Long Distance Digit Prefix Logic

Transformation of Imported Numbers

The following example displays an Outbound Option call route that provides information about how imported numbers are transformed for the Outbound Option call.

Figure 1. How Imported Numbers Are Transformed

Call Item

Outbound Option Configuration Field


ImportedNumber <= TestNumberMaxDigits Registry setting

Final dialing number transferred to either the ACD or Unified CM (used for debugging/lab purposes only)

Area Code match beginning of ImportedNumber

Local area code

Area/city code used at your location, which is configured in the Dialer Configuration Component

Include Area Code When Dialing

Local area code

Includes the area code for a long distance call or removes the area code for a local call

PrePend "LongDistancePrefix"

Long distance prefix

Includes the pre-pended value for a long distance call, which is configured in the Dialer Configuration Component

PrePend "Dial Prefix" Digits

Dial prefix

Include the dialing prefix required by your location or by your campaign, which is configured in the Dialer Configuration Component

Dialer Configuration Fields and Registry Settings

The following example displays the Dialer configuration fields and Registry settings from the Dumpconf Procmon command that are used in an outbound call.

 C:\>procmon ipccd dialer badialer >>>>dumpconf Dialer Config
     ------------- DialerID : [5006] PeripheralID : [5000] ActiveDialers : [1] LocalAreaCode : [978]
     <--- area code DialToneDetectEnabled : [0] HangupTime : [1] TenDigitDialEnabled : [0]
     <--- Include area code when dialing PrefixDigits : [] <--- Dial prefix digits
     LongDistancePrefix : [1] <---- "Long distance prefix" Callback config has not been received
     yet ----------------------------------------- Configured Skill Groups -----------------------
     --------- SkillGroupID : [11988] VDN : [11988] PeripheralNumber : [890] SkillGroupEnableStatus:
     [0] CampaignName : [DialAgents] ModeName : [N] TypeName : [I] Customer Count : [0] Customer
     Count (idle) : [0] RecordsToCache : [20] PredictiveExt : [890] PreviewExt : [890]
     *PortsPerAgent : [1.500000] AgentPercentage : [100] AgentsLoggedIn : [0] AgentsAvailable : [0]
     AgentsTalking : [0] *PortsAllocated : [0] AgentsReadyIn8Secs : [0] TalkTimeAverage : [60]
     *AgentsToReserveDelta : [0] *PortsUsedToDialDelta : [0] OverflowAgents : [0]
     AutoAnswerReservation : [0] AbandonRate : [2] MaximumLinesPerAgent : [2.000000]
     NoAnswerRingLimit : [4] MinimumCallDuration : [1] PreReservedRecordCount: [0] IVRPortCount :
     [0] TransferToIVREnabled : [N] TransferAnsMachine : [Y] IVRExt : [] --------- SkillGroupID :
     [-1] VDN : [-1] PeripheralNumber : [0] SkillGroupEnableStatus: [0] CampaignName : [Callback]
     ModeName : [A] TypeName : [O] Customer Count : [0] Customer Count (idle) : [0] RecordsToCache :
     [0] PredictiveExt : [] PreviewExt : [] *PortsPerAgent : [1.500000] AgentPercentage : [100]
     AgentsLoggedIn : [0] AgentsAvailable : [0] AgentsTalking : [0] *PortsAllocated : [0]
     AgentsReadyIn8Secs : [0] TalkTimeAverage : [0] *AgentsToReserveDelta : [0]
     *PortsUsedToDialDelta : [0] OverflowAgents : [0] AutoAnswerReservation : [1] AbandonRate : [1]
     MaximumLinesPerAgent : [3.000000] NoAnswerRingLimit : [3] MinimumCallDuration : [0]
     PreReservedRecordCount: [0] IVRPortCount : [0] TransferToIVREnabled : [N] TransferAnsMachine :
     [N] IVRExt : [] --------- SkillGroupID : [11965] VDN : [11965] PeripheralNumber : [889]
     SkillGroupEnableStatus: [0] CampaignName : [TT_ISN] ModeName : [R] TypeName : [O] Customer
     Count : [0] Customer Count (idle) : [0] RecordsToCache : [20] PredictiveExt : [12345]
     PreviewExt : [12345] *PortsPerAgent : [1.500000] AgentPercentage : [100] AgentsLoggedIn : [60]
     AgentsAvailable : [60] AgentsTalking : [0] *PortsAllocated : [0] AgentsReadyIn8Secs : [0]
     TalkTimeAverage : [60] *AgentsToReserveDelta : [0] *PortsUsedToDialDelta : [0] OverflowAgents :
