Manage Desktop Layout

Gadgets and Components


Cisco Finesse is an OpenSocial gadget, which is an XML document that defines metadata for an OpenSocial Gadget container. The gadgets are applications that are placed within the Cisco Finesse desktop. This helps administrator to provide access to the contact center agents for all the applications that is required to service calls inside a single application.

Cisco Finesse comes with default gadgets such as, the team performance gadget, call control gadget, and call popover. JavaScript library is available for any customers with specific requirements that are not available out of the box.

Gadgets are listed in the desktop layout using the <gadget> tag.


Finesse Desktop is tested to perform well with an average of 20 gadgets per Desktop (across all tabs), over a sign in period of 8 minutes for 2000 users (agents and supervisors). When you increase the total number of gadgets that are configured on the Desktop, the CPU consumption marginally increases during users sign in. When all the configured gadgets are enabled for all the users, it impacts the Finesse server. Higher number of gadgets will also need more browser memory and network bandwidth.

If considerably larger number of gadgets are configured or if more users sign in (more than the tested number of users) in a short time frame, you must monitor the CPU consumption and network bandwidth during users sign in and ensure that the end-point devices have enough memory.

Failover uses optimization to sign in the users quickly and is not considered the same as a new browser sign in.

Third-party gadgets are hosted on the Cisco Finesse server using the 3rdpartygadget web application or on an external web server. Gadgets can make REST requests to services hosted on external servers using the Cisco Finesse JavaScript Library API. To avoid browser cross-origin issues, REST requests are proxied through the backend Shindig web application. Third-party gadgets must implement their own authentication mechanisms for third-party REST services.

For more information about gadgets, see

Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface APIs used for desktop specific configurations and settings can be found in the Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface API Guide on DevNet.


Components are simple scripts that are loaded into the desktop directly at predefined positions as directed by the layout, without an enclosing frame and its document.

Components are introduced in the desktop to overcome a few rendering limitations and performance considerations inherent to gadgets.

The <component> tag lists the components in the desktop layout. Currently, the layout validations prevent creating custom components. Hence, default components are allowed in the desktop layouts. The default desktop functionalities are currently registered as components to provide flexibility and to reduce the load on the server.

Multi-Tab Gadgets

Finesse desktop supports accessing multiple gadgets through tabs within a single gadget called Multi-Tab gadget. The Multi-Tab gadget allows rendering of more gadgets in a single desktop view to present more information to agents and supervisors in a concise and readily accessible manner. With Multi-Tab gadgets, agents and supervisors do not have to scroll the page or switch the desktop container tab to see additional information.

The Multi-Tab gadget can host any gadget supported by the desktop. Multiple instances of Multi-Tab gadgets are supported, which allows agents and supervisors to stack groups of gadgets to customize their desktop.

For more information on the list of features that are supported by Multi-Tab gadgets, see the Multi-Tab Gadgets section in Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide at

For more information on configuring the layout for Multi-Tab gadget, see Configure Multi-Tab Gadget Layout.

Call Control Gadget in Multi-Tab

Finesse desktop Call Control gadget can be hosted as a tab within the Multi-Tab gadget.

When the Call Control gadget is deployed in a Multi-Tab gadget, the Call Control gadget automatically hides or shows depending on whether a call is active. It also shows notifications for changes in the call context. The notifications can be customized through desktop properties. For more information see Notifications of Call Control in Multi-Tab Gadgets at Desktop Properties.

For more information on the Multi-Tab gadgets see the Multi-Tab Gadgets section in Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide at

Finesse Desktop Layout XML

The Finesse Layout XML defines the layout of the Finesse desktop, and the gadgets and components displayed on the desktop.

Use the Manage Desktop Layout gadget to upload an XML layout file to define the layout of the Finesse desktop for agents and supervisors.

Actions on the Manage Desktop Layout gadget are as follows.

  • Edit the code using any of the following editors:

    • Text Editor

    • XML Editor

  • View Default Layout - Displays the Cisco Finesse default layout.

  • Restore Default Layout - Restores the Cisco Finesse desktop to the default layout.

  • Save - Saves your configuration changes.

  • Revert - Retrieves and applies the most recently saved desktop layout.

Default Layout XML

The Manage Desktop Layout supports the following types of editors:
  • Text Editor—A plain text editor. It is the default editor. You can use the Expand All option to see all the code details and Search text box to refine your search results.

  • XML Editor—An XML editor.


    • You cannot add or edit comments (<!-- and -->) in the XML Editor.

    • In this document, all the examples that are related to desktop layout are applicable for text editor.

Both the editors support the following features:

  • Expand and collapse option.

  • Syntax highlights and color code for the visual indication.

  • Auto-complete suggestions and hints for valid elements in the tags.

The Cisco Finesse default desktop layout XML for Unified CCE and Packaged CCE contains optional gadgets and notes. The notes describe how to modify the layout for your deployment type.

Optional Live Data gadgets in the layout XML are commented out. After you install and configure Live Data, remove the comment tags from the reports that you want to appear on the desktop.

Following are the updates available in the default layout XML for Cisco Finesse desktop:

  • Sample configurations for customizing desktop properties are added to the default layout (Desktop Layout) and team-specific layout (Team Resources > Desktop Layout).

    For upgraded layouts, sample configurations for customizing desktop properties do not appear by default. The administrator must copy the XML from the View Default Layout and add to the respective custom layouts.

  • Horizontal Header is available in the layout configuration and the Header can be customized.

  • Title and Logo of Cisco Finesse desktop can be customized.

  • Desktop Chat, TeamMessage, Dialer, Agent Identity, and Non-Voice State Control are added as part of the header component.

    For upgraded layouts, TeamMessage and Desktop Chat will not appear by default. The XML must be copied from the default layout and added to the respective custom layouts. See Cisco Cisco Finesse Installation & Upgrade Guide.

  • Vertical tabs in Cisco Finesse desktop are moved to collapsible left navigation bar for which the icons can be customized.

  • Support for inbuilt java script components has been added.

  • The ID attribute (optional) is the ID of the HTML DOM element used to display the gadget or component. The ID should start with an alphabet and can contain alphanumeric characters along with hyphen(-) and underscore(_). It can be set through the Cisco Finesse Administrative portal and has to be unique across components and gadgets.

  • The managedBy attribute (optional) for Live Data gadgets defines the gadgets which manage these Live Data gadgets. The value of managedBy attribute for Live Data gadgets is team-performance. This means that the rendering of the gadget is managed by the Team Performance gadget. These gadgets are not rendered by default, but will be rendered when the options Show State History and Show Call History are selected in the Team Performance gadget.

    For upgraded layouts, the managedBy attribute will be introduced, and will have the value of the ID of the Team Performance gadget in the same tab. If there are multiple instances of Team Performance gadgets and Live Data gadget pairs, they will be associated in that order. If the ID of the Team Performance gadget is changed, the value of the managedBy attribute should also be updated to reflect the same ID for the Live Data gadgets. Otherwise, the Team Performance gadget instance will not show its respective Live Data gadgets.

  • Gadgets that are hosted within a Multi-Tab gadget need to contain the ID of the Multi-Tab gadget as the value of its managedBy attribute.

  • The Hidden attribute (optional) is used to support headless gadgets. When an attribute is set to hidden="true", then the gadget is loaded by the container, but will not be displayed. The default value set for the attribute is "false".

  • The Hidden attribute can be used within Multi-Tab gadgets to make specific gadget tabs to appear or hide depending on the context.

  • The default attribute (default="true") can be used to set a particular gadget as the default focus so that its contents are visible when hosted within a Multi-Tab gadget. The default gadget is always listed as the left most gadget.


    After the user customizes the order of the gadgets by dragging them, this attribute will no longer be supported. For more information on the Multi-Tab gadget order, see the Ordering of Multi-Tab Gadget Tabs section in Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide at

  • maxRows is changed from being a query parameter to an attribute.

