Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise

New Features

There are no new features for this release.

Updated Features

In case your are considering a fix for the CSCvm73627, after installing 116(2) a new dynamic registry key EnableMaxAttemptsPerNumber, is created automatically.

This key can be located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems Inc \ICM\ <instance-Name>\LoggerA\BlendedAgent\CurrentVersion and the default value is "0."

The registry key controls the behavior of the software to determine how the Max Attempts, configured in each campaign, are used. The two values for EnableMaxAttemptsPerNumber are 0 and 1. When it is set to 0, the behavior does not change from previous releases. When it set to 1, the new behavior is enabled.

When you enable the new behavior (by setting EnableMaxAttemptsPerNumber) to 1, the number of times each number associated with record will be dialed will be equal to the value set in Max Attempts. (When EnableMaxAttemptsPerNumber is set to 0 (default behavior), total number of attempts made to call the numbers associated with each record will be equal to value set in Max Attempts.)


Assume that we have 2 records that are configured in a campaign. Record 1 has 3 numbers that are associated with it and record 2 has 2 numbers associated with it. Also assume that all call attempts fail to reach a voice connection.

John Smith 5551111 5552222 5553333

Jane Doe 6661111 6662222

When Max Attempts = 3 and EnableMaxAttempts= 0 all 3 numbers for John Smith will be dialed once, for a total of 3 attempts. First number for Jane Doe will be dialed twice and the second number dialed once, for a total of 3 attempts.

When Max Attempts = 1 and EnableMaxAttempts= 0. First number of John Smith and Jane Doe will be dialed.

When Max Attempts = 1 and EnableMaxAttempts= 1 all 3 numbers for John Smith will be dialed once. All 2 numbers for Jane Doe will be dialed once.

When Max Attempts = 2 EnableMaxAttempts= 1 all 3 numbers for John Smith will be dialed twice. All 2 numbers for Jane Doe will be dialed twice.

Important Notes

If you are upgrading from a version prior to 11.6(1), you must first upgrade to 11.6(1) and then to 11.6(2). If you directly upgrade to 11.6(2), an error message is displayed and you are blocked from upgrading.


The components like ECE, CVP, Finesse, CUIC, REM, and Social Miner have no changes in this release.

For more information on compatible versions of other components, refer the Unified CCE Compatability Matrix 11.6(x) .

Language Pack

There is no language pack available for Release 11.6(2). You have to use the language pack from Release 11.6(1).

Java Version Update

This release supports Java JRE version 1.8 (32-bit) Update 191 or later versions.

The installation process installs Java JRE version 1.8 (32-bit) Update 191. Do not remove any previous versions of Java that may be necessary for components like CVP, VVB, and CUIC, after ensuring that Java JRE version 1.8 (32-bit) Update 191 is installed on the server.


In case the Java JRE version running on the system before upgrading to Release 11.6(2) is later than version 1.8 Update 191, the Java JRE version is not upgraded during the upgrade to Release 11.6(2).

For more information and compatible versions of Java for components such as CVP, VVB, and CUIC, see the Compatibility Information for , Release 11.6(x).

You can apply newer Java security updates after the upgrade.

See the Java Upgrades section in Security Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise .

Maintenance Release Installation

Do not run the installer remotely. Download the Maintenance Release Installer to a local machine for installation.


Before installing the ICM 11.6(2), ensure that the current version is ICM 11.6(1).

Consider the following for Maintenance Release Installation:

  1. Plan and schedule the maintenance period.

  2. Review all applicable documentation.

  3. Download the maintenance release from the Unified Contact Center Enterprise Download Software page.You can find the page at .

  4. Stop all ICM services.

  5. Double-click the Maintenance Release Installer to begin the installation.

  6. After successful installation of 11.6(2) MR the installer will redirect to restart the server.

  7. Start all ICM services.


The Unified CCE, 11.6(2) Maintenance Release might not contain all the defect fixes from Engineering Specials on previous release branches. Before installing the Maintenance Release, check that all defects for which you applied an ES are also covered in this Maintenance Release. If you need a defect fix that this Maintenance Release does not cover, ask Cisco TAC to have an ES for that defect created on the 11.6(2) Maintenance Release branch.

Before upgrading to Unified CCE, 11.6 (2) Maintenance Release, if you have already installed Engineering Specials that have not been merged, possibly because they were released after 11.6 (2), the following warning is displayed:

Following Engineering Special(s) installed in the system, are not merged into ICM11.6(2).

Cisco ICM Engineering Special <ES>

Continuing with the upgrade may result in loss of functionality provided by above engineering special(s).
Review available engineering special(s) built on ICM11.6(2), for corresponding patches that would need to be applied separately. 

Do you want to continue the upgrade?


If you see the above warning, cancel the installation process. You have to uninstall the Engineering Special listed in the warning message and then install 11.6(2) MR.

Installing New Stored Procedures

Stored Procedures for CSCvn65050 (Outbound HA replication).

Stored Procedure(SP) is optional, if your considering a fix for the defect CSCvn65050 download the ReplicationSQL_BatchFiles.rar file the link .