     [0] AutoAnswerReservation : [0] AbandonRate : [3] MaximumLinesPerAgent : [2.500000]
     NoAnswerRingLimit : [4] MinimumCallDuration : [1] PreReservedRecordCount: [0] IVRPortCount :
     [60] TransferToIVREnabled : [Y] TransferAnsMachine : [Y] IVRExt : [90001] Port Map Config
     --------------- Port: [000], Station: [30100] Port: [015], Station: [30115] Port: [081],
     Station: [30181] Port: [082], Station: [30182] Port: [083], Station: [30183] Port: [016],
     Station: [30116] Port: [031], Station: [30131] Port: [087], Station: [30187] Port: [023],
     Station: [30123] Port: [071], Station: [30171] Port: [095], Station: [30195] Port: [063],
     Station: [30163] Port: [055], Station: [30155] Port: [047], Station: [30147] Port: [039],
     Station: [30139] Port: [008], Station: [30108] Port: [032], Station: [30132] Port: [024],
     Station: [30124] Port: [088], Station: [30188] Port: [072], Station: [30172] Port: [064],
     Station: [30164] Port: [048], Station: [30148] Port: [040], Station: [30140] Port: [001],
     Station: [30101] Port: [009], Station: [30109] Port: [033], Station: [30133] Port: [017],
     Station: [30117] Port: [025], Station: [30125] Port: [089], Station: [30189] Port: [065],
     Station: [30165] Port: [073], Station: [30173] Port: [049], Station: [30149] Port: [041],
     Station: [30141] Port: [002], Station: [30102] Port: [018], Station: [30118] Port: [026],
     Station: [30126] Port: [090], Station: [30190] Port: [066], Station: [30166] Port: [074],
     Station: [30174] Port: [050], Station: [30150] Port: [042], Station: [30142] Port: [003],
     Station: [30103] Port: [027], Station: [30127] Port: [019], Station: [30119] Port: [091],
     Station: [30191] Port: [075], Station: [30175] Port: [067], Station: [30167] Port: [059],
     Station: [30159] Port: [051], Station: [30151] Port: [043], Station: [30143] Port: [004],
     Station: [30104] Port: [020], Station: [30120] Port: [028], Station: [30128] Port: [092],
     Station: [30192] Port: [084], Station: [30184] Port: [076], Station: [30176] Port: [060],
     Station: [30160] Port: [068], Station: [30168] Port: [052], Station: [30152] Port: [036],
     Station: [30136] Port: [021], Station: [30121] Port: [044], Station: [30144] Port: [093],
     Station: [30193] Port: [005], Station: [30105] Port: [029], Station: [30129] Port: [085],
     Station: [30185] Port: [069], Station: [30169] Port: [077], Station: [30177] Port: [061],
     Station: [30161] Port: [053], Station: [30153] Port: [037], Station: [30137] Port: [045],
     Station: [30145] Port: [014], Station: [30114] Port: [038], Station: [30138] Port: [079],
     Station: [30179] Port: [010], Station: [30110] Port: [056], Station: [30156] Port: [034],
     Station: [30134] Port: [080], Station: [30180] Port: [057], Station: [30157] Port: [058],
     Station: [30158] Port: [022], Station: [30122] Port: [006], Station: [30106] Port: [030],
     Station: [30130] Port: [011], Station: [30111] Port: [035], Station: [30135] Port: [012],
     Station: [30112] Port: [013], Station: [30113] Port: [086], Station: [30186] Port: [070],
     Station: [30170] Port: [094], Station: [30194] Port: [078], Station: [30178] Port: [062],
     Station: [30162] Port: [046], Station: [30146] Port: [054], Station: [30154] Port: [007],
     Station: [30107] Registry Config Values ---------------------- TimeToCTIBeginCall : [7]
     TimeToRingCustomer : [8] TimeToHoldCustomer : [1] TimeToReserve : [10] TimeToTransfer : [7]
     TimeToFreeStuckPort : [7200] TimeToFreeStuckCall : [7200] SwitchPrefix : []
     TimeToRetryCustomerRequest : [30] TimeToWaitForRecord : [5] TimeToWaitForCTIResp : [3]
     TalkTimeAvg : [60] CustRecReadyRequestToServer: [30] TestNumberMaxDigits : [5] <----- "Test
     Number Max digits" ca_cnosig : [20] PortThrottleTime : [2] PortThrottleCount : [20]
     OptimizeAgentAvailability : [0] RTPortFeedDisable : [1] SkillGroupQueryDelay : [1]
     ReclassifyTransferFailures : [0] SetAgentsReadyOnResvDrop : [1] DirectAgentDial : [0]
     OverrideNetworkTones : [0] AnswrTrnsfrUsingAgentPhone : [1] </end>>>>>