Media Routing Domain API

Media Routing Domain API

A media routing domain is a collection of skill groups associated with a common media class. It is used to organize how requests for different media are routed.

Use the Media Routing Domain (MRD) API to list the MRDs currently defined in the database, define new MRDs, and view, edit, and delete existing MRDs.

The built-in Cisco_Voice MRD and legacyMultichannel MRDs are read-only; they cannot be created, updated, or deleted. You can perform all API operations on multichannel MRDs.




  • create: Creates an MRD.

  • delete: Permanently deletes one MRD.

  • list: Retrieves a list of MRDs.

  • get: Returns one MRD using the URL https://<server>/unifiedconfig/config/mediaroutingdomain/<id>.

  • update: Updates one MRD.


  • refURL: The refURL of the MRD. See Shared Parameters.

  • name: Name of the MRD. See Shared Parameters.

  • description: See Shared Parameters.

  • id: The database id of the MRD. Read-only field.

  • type: The type of MRD. Values are as follows:

    • voice: Used only for the built-in Cisco_Voice MRD. These MRDs are read-only.

    • legacyMultichannel: Used for MRDS for the Enterprise Chat and Email application. These MRDs are read-only.

    • multichannel: (Default) Used for MRDs for Task Routing APIs.

  • taskLife: If the connection goes down, the amount of time, in seconds, that the system waits before ending all tasks. Default is 1200.

  • taskStartTimeout: The amount of time, in seconds, that the system waits between an agent being selected for a task and an agent being offered or beginning the task. When this time is reached, the system makes the agent Not Routable. Default is 30.

  • maxTaskDuration: The maximum duration for a task, in seconds. Default is 28800.

  • serviceLevelThreshold: Maximum time in seconds that a customer should wait before being connected with an agent. Default is 30.

  • interruptible: Indicates if an agent can be interrupted by assigned tasks from another MRD. Values are true/false.

  • maxTasksInQueue: The maximum number of tasks allowed to be queued at one time.

  • maxTimeInQueue: The maximum amount of time, in seconds, a task can be queued.

Search and Sort Values

The following table shows the parameters that are searched and the parameters that are sortable.

Search parameters Sort parameters
  • name
  • description
  • id
  • name (default)
  • description
  • id
  • interruptible
  • maxTasksInQueue
  • maxTaskDuration
  • maxTimeInQueue
  • serviceLevelThreshold
  • taskLife
  • taskStartTimeout

See Search and Sort.

Advanced search parameters

You can perform a nonVoiceOnly search on the Media Routing Domain API:
  • nonVoiceOnly: Set this attribute to true in the search query parameter to make the API return only media routing domains other than the Cisco_Voice MRD. For example, q=nonVoiceOnly:true.

Example Get Response

      <description>Media channel for routing Chat tasks</description>
      <description>Default Media Routing Domain for Cisco_Voice</description>