

From the Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability menu bar, choose Trace > Configuration.

The Trace Configuration web page opens displaying the default trace configuration for Unified CCX Engine.

Step 2

From the Select Service drop-down list box, choose a service or component for which you want to configure trace then, click Go.

You should be able to view the existing Trace configurations and debug levels for the selected Unified CCX service with check boxes for the various Debugging and XDebugging levels for each sub facility.

The debug levels for different Unified CCX subfacilities or services might vary depending on the selected service and are listed in the following table:

Table 1. Debug Levels for Different Unified CCX Subfacilities

Cisco Unified CCX Components

Subfacilities or Services

Cisco Unified CCX Administration




Cisco Unified CCX Cluster View Daemon




Cisco Unified CCX Editor





Cisco Identity Service





Cisco Unified CCX Engine






Cisco Unified CM Telephony Client or JTAPI Debug Levels




Cisco Unified CCX Socket.IO Service




Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Services









Table 2. Debug Levels for Different Cisco VVB Subfacilities

Cisco VVB Components

Subfacilities or Services

Cisco VVB Administration




Cisco VVB Engine






Step 3

Update the debug level for one or more of the libraries or sub facilities for the selected service by doing the following:

  1. To activate traces for a specific component or logging for a server, check the check box for the service that you chose.

  2. To deactivate logging for a server, uncheck the specific check box.

If you modify the trace level settings for Cisco Unified CM Telephony Client, you have to restart the Unified CCX Engine for the changes to take effect.
Step 4

To limit the number and size of the trace files, you can specify the trace output setting using the following two fields. See the following table for description and default values for these two fields.



Maximum No. of Files

The maximum number of trace files to be retained by the system.

This field specifies the total number of trace files for a given service. Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability automatically appends a sequence number to the file name to indicate which file it is; for example, Cisco001MADM14.log. When the last file in the sequence is full, the trace data begins writing over the first file. The default value varies by service.

Maximum File Size

This field specifies the maximum size of the trace file in kilobytes or megabytes depending on the selected service. The default value varies by service.

Step 5

Click Save icon that displays in the tool bar in the upper, left corner of the window or the Save button that displays at the bottom of the window to save your trace parameter configuration. The settings are updated in the system and the trace files will be generated as per the saved settings. Click Restore Defaults icon or button to revert to the default settings for the selected service.

In a High Availability deployment, the changes are propagated to the second node. If the second node cannot be contacted, an alert message indicating that the update has failed on the remote node is displayed.

You should activate logging only for the purpose of debugging and remember to deactivate logging once the debugging session is complete.
You will not be able to save the trace configuration if the Socket.IO service is down. When the node containing the socket.IO service is down then the log levels will not be saved on that particular node.

Trace Level Options

A trace file is a log file that records activity from the Cisco Unified CCX component subsystems and steps. Trace files let you obtain specific, detailed information about the system that can help you troubleshoot problems.

The Cisco Unified CCX system can generate trace information for every component. This information is stored in an trace file. To help you control the size of an trace file, you specify the components for which you want to collect information and the level of information that you want to collect.

A trace file that records all information for a component, such as the Cisco Unified CCX Engine, can become large and difficult to read. To help you manage the trace file, the Cisco Unified CCX system lets you specify the subfacilities for which you want to record information.

For each component, you can select one or more Debugging trace levels. These selections specify the level of details in the debugging messages that the system sends to a trace file. For instance, if you select Debugging, the system sends only the basic error messages while if you select XDebugging5, the system will send errors, warnings, informational, debugging, verbose messages and so on in detail to the trace file.

The table below describes the Trace file subfacilities.