    Example of maxRows being a query parameter:
    <gadget id="team-performance">/desktop/scripts/js/teamPerformance.js?maxRows=5</gadget>
    Example of maxRows being an attribute:
    <gadget id="team-performance" maxRows="5">/desktop/scripts/js/teamPerformance.js</gadget>

    During an upgrade it will be removed from the URL of the team performance gadget and added as an attribute. The maxRows attribute (optional) is used to adjust the height of the Team Performance gadget. If there are multiple instances of the Team Performance gadget, each instance height can be set by using this attribute. During an upgrade the height of the team performance gadget will be retained. By default the maxRows attribute value is set to 10 rows.

If any changes are made to the component IDs or URLs in the default XML layout, the following features may not work as expected.

Note that the components can be rearranged in any order to show on the Cisco Finesse desktop.


Component ID


Title and Logo



Voice State Control



Non-voice state control






Desktop Chat






Agent identity



Update Default Desktop Layout

When you modify the layout of the Finesse desktop, the changes you make take effect on the desktop after 3 seconds. However, agents who are signed in when the changes are made must sign out and sign in again to see those changes reflect on the desktop.


The call control gadget is supported at both page level and tab level. However, the call control does not support being added to multiple pages and cannot detect this error correctly. Therefore, take care to ensure that the call control gadget is not configured to be added to multiple pages when editing the desktop layout.

The version tag of Desktop Layout XML can’t be edited.

For the changes to take effect, refresh the page, or sign out and sign in again into Cisco Finesse.


Step 1

Click Desktop Layout.

Step 2

Select from the following editors:

  • Text Editor
  • XML Editor

Step 3

Make changes to the XML as required.


If you want to add a new tab called Reports, add the following XML within the tabs tags under the <role>Agent</role> tag:


If you want to add this tab to the supervisor desktop, add the XML within the tabs tags under the <role>Supervisor</role> tag.

To add a gadget to a tab, add the XML for the gadget within the gadgets tag for that tab.


Replace <ipAddress> with the IP address of the server where the gadget resides.

If you want to add multiple columns to a tab on the Finesse desktop, add the gadgets for each column within the columns tags for that tab. You can have up to four columns on a tab.

                <!-- The following gadgets are used for viewing the call history 
and state history of an agent. -->

Step 4

Click Save.

Finesse validates the XML file to ensure that it’s valid XML syntax and conforms to the Finesse schema.

Step 5

After you save your changes, if you want to revert to the last saved desktop layout, click Revert. If you want to revert to the default desktop layout, click Restore Default Layout.



During upgrade, any changes made to the Cisco Finesse Default Layout won’t be updated. Click on Restore Default Layout to get the latest changes.

The Finesse default XML layout is as follows:

<finesseLayout xmlns="">
    <!--  DO NOT EDIT. The version number for the layout XML. -->
        <!-- The Title for the application which can be customized. -->
        <config key="title" value="Cisco Finesse"/>
        <!-- The following entries are examples of changing defaults for desktop properties.
        To change any property, uncomment the respective line and set the appropriate value.
        For more details on the properties that can be customized, refer to the Cisco Finesse Administration Guide.
        Note: The customized properties can only be set in the configs section and are not role-specific. -->
        <!-- <config key="enableDragDropAndResizeGadget" value="false"/> -->
        <!-- <config key="wrapUpCountDown" value="true"/> -->
        <!-- <config key="desktopChatAttachmentEnabled" value="true"/> -->
        <!-- <config key="forceWrapUp" value="true"/> -->
        <!-- Possible Values: supervisor_only, conference_controller_and_supervisor, all -->
        <!-- <config key="enableDropParticipantFor" value="supervisor_only"/> -->
        <!-- Possible Values: agents, all -->
        <!-- <config key="dropParticipant" value="agents"/> -->
        <!-- <config key="displayNavLevelGadgetsFirstInMultitab" value="false"/> -->
        <!-- The logo file for the application -->
        <!-- For detailed instructions on using custom icons for logos and tabs,
        please refer to the section "Customize Title and Logo in the Header"
        in the Finesse Administration Guide. -->
        <!-- <config key="logo" value="/3rdpartygadget/files/cisco_finext_logo.png"/>  -->
        <!--  Please ensure that at least one gadget/component is present within every headercolumn tag -->
			<headercolumn width="300px">
				<component id="cd-logo">
			<headercolumn width="230px">
				<component id="agent-voice-state">
			<headercolumn width="251px">
				<component id="nonvoice-state-menu">

			<headercolumn width="50px">
                <component id="broadcastmessagepopover">
			<headercolumn width="50px">
                <component id="chat">
			<headercolumn width="50px">
				<component id="make-new-call-component">
			<headercolumn width="72px">
				<component id="identity-component">

            <!--  The page level Multi-Tab gadget. -->
            <gadget id="agentMultiTabGadgetContainer">/desktop/scripts/js/tabbedGadgets.js</gadget>

            <!-- The following gadget is for WXM Customer Experience Journey. 
            If WXM is onboarded successfully with all configurations, then replace the url 
            with the actual url obtained by exporting the Cisco Finesse gadget from WXM -->
            <!-- <gadget managedBy="agentMultiTabGadgetContainer">/3rdpartygadget/files/CXService/CiscoCXJourneyGadget.xml</gadget> -->

            <!-- The following gadget is for displaying the Answers based on the ongoing conversation between
            the agent and the customer. If CCAI service is configured and enabled for an agent, the gadget will be rendered on
            uncommenting the below code-->
            <!-- <gadget managedBy="agentMultiTabGadgetContainer" hidden="true">/3rdpartygadget/files/ccaiGadgets/answersGadget.xml</gadget> -->

            <!-- The following gadget is for displaying the Transcript based on the ongoing conversation between
            the agent and the customer. If CCAI service is configured and enabled for an agent, the gadget will be rendered on
            uncommenting the below code-->
            <!-- <gadget managedBy="agentMultiTabGadgetContainer" hidden="true">/3rdpartygadget/files/ccaiGadgets/transcriptGadget.xml</gadget> -->

                            <gadget default="true" managedBy="agentMultiTabGadgetContainer">/desktop/scripts/js/queueStatistics.js</gadget>

                            <!-- The Multi-Tab gadget to show live data reports. Uncomment this for displaying the gadgets managed by it. -->
                            <!-- <gadget id="agentReportsMultiTabContainer">/desktop/scripts/js/tabbedGadgets.js</gadget> -->
                            The following Gadgets are for LiveData.
                            If you wish to show LiveData Reports, then do the following:
                                 1) Uncomment each Gadget you wish to show.
                                 2) Replace all instances of "" with the Fully Qualified Domain Name of your Intelligence Center Server.
                                 3) [OPTIONAL] Adjust the height of the gadget by changing the "gadgetHeight" parameter.
                            IMPORTANT NOTES:
                                - In order for these Gadgets to work, you must have performed all documented pre-requisite steps.
                                - Do *NOT* change the viewId (unless you have built a custom report and know what you are doing).
                                - The "teamName" will be automatically replaced with the Team Name of the User logged into Finesse (for Team-specific layouts).
                            <!-- HTTPS Version of LiveData Gadgets -->
                            <!-- TEAM STATUS REPORTS: -->
                            <!-- 1. Agent Default view (default) -->
                            <!-- <gadget managedBy="agentReportsMultiTabContainer">
                            gadgetHeight=310&amp;viewId_1=99E6C8E210000141000000D80A0006C4&amp;</gadget> -->
                            <!-- 2. Agent Skill Group Default view -->
                            <!-- <gadget managedBy="agentReportsMultiTabContainer">
                            gadgetHeight=310&amp;viewId_1=9AB7848B10000141000001C50A0006C4&amp;</gadget> -->

            <!-- The following gadget is for displaying the Digital Channel Gadget. The gadget will be rendered on
            uncommenting the below code. Multiple instances of manage digital channels gadget in desktop layout are not supported.
           Only single instance of manage digital channel gadget can be configured in desktop layout.-->
                            <gadget default="true" managedBy="agentMultiTabGadgetContainer">

