Manage Desktop Layout

You can define the layout of the Finesse desktop on the Desktop Layout tab.


Requirements, such as processor speed and RAM, for clients that access the Finesse desktop can vary. Desktops that receive events for more than one agent (such as agent and supervisor desktops running Live Data reports that contain information about other agents and skill groups) require more processing power than desktops that receive events for a single agent.

Factors that determine how much power is required for the client include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Contact center traffic

  • Additional integrated gadgets in the desktop (such as Live Data reports or third-party gadgets)

  • Other applications that run on the client and share resources with the Finesse desktop

Finesse Desktop Layout XML

The Finesse Layout XML defines the layout of the Finesse desktop, including tab names and the gadgets that appear on each tab.

Use the Manage Desktop Layout gadget to upload an XML layout file to define the layout of the Finesse desktop for agents and supervisors.

Actions on the Manage Desktop Layout gadget:

  • Finesse Default Layout XML: Expands to show the layout XML for the default Finesse desktop.

  • Restore Default Layout: Restores the Finesse desktop to the default layout.

  • Save: Saves your configuration changes.

  • Revert: Retrieves and applies the most recently saved desktop layout.

Default Layout XML

The Finesse default desktop layout XML for Unified CCE and Packaged CCE contains optional gadgets and notes. The notes describe how to modify the layout for your deployment type.

Optional Live Data gadgets in the layout XML are commented out. After you install and configure Live Data, remove the comment tags from the reports that you want to appear on the desktop.

Following are the updates available in the default layout XML for Finesse Desktop in 11.6(1) release version:

  • Agents can view Recent Call History and Recent State History gadgets in My History tab.

  • Supervisors can view Recent Call History and Recent State History gadgets in Manage Team tab.


    If Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (11.6(1)) and Live Data (11.6(1)) version is not installed and configured in a Unified CCE 11.6(1) deployment, Recent Call History and Recent State History gadgets XML must be commented out in the Default XML Layout.

  • Added an extra attribute to specify alternate hosts from which gadgets can be initially loaded.

  • Use the maxRows attribute to increase the height of the Team Performance Gadget.

  • Supervisor can view an agent's Queue Interval Details.

  • Supervisors can view Queue Statistics gadget in Queue Data tab.

Update Default Desktop Layout

When you modify the layout of the Finesse desktop, the changes you make take effect on the desktop after 10 seconds. However, agents who are signed in when the changes are made must sign out and sign back in to see those changes reflected on the desktop.


The call control gadget is only supported at the page level. You must ensure that the call control gadget (<gadget>/desktop/gadgets/CallControl.jsp</gadget>) is placed within the <page></page> tag for it to work correctly. Do not place this gadget within a <tab></tab> tag.


Step 1

In the Finesse Layout XML area, make changes to the XML as required.


If you want to add a new tab called Reports, add the following XML within the tabs tags under the <role>Agent</role> tag.


If you want to add this tab to the supervisor desktop, add the XML within the tabs tags under the <role>Supervisor</role> tag.

To add a gadget to a tab, add the XML for the gadget within the gadgets tag for that tab.


Replace <ipAddress> with the IP address of the server where the gadget resides.

If you want to add multiple columns to a tab on the Finesse desktop, add the gadgets for each column within the columns tags for that tab. You can have up to four columns on a tab.

    <label>Tab Label</label>
Step 2

Click Save.

Finesse validates the XML file to ensure that it is valid XML syntax and conforms to the Finesse schema.

Step 3

After you save your changes, if you want to revert to the last saved desktop layout, click Revert. If you want to revert to the default desktop layout, click Restore Default Layout.


During upgrade, any changes made to the Cisco Finesse Default Layout will be not be updated. You need to click on Restore Default Layout to get the latest changes.

alternateHosts Configuration

The <gadget> element in the Finesse Layout XML provides an attribute to specify alternate hosts from which the gadget can be loaded. This allows the Cisco Finesse desktop to load the gadget using a different host if the primary server is unavailable.

The alternateHosts attribute contains a comma-separated list of FQDNs that will be used if the primary-host-FQDN is unavailable.