SP is attached as part of the ReplicationSQL_BatchFiles.rar file. It mainly contains stored procedures to build the DialingList table from the Contact table and change sm_used field in the Contact table.

Details of the files are:

  • buildDL: Stored procedure to build DL from the Contact table.

  • sm_used: Stored procedure to update sm_used field in the Contact table.

  • DropBuildDL: Drop the installed BuildDL procedure.

  • Dropsm_used: Drop the installed sm_used procedure.

Syntax to run Batch Files

Run the commands provided in this section from the command prompt in the logger server at theReplicationSQL_BatchFiles location.

  • Batch File <Instance_Name> <Side>

    Example of the command:

    BatchFile ucce A

    <Side> can be A or B (in capital). The <Side> value should reflect to BA database name in the system. In this example, the BA database name is ucce_baA.

    This command installs the new stored procedure under programmability of BA database.

Follow the below procedure to install new StoredProcedures:

  1. From command prompt, navigate to the unzipped folder of ReplicationSQL_BatchFiles .

  2. Run the InstallReplicationsql <instance name> A command on A side.

  3. Run the InstallReplicationsql <instance name> B command on B side.

  4. Ensure that the Stored Procedures are added under programmability of ba database from SQL Server management studio.

  5. Restart the logger services.


    Newly added SPs (sp_ba_update_contacttable_sm_used and sp_ba_build_dialing_list_records) will be available.

  6. Manually set the stored procedure Replicate property to Execution of Stored Procedure. By default it would set to Stored Procedure definition.

    For more information see Microsoft documentation about Microsoft SQL Server 2017.

Uninstalling New Stored Procedures
Before you begin
It is suggested to uninstall the new Stored Procedure when you uninstall 11.6(2). To unistall, follow the procedure:

Step 1

Disable Outbound HA on both sides of the Logger.

For more information on disabling the Outbound HA see the section Disable Outbound Options High Availability (If Applicable) at

Step 2

From the command prompt, navigate to unzipped folder of ReplicationSQL_BatchFiles.

Step 3

On side A, run DropReplicationsql <instance_name> A command.

Step 4

On side B, run DropReplicationsql <instance_name> B command.

Step 5

Ensure stored procedure are deleted under programmability of BA database from SQL Server management studio.

Step 6

Restart the logger services.

Deprecated Features

There is no new development for Deprecated features. These features may be scheduled to be removed in a future release. Plan to transition to the designated replacement feature. If you are implementing a new deployment, use the replacement technology rather than the deprecated feature.

Please review the applicable notes for details about exceptions or other qualifiers.

Deprecated Feature

Announced in Release



MIB Objects:

  • cccaDistAwWebViewEnabled

  • cccaDistAwWebViewServerName

  • cccaSupportToolsURL

  • cccaDialerCallAttemptsPerSec




SHA-1 certificate



For more information on SHA-256 compliance, see

Generic PG


Agent, VRU, and MR PGs





Avaya SEI/CVLAN protocol was deprecated by vendor.

"Sprawler" deployment


A Packaged CCE deployment

A "Sprawler" was a Progger with an Administration & Data Server on a single box. It was used for lab deployments.

Removed and Unsupported Features

The following features are no longer available:


Effective from Release


AAS for Symposium (SEI Interface)



CTI OS Agent Desktop


CTI OS Agent Desktop is supported for TDM and System PG only.


Cisco Finesse

CTI OS Supervisor Desktop


CTI OS Supervisor Desktop is supported for System PG only.


Cisco Finesse

CTI OS-Based Silent Monitoring


CTI OS-Based Silent Monitoring is supported for System PG only.



Cisco Agent Desktop (CAD)


Cisco Finesse

Cisco Supervisor Desktop


Cisco Finesse

Cisco Media Blender


For Unified WIM & EIM, use the Script Editor to configure dialed number prefixes and filters for Agent Request.

H.323 protocol support


SIP protocol

Half Hour database tables:

  • Agent_Half_Hour

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Half_Hour

  • Call_Type_Half_Hour

  • Call_Type_SG_Half_Hour

  • Peripheral_Half_Hour

  • Service_Half_Hour

  • Skill_Group_Half_Hour


The Half Hour database tables available in the database are not populated because these tables are not supported.


Interval database tables

Cisco Jabber Guest


Third Party Solution

On-Demand Licensing Model for Unified CCE


Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solution (HCS) for Contact Center

Remote Silent Monitoring



Support for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) 2.0 and 3.0


Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Unified Intelligent Contact Management Hosted (ICMH) and Unified Contact Center Hosted (Unified CCH)


Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solution (HCS) for Contact Center

Unified WIM & EIM


Enterprise Chat and Email




Third Party Software Impacts

Other Software Upgrades

The following softwares are upgraded in this release:

  • JRE—Upgraded to 1.8 (32 bit), Update 191 or later updates of version 1.8.

  • Perl—Upgraded to version 5.28.0.

  • Apache Tomcat—Upgraded to version 7.0.90.

  • OpenSSL—Upgraded to version openssl-1.0.2o.

  • Microsoft .Net framework—Upgraded to version 4.7.2.

  • Apache Struts—Upgraded to version 2.5.17.