Manage Call Variables Layouts

Call Variables Layouts

You can use the Call Variables Layouts gadget to define how call variables appear on the Finesse agent desktop. You can configure up to 200 unique Call Variables Layouts (one default layout and 199 custom layouts). As part of this functionality:

  • Each layout has a name (required) and description (optional).

  • After an upgrade from a release earlier than Cisco Finesse Release 11.0, Finesse migrates the previously configured default layout and assigns it the default name (Default Layout) and description (Layout used when no other layout matches the user layout Custom/ECC Variable).

  • You can change the name and description of the default Call Variables Layout.

  • You cannot delete the default Call Variables Layout.

  • Finesse appends (Default) to the name of the default Call Variables Layout.

  • To display a custom Call Variables Layout, in the Unified CCE routing script set the user.Layout ECC variable to the name of a configured Call Variables Layout. In this case, if no custom layouts match the user.Layout value (or no custom layouts are configured), Finesse displays the default layout.

  • Finesse retains the custom layout as specified by the user.Layout ECC variable on CTI server failover. During PG failover, Finesse changes the active call layout to the default layout while retaining the call variables and time indicators.

Call Variables

Each Call Variables Layout supports one variable in the header of the call control gadget and up to a total of 20 variables in two columns below the header (up to 10 in each column). You can use call variables, Extended Call Context (ECC) variables, or the following Outbound Option ECC variables.

  • BACampaign

  • BAAccountNumber

  • BAResponse

  • BAStatus

  • BADialedListID

  • BATimeZone

  • BABuddyName

Columns can be empty.

The administrator can include the following additional fields in the Call Variables Layout. These variables appear as a drop-down list in the call variable gadget which the admin can assign to a layout.
  • queueNumber

  • queueName

  • callKeyCallId

  • callKeyPrefix

  • wrapUpReason


The callKeyPrefix indicates the day when the call was routed.

The callKeyCallId indicates the unique number for the call routed on that particular day.

To uniquely locate the call in Unified CCE database records, concatenate the two variables callKeyPrefix and callKeyCallId.

To enable Outbound Option data to appear in Cisco Finesse, the administrator must edit the Default layout to include some or all Outbound Option variables.

Configure Call Variables Layouts


Step 1

From the Manage Call Variables Layouts gadget:

  • To create a new Call Variables Layout, click New.

  • To modify an existing Call Variables Layout, choose a layout from the list, and click Edit (or click Delete to remove it).
Step 2

Under Create New Layout (or under Edit <layout name> when editing an existing layout):

  • Enter a name for the Call Variables Layout (maximum 40 characters).

  • Enter a description of the Call Variables Layout (maximum 128 characters).

Step 3

Under Call Header Layout:

  • Enter the display name that you want to appear in the header of the Call Control gadget on the Finesse desktop, for example, Customer Name (maximum 50 characters).

  • From the drop-down list, choose the call variable or Outbound Option ECC variable that you want to appear in the header, for example, callVariable3 (maximum 32 characters).

Step 4

In the Call Body Left-Hand Layout and Call Body Right-Hand Layout areas:

  1. Click Add Row to add a new row (or click the "X" to delete a row).

  2. For each row:

    • Enter the display name that you want to appear on the desktop, for example, Customer Name (maximum 50 characters).

    • Enter the corresponding call variable or Outbound Option ECC variable from the drop-down list (maximum 32 characters).

Step 5

Click Save to save the changes, or Cancel to discard the changes.


When you modify the Call Variables Layout of the agent desktop, the changes you make take effect after three seconds. However, agents who are signed in when the changes are made must sign out and sign back in to see those changes reflected on their desktops.

Step 6

To view the latest configured Call Variables Layout, click Refresh from the Manage Call Variables Layouts gadget.

Add ECC Variables to Call Variables Layout


Step 1

In the header or the row where you want the ECC variable to appear, from the Variable drop-down list, choose Custom.

The Custom/ECC Variable Entry dialog box appears.

Custom/ECC Variable Entry dialog box
Step 2

In the Custom/ECC Variable Name field, enter the name of the ECC variable you want to appear on the agent desktop.

Step 3

Click Set.

The ECC variable now appears in the Variable drop-down list for selection.

Assign Call Variables Layouts


Step 1

In CCE Configuration Manager, create an ECC variable called user.Layout in the Expanded Call Variable list.


If both a user.layout and a user.Layout are specified, Finesse will prioritize user.layout over user.Layout. If the layout specified in the user.Layout or user.layout is not found, Finesse uses the Default layout.

Step 2

Add user.Layout to the CCE routing script. Use a Set Variable node in an appropriate place in the script to set the value of user.Layout to the name of the call variables layout to display. The layout name should match the name of a call variables layout that was created on the Call Variables Layout tab in Finesse Administration.

Manipulate Call Variables Layouts with a Workflow

You can manipulate the call variables layout that an agent sees when a call is answered by using a workflow. To do so, configure an HTTP Request workflow action and set the value of the ECC variable user. Layout to the name of the custom layout to display.

For information about how and when workflows are executed, see Workflows and Workflow Actions.

For more details, see the section, "Adding an HTTP Request Workflow Action" in the white paper Cisco Finesse: How to Create a Screen-Pop Workflow.