<gadget alternateHosts="host1,host2,host3,...">

The alternateHosts attribute is only applicable for gadgets with an absolute URL. That is URLs containing the FQDN of a host, an optional port, and the complete URL path to the gadget. For example: <gadget alternateHosts="host1,host2">http://primary host/relative_path</gadget>

If loading the gadget from the primary-host fails, the Cisco Finesse container attempts to load the gadget from the alternate hosts in the order specified in the alternateHosts attribute.

It is possible that under certain circumstances, the Cisco Finesse desktop fails to load the gadget even if some of the hosts are reachable. In such cases, refresh the Cisco Finesse desktop.

When the gadget is specified with a relative URL, for example: <gadget >/3rdpartygadgets/relative_path</gadget>, the alternateHosts attribute does not apply and are ignored by the Cisco Finesse desktop.


If the host serving the gadget fails after the Cisco Finesse desktop was successfully loaded, the desktop must be refreshed in order to load the gadget from an alternate host. The gadget does not implement its own failover mechanism.

XML Schema Definition

You must ensure the XML you upload conforms to the XML schema definition for Finesse. The XML schema definition for Finesse is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""

<!-- definition of role type -->
<xs:simpleType name="role">
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:enumeration value="Agent"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="Supervisor"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="Admin"/>

<!-- definition of simple elements -->
<xs:element name="id">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z]([-_:\.a-zA-Z0-9])*"/>

<xs:element name="label">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
            <xs:minLength value="1" />

<xs:element name="gadget">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:anyURI">
            <xs:minLength value="1" />
<xs:element name="role" type="role"/>

<xs:element name="gadgets">
   <!-- Grouping of a set of gadgets -->
      <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <!-- No limit to number of gadget URIs for now -->
      <xs:element ref="gadget"/>  <!-- URI of the gadget xml -->

<xs:element name="column">
   <!-- Grouping of a set of gadgets within a column -->
      <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <!-- No limit to number of gadget URIs for now -->
      <xs:element ref="gadgets"/>
  <!-- URI of the gadget xml -->

<xs:element name="columns">
   <!-- Grouping of a set of columns -->
        <xs:element ref="column" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xs:element name="page">
  <!-- Grouping of a set of persistent gadgets -->
      <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <!-- No limit to number of gadget URIs for now -->
      <xs:element ref="gadget"/>
	<!-- URI of the gadget xml -->

<xs:element name="tab">
      <xs:element ref="id"/>
		<!-- Id of the tab selector in the desktop -->
       <xs:element ref="label"/>
		<!-- Label of the tab selector -->
        <xs:element ref="gadgets" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
        <xs:element ref="columns" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>

<xs:element name="tabs">
		<!-- Grouping of tabs -->
      <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <!-- No limit to number of tabs for now -->
      <xs:element ref="tab"/>

<xs:element name="layout">
      <xs:element ref="role"/>
		<!-- Type of the role -->
      <xs:element ref="page"/>
		<!-- List of page gadgets -->
      <xs:element ref="tabs"/>
		<!-- Grouping of tabs for this particular role -->

<xs:element name="finesseLayout">
	<!-- Layout of the desktop -->
      <xs:sequence maxOccurs="3">
      <!-- only support 3 roles for now -->
      <xs:element ref="layout" />

Live Data Reports

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center provides Live Data real-time reports that you can add to the Finesse desktop.

Prerequisites for Live Data

Before you add Live Data reports to the desktop, you must meet the following prerequisites:

  • Download the Live Data reports from and import them into Cisco Unified Intelligence Center. Verify that the reports are working in Unified Intelligence Center.

  • You must use either HTTP or HTTPS for both Cisco Unified Intelligence Center and Finesse. You cannot use HTTP for one and HTTPS for the other. The default setting for both after a fresh installation is HTTPS. If you want to use HTTP, you must enable it on both Cisco Unified Intelligence Center and Finesse.

