Web Based CCE Administration

Unified CCE Web Administration

The Configuration Manager enables you to perform most of the Unified CCE administrative tasks. The gadgets in the Unified CCE Web Administration application enables you to manage other Unified CCE administrative tasks and system settings.


  • For more information on each gadget, please see the online help available in the CCE Web Administration page.

  • Users are logged out of the Unified CCE Administration console automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity.

Access Unified CCE Administrative Gadgets

To manage agents, attributes, precision queues, bucket intervals, media routing domains, license, and bulk jobs, use the corresponding card in the Unified CCE Web Administration application. For example, to access business hours:


Step 1

From your desktop, double-click the Unified CCE Tools icon, and then select Administration Tools.

Step 2

Double-click the CCE Web Administration link.

Step 3

From the left navigation bar, select Overview and then select Organization Setup card.

Step 4

Select Business Hours.


For more information about business hours, see Business Hours.

Access Unified CCE System Management Gadgets

To configure system settings such as deployment type and system information, use the Infrastructure Settings card. To configure Single Sign-On (SSO), use the Features card in the Unified CCE Web Administration application. For example, to set the deployment type:


Step 1

From your desktop, double-click the Unified CCE Tools icon, and then select Administration Tools.

Step 2

Double-click the CCE Web Administration link.

Step 3

Select Deployment Settings.

Step 4

On the Deployment Type page, click on deployment type and then select an instance from the drop-down list.


For more information about deployment type, see Deployment Type.

Managing Agents

The Agents tool in Unified CCE Administration contains a list of agents. These agents are created in Agent Explorer under Configuration Manager.

Rows in the list show the following fields for each agent:

  • Username

  • Peripheral

  • Last Name

  • First Name

  • Description

The username maps to the login name in Agent Explorer.

You can search and sort this list, and you can click the row for an agent to open the Edit Agent window. You can only edit an agent's attribute settings.

You cannot create or delete agents in this tool. You must create or delete agents in the Configuration Manager Agent Explorer tool.


Ensure that Agent ID (Peripheral number) and agent Login name is unique for each user.


Attributes identify a call routing requirement, such as language, location, or agent expertise.

You can create two types of attributes:

  • Boolean

  • Proficiency

Use Boolean attributes to identify an agent attribute value as true or false.

For example, you can create a Boston attribute. This attribute specifies that the agent assigned to this attribute must be located in Boston. An agent in Boston would have Boston as True as the term for that attribute.

Use Proficiency attributes to establish a level of expertise in a range from 1 to 10 , with 10 being the highest level of expertise.

For example, for a Spanish language attribute, an original speaker would have the attribute Proficiency as 10. When you create a precision queue, you identify which attributes are part of that queue and then implement the queue in a script.

When you assign a new attribute to an agent and the attribute value matches the precision queue criteria, the agent is automatically associated with the precision queue.


Attributes is a prerequisite for Precision Queue.

Precision Queues

Precision routing offers a multidimensional alternative to skill group routing. Using the Unified CCE scripting, you can dynamically map the precision queues to direct a call to the agent who best matches the caller's precise needs. Precision queues are the key components of precision routing.

Managing Bucket Intervals

Configure bucket intervals to report on how many calls are handled or abandoned during specific, incremental time slots.

Each bucket interval has a maximum of nine configurable time slots, called Upper Bounds. Upper Bounds are ranges measured in seconds to segment and capture call-handling activity. You can run reports that show calls answered and calls abandoned for these intervals.

If your goal is to have calls handled within 1 minute, you might set up Upper Bounds for intervals that show how many calls are handled in less than or more than 1 minute. Intervals might be for 30, 60, 80,120, 150, 180, and 240 seconds. Using these intervals, you can see if calls are being answered within 1 minute or if callers are waiting longer.

The intervals also give you insight into how long callers are willing to wait before cancelling a call. Perhaps many callers do not abandon a call until they have waited for two minutes. This might indicate that you can modify your goal.

You can associate bucket intervals with call types, skill groups, and precision queues. The system automatically creates a built-in bucket interval, which you cannot edit or delete.