Table 3. Trace File Subfacilities

Component Code



Archive Cluster Component


Archive Configuration Component


Archive Database Component


JTAPI Archive Component


Archive Operating System Component


Administration Client


Administration Configuration


Applications Manager


Archive Manager


Restore Administration Configuration


Backup and Restore Client Interface


Cisco Unified CCX Bootstrap Manager


Configuration Manager


Channel Manager


Cluster Manager


Contact Manager


Contact Steps


Cisco Unified CCX ClusterMsgMgr Component


Context Service


Cisco Unified CCX Historical Reporting Data Manager


Cluster View Daemon




Database Purge Manager


Cisco Unified CCX Editor Desktop


Document Manager


Cisco Unified CCX Editor general


Cisco Unified CCX Engine


Executor Manager


Expression Manager


File Manager


Generic catalog for a facility


Grammar Manager


Group Configuration


Holiday Manager


Historical Reports Manager


Cisco Unified CCX CTI Server


IPCC Express Historical Data Manager


Cisco Unified CCX ICD Real-Time Data Manager


Cisco Unified CCX IP IVR Real-Time Data Manager


Cisco Unified ICME Input/Output


Java Signaling and Monitoring Interface


Cisco Unified CCX Administration Interceptor Library


AXL Library


Configuration Library


Configuration Library for the cluster


CRTP Library


Database Library


Directory Access Library


Event Message Library


Cisco Unified ICME Library


Jasper Tomcat Library


JavaCup Library to parse expressions


JDBC Library


JINI Services


Java Mail Library


JLEX Library used to parse expressions


License Library


Media Library


Java Remote Method Invocation Library


Servlet Library


Tomcat Library


Log Manager


MRCP Configuration


Manager Manager


Node Manager


Editor Palette


Prompt Manager






RTP Manager


Script Manager


Session Manager


SIP Stack logging


Socket Manager


Application Subsystem


Chat Subsystem


Contact Manager Subsystem


Cisco Media Termination Subsystem


Database Subsystem


Email Subsystem


HTTP Subsystem


Cisco Unified ICME Subsystem


MRCP ASR Subsystem


MRCP TTS Subsystem


Outbound Dialer Express Subsystem (uses MIVR log file)


Resource Manager Subsystem


Resource Manager Contact Manager Subsystem


Route and Queue Subsystem


Real-Time Reporting Subsystem


SIP Subsystem


JTAPI Subsystem (Telephony)


Call Control Steps


Context Service Steps


Media Control Steps


Sessions Steps


Session Management Steps


User Steps


Call Contact Steps


Contact Steps


Database Steps


Document Steps


E-mail Steps


General Steps


Grammar Steps


HTTP Steps


Cisco Unified ICME Steps


Cisco Unified CCX Steps


Java Steps


Prompt Steps


Session Steps


Chat Subsystem


User Manager


HTTP Contact Steps

When the Cisco Unified CCX product is running on a 7845 machine and tracing is ON (the default), limit the Busy Hour Call Completions (BHCC) to 4500 calls per hour. If you want to run a higher BHCC, turn the debug traces OFF. The trace subfacilities to be turned OFF are ICD_CTI, SS_TEL, SS_RM, SS_CM, and SS_RMCM.

Trace file location

The Unified CCX server stores the trace files in the Log directory under the directory in which you installed the Unified CCX component. You can collect and view trace information using the Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT).

Trace File Information

The trace files contain information in standard Syslog format. The file includes some or all of the following information for each event that it records:

  • Line number

  • Date and time the event occurred

  • Facility and subfacility (component) name

  • Severity level

  • Message name

  • Explanation

  • Parameters and values

Log Profiles Management

Log Profile is an aggregated entity that preserves trace settings of the following Unified CCX services:

  • Cisco Unified CCX Engine (Traces termed as MIVR)

  • Cisco Unified CCX Administration (Traces termed as MADM)

  • Cisco Unified CCX Cluster View Daemon (Traces termed as MCVD)

Choose Trace > Profile from the Unified CCXServiceability menu bar to access the Log Profiles Management web page. The Log Profiles Management web page opens displaying the available log profiles each with a radio button. You can perform different operations on the listed log profiles, which are explained in detail in the following sub-sections.


Log Profiles Management does not support Socket.IO service.

Log profiles in Unified CCX can be one of the following two types:

  1. System Log Profiles: These log profiles are pre-installed with Unified CCX and you cannot modify these profiles.

    The following table provides information on the log profiles that are factory shipped with Unified CCX:

    Table 4. System Log Profiles


    Scenario in which this profile must be activated


    Activate this profile once an issue is resolved.


    For issues with Unified CCX Outbound Dialer AppAdmin.


    For issues with web administration through AppAdmin, Unified CCX Serviceability, and other web pages.


    For issues with media setup or media transmission.