    For information about enabling HTTP for Cisco Unified Intelligence Center, see

  • Ensure that user integration synchronization is enabled for Cisco Unified Intelligence Center. For more information, see

  • If your deployment uses HTTPS, you must upload security certificates to the Finesse, Cisco Unified Intelligence Center and Live Data servers. Finesse, Cisco Unified Intelligence Center, and Live Data are installed with self-signed certificates. However, if you use the self-signed certificates, agents and supervisors must accept certificates in the Finesse desktop when they sign in before they can use the Live Data gadget. To avoid this requirement, you can provide a CA certificate instead. You can obtain a CA certificate from a third-party certificate vendor or produce one internal to your organization.

Add Live Data Reports to Finesse

The following sections describe how to add the Live Data reports to the Finesse desktop. The procedure that you follow depends on several factors, described in the following table.


When to use

Add Live Data reports to default desktop layout

Use this procedure if you want to add Live Data reports to the Finesse desktop after a fresh installation or after an upgrade if you have not customized the default desktop layout.

Add Live Data reports to custom desktop layout

Use this procedure if you have customized the Finesse desktop layout.

Add Live Data reports to team layout

Use this procedure if you want to add Live Data reports to the desktop layout for specific teams only.

Add Live Data Reports to Default Desktop Layout

The Finesse default layout XML contains commented XML code for the Live Data report gadgets available for the Finesse desktop. The gadgets are divided into two categories: HTTPS version of Live Data gadgets and HTTP version of Live Data gadgets.

This procedure explains how to add the Live Data report gadgets to the default desktop layout. Use this procedure after a fresh installation of Finesse. If you upgraded Finesse but do not have a custom desktop layout, click Restore Default Layout on the Manage Desktop Layout gadget and then follow the steps in this procedure. Note that line breaks and spaces that appear in the example text are provided only for readability and must not be included in the actual code.


Step 1

Sign in to the Finesse administration console (https://FQDN of Finesse server:Port Number(8445)/cfadmin), in which FQDN refers to the fully qualified domain name.

Step 2

Click the Desktop Layout tab.

Step 3

Remove the comment characters (<!-- and -->) from each report that you want to add to the desktop layout. Make sure you choose the reports that match the method your agents use to access the Finesse desktop (HTTP or HTTPS).

Step 4

Replace my-cuic-server with the fully qualified domain name of your Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Server.

Step 5

Optionally, change the gadget height.


The height specified in the Live Data gadget URLs is 310 pixels. If you want to change the height, change the gadgetHeight parameter in the URL to the desired value. For example, if you want the gadget height to be 400 pixels, change the code as follows, replacing 310 with 400:


To maintain the optimal display of the gadget with scroll bars, set the value for the gadget height to a minimum of 200 pixels. If the report does not require scroll bars, for example a one-row report, you can set a smaller gadget height (for example, 100 pixels). If you do not specify anything for the gadget height (if you remove the 310 from the URL), it defaults to 170 pixels.

Step 6

Click Save.

In a dynamic type gadget, multiple viewId parameters is not supported. Check the URL in the error message before proceeding to save the default XML layout. The name value "type=dynamic must be part of the gadget URL.

After you add a gadget, sign in to the Finesse desktop and make sure it appears the way you want. If you use a report with a large number of rows, you may want to adjust the gadget height or the screen resolution on the computer used to access the desktop to make the report easier to read or make more rows appear on the screen without needing to scroll down.

Agents who are signed in when you change the desktop layout must sign out and sign back in to see the change on their desktops.

On Finesse desktop layout, if you select a TDM agent in Team Performance Gadget, the recent state history data of the selected agent is not populated.

Add Live Data Reports to Custom Desktop Layout

The Finesse default layout XML contains commented XML code for the Live Data report gadgets available for the Finesse desktop. The gadgets are divided into two categories: HTTPS version of Live Data gadgets and HTTP version of Live Data gadgets.

This procedure explains how to add the Live Data report gadgets to a custom desktop layout. Note that line breaks and spaces that appear in the example text are provided only for readability and must not be included in the actual code.


Step 1

Sign in to the Finesse administration console.

Step 2

Click the Desktop Layout tab.

Step 3

Click Finesse Default Layout XML to show the default layout XML.

Step 4

Copy the XML code for the report you want to add from the Finesse default layout XML. If your agents use HTTP to access Finesse, copy the XML code for the HTTP report. If they use HTTPS, copy the XML code for the HTTPS report.