Media Routing Domains

Media Routing Domains (MRDs) organize how requests for each communication medium, such as voice and email, are routed to agents.

An agent can handle requests from multiple MRDs.

For example, an agent can belong to a skill group in an MRD for email and to a skill group in an MRD for voice calls. Configure at least one MRD for each communication medium your system supports. You do not need to configure an MRD for voice; the Cisco_Voice MRD is built in. You can add and update only Multichannel MRDs using the Unified CCE Administration Media Routing Domain tool.


To add or update Multichannel MRDs for Enterprise Chat and Email, use the Configuration Manager Media Routing Domain List tool.

Manage Bulk Jobs

Bulk jobs are a fast and efficient way to migrate existing agent and supervisor to single sign-on accounts.


Do not run bulk jobs during heavy call load.


Supervisors have no access to the Bulk Jobs tool.

Deployment Type

The deployment type you select, significantly impacts the call processing capacity, configuration limits, smart license type, and access to the features and configuration tools. The configuration steps vary for every deployment type.

You can select any one of the following deployment types:

  • Packaged CCE Deployment types:

    • Packaged CCE: Lab Mode

    • Packaged CCE:2000 Agents

    • Packaged CCE: 4000 Agents

    • Packaged CCE: 12000 Agents

  • HCS for Contact Center deployment types:

    • HCS-CC: 2000 Agents

    • HCS-CC: 4000 Agents

    • HCS-CC: 12000 Agents

    • HCS-CC: 24000 Agents

  • Unified CCE deployment types:

    • UCCE: Progger (Lab Only)

    • ICM Rogger (Non-Reference Design)

    • ICM Router/Logger (Non-Reference Design)

    • UCCE: 8000 Agents Router/Logger (Non-Reference Design)

    • UCCE: 2000 Agents

    • UCCE: 4000 Agents Rogger

    • UCCE: 12000 Agents Router/Logger

    • UCCE: 24000 Agents Router/Logger

    • Contact Director


For information on using the gadget after you select a deployment type, see the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Developer Reference Guide at http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/customer-collaboration/unified-contact-center-enterprise/products-programming-reference-guides-list.html and the online help.


The system can support a defined call capacity based on deployment model. Exceeding the supported rate of incoming calls degrades performance and can result in late calls, dropped calls, delivery of new incoming calls, the time out of requests, and potential system failures. (Call transfers are permitted.)

The System Information tool enforces limits to protect against overloading the system and establishes continuous monitoring of the incoming call rate according to the configured settings.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

The Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication and authorization process. Authentication proves you are the user you say that you are, and authorization verifies that you are allowed to do what you are trying to do.

SSO allows users to sign in to one application and then securely access other authorized applications without a prompt to provide the user credentials once again. SSO permits Cisco supervisors or agents to sign on only once with a username and password to gain access to all of their Cisco browser-based applications and services within a single browser instance.

By using SSO, Cisco administrators can manage all users from a common user directory and enforce password policies for all users consistently.

SSO is an optional feature. If you are using SSO, use the Single Sign-On tool to configure the Cisco Identity Service (IdS). You can then register and test components with the IdS, and set the SSO mode on components.

Business Hours

Business hours are the working hours during which you conduct business. You can create and modify business hours and set weekly and daily schedules for each business hour. You can create different business hour schedules for regular working days and holidays. You can also open or close the business hours if there is an emergency.

You can define the status reasons for business hours and assign codes for each status reason. Status reason is required when you force open or force close a business hour, and when you add special hours and holidays.

Add and Maintain Business Hours


Step 1

In Unified CCE Administration, choose Organization > Business Hours.

Step 2

On the Business Hours page, click New to open the New Business Hours page.

Step 3

Complete the following information on the General tab and click Save.

Field Required? Description



Select one of the following statuses for the business hour:

  • Open/Closed as per Business Calendar

  • Force Open

  • Force Close

Status Reason

Yes, if the status is Force Open or Force Close.

This field is enabled only if the status is Force Open or Force Close. Search and select a status reason for the business hour.



Enter a unique name for the business hour. Maximum length is 32 characters. Valid characters are alphanumeric, period (.), and underscore (_). The first character must be alphanumeric.



