Managing Unified CVP Users

From the User Management menu, Users option, you can create one user account at a time. Unified CVP includes the Super User, Administrator, Read Only, and Serviceability Administration roles. You can assign users to any of these roles. The Unified CVP installation creates an Administrator account, which is assigned to the Super User role and a "wsmadmin" account which is assigned a Serviceability Administration role.

User groups are provided so that you can group users together. Assigning users to groups limits the operations users can perform from the Operations Console menus. For example, administrators for San Jose devices can belong to a user group called SanJose_Admins with Administrator privilege.

Device pools are logical groupings of devices, for example, SanJose-Gateways. If a user is configured with SanJose-Gateways as the device pool, then that user can operate only on devices in this device pool. The types of allowed operations also depends on which user group the user belongs to. For example, if a user belongs to SanJose_Admins, a group with Administrator privilege, then this user has Administrator privilege for devices in the SanJose-Gateways device pool.

Unified CVP includes four categories of access criteria:

  • Super User - Allows any operation in the Operations Console. Only the Super User can create and delete Administrator accounts and assign device pools to any user. The Super User can view all devices because this account is associated with the "default" device pool.

  • Administrator - Allows any operation in the Operations Console except deleting Administrator accounts. Administrators can only view devices in the device pools to which they have been associated. Administrators can disassociate themselves from a device pool, but cannot associate themselves to a device pool.

  • Read Only- Allows read-only access to the Operation Console.

  • Serviceability Administration - Allows Web Services authentication through the Unified System CLI tool and does not provide any privileges for the Operations Console. Only the Administrator can create and delete Web Services users. Whenever Web Services user information is changed or whenever a Unified CVP device is deployed successfully, the configured Web Services users are pushed to all deployed Unified CVP devices (see Web Services).

    Users roles that have Serviceability Administration applied cannot have any roles assigned that contain Super User, Administrator, or Read Only privileges.

User Role Management

A user role is a logical group of privileges, also called access criteria, that determine the operations a user can perform. For example, you might create a role that grants an operator read-only access to the Reporting Server, but grants write access to the Unified CVP VXML Servers. You can do this by creating an operator user group and assigning that group the default Administrator privilege, which allows any operation except deleting accounts with superuser privilege. Then, create a device pool that contains all Unified CVP VXML Servers. Finally, assign the Unified CVP VXML Server device pool to the operator user group.

Add User Role


To add a user role:


Step 1

Select User Management > User Roles from the Main menu.

The Find, Add, Delete, Edit window opens.

Step 2

Select Add New.

Step 3

On the General tab, fill in the name of the role in the Role Name field.

Step 4

Fill in descriptive text in the Description field, if desired.

Step 5

Select the Access Criteria tab and assign access criteria to the user role. See Assign User Role Access Criteria.

A default Access Criteria of Administrator is applied to every new user role you create.

Step 6

When you finish configuring the user role, click Save to save the configuration.

Edit User Role


You can change the access criteria, which are privileges, assigned to a user role that has been added to the Operations Console.


Step 1

Select User Management > User Roles from the Main menu.

The Find, Add, Delete, Edit Application User Roles window opens.

Step 2

Select the desired Role Name link or select the user role from the list and click Edit. If you have a long list of user roles, see Find User Role.

The Edit Application User Role window opens to the General tab.

Step 3

Change the description for the user role, if desired.

Step 4

Select the Access Criteria tab and change the access criteria assigned to the user role. See Assign User Role Access Criteria.

Step 5

When you finish configuring the user role, select Save.

Assign User Role Access Criteria

Access criteria are privileges that let users perform one or more operations using the Operations Console. Assign access criteria to a user role when:



To assign access criteria to a user role:


Step 1

Select Access Criteria tab.

Step 2

Select the desired access criteria.

Step 3

Click Save to save the user role with assigned access criteria to the Operations Console database.