To add the Agent Report for HTTPS, copy the following:

Step 5

Paste the XML within the tab tags where you want it to appear.


To add the report to the home tab of the agent desktop:

Step 6

Replace my-cuic-server with the fully qualified domain name of your Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Server.

Step 7

Optionally, change the gadget height.


The height specified in the Live Data gadget URLs is 310 pixels. If you want to change the height, change the gadgetHeight parameter in the URL to the desired value. For example, if you want the gadget height to be 400 pixels, change the code as follows:


To maintain the optimal display of the gadget with scroll bars, set the value for the gadget height to a minimum of 200 pixels. If the report does not require scroll bars, for example a one-row report, you can set a smaller gadget height (for example, 100 pixels). If you do not specify anything for the gadget height (if you remove the 310 from the URL), it defaults to 170 pixels.

Step 8

Click Save.


After you add a gadget, sign in to the Finesse desktop and make sure it appears the way you want. If you use a report with a large number of rows, you may want to adjust the gadget height or the screen resolution on the computer used to access the desktop to make the report easier to read or make more rows appear on the screen without needing to scroll down.

Agents who are signed in when you change the desktop layout must sign out and sign back in to see the change on their desktops.

Add Live Data Reports to Team Layout

The Finesse default layout XML contains commented XML code for the Live Data report gadgets available for the Finesse desktop. The gadgets are divided into two categories: HTTPS version of Live Data gadgets and HTTP version of Live Data gadgets.

This procedure explains how to add the Live Data report gadgets to the desktop layout of a specific team. Note that line breaks and spaces that appear in the example text are provided only for readability and must not be included in the actual code.


Step 1

Sign in to the Finesse administration console.

Step 2

Click the Desktop Layout tab.

Step 3

Click Finesse Default Layout XML to show the default layout XML.

Step 4

Copy the XML code for the report you want to add from the Finesse default layout XML. If your agents use HTTP to access Finesse, copy the XML code for the HTTP report. If they use HTTPS, copy the XML code for the HTTPS report.


To add the Agent Report for HTTPS, copy the following:

Step 5

Click the Team Resources tab.

Step 6

Select the team from the list of teams for which you want to add the report.

Step 7

In the Resources for <team name> area, click the Desktop Layout tab.

Step 8

Check the Override System Default check box.

Step 9

Paste the XML within the tab tags where you want it to appear.


To add the report to the home tab of the agent desktop:

Step 10

Replace my-cuic-server with the fully qualified domain name of your Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Server.

Step 11

Optionally, change the gadget height.


The height specified in the Live Data gadget URLs is 310 pixels. If you want to change the height, change the gadgetHeight parameter in the URL to the desired value. For example, if you want the gadget height to be 400 pixels, change the code as follows:


To maintain the optimal display of the gadget with scroll bars, set the value for the gadget height to a minimum of 200 pixels. If the report does not require scroll bars, for example a one-row report, you can set a smaller gadget height (for example, 100 pixels). If you do not specify anything for the gadget height (if you remove the 310 from the URL), it defaults to 170 pixels.

Step 12

Click Save.


After you add a gadget, sign in to the Finesse desktop and make sure it appears the way you want. If you use a report with a large number of rows, you may want to adjust the gadget height or the screen resolution on the computer used to access the desktop to make the report easier to read or make more rows appear on the screen without needing to scroll down.

Agents who are signed in when you change the desktop layout must sign out and sign back in to see the change on their desktops.

Modify Live Data Stock Reports for Finesse

This procedure describes how to modify the Live Data stock reports in Cisco Unified Intelligence Center and add the modified report to the Finesse desktop layout. Note that line breaks and spaces that appear in the example text are provided only for readability and must not be included in the actual code.


To make sure the modified gadget renders in the Finesse desktop, you must give the appropriate permission for that report in Cisco Unified Intelligence Center.


Step 1

Sign in to the Finesse administration console.

Step 2

Click the Desktop Layout tab.

Step 3

Click Finesse Default Layout XML to show the default layout XML.