                            <!-- The following gadget is for WXM Customer Experience Analytics. 
                            If WXM is onboarded successfully with all configurations, then replace the url 
                            with the actual url obtained by exporting the Cisco Finesse gadget from WXM -->
                            <!-- <gadget>/3rdpartygadget/files/CXService/CiscoCXAnalyticsGadget.xml</gadget> -->
                        <!-- The following gadgets are used for viewing the call history and state history of an agent. -->
                            <gadget default="true" managedBy="agentMultiTabGadgetContainer">
            The following Gadgets are for LiveData.
            If you wish to show More LiveData Reports, then do the following:
                1) Uncomment each Gadget you wish to show.
                2) Replace all instances of "" with the Fully Qualified Domain Name of your Intelligence Center Server.
                3) [OPTIONAL] Adjust the height of the gadget by changing the "gadgetHeight" parameter.
            IMPORTANT NOTES:
                - In order for these Gadgets to work, you must have performed all documented pre-requisite steps.
                - Do *NOT* change the viewId (unless you have built a custom report and know what you are doing).
                - The "teamName" will be automatically replaced with the Team Name of the User logged into Finesse (for Team-specific layouts).
            <!-- If you are showing the "More Live Data Reports" tab, then also uncomment this section.
            <!-- Multi-Tab gadget for extended live data reports. Uncomment this for displaying the gadgets managed by it.-->
            <!-- <gadget id="moreLiveDataMultiTabContainer">/desktop/scripts/js/tabbedGadgets.js</gadget>  -->
            <!-- HTTPS Version of LiveData Gadgets -->
            <!-- AGENT REPORTS: 1. Agent Default view (default) -->
            <!-- <gadget default="true" managedBy="agentMultiTabGadgetContainer">
            <!-- AGENT SKILL GROUP REPORTS: 1. Agent Skill Group Default view (default) -->
            <!-- <gadget managedBy="moreLiveDataMultiTabContainer">
            <!-- QUEUE STATUS SKILL GROUP REPORTS: 1. Skill Group Default view (default), 2. Skill Group Utilization view -->
            <!-- <gadget managedBy="moreLiveDataMultiTabContainer">
            <!-- QUEUE STATUS PRECISION QUEUE REPORTS: 1. Precision Queue Default view (default), 2. Precision Queue Utilization view -->
            <!-- <gadget managedBy="moreLiveDataMultiTabContainer">
            <!-- If you are showing the "more reports" tab, then uncomment this section too.

            <!--  The page level Multi-Tab gadget. -->
            <gadget id="supervisorMultiTabGadgetContainer">/desktop/scripts/js/tabbedGadgets.js</gadget>

            <!-- The following gadget is for WXM Customer Experience Journey. 
            If WXM is onboarded successfully with all configurations, then replace the url 
            with the actual url obtained by exporting the Cisco Finesse gadget from WXM -->
            <!-- <gadget managedBy="supervisorMultiTabGadgetContainer">/3rdpartygadget/files/CXService/CiscoCXJourneyGadget.xml</gadget> -->

            <!-- The following gadget is for displaying the Answers based on the ongoing conversation between
            the agent and the customer. If service is enabled for an agent, the gadget will be rendered on
            uncommenting the below code-->
            <!-- <gadget managedBy="supervisorMultiTabGadgetContainer" hidden="true">/3rdpartygadget/files/ccaiGadgets/answersGadget.xml</gadget> -->

            <!-- The following gadget is for displaying the Transcript based on the ongoing conversation between
            the agent and the customer. If service is enabled for an agent, the gadget will be rendered on
            uncommenting the below code-->
            <!-- <gadget managedBy="supervisorMultiTabGadgetContainer" hidden="true">/3rdpartygadget/files/ccaiGadgets/transcriptGadget.xml</gadget> -->


                            <gadget default="true" managedBy="supervisorMultiTabGadgetContainer" id="team-performance">/desktop/scripts/js/teamPerformance.js</gadget>
                            <!-- The following gadgets are used for viewing the call history and state history of an agent selected in the Team Performance Gadget. -->
                            <!-- The following gadgets are managed(loaded and displayed) by the team performance gadget (associated with id "team-performance").
                                 This association is done using the mapping of managedBy attribute of the managed gadgets, to the id of managing gadget.
                                 If the id for team performance gadget is changed, the values for the associated managedBy attribute
                                 for the managed gadgets, also need to be updated with the new id.
                                 These managed gadgets are not displayed by default, but would be displayed when the option 
                                 "view history" is selected, for an agent, in the team performance gadget.
                                 Note: As managed gadgets are not displayed by default, placing managed gadgets alone on
                                 separate columns of their own, would display blank space in that area.
                                 For more details on managed gadgets and managedBy attribute, please refer to Finesse Administration Guide. 
                            <gadget managedBy="team-performance">
                            <gadget managedBy="team-performance">

                            <!-- The following gadget is for WXM Customer Experience Analytics. 
                            If WXM is onboarded successfully with all configurations, then replace the url 
                            with the actual url obtained by exporting the Cisco Finesse gadget from WXM -->
                            <!-- <gadget>/3rdpartygadget/files/CXService/CiscoCXAnalyticsGadget.xml</gadget> -->

            <!-- The following gadget is for displaying the Digital Channel Gadget. The gadget will be rendered on
            uncommenting the below code-->
                        <!-- The following gadgets are used for viewing the call history and state history of a logged in supervisor. -->
                            <gadget default="true" managedBy="supervisorMultiTabGadgetContainer">
                        <!-- The following gadget is used by the supervisor to view an agent's queue interval details. -->
                        	<gadget default="true" managedBy="supervisorMultiTabGadgetContainer">
                            <gadget default="true" managedBy="supervisorMultiTabGadgetContainer">/desktop/scripts/js/queueStatistics.js</gadget>


Contact Center AI Gadgets

Cisco solutions such as Unified CCE leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) to provide services that assist agents. These Contact Center AI services are available for the agents through the Agent Answers gadget and the Call Transcript gadget on the Cisco Finesse desktop.


If you are connected to Unified CCE 12.5(1), by default Agent Answers and Call Transcript gadgets are enabled. You can use the utils finesse set_property webservices 12.5.CCE.supportedAgentServices CLI [values] to disable and enable the gadgets.

Add Agent Answers Gadget

This procedure explains how to add an Agent Answers gadget in Cisco Finesse Administration.


Agent Answers can be added within the Multi-Tab gadget. For more information about Multi-Tab gadget, see the Configure Multi-Tab Gadget Layout section.


Step 1

Sign in to the administration console on the primary Cisco Finesse server using the URL: https://FQDN of Finesse server:8445/cfadmin.

Step 2

Click Desktop Layout.

Step 3

Select from the following editors:

  • Text Editor

  • XML Editor

Step 4

Uncomment the following code snippet within the gadgets tag for the required role.

For example, if you want the Agent Answers gadget to appear for an agent and supervisor on the home page, uncomment (remove the comment (<!-- and -->)) the following code snippet in the gadgets tag within the <id>home</id> tab under roles <role>Agent</role> and <role>Supervisor</role>.

  <!-- <gadget managedBy="agentMultiTabGadgetContainer" hidden="true">/3rdpartygadget/files/ccaiGadgets/answersGadget.xml</gadget> -->


  • For customized Cisco Finesse desktop layouts or during Cisco Finesse upgrade to Release 12.6(1), the administrator must manually add the gadget.

  • The gadget has been optimized to work when deployed within the multi-tab gadget. It is highly recommended to configure the gadget using a similar layout.

  • The gadget will be hidden if it is disabled in CCE Admin. This would take effect in Finesse after re-login.

Step 5

Click Save.

For more information about enabling a service, see the Agent Answers chapter in the following documents:

For information about how to use this gadget, see the Contact Center AI Gadgets Help.

Add Transcript Gadget

This procedure explains how to add the Transcript gadget in Cisco Finesse Administration.


Step 1

Sign in to the administration console on the primary Cisco Finesse server using the URL: https://FQDN of Finesse server:8445/cfadmin.

Step 2

Click Desktop Layout.

Step 3

Select from the following editors:

  • Text Editor

  • XML Editor

Step 4

Uncomment the following code snippet within the gadgets tag for the required role.

For example, if you want the Transcript gadget to appear on the home page, uncomment (remove the comment (<!-- and -->)) the following code snippet in the gadgets tag within the <id>home</id> tab, for the required role.
  • <role>Agent</role>:
      <!-- <gadget managedBy="agentMultiTabGadgetContainer" hidden="true">/3rdpartygadget/files/ccaiGadgets/transcriptGadget.xml</gadget> -->
  • <role>Supervisor</role>:
      <!-- <gadget managedBy="supervisorMultiTabGadgetContainer" hidden="true">/3rdpartygadget/files/ccaiGadgets/transcriptGadget.xml</gadget> -->


  • For customized Cisco Finesse desktop layouts or during Cisco Finesse upgrade to Release 12.6(1), the administrator must manually add the gadget.