Find User Role

The Operations Console lets you locate specific user roles on the basis of specific criteria. Use the following procedure to locate a user role:


To find a user role:


Step 1

Select User Management > User Roles.

The Find, Add, Delete, Edit window opens.

Step 2

If the list is long, you can click the first page, previous page, next page, and last page icons on the bottom right of the window to page through the list. Or, you can enter a page number in the Page field and press Enter to go to the numbered page.

Step 3

Filter the list by selecting an attribute such as Role Name. Select a modifier, such as begins with. Enter your search term and click Find.

The filter is not case-sensitive, and wildcard characters are not allowed.

Delete User Roles

Deleting a user role deletes the configuration of the selected user role in the Operations Console database and removes the user role from the displayed list of user roles.


To delete a user role:


Step 1

Select User Management > User Roles.

The Find, Add, Delete, Edit Application User Roles window opens.

Step 2

Find the user roles using the procedure shown in Find User Role.

Step 3

From the list of matching records, select the user roles that you want to delete.

Step 4

Select Delete.

Step 5

When prompted to confirm the delete operation, perform one of the following steps:.

  • Select OK to delete the operation.
  • Select Cancel to cancel the operation.

Service Types User Roles and User Group Associations

In Unified CVP, the Operations Console allows you to add a new type of user role: a Web Services (Serviceability Administration) user role.

The Operation Console does not support a mix-and-match of various user roles. The existing Operations Console service type user roles (Super User, Administrator, and Read-only users) cannot co-exist with the Web service type user roles (Web Services users) within a single user group.

Whenever you add/modify/delete a Web Services user role, a current list of Web Services users is pushed to all deployed Unified CVP devices.

The end user receives a validation error in the following situations:

  • When you edit any user role, the list of user groups associated with this user role are retrieved. If the user role changes and causes a mismatch of user role service types within any of its associated user groups.

  • A role changes and causes a mismatch of user role service types within any of its associated users.

Users assigned a Web Services user role cannot log into the Operations Console.

User Group Management

A user group is a collection of users to which you can assign one or more user roles. These groups limit the operations that users can perform to the Operations Console.

Add User Group


To add a User Group:


Step 1

Select User Management > User Groups.

The Find, Add, Delete, Edit Application User Groups window opens.

Step 2

Select Add New.

Step 3

Fill in the name of the group in the Group Name field.

Step 4

Fill in descriptive text in the Description field, if desired.

Step 5

Select the User Roles tab and assign a user role to the user group. See Assign Role to User Group for details.

You must assign at least one user role to each user group you create.

You cannot add a Web Service Role and an Operations Console user role to the same user group.
Users assigned a Web Service Role cannot log in to the Operations Console.
Step 6

When you finish configuring the user group, select Save.

Edit User Groups

You can change one or more settings for a user group that has been added to the Operations Console.


To edit a User Group:


Step 1

Select User Management > User Groups.

The Find, Add, Delete, Edit User Groups window opens.

Step 2

If you have a long list of user groups, see Find User Group to narrow the list of choices.

Step 3

Select the radio button next to the User Group name and click Edit or click the Group Name. See Assign Role to User Group for details.

The User Group Configuration window opens to the General tab.

Step 4

You can change the description for the group by editing the Description field.

Step 5

Select the User Roles tab and edit the assigned roles for this user group.

Step 6

When you finish configuring the user group, click Save.

Assign Role to User Group

A user role is a named collection of privileges that can be assigned to a user group. You can assign one or more user roles to a user group on the User Role tab. Assign a user role to a user group when you:



To assign a user role to a user group:


Step 1

If you want to add a user role to a user group, select the user role from the Available pane, and then click the right arrow to move the user role to the Selected pane.

Step 2

To remove a user role from a user group, select the user role from the Selected pane, and then click the left arrow to move the user role to the Available pane.

Step 3

Click Save.