    HRDM (Historical Reporting Data Manager)

    For issues with historical data that is written to the database.


    For issues with application sessions, sessions that are not being deleted when appropriate and appearing stuck in AppAdmin Real Time Reports.


    For issues with Unified CCX Informix database.

    EDBS (Enterprise Database Subsystem)

    For issues with external database connectivity and integration.


    For issues with calls in queue that are not being allocated to available agents or appearing stuck in queue in reports.


    For issues with the functionality in Unified CCX Serviceability Administration Interface.


    For issues with Real Time Reports in AppAdmin.

  2. Custom Log Profiles: If the trace settings generated by system profiles are not sufficient in a particular scenario, you can create custom log profiles for better troubleshooting. You can upload and activate these custom log profiles, on a need basis.


    • In a HA deployment of Unified CCX, all the log profile operations will be reflected on both the nodes in the cluster.

    • You cannot delete the profile if the selected log profile is the last-enabled profile in the system.

Create Profile

To create a log profile for a specific trace, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From the Unified CCXServiceability menu bar, choose Trace > Profile. The Log Profiles Management web page displays.

Step 2

Click Add New icon that displays in the tool bar in the upper, left corner of the window or the Add New button that displays at the bottom of the window.

The Log Profile Configuration web page displays. You can view lists of subfacilities such as libraries, managers, steps, subsystems, and so on with check boxes for the various Debugging and XDebugging levels for each subfacility for the MIVR tab by default.

Step 3

Select desired trace setting for different subfacilities in a service by clicking the corresponding check box.

Step 4

Click MCVD and MADM tabs to navigate to view and enable trace setting for these profiles.

Step 5

On successful configuration of these log profiles, click Save to save the profile or Save and Enable to save and enable the profile. The new profile will be displayed in the main profile page.

Save as Another Profile

To save an existing profile as another profile, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From the Unified CCXServiceability menu bar, choose Trace > Profile. The Log Profiles Management web page displays.

Step 2

Click the radio button to select a log profile.

Step 3

Click Save As.

The Log Profile Configuration web page for the selected profile is displayed where you can view and update the existing profile settings. Click MIVR, MCVD, and MADM tabs to view and modify the trace settings.

Step 4

You can save these updated trace settings with a new name. You will see a message confirming successful saving of the new profile.

Enable Profile

To enable or activate a log profile, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From the Unified CCXServiceability menu bar, choose Trace > Profile. The Log Profiles Management web page displays.

You can enable a log profile using any one of the following methods from the Log Profiles Management web page:

  1. Select the radio button for the profile and click Enable icon or button

  2. Click the hyperlink for the desired profile. Log Profile Configuration web page for the selected profile is displayed. Click Enable icon or button in the Profile Configuration web page

  3. Click Add New. Enter the desired trace settings in the Profile Configuration web page and click Save and Enable icon or button in the Profile Configuration web page.

Step 2

The trace setting for the selected profile is transferred to system's trace settings and on successful activation, a message will be displayed in the status bar.

Delete Profile

To delete an existing log profile, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From the Unified CCXServiceability menu bar, choose Trace > Profile.

The Log Profiles Management web page displays.
Step 2

Select the radio button for an existing profile and click Delete icon or button to delete a log profile.

Alternatively, you can click the hyperlink of the profile that you want to delete from the Log Profiles Management web page. Log Profile Configuration web page for the selected profile is displayed where you can view the existing profile settings. Click Delete to delete the selected log profile.

Step 3

The selected log profile is deleted and you will see a confirmation message in the status bar.


You cannot delete the default and system log profiles. If the selected log profile happens to be the last-enabled profile in the system, then you cannot delete the profile. If you try to delete the last-enabled profile, the following alert message—"This is the last enabled profile in system and hence not allowed to be deleted." will be displayed.

Save Current Trace Settings

The trace settings that are currently enabled in Unified CCX can be saved by clicking Save Current Trace Settings so that it can be enabled at a later date. For example, you might be asked to enable certain trace levels or a log profile during troubleshooting. In such a scenario, before doing the troubleshooting, you can save the current trace settings of your system as a profile so that you can enable the same trace settings after resolving the issue.