  • The gadget has been optimized to work when deployed within the multi-tab gadget. It is highly recommended to configure the gadget using a similar layout.

  • The gadget will be hidden if it is disabled in CCE Admin. This would take effect in Finesse after re-login.

Step 5

Click Save.

For more information about enabling a service, see the Call Transcription chapter in the following documents:

For information about how to use this gadget, see the Contact Center AI Gadgets Help.

Methods to Collect Serviceability Logs

If an agent experiences problems with the Agent or Transcript gadgets, the agent can send a set of desktop logs to the Cisco Finesse server. These desktop logs are also called as serviceability logs. The serviceability logs can be sent in the following two different ways:

  • Send Error Report

    For more information on using the Send Error Report, See: Common Tasks chapter in the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide.

  • Log Collection Schedule

    For more information on using the Log Collection Schedule, see the Log Collection Schedule section.

Manage Digital Channels gadget

The Contact Center Enterprise (CCE) solution integrates with Webex Connect to offer digital channel capabilities for customers to communicate with the customer contact center. The agents and supervisors can interact with customers who are reaching out through the digital channels supported by Webex Engage, using the Manage Digital Channels gadget. The Manage Digital Channels gadget is a cloud-hosted Cisco Finesse gadget, where agents can sign into the digital channels and manage tasks. The tasks routed to the agents are displayed using Webex Engage, who can then start, transfer, or end it.

The Manage Digital Channel gadget needs to access https 443 ports on the internet. The URI used will vary depending on the region.

  • https://*

  • https://*

  • https://*

  • https://*

  • https://*

  • https://*

  • https://*

For more information about the digital channels integration, see the Digital Channels Integration Using Webex Connect chapter in the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Features Guide at

Prerequisites to configure the Manage Digital Channels gadget

Before you configure the Manage Digital Channels gadget for your agents and supervisors, make sure that you meet the following prerequisites:

Add Manage Digital Channels gadget

This procedure explains how to add Manage Digital Channels gadget in Cisco Finesse Administration.


Step 1

Sign in to the administration console on the primary Cisco Finesse server using the URL: https://FQDN of Finesse server:8445/cfadmin.

Step 2

Click Desktop Layout.

Step 3

Select from the following editors:

  • Text Editor

  • XML Editor

Step 4

Sample configurations for customizing manage digital channel properties are added to the default layout (Desktop Layout) and team-specific layout (Team Resources > Desktop Layout). For upgraded layouts, sample configurations for customizing manage digital channel properties do not appear by default. For the gadget to appear in the Agent Desktop, the administrator must copy the XML code below from the View Default Layout, add it to the respective custom layouts, and uncomment the tab.

                         <gadget maxDialogLimit="5" interruptAction="IGNORE" dialogLogoutAction="TRANSFER">/3rdpartygadget/files/ManageDigitalChannel/ManageDigitalChannel.xml</gadget>

Step 5

Click Save.

For more information about integrating digital channels using Webex Connect, see the Digital Channels Integration using Webex Connect chapter in the following documents:

Manage Digital Channels gadget properties

Through the desktop layout in the Finesse administrator console, you can configure the gadget properties using the login parameters, by passing the properties described below, as explained in Step 3 of the Customize Gadget Properties section, within the gadget tag.

The following table lists the properties and action parameters required by the gadget:




Represents the default value for the maximum number of concurrent tasks that are routed to the Agent in any of the multiple Unified CCE Media Routing Domains (MRD) which is used to represent the digital channels on the desktop.

The default value for this is 5. Any value from 1 through 10 is allowed. The default value can be overridden by the media-specific property for the same as explained in the maxDialogLimit-mrd_id property.


This value sets the default behavior for all underlying MRDs that represent the digital channels unless overridden by MRD specific behavior. The allowed values are ACCEPT and IGNORE.

The default is IGNORE. This default can be overridden by the media specific property for the same as explained below.


The action to be performed if agents terminate the desktop session when there are active tasks being handled by that agent. The possible values are CLOSE and TRANSFER (default). CLOSE will terminate the tasks and TRANSFER will cause the task to be re-routed to the same script selector or dialled number used to inject the task.


Modifies the maxDialogLimit for the Media Routing Domain (MRD) represented by mrd_id. The possible values and limits are the same as specified above for maxDialogLimit parameter.

For example, maxDialogLimit-5000=10. In this case, the property modifies the maxDialogLimit for the MRD with ID 5000 to 10.


Modifies the interruptAction for the Media Routing Domain (MRD) represented by mrd_id. The possible values and limits are the same as specified above for interruptAction parameter.

For example, interruptAction-5000=IGNORE. In this case, the property modifies the interruptAction for the MRD with ID 5000 to IGNORE.


Modifies the dialogLogoutAction for the Media Routing Domain (MRD) represented by mrd_id. The possible values and limits are the same as specified above for dialogLogoutAction parameter.

For example, dialogLogoutAction-5000=CLOSE. In this case, the property modifies the dialogLogoutAction for the MRD with ID 5000 to CLOSE.


Defines the maximum number of retries to be attempted after a digital channel login fails.

The default value is 1.


Defines the time delay between two failed login retry attempts.

The default value is 60000 milliseconds (1 minute).


Due to initialization delays, digital tasks loaded from the internet hosted service could at times fail. The gadget is expected to retry to load the conversations in such scenarios.

This defines the maximum number of retries attempted by the gadget to load the conversations of the selected tasks (email, chat, sms, or any other media).

The default value is 4.


Defines the time delay between retrying to load the tasks.

The default value is 3000 milliseconds.


Allows you to select the version of the Manage Digital Channels gadget that has to be rendered on the Finesse desktop.

The default value of this property is LATEST. This value ensures that the desktop always gets the latest version of the gadget deployed on cloud.

You can access the list of published versions using the URI.


If any of the above property is either invalid or unavailable, then default values are considered as parameters for media login. For non-interruptable MRDs, the interruptAction passed can only be IGNORE. If the value is anything other than this, it is not considered and IGNORE is used by default.

Once the agents are signed into Finesse, the CCE assigns tasks to these agents in the Media Routing Domain (MRD). The agents can then perform actions, including transferring non-voice dialogs and accepting or ignoring interrupts. Each dialog represents a task and an agent can handle a predefined maximum number of concurrent dialogs.

If the agent is interrupted by a task or call when handling a dialog, then Finesse can either:

  • ACCEPT the interrupt—in which case the agent is put into INTERRUPTED state and cannot work further on dialogs in the interrupted MRD.

  • IGNORE the interrupt—in which case the agent's state does not change and the agent can continue to work on the dialogs in the MRD.

If the agent decides to log out of any channel (media or voice), then the active dialogs associated with the agent are either transferred or closed. To transfer tasks, Finesse resubmits the tasks into the system as new tasks. The agent can log out from:

  • only voice dialogs

  • all Finesse media (recommended)

For voice calls, data is fetched from the phone book. For media other than voice, a script selector or route point is used, wherein the value of the script selector variable maps to the value of the script selector that is created through Unified ICM Configuration Manager to fetch the data. These script selectors or route points are configured in CCE for the particular MRD against which the task was sent. For more information on script selectors, refer to Script Administration chapter of Scripting and Media Routing Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise at

The following is a sample gadget configuration done on Finesse Admin console:
<gadget maxDialogLimit="3"

From the above configuration, you can observe that all the properties of the gadget are added as key-value pairs in the form of (propertyname-mrd), instead of the url parameters. In this configuration, maxDialogLimit=3 and the maxDialogLimit-5000=2 is considered for chat MRD. If the per-MRD property is not specified, the global maxDialogLimit is considered. If none of these properties are specified for the Manage Digital Channels gadget, maxDialogLimit is considered as 5, interruptAction as IGNORE, and dialogLogoutAction as CLOSE.