Step 4

Copy the gadget URL for the report you want to modify from the Finesse default layout XML and paste it into a text editor.


If you want to modify the Agent Report for HTTPS, copy the following URL and paste it into a text editor:

Step 5

In Cisco Unified Intelligence Center, in Edit view of the report, select the view for which you want to create a gadget URL and then click Links.

The HTML Link field displays the permalink of the customized report.

Step 6

Copy the permalink of the customized report from the HTML Link field, and paste it in a text editor. Then copy the viewId value from this link into the desired view.


Copy the viewId, which is underlined in this example, from the permalink for the report.

https://<Server Name>:8444/cuic/permalink/PermalinkViewer.htmx?
Step 7

Replace the desired viewId value in the gadget URL with the viewId value from the permalink of the customized report.

Step 8

Replace my-cuic-server with the FQDN of the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Server.

Step 9

Add the customized gadget URL to the desktop layout XML in the Manage Desktop Layout gadget and click Save.


After you add the gadget, sign in to the Finesse desktop and make sure it appears the way you want. If you use a report with a large number of rows, you may want to adjust the gadget height or the screen resolution on the computer used to access the desktop to make the report easier to read or make more rows appear on the screen without the need to scroll.

Agents who are signed in when you change the desktop layout must sign out and sign back in to see the change on their desktops.

Configure Live Data Reports with Multiple Views

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center allows you to display multiple Live Data reports or views on a single gadget. Agents can select the desired view to display from a drop-down list on the gadget toolbar, which lists up to five report views in Report Name - View Name format.

This procedure describes how to add multiple Live Data views to the Finesse desktop layout using the viewId_n and filterId_n keys. You can specify up to five report views to appear in your gadget. The first view among the five is the default view. There is no defined order for how the remaining views are displayed.

Finesse still supports the display of a single gadget using a single viewId. However, if you specify the single viewId along with multiple viewId_n keys, the multiple views are used and the single viewId is ignored.


To make sure the modified gadget renders in the Finesse desktop, you must give the appropriate permission for that report in Unified Intelligence Center.


Step 1

For each report or view that you want to include in the gadget, obtain the associated viewId from the permalink for the view:

  1. In Unified Intelligence Center, in Edit view of the report, select the desired view then click Links.

    The HTML Link field displays the permalink of the customized report.

  2. Copy the permalink of the customized report from the HTML Link field, and paste it in a text editor, and then copy the viewID value from the permalink and save it.


    Copy the viewId, which is underlined in this example, from the permalink for the report.

    https://<Server Name>:8444/cuic/permalink/PermalinkViewer.htmx?
Step 2

From the Finesse default layout XML, copy the gadget URL for one of the Live Data reports and paste it into a text editor.


Copy the URL for the Agent Skill Group for HTTPS from the default layout XML and paste it into a text editor:


Step 3

To update the URL to refer to a different report view, populate the viewId_1 value (after the equal sign) with the desired viewId obtained in step 1.


The following shows the URL updated with the example viewId copied from step 1.

Step 4

For each additional view you want to include:

  1. At the end of the URL, copy and paste the viewId_1 and agentId_1 strings with a leading ampersand.

  2. Update the copied viewId_1 and filterId_1 in the URL to the next available integer (in this example, viewId_2 and filterId_2).

  3. Populate the copied viewId value (after the equal sign) with the value defined in the permalink for the desired report (in this example, 99E6C8E210000141000000D80A0006C4).

  4. Make sure that the filterId value matches the type required by the report type, as follows:

    • Agent Reports:

    • Agent Skill Group Reports:

    • Skill Group Reports:

    • Precision Queue Reports:

Step 5

Replace my-cuic-server with the fully qualified domain name of your Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Server.

Step 6

Add the customized gadget URL to the desktop layout XML in the Manage Desktop Layout gadget and click Save.


After you add the gadget, sign in to the Finesse desktop and make sure it appears the way you want. If you use a report with a large number of rows, you may want to adjust the gadget height or the screen resolution on the computer used to access the desktop to make the report easier to read or make more rows appear on the screen without the need to scroll.

Agents who are signed in when you change the desktop layout must sign out and sign back in to see the change on their desktops.