Use the procedure mentioned below to save the current trace settings in the system as a profile:


Step 1

From the Unified CCXServiceability menu bar, choose Trace > Profile. The Log Profiles Management web page displays.

Step 2

Click Save Current Trace Settings icon in the tool bar or the Save Current Trace Settings button at the bottom of the window.

Step 3

The Explorer User Prompt dialog box opens. Enter a name for your log profile.

Step 4

Click OK to save this profile. All the existing trace settings in your system is saved as a profile. Click Cancel to cancel this operation.

You should be able to view this new log profile along with the existing profiles in the Log Profiles Management web page. You can select and click Enable to enable the same profile at a later date.

Upload Profile

To upload a log profile, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From thUnified CCXServiceability menu bar, choose Trace > Profile. The Log Profiles Management web page displays.

Step 2

To locate the log profile, click the Browse button next to Enter a Profile File to Upload field, navigate to the directory in which the profile (.xml file) is located, and click Open. The path for the profile appears in this field.

Step 3

Click Upload to upload the profile.

Step 4

You should be able to view the uploaded profile along with the existing profiles in the Log Profiles Management web page.

Update Profile

You can update only custom log profiles. To view and update an existing log profile, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From the Unified CCXServiceability menu bar, choose Trace > Profile. The Log Profiles Management web page displays.

Step 2

Click the hyperlink of the profile you wish to view or update.

The Log Profile Configuration web page for the selected profile is displayed where you can view the existing profile settings.

Step 3

Click MIVR, MCVD, and MADM tabs to view and modify the trace settings.

Step 4

Click Save to save the updated profile settings or Save and Enable to enable the updated profile. You will see a message confirming successful saving or enabling of the updated profile. Click Cancel to go back to Log Profiles Management web page.

Serviceability Tools

Access Control Center — Network Services Menu

Control Center in Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability lets you do the following tasks:

  • Start, stop, and restart Unified CCX services

  • View the status the status of Unified CCX services

  • Refresh the status of Unified CCX services

Unified CCX Serviceability provides Control Center - Network Services menu option, which is essential for your system to function.


Choose Tools > Control Center - Network Services from the Unified CCXServiceability menu bar to perform the above-mentioned actions.

You may need to manage services in both Unified CCX Serviceability and Cisco Unified Serviceability to troubleshoot a problem. For information on Unified Serviceability services, see the Cisco Unified Serviceability Administration Guide available at:

Network Services

Installed automatically, network services include services that the system requires to function; for example, database and system services. Because these services are required for basic functionality, you cannot activate them in the Service Activation window.

After the installation of your application, network services start automatically. The list of services displayed in the Control Center—Network Services web page depends on the license package of your Unified CCX. If you have a Unified CCX Premium license, Unified CCX Serviceability categorizes the network services into the following categories, which are explained in the subsequent sections:

The Control Center—Network Services web page displays the following information for the network services:

  • Name of the network services, their dependant subsystems, managers, or components

  • Status of the service (IN SERVICE, PARTIAL SERVICE, or SHUT DOWN; for individual subsystems, the status could be OUT OF SERVICE or NOT CONFIGURED).

  • Start Time of the service

  • Up Time of the service


  • Unified CCX Engine Services information will be removed from UCCX Serviceability page, when an invalid license is uploaded.

  • Only System and Admin Services Information will be visible in Unified CCX Node Services Information.

System Services

The Unified CCX Serviceability service supports starting and stopping of the following System Services:

  • Cisco Unified CCX Perfmon Counter Service

  • Cisco Unified CCX Cluster View Daemon—List of Managers

  • Cisco Unified CCX Engine—List of Subsystems and Managers

  • Cisco Unified CCX Voice Subagent

  • Cisco Unified CCX Notification Service

  • Cisco Unified CCX SNMP Java Adapter

  • Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Reporting Service

  • Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Serviceability Service

  • Cisco Unified CCX DB Perfmon Counter Service

  • Cisco Unified CCX Socket IO Service

  • Cisco Identity Service

Admin Services

The Unified CCX Serviceability service supports starting and stopping of the following Admin Services:

  • Cisco Unified CCX Administration

  • Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability - List of Managers


    You cannot start or stop this service from the Unified CCX Serviceability web interface and you need to use CLI.