If agents don't accept the incoming interactions within the predefined time, the interactions get routed to the next available agent and the agents' state changes to Not Ready automatically.


Popover information

The agent dashboard is displayed with the ECC variables corresponding to the layout trasmitted in user.layout. If user.layout ECC variable is not present in the task presented to the agent, then the default ECC variable layout configured for voice will be used to display the popover information. The configuration steps for creating a call variable layout and specifying the variables that are used for popover and callheader for a task is the same as that followed for voice calls. For more information, refer to Manage Call Variables Layouts.


To display a custom Call Variables Layout, in the Unified CCE routing script set the user.Layout ECC variable to the name of a configured Call Variables Layout. If the digital channel tasks forwarded to the Finesse Desktop do not contain the user.Layout variable with the custom layout name, or if the specified custom layout is not found, then the digital channel gadget displays the task using the default layout configured for voice. The variable configured as the call header is also used in the Task List and Task.

Methods to collect Serviceability logs

If an agent experiences problems with the Manage Digital Channels gadget, the agent can send a set of desktop logs to the Cisco Finesse server. These desktop logs are also called as serviceability logs. You can send the serviceability logs in the following ways:

Configure Multi-Tab Gadget Layout

You can configure Multi-Tab gadgets in the Cisco Finesse desktop layout with the following steps:


Multi-Tab gadgets can be configured to include Agent Answers gadget. For more information about Agent Answers, see the Contact Center AI Gadgets section.


Step 1

Click Desktop Layout.

Step 2

Select from the following editors:

  • Text Editor

  • XML Editor

Step 3

Add the <gadget id="uniqueId">/desktop/scripts/tabbedgadgets.js</gadget> code snippet in the existing layout, to configure a Multi-Tab gadget. The gadget id must be a unique variable within the desktop layout.

The following figures explain the configuration of Multi-Tab gadgets in Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor desktops.

Figure 1. Default layout

Figure 2. Multi-Tab Gadget layout

    <gadget id="MultiTabGadget1">/desktop/scripts/js/tabbedGadgets.js</gadget>
    <gadget managedBy="gadgetmanager1">/desktop/scripts/js/queueStatistics.js</gadget>
    <gadget managedBy="MultiTabGadget1">/3rdpartygadget/files/CXService/CiscoCXJourneyGadget.xml</gadget>
    <gadget managedBy="MultiTabGadget1">/3rdpartygadget/files/ccaiGadgets/answersGadget.xml</gadget>

There are no restrictions on the number of gadgets that can be configured within a Multi-Tab gadget. If more than seven gadgets are configured, a drop-down icon appears next to the seventh gadget tab. When clicked, it displays a drop-down list of the remaining gadgets (starting from the eighth gadget). The maximum number of visible gadget tabs displayed in the Multi-Tab gadget header is configured through the desktop property maxTabsOnmulti-tabGadgetHeader or by using the CLI command: utils finesse set_property desktop maxTabsOnTabbedGadgetHeader [value]. For more information, see Maximum Number of Visible Multi-Tab Gadget Tabs at Desktop Properties.



More than seven gadget tabs can be visible if you use a resolution higher than the default desktop resolution of 1366x768.

Adding Page-Level Gadgets in a Single Multi-Tab Gadget

Multi-Tab gadgets can contain both page-level and other gadgets. The page-level gadgets contained in a Multi-Tab gadget are always visible irrespective of the selected desktop container tab. However, the gadgets that are not configured as page-level gadgets are hidden or displayed depending on the selected desktop container tab.


  • If a Multi-Tab gadget is not configured as a page-level gadget, all the gadgets that are managed by the Multi-Tab gadget should also be present in the same desktop container tab.

  • If a Multi-Tab gadget is configured as a page-level gadget but has no gadgets assigned, the Multi-Tab Gadget is not visible on the desktop.

  • If a Multi-Tab gadget is configured as a non page-level gadget but has no gadgets assigned, the Multi-Tab Gadget displays a warning message for desktop users. You must avoid this configuration for an optimal Finesse desktop user experience.

Drag-and-Drop and Resize Gadget or Component

The administrator can configure the drag-and-drop and resize gadget or component features for agents and supervisors to customize their Finesse desktop.

  • The drag-and-drop feature allows agents and supervisors to drag (and drop) the gadget or the component to the required position on the desktop layout.

  • The resize feature allows the agents and supervisors to shrink or expand the gadget or the component to a custom size on the desktop layout.

  • Each desktop tab can be customized to have a unique layout without affecting other tabs.

  • When you resize the browser, based on the width of the browser, gadgets in the desktop layout are automatically rearranged one below the other to fit the available screen area.


By default, the drag-and-drop and resize features are disabled. The administrator must set the enableDragDropAndResizeGadget desktop property value as true to enable these features.

The administrator can customize the desktop property value of these features through the desktop layout:

  • Default layout (Desktop Layout)—In the Text Editor, remove the comment (<!—and -->) from the enableDragDropAndResizeGadget code snippet and enter the value as true to add these features to the desktop layout. For more information, see Customize Desktop Properties.

    The following is the sample code snippet, as displayed in the default Desktop Layout.

    <!-- <config key="enableDragDropAndResizeGadget" value="false"/> -->
  • Team-specific layouts (Manage Team Resources > Desktop Layout)—Select a specific team and then in the Text Editor, remove the comment (<!—and -->) from the enableDragDropAndResizeGadget code snippet and enter the value as true to add these features to the team desktop layout. For more information, see Customize Desktop Properties at Team Level.

    The following is the sample code snippet, as displayed in the team Desktop Layout.

    <!-- <config key="enableDragDropAndResizeGadget" value="false"/> -->


  • For upgraded layouts, the sample configuration for customizing desktop property (enableDragDropAndResizeGadget) doesn’t appear by default in the Desktop Layout. Administrators must copy the XML from the View Default Layout and add to the respective custom layouts.

  • For new layouts, the sample configuration for customizing desktop property (enableDragDropAndResizeGadget) appears by default in the Desktop Layout.

  • The administrator can also use the CLI and set the utils finesse set_propertydesktop enableDragDropAndResizeGadget to true to enable these features. For more information see Desktop Properties.

  • If the drag-and-drop and resize gadget feature is enabled, the maximize or collapse functionality isn’t available in the Multi-Tab gadgets. Drag and reorder of gadgets inside a Multi-Tab gadget is independent of the enableDragDropAndResizeGadget property.

  • If the property value is defined in the team-specific desktop layout (Manage Team Resources > Desktop Layout), the team-specific desktop layout takes precedence over the property value defined in the Desktop Layout and CLI.

  • These features aren’t applicable for gadgets that don’t have a defined title. For more information, see the Gadget Limitations section in the Cisco Finesse Web Services Developer Guide at!rest-api-dev-guide.

For more information, see the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide at

Drop Participants from Conference


Cisco Finesse now permits an agent or supervisor, who is the participant in a conference call, to drop another participant. The extended capability must be enabled at the Dialog—Drop Participant from Conference API and desktop level. By default, this feature is available only for supervisors.

The administrator can set permission to allow an agent or a supervisor, who is the participant in a conference call using the Finesse desktop, to drop other agents, supervisors, or non-agents from the conference call.

The desktop property to drop participants from a conference call are:

  • enableDropParticipantFor—This property is used to set permissions to allow the agents, supervisors, or both to drop other participants from the conference call.

    The possible values for the enableDropParticipantFor property are:

    • supervisor_only—(default value) Only the supervisor, who is a participant of the conference call, can drop other agents in the conference call.

    • conference_controller_and_supervisor—The supervisor who is a participant of the conference call or an agent who initiated the conference call (conference controller) can drop other participants.

    • all—Any agent or supervisor who is a participant of the conference call can drop other participants.

    For example, if the permission is set to be supervisor_only, when the supervisor barges in to a call between an agent and a customer, the supervisor is the only one who can make a request to drop the agent from the call. This leaves the supervisor on the call with the customer.

  • dropParticipant—This property controls the listing of agents and non-agents in the Drop options list of participants in the Finesse desktop.

    The possible values for the dropParticipant property are:

    • agents—(default value) The agents or supervisors who are participants of the conference call are displayed in the Drop options list of participants in the Finesse desktop.