Delete User Group

Deleting a user group from the Operations Console deletes the configuration of the selected user group in the Operations Console database and removes the user group from the displayed list of user groups.


To delete a user group from the Operations Console:


Step 1

Select User Management > User Groups.

The Find, Add, Delete, Edit Application User Groups window opens.

Step 2

Find the groups by using the procedure in Find User Group.

Step 3

From the list of matching records, select the user groups that you want to delete.

Step 4

Select Delete.

Step 5

When prompted to confirm the delete operation, perform one of the following steps:

  • Select OK to delete the operation
  • Select Cancel to cancel the delete operation

Find User Group

The Operations Console lets you locate specific user groups on the basis of specific criteria. Use the following procedure to locate a user group.


To find a user group:


Step 1

Select User Management > User GroupsUser Management.

The Find, Add, Delete, Edit Application User Groups Window lists the available user groups.

Step 2

If the list is long, you can perform one of the following steps:

  • Select the first page, previous page, next page, and last page icons on the bottom right of the window to page through the list, or
  • Enter a page number in the Page field and press Enter to go to the numbered page.
Step 3

To filter the list, perform the following steps:

  1. Select an attribute, such as Group Name

  2. Select a modified, such as begins with

  3. Enter your search term

  4. Select Find

The filter is not case-sensitive, and wildcard characters are not allowed.

Unified CVP User Setup

From the User Management menu, Users option, you can create one user account at a time. Unified CVP includes four roles: Super User, Administrator, and Read Only in the Operations Console Server type of role, and Serviceability Administration in the Web Services type of role. You can assign users to any of these roles; however, you cannot assign users to roles that include both the Operations Console type and the web services type. See Assign User Role Access Criteria for information about this restriction.

General User Information Settings

Configure general information about a Unified CVP user when you:

Table 1. User Information Configuration Settings





Restart Required

User Information


Name of the user account. The user logs in to the Operations Console using this name. After logging in, the username is displayed in the upper right portion of the screen. You cannot change the username when editing a user account.


Valid names include uppercase and lowercase letters in the alphabet, the numbers 0 through 9, a dash, and an underscore.



New password for the user account. User must type this password to log into the Operations Console.


Any text that follows the guidelines for choosing secure passwords


Reconfirm Password

Retype the password for this user account to verify that you typed the password correctly.


Text must match the text entered in the Password field.



(Optional) First name of the user.


Valid names include uppercase and lowercase letters in the alphabet, the numbers 0 through 9, a dash, and an underscore.



(Optional) Last name of the user.


Valid names include uppercase and lowercase letters in the alphabet, the numbers 0 through 9, a dash, and an underscore.



(Optional) e-mail address of the user.


Valid e-mail address


Signed in User Password

The password used to log into the user account.


Valid e-mail address


Secure Password Requirements


Passwords must meet all the following criteria.

Passwords must only contain the following ASCII characters:

  • Maximum password length is 80 characters.

  • Minimum password length is 12 characters

  • The password must contain characters from at least three of the following classes: lowercase characters, uppercase characters, digits, and special characters.

    • Lowercase letters (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)


    • Digits (012345689)

    • Special characters: !"#$%&'()*+,-./ :;<=>?@ [\]^_` {|}~

  • No character in the password can be repeated more than three (3) times consecutively.

  • Password must not repeat or reverse username. Password is not cisco, ocsic, or any variant obtained by changing the capitalization of letters therein.

Add User Account


Before You Begin

When you are adding a new user for the first time after installing Unified CVP software, you must create at least one user role and user group before creating the user account. For information on performing these tasks, see Add User Role, Add User Group.


You must create Device Pools to further limit access to devices. See Add Device Pool to Operations Console.

To add a user account:


Step 1

Select User Management > Users.

The Find, Add, Delete, Edit Application Users window opens.

Step 2

Select Add New.

Step 3

Fill in the appropriate configuration settings on the General tab.