  • Cisco Unified CCX WebServices

DB Services

You can start and stop Cisco Unified CCX Database service.

Finesse Services

The Unified CCX Serviceability service supports starting and stopping of the following Cisco Finesse Services:

  • Cisco Finesse Tomcat

Manage Network Services

Control Center in Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability allows you to view status, refresh the status, and to start, stop, and restart network services.

Perform the following procedure to start, stop, restart, or view the status of services for a server (or for a server in a cluster in a Unified CCXCisco VVB cluster configuration). You can start, stop, or refresh only one service at a time. Be aware that when a service is stopping, you cannot start it until the service is stopped. Likewise, when a service is starting, you cannot stop it until the service starts.


Step 1

Choose Tools > Control Center—Network Services from the Unified CCXServiceability menu bar.

Step 2

From the Server drop-down list box, choose the sever and then click Go.

The window displays the following items:

  1. The service names for the server that you chose.

  2. The service status; for example, In Service, Shutdown, Partial Service and so on. (Status column)

  3. The exact time that the service started running. (Start Time column)

  4. The amount of time that the service has been running. (Up Time column)

Step 3

Perform one of the following tasks:

  1. Click the radio button before the service that you want to start and click the Start button.

    The Status changes to reflect the updated status.

  2. Click the radio button before the service that you want to stop and click the Stop button.

    The Status changes to reflect the updated status.

  3. Click the radio button before the service that you want to restart and click the Restart button.

    A message indicates that restarting may take a while. Click OK.

  4. To get the latest status of the services, click the Refresh button. The status information is updated to reflect the current status.

Command Line Interface

You can start and stop some services though the Command Line Interface (CLI). For a list of services that you can start and stop though the CLI and for information on how to perform these tasks, refer to the Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Command Line Interface Reference Guide.

Unified CCX Datastore

Datastores are components that allow you to manage and monitor historical, repository, and configuration data across all servers in the Unified CCX cluster.


Support for High Availability and remote servers is available only in multiple-server deployments.

The Unified CCX Cluster uses the publisher/subscriber database model for data replication across the system. Under normal circumstances, the database master acts as the source of data and the other node acts as the target for the data. In other words, the database master is the publisher and the other node is the subscriber.


In the Tools > Datastore Control Center > Datastores web page, the first node installed in the cluster is marked as publisher (with an icon marked P). This should not be confused with the publisher/ subscriber model being discussed here. The term publisher is used to denote only the first node in the cluster and does not indicate that node to be the source of the data. The publisher/subscriber mentioned in these pages refer to the source and destination of the data respectively. Typically, the database master node acts as the source and the other node acts as the destination.

The publisher/subscriber database model enables Unified CCX to provide high-availability and failover support. To support this on the database level, the data must be available on multiple nodes of the cluster. To have such data availability, replication is used for the Historical, and Repository datastore. The Configuration datastore does not use replication; instead, it uses atomic transactions to commit data changes to all active Configuration datastores in the cluster.

The database master is the main database. All data is written to this database, with the other database synchronizing with it. If the database master fails, then data can be written to the database on the second node. When the database master is back online, it returns to accepting writes. It also synchronizes with the other database to ensure data consistency is maintained in the cluster.

Network Outage

By default, replication between two nodes is removed if they are not able to synchronize with each other due to network outage for a substantial period of time. If the replication is dropped due to network outage, an alert is sent to the administrator so that the administrator can take corrective action.


Even though the replication between the nodes is removed, data could still be written to the database, which is accessible to the Unified CCX engine.

If the replication is removed, the administrator can go to Tools > Datastore Control Center > Replication Servers submenu from the Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability menu bar and click Reset Replication. This ensures that the replication is established between the nodes and the data synchronization (repair) process is initiated. Click Check Details icon in this web page to monitor the status of the repair.

If the network outage did not result in the replication setup being removed, once the network is up, the synchronization of data between the databases will happen automatically. For outages that last a few seconds, typically the administrator need not take any action and the system will be able to synchronize automatically.

Datastore Replication Status

Unified CCX Cluster configuration is not complete until Historical, and Repository publishers are configured. The Datastore Control Center in Unified CCX displays the status of datastore replication, allows you to synchronize data, and reset replication functions.


Support for High Availability is available only in multiple-server deployments.