    • all—The agents, supervisors, CTI Route Point, IVR port, a device to which no agent is signed in, or a caller device in the conference call are displayed in the Drop options list of participants in the Finesse desktop.

For more information, see the Intercept a Call section in the Common Tasks chapter of Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide at


To enable the supervisor or call controller to drop an unmonitored extension in Cisco Unified CCE, in Release 12.0(1) or higher, set the DropAnyPartyEnabled registry key to 1 in the Dynamic Registry of the CTI server. The supervisor cannot drop a CTI Route Point, IVR port, a device to which no agent is signed in, a caller device, or other agents for whom SILENT_MONITOR is not initiated by the supervisor.

For more information, see the Enable Dropping Call Participants from a Conference Call section in Cisco Contact Center Gateway Deployment Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/CCE at

The administrator can customize the desktop property value for this feature through the desktop layout:

  • Default layout (Desktop Layout)—In the Text Editor, remove the comment (<!—and -->) from the enableDropParticipantFor and dropParticipant code snippets. Enter the appropriate value against the code snippet to control the feature using desktop layout. For more information, see Customize Desktop Properties.

    The following is the sample code snippet, as displayed in the default Desktop Layout.

    <!-- <config key="enableDropParticipantFor" value="supervisor_only"/> -->

    <!-- <config key="dropParticipant" value="agents"/> -->

  • Team-specific layouts (Manage Team Resources > Desktop Layout)—Select a specific team layout, and then in the Text Editor, remove the comment (<!—and -->) from the enableDropParticipantFor and dropParticipant code snippets. Enter the appropriate value against the code snippet to control the feature using team desktop layout. For more information, see Customize Desktop Properties at Team Level.

    The following is the sample code snippet, as displayed in the team Desktop Layout.

    <!-- <config key="enableDropParticipantFor" value="supervisor_only"/> -->

    <!-- <config key="dropParticipant" value="agents"/> -->


  • The administrator can also use the CLI utils finesse set_property webservices enableDropParticipantFor and set permission to allow an agent or a supervisor, who is the participant in a conference call to drop other agents, supervisors, or non-agents from the conference call. Enabling this capability at a an API level is a prerequisite for the desktop property changes. For more information, see Service Properties.

  • The Dialog—Drop Participant from Conference API allows an agent or supervisor to make a request to drop other agents, supervisors, or non-agents from a conference based on the permission set by the administrator. By default, this API is only available for supervisors (based on the supervisor_only property); but the administrator can use the Finesse CLI to expand access. For more information, see!rest-api-dev-guide.

  • The Dialog—Drop Participant from Conference API and the team-specific layout must have the same value to have the expected behavior, as defined by the Finesse desktop property. If the values differ, then the most restrictive value takes precedence. The order is all, conference_controller_and_supervisor, and supervisor_only.

    For example, at the API level, it is restricted to be supervisor_only, and the Finesse desktop level restriction at team-specific layout is all, then the restriction at API level applies, as that is more restrictive than the desktop level.

  • For upgraded layouts, sample configuration for customizing desktop property (enableDropParticipantFor and dropParticipant) does not appear by default in the Desktop Layout. The administrator must copy the respective code snippets of the XML from the View Default Layout and add to the respective custom layouts.

  • For new installations, sample configuration for customizing desktop property (enableDropParticipantFor and dropParticipant) appears by default in the Desktop Layout.


Finesse desktop cannot distinguish agents from another peripheral gateway (PG) as agents. So the agents from another PG are displayed using the same icon used for non-agents () in the Finesse desktop.

Customize Desktop Properties

You can customize the Finesse desktop properties.


Step 1

Click Desktop Layout.

Step 2

Select from the following editors:

  • Text Editor
  • XML Editor

Step 3

Enter the desktop property name in the config key tag.

Step 4

Enter the possible value of the desktop property in the value tag.

The following are the sample desktop property entries, as displayed in the default Desktop Layout. To change these desktop property entries in Text Editor, remove the comment (<!-- and -->) and set appropriate values.

<!-- <config key="enableDragDropAndResizeGadget" value="false"/> -->
<!-- <config key="wrapUpCountDown" value="true"/> -->
<!-- <config key="desktopChatAttachmentEnabled" value="true"/> -->
<!-- <config key="forceWrapUp" value="true"/> -->



If the property value is defined in the Desktop Layout, then the Desktop Layout value takes precedence over the property value defined using the CLI. For more information on Finesse CLIs, see Desktop Properties.

The following table lists the supported desktop properties:

Config Key


Default Value




















Range: 5 to 10 (MB)



Unsupported file formats include comma-separated valid file extensions. For example: .exe, .sh

.exe, .msi, .sh, .bat





(for Supervisor Only)




Range: 1—20



Range: 1000—200000 (1 to 200 seconds)

5000 (5 seconds)








For more information on Finesse desktop properties, see Desktop Properties.

Step 5

Click Save.

The change takes effect when the agent or supervisor refreshes the Finesse desktop or sign out and sign in again.



If you clear the Override System Default check box and click Save. The changes are overwritten, and the editing pane reverts to the default desktop layout XML.

Customize Gadget Properties

You can customize the gadget properties to control the appearance and behavior of the gadget. The gadget behavior can be customized on a per team basis by customizing their behavior in team specific layout. This can be done by customizing the properties that a gadget supports, which are typically configured statically in the UserPrefs section of the gadget XML, into the gadget tag of the respective gadget, as shown in Step 3 below. By modifying the desktop layout for each team, the gadget properties can be customized for the required team.

To customize the gadget properties:


Step 1

Click Desktop Layout.

Step 2

Select from the following editors:

  • Text Editor
  • XML Editor

Step 3

Find the gadget for which the property has to be modified. For example, <gadget>/3rdpartygadget/files/ManageDigitalChannel/ManageDigitalChannel.xml</gadget>

Step 4

Add the required property modifications within the gadget tag as shown below:

<gadget dialogLogoutAction="TRANSFER" 
maxDialogLimit = "10">



For more information on the list of supported gadget properties, refer to the respective gadgets. To customize the Manage Digital Channels gadget properties, see Customize Manage Digital Channels Gadget Properties.

Step 5

Click Save.

The change takes effect when the agent or supervisor refreshes the Finesse desktop or sign out and sign in again.



If you clear the Override System Default check box and click Save, the changes are overwritten and the editing pane reverts to the default gadget layout XML.

Horizontal Header

The Horizontal Header on the Finesse desktop has the following components from left to right. All these components can be removed and replaced with custom gadgets as required.

  • Logo: Default is Cisco logo. Can be customized.

  • Product Name: Default is Cisco Finesse. Can be customized.

  • Agent State for Voice: Displays agent state for voice call.

  • Agent State for Digital Channels: Displays agent state for digital channels.

  • Dialer Component: Agent can make a new call.

  • Identity Component: Displays agent name and signout functionality with reason codes.


The sum of widths set for all gadgets and components in the header (inside right aligned columns and left aligned colums) should not exceed the total header width. If it exceeds the header width, some of the gadgets/components will not be visible.

Customize Title and Logo in the Header

You can customize the title and logo displayed on the Finesse desktop:


Step 1

Click Desktop Layout.

Step 2

Select from the following editors:

  • Text Editor
  • XML Editor

Step 3

Enter the product name in the config value tag with title key.

Step 4

Upload the logo file just like any third-party gadget.

For more information, see section Upload Third-Party Gadgets in Cisco Finesse Admin Guide.

Step 5

Enter the URL of the logo file in the config value tag with logo key.


        <!-- The Title for the application which can be customised.-->
<config value="product.full-name" Key="title"/>
     <!-- The logo file for the application-->
     <!--<config key="logo" value="/3rdpartygadgets/<some_sample_image>"/-->

The customized logo and product name is displayed on the Finesse desktop.


The file size that can be uploaded for the logo must be kept within 40 pixels. The file types supported are .svg, .png, .gif, and .jpeg/jpg.

alternateHosts Configuration

The <gadget> element in the Finesse Layout XML provides an attribute to specify alternate hosts from which the gadget can be loaded. This allows the Cisco Finesse desktop to load the gadget using a different host if the primary server is unavailable.