Enter a description of the business hour.

Time Zone


Select a time zone of the business hour from the drop-down list.



Search and select a department to associate with the business hour. Default is Global.



This is applicable for Packaged CCE deployment only.

Step 4

Click the Regular Hours tab and complete the following information:

  • Select one of the following Business Hour Type:

    • 24x7: Always open. You cannot customize the working hours.

    • Custom: You can customize the working hours.

  • If you select Custom, enable at least one business day and select the Start Time and End Time.

Step 5

Click the Special Hours & Holiday tab. You can either add or import special hours and holidays.

Step 6

Click Add to open the Add Special Hours & Holiday popup window. Complete the following information:

Field Required? Description



Select a date from the calendar.



Enter a description for the special hour.



Select a status.

If the status is Open, the Start Time and End Time fields are enabled.

Start Time

Yes, if status is Open.

Select a start time for the special hour.

End Time

Yes, if status is Open.

Select an end time for the special hour.



Displays the duration of the special hour.

Status Reason


Search and select a status reason.

Step 7

Click Save to add the special hours and holidays.

Step 8

To import special hours and holidays, follow these steps.

  1. Click Import to open the Import Special Hours and Holidays pop-up window.

  2. Click the download icon to download the Special Hours & Holidays template. Use this template to enter the special hours and holidays.

  3. Click Choose File and browse to the special hours and holidays file. ClickImport to upload the file.



    The file must contain at least one special hour and holiday.

    The file must be in CSV format with a file extension as .txt or .csv.

Step 9

Click Export to download the special hours and holidays in .csv format.

Step 10

Click Save.



The imported business hours overwrites the existing ones.

Add Business Hours by Copying an Existing Business Hour Record

You can create a new Business Hour record by copying an existing Business Hour record.


Step 1

In Unified CCE Administration, choose Organization > Business Hours.

Step 2

Click the Business Hour you want to copy, and then click the Copy button in the Edit <Business Hour> page.

The New Business Hour page opens.

Step 3

Enter Name and Description for the Business Hour.

Step 4

Review the rest of the fields on the General, Regular Hours, and Special Hours & Holiday tabs that were copied from the original Business Hour record, and make any necessary changes.

Step 5

Click Save to return to the List window.

Add Status Reasons

This procedure explains how to add and maintain status reasons for business hours.


Step 1

In Unified CCE Administration, choose Organization > Business Hours > Status Reasons.

Step 2

Click Add to open the Add Status Reason popup window.

Step 3

Enter the Status Reason. Maximum length is 255 characters.

Step 4

Enter a unique Reason Code. Range is 1001 to 65535. Codes 1 to 1000 are reserved as system-defined reason codes.

Step 5

Click Save.

To add more status reasons, repeat steps from 2 to 5.

Step 6

Click Done to return to the List window.

Edit Status for Multiple Business Hours

Perform the following steps to edit the status of multiple business hours at once.


Step 1

On the Business Hours page, select two or more business hours to edit.

Step 2

Choose Edit > Status to open the Edit Business Hours page.

Step 3

Check the Status check box and select the required status.

Step 4

If you select the status as Force Open or Force Close, search and select a Status Reason.

Step 5

Click Save.

Edit Schedule for Multiple Business Hours

Perform the following steps to edit schedules of multiple business hours at once.


Step 1

On the Business Hours page, select two or more business hours to edit.

Step 2

Choose Edit > Schedule to open the Edit Business Hours page.

Step 3

Check the Time Zone check box and the select the required time zone from the drop-down list.

Step 4

Check the Type check box and select the required business hour type.

Step 5

If you select Custom, enable atleast one business day and select the Start Time and End Time.

Step 6

Click Save.

Configure Yearly Schedules

You can configure and maintain Business Hour schedules for the whole year.


Step 1

Configure the regular working hours for weekdays.

Step 2

Configure Special Hours & Holidays schedules for whole year by doing the following:

  1. Add the Special Hours & Holidays details for all the special hours and holidays for the whole year into the CSV template file.