Use the Datastore Control Center to perform the following functions:
  • Obtain an overview of the datastores in the cluster and their relationships.

  • Manage the datastore read/write access.

  • Monitor and control the replication state (available only for Historical, and Repository datastores.)


The Datastore Control Center page is available even in single-node deployments but you can only monitor the read and write access. You cannot synchronize data, reset replication, or control the replication state.

The Datastore Control Center will have the following two submenus:

The following table describes the datastores available and what they contain.

Datastore Name



This datastore contains Historical Report data.


This datastore contains user prompts tables, grammar tables, and document tables.


This datastore contains Unified CCX system configuration information.

Reset Replication Between Nodes

The Replication Servers menu option in Datastore Control Center allows you to view replication status and reset the replication between two nodes for the above-mentioned three datastores across all servers in the cluster. This menu will be available only in a High Availability deployment.

Follow the procedure below to access the Replication Servers web page:


Step 1

Choose Tools > Datastore Control Center > Replication Servers from the Unified CCXServiceability menu bar.

The Replication Servers web page opens displaying the list of servers and the following fields in a High Availability deployment.
Datastore Name Description

Host name of the server.

Node ID

Node ID of the server in the Unified CCX cluster.

The current connectivity status of the node in the replication network, which can be one of the following values:
The server cannot be reached and is not available in the replicated network.
The server is connected in the replication network and sends or receives updates.
Job Status

The current state of this database.

Last Changed

The time the connection state was last changed.

Step 2

Click Reset Replication to reset the replication if the replication is not functional between the two nodes.

The Reset Replication button will be enabled only when the database on both the nodes are enabled.

When the subscriber goes down and it is required to make configuration updates from the publisher, you can disable Config Datastore (CDS) and Historical Datastore (HDS) on the subscriber using Disable CDS and HDS icon or button. The database information for the cluster is displayed at the bottom of the window. Once the subscriber is up, you can enable CDS and HDS on the subscriber using the same toggle button.


Any configuration in Application Administration and Historical data on the Subscriber node would get over written, when CDS is enabled again.



Step 1

Choose Tools > Datastore Control Center.

Step 2

Click Datastores from the Unified CCXServiceability menu bar to view replication status of all the Unified CCX datastores and to synchronize data.

Step 3

Click Synchronize Data to synchronize data for each datastore except for the Configuration datastore between the two nodes in case of mismatch.

Datastore Control Center contents

The following table describes the Datastore Control Center contents common to all the Unified CCX datastores.




Server machine name.

Replication Type

One of the following Enterprise Replication (ER) values in a High Availability deployment:
  • ER—Publication
  • ER—Subscription

Node ID

Node ID of server/node in Unified CCX cluster.

Read Access

Indicates whether data can be read from the datastore. Options: Yes, No.

Write Access

Indicates whether data can be written to the datastore. Options: Yes, No.

Replicate Status

Can be one of the following values:
All the necessary database services are up and the datastore is functioning as expected.
The datastore is in partial service and might be in the state of restart.
The datastore is shutdown.
Unable to determine the current status of the datastore. This value is shown in a single-node deployment only.

Last Update Time

Indicates the last action the replication agent was performing.


Use these icons to view further information in a new window:
Check Details
Click this icon to view information about data synchronization or repair jobs that might have been initiated.
Click this icon to view information about the replication latency (the time it takes to replicate transactions).

Update Parameters

Use the Service Parameters page to view and update different services in Unified CCX servers. Ensure the following prerequisites are met before configuring the parameters:
  • The servers are configured.
  • The service is available on the servers.


Some changes to service parameters may cause system failure, thus do not make any changes to service parameters unless you fully understand the feature that you are changing or unless the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) specifies the changes.

Use the following procedure to configure the service parameters for a particular service on a particular Unified CCX server.


Step 1

From the Unified CCXServiceability menu bar, choose Tools and click Service Parameters.

Step 2

Choose a server from the Server drop-down list box. If parameters are available for that server, the service drop down list box appears displaying the following services:

  • Cisco AMC Service.
  • Cisco Log Partition Monitoring Tool.
  • Cisco Trace Collection Service.
  • Cisco RIS Data Collector.
  • Cisco Serviceability Reporter.
  • Cisco DRF local.
  • Cisco DRF Master.