The alternateHosts attribute contains a comma-separated list of FQDNs that will be used if the primary-host-FQDN is unavailable.

<gadget alternateHosts="host1,host2,host3,...">

The alternateHosts attribute is only applicable for gadgets with an absolute URL. That is URLs containing the FQDN of a host, an optional port, and the complete URL path to the gadget. For example: <gadget alternateHosts="host1,host2">https://primary host/relative_path</gadget>

If loading the gadget from the primary-host fails, the Cisco Finesse container attempts to load the gadget from the alternate hosts in the order specified in the alternateHosts attribute.

The Cisco Finesse desktop may fail to load the gadget even if some of the hosts are reachable. In such cases, refresh the Cisco Finesse desktop.

When the gadget is specified with a relative URL, for example: <gadget >/3rdpartygadgets/relative_path</gadget>, the alternateHosts attribute does not apply and is ignored by the Cisco Finesse desktop.


If the host serving the gadget fails after the Cisco Finesse desktop was successfully loaded, the desktop must be refreshed in order to load the gadget from an alternate host. The gadget does not implement its own failover mechanism.

Headless Gadget Configuration

Headless gadgets are gadgets which do not need a display space, but can be loaded and run like a background task in the browser. The Hidden attribute (optional) is used to support headless gadgets in the layout XML. When an attribute is set to "hidden=true", then the gadget is loaded by the container, but will not be displayed. The default value set for the attribute is "false".

Customize Icons in Left Navigation Bar

You can add icons (both custom and inbuilt) to the collapsible left navigation bar of the Finesse desktop:


Step 1

Click Desktop Layout.

Step 2

Select from the following editors:

  • Text Editor
  • XML Editor

Step 3

Enter name of the gadget or component in the id tag.

Step 4

Enter the value of the icon in the icon tag.

Step 5

Upload the icon file just like any third-party gadget.

For more information, see section Upload Third-Party Gadgets in Cisco Finesse Admin Guide.



When adding a custom icon, provide the path in the icon tag and if you are adding an inbuilt icon, provide the icon value in the icon tag


                 <!-- The following gadgets are used for viewing the call history and state history of an agent. -->



The file size that can be uploaded in the left navigation bar as custom icons is 25 pixels by 25 pixels. The maximum width of the tab title in the left navigation bar must be 80 pixels or less. The file types supported are .svg, .png, .gif, and .jpeg/jpg.

Customize Icons for Gadgets

As part of the Cisco Finesse container, various standard icons are available. Use the following procedure to customize the icons for the gadgets hosted in Finesse desktop.


Step 1

Click Desktop Layout.

Step 2

Select from the following editors:

  • Text Editor
  • XML Editor

Step 3

Enter the value of the icon in the icon tag. Get the icon name from the List of Icons. The icon name is located on the right of the icon image. For example, search.



Icon name is case sensitive. Enter the icon name exactly as displayed in the List of Icons.


An example of the desktop layout using the Search and Close-Keyboard icons.


List of Icons

The following are the icons for Actions.

The following are the icons for Audio.

The following are the icons for Camera.

The following are the icons for Chat.

The following are the icons for Collaboration.

The following are the icons for Contacts.

The following are the icons for Content.

The following are the icons for Editor.

The following are the icons for Email.

The following are the icons for Hardware.

The following are the icons for Media.

The following are the icons for Navigation.

The following are the icons for Network.

The following are the icons for Notifications and Alerts.

The following are the icons for Phone.

The following are the icons for Sources.

The following are the icons for Settings.

The following are the icons for Video Controls.

The following are the icons for Miscellaneous Icons.

For more information on customizing the visual experience, see Visual Design Kit at!visual-design-guide.

XML Schema Definition

You must ensure that the XML uploaded conforms to the XML schema definition for Finesse. The XML schema definition for Finesse is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
   <!-- definition of version element -->
   <xs:element name="version">
         <xs:restriction base="xs:double">
            <xs:pattern value="[0-9\.]+" />
   <!--  The below elements are for common desktop header and configs -->
   <!--  Copied from: -->
   <!--  If the common-desktop XSD changes, this too needs to be updated -->
   <!--  Only difference is that, column has been renamed to headercolumn, since column is alredy there in finesse desktop layout -->
   <xs:complexType name="configs">
         <xs:element name="config" type="config" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
   <xs:complexType name="config">
      <xs:attribute name="key">
            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
               <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z]*" />
      <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:string" />
   <xs:complexType name="header">
            <xs:element name="leftAlignedColumns" type="listOfColumns" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
            <xs:element name="rightAlignedColumns" type="listOfColumns" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
            <xs:element name="rightAlignedColumns" type="listOfColumns" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
   <xs:complexType name="component">
         <xs:element name="url" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
         <xs:element name="stylesheet" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
      <xs:attribute name="id" use="required">
            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
               <xs:pattern value=".+" />
      <xs:attribute name="order">
            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
               <xs:pattern value="[0-9]{0,10}" />
   <xs:complexType name="listOfColumns">
         <xs:element name="headercolumn" type="headercolumn" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
   <xs:complexType name="headercolumn">
      <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
         <xs:element ref="gadget" />
         <xs:element name="component" type="component" />
      <xs:attribute name="width">
            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
               <xs:pattern value="[0-9]+(px|%)" />
   <!--  The above elements are for common desktop header and configs -->
   <!-- definition of role type -->
   <xs:simpleType name="role">
      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
         <xs:enumeration value="Agent" />
         <xs:enumeration value="Supervisor" />
         <xs:enumeration value="Admin" />
   <!-- definition of simple elements -->
   <xs:element name="id">
         <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
            <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z]([-_:\.a-zA-Z0-9])*" />
   <xs:element name="label">
         <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
            <xs:minLength value="1" />
            <xs:pattern value="[^\r\n]+" />
            <!-- This regex restricts the label string from carriage returns or newline characters -->
   <xs:element name="icon" type="xs:anyURI" />
   <xs:element name="gadget">
            <xs:extension base="restrictWhiteSpaces">
               <!-- <xs:attribute name="staticMessage" type="xs:string"/> -->
               <xs:attribute name="id">
                     <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                        <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z]([-_a-zA-Z0-9])*" />
               <xs:attribute name="alternateHosts" type="xs:string" />
               <xs:attribute name="managedBy" type="xs:string" />
               <xs:attribute name="hidden" type="xs:boolean" />
   <xs:element name="role" type="role" />
   <xs:element name="gadgets">
      <!-- Grouping of a set of gadgets -->
         <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <!-- No limit to number of gadget URIs for now -->
            <xs:element ref="gadget" />
            <!-- URI of the gadget xml -->
   <xs:simpleType name="restrictWhiteSpaces">
      <xs:restriction base="xs:anyURI">
         <xs:minLength value="1" />
         <xs:pattern value="\S+" />
         <!-- This regex restricts anyURI from containing whitespace within -->
   <xs:element name="column">
      <!-- Grouping of a set of gadgets within a column -->
         <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <!-- No limit to number of gadget URIs for now -->
            <xs:element ref="gadgets" />
            <!-- URI of the gadget xml -->
   <xs:element name="columns">
      <!-- Grouping of a set of columns -->
            <xs:element ref="column" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
   <xs:element name="page">
      <!-- Grouping of a set of persistent gadgets -->
         <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <!-- No limit to number of gadget URIs for now -->
            <xs:element ref="gadget" />
            <!-- URI of the gadget xml -->
   <xs:element name="tab">
            <xs:element ref="id" />
            <!-- Id of the tab selector in the desktop -->
            <xs:element ref="icon" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
            <xs:element ref="label" />
            <!-- Label of the tab selector -->
               <xs:element ref="gadgets" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
               <xs:element ref="columns" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
   <xs:element name="tabs">
      <!-- Grouping of tabs -->
         <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <!-- No limit to number of tabs for now -->
            <xs:element ref="tab" />
   <xs:element name="layout">
            <xs:element ref="role" />
            <!-- Type of the role -->
            <xs:element ref="page" />
            <!-- List of page gadgets -->
            <xs:element ref="tabs" />
            <!-- Grouping of tabs for this particular role -->
   <xs:element name="finesseLayout">
      <!-- Layout of the desktop -->
            <xs:element ref="version" />
            <xs:element name="configs" type="configs" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
            <xs:element name="header" type="header" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
            <xs:sequence maxOccurs="3">
               <!-- only support 3 roles for now -->
               <xs:element ref="layout" />

Live Data Reports

Prerequisites for Live Data

Before you add Live Data reports to the desktop, you must meet the following prerequisites:

  • Download the Live Data reports from and import them into Cisco Unified Intelligence Center. Verify that the reports are working in Unified Intelligence Center.