  2. On the Import Special Hours & Holidays page, click Choose File and browse to the special hours and holidays file.

  3. ClickImport to upload the file.

    After you import the configuration file, the BH configurations are loaded on the Business Hours page. Validate the configurations.

  4. Click Save.



When you update the configured Business Hours, remove any elapsed schedules and then update the new schedules for any new special hours or holidays in a Business Hour configuration.

Cloud Connect Administration

Cloud Connect is a component that hosts services that allow customers to use cloud capabilities such as Cisco Webex Experience Management and CCE Orchestration.

The administrator should configure the Cloud Connect server settings in the Finesse Administration console to contact the Cisco cloud services. For more information, see Cloud Connect Server Settings section in Cisco Finesse Administration Guide at https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/customer-collaboration/finesse/products-maintenance-guides-list.html

Initial Configuration for Cloud Connect

Before adding Cloud Connect to the inventory, you will have to install the certificates from both Cloud Connect publisher and subcriber.

For more information, see the section Certificates for CCE Web Administration at https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/customer-collaboration/unified-contact-center-enterprise/products-installation-guides-list.html.


Step 1

In the Unified CCE Administration, navigate to Overview > Infrastructure Settings, click Inventory.

Step 2

In the Inventory page, click New to add the new machine to the System Inventory.

Step 3

In the Add Machine dialog box:

  1. Select Cloud Connect Publisher from the Type list.

  2. Enter Hostname or IP Address of the Cloud Connect Publisher Node.

  3. Enter Username and Password for your Cloud Connect cluster Administrator.

  4. Click Save.



When you configure Cloud Connect Publisher, its Cloud Connect Subscriber is added to the Inventory automatically.

Edit Cloud Connect Configuration


Step 1

In the Unified CCE Administration, navigate to Overview > Infrastructure Settings, click Inventory.

Step 2

Click the Cloud Connector Publisher device to open the Edit window.



If you edit the Cloud Connect Publisher, the Cloud Connect Subscriber associated with the publisher is updated automatically. You cannot edit Cloud Connect Subscriber from the Inventory page.

Step 3

Edit the Username and Password for your Cloud Connect cluster Administrator.

Step 4

Click Save.

Monitor Server Status Rules

In CCE deployments, the Unified CCE Administration page displays the total number of alerts for machines with validation rules. Click the alert count to view the list of all alerts for each machine. Upon clicking Alerts for the respective machine, you can view the details of the alerts grouped by the following categories:

Server Status Category Description Example Rules


Rules for installation and configuration of a component.

These rules identify problems with mismatched configuration between components, missing services, and incorrectly configured services.

Cloud Connect: The status and alerts will appear only if the Cloud Connect is added to the Inventory.



When the machine status is out of sync, every 10mins auto sync will be triggered to synchronize the machine configuration.


Rules for the runtime status of a component.

These rules identify services and processes that cannot be reached, are not running, or are not in the expected state.

Delete Cloud Connect Configuration


Step 1

Navigate to Unified CCE Administration > Infrastructure Settings > Inventory.

Step 2

Hover over the Cloud Connect Publisher device and click the x icon.

Step 3

Click Yes to confirm the deletion.



If you delete the Cloud Connect Publisher, the Cloud Connect Subscriber associated with the publisher is deleted automatically. You cannot delete Cloud Connect Subscriber from the Inventory page.

Delete Cloud Connect Subscriber

This section describes how to delete the Cloud Connect subscriber configuration. You cannot delete the publisher node; but you can delete the subscriber node.


Step 1

Run the unset cloudconnect subscriber command.

The command removes the Cloud Connect subscriber node configuration from the cluster. For more information, see Cloud Connect CLI Command in the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Installation and Upgrade Guide at https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/customer-collaboration/unified-contact-center-enterprise/products-installation-guides-list.html

Step 2

Power off the subscriber node.



When a subscriber node is removed from a cluster, its certificates still exist in the publisher node. The administrator must manually remove the following:

  • The certificate of the subscriber node from the trust-store of the publisher node.

  • The certificates of the publisher from the trust-store of the removed subscriber node.

Step 3

Run the utils system restart command to restart the publisher node.