Supervisor Tasks

This chapter describes the tasks that supervisors perform.

View Team Performance

Use the Team Performance gadget to view the agents on each of your assigned teams.


Step 1

In the Team Performance gadget, you can view the details of the team that is selected by default in the Team Name drop-down.

A list of agents for the selected team, their current state, time in state, and extension appears. You can click the headers of the columns to sort by Agent Name, State, Time in State, or Extension. You can select an agent row to view the recent call history and state history of the agent.


The Time in State field refreshes every 10 seconds. When Finesse receives the next agent state change event for an agent, the timer resets to 0.

Step 2

To view another team, click the Team Name drop-down list and choose a new team.

View Recent Call History

Use the Team Performance gadget to view the call history of an agent of your assigned team.


Step 1

Select the team from the drop-down list whose agent's call history data you want to view.

Step 2

Select the agent from the list displayed on the Team Performance gadget. By default, the list will contain all logged in agents for the selected team. If you wish to view both logged in and logged out agents, click the Include logged out agents checkbox.

The following call details of the selected agent's Recent Call History is displayed:
  • Start Time: Indicates the start time of the call.

  • Duration: Indicates the duration of the call.

  • Type: Indicates if the call was an Inbound or Outbound call.

  • Number: Indicates the phone number of the Inbound or Outbound call.

  • Disposition: Indicates the action taken on the call.

  • Queue: Indicates the name of the queue assigned to the agent.

  • Wrap-Up Reason: Indicates the Wrap-Up Reason selected by the agent.


You cannot select any other agent or choose another team while the recent call history of the selected agent is being loaded. However, you may change an agent's state or monitor an agent's call during this time-frame.

View Recent State History

Use the Team Performance gadget to view the state history of an agent of your assigned team.


Step 1

Select the team from the drop-down list whose agent's state history you want to view.

Step 2

Select the agent from the list displayed on the Team Performance gadget. By default, the list will contain all logged in agents for the selected team. If you wish to view both logged in and logged out agents, check the option Include logged out agents.

The following details of the selected agent's Recent State History is displayed:
  • Start Time: Indicates the start time of the call.

  • State: Indicates the agent state. In the Team Performance gadget, when an agent state changes to Wrap-Up, the corresponding state in the Recent State History gadget will display as WORK_READY.

  • Reason: Indicates the wrap reason of the call.

  • Duration: Indicates the duration of the call.


You cannot select any other agent or choose another team while the recent state history of the selected agent is being loaded. However, you may change an agent's state or monitor an agent's call during this time-frame.

Change State of Agent

You can use the Team Performance gadget to change the state of an agent to Ready, Not Ready or Sign Out.


Step 1

In the Team Performance gadget, select the agent whose state you want to change.

Step 2

To force the agent into Ready state, click Ready. To force the agent into Not Ready state, click Not Ready. To sign the agent out, click Sign Out.

In the Actions tab, the Ready or Not Ready and Sign Out options are active only if the action is allowed. For example, if you select an agent who is in Ready state, you will see only the Not Ready and Sign Out options. If you select an agent who is in Not Ready state, you will see only the Ready and Sign Out options.

If you sign out an agent who is reserved for a call (in Reserved or Reserved (Outbound) state), on an active call (in Talking state), or has a call on hold (in Hold state), that agent is immediately logged out of the desktop but the call is retained.

Monitor a Call

You must be in Not Ready state to monitor an agent. You can only monitor one agent at a time. To monitor another agent, you must end the silent monitoring call and then select a new agent.


Step 1

From the Team Performance drop-down list, choose the team whose agents you want to monitor.

Step 2

Select the agent that you want to monitor.

The Start Monitoring button is enabled.

Step 3

Click Start Monitoring.

The Start Monitoring button changes to Monitoring Agent. The silent monitor call appears in the call control area of the desktop. The Hold, Barge In, and End buttons are enabled. You can click Hold to place the call on hold and then click Retrieve to retrieve it. You can click Barge In to barge into the call.

Step 4

To end the silent monitor call, click End.

Barge In on a Call

The Barge In feature allows you to join a call between an agent and a caller.


You can only barge in on a call that you are silently monitoring.


Step 1

From the Team Performance list, select an agent who is in Talking state to monitor.

Step 2

Click Start Monitoring.

The Start Monitoring button changes to Monitoring Agent. The silent monitor call appears in the call control area of your desktop. The Barge In button appears.

Step 3

Click Barge In.

The call becomes a conference call between you, the agent, and the caller.

Intercept a Call

After you barge in to a call between an agent and a caller, you can intercept the call by dropping the agent from the call. You can also use this feature to drop a participant from any conference call in which you are a participant.


Step 1

Click the Drop drop-down list.

Step 2

Click the agent who you want to drop from the list of participants.


You can only drop an agent from the call. You cannot drop a CTI Route Point, IVR Port, or a caller.

The selected agent is dropped from the call.