Step 4

Select the Device Pools tab and assign a Device Pool to the user. Each user must be assigned to at least one device pool. See Add or Remove User From Device Pool.

Step 5

Select the User Group tab and add the user to one or more user groups. See Add User Group.

Step 6

When you finish configuring the user, click Save.

Edit User Account


You can change one or more settings for a user account that has been added to the Operations Console.


Step 1

Select User Management > Users.

The Find, Add, Delete, Edit Users window opens.

Step 2

Select the desired Username link or select radio button next to the username from and select Edit. You can reduce the list of users displayed. See Find User Account.

The Edit User page opens to the General tab.

Step 3

Fill in the appropriate configuration settings on the General tab as described in General User Information Settings.

Step 4

Select the Device Pools tab and assign a device pool to the user. See Add or Remove User From Device Pool.

Step 5

Select the User Groups tab and add/remove the user to/from one or more user groups. See Add User Group.

Step 6

When you finish configuring the user, select Save.

Delete User Account

You can delete one or more user accounts from the Operations Console. Deleting a user account from the Operations Console removes the user account data from the Operations Console database and from the displayed list of user accounts.


To delete a user account:


Step 1

Select User Management > User.

The Find, Add, Delete, Edit Application Users window opens.

Step 2

From the list of users, select the user that you want to delete. You can reduce the list of users displayed. See Find User Account

Step 3

Select Delete.

Step 4

When prompted to confirm the delete operation, perform one of the following steps:

  • Select OK to delete.
  • Select Cancel to cancel the delete operation.

Find User Account

The Operations Console lets you locate users on the basis of specific criteria. Use the following procedure to locate an Operations Console user account.


To find a user:


Step 1

Select User Management > User.

The Find, Add, Delete, Edit Application Users window opens.

Step 2

Perform one of the following steps:

  • If the list is long, select the first page, previous page, next page, and last page icons on the bottom right of the window to page through the list.
  • Enter a page number in the Page field and press Enter to go directly to the numbered page.
Step 3

Filter the list by performing the following steps:

  1. Select an attribute, such as Username.

  2. Select a modifier, such as begins with.

  3. Enter your search term.

  4. Select Find.

The filter is not case-sensitive, and wildcard characters are not allowed.

Add or Remove User From Device Pool

A device pool is a named collection of devices. You must add each user to at least one device pool. Users can be added to or removed from one or more device pools.


To add a user to or remove a user from a device pool:


Step 1

Select User Management > User.

The Find, Add, Delete, Edit Users window opens.

Step 2

Perform one of the following steps:

  • Select a user by clicking on the name in the Username list.
  • Select the radio button preceding the name.
Step 3

Select Edit

The Edit User window opens to the General tab.

Step 4

Select the Device Pools tab.

Step 5

Select the device pool from the Available pane, and then click the right arrow to move the pool to the Selected pane.

Step 6

To remove a user from a device pool, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the device pool from the Selected pane.

  2. Select the left arrow to move the device pool to the Available pane.

A user must always be associated with at least one device pool.
Step 7

Select Save.

Assign User to User Group

Assigning users to groups can limit the operations users can perform from the Operations Console menus. You must assign each user to at least one user group. Unified CVP includes four roles:
  • Super User - a role with superuser privileges that allow any operation in the Operations Console.
  • Administrator - can perform any operation in the Operations Console except deleting user accounts.
  • Serviceability Administration - Allows Web Services authentication through the "Unified System CLI" tool and does not allow any privileges for the Operations Console.
  • Read Only - Has Read-only access to the Operations console.
You add/remove a user to/from a user group when you:


To add/remove a user to/from a user group:


Step 1

To add a user to a group, select the user group from the Available pane, and then click the right arrow to move the user group to the Selected pane.

Step 2

To remove a user from a group, select the user from the Selected pane, and then click the left arrow to move the user group to the Available pane.

Step 3

Click Save.