  • You must use HTTPS for both Cisco Unified Intelligence Center and Finesse. The default setting for both after a fresh installation is HTTPS.

    For more information, see Administration Console User Guide for Cisco Unified Intelligence Center at

  • Ensure that user integration synchronization is enabled for Cisco Unified Intelligence Center.

    For more information, see Administration Console User Guide for Cisco Unified Intelligence Center at

  • For HTTPS, you must upload security certificates to the Finesse, Cisco Unified Intelligence Center and Live Data servers. Finesse, Cisco Unified Intelligence Center, and Live Data are installed with self-signed certificates. However, if you use the self-signed certificates, agents and supervisors must accept certificates in the Finesse desktop when they sign in before they can use the Live Data gadget. To avoid this requirement, you can provide a CA certificate instead. You can obtain a CA certificate from a third-party certificate vendor or produce one internal to your organization.

Add Live Data Reports to Finesse

To add Live Data reports to the Finesse desktop. The procedure that you follow depends on several factors, described in the following table.


When to use

Add Live Data reports to default desktop layout

After a fresh installation or after an upgrade if you have not customized the default desktop layout.

Add Live Data reports to custom desktop layout

If you have customized the Finesse desktop layout.

Add Live Data reports to team layout

To the desktop layout for specific teams only.


The line breaks and spaces that appear in the example text of the procedures are provided only for readability and must not be included in the actual code.


After you add a gadget, sign in to the Finesse desktop and make sure it appears the way you want. If you use a report with a large number of rows, you may want to adjust the gadget height or the screen resolution on the computer used to access the desktop to make the report easier to read or make more rows appear on the screen without needing to scroll down.

Agents who are signed in when you change the desktop layout must sign out and sign back in to see the change on their desktops.

Add Live Data Reports to Default Desktop Layout

The Finesse default layout XML contains commented XML code for the Live Data report gadgets available for the Finesse desktop.

This procedure explains how to add the Live Data report gadgets to the default desktop layout. Use this procedure after a fresh installation of Finesse. If you upgraded Finesse and do not have a custom desktop layout, click Restore Default Layout on the Manage Desktop Layout gadget and then follow the steps in this procedure.


Step 1

Click Desktop Layout.

Step 2

Select from the following editors:

  • Text Editor
  • XML Editor

Step 3

Add the reports to the desktop layout:

  • Text Editor - Remove the comment (<!-- and -->) from each report that you want to add to the desktop layout and then replace "my-cuic-server" with the FQDN of the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Server.
  • XML Editor - To add a gadget, select <layout > <tabs > <gadgets> Add <gadget> and enter the required parameters such as Id, alternate hosts, managed by, maximum rows, and the hidden details.



You must select the reports that match the protocol (HTTPS) your agents use to access the Cisco Finesse desktop.

Step 4

Click Save.


In a dynamic type gadget, multiple viewId parameters is not supported. Check the URL in the error message before proceeding to save the default XML layout. The name value "type=dynamic must be part of the gadget URL.



If you select a TDM agent in the Team Performance Gadget, the recent state history data of the selected agent is not populated.

Add Live Data Reports to Custom Desktop Layout

The Finesse default layout XML contains commented XML code for the Live Data report gadgets available for the Finesse desktop.

To add the Live Data report gadgets to a custom desktop layout.


Step 1

Click the Desktop Layout tab.

Step 2

Select from the following editors:

  • Text Editor
  • XML Editor

Step 3

Copy the XML code for the HTTPS report you want to add from the Finesse default layout XML.


To add the Agent Report for HTTPS, copy the following:


Step 4

Replace my-cuic-server with the FQDN of your Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Server.

Step 5

Click Save.

Add Live Data Reports to Team Layout

The Finesse default layout XML contains commented XML code for the Live Data report gadgets available for the Finesse desktop.

To add the Live Data report gadgets to the desktop layout of a specific team:


Step 1

Click the Desktop Layout tab.

Step 2

Select from the following editors:

  • Text Editor
  • XML Editor

Step 3

Copy the XML code for the HTTPS report you want to add from the Finesse default layout XML.


To add the Agent Report for HTTPS, copy the following:


Step 4

Click Team Resources.

Step 5

Select the team from the list of teams for which you want to add the report.

Step 6

In the Resources for <team name> area, click the Desktop Layout tab.

Step 7

Check the Override System Default check box.

Step 8

Select from the following editors:

  • Text Editor
  • XML Editor

Step 9

Replace "my-cuic-server" with the FQDN of your Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Server.

Step 10

Click Save.

Modify Live Data Stock Reports for Finesse

To modify the Live Data stock reports in Cisco Unified Intelligence Center and add the modified report to the Finesse desktop layout:


To make sure the modified gadget renders in the Finesse desktop, you must give the appropriate permission for that report in Cisco Unified Intelligence Center.


Step 1

Click the Desktop Layout.

Step 2

Select from the following editors:

  • Text Editor
  • XML Editor

Step 3

In Cisco Unified Intelligence Center, in Edit view of the report, select the view for which you want to create a gadget URL and then click Links.

The HTML Link field displays the permalink of the customized report.

Step 4

Replace my-cuic-server with the FQDN of the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Server.

Step 5

Add the customized gadget URL to the desktop layout XML in the Manage Desktop Layout gadget and click Save.

Configure Live Data Reports with Multiple Views

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center allows you to display multiple Live Data reports or views on a single gadget. Agents can select the desired view to display from a drop-down list on the gadget toolbar, which lists up to five report views in Report Name - View Name format.

This procedure describes how to add multiple Live Data views to the Finesse desktop layout using the viewId_n and filterId_n keys. You can specify up to five report views to appear in your gadget. The first view among the five is the default view. There is no defined order for how the remaining views are displayed.

Finesse still supports the display of a single gadget using a single viewId. However, if you specify the single viewId along with multiple viewId_n keys, the multiple views are used and the single viewId is ignored.


To make sure the modified gadget renders in the Finesse desktop, you must give the appropriate permission for that report in Unified Intelligence Center.


Step 1

For each report or view that you want to include in the gadget, obtain the associated viewId from the permalink for the view:

  1. In Unified Intelligence Center, in Edit view of the report, select the desired view then click Links.

    The HTML Link field displays the permalink of the customized report.

  2. Copy the permalink of the customized report from the HTML Link field, and paste it in a text editor, and then copy the viewID value from the permalink and save it.


    Copy the viewId, which is underlined in this example, from the permalink for the report.

    https://<Server Name>:8444/cuic/permalink/PermalinkViewer.htmx?

Step 2

From the Finesse default layout XML, copy the gadget URL for one of the Live Data reports and paste it into a text editor.


Copy the URL for the Agent Skill Group for HTTPS from the default layout XML and paste it into a text editor:


Step 3

To update the URL to refer to a different report view, populate the viewId_1 value (after the equal sign) with the desired viewId obtained in step 1.


The following shows the URL updated with the example viewId copied from step 1.


Step 4

For each additional view you want to include:

  1. At the end of the URL, copy and paste the viewId_1 and agentId_1 strings with a leading ampersand.

  2. Update the copied viewId_1 and filterId_1 in the URL to the next available integer (in this example, viewId_2 and filterId_2).

  3. Populate the copied viewId value (after the equal sign) with the value defined in the permalink for the desired report (in this example, 99E6C8E210000141000000D80A0006C4).

  4. Make sure that the filterId value matches the type required by the report type, as follows:

    • Agent Reports:

    • Agent Skill Group Reports:

    • Skill Group Reports:

    • Precision Queue Reports:

Step 5

Replace my-cuic-server with the FQDN of your Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Server.

Step 6

Add the customized gadget URL to the desktop layout XML in the Manage Desktop Layout gadget and click Save.