Outbound Option

Reports on Outbound Option Campaign Effectiveness

Use the templates in the Outbound Option reporting category to generate reports for campaigns, query rules used in those campaigns, Outbound Option record imports, and Outbound Option Dialer activity.

All Outbound Option reports are voice-only reports.

Reports on Agent Performance for Outbound Option Dialing Campaign Calls

Outbound Option, functionality that is automatically enabled at setup, provides automatic outbound dialing capability.

The Outbound Option Dialer, which places outbound calls to customers and connects these calls with agents, assigns and connects calls differently than regular Unified CCE routing. Report data for agents handling Outbound Option calls therefore differs from data for agents handling typical voice calls and multichannel tasks.

To interpret agent data for Outbound Option tasks, understand how Outbound Option reserves agents, reports calls that are connected to agents, and handles calls dropped by customers before the calls are connected.

When the Outbound Dialer starts a call to a customer, it reserves the agent assigned to handle the call. The Outbound Dialer places a reservation call to the agent and changes the agent's state to Hold. This reservation call is reported as a Direct In call to the agent.

For typical voice calls, the agent is placed into Reserved state when Unified CCE software reserves the agent to handle a call. The agent's state is reported as Reserved. For Outbound Option calls, reports show the agent in Hold state when reserved for a call. The time that agent spends reserved is reported as Hold Time.

When the customer answers the call, the Outbound Option Dialer transfers the call to an agent. The call reports as a Transfer In call to the agent. When the customer call transfers to the agent, the Dialer drops the reservation call and classifies it as Abandon on Hold.

For more information about Outbound Option termination call detail records, see the Outbound Option Guide for Unified Contact Center Enterprise.

The abandoned call wait time, set in the Campaign Configuration screen, determines how calls are reported if the caller ends the call. Calls are counted in the Customer Abandon field in both Real Time and Historical campaign query templates only if the customer ends the call before the abandoned call wait time is reached.

Campaign Query Rule Reporting

The Campaign Query rule reports are the most useful reports for measuring the effectiveness of a campaign and can also be used for agent and IVR campaigns.

These reports show you what is happening in each campaign, including the number of calls closed, number of customers contacted, average talk time, and average wrap-up time for each query in a campaign.

There are two categories of campaign query rule reports:

  • One category of reports indicates the number of records closed, those in Pending state, and total records in the query rule's dialing list.

    For example, the camqry20 report, Campaign Consolidated Half Hour Report, shows the overall view of how the system is running and can be used for troubleshooting reasons why agents are idle.

  • A second category of reports provides different views into the call result activity. It breaks down call results into about a dozen categories.

    For example, the camqry14/15 reports show the breakdown of attempts (in percentage) of each campaign for the selected time period.

The Query Rule Call Activity and Pending Record reports are available as campaign rollups for multiple query rules within a campaign.

There are also consolidated reports available, which blend campaign call activity reporting information with skill group performance reports to give a improved overall view of the business activity. These reports provide a rough overview of agent activity, average time between calls, abandon rate, and so forth. Because these reports combine data from different reporting engines in a single report, there are a few caveats that are described in the reports themselves.

Observe the following guidelines when using the campaign reports:

  • Campaign Manager Restart

    • When the Campaign Manager restarts, there will be some data loss.

    • Campaign Real Time reports capture call results since the last Campaign Manager restart only.

    • Campaign Real Time reports describe how many records are left in the campaign dialing list.

    • Campaign and Dialer Half Hour reports provide call result counts since the last Campaign Manager restart in the half hour that it restarts.

    • Dialer utilization fields in the Dialer Half Hour report will be unaffected, although the Half Hour record might be missing if the Campaign Manager was inactive during the half-hour boundary. When the Dialer restarts only the Dialer Utilization fields will be affected; therefore, the Dialer Utilization will only capture port status since the Dialer restarted during that half hour. Some records might be left in an active state for a short period of time after the Dialer or Campaign Manager restarts, but the Campaign Manager has a mechanism to reclaim those records.

  • Transfer to IVR

    The campaign and query rule call activity reports display accurate call activity for calls that are not transferred to IVR. Calls transferred to IVR will simply be counted as being transferred to an IVR, but the Campaign and Query Rule Activity reports will not display what occurred after the call was sent to the IVR. If calls are queued and transferred back to an agent, they will be treated as new inbound calls in the reports.

Dialer Reporting

You can report on campaigns on a higher level using the Dialer templates. These reports provide information on how the ports are utilized during a campaign, which helps in determining whether the number of dialer ports effectively supports the number of agents and size of the campaign.

Each campaign is associated with a dialer. By reporting on a dialer, you can view the statistics that span all of the campaigns associated with the dialer. These reports show the number of customers dialed, the number of calls that were not answered, the number of calls that were abandoned, and detection of busy, voice, answering machine, and Standard Information Tones (SIT Tones).

Import Rule Reporting

Outbound Option reports also enable you to view the success of record importation. Using the Import Rule templates, you can monitor whether records are being added successfully (good records) or are failing (bad records). Also, you can monitor how long it takes to import the records so that you can plan for future record importation.

The same import rule reports are used for Do Not Call and Contact List imports. The reports display an historical view of when imports were done, the number of records imported, and the number of records that were considered invalid due to length constraints or improper formatting.

For contact list imports, the reports also provide insight into the number of contacts that were assigned with the default time zone information for the campaign, as well as the number of contacts that were actually imported into the dialing list after the query rule and format validation was performed.

The following information is available in the Import Rule reports:

  • Number of successful, unsuccessful, and total records imported by time range

  • Current import status