Only the common platform services mentioned above are supported currently for Unified CCX.

Step 3

Choose the service that contains the parameter that you want to update from the Service drop-down list box.


The Service Parameter Configuration window displays all services (active or not active).

Step 4

The parameters for the selected service are displayed and the suggested values (if available) are listed against each one of them. Update the appropriate parameter value.

Step 5

Click Save.

The modified values are saved and the new values are reflected on subsequent access to the service's parameters.

Click Set to Default to set all service parameters for this instance of the service to the default value. A warning is displayed that this action cannot be undone and only on confirmation, the parameter values for the selected service is set to the default values.


Currently, you cannot configure any parameters for the following platform services: Cisco Trace Collection Service and Cisco Log Partition Monitoring Tool.

Configure Performance Monitoring of Unified CCX Servers

Use the Performance Configuration and Logging page to configure JVM parameters and dump Thread and Memory traces for performance monitoring of Unified CCX servers. You can configure settings only for the following services of Unified CCX:
  • Cisco Unified CCX Cluster View Daemon
  • Cisco Unified CCX Engine
  • Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability

Use the following procedure to configure JVM parameters for a particular service on a particular server.


Step 1

From the Cisco Unified CCXServiceability menu bar, choose Tools > Performance Configuration and Logging.

Step 2

Choose a server from the Server drop-down list box and click Go.

The first node is selected by default and JVM options for the Unified CCX Engine service in the first node is displayed.

Step 3

Choose a service for which you want to see the JVM options from the Service drop-down list box. You should be able to select any one of the following services from this list box:

  • Cisco Unified CCX Cluster View Daemon
  • Cisco Unified CCX Engine
  • Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability
The following JVM options are displayed for each service:
  • PrintClassHistogram

  • PrintGCDetails

  • PrintGC

  • PrintGCTimeStamps

Step 4

Click the Dump Thread Trace icon or button to dump the thread traces for the selected service in the selected server. You can collect the corresponding jvm.log from the log folder for that facility using Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT).

Step 5

Click the Dump Memory Trace icon or button to dump the memory traces. This creates the following two logs in the log folder for that facility.

  1. Memory-<facility name>-<time stamp>.hprof (for heap dump)

  2. histo-<facility name> <time stamp>.log (for histogram)

Step 6

You can change the JVM options by clicking Enable or Disable radio buttons in this page.

Click the Update JVM Options icon or button to update the new settings for selected service on selected node.

Context Service Status

The Context Service Status web page from the Tools menu in the Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability displays the status of Context Service for all the listed components of the Unified CCX solution.

The Context Service parameters for all the components like, Finesse, SocialMiner, Unified CCX, and Fusion Management Connector (FMC) are displayed.

The following parameters are displayed with their respective values for a particular Component:Host Name.
Table 5. Context Service Parameters

Parameter Name



The state of the component is displayed. The state can be, Registered or Not Registered or Unknown or Stopped for Context Service.


The status of the component is displayed. The status can be, Online or Offline or Unknown or No Connectivity or Ready to Register.


This displays whether the component is connected to the Context Service in Lab mode or in Production mode.


This parameter is not applicable for Fusion Management Connector.

Last Fetched At

The time stamp when the last connectivity status is identified.


This provides an option, Initialize, to reinitialize the Context Service connector of Unified CCX component that is in Stopped state.

Static SDK Version

The static SDK library version used by the component to connect to the Context Service is displayed.

Extension SDK Version

The dynamic SDK library version used by the component to connect to the Context Service is displayed.


This displays the HTTP proxy configured in Unified CCX for the connectivity to Context Service.
The possible scenarios for the parameter values are:
  • When the state of the component is Registered the status can be Online, Offline, or No Connectivity.

  • When the state of the component is Not Registered the status can be Offline, Ready to Register, or No Connectivity.

  • When the state of the component is Unknown the status also is Unknown.


When the status is Online it indicates that the connectivity of the component with Context Service is successful.

When the status is Offline it indicates that one or more critical services of Context Service is not working or there is an issue with network connectivity.

For troubleshooting purpose, you may click Export to download the data required for troubleshooting that can be shared with Cisco Support.